The Wingham Times, 1898-05-27, Page 5t
THE W1NU1LA l TIMES, MAY 27, 1696,
We have all the latest for Spring Suits, at moderate prices, Fit and
'workmanship of the best. "Guaranteed," We are showing the most
up -to date
Also all kinds of Men's Furnishings fur Spring Wear. A special line
pf Ready made Pants and Overalis.ehenp. Inspection invited.
�.. a 'S
Opposite Queen's ITote1, Winghaw.
No Lottery.
i0L U* C6Vi„�a
There arc no r' blanks " is
°'Slater Shoes." Every pair is a
prize. Every pair is a real bar-
gain in that you get 100 cents worthef:Shoe
for every dollar. No " bargain table " losses to be
added to regular selling prices ; shoe r: Orth guaranteed
and price e3.00, e.4.0o and $5.00 per pair stamped
on the Goodyear Welted sole by
The Slater Shoe Makers.
For Sale 'Only by H i UTH & BOWIES.
The village council has purchased
a road machine and the roads are now
daily being improved.
111r. John Barnard spent part of
this week in Brantford, in which
place he took to toe bicyele races on
May 24th,
Mr. James Allan, who has been
attending thc,sehool of Pharmacy in
Toronto fur some time, and who has
just been successful in his final ex-
amination, is back to town again and
is to be seen. in his old place in the
drug store.
Quite a number from hero took in
the sports at Winghatn, Brussels and
Fordwich, on the 240,
Rev, Mr, Kennedy attended the
meeting of the 1Vinghant district of
the Methodist church at Teeswater
last week.
Mr. S. B. Melielvie announces
that he is prepared to take any
amount of wool for which he will
pay cash or trade.
The Listowel Banner thus refers
to the death of Mrs. Lowrie:—At
midnight on Sunday last Jean Climie
wife of Wm. Lawrie, of Wroxeter,
Ont.. died in the 81tir year of her
age. Mrs. Lowrie has been suffering
from the ailments due to old age
since the new year, but her strength
held out very remarkably until the
last week or so, when she sank rap.
idly and the end clone peacefully at
midnight on Sunday. The deceased
was the third daughter of the late
John Clitnie of the township of In-
tiislil, Sinlcoe eoun'y, Ont. She was
a sister of the late taco, S. Mimic of
this town, and the last surviving
member of her father's family which
consisted of four sons and four
datughters. The sons were the
Rev. John Al. Goalie, of Bowman-
° ville ; Gamic, who settled on
the fatal un the buurdry west, ad
• joining the town ; Gorge S. Ohmic;
and Andrew, the latter of whorl
1'htetons, Spring Wagons, Read Wagons and Carts. diet d Iti re rlys1uani,uod. uses hits €;Jh
tltutimore, sirs. Wm. Lawrie, and
. p
ur Y duan
An o 1 C 1t sent
re to s:aesssd - sete-s• eee:ss:e a-eee•seyve'A'e
Ever since we purchased the McIntyre stock here at 53c on the :►, we have ativ.:•tised
goods at about ^c on the Dollar of the regular prices, and we have failed t;o far to :gee them
uplicated either as }BARGAIN DAY SNAPS or in EXTRAORDINARY AN-
NOUNCEMENTS- and we will continue along this week as usual,
Note these sample prices and come in and see the goods. IT WILL. PAY YOU
Fancy Wool Delaines, pretty patterns, worth 30e yd,
now 15e.
Canten Flannel, worth any time 8c, for 5c.
Fancy Cotton Crepon, worth 1.5c yd, raw ire.
Plaid Flannelette, regular 12e, for only Se.
Focd Cheek Shirting, the 7.1.e yd kind, for 50,
Wide Apron Gingham, with border, 12p, now 10e.
Mahogany Covert Cloth, cheap at 37,e, now 20e.
7 special Dress Patterns, shot effect, sere w3.5O each,
now $1,75.
Wool Serge, regularly soil for 25e, our ptieo 1.7e.
Colored Chiffon always sold tor 18e and 0e, our
price is 121e.
"Muriel " Gloves, in Black and Tanta, worth
51.00 for 80e,
Black Silk Gloves importers i ' ,:call at 75c for 40e.
Child's Gingl,anl and Print 1}recces, well made and
beet utifully trimmed at 51.`tti, 75c and Cue.
1,000 doz. Dress Buttons, worth 8c and 10c per
doz., lc,
WHERE ? The Cheap Cash Store, Macdonald Block.
From the Sun, O)angev,llc, Out.
Some months ago Maggie, the
fife.en year old daughter of Mr. and
RNESS SADDLES, LES, E 1 0. Betbia, unmarticd. The father off Mrs.. J. Sweeny, of John street ot
t v , this town, began to tail both in
health and spirits. Her face was
:tiniest as white as chalk, her appe-
tite was fickle and her limbs Logan
Trunks, Vali
es, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
stens, Axel Grease, Oil, harness 011 and Soap.
the deceased was one of two brothers,
John and Andrew, who first came to
Canada from Cumberslang, near
Glasgow, and • settled in Dalhousie
township, Lanark county, in the
TRIMMING C A D HARNESS REPAIRING DONE 'early years of the zetitary. In this
settlement was also the Lawrie, and
the Livingbtons, who all afterwards
on short n, +ir c. and at reasonable prices. I came west to Fiancee county, and
M AO MA Ir- later on to this neighborhood. The
H. deceased was married in the tome
e ° ship of Innisfil to Win. Lowrie, who
survives her and erj ,ys remarkable
_. -_-.�.._._.�.....-_. _-. ___ --- health and streut•th for his years,
being now in the 89th year of Itis
They have been married
nearly GO years and have a family
Your eyes
care of thel
Thc. Whitechurch creamery is new
in a flourishing condition and the
indications are that the present
will be one of the most prosperous
season's in its history. With a first-
class maker, Mr. Sparling and effi-
cient officers to direct its affairs no
other result could be expected. ()n
Saturday last, 1,500 inches of cream
were received at the crearnery,
winch is away above what was ever
expected for this time of the year.
Miss Nellie McCracken is visiting
at t1lr.. Calclbecks' and Mrs. Will
Turvey this week on the 2nd.
At the debate on the life • of Moses
and St held in Browntown
Methodist church last week, the
to swell. Notwithstanding her grow- judges decided that the speakers on i I\liss G. 1' rhes, of' Clarke, was
the life of Moses proved that the old I the guest of i.' cousin, Miss Lillie
ing weakness, she persisted in at -
patriarch did more good to hun.anit•y
tending school until one day her p\IcLauchtin.
teacher advised her to go home, and than did the grand apostle. Nits. G. W. Walker was visiting
not to recut n until she felt better. At Mr, L. Pepper has a saint) that is with Winghe m friends last week.
Mrs. ',V..1. Perkins, and son Ogle,
were visiting friends in town, pre-
vious to taking their departure fez'
their new ho1111 in Chicago, Ill.
A union teniperanee meeting will
be held in rite. Currie iileihodist
age ey l� married 1 church on Jinuday event t;, May
• 30th, at 8 o'clock. Miss Aisle B.
of three sons and three daughters the color returned to her face, and Reede, P1 c vincial Superinteu sle of
the severe headaches that had made 13LUEVALE. Temperance Work, and 'Miss 1�. M.
fru priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take living and three children deceased. Fisher, Co. Pres. W. C. T L'., will
The sPpara?iou fr•:tu tt lifelong cum i,ut• so utisei.tUe vanished, and she •
for you, If �'ott need pa f haler than she has The f' Il •Is
is a copy deliver addresses ; also resident
ministers will be present .and take
part in the pr,'gramme.,- ;Suitable
music will be furnished by the union
choir. All are cordially invi• nd to
On Tueilday of hist week a five-
year old daughter ot Robt. Witte of
the Aug! ,-American, met with a
a very pail IUs accident. She was
carrying a el,•ek of preserves across
the cella:. „li'•n bhe fell and the fore
finger of her left hand was caught
between the j tr and the sharp cor-
ner of a 1•ox, cutting it almost com-
pletely off near the second joint, The,
wound was dressed and the little
sufferer i4 getting along as well as
obuld be expected.
For the past two Surdays the,
usual services in the Hewiek 9th
concession Congregational Church
have not been i,cid. The building
is undergoing thorough renovation.
The contract has been taken by a
competent firm of painters and
decorators and the general appear-
ance, especially of the interior, will
be much improved when the work
is completed. Ile -opening services
will be held en the first Sunday- in
.lune (.Tune 5t11) morning and even-
ing. Further particulars next week.
The East Wellington County
Association, of Christian Endeavor,
i meets in the Iluwick ninth coneession
Congregational church Tuesday May
the sante time the teacher, who knew
the veins of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
in suet) cases advised her to take
theta. The advice was followed and
:Ars. Sweeny tuh1 our reporter that
almost from the outset there was an
improvement 10 her daughter's con-
dition. lIer a; petite became better,
somewhat of a curiosity. It has only
three feet. Two well developed hind
feet, and only one front foot. Never-
theless the creature is thriving 11el1
and keeps up in growth ;vitt its
Many people from the 2nd took in
the sports at W iug lam.
buy than fro
m as,
Also a f
Jewelry'. Rep
ull line of Watches, Clucks, a nd all kinds
shitsg promptly attended to.
has i
• ni • :. t�> whom Lc -vas deeply at
Welted is a st vs: a affliction to her
Sol 1.1,101g partner. llei• surviving
children are Mrs. It 11(.dsun, Wing -
ham ; Mrs. R. Clarke, Kansas. and
Caroline, at ltotue, and Andrew of
Petrone, William of Toronto, and
of Livingston of 13, fssh Columbia. A11
U owl
is now t.e1::.,:. ,L v •
done fur many mouths, address presented to Mrs. Joseph
1•c is quite'et ident that this young Pugh, on her retiring as organist of
maiden was suffering from a look of the Presbyterian church :—
blood, as do sv niftily )(Jung girls To Mrs. Joseph Pugh, Bluevale.
who are jut at a critical paint in • Dear Friend—We, the session and
111'e, and it is pito as apl.arent that I managers of the Bluevale Presby -
there is no other remedy the equal 1 terian Church desire at this time to
express our deep appreciation of your
who enjoyed the intimate friendship 1 u, Dr. \1'illianis' Pil,k Pills it,
of the deceased pay to her memory rases, They eurieh the blood, services as organist of the cangrega•
the tribute due her high character elate the nerves and build up the tion for the past two years.
and blemeles life, '1'o tt keen in- a r end 11 nhurs will nes lou have always been faithful in
Iltit•e s- otL , ...t t i theirthe discharge of your duties, both at
telligence and resolutions of mind prudently if they insist upon, the sServicesf yourand Prayer
she united strong womanly sympa daughters taking an occasional box. t
thies and kindness of heart during we know from experience that Dr.
her long life richly earned and amp Williams' fink Pill have done great
ly returned the loving affeetion that gaud in Orangeville and vicinity,
went out to her from family and and there is seareely a day that ..ur
M frfeuds, prtrdues nuc shale in contact
some one who has a good hard
1lr.IIugh Calder was found drown• to say for this wonderful medicine.
ed ' Lake Huron near Kincardine I D William's }'lilt- Pills cute by
stock a full tine of
Shirt waists
Wrappers, plain and
light goo(
In Lace and Chenille
from.. Fahey Table and S
In Dress Goods we h:
impossible to describe in a
A fine line of Prints fron
Prints ; they will astonish y
Men and Women's Shoeweitt
it has been for years.
Don't fail to see our Carl'
I have made a study of t
section of the country, .old have
to choose frelm.
Meeting., prompt and obliging to
every way, your deep interest and.
untiring efforts to secure the co-oper-
ation of the choir are highly comm-
endable and we feel as a committee
that the remuneration received has
been small when we 'consider the
work done; we would therefore as a
to .a : e r. i 11tt11 s b 1 committee tate the responsibility of
going to 1110 root of the disease. the
The O. P. R. will erecta „ 10,000 r anon you a half years salary for
station at Moosejaw. I renew and build up the blood, sued g g •'
-r.__ _ - strengthen the nerves, thus drivingl the services of the present year.
" S 011l' rcirttions as organist with the
Delicate children 1 vWVhat !disease trioti the system. Avoid im- (,ou i reattou have been of the most
1 1 tabuns by insisting that every box g' >,
• harmonious and pleasant nature and
it is with regret we receive your' I over mo during the night 1 had to get up
resignation and since it is your desire and walk the floqr for hours at a time...
it be accepted we feel sorry to do so I My blood was eery poor end 1 was subiect
but hope that the kindly rotations to bilious attacks. My feet rvotrtd °well
that leave existed in the past will
and I was not able to do my own house -
continue and that the work ,one will work. I treated with two of the best
not loose its reFvard, physicians here but only received relief'
fora time. I became discouraged. One.
-Ina. Busgess, Treas. of Com.
R. N. De', Member of Coni. day a�friend called and advised me to try
Hood's Serseparil la. I laittghed rd the ad-
yl'tll. TNest, Moderation Of vice but I was prevailed upon and prr
figured, lvluslins, Prints, and a source of anxiety they are
s for summer wear. The parents wish them
Hearty and strong, but they
Curtains we have a full line to pick keepthin and pale.
tones Covers in all shades. � � To all these delicate civil-
ve such a large stock it would be
way to suit without seeing them dren Scott's Emulsion of
Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
s N 1 t see our Sc h' comes with the
ou as to duality and price. In
5C and up. i- 5 C o :,
our stock is the most complete'
,tats. Rugs and Oilcloths.
he best maturing Corn for this
a car load of different varieties
phosp ices
best of news.
It brings rich blood,
stroll; bones, healthy nerves,
purchased is enelui-ed in a wrapping
bearing the full trade mark. "Dr.
Williams' fink fills fur Paiel'eople."
A Nervous Toronto Woman Walked
the Floor During the Night for Hours
at a Time -She Makes a Statement.
TORONTO, ONT.--"I was troubled
with nervousness. It was impossible for
to keep still and if the spells came.
Milton MeEweii, we are pleased to
say, was able to get to his home on
Thursday of last week.
Many young people from here
went to Brussels on the Queen's
l3irthda y. '}'hey report a lively day.
We are sorry to state that Mr.
Thomas is very low again with a
severe attack of pleurisy Tie is so
• ,,,,fi,�r Session. cured one bottle. Before 1` -used it all 1
//This villaepost ono of its old end Degan to feel better. 1 took 'several bet-
highly respected residents by death ties and also several boxes of Hood's Pills.
on Wednesday iaat, in the person of . Now k eon eat and drink heartily and
sleep' soundly. Hood's Sarsaparilla No
entirely cured me aqd also strengthened
and sound digestion. It is low that his recovery Is doubtful, I Mr. Root. Mc11ardy, in sed the
ead not
to Mrs. ltobt. Messer is very low at year of his age. Ile
growth and prosperity
I present with an attack of inilatnation been `ill for any length of time
them. of the lung,. We hope she will soon . was to Wtngham on Monday last and
I appeared,to be in his usual good
No matter how delicate , be 0, I, regain.
ittaken. i Rev. John Ross 1i. A , of Brussels, nt'alth ate residence neral i this take
the Child, is readily t was visiting among the members of f1•om his late
;x r t $1...1, in druSttste, his congregation on Friday last. I afternoolt for the 13lucvale cemetery.
Sta)Tr Sc B0'rY\tt, Chdntivta,'r'nrmtlo+
nae so that t not- do all my own work.
I cheerfully recommend flood's ;?areaps-
rills to all sufferers front nervousness,
weakness or general debility." ;♦face. IL
F. ?ARam, I7egressi Street
Hood's Pills nrA ronitteA,Xr0arkk