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The Wingham Times, 1898-05-27, Page 8
M. N. Si! J3ltw O1' M11.ITIJAND • _..._. The Prer o terv(li .Fluitllinti met ant was t. ln;tir,ite+t at 11'ingnaul .fIu} Roe.1V. T. i1i,(l, Moderator, lith ‘t. tie tt gnod utter lbera attendance ()f mem tit+i S. The ittior.tos (1' r 7' r j re uala uleetiu'•stwio "t'u1''r Clue it •. tt read aq"i a",opted, �+++r'.°Hili 1•er.nrds tvt+ra attnyre:d "ME \ `, rU 11.x .. %J '1`.. DIES, MAY 27, 1898, , t 1 Mrs Crowe (irce,t�speut part of kkis 11 i5 11ELGRAVI.',- .y , , ae tic ii, lnroezo, S ;liable Ilicfcs, or xStrk1tf01'Gt, Mr. M. it Mobutu.)3 mut fart of the',spent Sunday with 11r. anti Mrs. D. week iu Toronto. p-1,t'Oat, i1lre A ( nasus is visiting with Listowel 11es`rs. % gf,a• and Dames shipped friends tide week.tx I). D. ear of hogs Mies Ilawbly, of Palmerston, is visiting `i t'(nt0. anal vP�ek t0 friends in 1'Vingh:tm. Mies Wes 2 i`es Stalker 1 1tiTell- : sC: 6'< �t Patterson, at .i t solaI S r , of e a Of la It BI i of 11r4 W 1' Grierson, Lucknow, USW guest spent Sunday with ;11't', altd Alis. Messrs Batmen Bros,, of flrunttels, were Jtlo. Foss, in town on 1V duesday. III' ss Xray, of Listowel, is the gust of her cousin, Miss 111. Gregory. Mr John 1` arnitn, of Guelph, wascn.11itag on old friend;, here this wee,.. aMr .i rnorson Tremain, of Detroit, ;'pent e I a day in town du,•ing the week, Mies Cu,npbeil, of Listowel, is the eeteet of her sister, sirs. A. (l: lletedo. 1 My. ,fond -likens, of \Vin dor, spews a, few days with friends bare this weep DR r: 3 GOQ' S 25c Yard Now for a i)tlr;,r.tin ii) �'at•niyaiitl Dress Gaetis, We me e these big reducUon3 is now an sonsil)le stall',, Every yard or it is littF�lc is d re- tt11 yuu care about, rthy "Twen- ty -fit cts for dross goods worth C high r h i 1 "i it `J J l (eight wt e C> lath to get the A overture An )F (i Uu• a to the t7ei ,enol .lssrm re supplying and tilling vaeanwes was adopted mitt ordered to be trnustnitted to taut court, Mr, P. 17aeftlges was reported a stud -- 1 crit, having the ]uiuistry in view, reeid- `a"° 1lithin the bounds of Presbytery In 1• e 11 fern the chair of Hebrew! Biblical exereses in I�nav College, vacant 1 t)y the resi;xnatlou of Rev. Prof..1.00M- ow- i sun, the Presbytery reuanlrtiaud that th " !General Asesinbly ttpn0lnt 1 suitabl rt TA se p t, ' 2+'1 F' ti 0 of the 0 Chl])' ] to visit ldifferent countries and make) inquiries as to the suitubles of galttlitied persons Ifrom wham to choose a k't•ot'e.;sor. The committee on revision of regn n 'Italians s e r ttr din r, order r 1 g et of bit ,Hess wan 'fila , ds, r',1need lit ills following t lila, k and ('�'lored I . u3tl•CS ..Silk I1xc'1, Feuer j' rill d :111 wool Berries, Til;lek and (;!, t„ 0 t 0l If g`'+xl. (1.) not 1 t'c'd. ('•)ins: up to ex-- - pectetiui;, 111oney ,s•ill be cheerfully i 'refunded. '"1y *vI'en`s Blue Ser,:s Suits .55O0, for a3 25; 10 13 lys' Suite, ' .ary special, 81.75; 0 Sprite.' Overcoats, reg. $10, Sutnrday 135.75 ; 6 Bicycle Suits, reg. 1G, Saturday $4,75; `2 doz. Men's Bicycle Stockings, special 50c. Special all bay Saturday 5 doz. I -Julies' Cashmere Hose, �. reg. 45e for �.,0 ; '�,d doz. C:hild's Fibbed Cotton Hose, re;,*. Sc for `21 o ; 20 pieces Fancy Ribbon. reg. e for In ; 5 dozen Croinproo Corset's, roe $1.00 and 81.25 for 75e; 4 pieces Table Livan, reg. 50c for 3Se; 10 mire f,aee Curtains, white and cream, tie : 50 pairs rine Oxford Shoes, reg. 810 for 81.25; 10 pieces! English Print. reg, 12' for 8c; 10, pieces 13Lir,, Velvet, reg, 35c for 150; 10 doz. Gents Linen Collars, reg. 20c for 15c. Go where you will you cannot find equal quality or the money we ask. That sounds big, does it? Not anv bigger talk. than, our goods will warrat11. Shop early Saturday morning at D ' . a , .1 r ilritl ' Igst dated to prepare report suitable for Lavine, it printed. Circulars frau) Presbyteries regarding reception of tninistere from other churt+hes were preseufed and read. Five flava made application to be roceived, 1e rolAssen blyl Commissionsof wasc)mplet d to The follow-- ing additional elders were appointed, viz: --James Srn111ie, Walton; W. Mac- Donald, Itiveredale : Duncan tlaoDen- ald, eMuleswortb ; W. FItanderson, Berrie.( The report on statistics was rend and ordered to he printed, giving i verage contribution per member and per family by the various congregations for the subemes of the church ; stipend, building, and u ordinary purposes and increase or deQreilse in contributions, and tbat a sefficient number be printed to supply each family in the Presbytery, The following resolution was unani- mously adopted : " I he Presbytery ex- presses its gratification et the honor couferre'l on Dae of its members, the Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A.. by the Pres- byterian College, Montreal, and con- gratulates Mr. 1lurray on the reception of the degree oe Doctor of Divinity, It sincerely hopes that by the blessing of God Dr. Murray may long be spared to enjoy the reward of services that have eft deserved such recognition," Dr. ' array acknowledged the resolution in it•abin terms. The Presbytery passed a mi Yl 80 %Ir 13>epees, of Orangeville, visited wiz his brother, 111r T 1i Bowles, this week, Mr G30 1T Harris, of Caledonia, spe,eit the 24th wall 1118 $O !gin, of the Train staff. 111rs. Thal. Anderson spent J1t111 one who o ost plleaseng speaker', every IviAl 1�. Thee, in deood, get should hear him. Ur. Ueo, David: has sold his driver their a The anal meeting laBrussels Fire st held t0 Mr, ', Vannoilmani, o#' WingIto)n,. i evening and elected+new offieeOsday The ed. T. , . Uot have enlarged the ensll+i�r)g year. et for their carte pelf} as their depot hare. Mr, , ,..E. Treleaven) late Mr, J:ta. L. Gedhies• has sold11,i a of this � place Imogene drivert0' Mr. 141eCt3~lluuxt. o'gont; into b,ztsrness at I;san-- 111r. Doer, I3allida f gannon, • Collrr. of the Clintons 1i St, Johm''s Church S1'bbath school lit e Institute„ :, stitute', s ent Sunday' ;have mariir a large addlitiien to their under thestontal reef liners, ilibrary. The datteof the g^,uelen arty 1I] r. p c 1, `Mrs 2 be given by the Ladfeez Md Soeiety Ong s Hrn+b¢r, who has; eden ew'n, of the Presbyterial/ elltlreh on the:' a,el•oni n Detroit, bas returned to t Mrs. .13r. ltobt Cornyrn has been yisitinte l aIlee grountii1s, is Friday ,Venin .; pdT1 i 17y iieI' C12p, ,titer ifs . whiz 1Vingbaw friends during the poet. , s) IA�enny. After disposing of her D l week. 1.7txI1e lUth, in, place of Jaime the 20th t lt,iitnre she intends returning to De, Miss lava an,d I11r P Platy®o,a, or Toronto, ,as• announced; last weed,. �tsplendid ; itroit to reside spent a few doers at thein home in town 'pt'O;;rat11tn8 will be pl'CriiiL'G� this week, Mr John Murray sod soar visited with his parents in Rensall• a. couple of days the Ileal Once discolzn'y - - - _ pant:Ant eFTZY(✓"i" or and will retrieve in about+ a month, Iw A Ir S .� t alt sac 111 be succeer�cd by 11%v, i COUNII,i Brent, now an . Ulf O Stouf#rill 0 Ss ath afternoon c, _ cc tel Haan ne +t,R Anion; 1 , bbl schooY ii be irl the tllletftodia eiCllnrcilviee ,I Frovinu ; 0he Council 4f twill/1C 'irpor on of the roto, i 4t1 .e tow . KD79" tq the court, cia't Yield Secretory De,y, of Toronto I oogz, iq, bks town of will+ address the gathering, a.nd as 6ad.erI ., des ► ay,. Junelift Ile I8' 2b m i'nm atm this week. Mrs ,las Colerrltvn4 o€ (''! shill, was visiting at the home of Mr lfteter Campbell this week. I ak.USSELS ° y riaet by the death of b a b"u' new s utll(b ei.n shofl bi make it,a' pointto be �1• preseet and spend a pleasant, even— tng, Remember the date is June. Neth. + Hiss i'1IoI inuy was, summarise to Tor- The work of *puttinglits tt uta an Tuesday her 4)iVt ltS on '1'ttl'i.�ei'1 T sister•in•laty. S StveSk• will be 111r R %V Bastin pushed forwardas ra idi cdell germents•ile order leu enjoy ow mon us artrlE SFo will requii+0'suitabte $st of Muskoka, spent a p i)15 POs fete days with his. faaaidy ie. Turnberry si 171e, J y se. great w+ chanp> 'Well: • warhave the and friend ; eeel)s and the garments t' M will i. �'�' not tax your pock - next, at 3 o'oloelr•p. tn. ' W. L,�4,,1�)E,; Oierf ,r Dated ne.Goderieb, May 23, 'OS. FOR SALE. That most desirable property, eno%vre asete old a rawberry garde;nr opposite+, Standard J.'uruiture ir'actoe being lots 1, 2.land•&, .Hired s rest, <inryhasa. good hottse••72x`),w• eleefootSton& fog»ydation, who s' a of the goons of t 8X moms Illr. " O sin• goof .# Rl• buggy haus& and woodshed,) to gt cx wel1.19 feet deep, soft watt cistern. and the ,garden iwe}l stacked with. frust of all kinds,. 1157r 3, will buy t1 e•whole I01,• imteed iats poseeseloo giver iateroetecl F arti0s: clpricy quick for t mush be" sola by.•,ruly lot. Apply to G, P. WI+LS;, Lower' Wingbaar. at the s in town. 1 p°5Fe tnslalgton, iurlitture factory._Goderich 1Sr c3 b !.spew, at' Ji1vansiao•, Ill., was visiting with old Winghasr,, feneutis for a few days during the week. - 1\frs f"r Elliott andl,aon, Primes, of Inger- sol!, aro visiting with; her, sawn, 11Tr H B 111 loll, and other friends in town +Nara, S,�iriin,Q, weatbh r is 7l The entertainment givers' by 7 1 et very much)ileiltrller. Loo at thaiff you a , arc rill �lartiu, nf-•�iti.�lttttsit, has taken a lUIDrd)S Macy, the New y' position garding the late Rev. A. F. MacQueen expressive 01 esteem for his ol)araeter and labors in the Gospel ministry and sympathy with his widow and family in their bereavement, Next meeting will be held at Wing - ham, July 13th, at 10 a. in. Lucknow, May lisp '0g MsONnll>3, Clerk. &Aids _Kennedy! left on. 1Weduesda or Seaford', where he with assist his brother in tier; hllt°betting, business. r ► $. removal of U;t$t"2R1 pl'ic s tills iiSeek.. �m . Ab. ' enc ie in 1Wmt 1 1t3en's SUi�S;- ° 4.00, fork + ee t, arttcudiu„ the annus! meeting of the E� meeting Of the East St Ftp,. $,aO, �aP2.95 ; 14en S i.5ttlits, 8 i#t3(0 r Ontario Mutual Life Assurance t IIuI on Farmers' far' ;8.50 • Mom's Fancy, Linen: Coats„ 81AOr for 8 '';; Boy y Fancy Li t, en Coals for 50ce: Boys' P ,l+lts fon' 40e. ` 00', Boys In BAYS' SrCITS we l eve the 1a est and fi`heslt assortments. , ill, every person rind+ suit every taste, g n fie hos i, sem Miesitifrons. taken A si visiting !ho election Of officers win take For comfort and style- in footwear at- made tvhe prices, 4 Wingiatasn..J11sa1"t,ua,ea(=eveyisvisiti,,, pla,ye and' the reptant of th ,ae"erelq- S 1i'i aeticn or money refunded. 1 Teeswater and Winehem,_-._13ressel3 treasurer 1tX'er will be' received p Ces, La 11II> t0 us, erald. lgand fr 'Work 1(Fr'1#1;f cutio)ist and vocalist, was. well Baa- I av,>`; + ; , tin '-""Eta1` a, �!� �•YR Sanitary Inspe�tor UeLa,u'cblin ' Nothing piie-r and cheaper thai.vl you ', 1Yli• lin the ' ' eLadies'` s•de ;t "tour of, i�aspeetinn o9 iaremi? ly3Vrul�s and �V'i+,'t, els er Jg clues.. tend d and very, much e1=ji)s:ed. WIN nl ses,•,s,ndet the Board of Health!. , se'_Ia irtRem quid. Pp ' p flet in stere Rni1( pattens at priceti•,tliab.taluse D;; C. Ross has been elertedl Secre-' tarsi :�.> 'Western Star Lodes Tq' 'j M ' ''S AND BOY'S CLOTHING. rendered vacant by the re* fills nig from town. The annual a . mers Institute;, will be held! .+r) the Council • Chamber here, on,2Puiesday, June 7th, a•ti 1 p Fv 1 's er oo this Q Mr S Elliott, of Intirt•soil, spent several ays in town duriug this week, visiting eith eel friends and acquaintances. 2 1r a 11 Miss C. Fisher, of Win ;herrn, returned ave^, the Iii tlsSGiS Saturday, May 28th has beenfzxed , gonia to -day after a couple of days' visit $ or Gladstone's funeral. Ciuoat 1ph Heralds of bet:. D. Scroegie•-1 StatMU Ba Ji A. Stewart, who has. Som 'ne taned.sOrgan fat, ale,cheap on)aasy terms.. presided ranee, of the Bank it31' the ;91eSt fi0fi1' ! yeatie, has recelvsd' a promotion to D. M • GORDON' DIRECT IMPORTER... The 'Tar on high. prices is still on at the sign of the Bear. Our great reduction sale is a evidently appreciate the fact that this is no bogus advertisement, but a, bona fide, sale at last all x, l ^ n v 4i, and greater success than we~ �;rer a n� on' IS t a' is nc of getting your gread� reduced prices. ,v .'t forge1pate. Peoples t that. it is #:o er r etc. at fraction of an advance on ca;t.Q • peals get t onanco to bud the newest eine fatl earlyor th boom is o on, and. you may h'' sure that the choicest added several t new oto buy the n to our stock, and theyare marked at the ck Panic lowfigures take advantagebargains rs url is admit,, en�th e reduction—Dry mods Clothing,Boots and Shoes, Carets, and House Furnishings. s as the rest. Don't forget Sincel: dines a'�ast admit, we have our saLe;g for OASH and Produce during the month of May bye mean. just argot s said,before' i e vrant, wed in this ape our partial list at prices below and bring your o$5,t�0m, and .from the way this sale haus "caught on v ancr a. and produce a ies' Vests. " Towels. price ; e.2.00, 1,50 "" " 1,3,-1x�3;, = � � to where �rou will get the nzo t for iia v'e aregoing 'more than daft. Ladies' ,,�,��,� �o,,ad�er��vyt,�s6wa4 Dress Goods. Ladles' 8-4 Sheeting. 20e, sale price 16e ?)c '° "° 21e 6e Faetoy Cotton, sale, price, •1.1 e. 10e ,r 32 in. Flannelette, regular 7c, sale price, 4.',c. Sig Reductions in Gloves and , nig TableHosiery. Silk. e Zoe " Linen 1 50 x 350, Cloth.. ,q,,� 50c &: 600, Union, sale price 43e Trimmings ) 18c 1,72 5 '�+''0a��•�Nr'��'^b�c g t o �5 (" 1.85 6`4 regular Sale price, 29c ' 9.s� 0,� �.. 0rabtei,>� 1 " CdA 5'`1 25c, 0 " 21e Women ���?'�S AND u C4 ,, „ 1.15 ,( g Gattors, regular $2.00, sale price cE $1.75, it(i ii "" Extra fine Dong, taped,Band turned, buttoned, $2,75, "i 1.40 $2.50, "c Calf Boots, ri " it it r. ' (c r eba„ fine cifitEl top, $3.50, sale price . r X2,55 cc 1i i;,a,ngora, Bal., Extra value, :a1,�O, sale prier; w5 " Fine Boots, " $1.75, it Ec Pegged Bal., $1,x0, sale price • " Plough Boots, " 1i 1.20 "" X1,15 50 pair iVonlCn's butt. or laced boots re-- Iheo1 Boots, tr $1.35, sc 8" $1,50 to 8; sale price - 50C to 750 Bar's School Boots, regular $1,15, gall price Mims' Polished Calf hoots, buttoned, regular $1,25, sale price ` e Gies e grain, buttoned, regular $1,15, sale price $1,10 " ,r Extra Value, regular $1,35, sale price • Fine Boots, regular f,i10, sale and ` 90e And many odd lines of Misses' Children's Plots at Cost and below. black Clay 'Worsted Suit to order, ren, price $16.00, sate price ' , " *, I3tae t nratf ti Snit rr r" A1')fl0 $14,00 Tweed Suit to order, regular price~ 14.00, Ammo, 16,50 is „ `r • . 12 tq Men'rs Print Shirts, regular $1.00,5 ale price ; ."weed uif to Order, regular price P16.00, fling; price 14,5C! Men's mint Shirts regular 75 12,00r ii :1;x,00 /1 :i i, _ cents; sale price r • l0.bfl $$f3 ' • 1$•50 nn cents, • . 5% 25 cents, sale pries 21e•;6 85, cents, sate price 260.; 50 cls., sale price aqe 135 $1.25, sale pries 95 cents; $1.73 ss eprce 1A2 ) 2.25, sale price $1.65 LESWe are Sole Agents for the "SLATER SHOE.), Lace 'Curtains. $ 50, sale price $ 2 85 „ ” 62 r" 98 r" 1.42 " 1,63 " 2.12 " 2,92 . faney and plain, sale price„98e 85e 47e 42c 5c, sale price 4e 4� " 1 �5 a xeSlouse 8c 1 00 ar � 00 sale $1 63 1.21 c 1.75 ++ 85 8 c 5c, sale price 3,L o 150 2.00 °+ ri 1 00 1.25 " 1 C " n, 1 e 12:x© 25c 2.50 rE 50 �i0 20r a 1e 3.50 "" 25e " " 19e c A job line, roe, 12x 800 b ,0, sale price ?:xo» 30roc Dress Muslin, sale price 18e Bargains in Towelling; commendiisg» them at 4e, A SNAP, �etitxt[�Itio>t r" 61e " 10e 12tc "c 20c " 25e 50c nalbrigan 420 r: "" t" "E 75 ii 60 " • Black Goods, same reduction 8yds, regular, 85c, sale price, 35c 20e " it ct 140 (1 " n s less than regular price 1) i" it E( 75 E" u Our special 50e line, sale ?;rice, 46c. Parasols., $1.25, sale price $1.08 n" "" 33 2.00 " r" ns i i Fancy Wool Carpets. 650 sale price 48 , SHOES1F20 IE. 41C PIL 7.1Lit 's Polished calf, tilled, Buttoned or Laced, regular. $1,50, sale price BOOTS AND C S Twine Dong., tiped, rr tc 1" $1.50, 1f. -. $1,35 Men's Don ala `~�rp `' 'fin � .A-''..r11/111[1.4 '�'"�►'�,"bH�'��tl4'M►'1��, �yA.'!r'�r�vitr^!•'f�'�a�►.7i.ip, y°�- IAT Tr i 1 L 4 i.4 [ ;ice iorele 61,45 - 1.95 1,75 1.45 • 98e 1.10 " 95e 1.10 * 1,15 Every:; ,'one to the Biggest Store. wi th the Smallest Prices. HOMUTh & BO