HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-27, Page 4111E `'1'IN(ari A.1t TIMES, MAY 27, 188.ommoo......e.parrow*emageoram..••*.....•re.*****.....7".411
Froin a Ilutuanitar tan point of
�cl> view there is little to commend it-
self in the ingenious suggestion of
I::'mij 1 1 the merchants at Otto wa, to the
tihseold snVeseucclerksha .
. movement become
general, the horrors Jf Weyler's "re
from $1.25 up. concentration" would ensue and the
coroners would have to work over
Best quality. >i time en the corpses of civil servants
died of starvation.
211 �.! a disaster have its'
Campbell's Headache \V afers
, urs headaches.
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
must he left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
f It in �, �l if
FRIDAY, M .Y 97, 1S9S.
ever, such a .<..
eompensattions. Most of the older
clerks are Tories, and the morality 1
would be chiefly among the adt:erents
of that party. This would create a
of official vaee.oCies, nal
equaled since the palmy days of 187
and of course good honest Liberals
would benefit.
But did the Spectator foresee the
logical result of its suggestion,
In this country, at least, where the
bitterness of Imperial politics is little
felt, the death of Gladstone comes to
men of all parties alike, with a grief
which is almost personal.
In a century of conflict, selfishness,
free -thought, and a falling away
from ancient ideals, Mr. Gladstone
stood above all nien, a rallying point
for everything that was honest,
honorable, pure and God-fearing.
Well nigh peerless in oratory and
statecraft, indifferent to titles and vast
wealth, eminent alike in literature
and scholarship, he was above ail a
Christian gentleman, a father, bus
hand and patriot. The public that
he loved, not always trusted him.
It is idle to say that he never erred,
but on the last day, when kings, and
the leaders of nations, stand forth
for judgement. and the good in their
lives is balanced against the ill, few
in this, or any age. will be there
whose records are so brave, elean
and honorable, as that of William
PERHAPS our American cousins
;.new there was gold in the Philli-
slines all tbe time.
Tnu American commander who
was unable to find the insurgents
r'an now sympathise with Weyley.
IT does not seem to have occurred
ee anybody that the degeneration of
'tile Spanish race is due to the cigar.
.ette habit.
If taberculosis continues to in•
ereale in its present ratio, all other
contagious diseases will be forced Ewart Gladstone.
eat of the bnsi'iess. ---
subsidy, although signed by many BUILT ?
eminent seen, contains no informa• For nearly three months of the
pion regarding the value of his work. present tyear, tt,e daily shriek of the
WE are not surprised that it cost opposition press was that the United
States would refuse us the free nava
SIon.Clifford Sifton $12,000.The only ,„anon of the Strickeen river ; but
thing that astonishes us is that he they didn't. On the contrary Uncle
foot out with enough clothes to make San, has given Canadians everything
rt decent appearance in the House of they asked for in the region, and all
commons. that could have been desired.
Aaocr 400 years ago tbe Span- But in order to reap the benefits
iaeds swept the Jews out of the
southwest corner of Europe, and now
of that American kindness Canada
needed the Teslin lake railway. A
the gentle Israelites are raising re -1 patriotic government at Ottawa pro.
,regiments to aid in the conquest of
Cuba. Thus we have further con-
firmation of the old theory that the
worm will turn.
THE good Archbishop Ireland says
vided for this great necessity ; but
the people were cheated out of their
promised prosperity by an unscrupul-
ous an unpatriotic opposition, and a
servile and partisan Senate.
It is now stated that a new agree -
lie is tired temporarising with theI ment between the government and
liquor traffic, and is now going in in
egood earnest, to wipe the business
atilt of existence. More power to his
elbow. It all bishops, priests and
deacons were to take such a tone,
prohibition would be a fact instead
of a theory.
•��a aI ; �e�t.
4�Y TORY e
"Every morning I have a
had taste in my mouth; my
tongue is coated; my head
aches and I often feel dizzy.
I have no appetite for breakfast
and what food I eat distresses
me. I have a heavy feeling in
ray stomach. I am getting so
weak that sometimes I tremble
and my nerves are all unstrung,.
I am getting pale and thin. I
am as tired in the morning as
at night."
What does your doctor say?
"You are suffering from im-
pure blood."
Ghat is his remedy?
the contractor is being made,and that
even at this date the error of the
opposition may be partially repaired,
and the necessary railway be at
least partially constructed before
winter sets in.
Will the tory party continue its
obstruction, and will the Tory Senate
IT is to be regretted that Uncle stand to its Bans ? It is hoped not.
am thought it necessary to rescue The bugaboo of American opposition
the Yellow Kid reporters who were in conjured up by excited toryism has
a'langer of being hanged at Havanna. 1 vanished ; the proposed road from
While our tbirst for blood is not British Columbia assures an all -rail
usually great, we would cheerfully
approve of any such atrocities which
whe sons of Spain might have inflicted
upon such gentry.
We observe with pain that divers
unthinking politicians have reproach
cd the Hon. Clifford Sitton, because
ire expended some 1.1,000 in fees to
27 legal gentlemen, more or less,
whom he had employed to unravel
certain election cases.
It is evident that these critics have
'never hived lawyers themselves,
otherwise they would not carp at
a little matter of $1`2.00U, when
there were 27 advocates to settle
We do no belieye that any other
ratan in America could have gotten
away from 27 lawyers for that sum
Hind we hereby extend to Mr. Sifton
Our heartfelt congratttlation on his
There have been tithes, perhaps,
wten we may have felt inclined to
question the statement that the Hon.
(3lifford Sifton was the ablest man in
Canada, hilt any doubt ott that score
%.as vanished.
route within Canadian territory, and
there seems no sufficient reason why
the work should not be allowed to
You must not have consti-
pated bowels if you expect the
Sarsaparilla to do its best work.
But Ayer's Pills cure constipa-
We have a book on Paleness
And Weakness which you may
have for the asking.
Write to our Doctors.
'Perhaps you would like to consult
eminent physicians abont your condi.
tion. Wnte us freely all the particulars
in your case. You will receive a prompt
reply. Address, DR. J. C. AYER,
Lowen, Mass.
i\tA1thI. r 1t1 PO t;T:,.q(�yNpA �I lY � tdD `y � �4�wtiKk "� �r a t ` • vFi
\\it 4nA^i
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Wingham, May 'air, 1508.
I) I I.) YOU 1 I; I: O C' It NEW
• Flour per 100 lbs 2 50 to 5 23 .+
Fall S\heat 1 0'1 to 1 05 v j1
Spring Wheat 1 05 to 1 05 �'"' °
Uarl 0 30 to 0 ss
Larnp'Yi .f4 e..a�
Peas 0 58 to 0 58
Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 ON
(hese, 0 04 to 0 05
'Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 50
I;utter... . , 0 11 to 0 12
Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 10
1 Wood per cord.... .... 1 00 to 1 25 •'
Hay per ton, 4 50 to 5 00
• Potatoes, per bushel, 0 40 to 0 45
Tallow ,per lb 0 4 to 0 4
i Dried Apples, per lb 0 i to 0 4
i Wool1;1 to 21
Dressed hoes 5 00 to 0 00
ems, ., 1-.....l.vIl...,......._
Strayed onto the premises of the un- 1
1 dersigned, north half lot 2 igt line, 1
Morris, on or about the let of :11 ay, one
, two—year—old steer, color red, with a little
' white. Owuer can lime same by prov-
t ing property and paying expenses
Wingham P. O.
1 J. G. F\' eB,
IAny amount of money to loan en sad o .e- - --a _ _
. farm property at 5 per cent per annum. _
1 S•rborrow LOANS --Pay ments made to �? a' liPti
F- �"'�, KE5 6��r���7 S9E
Charges low.
At office Friday afternoon and all day TONSORIAL ARTIST.
I Saturday.
The Magieal--a Smokeless and safety Lamp Chimney.
Best Leacl Flint Glass.
The magical is constructed on a new and scientific principle.
It is made of Bess Lead Flint Glass and oil finished, it is test,
liable to break by heat than other chimneys and you will
find by usiug that you can get nearly twice as much light
from the same lamp as you can from other chimneys, and
not smoke the chimney. it is the only safety lamp chimney
ever invented and while giving a larger and more brilliant
light withoutafear of drawing up the wick and smoking,
they will consume less oil. See those holes in the chimney ;
that is what does the business ; by admie-siou of air direct to
the flame above the burner. Try the. Magical and you will
use no other,
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
For au easy Shave and a First -Class Having opened up a shoe slots
Hair Cut, give him a trial. next door north of Chisholtn's Block,
E Razors Honed. I am now ready for repairing, which
I The underslgi,ed has a quantity of _—_ -- I will be done at cash prices.
i Early harvest, l'icks' Abundance, and i
World's Fair varieties of seed potatoes
Ifor sale Parties
er J� '�illiams!•
in need of seed pota-
:oes Mould do well to see me before I -- — !�
4t \Viugbam.
101954; and Lot For Sale. , (Thoroughly experienced and prac-
e undersigned offers his house and
tical in all branches,) J
t lot on Alice street for sale. The house Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing ,
is a nine room frame one, with kitchen, ham and neighborhood that ha has sue-
• and there is a number of good fruit trees seeded to the business formerly carried 1
i on the :or For full particulars apply to on by Geo. ,Shaw at lately by D. Mc -
31telLIEAN s:, SON, Props.
All kinds of rough and dressed
Donald. IIUl�ller Lath Shingles,
JAS. WILSON, Wmgham. He is prepared to supply all kinds of s l
Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs
1 Best ualit y • at lowest prices.
Orders executed to any part of the
town with despatch, Also a large quantity of dry Hardi
Telephone No. 0. Wood for sale, delivered.,
Telephone orders promptly at-
The undersigned will keep for service
Saturday, as the *Kincardine The
north half lot 2, first line, Morris, a
was nearing Atwood, the driver thoroughbred Chester White Boar.
T�g �-
noticed two young ladies waving Tot -n.8.61.00, with privilege of returning J �Ii' 3. L ..A tended to.
handkerchiefs in an apparent en- if necessary.
deavor to stop the train. UponJ. t*. FY.FE.
slowing up it was discovered that a
horse was in the cattle guard, and a STORES FOR SALE
short distance farther back a man
wai found lying' unconscious by the 1
side of the track. Itis supposed that i
the man had gone down the track to
flag the train to save his horse and
being - somewhat intoxicated, had
fallen asleep beside the rails.
The administratri' of the estate of
Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for
sale the
Two Stores in Wingham
note oceupted by Messrs. N. A. Far-
CLINTON. quharsou and W. H. Wallace. Offers for
thea same should be addressed to
Clinton had fine weather and a J. A. MORTON, \Z'ingham,
very successful celebration of her Solicitor for the Estate
Majesty's birthhay, large numbers
being present from surrounding
towns, villages and country. Ti e Order your
principal sport was a lacrosse matcb
between Seaforth and Toronto, which
resulted 4 to 3 in favor of Toronto.
A baseball match wins played bet
tween the Varsity (Toronto) and
Goderich teams, resulting in a victory
of 22 to 2 for Toronto. The evening
prograuune consisted principally of a
band concert by tile magnificent
Waterloo and Thirty-third Battallion
Bands, with walking trapeze per-
formance and a. display of fancy
What promises to be a serious
rn'atter, and possibly a murder ease,
occurred here on Wednesday of last
week between two well known and
highly- connected residents of Gods
erich township. A family feud,
Mr. Norman McLeod and family between Harry Oaks and John
of the 4th, have gone to the Rainy Baker culminated in a serious assault
River District where they intend
making their future home. Mr. Mc-
Leod has been a resident of Kinloss
fur over 40 years, and while we are
sorry to lose such a good citizen from
our neighborhood, we sincerely hope
that both he and his family will meet
with abundant success in their new
home in Northern Ontario.
case, when Issas Junes, meeting
larry Oaks on the road. used a
rail and assaulted and seriously in.
jurcd Oaks. leaving him unconscious
by the roadside until found by neigh-
bors. Ilarry Oaks, who is a son-in-
law of Joi'n Baker is at present
dangerously i11. The brother, Geo.
Oaks, shortly afterwards followed
Mrs. Hood. widow of thelate Wm. Laker and Jones to town, and public,
Hood, of Lueknow, passed away on ly before a large crowd of citizens,
Thursday last in the 74th year of proceeded to assault Jones, and pur-
her age. Deceased had been ill for posed doing the same to Baker, but
several months past with consump- was unable to meet him till Saturday,
tion. She leaves a grown up family 'when, on the public street, with a
of three sons and two daughters, all rawhide, be assaulted Baker so bad -
of whom survive her. Mrs. Hood ly that he is now under the doctor's
was born in the town of Schuyler, care. A warrant is out for the arrest
Herkimer county, New York State, of George Oaks. Nothing for many
in 1826, where she lived till the year years has caused such great excite -
1855, when she came with her bus- ment, owing to both parties being so
band to Kinloss township and had well known. A much more sericitts
continuously resided in this section charge may be made against both
till her death. She leaves one sister parties. Oaks and Baker are broth -
Mrs. Kline, of Buffalo, N. Y. ers-in-law.
keeps in stock all the leading lines
Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, Rope, and
Binder Twine, in ssason.
Just arrived, a consignment of ready
mixed paints, Also agent for Drayton
Tile, sizes on band, 21.2, 3, 4 and 6
Prices right. Give him a trial.
or a Suit
that will lit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and
keep in good shape, yon
had better go to
New Spring floods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
Serges and Overeoatings to choose
from. Orders filled promptly at
, very low prices.
1 Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block..
tor your summer
Ilis stock is
Good and Cheap !
Our laundry plant has arrived
and we are p•epaeeci to turn out •
first-class work in all lines of
Laundry Work on the Shortest
For the canvemeace of customers,
a DROP BOX. will be placed at the
door to receive work when laundry
. is closed.
Extra fine line in Children's with your next order.
Opp. Union 1"tetory.
'I hat is what everybody says when
they sec our stock.
We make any style of (xalcl Rings to
We think rvc know as much about
watch work as any other mall in Canada,
and will give
for a watch we can't fix,