HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-05-11, Page 39COULD YOU PASS THE BUTTER? — The barbecue last week at Northside United
Church,wes a standing room only event. '(Expositor Photo)
AN OLD FASHIONED GIRL 7, JOhn Cornish of Brucefield brought a
1893 calendar into the Huron Expositor last week, with a dainty miss on' the
front, decked out with flowers and hair ribbons. (Expositor Photo)
members answered the roll call Alberta, after spending a few
and the treasurer showed a days with Mr: and' Mrs. Roy
balance of $474.98 in the general Brock.
,a,cHoournitzonasffl aee$08u3n0t.,36 in the Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Payne
was played, - the winners being: weekend.
visitedparents over r
h the
Following the business, euchre
ladies high, Mrs. Vera Lemon,
Consolation, Mrs.' Myrtle ,'w
Sherritt; Men's High, %Carl "lienu
Payne; Consolation, Alf Ross; ,
Lone hands, Mrs. Pearl Tyalor; service ,,,Lucky chair, Mrs. Alice Ferg and
door prize, Mrs. Rosa Harris. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor Di's-
_ Entertainment committee were • trict Deput President of the
Mrs. Ruby Bell, Mrs. Gladys Rebekah assembly for Huron
Coleman and Elgin Rowcliffe. District'23 attended district
• Lunch committee were Mrs. Pearl church service in the Presbyterian.
Shaddick _ Mrs. Mabel Shirray Church-Brussels on Sunday:Mrs:
and ARchie Parsons. Ruby Bell P.D.D.P. and rs.
Mrs. Bernie Smith has Alice Ferg accompanied the
returned to.her home in Calgary president.
Grandmothers are
guests at Institute
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bumpers, body side mouldings, wheel discs.
Lie. #LY4 953.
KEM House Paint
hostesses, .Mis. Rita Scholl and
. Mrs. Vera Drysdale served lunch.
Family •and friends from the
surrounding district visited with
Mr: and Mrs. Gerry Traquair and
daughter Janet on. Sunday.
Mr. and Mn'. Denten Gaiser of
London; Mr.. and Mrs. Ray
"Armstrong and Dana 'of Goderich
•and Mr. and Mrs. Art McCallum
and sons of Kippen, visited with
Mrs. Pearl Koehler on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allan and
Miss Linda Bell visited with Mrs.
--Allen!s - nether, /VIfs. Robert
McYean in, Bayfield on Sunday.
Miss Bell is. Godmother to baby
Mr's. Marjorie Watters of Delhi
In Red ' with matching red vinyl interior
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tee the quality of every diamond we sell. You can be
sure of getting true vciltie for your Money. Ws a friendly
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'THE HUROPI'l EX OSITOR MAY 1{3 t 1978 10 1
pacQCs bale
bought in the ,market was
'displayed. Mrs. Shirray waited to
have the lining and trim finished
when she . made her purchase.
Other spots she described were'
Freeport on Paradise Island and
other places she had visited.
Mrs. Kay Elder, Unit 'leader,
conducted the, business.,:,,,,A2-
'members answered the roll call,
report on the adopted girl was .
read and Mrs. Helen Scane gave
a, favourable report on the Beef
barbecue. A letter regarding the '
literature_taught in Huron County
Secondary Schools was discussed
and plans for a wedding on May
20 were finalized. Unit one to
provide flowers in the Sanctuary
in July,.
The meeting was presided over
by Mrs. Christie who also gave
Durnad visited
Of Exterior Paints.
KEM GLOSS ALKYD... 15.95 Gal.
KEM FLAT LATEX 13.95 gal.
KEM GLOSS LATEX 14.95 gal.
May 18 - May 27
Save Now• with these Cash Prices
Interior and Exterior becorotors
Seaforth 527,1880
•As an introduction to Family
Day thoughts, "What makes a
Mother's%Day!.!...by Amy Bolding
was the 'theme of the devotional
given by Mrs. Audrey Christie at
the May meeting of Unit one held
att he United Church on Thursday
last. Traditionallype father is the
providei• but the Mother's respori- •
sibility is to use those provisions
wisely,' be a good listener and
include all the family in the joys
and sorrows that crop up, she
said. both parents should set the
• stage for a Christian home with
bounteous-lb-Ale - "for - all. Mrs.
Christie concinded by giving a
reading, "wealth":
For ths) study on the Caribbean
Islands, Mrs. Mabel Shirray told
of her observations and eneri-
ences when she visited. the
' Baharnas,by boat. Picture's of the .
StravVMarkets of Nassau were
passed around and a 'basket she
Mrs. H26112das0M14Payne
A bus trip to Niagara Falls on
September 11 is being planned,by
the Three. Links Senior Citizen
Club of Hensall. In charge' of
arrangements is Mrs;' Irene
Davis, Mrs. Ruby Bell and Mrs.
Alma Horton. Names and money
of those attending should be
brought to the June meeting of
_the Senior Citizens.
Senior Citizen Week is being
Observed atniironview from June
1$-24 and during the week a
chicken barbequewilI be held for
all County Seniors. It was decided
,to send Zone affiliation fees in for
..,J978-79 and Mrs. Pearl Taylor,
Mrs. Gladys Coleman and Mrs.
DerethyMickle were named as the
nominating committee. Shuffle-
- liOard will begin "as Soon as
weather permits, possiblyJune 1;
organizers are Mrs: Mabel
Shirray, Mts. Alma Horton, Mrs.
Isabel Rogerson, Alf Ross, Pere
Campbell, and Bert Horton:.
Arrangements will be ,made
nest month .for a visit to the Blyth
Summer Theatre, the -U.S.C.O.
Convention at Kingston in August
and a draw for the quilt made last
month. ,The latter was, on display
at this meeting. Tickets 50 cents
each of 3 for $1.00.
' The business was presided over
by President, Mrs. Rosa Harris
with Mrs. Vera Ross at the Piano.
Mrs. Harris opened with a poem,
"Do you have. time?" 28
remarkable and the variety of
projects undertaken are
extremely varied including
buSiness office routines using
sophisticated busittess machines,
kitchen skills, school attendance,•
maintenance and janitorial
duties, crafts, the bake shops and
Woodworking. A.RC. Industries'
have several contracts with lo'Cil"
industries as well.
President, Mrs. Joyce Pepper
opened the meeting and then
presented the "Hensall,Fashion.
Show". Taking pert; were Mrs.
Edna Pepper and. Shane, Pepper,
Mrs. Helen MacLean, Mrs.
giVabeth .. Riley, _Mrs_ . Elsie_
Carlile, Mrs. Sadie Hoy, and Mrs.,:
Elva Forrest;Mary Dryidale
entertained on the Banjo and
community singing followed. 25
Members answered the roll call
and there were 13 -guests present.,
•During business. plans for-the
District Annual, being held in
Hensall United Church on'
are invited to the indoor picnic in
June and their Achievement Day
is May 27. Auditors for'1978-79
. are to be Mrs. Isabel Rogerson
and Mrs. Nan Britton.
Before ' closing the meeting
Mrs. Hazel Corbett presented
Mr. Heimrick 'with a cheque and
thanked all 'who had taken part.
Prizes were given for the latest
hairdo , -Mrs—Pearl- Koehler;_the,
nearest birthday, Mrs. Earl,
Kinsman; the most grandchildren
Mrs. Irene Finlayson and the
shortest necklace, Mrs. Isabel
Rogerson. Programme conveners
were Mrs. Hazel Corbett and
Mrs. Hilda Payne and the-
hostesses were Mrs. Eileen
. _Rennie and Mrs. Nan Britton.
Tom Brintnell is a patient in St.
Joseph's'Hospital, London.
Mrs. Irene Davis has been
adMitted to South Huron
Hospital, Exeter: -
Walter Spencer, who was a
patient in South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, has returned to his home.
Mrs. Hugh Berry
Mother's Day Service was held
in.Brucefield United Church with
the' Rev. E. S. Stephens
Officiating. The choir under the
On May 2nd the Chlselburst
U.C.W, met In . the Ohur'Cli' for
their May Meeting, "The Lord
Planted a Garden" was the poem
read by the President Mrs. John
Arintnell when she opened the.,
' Worship was given' by Mrs.
Dick Tayliir.ialled."Garden of 'our
Lives", roll call .was answered by
members singing their favourite
song containing the word'
"Mother", Correspondence Con-
venting the recent education
.strike in Huron County was
discussed.. All. used clothing for
the bale is.to be.' in by May 21st.
The president gave a repott of •
'a recent regional meeting held at
Milverton. They want donations
of used eye- glasses . and used
"A Great Faith': was the topic-
of the devotional given by, Mrs.
Hazel Corbett at the May meeting
of Unit two Of the Hensall U,C.W.
held on Monday, May 8. Taking
as an example the woman of
Canaan who begged Jesus to rid
her daughter of the devil, she
illustrated that faith should refuse
tome dafe d -and that it must
stretch out to Jesus 'to meet him.,
- Mrs.Shirley McAllister chaired
the, meeting. Opening with
Robert Barns' paraphrase of I
Corinthians, 13 with Mother's
Day in mind. For the programme,
Karen McAllister gave two in-
strumentals on the piano,"Today,"
and "Send in the Clowns". The
roll call was answered by 11
members exchanging plants;
The business, conducted by
Mrs. Diane Gerstenkrorn, includ-
ed arrangements for a wedding
on May 20, the Austion Sale on
June 3-, entertaining at
Queensway •Nursing . Home and
flowers in the sanctuary in June.
It is hoped to hold the June
Meeting at 'the U.C. Resource
__Centre_in Mitchell.
stamps. Also the U,C.,W.'s in this
area, are responsible "for for cookies
for the "Hospitality Day" at the
International Plowing Match at
Wingham, "Church in Society"
was the topic chosen by Mrs.
Clarence Coleman when she
spoke . about "Meeting Place"
and-its host Donald Henderson.
Mg".-• Dick. Taylor, Mrs. Thos.
13rintnell and Mrs. Alvin Cole
sang , "My Mother's.Old Bible"
accompanied on the• piano 'by
Mrs, Alf Ross who was in charge
of the peeting for the day, The
President reviewed the June
meeting and closed with prayer.
A slip and bloomer and bake sale
was then held with auctioneers
Mrs. T. Brintnell and Mrs.
Clarence COTeman.
The- topic was presented by
Mrs. Pat Venner on "The
changing face of the Caribbean".
The study book presented. a
negative attitude about the
political and social problems
there, racial segregation and -
education, But, taking informat-
ion from another source. about the
Barbados-, Pal- S-peke of good
schools, religious freedom; many
nations intergrated and an.
agricultural outlook; also the
survival of their early culture in
calypso music and steel bands.
Mr. , and Mrs, William' Mickle
and John, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs,
Ross McMillan, David, Tom and
Ann, Waterloo; Misses Pamela
Ivflckle and. Cathy Care, U.W.0.*
London; Charles Mickle,
Hamilton and Mrs, Florence
JOynt were guests Sunday with
Mrs. Laird Mickle and enjoyed a
hot smorgasborg turkey dinner.
Mrs. Mabel Sells and Mrs.
Mary Funk spent Monday
evening with Mrs. and Mrs. Jake
Hovius and family.
Mr. Walter Spencer is a patient
in. South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mother roles are UCW topic
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray'Ingram,
Julie and Kathy all visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaultiere and
Jayme on Sunday and afterwards
enjoyed dinner at the City Centre
Holiday Inn in London.
Mr. and 'Mrs: Oscar Pfaff and
Mrs. Margaret Clark of Crediton
visited _with Mr: and Mrs. Sam
Oesch 'on Saturday afternoon. „
• Demand was active and prices
steady last Thursday at ..the
Hensel' Sales Barn. Supply
consisted, _mainly _of_ heifers and -
'steers. Fat cattle heifers, $62.50-
-$66.26, sales to $67.00; steers,
$64.75-$66.50, sales to $67.50.
-Pigs; weinlings $35.00-$42.00;
chunks $45.00-$57.50.
8 Grandmothers were guests at
the Citizenship and World Affairs
meeting of Hensall Women's
Institute in the Legion Hall _on
Wednesday, May 10. Holding
everyone's attention was the
speaker Ron .Heimrick, showing
slides and describing the work at
A.R.C.Industries in' Dashwood.
The skills of these mostly''young
people s all __handicapped, are
• • h,
. ,. Gordon, Seaforth; Marjorie Ann, .
Wingham; Bill, Church service on Tuesday as- Match until June 1. The 4.
. . , • Rev. Van Essen conducted—WA. Badges for the Plowing
co-op nursery sc .00i McMichael,
Ruth and Susan entertained with Bingo and music
11 crirlc
- Brenda, and Tena Lynn Burk- sisted.by. Mrs. Nan. Essen.-
- holder, Blyth.. ., Unit 2 of Hensall United Church ,' " There will be an organizational- Adequate interest must be shown
- meeting at the -house of Kathy . before the group considers a:
Neilands, York Crescent, Hensall suitable .site ' and licencing of. a Mrs. Kendrick. on Monday.
on Friday. afternoon May 19 for.--- nursery school.
the purpose of, forming a' steering
, committee for a co-operatiVe A co-operative school is one in •
nursery school . in Hensall. All which the parents actively partici-
families in the area, interested in pate in the daily functions of the
supporting such a school in the nursery school. Families in area
fall or in the , future, please comitunities are also encouraged
contact Mrs. Toni Neilands or to signify their interest in a'
Mr.s Peter Bisback of Hensall. nursery school in Hensall.
courtesy remarks. Mrs. Belva , Chester and Ills Dunn visited leadership of Mrs. Bob Livermore Fuss was at the piano. After an 'Welcome" a new resident Thursday were finalized, a letter sang the anthem "Come little Mrs. Tuna Hulley, Seaforth who Vera Lammie. 4` interesting retest, the ' • regarding the uses of the Huron • children''' The daughter of Mr. was visited by Greta Ward, Fred and Lois Taylor, Donald, County Bursary Fund was read„ and-Mis .. Stirling was Wroxeter;. M-r-,----and -Mrs. -Kathy-and-Scott-T'-aylor-visited-- - al so
ameron, Brucefield; son Mrs. Harry Taylor.
a- note from the district
.- secretary on the availability of baptized. The four grandparents
stood-up with the couple as
Beverley Ann was bantized.
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Seaforth 521-1150 Ch•v olds
PHONE TOLL-FREE 227 • 4230 ltitVltt 02Irs. OPEN: Non..irI. 41.1,1, • S p.m.