HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-03, Page 2Civ I .+k.rk+s..wrww+r,,..,a•>n.+www+w•-� .,rs rens:a,.r,n.,.:....,e.a��m...arw.cwr..w • Math b'atie;, are now shied by maelunerr. By the rec't'al fAelf-•ilen lal week ,£1510th) was lamed to .lie 1';tit:'1 Kingdom .+Itltit' rtnseel the: litr:tlti of the SotIvritleit me, t•elltg £,(10.1 }Il: teleelure , f e'er t,r':Ir. CARTERS Gvr ■ LE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Lndiaeztion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Dad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PM. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution ► the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, THE INUHHAM TIMES, eJUNE 3, JS». HO\VIOK. Council met in the Township Hall, • tiorrie, on May 18th, purr -Rant to ad ju i lament. Member: all present; reeve in the el.air. ,llinutcs of last meeting read and adopted. Moved by Doig and Gregg,. that the reeve and two deputy reeves be a committee to attend to a request of R. (xraham.—Carried Moved by Spence and Doig, that 5 be.. i4ranted ti) Mrs 1.o.rannat Smith, as charity, she being in desti- tute oiteumstances,—Carried. Accounts passed : Peter, llepin stall, $ 8 20, insurance and fee on Township hall ;,Ludwick Murray, :2.75, rent of road and right of way ; Henry Armstrong, $1.92, gravel ; N. McLaughlin, 81.05, stationery ; ly, Ress, 60e , poll tax for Wm. Harvey J. T. Wiggins, u 1.50, rep. road slid culvert, lots 15 ' and 16, eon. 10 and 11 ; Wm. White, $2, rep. road, lot 25, con. 6 ; S. Hy'ndman, $2, rep. culvert and washout, Tots 31 and 29, con 4 ; Jas. Mathews, jr., $1.50, rep. culvert, Ferdwich ; Mrs. Thomas, $5, charity; John Hntherford, $1.85, lamp and cleaning pipes; lid Knox, 25c.. rep. tiwnship seal ; A. . Strome, $14,54, material for °Myer s, F'ordwich ; Jas. Matthews, jr., $8.15, building cul- verts and material, Fordwich. Moved by Finley and Doig, that this council do now adjourn to meet again on the third Wednesday in Jane, in Lamonby.'s hotel, Belmore,— Ask for Carter's, Carried. Insist and demand dizziness,p' t h k p• l, I IZ'ZIE W SLKEN, '1'p. Clet k. A NEW MAN. Newspapertt an Spain. 1 Spain is a country of 18,000,000 population, but there are fewer news- papers published in it daily, weekly Nan ! �j and bi monthly, offieial, semi-offteial, ��liryOYm Cine isecular and scientific, than are pub - 1 flslted in the single American State Gave Him a Fresh of Illinois, which, by the last federal census, had tt population of 3,800,000. Existence. And many if not most of the news- papers published in Spain aro news papers in name only, for their most distinguished characteristic is that they do not contain anv news, being devoted to what are called "matters in general," or such matters in par- ticular as permit self the publication of the ,.aper any day of the week or any hour of the' day—it doesn't make much difference which. There are approximately, 1,200 papers published in that country as newspapers, 800 as ttcie,ntific (mostly inonthiy jonrnals), t00 are religious papers, and 800 del with fashions (Spanish fashions), satire, music and art subjects. Nearly oue•half the papers of Spain are published in Barcelona or Madrid. In the latter eit.y there is one paper published in French, and In ( ribraltar, under English control there is one published in English. The aiierage eireulation of a: Spanish newspaper is 1.200 copies. Ne Had Endured Years of Misery and Agony. HAD GIVEN UP All HOPE AND EXPECTED TO DIE. It is The Medicine For You, Poor Sufferer. You Cannot Be Disappointed if You Use Pains Celery. Compound. Wells &Richareon Co., - Dear Sirs :—I can conscientiously re- commend Paine's Celery Compound to all wbo may be ,uf'ering from dyspepsia and liver trouble. For years, while liv- ing in Black Brook, I suffered from a complication of truub:es, and was so bad with riysoepsia that I t:ouli not touch �a morsel of Coed 1 found it difficult to sleep. anti what little sleep 1 did get was often Urokon with horrid dreams. In- tense sufertng from liver con' plaint ad - den to my 1 lad of agony ; I also had alis io he ac andwas ale Carters Little Liver Pills haggard and despondent. • A NURSE'S STORY. 'Fe is how she was cured of Heart and Nerve Troubles. T:ao onerous duties til-' feyll to the lot of It nurse, the worry,, c. loss of sleep, irregularity of molds e n tell on the =nuns system anituudermine the health. Mrs. H. L. Menzies, a professional nurse living at the Corner of Wellington and Zing Streets, Brant ord, Ont., states her .ft's not thecongh but what it may end io. that makes It so serious. The cough nay be cured, the serious conse- quence prevented by Dr. Chase's Syrup of hineeed and 'Turpentine. Prue, 25 at all druggists. Old Ken and Kidney Disease. Aged persons troubled with weak back impaired kidneys, pain in the book and base of abdomen, scalding urine with a smallquantity of water at a time,a ten- dency to urinate often, especially at night, should use Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. You know the Doctor's re- putution, yon know the value of his work, and that Dr. Chase would not risk his reputation out an unknown and untried remedy. 1+]very druggist in da sells and reemm nends them I kept doctoring aril dosing without Cana - deriving the slightest benefit, and finally gave e.p all hope of getting well. One Cleaning and Dyeing Feathers. day an daughter, who' had read of a wouderfcl cure by Paine's Oelery Com- pound, begged we uo try one bottle of the medicine. 1 told ber it was no us to I throw away money, but she pleaded so Ilk An Easy Pudding. herd that to please her 1 bought a hot- ( quart of flour sifted with a tea-( tle, and before it was used up felt better. qEpcouruged so much P continued with , cupful of' sugar. a pinch of salt, two 1 the medicine and improved every day. teaepoonsfuls of raking powder.I I am now cureci, thanks to Paine's Mix in a stiff batter with sweet milk Celery Compound. Yon caonot wonder When that I consider Paine's Celery Compound t ;and bake about half an lout, the greatest medics, discovery in the done, slice, put in sauce dishes and world I urge all wo are suffering to I serve .with a warm sauce Made as try this grand medicine and test its yir- follows : A pint of hot water and . a half a cupful of sugar. Stir into !this a heaping teaspoonful of corn- starch wet with cold water. Let it cook on back of the stove for half an hour, stirriug occasionally. Put in a pinch of salt and flavor with va- nilla, lemon, cinnamon, a tablespoon- ful of vinegar, or any flavoring you happen to have. Also add a table- spoonful of butter to this sauce just hPfnre serving.—Good Housekeep- ing. case as follows: "For the past three years I have suffered fr weakness, shortness of breath and pal'Ration of the heart. The least excite nt would make my heart Sutter, and at ni• it I even found it difficult to sleep. After I of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I eperienced great relief, and on continui their use the improve- ment has been m rkce until now all the old symptoms are g e and I am completely cured." Milburn's Hemet and Nerve Pills cure Anaemia, NervoulIness, Weakness, Sleep- lessness, Palpita `on, Throbbing, Faint Spells, Dizziness tar any condition arising from Impoverishgd Blood, Disordered Nerves or Weak Herb. Laxa-Liver PillsfleanCoated. Tongue. Tib._.- • PHRENOLUNE RE MEDiES Taking tat lead everywhere. We are 'working day and night t ) sillily the demand. Our corrspondence shows that iinndreels upon hundreds tf poor ,n 'cyte. are being restored to lie:0th and happi- ness daily. r, TRY RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC Oil KiDNEY AND OVER PILLS They are aliolntely pure and healtbfui. !Guaranteed to cure Rheuttlatism, Sciatica, Ne'no'•1i;;ia. Llinlleign and all fvl,ris of Ia4ney and Liver KIDNEi WAR. How Insiduously et Wages, but how Quick the Surrender, and How the Flag of 'ruse is I3urridly Hoisted when teat Great General, South America n Kidney Cure, Turns his Guns; on the Disease. This is what Jams Sullivan, of Chat- ham, Oot., writes : "For years I was a great sufffferer fro Kidney Kidney trouble.Tbe disease became so tined to the house, ute that I was eme- nd was greatly in- flicted m its. I wits persuaded flictad with insons after using many with- out her remedies relief t oP ,OCU A a bottle of South American Iiiddey ''ure. 1 had reliet al- most from the first:dose. 1 have persist- ed in its use, and 4ter using six bottles I am well and strong again. I can work fourteen hours outiof twenty-four, and Reel very little. if apy, fatigue. It is the best medicine I ha;'e ever used. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, di uggist. In the opinion 1f the best informed authorities Shanghai will become the great central manufacturing point of the Pacifle coast, even surpassing ultimately Osaka in Japan. _MAK Anil VduARY k"r/olvaEN FIrrn A REAL. pm1L''rto IN souTO'AIFIERMCAt3 rs;nVINE. NRIIAPS he was a • eyulc, but some ore II has said that In this . age there are no healthy women. The age has Many we - men, strong and Moble physically. as they are Mentally and morally; but it is true nevertheless, that a large per- centage of the wo- men of the country it suffer from uervons- I nese and general de- r bnity. They drag out a weary exlsteltee, and eaelt day Is a day of pain and suffering. This was the ease with Mis# Annie Patterson, of fiaekt ills. N. E. ,,She suffered terribly from indigestion and nt•rvtiesness. She was Ilifhtettr ed by some one, enmehow, to try South Arne ri.'• 1t Nees ln., rlf ..n„..., It WaS '1,,, 1 •lII'' 1irlinal hoof•--aoo:hd'r. patent utedielne. lint Sim In I taken only one bottle when her spa on •egAn to take on the health of earliest . • .ears, and after using three bottles she as eotnpletely cured. No 'vender She is rotes In her conviction 11EWA1::' :' . - It : tNI1'4'S't'lON1 carttNervine.---20.tie t nre edy 11ko South Arnett* tues. Yours very, truly, CHAT LES COMEAD, Neguao, N, B. Simple Teat ,of Eggs. A fresb egg is known by the dull appearance of its shell ; a bad. egg looks glossy. Drp p an egg into water ; if it sinks quick and remains at the bottom it is2 fres'', but if it stands on one end ft is doubtful, and if it floats it is quite\ bad. The light test is applied by placing the egg on end in front of at paper tube and holding it up tel a candle. If on looking through it, the yolk appears round and the white surrounding it is clear, the chances are that the egg is fresh. WOMEN UNJ.UTLY TREATED. To dye feathers bladk, first wash thein in a pint of boiling water in which a half a teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved : t,4hen rinse and put in the dissolved dive as prepared for silk, bolding by the tips of the stems and moving In the boiling water. Rinse in cod water, dry between. soft cloths and over a stove where they may be waved in the warm air. If the feathers comd out too light a black add more dye. Curl with the back df a knife drawn under two or three Lues of feather at a time after heating the knife slightly over a warm iron, which makes it curl quicker. White feath ers may be gently soused in warns soapsuds until clean`, rinsed in clean water, and dried and curled accord- ing to the plan given for dyed feath- ers.—June Ladies' ];tome Journal. When Dealers Sell Them Common and De- ceptive Dyes, There are thousads of women who have heard of the g eat g, be effected by home .dyeing when the Diamond Dyes are ubsaving that can ed, and have decid- ed to experiment for themselves. Many of these women thoughtlessly will simply ask for se package of dye of the needed color wbn buying. This re- quest will allow the,yvary dealer to foist on the unsuspeeting`pustomer some im- dye, worthless as fiofd s.. •••tx •, al ') (AO. ttnat IS CO. Sold at Chish llm's Drug Store. 1.1 itation or soap greas coloring agents, but p which -they real- ize large profits. ;. Dealers wbo do tbi8 kind of business aro treating and servo g their customers unjustly. The dealt knows well that the Diamond Dyes ae necessary for his customer to achieve Vass in her new work. R$ The Diamond Dyesfare the only dyes that reputable dealers handle and sell. The wise morch'tnt keeps a full stock of Diamond Dyes, because the daily de• mond is so great for these guaranteed and world -famed coluting agents. The woman who us`ps Diamond Dyes for Ler first coloring o oration will never use any other makes. Bright, strong, clear, lasting and faith sable colors are obtained only from the Diamond Dyes. Book of directions and card of. 48 col- ors free to any address. Write to Wells Si; Richardson Co., Montreal, P. Q. Wee ©RCHAS5- "?.t. 8,(RUP40.3 SEED ANDeetel �,�n RPENT1: " �` Victoria, Austrta, has turned out 586,512 ounces of gold during the last nine monttie, to increase of 31,000 ounces over last year. The evidence in the ease protest that 1 ood'a'Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, salt rheum, boils, humors and all eruptions, Children.,. Ory for CAST Rik l• PRICE Reliable iictusef:old Remedy for Coughs and Colds of Infants, or Adults. Cures Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, Whooping Cough, AND ALt Throat and LungtDiseases. CHILDREN LIKE 8.11 by 111 dealers, or Elm tnz n, roto;.7,ce., Torouro, Our. RELIEVES IN 30 MINUTES. A MAGICAL LIF11.4AVER. The most pronouneed ssymptotris of heart disease are palpitatioft or flattering of the heart shortness of li cath, weak or irregular pulse, smothering tells at night, se brain tune '4 J ,C ->Lr _:r+F �ii'�':i1:1'd+�''ro-:..re1a::::"3:s.�'s�Pa� 1'" �,�s$ I nnumwnnm0n,nlnsnnsnnnnnn,nsan1 ,11ut V4 AVegetableFrcparationforM- sitnilating theYood attdRegttla- tillt the Stomachs andBowels of T. /�T T k 1-11 Z FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE. chessandRotes eestt..Contain sneithner Opnlln`,Morphine nor1I3neral. Turf' NNXaC0TIC . .T.ecyraofazd,i1' 419liLGPIT05ZR Pumpkin Sea- s .EIlJr.Benna + politic Sulu - 4811M seed• Ap,7ermmt - Qs rurbanare$01,v, o jfa'rm;rc:d - lar�fiad Jassy • liaurvyreenMann - AperfectRemedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stonach,Diarrlloea, Worms ,Convulsions,F everish- s <es s and Loss OF SLEEP. Tee Simile Signature of 4?P/, NEW 'YORK. —0 F -- t Ltd': IS ON THE w APPS OF EVERY BOTTLE Or Gustoria is put up in one -size bottles only, ft io not sold in balk. Don't allow anyoao sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that It is "just as goods' and "Wilt answer A T -O -.Its -I A. ar- pose, See that y g The to - EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 simile nignatare ftE;` 17 RM a' '' 3IN. - +off ? t N87 'i'f th°i ' ; ;'tipteillItstee Bees: in on =t�'iu74/2/1149; ovary *arappo: A lie w medicine cabinet indicates' time for giving each dose to the patient, also the kind and quantity of medicine. A clock and extra dial with moveable hands are also placed in the cabinet. 3k'ENtr:3tM ai r¢'ciz ESIM3i's A"Ea'gigli 1i CURE ALL YOUR PAiNS WITH ,;.. sin -Kikuyu. A Itlodicine Chest in itself. Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for 0 r4 CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA., COUGHS,* GOLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. Il 25 and 50 cent Bottles. lti :a'1.. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.id NIBUY ONLY THE GENUINE.e NI PERRY DAVIS' le lei lit ?R"si?:s•:.tl'.teSeNINSI 1`irei<':GME 1"s' ..: iri? IN?NI pains In region of heart. o congested, causing he ditches dizzi- ness or vertigo. In short; whenever the ]wart flutters, aches or p 1pltates, It Is dlseased, end If life is 1 red treatment must be taken. Ill, Agnew,a cure tor the which Isthe give vremedy? reliefyet inlseovered 10 mins ttes, and eure absolutely.•• -e-28. hold at Chisholrn's Ding Store. fin Leading Specli lists o►' Atiierlca 20 YEARS lit DETROIT. 9.50,000 r3VREDI WE CUFF 4MISSIIDS Nothing can be niilre demoralizing to young or middle-aged mon than thaerres- once of those 'nightly losses." They produce wealtness rvousness, n feeling of disgust raid a wit a train of symptoms. They unfit a man or business, married life and metal ba plum. No matter whether caused by;. evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our New Method Treatment will positively pure you. NO CUR —NO PAY ''Meader, you nee $ help. Early abuse or later excesses ma , have weakened von. Exposure may hai'e diseased you. 'You are not safe till eared. Our Now Method will cure you. You run no risk. en 2501; it CURED Young IlTan—'t'on are pale, focblo aril haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken oyes, ori klod face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WE CURE VARSCOCELE No matter how serious your case may be. or how long youlinay�have had it, our NEW METHOD tT1LI:ATMENT will cure it. The "we y veins" return to their normal con than and hence the sexual organs roe ivo proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains r losses cease and manly powers rot rn. No temporary benefit pati sever anent euro assured. NO CURE, NO AY. NO OPERA- TI.ON Nh1C•ESSA Y. NO DETEN- TION FROM BUS NESS.�g CURES GUARANTEED We trent and t euro SYPIIILIS, GLIM EMISSIQ NS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VAdLICOCELE SEMI- NNAL LOSSES. BI' BDn1L AND ICIII- NIIY diseaSas. t NSULTATION FREE. BOOKS ERNE. CIIA1t ES MODERATE. Ifhunahle to call. write for a QQIIKETION, BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. . TREATMENT. Q KENNEDY KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DE'TROI'T, MIOH. EL i O N'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for ears. No better proof can be given of' their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. - IRON and FORCE PUMPS ' Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended. to. SIIor—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont, t Yrkti!'a Caveats and Tradc•Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES, Myr office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed. Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wk: %. description and statement as to advantages claimed. GnS Ido ch.arr„,e is made for an opinion ask!), pateniabilitg1/ and my fee for prosecuting the application will nos be called for until She patent , allowed. "INVENTORS' GUIDE," tom- - taining full information sent free. All Commute cations Considered as strictly Confidential. FRANKUN H. HOUGH 52r. P` tie is 1F5'NVII!IGTON. D. C. 50 YEARS' I. 'EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a stretch and description mor gniekly ascertain our opinion free whether ate invention is probably patentable. Communtee.+ Nous strictly confidential. itandbookon Patent& seat free. Oldest agency fur suetying atents. Patents taken through menu k co. receives special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr,. ciliation of any sctentiae Journal. Terms, $3 to year; four months, $1. Sod by all newedealers. MUNN & Co.3"ilroadway, New York Branch Mee. 12.5 U St.. Washington. D. C. IT PAYS T() .ADVERTISE IN TIIE TIMES...