HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-03, Page 4FRESH STOCK T1114; 1.V ES 61I,EL%i TIMES, JUNE 3, Lb9 . MARKET REl'C)11Tt, savilamiaWaaWayarsa&lielaalallaelamalesateiastassaasaaaataaaelyat WEST HURON CONVENTION, ' 7'IIE NEW GOVERNOR. amen Ur. 'li'inghtun, May 21,. 1,898. , The annual meeting of the West til:. \t (`. C.1MI RO\, \I. I', atilt wawa "orrected by 1'. Deans, 1'rodnac+l)ecalei ---or — Huron. 1 'f wni A.,sueiation was held rrt'Rox RUES WEST. Flour put 100 lbs r,o to ; 00 `]'tall Wheat 1I 0 9'" 0 1•. i FJNTAIN SYRIN in Dungannon on 'Tuesday and was largely attended. The president Mr. 1). McGillicuddy, addressed tbe meeting giving a statement of GE S I events that had occurred during the from $1.25 u I). Best quality. VLtN �.:,� UMPBU DRUGGIST, pastyear, and outlining a policy that should be adopted in the future. A thorough organization was set in motion, atter whiet) the following (dicers were elected for the ensuing • • President, Wm. Proudfoot, Lal t , txoderick ; First Vice, Robt. Holmes, 0 ;15 to 0 tri 1 A special despatch from Ottawa spring Wheat to,:J i Cary, 0 50 to 0 30 i Barley 0 30 to 0 351' its 0 55 to 0 55 Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 ON, Giese, s'0 04 to 0 05 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 00' 13uttcr .. .. ...... 0 11 to 0 19 Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 10 Wood per cord.... .... 1 00 to 1 35 ! Hay per ton, 4 50 to 5 00 . Potatoes, per bushel, 0 40 to 0 45 Tallow ,per ib 0 4 to 0 4 ! Dried Apples, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 l Wool 19 to 21 1 Drensad hung confirms the information that Mr. M. C. Cameron, M. P. for West Huron, would be the Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest Territories. Mr. Cam- eron's appointment bas now been confirmed, and he will assume his duties at once. Mr. Cameron has many friends in 'Western Ontario t who will congratulate him on his u preferment, and wish him every i sueeesS in performing the important duties he has undertaken The new governor was born in Perth, County I(Jlinton ; Second V ice, James 1 dung j Auburn : Third Vice, Morgan, Del - 1 ton, Ashfield. Secretrry:Treasurer, Cat?ll)'1C it s 1-Icadache\\`afers 1V m. Coats, Clinton,Resolutions were cure lit•,tu•=e:hes. passed, endorsing the Dominion and -_ Local ,j ve''nmeats and the members -._..�RE..t'O ADVERV ISERS. Notice of charges must be left at this office not later than Saturday i;ASb1IItCHI.D noun The copy for changes for the riding. The meeting closed with the usual cheers. must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. 41741.c y: . r , q A iuucji)amMlles After months of libel, slander and vituperation from the Tory press, the of Lanark, Ont , in 1.831, He is de- tended from a highland Scotch ffam- 'noc Col- lege, 1' �• � ly and was educated a t Knox lege, with a view to entering the inistr of the Presbyterian Church settled in my neck, I had such pain that I was obliged to use a walking stick to ease lase in moving about, and two and a half years ago the stick had to make way fur a crutch. m 5 t this time I used to Subsequently Aget up a little ; however he directed I • d 11 d each day, but it was nut 1 b t' is longbefore' attention anto law was ea e to the bar of tipper Canada in 1860.11 was denied even this privelege, and ,s0 In 1856 he began his peluicai i the next six months I was perfectly 61 career as councillor t'or the town of helpless turn bed-ridden, put acetu�) Goderieh. For twelve years he was my 1 ' a a member of the civic board, and Drummond county railroad tnvesti- was for one year reeve and for four gation has come to a conclusion. years mayor. IIe was first elected to It leaves Blair, Tarte, and the en- tbe douse cf Commons in 18t37.Er al administration vincli- the outset Mr. Cameron has been an tire Liber cited and nsmirehed. Mr.intrt uncompromising Liberal and took an early position as one of the fore• freed to admit as much himself was O • ---- -- j Sir Charles Tupper could not lind FAID..Y, JUNE 3, 1396. 1 serious fault with the result. Not only was it shown that the sum paid for the road was reasonable ; but it was established that a previous -deal had been on foot, whereby the trans- fer might be made to the Tory government for a sutn 8900,000 greater than that which the Liberal government agreed to pay—.$800,000 representing a commission to be paid to the well known Tory contractor, EDITORIAL NOTES. WE observe t'tat since the Span- iards learned that a war was in pro- gress, the catch of prizes among the American warships has slumred. THE many gocd qualities of the Canadian pig, are at last being re - Mr. Hugh Ryan. Fartunately the cognized and the American experts election of 1896 supervened. .pronounce him the best bacon -mak - It is true that Sir Charles Tupper er on the continent. WITH the visible supply of cattle 24,000,000 million short, and with a promise of no exports from Manitoba and the Northwest, this sbould be a great year for Ontario farmers. We trust they are prepaired for it. ADMIRA:. Sampson says that sail- ing under false colors is permissible in the time of war. Well, it may be permissable but we have not heard that it was praisworthy. A PETIT:.',x was filed;Monday ag- ainst the return of Mr. W. C. Mos- crip, Liberal, as member for Soutar Perth at the recent election. This makes 68 in all. This is the last. IIoN. Mr, Harty, commissioner of Public Works for Ontario,is entitled to the Humane Society's Medal and diploma for saving life. He saved a drowning man from a skiff off Wolfe Island, in the St. Lawrence, the other day. SOME of our esteemed ccntem- I)oraries seem to think that Mr. ".parte was created Minister of Public Works for the express purpose of' (incline: jobs for disused Tory cbn- tractors. These gentlemen have owned the earth for so many years that it causes a surprise when an Honest m-rn claims a chance to pas- ture on it. most men of his party. He took a leading part in the establishment of the extensive and profitable salt works in the county of Huron, and has almost been foremost in any no- table enterprise which has for its ob- ject the the development of • the in- dustries of this section of Canada. Towards the establishment of the free harbor of refuge at Goderieh and of the commercial harbor at Layfield he did splendid service by his able advocacy in parliament. In May, 1855 he married Jessie 13., daughter of Dr. McLean, who was associated with the survey of the and Mr. Haggart denied at,y con- lakes of Western Canada. nection with the affair, and their words cannot be gainsaid ; but the promoters of the scheme, after their conferences with Mr. Rufus Pope, the Conservative organizer, were con- fident that it could be carried through—and judging from the previous record of the party they were right. Now that the investigation is over the only shadow of suspi ion lies against the Conservatives. DON'T GIVE UP THE CASH. The Government will soon be ask- ed to contribute a sudsidy of $1,500,- 000 to a railway from Missanabie to 'Hudson Bay. It is to hoped that a ataxia refusal will be given. If there n,re vast possibilities in the enterlrrise let the promoters build the road SOME ONE HAS PLUNDERED. The men who managed the civil war for the United States are dead and the,present war so far as the land forces are concerned is in the hands of amateurs. Alger, the Sec- retary of War, is a lumber merchant who served for a short time as Col. onel of Cavalry, fought one battle and became a General after the peace. He knows less about scien- tific warfare than a military college cadet, It is through• such amateurish management that we see a war six weeks old, with an army of half uni• formed, half armed, half drilled miltiamen, too few to invade Cuba and too raw to be trusted against seasoned troops in a tropical country. That this is true is shown by the action of General Merritt, who refits ed to lead 14,000 of them against 7000 Spaniards now cooped up under Dewey's guns at Manila. Isle de- manded 2,000 regulars and Alger acknowledged himself in error by granting the request, Another ad mission of incompetency on Alger's part is his new call for troops, before a blow has been struck, showing that his first estimate was insufficient. The army now in arms is not ready to move, and there are not enough transports to move it. In two week's time Cuba's "sick season" will have begun, under which Uncle Satn's unseasoned soldiers wa.uld die like flies. There is talk of an irnmediate invasion. If such an order is given it will amount to wholesale murder. Even the Spaniards always suspend- ed operations during the three hot months. A campaign during summer is i0 practicable, meanwhile the expenses are said 'o be $1,000,000 a day, while in Caba Blanco i:, strengthen -- themselves, and reap the, profits. As far of the Government is concerned Canada has enough pioneer railroads to last a generation or more. Al. ready we have miles of rail: woad ; representing a capital of 18O0000, for every 1000 of our population ; or $1.800 for each man, woman and child in the Dominion. Our proportion of railroad to the - population is 20 per cent ,greater than that of the United States, and 1.00 per cent. greater than that of any other country in the world, ex- rclltittg Australasia. We are al in his defences road *wising crops. ready nearly swamped with railway All of which goes 0 show the tan. lowing statement :---a'•1 arn'fifty years subsidies so now let us call a halt of age and have lived in Brooklyn ' wisdom of (leelttring war before be. .. and grow tip until otic clothes fit tis. . ten years. Five years ago I was Meanwhile if any anxious capitalist Ing ready to light. taken ill with acute rheumatism, and slices a fortune in the whale, and W J. Hammond was sentenced have, not done a day's work since, small fish that swim about Hudson 111 to be hanged on Sept. 15, next, for I The trouble began with my feet and Par, Let them wade in and vain it the wutder of his wife. Miss Katie , the swellings extended to my arms, unassisted. f tough in Y3raeebridge. wrists and shoulders, and finally d MLLE INVALID of tea to my mouth. I got complete- i ly discouraged after inetl'eetually being treated by two physicians and 1 trying the different medicines recom- mended for ray aliment. While I was in this helpless condition my niece carne in one day and prevailed 0 upon ine to try Dr, Williams' fink Pills. After taking two butes I felt a slight change for the better • so I continued to take them, with the effect that I continued to improve slowly ever since. I now sleep well, have a good appetite and have gained in flesh. I can st,:nd DOW, walk about and even got in and out of the buggy upon the occasion of my late visit to Columbus. Since that time, too, I feel stronger an -1 my reason for still using a crutch is on account of my knees being weak and a desire liee e y•one ut my 111 satiS- i airs' Pink nstead of the , I would have p suffering. I am tnprovement to these SUCH WAS THE CONDITION OF MISS 1 Pills alone.' Mrs. Doolittle, who, as RODD, OF BROOKLYN. we have previously stated, attended her sister through her trying illness, in her recom- I)II) YOU SEE ()VR NE\V �.(..-hirnney The Magical --a Smokeless and safety Lamp Chimney. Best Lead Mint Glass. The magical is eonstr'ucted on a new and scientifie principle. It is made of 13es� Lead Flint Glass and oil finished, it is less liable to break by heat than other chimneys and you will find by usiu; that you can get nearly twice as inuch light from the same lamp as you can from other chimneys, and not smoke the chimney. It is the only safety lamp chimney ever invented and while giving a larger and more brilliant light without fear of drawing up the wick and smoking, they will consume less oil. See those holes in the chimney ; that is what does the business ; by admission of air direct to the flame above tho burner, Try the Magical and you will use no other. JOHN KERR GROCER, WINGBAM. to not overtax my strength. Ju Day was the first time in twe that 1 was able to" foot outside the door and fied had I tried Dr. Wil Pills in the firs place other mcdicin s use been spared sire I owe 1 F. H. KERNEY, ;NE SHOE. STORE. ppesito Queen's ITotel, Wing ham. For an easy Shave and a First -Clan: Hair Cut, give him a trial. Razors Ironed. nue AN EDITOR RELATES' THE STORY Oie HER ILLNESS AND IIOW A REMARK- ABLE CHANGE IN HER CONDITION WAS BROUGHT ABOUT. From the Gazette, Whitby, For some five ea: this journal has to Brooklyn in s of his earliest village was i noting that Miss Levina Rodd was very i11. Miss Rodd was well known, and as week after week rolled round, it was natural to ask how she was getting on, and the reply always carne that she was no beater. Time went on and it became a settled fact that Miss Rodd was a confirmed invalid and that such she would continue until a kind Providence took mercy on her by allowing death to end her sufferings. None of the villagers anticipated any other ending. Our astonishment can better be imagined than described, therefore, when Mrs. Bert Wells hailed us one morning with "Well, editor, we have some news for you to -day." "What is it?" "Why, Miss Rodd has gone on a visit to Columbus friends." "Why, I thought she was a confirmed in- valid?" `'So she was, but she has bean improving so match lately that she is now able to help herself a good deal, and it was thgtight a change of scene would do hat 'good." "That is certainly news," replied the quill -pusher, "and good news too ; but what cured her': " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," replied Mrs. Welts. We then decided:. tw ask Miss Rodd upon her return -for an interview, but it was someitime be- fore it took place, owing to the limited time at our disposal between trains, and partly owing to a desire to wait and see if the improvement was likely to prove permanent. However, after many put -offs, we finally called at the honte of Mrs. Doolittle,.& sister of Miss Redd's, wlo has carefully cared for, Tier• during the long illness. At the request of the editor, Miss ilodd made the• fol - a nt. the editor of weekly visits r' h of news. One collections of the ar was equally strong mendations as to Dr. Williams' Pink 1 —""- Pills having effected the radical • change,'and the three of us agreed that it would be only just that this case should be brought to the notice of suffering humanity in the hope that it might prove a blessing to more than Miss Redd, who still con- tinues to improve and who hopes to again be able to do her full day's work at no distant date. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purchase in enclosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." • Luther J. Williams Having opened up a shoe store next door north of Cbisbolm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be doge at cash prices. JOHN HILL. BU i GI1ER , WINGHAM SAW lVMII Lt (Thoroughly experienced and prac- tical in all branches,) Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing - ham and neighborhood tbut he has suc- ceeded to the business formerly carried on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Mc- Donald. He is prepared to supply all kinds of Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the Best quality at lowest prices. Orders esecuted to any part of the town with despatch, Telephone No. 9. L. J. WILLIAMS J AMESTOWN.' Miss Tillie Laing was the guest of Mrs. Samuel Shines last week. Mr. Adam Roe, general black- smith, has purchased a fine new bicycle. We may all stop racing now, Adam says. We are all pleased to say tl. at Miss Ellie Moffat has completely re- covered from her recent illness. Every one will be glad to know that Sandy Wright is progressing as well as can be expected in the hospital at Toronto. The X rays were used to locate the steel in his leg. Is Tour Daughter In School l Thele are thousands of sickly school girls drugging their way through school who might be enjoying the full vigor of their youth by taking Scott's Emulsion. BORN. V I.oatvsoN--In East Wawanosh, on June 2nd, the wife of Thos. Robinson, of a son,,,%