HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-03, Page 5p SP wr G 11i.J4. WJNGIIAll. TIMES,. !RINE 3, 181)8. We have all the latest for Sprang Suis, at auodcrate prices. FR and workmanship of the best. "Guaranteed." We are showing the most up•te date 11-12-4,117) Aiae all kind of hen's f ut'nisliitigs fol. Spring Wear. A special line of Ready made Pants and Overalls cheap. Inspection invited. puff sear - 711 r-1 ft ...a' ' Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. • �.�,. -a is s , .:ra•c s Miinerailzed r .either Zetlaz CATALOGUE FREE "I idditck"—A i±i tanned so that water "creeps" oIf it, perspir- ation evaporates through it, and friction wears it slowly. Can be boiled in hot watcr without injury. Made solely fee file $ k. and $5. grades of the Goodyear Welted. Slater Shoe For Sale Only by 130MUT&9 et BOWLES. BUGGIES 1 SURRIES o Phonons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness 011 and Soap. CARRIAGE TRIMMING AN HARNESS REPAIRING DOME on short notice, and at reasonable prices. IAT Iv AWA NOS11, The first sitting of the Conrt of. Revision was held in the Council ru room, May, 26th, '98. Members all present. HIaving each severally , subscribed to the declaration re+iuir-: . n ed by dstatute (there being no appeal) against assessments), the following business was 1-rought up and dis Posed Of :-•-1Vm, Jelinstt'n to be ai• ceased as tetiattt of S. 1 lot 31, con.3;1 Jas Wilson, as tenant of S ?, lot 40,1 Ever siuce we purchased the McIntyre stock here at ;;;c on tl...e. ; , we have. <:dv :rtisecl eon 3 ; math'! Johnston, as owner of! goods at about 5 3c on the Dollar of the regular prices, and we ILIA- as ay 4, failed so far to see them S'. lot 30, eon l; Amos Challenger I Sated either as BARGAIN DAY SNAPS or in EXTRAORDINARY OR1)INAR _'\N - as tenant, part lots, 29 and 30, con , , 0, and Wm Killough, as owner of NOUNCENUeN I S - and we will continue along this week as usual. auu,u PA UN.„ `� i.y ; F 1 ell Cool:, na Owner i of S ?. of N ;1, lot 40, eon 7 ; Joseph i Note these sample prices and come in and see the goods. IT TILL PAY Y O rdinary u ncermacnt r...,.. -'x...,.:. RIMPPo ....,.......,.:,...,.,u. ,..,.,KR,T Johnston as owne 1 of W 1 41 con 1.I Fancy Wool Delaines, pretty patterns, worth 30c yd, Application was made to have the now 15e. following names added to the roll :- i Canten Flannel, worth any time 8c, fur 5c. Jas B,Red mond lot 29 con 5,111 F 0; r Fancy Cotton Crepon, worth 15c yd, now 9e. John Petts lot 32, con �9, bi b' ; Jas I Plaid Flannelette, regular 12c, for only 8c. Taylor to be M 10 0, instead of ten- 1'c'`d Check Shirting, the 7tc yd kind, for 5c. ant, C pt lot 42, eon 7 ; Juhn Van. Wide Apron Gingham, with border, 121e, now lOc. not inan lot 42, con 9, M F ; Geo Mahogany Covert Cloth, cheap at 371e, now 20e. Ray, let 31, con 11, AI F ; Alberti 7 special Dress Patterns, shot effect, .sere $3.50 each, Morrow, joint owner of S pt lot 36, now $1.75 con 11 ; Thos Mismot, lot 32, con 13, M F. Due notice having been given and accepted as correct, dogs belonging to Wm MoNall, con 3, Fred Cham- pion, con 6, Jas Smith, con S and John Bruce con 8, were ordered to be struck -off the Roll. Application of Alfred Austin, con as an equivalent to the amount al - 2 and Wm Whaley, Belgrave, to ready granted by the Tp. of Morris; have their dogs struck off, laid over. and further that the Reeve and The Court was then closed for the Treasurer be authorized in the mean• present, to he re -opened again on time to borrow from the Bank of Thursday, June 23r d next. Hamilton, Wingbam, at least $500 Council resumed for the transac•, to meet the current expenditure. tion of ordinary business. Minutes' 13y -law No. 5, 1898, continuing thi, viha� e. of last met ting re,+d• and confirmed.the appointment of Pathmasters h T p David Clow, con 13, having de- 4pntrndkeepers Fenceviewers, for the ting read and approved. The meas. The semi annual medal?: of the elined to ac; as Poundkecper, And• . current year; 13y -law No. 6 1898, urer's statement showed a balance on Ho wick Loyal Orange Distr;t•t Lodge . will he held hereon Wedneada v next. rew Fox, eon 12, was appointed in i to order and regulate the regular hand of $032.57. Filed• his place. � return of road l sts within the town. Alex Pentland asked to haveearth I Miss Edith KaiGer, of liarriston, Jeremiah Porker & Son, of lot 28,10,4; lay law Na. 7, 1898, eontirm• t. ken from roadwey to bank up his was visiting Ler brother in town last eon 4, were present offering to buy ling. the appointment of John H. Me- barn. Privelege was granted. week. back from the Council tee road al • I Clinton, collector oftaxes for the cute Road Commissioners were appoint. i Miss Mary Match is visiting relit- Se on the the South end of lot; rent year, and uv -law No. 8, 1898,to ed to put in a drain accrosa road at tivea in Aubnrn. I ck sow was visit Wool Serge, regularly cold for :25e, oar pi ie 17e. Culoied Chiffon always sold tor 18e and , 0e, our price is 1.21,e. "Muriel Bigg (aiuvea, in Black and Tans, worth 1.00 for 80e. Black Silk ()loves imported to sell at 7.,c ter 10c. Chil+:'a Clingt.:iut :11.d Print Urt•s-ea, well Wilde and beautifully trimmed at „'1.O0, 75e and 050.1,00i doz. Dress Buttons, worth 8e sed 10e per da z,, lc. WHERE, ? The Cheap Cash Store, Macdonald Block. m. 11 .1 •=1U.OF1CFZZ,,—R—Tg17.1FCPREFFr.dff.3111 G ORRI E. WEST 1V AIVANOSII. Mr, Win, Niv.e tivas visiting Clinton. Council met as a Court of Revision Mewls laet week. May 30th, '98. There being no ap• Rev. J. S. Fisher and R. Harding' are in Chatham this week, al tending' the meeting• of the London Cenferenee' Mr. Chas. King has moved a house which he purchased in W'rt.xeter to peals after adding a few names, The Roll was received and adopted. Council met according to adjourn• rent. Members alt present; Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meet - 28, same concession. Tile Reeve' borrow money from the Bank of Dungannon, on motion ut Cameron • Miss GI eer, of Lu t was instructed to negotiate with the', Hamilton, Wingham, each severally . and Medd. ' ing her cousin, Miss Lizzie Green. Messrs. Parker regarding the matter I read and passed. The road work of Mrs Stitt anal Mr. R. U. Tate, of Toronto, was and employ Messrs. Cameron, Holt) The following accounts were re- Mrs. J. Alton was ordered to• be visltinr l.i.: parents Here, and hulmes, of Goderich, in their ceived and ordered to be aid: Jere struck off the road lists, I Mr. David Sanderson is visiting legal capacity, to have the same n Parks, ^ h Y is filling up washout on Mrs Robinson was granted ti with ft!ends in adenallen, fret Co. o r pr lerly carried out 'Division line, con 3, W2; Alex Porter- charity. r Mrs. W. G. Strong and daughters An agent representing the Sawyer Ifie:d, repairs at bridge on creek, lots The reeve reported safes he had %ire at821y on a visit to friends in Masse • Co of Hauril ou was present 34, cons $nd J 50c • Owen Don- ex:tnlltaed and the clatter was dis- Hamilton and other points. neliv gravelling at lot 31, eon 13, missed. I Mrs. 1:. G. McLaughlin has return. and at considerable length urged . • friends in ed home fI• r out .et ,tail to ��left upon the Council the advisability Ra j. of 1 $4.20 ; Wm. [lanai= jr, repairing Putting drain in at St. Augustine purchasing one of their road graders and fixing culvert at lot 40- cons 4 was left in the hands of head Com -Niagara halls- RE1ViEMBEIz for road making purposes within the i and 5, ? ; Amos Challenger, repair- inissioner•s on motion of Medd and town.hip. Nu action in the mean time. Communication was read from E. L. Dickenson E'q., Winghain, re- $1 ; Jas Bennett, repairing washout ceived on behalf ut Messrs. Armour lots 37. cons 6 and 7, $2.50; Charles & McAllister, Egg }Merchants of that Campbell,. repairing and fixing town, claiming a certain amount of ixridge on creek, sideline; 33 and 3.1, con 9, $7 ; \Vni Robinson, services as assessor, 1898, $50 ; Duncan An- derson sr, cutting hill lots 39, eons 8 and 9, $6. The council then adjourned tilt Thursday, 23rd June next. P. PORTERFIEL.D, Clerk. The following is the school report for S. S. No. 9, for the month of May. The names are arranged in order of inet•it aseertained hy a system of daily markings, deductions being made for rad conduct, lateness, etc. Sr. IV.—Maggie McDougal Vett tile Rintoul. Jr. IV.—Florenee Shiell, Alberta BRUSSELS. ing bridge at lots 30 and 31, con 0, Cameron. The Bijou Corned Co. dl ew large $1.50 ; John 11eDewell, tilling up An appropriation of e500 was 1 J 1 " washonts sideline :13 and 84, con 5, audient ca in the 'town ha! I all last made for roads. The following cheques were is- Boundary, s- week. Barrister TIays, of &newt le has re. sued : Jas. Gibson, Memo. Book, signed the Captaincy of 13rus.els Vol - 20e ; Jno Bowles, culvert c West unteer Co., No. 5, and will t,e alined - culvert, 1.6810 00 Paterson, > dt'Iil�and, i ed by Capt. McTaggart, of !Clinton, damage, X5,3(3 ; \Vm McAllister, i Capt. [[rays was a popular ufll ••+r with culvert, con 6, $1. ; Peter Clark, cul-: hi men who will regret hi, retire - vert on eon 10, lot 8 $2.75 ;II Ryan, i meat. repairng road opposite lots 15 and 18 i Out' town is very bad need '+f better con 9 $4 ; Geo. Routledge, burying ! railway W. 1'. sudation. dead shee, 50c , Wm Leddv, repair 1 Mrs. W. T. Hunter has rt:ld her ing road, lot 25, con 4, $1 ; Mrs house and tot on John street. to Geo. Robinson, charity, $6 ; W A Wilson, services as assessor, and equalizing Sellout 5 $85 • W 8 McCrostie pt Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take damages sustained by them in lav care of them for you. if you need i.ng a quantity of egg, destroy: ed on the 7th of this month GLASSES opposite the 12th con, while certain repairs were being on the gravel 1•uirtl. and threatening to bring an action against tyre tuwnahip if a settlement could not be trade. of filed. Messrs Robt Currie sr, and R+rbt Scott sr, both Directors of the East, 1V:iwanush ,lgricultural Seeiety at Belgrave, were present soli&iting a graet of ntonev froth the Township in aid or said society. 111oved by Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, that $10 be granted Rintoul, Leslie Deacon, Frank Mills, Yui that purpose. --Carried. Alfred Ritz, Alex. McDougall, Mary The 'Treasurer reported cash oll Abram. hand, 24th March last, $144.41.Paid Sr. III.—Willie Elliott, Roy I)ea• out since that time, ,$'.03.91, leaving a con. balance on hand at date of X80.47. Jr. III.—Nellie Biekle, Prank. Resolved, that the suer of $t00 bo Shoebottotn, hubby Johnston. extended this season u11 Eastern Sr. Ha -Bella McDougall, Ray - gravel read from Wiugeairl to Blyth mond Elliott, Alex. Rintoul, Herbert Shiell, David Johnston, Roy Ander- SPECTACLES OR EYE buy them from us. Also a full line of 1Vatehes, Clocks, and all kinds Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to. r.. PE . � i I,Z�.�it3Z OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. Wool = re re .4 war O 0 50,000 Lbs. WOOL WANTED lip hest Prices Paid in Cash or Produce. A. MILL Fat is absolutely neces- son, Ethel Hieks, 1Villic Hicks, Ida. Abram. sary as an article of diet. Sr. Pt. 1T. ---Howard Shiell, Willie Shoebotton.. If it is not of the right kind Jr. ]'t. II.—tferiina Johnston. tit.1,—Carrie Deacon, i'4ilburn it may not be digested, Then I; ergasot►, Manicy Elliott, Christy the body will not get enough Rintoul, John Abram, 1''ratnk Case - more, Of it. In this event there Inter. I.•--T.earuon ]licks, James . Ferguson, Ella Walker, Maggie i5 fat -starvation. • Casemorc, Wiltna 13ickle. Scott's Etnulsion supplies . :Jr: I• --Harvey Linklater, Tessa ' Anderson, Katie Shiell, Barbara this needed fat, of the right ;;tiles, 31tr{tl;its Shioll, lttaawe11 Abl:iin, kind, in the right quantity, !Thomas hicks, Willie Stiles. and in the farm already li ith Bruce and Stmeoe counties partly digested. 'started work on their house of Asa result all the organs i Refuge en the `.: ]tat of May. .Jowl Charlton, member of North and tissues take on activity. j'Norfnik, itis entered his 7011) year soft;tate, tit. ermine. and has sat for his riding 2d years in SCOTT ft; DOWNS Chemists, toro:t:t. theComm�ns. Loris B. Dune, `Teacher. • Giver. Bt•uisels laundry has been -told to John Hetwlit, who will tel:e p esession salary and delivering road lists, �$o2; = in the near future. 13 Bruphd, culvert, con 0, 82.15. heMrs.W.T.ne Hunter and 1tr. ..cony have returned to Detroit. Council then adjourned to meet have Foreman Watt of the Ronald on July nth at i0 o'clock. Works has gone to Brantfuru where W. S. IAbcCRoartc Clerk. he has secured a situariun. Mrs. .1. D, Ronald went to Toronto o last week. Mr. Ronald has recently undergone a successful'nedieal oper• ation an.l will return withM... ROD., ST. IiTELENS. {totenaira tor l..vt x-eet.) DeatJt1 dies again visited.nur village and taken eine :of our esteemed citi- zens in +the person of M rs. W. Taylor. The deeensed was 31 years of age and during her life has made many friends both here and elsewhere and her early death has cast a deep gloom aver the neighborhood. Shed leaves behind a sorrowing husband and two children, aged 6 and 3 years respectively, who mourn sin cerely the loss of a loving, faithful wife and an atf'ectionate mother. The faneral took place from the home of the deceased's mother, Mrs. McGuire, on Sunday, May 22nd and a large enncourse of people assembled to pay their last respect, Bev. W.W. Leeeh, pastor of Bethel church, and of which the deceased was a con- sistent member, assisted by Itev. Whaley, of St. llelens, eoudticted a short service an the house, after the funeral procession formed and the remains were buried in Bethel cemetery. Memorial service was then conducted in the Bethel ehnrch by Rev. W. W. Leech. The sorrow. :n friends have the sincerest ayln•- patlly of the entire community in their sad bereavement. Well Made and Makes Weli hood's Sarsaparilla ie prepared by ex- perienced pharmacist, of today, }ilio hare• brought to the production of this great. medicine the beet results of medical re- search. hood's Sarsaparilla is a moderns medicine, containing just those Vegetable' ingredients which were seemingly bi- t/ended by Nature herself fol Oat twale tion of human ills, It ,n.: les and aq• richer the blood, tones the 'stomach and digestive organs and creates is appetite; it absolutely cane all scrofula eruptions boils, pimples, sores, salt rheum, end every' form of skin disease; antes later complaint, kidney troubles, strengthen* and builds up the nervosa iyaterc. It slat- tirelyoveroomsi that tired feeling, tieing a.trengtlt Wad energy in plebe of w.ekseie sad languor. It WITde yg aealaifie, tg- Ahold tever,sad b pvrityia. the bleak ft hkeeps the whole 'Mom �> *arse. . 0 p ritia US Ws beat -in tad tfae afar Trda ltileedrnfildr. gala by air druggists. 11 refit for 1t. flood's l�'ir� die d t.ner~1Us sad sok Itesdetch�r, "✓IIE.