HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-05-04, Page 15.4 4 .44
Bertha. MacGregor - 4.
Bar-B-a success
-.c'T•::,1,64.tilY V..41
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Prices effective until closing May 648
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Get all youF gardening needs at the
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11.•40 A 0 0.•..►oil.
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Fire Resistant Home
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Reg. $79.00
LESS 10%
• •
ti,ei HURON XPOBITOR, MAY 4, 10 15
C . •
Exeter teachers
14. Cein't .ckgarilzp.. on • first day
SELLING TICKETS -- Helen Drysdale and Helen
Scane were on the door taking tickets at Ilensall
United Church's beef barbecue last'i week. Several
hundred people got their fill of beef, baked potato,
homemade pie and all the trimmings at three
separate sittings. (Expositor'Photo)
Rena Caldwell
Clarence.. Van Wieren,
FanshaweCollege was among the
top three students and visited
with his parents on the weekend.
The :last meeting of Kippen 11
Busy Buddies was held at the
home of Mrs. S.-Wilson. Meeting
opened with the 4-H pledge
folloWed by the Roll Call, "How I
try to keep physically fit.' Sue
Anne Finlayson was nominated
next secretary. Minutes of the
last Meeting were read by Sandra
Finlaysom An invitation from
Kippen" East W.I. to attend the
May meeting was accepted. Plans
for the skit were finalized and
practice will be at Brucefield
Church Hall, May' 1 when we arc
supposed to in the bimks
and•projects to the leaders. Mrs,
Roberts explained "Why Keep
Fit, How to Keep fit, What to eat
and why." A caloric, quiz was
conducted after which was shown
al good and a bad sandwich. The
game "A key to good health - was
then played, 'After this the
meth% was adjourned. The Club
,went to Grand BetuWater supply
systein for their, field trip.'
Achievement Day will be May.27
in Seziforth a „,,I,Pubt School.
Motatc ds are
welcome. •
At the Kippen East Women's
Institute -Annual' meeting hehi,in
:SthIlbrth at the. home of Mrs. jack
Helen Bisback of Clinton
spOke on ''Cancer can be beaten ;'
from her ' own personal
experience. The guest speaker
was introduced hy, Mrs. Grant
McLean -.and thanked by Mrs.
.lack Sinclair. She presented an
account of the services available
to cancer patients. Aticialso was d
living• testimony to what treat-
ment of cancer can. do. "
Readings ,were given by Mrs.
Alex McGregor-, "What did you
do all day" by Mrs. Al Hoggarth
"If God went on strike". "What
•does April stand for?" and "The.
Best and Sweetest things in life".
Reports. were given by the
trcasurery Mrs. Harld parsons,
the resolutions convener Mrs.
Dave Triebner, Sunshine report
by Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Education
and Cultural Activities, by Mrs.
Vern Alderdice, Curators Report
by Mrs. iingh Parsons, Family
and Constimer. Affairs , Mrs. Alex
McGregor, Citizenship and World
Affairs by Mrs,. Grant McLean. •
The findings of the nominating
committee were presented by the
P.R.O. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice
installed the following officer's:
Past , President, Mrs. -Al
Hoggarth; President, Mrs. Dave
Triebner; Secretary, Mrs. Grant
McLean; Treasurer, Mrs. Harold
Parsons; District Director, Mrs.
Al Hoggarth; Alternate District,
Director, Mts. R. Kinsman;
P.R.O., Mrs. Harry Caldwell;
Branch Directors, Mrs.' R.
Kinsniatt, Mrs. Wm. McDowell,
Mrs. Jim Chalmers; Resolutions.
Mrs. Vern Alderdice; 'Sunshine,
Mrs. Jack ,Sinclair: Assistant
Sunshine, Mrs. Campbell Eyre;,
Education anitl,Cultural AetiviteS,
'Mrs: Steyvart4Poppq, Mrs. Wt*
1. F. Bell; Family and Consumer-
AffairS, bins. Alex °McGregor,
Mrs. E. Whitehouse; Agriculture
and Canadian Industries. Mrs. J.
Drunintond„ Mrs. Campbell Eyre,
Citizenship and, World Affairs,
Mrs. Vern Alderdice', Mrs.
Robert. Bell; Curator, Mrs...Hugh
Parsons; Pianists, Mrs. Ross
• Broadfoot, Mrs. lack Sinclair;
Auditors. Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs.
Charles Eyre,
An Expositor Classified wit
pay you dividends. Have you tried
one? Dial 527-0240.
The Annual Beef Bar-B-Q.
which Was held at Hensall Untied
Church last Wednesday, April 26,
was again a big, success with over
600 people, served. Many
compliment on the supper were
received.• The committee would
like to thank all who helped in any
way to make it such a 'success.
The Sunshine Kids Nursery of
• Exeter enjoyed a visit to the farm
last Wednesday • and Thursday
tours of the children through the
cattle barn and chicken house.
The kids were *accompanied by
their teachers, Mrs. Phyllis
Johnston an Mrs. Ruth Mercer an,
several mothers, and• after
inspecting the barns they took a
walk along Black Creek and
watched the water going over the
old-wooden dam. To complete-the
outing, the children gathered on
the lawn for a lunch of raisins,
cookies • and apple juice before
returning home.
• "Our Calling" was the jest
of Rev. Don Beck's sermon on
'Sunday April' 30, at the Hensall
United Chruch. In the early
church, all "the members were
workers spreading .the "Word".
WeF. should still 'be ready and
prepared to be used, supported
by worshipping, praying,
learning, serving and witnessing
Unit four will be meeting on
Thursday, May .4, at 2:30 p.m.
The Hensall _Minor Athletic
Association are holding a series of
fund-raising events to raise the
necessary , money for their up-
coming season 'of sports for the
young people of Hensall. A
chocolate bar drive has already
taken place and a bottle drive is
being held over the next two
weeksr culminating on May 13. It
is also hoped to hold a dance at
' the new Community Centre on
June 10. his -hoped that. Hensall
and District citizens witAupport
these worthwhile projects. Watch
for adVertising,
The ladies of St. Paul's,
Anglican Church met on
Thursday in the church basement
to pack a bale for the north.
Following that activity, a short
meeting was held. The meeting
closed with the Grace.
I The Grandmother's meeting of
the Hensall Women's' Institute
will be held• in the Legion
Hall at 8 p.m. on Wednesday,
May 10 when Mr.. ,,Ron heirnrick
of A.R.C. Industiies will be the
guest speaker. Members are
reminded to invite a grandmother
and to wear something their
grandmother would have worn.'
• At the usual Thursday sale at
the Hensall Sales Barn the market
was again active with higher
prices. Supply consisted mainly of
heifers and steers. Fat cattle;
heifers, $56.50-$62.50, top to
$65.75; steers. $59.50-$63.10, top
to $64.25. Pigs; weinlings $36.00--
• Mr. and Mrs. Sam Desch were
visited by_tbeir_grandson and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bell of
Clinton last. Thursdayr--
Visitors,vvith Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Payne last Saturday were Mr., and
Mrs. Ray Primeau and Mr. and ,
Mrs. Irwin. Johnston of Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Erb of
Sebringville, Mr. and Mrs. Hank
Binnendyk of Kippen and Mr.and
' Mrs. Ken Johns of Exeter; •
, Mr, and Mrs. Howard. Scane
attended the wedding of their
niece, Anne Clarke to Erik
Petterkin at Trinity Anglican
Chuteh, Thornhill on Saturday
and the reception folloWing At the
Thornhill ,Golf and Country Club.
Queensway News
,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons
returned home' after A pleasant
holiday in Florida,
Mrs. Janet MacKinnon is a
patient in South Huron 'Hospital,.
Mrs. Ed Corbett is a patient in
University Hospital. London,
having undergatie-Wfgery there
on Friday.
Mrs.• Don Gooding and Dale of
Parkhill spent the .• 'weekend
visiting with the former's mother:
Mrs. Edgar Munn.
Miss -Dorothy Farquhar of
1,6ndon spent the weekend with
her Mother Mrs. Emma
The sympathy •,41,,)- the
community is extended to Mrs..
Erie Luther in the death of her
brother Mr. Campbell ' who
passed:'' .away • in: Cornerbrook, •
Newfoundland. Mrs. Luther
returned home on Saturday .after
attending the funeral.
Bill and Joyce Dowson had an
anxious ' time for awhile ,last
Wednestlay afternoon when .fire
threatened their buildings. Bill
had set fire to a bag in the field,
-and a bit of nearby brush caught
fire. While he was moving the
truck to a safe distance; the wind
suddenly came up and blew a
spark across' the sideroad, setting
fire to the dry grass', and driving,
it towards the barn: The
Brucefield Fire Department
responded quickly to the call, and
soon had everything under
If teachers at South litlron
District Secondary school want to
get,. organized for the 197049 •
school year they will have to do it •
some other time thanthe first day, .
of school. , The -Huron County
board of Hducation Monday
approved the , 1978.79• school •
calendars Monday 'making only'
one change from • the calendars
submitted by school principals,
denial of a request from SHDHS
to use the first day of School as.a
professional development day.
'Herb Jurkheim; trustee 'from •
Zturich, "told the board he was
opposed .to the use of school
opening day as PD day,, He said
'the teachers at South Huron
asked for two development 'days
in September and that one of
them was the first 'day of school.
He said the teacherS wanted the
daytto organize timetables and
classes and to iron out any
curriculum problems.
• Mr, Turkheim, 'told the board
that he felt the use of opening day
for those purposes was
unnecessary. 'suggesting that
teachers get together sometime
before September 4, .the first day
of school. He said the teachers'
contact was from September 1
and if they wanted to meet in the
schools they could do so on one of
the three days prior the first
day of schoOl.
"We're getting a lot-of flack in.
the south, end of the county over
this," he said.
Director Of education John
Cchrane atold 'the
South Huron
boara tfhea
ltt that
they actually gain time by 'using
the first day of school for
'professional developmInt. He
said the 'board grants secondary
chools h 314sn eight g rfo ittraeypsa at. at tti ohne endof
curriculum for the'next school
The director said that practice
was both '`.eustomary, and
necessary". He said three PP
days vvere„ 'planned for the
secondary school teachers by
administration and the remaining
two days were left,_ at the
'discretion of the school,'Ile said
South Huron took one of those
days at' the, beginning of the year
and felt it was justified.
Colborne Trtistee Shirley
Hazlitt said she was inclined to
agree with 'Mr, Turkheim
claiming the teachers should be
ready to teach when school
started. She said opening day was
normally used to settle students
'problems over books, timetables
and scheduling and was not an
instructional day. She said the
second day war an instructional
day but that South Huron would
not be teaching the second day of
'school because of the PD day.
Mr. Cochrane told the board
that for teachers to use one of the
three days prior to opening 'day
would require them to use the
Labor Day weekend. He said the
teachers contract began
September 1 but pointed out that
teachers only get paid 'for the
days school is open and that they
wOuldWt be paid-for using one of-
the days on the weekend.
"This is not the year to be
suggesting that teachers be in
school early." warned the
direCtor. • •
Goderich Trustee Dorothy
Wallace said she couldn't under-
stand how the matter got •to the
board. She said the board was a
policy maker and this matter fell'
under the (Niles of ad mihistro
lion, She said she felt it was
something the principals Should
be doing themselves.
"If administration doesn't do
what the board 'wants..-it to do
maybe it's time to tell it what to
do,"said Mr. Turkheim.
The board approved an
amended motion giving teachers
, at South Huron any other day
than opening day for
professional development. The
school calendar has four
statuatory holidays for both
elementary . and, secondary
schools, Monday, December 25,
.1978 to January 2, 1979, both
dates inclusive, as the Christmas
break, Monday, March 19 to
Friday, March 23 both dates
inclusive, as 'the mid-winter
break, and seven PD days for
elementary schools and 13 for
secondary schools,
With the corning of sunny days,
the farmers have completed their
early seeding,, of barley' etc.. and
• the corn ground is being tilled.'
Nit', and Mrs. Arnold
Gacksteller, Guelph visited with
Mr. and Mfrs. Harold _Ames
!Water Weill
'DRILLING i • W.D. Hopper
and. Sons
I PHONE Nell 527-1737
, purl 527-0828
Jim 527-0775
Hilda M. Payne
morning. John McAllister and his Kippen 4-H nieets. wife Eyelyn threw their farm 'at 42.,„
R. ttl Hensall open to escorted
Welcome .new residents
Lenwood Purdy and • Mrs. -.Dora
Hoggarth. .Reeent visitors With
Mrs..lrene Kalbfleisch were Mrs.
Dave Bishop, Stratford, Lorraine
ankl Mary Funnel, Woodstock:
Verna Coates, Hazel Snell and
Charles Fisher visited Louise
Mitchel l.
Howard Johns visited Mabel
Cal and Marjorie Horton visited
::,with Russell Erratt..•
Walter and Florence Whillielm
visited with Edna youn..
Ruth ,and Susan ,Durand visited
with Mrs. Kendrick.
IVa Ridley and Illa Dunn visited
Vera lammie.
Lorna •Einkbejne'r. and 'Susan
visited Hugo Schenk, and Harold
Glanville. •
The Crediton 4-H Girls visited
residents last week . and brought
house plants,
District Deputy President Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor • and several
members from 'Amber REbekah
Lodge visited Merniag_Star_„„,*
Rebekah Lodge in BrusselVaii
Tuesda'y' evening. .
) Available at Police Department. Cost $1.110 each.
Please ensure bicycle owner s serial umber of bike
before coming to Dept. Also available anytime next
mec, at the. Police Dept.
Seaforth„Policir Dept.
S ----. Omminr-mo7 inerm
Saturday 12 - 6 p.m.
[Not exactly as illustrated]
Filing Cabinet
Desert Sand Colour
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Model B-2: 6 WI high,
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