HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-05-11, Page 16 mommoinook•Tommi•ek p JACKETS WESTERN DANCERS - In their cowboy costumes dancers Beth Consitt and Sandra Bell entertained the crowd at the family variety night Friday at Huron Centennial in B'rucefield. (Photo by White and Seeger) Brucefield UCW MOM PLEASING PRICES DEVON OR EVERSWEET 11 VARIETIES - SLICED FRESH.FROM ONTARIO PORK SLICED SCHNEIDERS CENTRE CUT SIDE BACON' COOKED MEATS PORK CHOPS SPECIAL.PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING MAY 16 CANADA 'A' GRADE, FRESH LARGE EGGS YOUR FRESH ONTARIO TENDERLOIN END PORK ROAST. COUNTRY STYLE LOIN SAUSAGE 1 lb /7(G $1.49 PORK SHOULDER FRESH SPARERIBS lb.$1 I47 SC H NEIDERS DBEEF 4 az 68c iiiirilisAGE ..si n 8 3 PORK CHOPS SCHNEIDERS COUNTRY STYLE . BURNS SMOKED PICNIC FRESH BONELESS LOIN ' OR BOASTS lb, 1.98 RING BOLOGNA SCHNEIDERS _. lb. 1b.s.$4:111 itiiiiRON I STICK_ _Z1 1.29 SLICED SALAMI_ _ ZEHRS 6 Oz. PKG. 69c 29 'CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE ONTARIO FANCY rticINTOSH APPLES 3 113. BAG FANCY SOUTH AFRICAN GRANNY SMITH APPLES_ PRODUCE OF MEXICO • • JUICY PINEAPPLES. PROD. OF U.S. NO. 1GRADE • THE GROCERY AISLE REGULAR 39' EA, GINGER ALE- CANADA WHITE, PINK. BLUE, OR YELLOW BROAD, EXTRA BROAD FINE OR MEDIUM 12 oz, KLEENEX TISSUES ,00,s3 Ft°9 LANCIA EGG NOODLES 2,°89c SOLID TYPE - 6 FRAGRANCES ST. LAWRENCE GILADEs., AIR FRESHENER.6,..69c PURE CORN OIL 350,_1.79 SPRAY 'II' WASH 24 az SPRAT ER.OR 32 02 REFILL . $ i .59 Hafirilitta $ o% on ID6EiTitilATMCAOUPREME OR CHATEAU CHIPS 14 . 15 9 oz, .09 200 9.790 oSAN0ITANRY FNAIDINSE - Ts ' 4 .48's 4.0u GARDEN BAGS,_ GLAD LARGE 01ZE . PKG. OF 5.990 PrifilEiliKliii jai Aoiii.FiEss $ „„,,„DETERGENT -FOR DISHES P-ICKLES_203..69* DOVE BAR SOAP PERSONAL-SIZE-2-BARIUNDLE .-:-- - c IVORY LIQUID 6.7 o3z2.0219.2996 TAME CREME RINSE REGULAR, BODY, LEMON OR BALSAM 8 ozSi .1 9 ROBIN VARIETIES 7 oz.. 1 0 SCENTED OR U.NSCENTE0 DEODORANT : ULTRA BAN 'ROLL-ON.7_52,21 I 'DV SP . s. ..., LIBBYSKATeitliS O & R 1 2 Stz/P1 $1 CHEESE _ .--, REFRESHING . ; FANCY QUALITY illiall111•1=111. \ r.-..-k..;....--..., \ hoe/ 8 VARIETIES \/ ASSORTED FLAVOURS ALLENS FRUIT DRINKS. 4 VARIETIES CONVENIENT MIXES STOKELY ROBIN. HOOD VEGETABLES LAYER CAKES LIBBY'S BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE, OR DEEP BROWN BEANS WITH PORK • ••• • Flowers of Hopp .drh)e starts ,19 TH HURON EXPOSITOR MAY 1.1$ 978 provide employment for more of the handicapped at ARC. Packets of giant, sunny marigold seeds again symbolize the Flowers of Hope campaign annually held in, the second week in May. Mrs. Donna Greb, Zurich is the chairperson of the drive and Mrs. Margaret Wein is fund treasurer. At a recent meeting of canvassers the target was set at $10,000. up from the $8,500 raised in 1977. With the ; ex- pansion of its services several new areas will be approached this year. Mrs. Greb indicates that while the campaign is nation wide every cent contributed• 'remains with .the local association. "Look what you've 'clone!" That's • the theme of S.H&D Asseel4tion for the Mentally Retarded's Flowers of -.Hope campaign. It's a tribute to the citizens of this area. "A decade ago a few persons met to discuss their concerns for the mentally handicapped. They devised an approach and then asked you for help." This is a quota front' a pamphlet produced. ,. for the campaign. It then goes on tosay: ' 'Look what you've doile!" Recently,...:..sortte---400 people helped the Association celebrate its ten year history. One of the highlights,of the banquet was the review , of the rapid growth of services in this area to the handicapped. The • pamphlet briefly describes these services provided at ARC.Dashwood, the two residences, the nursery at Alhambra Hall, south of Grand Bend and Huron Hope St:boot now ynder the jurisdiction of the Board of Education. Nearly 50% of the employees at ARC are from •Limbton County. ' Now that- he Association has a good basis for providing services to the handidapped, ' it is be- coming involved, in the most fundamental of all approaches-, prevention. The local Association is one of the first in the province • to'spearhead an interest in this direction. The prevention committee, under Mrs. Pat Wright, Exeter, is looking at,. several areas in its initial research: Schools, health care, parent contact and public - awareness. An eleven-goal pro- gram is 'envisaged according to Mrs. Wright. The committee's target is to help young people-and mothers of child-bearing age to beconie aware of how fo protect their future children from handicapped conditions, as well as teaching young parents how to help their children grow through • infant stimulation. The association's most recent acquisition is a white and orange striped building which will be located on the ARC property at ..Dashwood. The colorful structure will house the bakery, begun some-months ago. Demand for its food -products has prompted the expansion of these facilities, Headed by Dan Knight of Zuricli the enlargement of the non, government funded project will mill_ rate has increased by 412 mills residentially and 4.72 mills commercially. The total amount: to 'be raised by taxation in 1978 is $240,Q00 which Includes $82,380 ,for general municipal purposes; $33,596 for the county; $04,171 for public school purR9Ses; $57,775 for secondary school 'purposes and $2,141 for sepatate school purposes. 38.87 mills residential while the separate school rate is 35.9.8 residential and 39.98 commercial. The secondary school support mill rate is 30.50 residential and 33.89 commercial. This means there is a 3.37 mill increase in the residential public school support rate and a 3,89 mill increase in the commercial school support rate. The separate school support • This year, fiqnstill taxpayers face an overall increase of about 2,8 per cent in residential taxes, after council approved• its 1978 budget Monday night. Last year taxpayers were 'faced with a hefty increase of 17.3 mills when the board of education called for a 13.3 mill increase in school support taxes. This year. the. general municipal rate is 42 mills for residential property, compared to 36,50 mills last year and 49.41 mills for conimercial, compared to 42.94 mills in 1977. The county rate is 17.13 mills residential and 20.15 mills commercial. The public school suppOrt rate is .34.98 mills residential and • Jottings (COritinued from Page 19l give a person who receives a ticket, for example. four choices. He could pay the fine out of court. drop in at the Court at his convenience before the trial date to plead guilty before a justice of the peace, offering an explanation to reduce his, sentence, plead not guilty by mail, or request a trial by checking a box on the *44_1 School and returning istande Hail, Hockey etc. Our Specialty Complete line of. samples for sizes and styles. All sports equipment at team prices.. Lou's Sports Smiles 60 Victoria Street Mitchell, Ontario Day or Evening bus sign: Keep your I'm a carrier! gives extra $100 at the end of the meeting. Mrs. Don Brodie and Mts..lohn • Moffat visited our chosen residents at Huronview Burn[;; the past month. A donation to Clinton Hospital Auxiliary is to be made instead of a canvass for members.. Letters -ttre to he sent to the board of, oductition objecting to some of the hooks being studied by secondary schoOl pupils in the county,. Any rue ittbers-wis g to go 'to-Kim a College, in August especially open day on the. Tuesday arc asked ,to give their names to, the . wcretary. Plans were made for a bake • sale at - the Hoinestead Campsite Bay field On the ..morning-of"M'uy 20. Donations of baking arc to be , at the chdreh 1.); 9:30 'a.m. Volunteers were asked to assist in the .flowers of hope campaign. It wus decided to , order more cook books as they can • still be obtained. Mrs. Bob Broadfoot and her committee served a lunch to close the meeting.- Mrs. Hugh Berry - Brucefield U.C.W. met • on Tuesday evening with members d Unit Three in charge. Mrs. Alex Townsend and Mrs. John Moffat 'conducted a worship , on the theme Turn on your light and -stressed the point that , as Christians we should-let our lights shine following the example- Of Jesus. Mrs. Moffat then told of cxmditions in Haiti where our foster child lives among the six C:oz. PKG, millions on the island and of the illiteracy' and , poverty and the'. need for clean water and better homes ,and schools. -Mrs. Bob Walters assisted by tiffs.. Stuart• Wilson spoke of our stewardShip toward these people 'and it was, decided to give an extra hundred dollarS to the mission Work .iti• • '"Mrs.: Arnold Taylor, the president,welcomed the members • Mrs. ,Ed gtrr Stoll gave • the secretary's repbrt. The roll call was answered by members telling the name of the plant :they hi-Ought for the ant e sell a tige FROM THE LOIN ZEHRS REG . 472' SAVE , UP TO 89- lb, 1 lb. PKG. DELI FEATURE CAMPFIRE AVAILABLE,ONLY IN STORES EQUIPPED " WITH DELI COUNTERS LARGE. BOLOGNA lb 19c C ZEHRS PRIVATE LABEL SAVINGS ZEHRS SALAD- DRESSING. 32 oz. 99c ZEHRS RASPBERRY OR'STRAWBERRY JAMS WITH PECTIN . . 24 oz. 99C ZEHRS PROCESSED REGULAR OR INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED CHEESE SLICES • 16 °z' pkg. $1.49 ZEHRS STRONG i BLUE GARBAGE .BAGS ' 20's $1.49 ZEHRS.. . THIS FEATURE AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES EQUIPPED WITH COUNTRY OVEN IN-SPORE BAKERIES. COUNTRY OVEN - VIENNA OR FRENCH BREAD LB C . EA 89c LB 69c ,16 oz, FANCY TOMATO JUICE" 48,oz: ZEHRS. RECONSTITUTED APPLE JUICE. 48.z. 5 ZEHFf EASY 1._3_PREPARE 7 1/4 oz. C AND CHEESE DINNERS I ZEHRS FAig04111ALITY • fEASTORTKERNELtORN3 ° ZEHRS FRESH ROAST . . R BEAN COFFEE. 1 lb. BAG $.3.3 GREEN' SWEET PEPPERS FRESH BROCCOLI. BUNCH 99' PROD. OF GREEN ONIONS SCHNEIDERS COOKED 2 lb. FROZEN F$ BUNCHES 5,ri,, PR EIDJILU 16 oz. PKGS. 3q $1 CRISP RED'RADISHES FRESH 611OURFUL CARNATIONS $111 CRYSANTHEMUMS OR MINI CARNATIONS CUT FLOWERS. , BUNICH 79 BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY 8 oi. FROZEN YORK MEAT PIES VALUPLUS ENRICHED SLICED WHITE BREAD .4023i°98jc 7••1•11••••MMINI1 ZEHRS REG, 51' EA, KRAFT SALAD DRESSING ZEHRS REG. $1.55 PLUS DEPOSIT C OLD SOUTH • PURE FROM FLORIDA 89c MIRACLE ORANGE JUICE 12.5 oz. TIN HIGHLINER IN BATTER DRyRETURNABLE 26 oz. WHIP BOSTON BLUEFISH 14 " 9.19 ' 32 oz. IN THE WIRY CASE 1.0111.111•11. 9.89 1.99 CHEI }AR CHEESE OLD lb '2.09 ,..z 69c zehis FIN NADIAN • MEDIUM MILD lb. lb, PIANO PLAYER - Mrs. Elsie Henderson showed her talent as a pianist at the Brucefield family talent show Friday night. Paul Steckle was the roaster of ceremonies. (Photo by Seeger and Mite) McFEETERS REGULAR OR CINNAMON HONEY, BUTTER ,• IMPERIAL MARGARINE. _ SHORTENING Dl lO i CHIP DIP GAY STYLE YOGURT 500 9 .69 Min ICE CREAM 2 LIT" $1.89 1 lb TUB 79c 1 I b p.K'G .9' CABLE T.V. NEWS For BAKED GOODS 1NITTICHS FRESH BRAN MUFFINS BUTTERHORNS TINS FOR 7 oz. -- ,..z. Service Hook Up Line Locates Advertisem'ents on Local Channels Call Zenith 82110 leaVing name, • address and :telephone number MITCHELL-SEAFORTH CABLE T.V. PKG. OP 6 _69c $•• VARIOUS SIZES FOR 48 oz. TINS oz. TINS FOR PKG, OF 669c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REAS app We will be pleased to serve you in: Hwy Our manager is: Dale McDonald pr 'A GO ER1 H-HURON RD 8 'OPEN WED.-THURS.-FR1.-EVENINGS •