HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-20, Page 8lax. `i LN IIA:l 11.M.E4b, MAY 20, I.bi t., M. D 0 0 .4$V4. a;,M.-'Y:.:..'x..M,a.a Z*fl44J.. •r Zzitill9o4 �j'Y 1�Yt D tiEFS GOODS 25c Yard Tl'UNl3I'aifty. w ,r.iMtJ STOWN. ' Sirs. T. I):xon lint oris.; moving to' Cliutul: tilii lveeic,' There was no behonl here last Fri- day owing to th,? 1'eaChel'd' :�3�1)eiil• til/n, which o111' leaclter, 1it.as Orvis, attended at Brussels. Mr. Donal( McCormick'; children who were `+lek with the weasels are Many of the friends of this locality will be pleased to hear that Mrs, Hillier and daughter, Mrs. Davidson, are back in our neighborhood again l• from Stratford where they have been living for the past few years. The old lady, although over 80 years of ago, still continues to be very smart, now fully r eeover'ed were glad to and was able to walk front Brussels say. Many of the farmers are again to her home a distance of six miles. \i'e contemplate she intends to reside sending there cream to the 11'lute- in our midst for some tnneNe ,'11i.1P1'II in'ry, 1vh1I'11 opened this We are sorry to Chronicle the , death of Mrs. John McNeil, of Owen Sound. She has been poorly for some years, but her death was not generally expected so 'soon, She sank very suddenly on Friday last and the end cause while her husband was out on the lakes and forced to be absent. She was an old 'resident 1 of this place and her sad death will be received with general eympathy. Little Miss Buie 111uth'at, of the boundary, is in a very low Condition at present with a run-down system. Your correspondent is 'pleased to state that Milt. Mehlwen is greatly improved in his condition. I'Ie will soon be able to eome to his home in Jamestown Now for a bargain in t'arnivalln 1til'fh. 1•, Robt. McKagile has purchased Dress floods. Wo male these bis a brand new cream separator. Three reauetionr in new and sensible stuffs.01 franc of these mainlines are now 10 Every yard of it is worthy and re- Ii;a`tl;•--is :Ill you care about. Twen-- use around here. Messrs. C. and A, h-1 for`; goods 1't'orth llulnuth having had them for some tc-Aa5'('. :.,) Ctzi dr -:.'b ,.,1h llne. ea h;a;ll as 503 ought to get the iThere is some talk of a social be whole town talking. jug- held near here in the near fut. c> (. )ds reduced in the following ail e., the proceeds to be used by the lines : ----Black .and Colored Lustree, 1 ingl T' h11111 Silk Mixed, Fancy figured All •,wool 10 tngreg;ttional Church, i�� Series, lilac!; and Colored. I the members or whole are getting it It goods, (1) 0"-t come up to ex -1"P. Something is needed to enliven this ia; asof pectation, money will be cheerfully 1 late quite been verb very e still.ln r 1h as �clt r(funded• for a fature�utllouncement, ' Special hi Clothing 12 Man's Ill tie Sr rase Suits $500, for $,3'25: 10 Boys' Suite, very special, 81.73; 6 ;:taring 0vorooats, reg. $10, Satnrday $5.75 ; 0 Bicycle Suits, reg. $0, Saturday $&.73; 2 doz. Men's Bicycle Stockings, special 50c. Special all Cay Saturday l 5 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose, reg. 45c for 25e ; 20 doz. Child's Ribbed Cotton Bose, reg. 8o for 21;e ; 20 pieces Fancy Ribbon. reg. 5c for lc; 5 dozen Crompton Corsets, reg. $1.00 and 81.25 for 75c; 4 pieces Table Lio ti, ren. 50c for 33e : 10 pairs Lace Curtains. white and cream, 25o ; 50 Hairs Fine Oxford Shoes, reg, $1.50 for 81.25: 10 pieces English Print,, reg. 12'. e for 80; 10 pieces Black Velvet, rez. 35e for 150 ; 10 doz. Gents' Linen Collars, reg. 20c for 150. Go where you will you cannot find equal quality for the money we ask, That sounds big, does it? Not any bigger talk than our goods will warrant. Shop early Saturday morning at H. I DOOM I Acute Rheumatism Pains in the Foot and Limb - A Complete Cure Accomplished by Mood's Sarsaparilla. " For a number of years I was afflicted with acute rheumatism in my left side and all the way down my limb into my foot. I live five blocks from my work and had to stop and rest several times in going and coming. I could get no relief from my trouble and was on the point of giv- ing up my job when I happened to hear of Iiood's Sarsaparilla. I purchased a pottlo of this medicine and a vial of Hood' ' 11ls anyd began taking them. Before I had hall finished them I was relieved and it was not long before I was completely cured. I never lose an opportunity to praise Hood's Sarsaparilla, for my cure meant a great deal to me, as I have a fam- ily and must always be at my post." WILLIAM HASII:ETT, yardman, Grand Trunk Railroad depot, Brantford, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, caro fully prepared.. 25 cents, Miss Kate McEwen is spending a few weeks with her friends in this village. The Presbyterian manse has been improved by the erection of a fence around the property. Mr. John Hamilton was at Ripely last week and purchased 250 head, of ,,attf . lIo will have part of them put on grass near Ripley arra the baladneo will be brought here. The public school was closed on Friday last. The teachers attending e convention at Brussels, BIr, Robt. Black has purchased an elevator and is having the sante remodelled. He intends buying all kinds of grain in the near future. BEL Mr. D. Mier has gone to Muskoka, where he will spand the till ni1110r. Miss L, Peternlan was visiting Belnlore friends last week. Mr. R. Crittenden, of Tara, Was renewing old acquaintances here last week. lair. Robt. Rae was assisting Mr. John Davidson at his blacksmith slap in Wroxeter last week. Me. H. Lawrenc4peeived a badly crushed hand between two stories, while engaged in building a, wallunder Mr. H. Lowrie's barn Air Mr. Wm. ,Tohnston, of Mildmay, has been, engaged as butter. maker in the factory here for this summer. 1'VROXETER. Mr, Duncan Catmpbei1has been in Mildmay for some -time. Ile will manage the woollen mill there and remove his family from here in a short time. Thos. Gibson, jr„ has had a cellar erected under his house. Mr. Geo. Lovell, of Manitoba, was calling on Wroxeter friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Town, of Wing - h 1, are visiting in the village, Mrs. Lowry, of Belmore, has pur- chased Mr. Wm. Hughes' property in the village.'-, Airs. Alex. Thompson, of Guelph, visited with her parents and other friends in the village. Mr. John ITupfer has erected a new wire fence along the front of his property. Mr. S. Weikel', of Marton, is now in possession of the Commercial hotel. Clow a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsiom is hard to explain, but it certainly happens. It seems to start the diges- tive machinery working properly. You obtain a greater benefit from your food. The oil being predigested, and combined with the'hy- pophosphites, makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh - forming power. All physicians know this to to be a fact. Ail druggists; 5oc. and 51.0o. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto memaMmmammatemm GLENANNA.N. Mr,Hugh Tucker is visiting friends at Blyth this week. Mr, James Ilarkness and Miss Jane Small, of Culross, spent San - day at Mr. Small's on the eighth line. Mrs. Tilos Friendship, !qr. and AI s p, of Wingham, visited Robt. darkness hast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stevens spent a few days this week at James- town, with Mr. ,Tames Wallaee. 111rs', Hugh Mellmald, of Culross, is visiting this week at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ltictiard Small. Miss Maggie Anderson who has been sick with pleurisy, is recovering. Her many friends will be glad to see around again. Mrs. Win, Marshall is at present in very poor health, we hope she may soon recover. 11Iiss Rachel Dunkin left last week on a visit to her fl'iends at Credit. Miss Jennie Hastings left for Kent last Friday to visit her ;,brother David. acORN. Bloantasox•-in Zatlan�.i, oe Kay r. John b1)iru..l u� sou. �i wiieoCJ an , +'E (: oN-In East Wa'vslr)osh,of r3 t. s . May 18th, the wife at Mr. 1. l''ar„us)a, of r4s)n.V' L2D. MAILIiI Mon rEy--S raxr sr -A.t the Niasialr. (thumb, Kinezrdine, on Miy lath, by the Rev. Chas. Miles, Mr. Gaatate [1. Money, FUitor of t'ae Ripley Vorpraas. to Miss Etta, oldest da l {titer of Mr. ThcA, Stanley, of Huron township. DIED. Ci)wsrev-"to Wan;ham, on tVIiy avth, rl4ceiat., 4.1 Lids :�f spiv, et iaaG dau•ehter of Kr. ani Ars. Win. Orowston, ages 1) Vear3 and na)uths. Stray Cattle -$10 Strayed front the pre leen of 15 un bird no 1, ht 16, eonoession 8, west ' Yaw oah, on or abaut tiny 13th of )I ty, ni•,e yet i11 cattle -throe re. 1 steer;„ two Inas small white :)' , in face ; two grey stf35N; two red heifers, one as small bit of wh;ee in f.t:a; one red and white spatted 5311,r ; one p fro whit: heifer, $10 reward will ba given b any on: reltar- in5 or giving' such inforutttion ns will 1011 to the recovery of tate above cattle, ROBERT SMITH, St. Helens P(F M. GORD N. Warm, spring weather is now upon us, and you will require suitable cool germents in order to enjoy so great a change. Well, we have the goods and the garments that will give you comfort, and not tax your pock* ets very mach either. Look at the fine display of HITEWEAR IN OUR WINDOW. Nothing finer and cheaper than you can, buy in the cities. Ladies' Blouses and Wrappers, perfect in style and patterns at prices that must sell then: quick. MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING. Special prices this week. Men's Suits, $4.00, for $2.95 ; Men's Suits, $6.00. for $4.75 ; Men's Suits, $8.00, for $6.50 ; Men's Fancy Linen Coats, $1.00, for 80c ; Boys' Fancy Lir_en Coats for 50c ; Boys' Pants for 40e. In BOYS' SUITS we have the largest and finest assortment. Can fit every person and suit every taste. For comfort and style in footwear at moderate prices, come to us. Satisfaction or money refunded. Handsome, fine toned Organ for sale cheap on easy terms. D. M. GORDON, 5 DIRECT IMPORTER. AL, The war on high prices is still on at the sign of the Bear. Our great reduction sale is a greater success than we ever anticipated. People evidently appreciate the fact that this is no bogus advertisement, but a bona fide sale at greatly reduced prices. Don't forget that it is to last all month, and 9miss t 4,r ch CC of getting your . S er dry etc., at fraction of an advance on cost. Coln? maim rly. for the boom is on, and you may be sure .that the choicest bargains go first. It is not oftenIthat people get a chance to buy the newest and latest goods at Bankrupt Stock Prices and you should take advantage of it. Since our last advt. we hay added several new consighments to our stock, and they are marked at the same low figures as the rest. Don't forget all lines are included in thi reduction -----Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, and House Furnishings. We mean just what we said before, viz : We want to increase our sales for CASH and Produce during the month of May by $5,000, and from the way this sale has " caught on," we are going to more than do it. .N:;flee our partial list of prices below and bring your money and produce to where you will get the most for it. ivvt.4:y': l.izyv.rl &vi'iv4ys z•T4, z./tr'b,.ivz+?b z/t, 42 Y k, ®Rrr@�ih. a,A,,'®/qb,%„,b, "t „I �� v14twsivt z ovovia lva► �i0 wwgy.a,,t.wvsA �0 ciw, vc v • fiwiv aQ.:f gv.. Ladies' Blouses. Towels. • 8-4 Sheeting. 20e, sale price 16e 25e 11 " 21e 6e Factoy Cotton, sale, price, 10e „ 11 11 11 32 in. Flannelette, regular 7e, sale price, 4?;e. Big Reductions in Gloves and Hosiery. Ladies' Vests. 5c, 8c 121c 15e 25c 30e sale price 4e 11 1; 11 " " 6:1,e " 10c " 121e 20e 25c " .1 50c Balbrigan 42c Rig Reductions in Fancy Silk. Lace Curtains. $ 50, sale price $ 42 85 " t 62 1.25 " ,1 98 1.75 " 1.42 2.00 " " 1,63 2.50 " " ° 2.12 3.50 " 2.92 Wool Carpets. 65c sale price 48c 50e & GOe, Union, sale price 43c 146." $412/Vsir OAAy Ve..to iy': /Oatt, "vt:y i'Cb AY kegol ''aW?"111.16W"'Q1 elii ei/W1/11 '41v b 1,41M blva/1 1 1/O,'t,11~10110ty vii eo Y eris, te4Wi sv44 0'd Whet ®ahmivityll.-'1r 6,0 m. Dress Goods. $1.25 fancy and plain, sale price,98c 83c 650 Gle 470 42e 1.00 " 85 75 60 0 50 0 Black Goods, same reduction. 800 yds, regular, 85c, sale price, 35c 25c Dress Muslin, sale price 18e 20e " If 14o 25e " Linen " 18e Trimmings 1 less than regular price. 11 11 11 11 " 1t 11 1/ 11 " 11 tl " $2.00, sale price $1.63 1.50 " " 1.33 1.00 " " 88 45 11 11 GO Our special 50e line, sale price Parasols. $1.25, sale price $1.08 1.50 " " 1:33 2.00 11 1.72 2,25 " 1,85 46e. 5c, sale price 31c 10c " " 7 ,e 15c " " 124e 20e /1 " 17c 25e 11 • " 19e A job line, reg. 14e, sale price 7?;c. Bargains in Towelling; commencing them at 4c, A SNAP, Table Oil Cloth. 6.4 regular 35c, sale price 29e 5.4 25c, " 1i 21e E c i15 4 BOOTS AND SHOES Women's Polished calf,'tiped, Buttoned or Laced, regular $1.50, sale price " Fine Dong., tiped, 11 1/ f1 $1,50, " 11 18 ft 11 11 $1.75, 11 Extra Fine Dong, tiped, hand turned, buttoned, $2.75, 11 11 11 1' 11 II " ci>o., fine cloth top, $3.50, sale price " ICangora Bal., Extra value, $1.50, sale price a Pegged Bal., $1.10, sale price 50 pair Woolen's butt. or laced boots, reg. $1.50 to $3; sale price Misses' Poiished Calf Boots, buttoned, regular $1.25, sale price 11 " Gime grain, buttoned, regular $1.15, sale price Black Clay Worsted Suit to order, reg. price $16,00, sale price Black Worsted Shit 11 11 $19.00, Tweed suit to order, regular price $16.00, bale price „ 1/ 11 $15.00, 11 . Ev :y7- x).". • v0 -,•,^a:1 to the Biggest r Sltort. Smallest Prices. •-:1w A IFCAW]1 ISTIVEII..L41 E IE BOOTS AND, SHOES $1.35i Men's 1.15 " - 1.40 2.00 - 2.75 - 1.20 .85 50e to 75e $1.10 - ' 90e 11 11 Boy's /1 /1 Dongola Gaitors, regular $2.00, sale price 18 (1 66 $2,50, t1 Calf Boots, " " $2.55, 11 Fine Boots, " $1.75, I' Plough Boots, " $1.15, 11 Heavy Boots, " $1.35, " School Boots, regular $1.15, sale price • " " Extra Value, regular $1.35, sale price Fine Boots, regular $1.40, sale price • And many odd lines of Misses' and Children's Boots at Cost and below. IMP.AR►TM`ES'TT` - 7 CP a $14.00 Tweed Suit to order, regular price $14.00, 11 . 12.00 Men's Print Shirts, regular' $1.00, sale price 16.50 11 14 $12.00, " ▪ 10.50 25TIES • 14,50 den's Print Shirts, regular 75 cents, sale price . 58c cents, sale price 21e. ; 35 cents, sale price 26e, ; 50 cts., sale price 30e. 13.50 '1 11 " • . 90 cents, sale price , 65e $1.45 1,95 1.75 1.45 98c 1.10 950 1.10 1.15 • 88e WELT HATS $1.25, sale price 95 cents; $1.75, sale price $1,42 ; $2,25, sale price $1.65 HOMUTH BOVLES We are" S ole Sole AgentSHOES' s for the