HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-05-04, Page 11Each..cartiP didn't know where the
other camp was. This went on fot
about WO hours. By The time tin:
was ever everyone, was ready for t
good night's sleep.
Sunday at 6:00 everyone Was
up and ready to go. The first
lesson was search and rescue.
Then' we had 'to go out 'into the
bush and find-Lieutenant Lauzon
w_gp was stipposedry critically
inured. After that we were,
aught ways of handling 'rope.
L eh and the' dismantling of
cam took place and we were off
to Sea •rth. Boy did we have a
busy w kend . I'm sure the
cadets tear ed how to survive.
Play euchre at Kilbeirchan
Mrs. Spurr. '
' i , • . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nicholson
Marie Flynn, .Lorne LaWson, . The priagram for Family Night and daughter Tracy with Mrs,
'Norman Speir, Cecil Skinner and was provided, by entertainers Gladys BrightralT. -,
Rodney Stewart provided the... from the Goderich area. Mrs: Joy' • Mrs. Stella Peacock with her
0 -Time music for Monday's - Hairison and Mrs. Helen Lindsay mother, Mrs., Lucy Bushee.
pr gram. The Clinton' Christian entertained with several vocal Harold Barry whobaS spent file
Reform Volunteers assisted with solo and t cluet numbers. Ed. Stiles winter: in Victoria B.C. ^ and
' the activities. . provided the piano accompan- California with his- daughter and
Reverend Wittick of the Blyth invent for the singing as well as family has returned to
United Church conducted the piano solos. Sharon and Lesa "SchadevieW'. .. .,....,...„.......
quarterly Communion Service in .' Mickey Welsh. Clinton, called Lindsay danced Scottish and Irish
.,the Chapel on-Tuesday rtiorning,-7--- selections including the Sword and took Jack Tiernay for a drive
Mrs. Webster, a----friember of the • Dance, the Sailor's Hornpipe andin the Blyth 'area. .
Blyth Session, , and Mrs. -Watt the Irish Washerwoman. . ' " Dr. Toll came and 'took Jack
Tiernay tO band practice.' '
:Lon esboro called last week-,and 'reviewed the
" By Mabel Turnbull
st week I enjoyed d game of
euc re with some afire residents .„
and despite lack •of practice I was
on the winning side.
Our director is arranging a
program of bridge for those who
favour it: Some outside fans arc
being' invited to help on this -OtterVille, visited Mrs. Wilbee
project. and others here recently.
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Charles I was pleased to have a visit
McKay and Mr. and Mrs. Mel from Susan White and daughter
Glanville Hensall with Gabrielle, five months. I took her
Oliver, McKay. hand an,she has a healthy grip for
'• Mr. ..and Mrs. Ian Wilbee, one so young. She' also smiled. a
Walton, with Mrs. Edna Wilbee. farewell when she 'Was leaving*:
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McSnadden, VV,ith.,Mrs. A. Y. Mclean they
all ' visited great grandmother,
Organist, helped
cu Nursing ' Home inspectors
peoplediscoyer what
are accomplished
Huron Expositor
Every week more and more
mighty jobs
tow cost
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OR, MAY 4, 1978
.Madness and all students participated. The therne
was presented' in an operetta by the grades seven
and eight classes. (Standard Photo)
Members of the public can see
a demonstration of life' saving
skills of St. John Ambulance
corps members at Mitchell
District Secondary School on.May
• The demonstration, which
the annual review of the- Perth-
Huron Corps, with unils from
Goderich, Seaforth, Lisawel, St.
Marys, Stratford and Mitchell in
attendance, will be held at the
school at 8:30 p.m. . .
Mayor Harold Jordan of
will be the inspecting officer.
Following the demons* ion,
the -,-public can ask ques ons,
mingle with 'the members and.,
enjoy the refreshments which will
be served.
Cadets survive bush
John demon's'tration,
[by Karen Laverty]
April 21.'12, 23, the Seaforth
Air ,Cadets including the Mitchell
Cadets went on a three day
survival, out to Babs bush, six
miles out of Mitchell. The squad
was devided into two . groups,
called Wildfire 1 and Wildfire
- At 5:'00 Seaforth left. We
picked up Mitchell and were on
our way, 'W,,hen we arrived at the cold' of :00, ate breakfast and
o Public%•.
FweFir tt on the' Schedule' was the
,. nwhich•the two
re tour way. bnSli the two' groups split up and
Invited to St. ohsti etc course
grOu )s were timed. Next was a
. less( n On woodsinenship, where.
we ere taught how '46 properly
lien le an axe. After, came First
both.. went different ways. When
each' 'landed at the place they
Were going to set up, we were ,
shown how to make a hutehy, a
small shelter made of sticks. By
the time this was, done, it was
time to hit the sack. We had a
- long day ahead of us.
Saturd:yy we woke • up to the
and Commerce
' Aid where we were taught_
different slings and how to care,
for an injured person, in the hush,
By this time it was dinner and
the two groups spilt up and went
back to their camps. - •
We were given ration packs
which contained all the food
needed. After hinoli. it was bac
to work this time a lecture 0
orienteering with a compas
march to follow. You must
wonder why the groups were split
Well, after supper the two
camps had` war games. One
group had to go into the other
group's camp and take their flag .
TOGETHER, NOW Kindergarten class at
Hullett Central Public School presented. an
Adventu're into Mothergoose Land. The concert'
Production ,Wednesday, was called Munster
(Continued from Page II) dessert euehres held at Summer- changes: that had been made
hall , Wednesday p.m. and at according to regulations. They - intermediate class. Opened-with Walton in- the evening.Home" a clean bill of sing song led by 'Brenda Millar. W.L. Meeting will be held on health, according to tbe,„oWner, Guitar music Was pointed by • . T May 10th , at., 8 .m. topic Tom KatiVampuzha, Rtithqyftc4f9aricf0ally tollard u.e64.0.1 ROO : .
M ississ a uga - • t ." ' Tigtil''Lawson, with. Cdrol .
Cartwright at -the piano.` John -
d Lawson , relate a story about
"Benny Bunny" with the use, of
stuffed animals, prayer was. led -
by Brenda Millar, scripture read-
ing was given by Neil Cartwright
• and Ruthann Penfound.
Fine,Skits concerning possible
• . problem children .might face were
performed by members of class.:
Kevin Tamblyn, Cameron Moon,
Kevin Fethergill, Kathy Radford,
Bobby Penfound, Susan
Jameison, Catol Cartwright. John
Lawson, Ruthann Penfound, Sally
Pollard. Brenda Millar, Neil
' Cartwright: •Assembly closed with
• singing the Lords Prayer.
Awromnim empura.,
• RAN , Government
1. of Canada
Industry, Trade'
and Commerce
Gouvernement •
du Canada
Industrie ."
et Or •
Personals Wallop 1p:3(AI/worms
either way...
• ,®Dl-SYSTON -
'systemic insecticide,
•• the organophosphate, .
that wallops rootworms
economically. -
An at-planting-time application of
Di-SYSTON controls corn rootworms, on
contact, and the systemic action of
s. OkSYSTON extends control throughout
the active rootworm larvae season. And
DI-SYSTON won't damage germinating
corn seedlings.
DI-SYSTON is available in 4.5.:o
convenient formulations—liquid or
free-floWing granular. Vapour-banief bag
reduces storage.and handling odirs, too.
. Mr. and, Mrs. 0.01V -7.-lewby
returned home. on Thursday April
27th fi'oin spending past 6 months
- • at Fort Pierce, Florida. •
Mr. John Riley was admitted to
St. Joseph's Hotpital. London on
Sunday.' April. 23rd' hay ing
surgery on April- 26th.
Mrs. John Riley .spent :several-
days last. week with her niece Mr.
and Mrs 'Mike Bannon, London.
Mr. and . Mrs, Tom ' Allen
returned home on Monday, April
24th from a holiday touring
Southern United States for 10•
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Radford
Dawn, and Monica of, Niagara
Falls spent thiltsday-JU Stinday.
-with Mr. ,• and Mrs. '• Gorden
Radford .and Mr. and„Mrs.
Radford. '"
Mts. 'Beverly Gall. Toronto
'spent week end with'het parents
• Mr. and Mrs„Jack Lee. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wood,
Joanne, Karen and Doug,
VVingliam visited on Sunday with
his parents •Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Woods. g
The family—of Mr. and Mrs.
• Lorne Hunking spent Sunday with
• Mr. and Mrs. 'Toni Duizer
Laurel, - Lisa, Stephen and
Sharron, Lodesboro, Mr. and
. Mrs. Art flunking, Tara and Todd
Exeter, Murray Hunking and
Kathy, Stiatford, Mr: and Mts.
' Bob Thompson visited on
Saturday. -April , 22' With her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Hamilton Moorefield, also visited
, on week-end with, his aunt Mrs.
Russell Thompson, Claticesbnrg.
Remember W.I. dessert euchre
Friday, May 6th at 7:30 p.m. in
the hall.' • • 'Mr.'and Mrs. Wayne Peck and
baby of St.. TlicitniS• week-end
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Saundereock.
Mrs. Laura Saunderc0c1( is
Spehding some Abbe with her
niece Mr. arid Mrs. Pere
MeEirook, Carlon.
Several front• here attended the
DI-SYSTON 15G application rate
at 8 oz.' per 1,000 feet of row.
Row Spacing
' lbs./Acre
30" * , 8,7
34' • , 7.7
36" \ _, ,/ 7.3 , ,
38" . 6.9
-40" 6.6
Milton J. Dietz, I...td.
Rt. 4 Seaforth
'FURAbAN® insecticide;
the.carbamate that's .
unsurpassed fOr corn
. rootworm control.
Best w,40y to prevent corn.-rootworms'
from building up resistance to insecticides
is to alternate from an organophosphate
insecticide to a carbamate'. And
FURADAN is the carbamate to switch to.
FURADAN is the systemic insecticide
• that kills corn rootworm larvae on contact
and then is- absorbed by the roots to
provide long-lasting residual control. Hard,
purple granules won't bridge or,cake in the
FURADAN 10G application rate
at 9-12 oz-.per-1;000 ,feet-of-rw.
Row Spacing
20" 15-20 -
30" 10-13.3 •
34" , 8.8-11.8
36" - 8.3-11.1
38" 7.9-10.5
.40" 7.5-10
01-.SYSTON is a Reg. TM of Bayer AG.
FURADAN Is a Reg. TM of FMC Corp. .
. • `olk
• .