HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-03, Page 34 .1.1111; IV IN tea It•AIMJ 11.M '',`'1, J UN E __t �. Potatoes for C ,1 c . r Mr. AlMcKague is Youngchicks are very partial to .,tr iex. ng the experiment of shipptlhg potatoc , and the adult fowls also t his fat cattle direct to the Old Coup- eat them readily. S the all the small try. The first lot left last week and and unmarketable potatoes and boil they were a fine looking lot of cattle, them for the hens. It is not necessary On Friday forenoon of lest week to mash them as the hens know how the barn on the farm of Air. Wm. , to elft them without assistance. Tar - Newman, eon. 13, was consumed by nips also make cheap food for pout. fire, with a mower and several other : try, especially ducks, and will pay articles of value. There was no as a crop for feeding in that manner. Be Expected From • I insurance. The cause of the fire is ;The most successful breeders of unknown. I clucks use turnips cooked and thick - 0n Saturday, May 21st, denth tined with bran for ducklings, and H 9 S METHODS (tarried off Mr. Andrew (xoodfellow, ; they serve as a very satisfactory of Traverston, a former resident of • diet for geese in winter, But little and sun of Mr. James t grain is necessary if poultry is.well Teeswater, IJNYON'S SUCCESS is Only 1Nhat Ought to CL LROSS. r '7""'''""77S it7pright in Everything -,Always Keep- (xoodfellow, of this township. lilt. supplied with cooked feeds, ing Faith with tho People, and --- Above Ail, Curing Thom of their Ills Goodfellow was a victim of a disease Food For the Aged. -Why wouldn't Success Yellow? that Seems to be very prevalent this spring, appenclicitte, Ile was sick Mrs. Wm. Shaw 15 Montague plaev, To- for ah „oat confidence p the c hang, 1 staving used them with wonderful success e Itoth for myself, husband and child. I wu.+ toubject to severe attacks of beadaehe pitch %reek, and sickness of the stoauull nevem- panted the same. Since using Mnnyon's ,tieadaehe Cure I have not been troubled with an attack. In the case of my little boy the results have been truly remarkable. 'through teething the little fellow was eour- y,hetely run 'down, had lostehis appetite old was restless and irritable all the time. 'We gave him the Blood and Debility Cures, rind in a short time the change for the bet- ter was marvellous. He is now enjoying splendid health. I use nothing but Mau- yon's itemedies now and have great faith In them-" ' Mrayon'ti Pneumatic Cure seldom fails 4o ro. Steve in one to three hours and cures iu a few, slays. Price 25e.. Mnnyof's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of iud1 estion and stomach troubles./ 'Pico 25e.4,:: Munyon'A Cord Cure prevents pneumonia and: '- breaks up A cold 1n a few hours. Price 26e, tiunyon•u Cough Cure stops coughs, night !turrets, aliays soreness and speedily heals the t At the latter extremity cf life little aouto, o, ianadn, says : 1 rime ont nine days. An operation trouble is ta.kett to suit the diet to In tliuuyou's Remc4lies, ertortned a day or two before his change r re( Liirements, Sir Henry Thompson warns us that oldage-- the time when digestive forces are on the wane—is not the period for in- creaser- richness of food and condens- ed forms of alimentation. This is an error leading to much misery in old age. Less meat is required after middle age. and the food should be light and easily digested. Dishes difficult of mastication are also to be avoided, for although the modern dentist has done his part toward re- moving this necessity, yet the ability to assimilate the hearty foods is great- ly lessened in advancing years. Undoubtedly many elderly persons suffer from annirnia through lack of suitable foods. Plain joints they can no longer eat with pleasure or bene- fit, and, such things as nourishing snips, minces and appetizing made dishes eontt',ining various cereals and vegetables. n^t being always avail- r, a able,the appetite not being clamorous r` they go without, thus becoming i;4 `bloodless and suffering. from lark of 44,0 •vitality, ' 1?ruit, both cooked and ra)(v, i, an Invalunhle for those pant 1 middle life, as indeed it is at all ages. Rungs Price 25e.eedily cute* per MuryOn's kidey Cure„speedilyns 1n the hack, loins or groins. 'anti nil forms ,of• tidney disease. Price 25e; • tiunyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness bad' •builds up the system. Price 25o. biuuyoa's Headachy Cure etops b@adaebe sal Wee minutes. Price 211e. Manyon's ••Pile Ointment positively Corea al, (o ms of piles..Prtee 25c. I . hn' tenyns Blood Cure eradicates alt impuritte9 Int the, blood. Price 25e. Munyon's remnle Remedies are a boon• to all lwonren. htunyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. Tis .Catarrh Cure -price 25c.-ern(hicat.s the dismiss from the system. and the Catarrh Tablets -price. ::5c. -cleanse and heal the parts. rdunyon'e Asthma 'Remedies relieve in three' irainatea end cure permanently. Price SS• Munson's Weimer, tora• erovitalsrength o great weak people.' •1. A separate cure for nob disease., At all drug. gists, ptoatly 25 cents a vial. Personalletters to Prof. Bunyan. 11 Albert street. Toronto. oront .Ont.. answered. with flee.cai death failed to give relief, iuid on the day above mentioned he died Mr. Goodfellow was very well known by the older residents of Teeswater, having worked in one of the mills for a number of years. After leaving Teeswater he. engaged in the milling business at Wroxeter, herr, Wroxeter he went to Elmwood; and the last few years of his life were spent at Traverston. His wife and a family of six children mourn his lose. The funeral took place on Tuesday of last week, the remains being interred in the cemetery near Gerrie. 'Pile many friends that Mr. Goodfellow made at the different places he has resided li ill learn of his death at the age of 45 with keen regret and their earnest sympathy -will ga ont to tire bereaved ones to whom his death has brought the deepest sort' w. SORES GONE. SKIN C LEAR, Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont,, Pays :-"My little boy aged J0, was .5 POtn plotp n'tnss of POTPP. en Peed by bad blood. We+r,rntid tincl nothint! to cure him. Tinnily 1 got. 8 hnitIs of } nrclnr;lc lituod 110 tern. and 1•ef•u•e half the bot- tle was gone he began to irapro' . and by the time the bottle was tinished be bad not a sore on him." r, is the beginning of r r 1`u A RAI.LINAY1.12AN'S STORY. Iver. W. Franlrs, in o1 ergeofthe Grand Trunk Engine Shops, Port Dover, Ont., Everlasting k'ence PQ5t$. WEST �VAi'VAVOSJI. say :-o "F ur boxes of Doan's Kinney IPrllscured rneofa y + L - ver bad gager: of The lesidegee of 5Il, Peter Was - Kidney Cornotatint an rLame Back. A subscriber in Paisley sends the I sou, Sissingside Fever,. s the scene tine Worth Xnowing About Fruit. Bruce Herald the following. As he of a brilliant event on WIedire, da.y . says if it should prove true it will he evening, Mae 18th, the occasion . :a great boon to the terming- cons- being the marriage of his third ,salunity :—Thercisa peculiar satisfatc• daughter, Jessie Ann, to Daniel ,,.kion in listening to the conversation, Robert Webster, of Kinloss. ,.,or in reading the writings of positive 1):hi'd "ell terecL,>,;<,ir_. ggcp,,,10ittrt men, of those who dead in facts, and the a.rtu of he ftettiei"a►nd was at and with such facts as have but one listed by,,J,1er0 sister, Isabella, whil side and no exceptions. Such a elan the r nm. was suppnrteel ye et 1ltt'tlres"'�Qe"'fT�t•- r:'. The �r.• ural" how 1a :'l'ie'1""'°t 11 tells us in the "Western n It to preserve posts for fences, etc. He ceremony was perfertn0nits buck- . "I di�cuvered maul • „ If man persists in using or try- ing to use that tor which he has neither power fur digestion nor assimilation, be must, without doubt, pay the penalty, To many persons strawberries are. such a violent poison that single dish will produce a rails in less than two hours. The cook- ing todestroy n4 this ing of the fruit seems aetiv(', irritating principle, bu'. S : v years Lao ILev. A lllcI�av, pas or n ^ryRin freta cqulrs our faslil'!n of 1 t Wood r�!tlld be solids to last l now 1'resh3 tet lila eller t l., 1a the tl r i 1 a(lditlg su;;ali. Canned or preserved ' ?anger than Doe le the around, but presence 0f a number of ilii l(et thought the process so simple and guests% \.?ter the cremnny was per - inexpensive that it writ; not worth formed and the usual congratulations - while Making any stir about it. E presented, the company sat down to Would ahem as sore' have poplar, I a, veru sumptuous repast preps:red basswood, or quaking at.,ll as any d hostess The num- other kind of timber for fence posts. 1 have taken out basswood posts ;.titer having been set seven years young .couple is held. The happy that were ns sound when taken rip gathering broke up at a late hour ;Is when first put in the ground I wishing Mr. and Mrs. Webster many Time and Weather Ketns to have no long and happy years together. treat on thein; The i56st4 cab be _.—..: lrepar' ed n les, than two cents by the host an brous.and beautiful gifts testified in is inverted we have it far grcate: a measure to the esteem in which the amount than can. be eared for by the liver. and here is the ori iu of the " torpid liver " we hear so much about The liver ie not torpid at all, it is simply overworked.- The given capacity' is exhausted.—ides. S. T. Rorer in the June La l'ee' Hnrue Journal. fruits, as well IIS jams and kirdre' articles, are to be eon letnnel en account of the nags of sager used. With the fi tits it is toots prone to 1 e fermentation, and even if the sugar. 1 11 • I. . :41:. do bONSTLPATION MIRED. -piece. For the benefit of other's I It's important you should have nater swill give the receipt. Take boiling',►action of the bowels, Purging and f TELT; CYCLISTS' FRI1'..tiD. linseed oil and stir, it in pulVt;rize charcoal to the consistency of paint. Put a coat of this over the timber and there is not a man who will live ling enough to see it rot." children CrY for CASTOR M. griping do virlence to he P;•St , Liver Pills are nature's own medicine • No eyuiist's slit is eonlltete without. .a for all disorders of the Stomach, Liver bottle of klagyard's Yellow Oil. Can be and Bowels. Ouse Constipation by taken internally or used externally.Cuts, toning the bowel wall and stimulating Bites, Sore Throat, Pains in the Chest, the secretions. Leave no bad after Btr uists, Sprains always Stieff J unts, Has Cougno c•fl'ecte. __ equal as au all round remedy. "A. Swindle," is the 'name that TheGuelphHerald says that a appears over the office door of a struggling lawyer in the city of Van. number of five dollar bills of the coliver'. 13. C. A friand of the un- defunct Federal Bank, and also four In some of the farming districts of I fortunate gentleman suggested the dollarbills of the defunct Consoli- China pigs, are Harnessed to small advisability of his writing out his dated Bank have lately been pre - wagons and made to draw them. first name in full, thinking that,' 1 seated at the local Bank of Com. metes The public are warned that Illinois bas a greater number of "Arthur" ur "Andrew"Swindle, as People miles of railroad than any other state -10,599.09. Pennsylvania is second with 9;(300 miles; Texas third, with 9,21:3.88 miles. Rhode Island has the least mileage -221.00. New York has 8,078.25 miles; Ohio, 8,599.•_>13 ; Indiana, 0,295 28. BiIi�USfleSS le caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges- tion and permits food to ferment and putrefy in itdatophach. Then follow dizziness, dache, o insoniiva, nervousness, and, it not relieved, bilious feier or blood potsetang: Idood'a tilts stimulate the iiteMaoh, the case might be, would sound better and look ' beater than the signiflcent "A. Swindle." Ili hen the I '�lawyer, with tears in his e\ ea. j bills, ns they are still in circulation. whispered to hilt that his iitute was I R,'UEL SCIATICA, Adam, the friend nt,dert,tooil and i was silent. Itic:ssant Pain •--Ti.a'ronted-shack-" ed -Lilts D3 patrad Vt. BABY . BILIGHTiiT:i;3S . -_-. all bills from the above mentioned blinks are utterly worthiess, should be on the lookout for such ills rouse the i4vcr, cure headache, dizziness, .,oa tetipation.st.e. 25 cents gold by all druggists. 1 Thebe'. tens to lake with .*load's Sarsaparilla. With the telescope. Protracted hunger Means starvation, and starvation weans death. When the scalp is starved tic hair dies at the rc:- t:;. What's the matter with You your hair? It gets dry, harsh, brittle, dullof color, the ends split. wash it and brush it, but it still comes out. It's hungry! If washing and brushing would -stop starvation, then all the expense of a horse's keep would be a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger heeds bread, nota bath. That is why Pr vents ess. I[: supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair, and'thc hair grows. It restores the tone of the scalp and so induces the secretions of the fol- licles that the coloring matter is renewed and fading hair regains its • natural color, dandruff disappears, and the hair becomes thick and glossy. Men and vr'omcn whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of friends h that they owe it to Ayer's Hair Vigor. Iast winter I discovered a bald spot on my head as large as a silver dollar. A few ap- ?h, spear th e Ayer's t Hair Vigor was ad healthy oo wonderment to rowth of hair, y friends andand in a rt time the pleasure to of the bald s o )Louis,Mo. c.i,appearance p .A. M. ALLEN, 1i o. 31(6 Locust St., St. . myself." o " I have used your Hair Vigor for a great many years and know of nothing equal to it ^s a hair dressing and restorer. It has given satisfaction among Princess customersst Kingston, speak Lighly in its praise." A. E. FIELDS, Barber, No. 43 teen s to l "Y riy-nine years . Its a haveax Ayer's rparatiorlTair gor forfor thatf purpose rand prevent shall my hair from turning gray. JOHN IIEC1ITMAN, Osseo, Minn. «sways use it:' "I find Ayer's Hair Vigor to be indispensable. My hair fell out for five years, but a few .applications found that it did not affect curling or crimpind it. I t gave the g." c M. E.1SN'4 DER, Brtiful glossy antford, Ont. I .. -,auk` .� •�?, ZAIL jct. For Over Fifty Years. mulatzerin '®u .:e(3111 -lire AN Olin AND WELL-•TR1ED REMEDY - 1 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup beeu ustu1 fur'over fifty years by toil. sof [pothers for their children while lion teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, £ofteGs the gums. allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the best temedy for diarrhoea.druggists Is pleasant aveto the taste. Sold byfi Jin eats a part of the world. Twenty bottle. Its value is incaluable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Sobtll ing Syrup, sod take no other kind i Soon fades when Uinrrhtt'i sei%ati en the,lobo Mar-n.1li, Vara`i, 0., Co, Ot little form. 1)t•. Fouler's' dvsttact of 1 Grey. wri' cavus cos st►t itis laud up W • words : . Wild Strawbdrey, has t►ve't ninny ire- two ye`ris . tents' as well as,i.tult'4 liet4+. Mrs, W. ( sciatic';. 1 cloutor,xl without any ,pets Waiters, Richrlrrintf Street, Ifarnilton, i'uaneftt i`elief..�tt'! iu,I of a n -ti nip viii t Ont., Saye : "f cilrad my baby Of a bad .t l'>kterid iltiwrtthle.ei ra"etu tinily, hv'Swhat attack of Cholera, by being 1)r. Pewlers sosss ,ed a j 1 ogth 1',tttraet of Wild Strawberry. Notting 1 Anil3rktle f(lt'fttt *le 11ttia i a nre. nt iltinyli , ino else did any good. but the bay np my Atte • irtlo ht tie and . 'ruredairt i h irik ed from the lirWild'S 'lock. t berry." • st close of the .. Straw- a !n �• t tttKttrf�lrt'ltrt•, ,r,(,, 1 Wilk it Tulrt Cn ilial i;e ,11ki1t,k'Atalti chem. it envet?,'tny lite. In . a►n(i !n char almost exactly like those of the earth ,, it df�ttillir;w vt f,tr(r mtle(t� t+t rntirchatae an The phenonlenoil can -be pininly set )11 l miffs' tl,eattle. 1 aaa new •�tlit3'reiv cared. rs Ntiltillr A. I•, Humiltuul, ,tttaggint. The poles of Jupiter air(" flattened (fLdite'(11`1kl 1 4'118 out of Ile(1, t!t3 klrltaat l' t+tie ri111p tel (re14:'Fcl t,�nrhatu - DR WOOD'S Printed. 4w✓ P .CgeG We are in a position to turn out NQRWAY _ PINE SY'R U P. t, 'THE MOST PRO'IPT, ' Pleasant and Paha Cure for Cbnghts, Co*, listkma, BrOnehitie, 'rathiventsee, Sore Thiroat, tiOttip, Whoop- ing Cdngb , (thiti<s*, Pn.iin to the Chain wal all Throat, Bar'ot►obiatl wea twig g Dtoeikiaea. The ltoa`ling,ustti•coiisumptive'v rtw % i of t.),0 Norent' Pinte>`>'p annit,hee4 u �itr ilc't Chi ' lacy%tb in this ntethts find oilier peotorel Mettle and eithts'taa?tntlea a true apeoitic ftad•.a'1 fortt�sdei+'cliee,woerigrinstil►gfreeto1 - .l Price ", lac. mad SOO. eisy, ? BILL HEn33S, LETTER HEALS, NOTE HE STATEIVIENTS, nil' c. F t"tt; tl io...nt 11i' -c iban ever beforcr • have ' • thi:beet Cines:' of. Envelopes in town, anti we 43!111 'ilia 1p'int rind stipples t1.±`tp, as diusattr 11$ the cheftpest. when e(► ti'hin next of tor,;. t( itis; in the Illinting pini Give �� :,ill 1 h n u t t, Yttlfl Wb rill t Van ri'glht:" IE 'TIMES, Wtngha ttl 1