The Wingham Times, 1898-06-03, Page 66 I`;`UD.VS . J'1TN1. J, 1S98. Must Huron Toaahers The West Baron Teachers' .'1s- 3oei:ttion met in the Collegiate Insti- tute, Llio(lt,ricn, N[,av 20th, 1898 pur- suant to the call of the Executive (Committee, S. J. A. lit!yd, President, );n the ehtair. The Minutes of last meeting at ".az ter wen.: read, and on motion of J. Hagen. seconded by Inspector Tom, the minutes were adopted. Mr. Tota than read a electilar from L. A. Gray, of the Mathematical Dep1L.rtln+int of the P. S. A., regard - ,'.;ng the Junior Leaving Examination. It was agreed that the circular should be discussed in the space allotted to lir. MsDoiiald's paper, and that the latter paper be pospurl- cd till the morning session. The following committees were ellen appointed by the President :— Auditors — Messrs. Hagen and Brown. Resolution Committee — Messrs. McDonald, Howard and Baird, Misses :%obertson and McCluskey. Moved by E. J. Hagen, diet all •:eaehers peeing fees be entitled to all the privileges of the Association. The rtlotion was seconded by Mr. Brown and, a vote being taken, was arried. On motion if F. McTaggart, sec- onded by E. J. Hagen, the Associa- tion adjourned to meet at 1:0 p. m. AF'renx0oet answer. Association met at 1:30 p. ln., pur- anent to adjournment. The minutes silt the morning. session were read and approved. Thos, 0. Allln was called upon to present the sebjeet of teaching conn iuercial work to senior classes. Mr. thin gave a splendid address •c►n this subject, and his remarks were highly appreciated. The question vas further discussed by Messrs, Tom, I. P. Balls, Delgaty, Boyd, and 'Miss McLellan. The question in R. A. Gray's eir- velar was then discussed by the teachers in general, as were als,, topics of general interest. It was gloved by Inspector Tom, 1,econdecl by J. S. Delgaty, that in alae opinion of this Association, arith xnetie and grammer should be replae ed on the examination course for ,iacior and Senior Leaving certifi- 4e res, and that only one language be required at these examinations. The eesolation was adopted. The next topic of discussion was, the care of children's eyes. Mr. Tom tntrodaced the question and suggest- ed the following as the chiet causes rJt injnry to children's eyes, viz.: — a) Small writing on the black- board and sitting in wrong positions. (b) The blackboard not a proper d o1or. rel, Studying with poor lamplight trr holding the book in improper posi iron with reference to the light. tdj Scribblers not good for the <res. re) Pupils Hold the books to near else eyes. 'f) Pupils admitted to school toy Poon after suffering from any disease which has proved injurious to the ,11Ula \Y1iG11AM TINEti, JUNE 8, % 9 8. ...�.---► ..„�Wa'YwM•w.�,Mrrw1,IMYrw'em.'FaM,ttoWnwM�. .. . both the Entrance and P. S. Leaving The resolutions presented by t'ir• this association, the Educational De -1 0111 t Association were then brought for- substitute the .001iOle entry system ward, discussed, and> ' ' Book-KeeOng for the Single entry •qda the!reu). eNa11i11l Ltione (it• n:.tt, trills subject curt • tl • fully ttiecue-ea by Messrs. Anderson, Delgaty, t, ran , OABtlATTl SERVICES. ho Onttu to `1'etichers' partu]eur bu urgently cellae ted to Tet 11IODI'T---ltov, Dr, pa, oe, pay- 1)(‘QVIangOm or. Services at 11 a m and 7 p m. PR,i+,SYl"TERIAN•-Pov. D. Petrie man -Is rUiLltilr7(I), .,11116 was vul� `" t I,) ,d 1 di�eue ed neve �al nn'e ul of 1 1 r, eat to Cuur�e 'lt pt c b, alt pl c �c L lire d aj](1 pa r'r. Services at 11 a d 7 p to L� I.JtX PI.tiD At AIOUNTMA and. Brown. Y '1'ISL`UI' \L pit l'oof'a hey lYm further th It the C('lu �e of 13,)til. hoc p• I t t;el vu Nei Ilt ] 1 h m at,d 7 - A. r)iL-- TThe ate,- tree`, read a copy of his financial report to the government, whieh was adopted. Neel a Mr. I'red :11elag;art lntroda discussion on teaching verb phrases. Mr. 11[e'l:aggart stated the difficulties lie bad experience(! in teaching this most difficult Point et grttwnier, instanced his method of introducing this subject to a class and then left the matter open for further discussion. Mr. Strang was called on, and dealt with the subject in his usual exhaus- tive style, to the great satisfaction of teaelie:e- On motion, the association adj,)11rn• ed to tweet in the evening at I? p. 111• m e > At this stage the Association ad. • -, course Lowe, rector. TEE — jemmied for noon. lea fc't' public schools bel greatly p 1n, A 114PTIST--Itev. cilli Hamilton, pus- TIMES OFFICE, JOSCPHII'IF :.iTRET 'F:\I\ o. 1, In the evening a very useful and enjoyable entertainment and at home wt,s held in the :lssenlbly room. Part one of the program consisted of addresses by the following gentle- men :—Revs. Edge and Godwin, Messrs. Jordan and Bali, trustees of [sigh and Public schools respectively and D. McGillicuddy of the Signal. The president, Mr. S. J. A. Boyd occupied the chair and delivered his annual address. Lir. Boyd's subject was, '•Have Teachers any Influence 7 „ ),The Left or Professional Spirit Ise t address was a splendid effort and Mr. Boyd was highly complimented by the speakers that followed. The following distinguished per- formers furnished the musical part AFTERNOON. sun pills!' The association suet at 1:30 P. m. Resolved that this association be li • • then •c)ceedec: to strongly of opinion that the junior Mt., . C•. 1 att•tn• p drawing books at present prescribed 7 t, in, discuss the case of School Helps. Ile should he replaced by othersnu'delled CHRISTIAN WORKERS -- Mie es was followed by MI. B. E. Brown.( Outram and Lock in command, Services Both gentlemen discussed the e nes• •after the drawing'! by bar. Cassel- I at 31, m rend p m. 1 the Educational � i�tileri for. Services at 11 a m and I p m I (`O'�T("I' l+'l' 1`liQ'V \L Rev Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a 01 ubcl ' II. RIWING1It�lil, ONTii.1tlt.). r�.r: . + man, alipcating in td u LAC,Vr,11t1NAi1:VIY Adlutaut fully aintelligently, tion very u y all Tcach',t. ' the teachers took art !n and wife in command. Services at 11 U. Several of 1' •e 'nt series of public i m, 3 p to and S p m, the discussion, and the follow ing That the present 1 school drawing books be withdrawn j S, In Nash of the above name(] churches `O[l was adopted by the also• 1 „tlbbath School is held at 2.3J p t'!. resolution p and a new series prepared, coexist• 1 ----- few elation. That desires to call ing largely of blanlc pages, wiilt a. '� this the attention of the :,sinister of Eche- and the flaw well escrsutcd utri(iel; for pupils ilr}bre. ,liye,, r�Opt�►E ��?5f3 5�1pt�fil©, cation to do of the ve.l and 1 of I.11lg to are not to Cop,, ; said .cL les to be 1 The Great English Remedy. Y , t1CCt7tLlpanle(i by a teachers manual,) r„} Sold and recommended by all t'Ut'niShllh clear druggists in Canada. ed reit- of use of school helps as f, st Only many illnstra ing offs C\plaitlilll� the work ` " able istsiine add. Only Sts evidence tthat the text books in zn n• , � •`, , 11] detail. � ,+'�"�,i,.v!> ,,»t],'��aclra�rs r�ttura,atlyd t0 euro r. the Subjects have been found l.- R• l...1 •hr.t in 1,11(3o inion of folmsoisesua weakness, all efiectsoPaliTso ti t p Ll S `a 1 t� c ' of price, onC lino age . , s x, , t.'Uutlon be held in the future'on ittx¢utllcure. Yamphlc+ts ireCtoanyeddress. ItIS 1 ,Tho Wood Company, Rind;or, Ont• ac2sa, Mental (lorry, lseesaive use o o teachers to be n , G : f ('t:)1 V and! 1 i ai' or e this ae�OeiaGinr the meeting Of the bocce, Opium or79n. tilntlants.f�7ai� d otz�receipt tte, insufficient t pl'ep•ate candidates F successfully S11 ICiCr1L (i < Mi'. 1uilyr for Anderson cony {Thursday and Friday of each year L1 r, ti, N. Anderson convener of ( t the privilege of extending said wittttep• S s' the special committee, appointed to deal with the President's address meeting to Saturday if devilled reported, and the report as adopted i t,ecessttry, and further that they be held during the Autumn term pro- fs as Resolvedethat the Inspectorate of viding the Executive get permission Nest Huron be divided into six dis• I from the county council to do so. tricts as here after described, each of I That this association desires to which is to form the territory of• a I express its strong regret that the local institute, and further that the I Minister of Education has not seen At to grant the publie school teachers following teachers be appointed can- due representation un the Education - g . d 1 ll ` 6 of the organ t 'e 'etal'tC ' and Se. i venere < ization meeting in each of the dl, ' al Council, and its conviction that no tricts wherein they severally reside The divisions, the places of meeting satisfactory unle a the teachers are and the duties of conveners allowed to elect their own repro i reprecerantion will be considered' of the program, and their efforts and secretaries of each of tbe die-, sentatives. were greatly appreciatedMrsThat we consider the regulati ns savings Bank -Hours, Into s; Saturday,•, 10 to 7, /� ;tricts are as follows: Logan, Miss t Cln] 1Ll¢nt', !lass McCall, No. 1, COjl] )]]Sjn°� Exeter y]litige, 1 1'ebpectino, Continuation classes Unfair _ Do resits of 81 and upwards received and interest Logo p �,tallowed. Loss Whitney and Mr. Stoddart. L'aborne township, Stephen and Hay and also such that it is possible to Special Deposits also received at current secure a share of the grant �5'it10Ut rates of ir. .,est. Part two of the- program cotlsisted townships, east of the Babylon line, Primary = IurtLSts o,. arrest Britain and rho United State. of refreshments furnished by tbe and Hensel' village. Place of meet- i cluing bona fide I rima t S work. We bought and sold Iv. COIL BOI1L ), Aa rrs li teachers of Goderieh and their ing, ExeteExeter• convener, Mr. Johnston; I respcctralty reitrIC: t the Souter or friends. e cannot too highly eons- secetary, Mr. Delgaty.'; Education to make the follov;ing L. L. 1)101LINSON, Solicitor. mend the hospitality and goad will No, ?, comprising townships off changes in staid regulrations: Solcl in NVingham by Cohn a Campbell, Drutit,ist. Subeorlption pr loo, $I per year, is advance A14Yi:14T181SU _.. hNacr "...I I vr. 1 11 oi, { 3 psi•. 1 l mo line t.nlnurn cue uJ 540 J,n :041 5 I e;8 00 Half 40 00 40 a 41 0 00 Quarter" s0 00 13 C•r 1 0;t J 00 rise .'_.nth... 5 OJ 8 0tr c 00 1 1 a) Legal and 1 ther casino, erirl.ttt:r,:,e ut. se j or inc for ilrs.t hinertion,auu 3c per line ,1 -; b: t,I , •quont lu•urti, u, Mu ltd tea u) runpar.:'114 Local notices 10e. pts Mire fur (4:11 V ,'1.111011, and 5.1. per line ter each a,tbsuquent . ,. m,;<s . Advertisements of Lost, l•c,uut' trtic Situations and Bnr,inces Chaones U omen, , c t ui,-, „",n 8 lino nonpareil, yl t,r f141a metal , ..uu sun. for each subsequent u'outh, lieu+;:s and Farms for Sale. not exceeding N line. (1 jot first utonth, 50e. p,,r subsequent montb• 1 Larger ads e:tn. welts in p• orui tirv,. Those44 ttrum will u es'. i.l t tethereduhert le) Special rides frr tau. a, t, n or or longer•• periods. iodP . Advertisements and local notiv s r%rigout specific directions, eta ec insert co till found wed (Merged accordingly. 'Lra)eltury mit must be paid 1,1 advance Chaug.e for contract adrrrtisemcute mart be in thnotiice by Weuut„day noun, in o. der to appear that week ,.3 Ir. B. EL1.I,., pay lrmintat atm Iesmit&8 IK of HAMILTON I WINGI3ATVI. Capital, 01,250,000. President–JOIN STOA0T. ViUO-Pruslduut—A.. (1. MAMBAS. Rost, 5725,000 nru.n 'roEi.S Join; 111Omron, URO, 'ROACH, Wilt 0108041, woo», A. B. LER (Toronto). Cashier -J. TUR BULL. P, A. T. on of the teachers and people of Goder- gay and Stephen, west of the Baby-ipal in sol oohs inlcla classes (a) a dh(b) 11riolaey �e Loan On 1`'O c' let of whieh the teachers of West jun line. Place of cipal Grand -- dant have always enjoyed abun- be a First or a Second Class certior yLend ;convenor, 1I)•, Hagan ; score- Cate and in class (c) at least .junior dant evidence The committee, I tan lit Howard Messrs. 730 2. That lines 10 and 1� of legu- Charles, Barritt and Sharman, and Goderieh townships, south of the Cut those who assisted them, deserve the Line and Huron Road. Place of I Nation 21 be changed to read, who highest praise for the successfulmeetin g `arnr.;, convener, rM. Harn• write on the full course required for manner in which they carried out well; secretary, Mr. Holman. Primark' standing.3_ That the word "ten in line the arrangements to the enjoyment, No, 4, comprising Colborne 111d comfort and satisfaction of all. Goderieh townships, north of the Cut 12 be changed to "seven" and the word "five" in line 17 be changed to ` Leaving standing. Notes Discounted 11s and Grant and .hisses No. 3 comprising Stanley and P 1\0. o, comprising Last Wawanosh The minutes of the afternoon p trustee:, of the Goderieh Collegiate session and evening meeting were and West Wawanosh. Place of Institute for the use 'of their school meeting, Fordyce ; convener, J. C. read. c Mewed by A. J. Moore, B. i,, Martin ; secretary, Mr. McDowell. po.klnd y provided also to entertainmenthe itteeand who seconded by S. P. Halls, M. A., that No. ti comprising Ashfield town- refreshment on Friday evening. the minutes 1>e adopted, and that ship. Place of meeting, Lanes ; cove - the president's address be published ger, Mr. Boyd ; secretary, Mr. Mc• SITURDAY MORNING wEsslt)::- Line and Goderieh town. Place of „ r meeting, Goderieh ; convener, Mr. "three." I'ne association met at J a- ln., the gi �Iie.niv Halls secretor Mr Becket. ed that the Association resident occupying the chair. ?'' tender their hearty thanks to the eyes. This subject was very ably dis- cussed by a large ntintber of teach. ferc.- I). Mc(illieuddy being present was invited to take part in the discussion: He did 'so, and delivered a short and yr in the local papers and also in some Donald. VIGOR for HEART and NERVES. Ylilburn•s Heart and Nerve Pills oure papers or magazines having proven cjal circulation so that it may reach the great body of teachers in Ontario. The resolution was unanimously adopted. • Mr. Malcolm McDonald then very ably discussed "Teaching Mathe- matical Geography." Mr. McDonald associations consist of a chairman delivered an eloquent and practical and a secretary, and a committee of address on this important subject. three. The manner in which he dealt with V. And that the term of offiee be this matter would have a tendency a year. to stimulate the teachers to renewed VI. That they meet four times a interest and energy in this part of year. school work VII. That there be a meeting of Mr. G. W.Holman then introduced the several conveners before the a discussion on the distribution of organization meeting to agree upon the eontinuation grant and expressed a definite pion of fiction for the or - disapproval of the method in vogue at present. The question 'was further discussed by Messrs. Hagen, Martin, Brown and Toni. Messrs. Martin, Allen and Delgaty were added to the resolution com= II. That the date of the organiza• tion meeting ill each of the districts be the first Saturday in September. III. That notification be sent by printed Bard, to be furnished by the secretary of the central association. IV. That the ell cern of the local Aca'nria, Nei.% ou4ness, Sleepll'srness. Weakoess,Palpitattoa, Throbuing,['aint Spells, Dizziness, or any oondittou ar- rising from Impoverished Blood, Dis- ordered Nerves, or Weak Heart. YRFDEMAnK l �,y�•rrt REGISTERED. i Jul 1 Made a well �F�!!► Man of PrroroaF �i ©A?O THE UREAT HINDOO REMEDY PRODUCES THE ABOVE lien<tta in 30 dams. Cures all Nervous Dieeasos. Foiling Memory Paresis, Sleeplossness, Nightly Emis- sions, etc., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and 81z0 to shrunken organs and Quickly but surely restores Lost Iffankood in old or young. ganization and work of the local Six for 08. O1,ti,:atw" ATI, px TCmtnu Eo oult"ng01 inStttntes, and that the ti avelling lomat on ha Ina2NDAPOT ET/114121. tr rlmWnf Ills not expenses of the con. eners be paid byRot it, Noi%IEDV ndit prepaid ,'1 - - poi 1t,O a will, r'i„ Pm••rs. CQi -n M• nt•, the general association. CId851,lila s :leerier Drug Sto-e, t5 inghtur.. .911. Miss C. A. Boyd then dealt with - • - -- actiesi address. "Primary Number Teaching" and `rhe next topic of discussion was rnittee, showed by the 111100001' iu which She whether it was advisable to retain The consideration of the Presi-- discussed the subject that she had dent's address was then taken up on bestowed mach 'thought on the work motion of Mr. Anderson, seconded by cf developing the young mind .in the Mr. Delgaty, science of Number. The subject It was moved by Mr. Johntson, was further diseuaeed by Messrs. ,r. seconded lir. Lawrence, that the , Stranl, and Tem. 26t,. :1�i.1 RRAY Association adopt the principal re- 0, II. Russell was appointed' Wadi - commendation in the President's s for instead of Mr. Brown, absent. ` 4 I }" - addrdss, of dividing the inspectorate The auditor's report was Chet: pre - meted which was adopted on motion PLO DA WATER ..•t.t ,. ., e Tilt • "' 0 - s woes' itinsr FRA0°1Ai1T ' 4C RG.,HING. ,, t !till (? ALS, ;ISO hi) 1 JR i1 i FnRr :1JStESFOR THE H HAROKEfCHtEP, ' <r1it.a'r OR Mt .44 an in accerdanCe with the adove a of Mr. Strang. resolution rh'e following committees The nutriber of teachers in atten- wer•c appointed to arrange the'de- dance during the session was,86. tails • of such a division :—Messrs. Moved by A. J. Moorre, 13. .A., Anderson, Brown, Johnston, 1.aw• seconded by Mr. Kagan, , that it is reface, Halls, Ilamcvell, and Miss Sharman. The election of president, vice- president and Secretary --Treasurer til rc t ' • with the res tilt .e loll I was then rc ec i t i its follows :--- . !'resident•-• -II. N. Anderson, Fret• er. .11811001318PERRIMERS AND Vice•1resident-_-:fuss C. A. Boyd, ' f Carlow. I Seeretal's .'Treasurer ----(.y W. Hot, elan, I3aytield, era the opinion of the Association there should b) one County Hoard of Bi-,' aminers for each county to examine, ' filo Entrance and Pub11C galei Leaving viz: -•Mlle 'P. S. Inspectors, the principals of high ,Schools, and two members to be elected by cacti association each year. • The res')lutinn was adopted. ItEein P t)1' Ttt;a01.11TIO CoMMreTv i. 'I. Resolved that in the opinion of BURDOCK BLOOD ■ tom■ ■■\� • *eases AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pot oentwith privilege of paying at the end of any rear. Note and act•ounts collected. rrOET. I+uoIx7T00. Seaver Workl5'insham, Ont GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEYA1iT An11IVE 0 50 a. m, 3 05 p. nl 3 30p n 10 25 p m 855,tm 305pm (i 50 a m 11 10 a In 33Ct m 800pm 11 10a ut 6 50a n 3 30 rn S 30pm IO25pm 830am Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine MRs. T'Ilos. IVICCANN, Mooresville, Ont., writes : " I was troubled with biliousness, headache, and lost ap- petite. 1 could not rest at night, and was very weak, but after using three bottles of 4I3.B.I3: nay appetite has returned, and 1 atn better than I have been for years. I would not be without gunlock 'Mood Hitters. It is such a safe and good remedy that I ain giving it to my children." )1111, V. IL NALBFI.E16011, PIiY81C'1,::4, s Uit EE�-11 OEuN, AND UU.:ut:L:11r1UR. btu:ccAs041 to Lr, M. e,eei:om 111.0 t?1a,S ONT. lit Claes dollar Ori.duatc of the Cr,iycrsatles or Trinity auruuto) queens (14111(4•tc n), cud 00 Trill. Its• Medical Cotregu ; 1'el1us' ul Trinity Medical College anti 01101.04411 of the 0011r,:e 4.1 Physicians and Nrt rRNous of outwit). fust Oraduata . Course In Detroit and Uhicuo 18ili' ipwi,Ll attention paid to m44ea44ne et R.yi L•'w1 Nose amt Throat and Di11118ea of Weiner,. Cutsultatimt 1rr lin,aian and thinner', 581044tarrlt treated suee»°atully in all its forms. AGENTS• 4(4 I VAN STONE, L BARRISTER, btLICiTOII, Etc., Private and Company funds to lora, at lea est rate interest. No eonire1 lama uhargeo. Mortglu;ns, town. and tarns property buueht and roto O1rFICE- Ileoser-Block OYIxon4M� -� Book bunines- is better Huai fpr yntnt. past r also have better aid faster selling 1)1)0044. AttCutselear- log rro101110 to $40 weekly, A few lenders are : ' Queen V'rtori," • "Life of Mr. Oeditonu," "01v Mother's bible Stories •' "Proisrcesii0 Sueuke,'. ••1(1,14,11()0 (1)!d plod," "Wootton," 'Olbrpses 01 the (`)5111111," "Breakfast, -Dinner, Skipper. 130014s o„ time. BEA IrLEV•OARt(ETSON COMPANY, Lun'ren, Toronto, '3lINGHAPQ STEAM PUMP WORKS J. A. 010510N B ;Rl(iS'rlstt, ye., 55•tnel:an,. out. s•.s L. DICii[:•iSCN, BARRISTER, ETC. EOLICIT011 TO MANE 01' 1IAIiIL'1'ON. STONEY TO LOAN. Office -Meyer bluok. 55 hightail �I 0, CAMERON, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e. Office -Corner ne'nritou and St. Andrew streets.. opposite Colborne Hotel, Gu»EnuOI, O14T. a10.- DENT1ST1LY.—J. S:JERObiL, L. U. S.,wirroRAM: 1sooatrhauaus feahctuuarp ne first -chew nets ot• tnUthTeyetchanexbteramoatsoa absolutely without pail!, by his new process, guaranteed perte.tly safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, oppo.ito the Brunswick house. Having purchased the entire business from Mr., Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with W11011 and Iron :Force x11131 Lift rumps, limos 111111 Iron Cy111111ers, Galvf1Iiz- •d .Iron Tubing. CiMterins, Water Troughs, Simko. liathttl,ll'ipe• Fitting, 'Weil Ii►igging and evorytilrng In con- neoton with water supplies. Galvanized Stool Windmills for power and pumping uin water. p g Deep well pumps a speciality. Itefxdring promptly attended tn. I Pardee writing for information or jnrclering by mail should always state depth of well ; All work guaranteed or no sale. C. MCAISI TGSTA1 ilr' t 140 "tVitNhanl, Ont. tJ CHN RITCHIL" GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINDHAM, '`{14rants DDEANS, .04., a txn,.dn, LIOENSISD Ateseen EER eve .i1E oot1NTR OF 11010CN. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. JOHN CUltltIE, IVINGUA, UNT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Earn] Stock and Farm To platten epcelalty. An order8 lett at the TIMNs 0(5(144 promptly aitent,. ed to. Terra reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. S. n �+ —_»Caroli Caledonia, NO: 40. roroadn • 8 . the first ,and tend ,Monday iv every month, in .ht• Odd fellows flak. Visiting bsoturon weicra ' J. Murrar, Clua. U Stew art ltce..Ser WANTED Young muu an women, or older ones it 11511; sung in spirit, of undoubted ,.),.ruC(er, gu°' sulkers, ambitious and industrious. cull find tnuplo,) merit in a good cause, with 840 pet Month and u mauls acCordii.g to IIILity. It a\ , 'P, tt, Ll, auul•T, Tunoxro„ 'WANTED. Set en order writers, Saia•y or eolnmissitn to soil able persons. AU1'4r.TI8E11, 1 mSheol Building, Toronto. WANTED. bleu and Women who can work hard lining and wr,lth,g 44(14 hours daily for 44is days a w, elf and Will ire dontm,t !Mit te» (1,111.0 s a colds,Address 1 NEW (DESS Co , 3ottonx0, 'runehrrs and other hright Wren fort vacation or perrnaaentIy In anlfcit fos-i "U m<da1 A.) i:Ory rlol twilit of the Country, In Fir. i Royal quart" votntne.. 2.1,0 decrine, t'o,miiOion. paid %veok1y, r�arurrtit'ri nwsnt+n Co, WANTED JOB PRINTING, 'INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, posters, B it Heade, Circulars, ores, &c., executed in the bee* BOW of the art, at moderato prices, and on eherl nuHca, Appli. or addroes 11, B, ELL,IOTT, T nes Ofice, Winghat* j a BOOKBINDING. , 04 are posited to annonnco that an 13OCrkl 0? Maga0lnes left With 0e nor Binding, will have on* prompt attention, Prices tot Binding in tiny will bo given en atollextiou o the Tonto Mite she Baugh oned him Mcanw. and picks of her tl the piano glance at baronet, ter of tlio but looltil heart 111 1 It was Beryl thi confused pilo thous she knee as often a fray, kno• and mind for him, for him c might fa] life. But he steeled 1 woman r her cans blight of One at that at o Vrenchm force the After morning of fiudil then joie which y' me five 1 come to "I w Leyceste ated ges of surfs sumed d question Beryl in the c that no "1 iti t not ove calmly, you is • taut." She tc et as sl not tree it."l v1 she col my stay pica ant found a painful marria€ with Lc Can yoi As s steatill3 paper fi 1I0 t( ing it efforts . 'violent. ghastly Once their fi ries to Sh(%x watch' never 1 answer able to And the stri As : spellhc which first st: of par kirl's • The) oranny had p11 their CUriOU was a which this el: afool. His aurprii nit= 'Vance "Fac Leycei y toWarr 1, en his 1rTi. but v coldly c10l to do' dinar] of." c1 looker teeth] "T] a thin alll< gave ifs thi