The Wingham Times, 1898-05-27, Page 21.ILEt; WINO -HAM TIMES, MAY 27, 1898. e'0741iugipm emits kettIDAY, MAY tee 1eee. WIIY IIB WAS IN CANADA. • -- Wit i3i7RPETTE tilyee III•e W:tlt I:S.-- Robert 13urdi tte is lE 'tnring in . the Xorthtve,et. lie wile interviewed by t+lit! Winnipeg. Free Press which) a rep<wis him tee fel.•,r'tl.-- In reply to t. tjut,'ition that led up from. t disenesion about the present canfliet between Spain and the United Stews. Mr. i,Buruette stud, • with evident surprises "What alis 1 doi4g in Canada, , non ? Well illy country et at war, and that is tnt3 time when a g"eat rattily Atnerie`tne art moved to visit our dear conchs ov";r the line, you. know. I am a man of peace ; or rather of pieces. 1 go around the country speaking t em. Beside, I don't have to go to tsar this time. I was in the ''pen Years War,' Went down to Cuba with a filibustering party on the steamer 'Lilian.' S1Je was a Britesh ship,originally, a lightning blockade runner during our family row. rile Spaniards heard I was coaling. They knew of 1 effeeted a landing on the island the jig was up. So they punched a Bole in my ribs before the boat reached land. Like Abner, Dean of Angels, in the Soeie on the Stan• aslaus. °I smiled a sickly -so . of smile, and curled upon the flo , And the subsequent pr ceedings inter- ested sue nu more.' I got ane to a iiospi 1 and then 1 hied me home. Doi 't tell me the Spaniards won't iigti and can't sehoot. They bit me in the dark, and I was the smallest man in the boat. When we crossed the line at Gretna yesterday, committee marched through t e Northern Pacific train and made all the Ameri- cans take the star spangled banner oil' their eoats. So we put them in our inside pockets, bearer our hearts, ease a few who put them in their hat bands. However, I maintain my loyalty and patriotic `i by taking off' ;Iny hat every time Dass a Canadian barber shop. 1 "Pole of the patroit's longing eyes, To thy bent stripes itis hat bA'Ildoff. Hiwift to thy gleaming stern be flies To get his whishers broken ori. Please sing without' lining. Ain I going to remain in Manitoba until the war is over i Oh, no ; Pin like a good memory ---1 can go back. 1 was v. soldier in the 47th Illinois regiment all through the civil war; Brut down the rebellion all by myself, didn't have a man to help me until we began to make up the pension list. And, I'm 51 years old, and can't be drafted." a Trlfies That Cause Bravery. On one of the streams in Yorkshire a man and a boy were seated in a boat fishing, when suddenly the boy lost his belance end fell overboard. The man gallantly jumped into the water and rescued the little fellow. "Bravo I" remarked a farmer standing near. "They ought to give you Ilse Jimmie society's medal." "An what for becos ?" asked the old chap "Fur so nobly saving that poor lad's life at the risk of your own," replied the Iran. "Now, look here mister," he re- joined, •`I don't wa it to praise w'ere no praise ain't dot. If you'd been me, you'd a -done j t the same." ,. '•lti lfy ! said tl:e, farmer. "Why ?" why, 'clis the young imp had all the bait in h,ockets, that's whe--and a good why,ltoo, mister." —Pearson's Weekly. BABY DRUGBiTNESS .`noon fades when Diarrhoea seizes on the IhLtle form. J.'r. Fowlers' Extract of Itr'tld Strawuerry, bas 1;iavw1 aiaay in- fants' as well as adults'. lives. Mrs. W. `Walters, Richmond Street, Hamilton, Ont., Says : '•L cured ply baby of a bad attack of Cholera, by using 1)r. Fowlers Ii;tract of tt'ikl Strawberry. Nothing else did any good, but the baby improv - cid from the first dose of the Wild Straw- berry." rl"lir, election expenses of the can- didates in the West .Iuron election ore given as follow s1---•Josep'1 Beck, $175.36 ; J. T. Garrovv,1'•441..53, iehaving ori whisker's attacks men ill streaks, just like a iy other epi -- ateriat for Piough bare "I''EItL DEAD, S. What more Every -clay Heading do Should the two Elects 1nf'et fend , You read in this i'xper than that blow each other into thin .air, it would. ; —They are Legion. be one of the beat things whin ever happened to humanity, although a isttDon'tono lly with h had been fors. There 1 grievous misfortune to those who • diseaer At Limos lily life was imi- Duelling began with the first fight tier of years surely afflicted with heart us er• despaired of. Doctors had pev'scribed, between .'ane and Atel, and lasted and 1 had taken every I.00Wn heart re. by Bible chronology for needy 6,000 stay made, 1 had supposed and did not `,ears, but when the Inoderrl pistol made it too deadly it stopped. Lord ,ytton in one of bisthooks built up a nilleulum based on the promise that Inv man could kill another simply by wishing hire dead.s . Under these circrmstances men i were very careful not to offend each other, and should the coming battle prove destructive to both sides we 1 may in future expect"a similar en- forced politeness betwden the nations.: Such a consum ma tic,n is one devout- ly to be wished for, t%nd it may be casually remarked that the harveyiz- - etl steel with which American battle- ships are armoured wluld make most excellent ploughshare,. got any benefit. I rand of the wonder- ful cures wrought by 1)r, Agnew's Cure fortheHeart. 1 procured a bottle, and in lees time almost than it takes to tell it, the distress was relieved. 1 followed the directions closely and to -day I am a well woman again. and :I shall do all in my power to wake known to everyone suffering as 1 did the xfionderful cure it worked for me. Min. Wm Burton, Dartinow, Ont." Suld esy A. L. Hamil- ton, druggist. WAS A GEE* GAME. THE VETERAN BALI. TELLS O1' HI5 TROCI3L.ES IN KANSAS. "When I had th4t clab down in HAPPY RQ FROM A TRIO OF AFFLICTIONS. PAINE'S CELERY' COMPOUND Saves the life ofa Lady in Sea - ma, fan. THE TERRORS OF RHIaNiA- TI NEURALCIA ASID HEADACtiESARE BAB- IMHMD FOREVER. Health and Happiness Bestowed on All Who Make use of Paine's Celery Com- pound: Wells & Richardson Co Gentleman :-i am very pleased to be able to tell you of the great good I have derived front the use of you Paine's Cel- ery Compou,ld. Before using your Com- pound I was so cripAled with rheuma- tism that 1 could Madly crawl on bands and knees from one place to another. I also suffered from .neuralgia and dread- ful headaches, and could not get more than one or two hours of sleet) each night. I often thought it would be wetter Li die than to live and egdnre my terrible agony. I was bappily advised to use Pltine's Celery Compound,and after use o:! six bottles the rbeuunatisin and neuralgia are banished, and I now eat, rest and sleep well. My present improved state of health is clue entirely to the health• giving virtues of' Paine's Celery Com- pound, which has doge wonders for n.e. My husband is now using it for dyspep- sia, and it is doing wonders for him. My neighbors to whom I taye recommend- ed Paine's Celery Con3i�pound have been greatly blessed. Yours truly, Mits. ANrrs R. COBB, Sealpo, Man. Tho Hope otCanada. The :'4 cadets Ain the Military college at Kingston, t is fair to say, made a deeper i pression upon thinking people than did any other feature of the recent Military Tourna- ment. Their rosy cheeks, broad shoulders, brawny chests and free, manly carriage were those rather of young Greek heroes than of Canad- ian schoolboys. P4ple seemed to realize for the first time the splendid development of muse e, strength and agility of which yo ng Canada is capable; and many a mother doubt- less thought of her own, narrow hamblin sons and Kansas," said the veteran baseball manager, ""I met my:financial Water- loo. In the meeting of hotel bills and other expenses I had given up watch, my diamond pin and even the extra suit I had with g e. When I was just ready to ,make uncondi- tional surrender and tell the boys we were stranded, a local manager from the next town on thq schedule told me that I con d mak a great killing over there. "" ".The people are wild,' he told me enthusiastically. ,,'We've fenced in a 20 acre lot, andhthe only mis- take was in not inaki ig it 40. 'We 11 have the people froml three counties, and you'll make a 1 -eight carload of money. 13ut 1'll gtve you a tip. Let the women in free. Invite them all and urge them to't come, It'll be a great hit.' "1 followed bis advice. The people streamed ill by every+road entering the town. That field' was jammed till we had to rope in playing room end make special grbund rules. I went gleefully to the oliee and found that the total receipt were $8.75, while the turnstile registered about 16,000 people. But they were prac- tically all women, the men finding gallery seats in the teees or on the enormous stretch c f fence. It was as gorgeous looking a hell party as you ever etapped your eyes on. "I just slipped to the rear end of the town, bought a e5 mule and struck out for the Missouri line. My team went out and farmed till it made enough money to buy the needed railroad transporation. 1: x as a hunted man for fully ten years, but the old boys have geadualiy accepted a story that I'm ghubbing for dia- monds in South ,Africa."—Detroit Free Press. The Reward of C -reed. "How much wil you charge for shoeing my horse ?" The question was asked by a wealthy, but miserly man. "A dollar and ty `etlalf for the four shoes" was the reely of the black- smith. "Too much," said Mr. Closelist, and, then he began to promise all his future work to the :smith if the price was reduced. "I'll tell you what I will do," said the blacksmith filially. ""If you will agree to pay rile one-half cent for the first nail, 1 Int for the second, 2 cents for the thir and continue to double for each Hall-3�� in 1111—I will agree to sOoe your horse at that rate whenever he needs shoeing and do all other wore 'fat 10 per cent. cheaper than regular rates." dentis „ ' chested, s g asked Dor. Closefit um ed at this offer. J 11 herself"Why are not my boys like „The bargain was marl@ and witnessed eels _.. ....,r. - those. and he went home to boast to his 'LW € Pity that all the school boards of wife of the agreement he had made. Canada should not lave witnessed �111't him that [exhibition of ttl►anly strength She a the plains figuring that oon he had and grace, and askcd'themseltes the overreached himself and that the same question, for their is no good blacksmith would strip him of all reason why Canada should not be a he possessed if he held him to his nation of just such men a those boys foolish bargain. But'the smith was will become ; and then she would bo generous and good neturedly gave one of the greatest Wiens on earth. up the contract. Any country sono ill the Domin Young folks can figure this prob. ion could produce seh boys, were the school laws adcgtate. A room, lew out for themselvet and see how much Mr, Closest age. ed to pay .— a few score dumb -b lls, a wooden Itanl,s horn. MIZEUM • woo ris ol's SARSAPA IL .A IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. XT WIIL MAKE YOU Wm.r. Mk your Druggist or Dealer for it 1111101.1 SARSAPARILLA. "horse," orse, a sh o s er bat at and a school. S. B13A•TII SERVICES. 1 Mierno )Ise.--llev. 1)r. Parcae, pas- l or.Services at 11 a m and 7 p PRh•SBYTERIAN--Rev. 1). ferric palter. Services at 11 a nr and 7 p tt�. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's -Rev, \4 m- 1 Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a ill and 7 p l3Al.'TIST-•-I.•ev. Jae. Hamilton, pas- : tor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p w CON(iltEGA'110N AIa -fico. 11. E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a In and 17pn1. CHRISTIAN WORKERS -•- flosses Outraru and Lock in ecrun,tmd, Services atip nitarrds;pnl. 1 SALVr.T1ONARLMY- .Adjutant Miles I and wife in command. cervices at 11 a. in, and8pm, In each of the above named ehurchea master who has been taught the uses. Hibod IiiiSpring. of ills legs and arms, are the only „This is the al,iidat ani elrsa1 e)lpPri- reGltllsitres. They would came cheap, enoe. X)iminished perspiration during and it is u' be (loped that before long, the winter, HA foods andelosi condi'. and if necessary by c nipulsion, they ment indoors are some of the cause, A will be added to ever school in the good f,pring _ht e(yicine, like (',Goods _ RT land. entwine, .is absolutey nee,opary to par• ify the blood and put the /system in a `""" "- healthy condition at this twee. ' tw 1 For that tired feeling ou must enrich 1lBOOb'S PI.LrS aro tht beet family and purify your blood. 1 ood'a Sarsapar- cathartic and liver tonic. Gentle, ireii- ilia is the medicine you need. able, sure Where Specialists FiLiled Dr. Chase Cured Ca4arrh. James Spence, Clacbjln, Ont., writes : "I had been a suffererfrom Catarrh for 15 years. It became cur ironic and I bad given up hopes of e'er Lei•'g cured when advised by a friend to try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure.' 1 at once start- ed and am pleased.tog state three boxes effected a complete dire, and I heartily recommend it to anyone suffering from Catarrh. 1' The Ingersoll Baptist Church was struck by lightning teed destroyed. J. B. Allenby of West London was killed by lightning whine asleep in bed. eat: ztaxcis.Asr sr.sLAteaa.ril;..a:,: sa.,cn,::a 67:- t: BR. CHASE'S CATARRH CORE Working Wonders ins Toronto. Gave 1M3. I3INDON her hearing when Specialists failed; About 3 years ago, Mrs. Pindon, of 11 :Vtaitimll,i St., 'Toronto, waelattacited with la Grippe, which affected Ater hearing to such un extent: that she teas completely deaf. It was a serious affliction and she tried litany remedies and consulted a prominent specialist an gar diseases.. but eeriveci no benefit. By a: happy circum - statics site was led to use De. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and before she had coin pleted 3 boxes her bearing lead partially returned. Site persisted in Cie application of the remedy, so oonifdent wag she of ultimate care, and by the time 13 boxes had been used her hearing wasoo}hpletely restore••,. For 3months how she has been free deafness, and 110 emancipated sufferer was ever inore, delighted than Mrs Minion On Sunday she goes to church and enjoy, the service, a tiling alta was unable to cl before 1)r. Chase'sCaltrrh Cure gave her back her hearing. P :tyro 23 CElifTS A BOX. Cor; lete with Blower. fold by allda =1e:e• ..r .Las.im uoa S..ces S Co., Tercel:0, tRao IS1 F.CI57 cnCD. lit51IesV110.6 4 r, ; k Made a well "tat, Cy�Y M a n of w.�rs l•e ' Yr • 40/4cT4�tP lions, etc., caused by past obtobe:, al^cn�'"-=•'' vigor and size to shrunken u,r nnR and qutekty tm ,u, fly rostoroa 1o,J l:nn)tr pd, in oJd r..l.mitm Easily corned in vert raoiset.F'rla` $:I.r,'I r l arke¢r six tos SILO( 11.1'14. u ++•r tltd, ry.4,rrxnt.•" r. •v.rr a mono,) reftcnrb.•1. 1•n• T'nt y A.`' ),tr,, -• "•. b<r Insist on nnvinu I.:DA?G. 1. Rot it. Lie n1P son? it nr,M'tb' mtibu,l e" ' Chisholn, s:lnrner Drug +to•e, lV1iighau., out A Disordered ltllIAi'fil �Orh Tam CREST 11INDOO fol M£C)Vz,`•i7i.' PROD;:.^.P.a'IOE Ai1OV•r. \ �I1J Respells in80day.t. Corn all N9rv011a Disea••ot. 1P1Sinlin Memory I arn.ds, Slonglresnese, WOG*, Etnis- K id neys. Perhaps they're the source of your ill health and you don't know it. Here's Itow you can tell :— Ifyou have Back A4he or Lame Back. If you have Puffiness under the Eyes or Swelling of the Feet. If your Urine contains Sediment of any kind or is High Colored and Scanty. If you have boated Tongue and Nasty Taste in the Mouth. If you have Dizzy Spells, Headaches, Bad Dreams,- Feel Dull, Drowsy, Weak and Nervous.. Then you have Kidney Complaint. The sooner you star taking DOAN'S KID EY PILLS the more quickly will jour health return. They've cured thou- sands of cases of kid- ney trouble during the past year. If you aro a sufferer they can, curt you. Rook that tells ali about Doan's Xtidney , Pills sent free to any address. The Abate kidney F111s „or Co., Toronto, Ont. Sabbath School is held at Y.,33 p L". Afore. Ater. Woo .'s PhOSP110aife, The Great English Remaly. Sold and recommended by a}1 druggists in Canada. Only reli- able med.cine discovered. Sfx packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive UEC of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on ceipt of price, one package 51, six, 55. 0,26 nal Anse, siztoul core. WoodlCompa y, N ndsoi Out. ttlj !) a m :slat* l -iii PCTt.I ISI1E1' EVERLY FRIDAY MORNING --AT TUB -- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRET WINGU,'t i, ONTARIO. pubacription price, °,il per Sear,:u advance ADVEItT1r,1MG PATES I I Ea^t 1 t yr. i u n1' , 3 n1). 1 1 mQ nue Culuu,,i C.r'J UJ ^,nn Ot, o I p, *s (00 10 4'1 0 + 1 • II 1' •i. L' OO l,uarter' .44 0'1 t"O 1 1G ea !id 1 (0 1•rc: ueh ., 0:1 3 0', ' oti� 1 OV Legal nid otntr Canna( a(ittltlsem,.nt. be per ine for his: We./ iesl,c,nd r" per 11111 I ,reaehtIitnequcnt Irl^el tl.'U, tle,'bulc,t bt uolfpal 1 vocal not)ces 1';n pLr ht a lm lir. 1 n r, Ition, and 6 . P r lii,e Ior rash an. 1r (nt ns.'1 uc, . t AdrerLi:, meats of Lo,t, I ,ur:d, F.tra•. eu, situations and lJuaiutst Ctanr•ea \t anted, ut 1+ "ecu,ng S line nonl,areii, tl for stir ulut:th, a..d nos. for each sobiequrut mouttl. 'louses end Fauns for sale, not excu•ding 8 line. t1 for ,test month, Ne. put b:tbac.lia:at month Larger t, h .to:0 1,ei.ts in ',rope) tin. i These. ilus tall be strictly adhered to lSpecial rateb for lathe r as elliscare nts, or or lots er periedn. Adt'erttbe,t,sets and feral troth es witltout specific directions, will be !Located till forbid and charged i accordingly. Tr.t.situ,) advertinwaeLts must be Paid b1 adv,.uco Changs tar contract nUTI:rticome:,tr n•t,st be In the office by Wednesday noon, 10 order to appear ti.at week ! Il. R. Ei.1JuiT, 1'aoraixroa Axn PDRtteHEtt Sold in Wingbam by Cohn a Campbell, Druggist. BANK of HAMILTONj 1.)11',m, Atil)p1CI•i l`I LiE( II1'dICI:1A, SUR sncc '.ser to lir, \\ . 1.1, Lam L•h2.: i F.L5 ONT. WING 11 A M • 1st Cia+=s Honor Or;.dnate of the l'niversities of Trinity (Torouto) tlueen s t1Cin{;bttn). and of Tren- tv Medical Coliege ; Fallux• 01 Trinity Medical Culie;;eand Mewber of the Colleee tf I'hvsicians 'nal Surgeons of Ontario. Post Graduate Course in Detroit cad Chieago 1Nn:9 Speet.t1 attention paid u, niaeacsue of (iyu Ear Nose and Throat and nsuuses of Women. Consultation IL English and Berman, ta-eatarth treated nuecebbfully in alt to forms. Capital, 61,850,000. hest, 6735,000 1 President—JOHN druMrr. Viue•i'resident-A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR, Geo. ROAOtI, Wm GIBSON, 1', A. T. WoOD, A. B. Las (Toronto). I VANSTOi' E, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Savings Bernie --flours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Dee osits of $l and upwards received and interest interest. No couln,isswn chargee. Mortgages, town allowed and farm property bought end huh: 13p0aiai 17eposite also received at eurre:.t OFFICE-L'oay, Block" rates of i1 ..resL. Draf2,10 n vreat Britain and the United State, I ---.-_�. bought ,old 1 Private and Company funds to loan et lowest rate W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. -^ Money to Loan fon Notes. a Notes Disco n.t.ed AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at"! 6 poi oentwfl h privilege of paying at the end of ,fity Tear. Not, and accounts collected. ROBT. 3 cINDOO. Beaver Block Wimrham, Ont. i GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART ARiRI\'E O50a.m.305p.m 330pin1025pm 8 55a m 3 05p m 653 a m 11 10 a m 33Cp;m SOOpm 11 10an 6 50a m 380ppi 330pm '10 25 p jn 8 30 a m AGENTS Book bushiest is better than for y9ars past ; also have bettor and faster Belling' bonkt, Agents clear. Ing naw 40 to S40 weekly, A few lenders are : @eel, V•etoria" • "Life of 11r. Godstone," "illy Mother's Bible Stnrien" "Prost essitu Speaker," •'11Jandiko Gold Fielt," "Women," "Glhnpses 01 the t'os.:eu," "1:reblditst, 1)imwr, Supper," Books 011 time. BRADLEY -GA 110LIMN COMPANY, erten, Toronto. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine wiNoxeIVI STEAM PUMP WORKS AU -STEEL TUCVniqp3ILL THEelEWWAY 11\ , : .MY! neo° Mt TRW " t' "'a'' MILLIS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with 'Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron (cylinders, GaIva>,niiz- e(1 iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughm, Sinks, ilaittlis,Pipe kitting, Nell Digging and everything in con- nection with water suppnes. Galvanized Steel Windm.iile for power and pping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. 1tepairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or 00 Tale. C. IVORNINSTAR 13o'c 110 Wingham, Out* J. A. MONTON L'AIIIt1STER, &e,, Winghan.. On;, E. L. DIONO SON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK Or IIAAIILTON. RONEY TO' LOAN. Office -Mover Munk. IA Ingham 0, CLIME w;\, M. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e, Office -Corner Ilamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. GODNRICH, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J. S. J ERODI E, L. D. S., tv if/mum.. eta3 1 .vanufactuchea�rf first-class sets of be made { " in tl rteethas tion inion. LIT et cextracted ����� absolutely without pain, by hie neer. process, guaranteed perte.,tly sate. OFFICE : In the Waver Block, 0plm.ito the Brunswick 'louse. JOHN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANCE AOLNT WlsetuM, ONTARIO (.P. 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOL , ,tE cum= OF 11 URON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge, Moderate. DEANS, JR., JOHN CURItIE, \Yixon&ts, LICENSED ACCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Iulpina)en specialty. All orders snit at the TIMES oaice pronlotly atten.l ed to. Torr.,, reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. e __Camp Caledonia, No. 40, meet coiry' 0* utn, in she tfa rst hi Fellows 11rIlal MondayID brethren %vetoer s. J. Murray, Chiot. D Stow art Riet•See WANTED Young 0.nn 1111 %emboli, or older ones' cburuutur, gond itulkestill ts, ambitiin ous and findustr ougS,. can Ilud elnplo; merit hi a coed cause, w(tl, ;+40 per inimtli and upwards according to abi.ity. 1(M\ T. 8, LINSOo1"1t,Tonoxro• W ANTED. Se% en order writers. Sala•y or eon1111issi0n to snit able pereuns. ADVERTISER, )fedtc,d building, Toronto. WANTED. ..len and Si Men who can work lead talking aid wt ,ting six hours daily tor *ix darn a w,.ck and will Le emitted lent ten dollars wcek13. Address : NE\V (DRAB Co , TORORTO, WANTED nenticn or prrn,nnentl,. to soltelt for C nada. An 1.frie (I0)'ao,liaof the Country, In Five Royal %ohmic% No delivering. Cotmnission Inud wcckn, LINseorr l'rnr.Isitt.o Co, TonoNre. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING !looks, Pamphiets, rosters, 51' 1 Heads, Cirotiars, .ke., te., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on abort notice. Apply or address 11, H. ELLIOTT, T nes Office, wingltam BOOKBINDING, \t•,: are p,•'uaed t0 ailff.nhco that env nooks or Magazines lett with us for Binding tvlil have Our prompt attention. Peeve for Binding in any style n 31 be given oh aunliestton o titer Trwrev Office