HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-05-04, Page 16A. 10 THE HURON EX r . Ailcck. MP's vote for bilingval Cein.ada." For Education Week, the two grade eight classes formed a government. The Prime' Minister was Bert Renink and yours truly ,4was The Opposition Leader. The Speaker of the-House was Karen Laverty. The house secretaries were Barb Dupee, Tony 'Nielsen and Mary Thompson. The page boys were Richard Neil and Mark McLlwain. The house came to order and Prime Minister Re nink read the agenda: The Act of Union, Rebellion Losses Bill and Bilingualism.. I read the Act of Union. After much debate on the matter, the house voted on it and it was passed. Next was the Rebellion Losses Bill. After the Prime Minister wasw called a rebel, we voted on it and passed it • Vrime Minster Re-nink read the introduction to the Bilingualism Bill. We voted that there be two official languages in Canada--French and English. That was-the agenda for the day. Steven Hendersdn'8A We Are OPEN 4. HOURS ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement. Savings Plans and Annuitibs. Income Averaging Annuttles Ask for our new Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. un L E fe S A N sur ance.H7 S — GODERICH ST. EAST ompanv of Canada U1.527-0410 SEAFORTH fox: 19 years. 1, - p" IF YOU DON'T HAVE 10 INCHES* OF INSULATION IN YOUR ATTIC, YOU'RE LOSING HEAT AND WASTING MONEY. If your home is like 90% of Canadian ornesrit's not properly anted This chart_ gives you an idea of how much you could 'save by bringing your home from the average level If your home was built before 1946, is your principal residence, and is three storeys or at less, you're eligible for a taxable grant of 2/3 of the cost of your insulation materials, up to a maximum of $350 (retroactive to materials purchased on or after September 1,1977), For FREE and complete information about how to insulate your home and hoW to ' These savings are based, on a typical 2-storey pre-war home of 1,100 square feet. - *Based on instilation material with R-3 value per inch (2 54 cm) WINNIPEG $237 : $162 $320 REGINA . -N/A - $130 $390 .EDMONTON $228 $140 N/A VANCOUVER' $130 $120 $199 standards. Of course, as energy costs go up, so will these savings, Oil Heat Gas Heat Electric He ST. JOHN'S $209 N/A $296 FREDERICTON $204 N/A „ $215 MONTREAL' $195 $1.36 $202 . TORONTO $159 ' $115 .$242 of insulation up to today's recommended NOWBOMES BUILT BEFORE1946 ARE ELIGiBLE-FOR-A-HOME-INSULATrON GRANT OF UP TO $350. apply for a grant sendin the coupon below. Canadian -Home Insulation Program Government I IF- of Canada Gouvernement 'du Canada The family is our single most important social institution, which -is why your Ontario'Government is continuing to take steps to help support and strengthen family life in the province. These include the family law reform legislation and other programs such as; day care, home support services for the elderly and • handicapped, special allowances to parents who care for severely handicapped children, and community livingjor the mentally retarded. . These programs are an indication of your Governme-nt's comthiliterit 1 supporting familylle. The health of our society depends upon the- health and security of your family. Margaret Birch, Provincial Secretary for Social Development, William Davis, Premier Ontario May is Family Unity Month . Taw,. "••.....77. • :Tr 17. Editor's . Note: As.. a finale to' Education Week, Seaforth Public Sc'hool students wrote abut the • special happenings. at their school. • • • Aim of Education Week The thought behind Education Week was "Speak to Mc of YoursZl". The aim of Education Week was to let the "ritirents know what we students are doing and also to let the parents know what -----thc----teachws are doing: EfiT• parents were to ask . questions about things they didn't under- stand, During the week, the school was visited by about 300 parents and friends. The visitors walked freely thrOugh• the school -talking with differenttcachers and to king in several discussions through the week. On Tuesday, April .18, • Discipline Without -7-Fears was held. li was an informal presenta- - tkin On ehildren;s b.ehtiviOur what to• do about it, • volleyball. The parents didn't use any of the rules of Volleyball in °the first four games which thty won. The fifth• game we played by the rules and the parents lost. The sixth game was close 15-12 for the parents. For all the games, .the parents vZo' n 5 games and the students won 1 garhe. The overall feeling was very slap-happy. Jim Savauge Steve Snell Neil Mitchell 8A ' •, 'Metric In The Kitchen '. ' Grade 8B girls planned a metric lessonwith their mothers and other parents who wished to attend on. Thursday• of Education Week. With the help of Mrs. Mathers and volunteers frOm the class, the parents were shown how to use metric measure while - cooking. Different pan sizes and oven temperatures were also among the topics discussed. The parents were interested but doubtful about their converting in the immediate future. After the discussion, the parents were invited to stay and make several recipes using the metric measure. Later the parents .sat down with a .. cup of tea to sample their results. Mary Thompson Patricia Hackwell 8A Puppet Shows Three little Pigs!' Martians! Bank Robbers! Kermit the Frog! Monster! Would you belieye that.. they all came from other worlds ' just ,to show themselves to the kids. On Tuesday April 18, while Moms looked around the schOol, the kids came to room 8 at 10:00 THE NEWS — A highlight of the Huron Centennial spring concert was .a takeoff on the news put.dh by Grade 6A. Here the: QTTC, News, Weather and Sports team discuss the present state of the Canadian dollar. The Concert which was shown for two nights last week used at its theme television spinoffs. (News-Record Photo) kids enjoyed the part where the pigs sang "Who's afraid of the Biig Bad Wolf?" Sooh after that was little Red-Riding Hood dressed in a red dress -and cape. It was played by Barb Deiglito' n. 'Jill Muir, Jim Savauge and Mary Thompson. After the wolf :was' disposed of; the next show was The Three Pigs and guest star Kermit the Frog. It was played by Rose AnnVan Loan; Elizabeth De- Jong, Cheryl Fraser and Chris'tie Knetsch. Last but not least was Hensel . and Gretel who escaped froni the Wicked witch. It_ was played, by Cheryl Carripbell, Clieryl Mdrey, Colleen. Maloney, Patricia Haokwell, and Christlie-K-netsehl---- Rose Ann Van Loon Cheryl MOrey • Cheryl Campbell Paul Kirkby 8A , HEAD OVER HEELS — Elizabeth Stewart demonstrated her gymnastic skills in last week's Talent Night, held at Seaforth Public School. (Expositor Photo) PS kids sum u Watch for the doors of The Wardrobe to open May.20 Main Street BAYFIELD, ONTARIO 'The Pre-School Library Day ,as on Thursday April 20. There was a film with a crafLthat was relaled to it: That.• was fun. for both mothers and kids. The Community Creative Play- grounds was a. discussion with C. • Buist. This discusSio.n had a sMall . attendance on Friday April 21. All these events helped the visitors to understand what 'is happening around the school. Many • of the• visitors took part' the activities. The film night was exciting along 'with Metric in the Kitchen and the gia.de eights Mock Parlia- ment. , Bill Garrick 8A Volleyball with Parents During Education , Week• the school put on a Volleyball game. Grades 7 and 8 challenged the parents. The game started at 7:30 Thursday night and last till 10:00 o'clock. • Before the games had started the parents were 'raring to play R. K. PECK APPLIANCES '" In the heart of downtown Varna" VACUUM CLEANERS - sales and service of most makes. * CB RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES * SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES * MOFFAT APPLIANCES * SMOKE SENSORS * INSECT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING UNITS * HAND CRAFTED GIFTS Varna, Ont. 482-7103 ation week for a puppet show. Paul Kirkby introduced, each group. and between plays he told funny jok es (the ..-kids thought they were funny). First on the 'list was the _Mad Scientist, acted. by" Greg Riley, - Neil Mitchell and• Steven-Snell-At— the end 'of the play they threw balloons out to the kids. The kids got magic :marker. All.,,aver their faces when they started to Stick the-ballonlirs. - The next show was The Visitor From Mars acted by Paul Kirkby, LArry Drager, Edwih Finlay, Paul Stewart and Karl Hoven. It seems that they • enjoyed the strange looking flying saucer, • After that was the Bad Bank • Robbers Who were caught by • -Smilie the cop. The' characters n, were played by 'Scott Shannon.. Kevin Smith,' Jerry Zwep and Steven Henderson. .The Three Pigs were fourth and were played by Eddy-Nielsen; •Biltni-.r • Garrick and Mark McIlwaiii. The' r- L-1 Send.me the free boblt q Send me the grant applicationkit. "Keeping.the Heat In", (My home was built before 1946, in English F.] en francais is 3 storeys or less, and is my Please print principal residence,) in English Con francais • NAME ADDRESS CITY PROV POSTAL CODE ' Mail to: Canadan Home Insulation Program, P.O. Box 1270. StalionTatarOntsx..Qmario_meit 4A4 Or call collect through your telephone operator (416) 789-0671 • Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for processing and mailing. 9A-E j Canadian Home Proqramme d'isolation thermlque • insulation Program des residences canadiennes Honourable Andre Crueller L'honorable Andre GUellet Minister Ministre Your family is a very special part of your life. 7 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU BETTER Sunoco Products, Cigarettes, P-DP Party Needs ••••••,, WILL BE AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY- • Archie's Mid Sunoco 527.0881 Seaforth