HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 5418
ace does your house present?
brand-new welcoming, ap-
Consider the outside of
Your house in its entirety,
and decide how you would
like it to look when it's
been redecorated-.
Color is in these days--
shades like olive, avocado,
barn red, royal brown, co-
lonial blue, and autumn
gold will make your home
look cozy and snug.
If you have a ranch-type
you:might want to
accentuate' its long and -
low lines by using hori-
zontal siding in a color
lighter than the roof.
Even the architectural
extravagances of Victorian
-- Castles-aid uther--vintage----
styles can be preserved
and , enhanced by careful
selection of colors and at-
tention to the charming
detail of -antique design. •
DecOrators advise never
to Use more than three
cOlors on the outside of
your home. Poi' instance, cif
you have a brown roof, you
might think about re-sid-
ing with a barn red siding,
brown shutters, white trim
around the windows, and
a brown and white front
With careful planning,
your new sidingandacces-
sories will present a lovely
- "face" to your visitors and
neighbors, and enhance
and 'shutters or a new eco rate
If you are among the
,,.many families considering
.-the purchase of an older'
honie or remodeling your
present home, you may be'
faced- with the problem of
deteriorating wood siding
or stucco arid the need for
a new: look.
Paint could give you a
fresh appearance, but it
may be costly to contract
and time consuming ,tp• do
it yourself. Repainting
may be required again in
three to five years.
New pre-finished siding
biggest selling point Is its
time-proven low mainten-
New • insulated alumi-
nutn siding can help to re-
duce heat loss through
your walls, especially when
they are uninsiflated or
ably has the widest range partially insulated. ", The
- of styles, colors and acces- potential savings in, fuel
sories. It has been On the bills, added to the main-,
market for 30, years and tenance saved in repaint-
has been used in residing ing Wood siding., can
millions of• homes. usually pay for residing in
Low maintenance less than ten years.
There are a number
The newest siding on the
could be, your best invest- reasons for this. Alumi- market is vinyl, a plastic
material •that has been
ment, especially when ob- "'' -num siding .comes in dur- used ' for • fioor 'tile and tained from those maim- able ,baked 7On finishes, is plumbing pipe for many facturers who offer long- easy to •clean, and is light years. Because viny-Kplas-, • terra warranties-that pro- weightivhiCh makes' t
vide reasonable •protection easier to„ work: with than
against product defects. other metals. Probably its
Firat impiressiOns count
The -Outside of your
home is the first "face" you
present to yOur visitors
and neighbors. Nevi' siding
front door can give a
Everyone thinks of
doors in terms. of the
rooms they connect with.
There are, front doors and
back doors, kitchen doors
and bedroom doors, base-
ment and attic doors.-
'Some doors, however, do
more than merely •open
and close. ' • .
Wood louver doors are
an example. Besides kitch-
en doors, bedroom' doors,
closetctors, bath and
laund r
oom doors, wood
louver oors can also be
used as decorative screens,
room dividers and con-'
necting doors.
They're suitable •for in-
--formal—kitchens,---formal— . _-
dining rooms or as con-
necting doors between the
two. ,
They function especially
well, as kitchen, bath,
,lauridry and closet doors
• where they permit the free
flow of air to circulate,
helping 'to combat 'heat
and humidity, odors, stale-
ness , and mildew.
Wood louver doors are
available as folding or
sliding units, which makes
them ,ideal for closets in
narrow foyers or hallways
where floor clearance
space is limited,
Folding• louver doors
open and close like , an
accordion, requiring little
floor space,, ' "•
the styling and value of
your home. So you should
put as much thought into
refurbishing the outside, of
your home as you Would
into redecorating your liv-
ing room.
Aluminum siding. prob-
tic can become brittle
when exposed to sunlight,
it must be carefully form-
ulated and is only av,ail-
able in pastel colors and
Normal weathering
Prefinished hard board
is available in various pat-
terns and colors, but does
not have the long-term
low maintenance charac-
teristics of 'aluminum,
The expoSed edges of
prefinished steel siding are
'vulnerable to the elements
and may deteriorate if
_ protective coatings fail.
• Each type of prefinished
• gidiriglii.s 1,W 'advantages,
but all will change. some-
what-in color aver a period
of time once they" are on
your home and exposed to
sun, wind; water and tem-
perature extremes. This is
called normal weathering.
Although color coatings
have become appreciably
better over the past few
• years, manufacturers and
home improvement con-
tractors still can't (and
shouldn't) guarantee 100
percent absolute color re-
tention, This is true of
vinyl plasti-Csiding (which
is a, "solid color coating")
as ell as of color coatings
applied to aluminum,
hardboard, and steel.
1110pERN, LIFESTYLES require low-maintenance products like, the aluminum "siding
that dresses this classic two-story suburban home.
YOn'te"going to paint, paper, rewire
or renew something. .
you're going to add'a, room, a patio, a
garage, a fence . . .
the credit union is a good place to get
your financing..
the rate is low and there's no charge
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1 2%
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Here's why:
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-close spots.
• Extra large grass.
bag—holds 6'
• Powerful
vacuum ac-
action —for an
extra clean
Get yours
Be Snapper
why not open a' chequing
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Weighted Lead
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All Snapper mowers meet
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Sharpe's Maintenance Service
eiciciforth, Ont.. Phone '527-1746
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