The Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 40Rough Ontario White 1x12 EXCELLENT GRADE:- Full 1" Thickness Perth LTD Mitchell 348-8437 Justec:ist of Mitchell 1.; §ilifs April 27 - May 13 SHINGLES ASPHALT SELF SEALING 9 COLOURS NO.-1 210 LB 1.6.25 ,m 30 bundles or more 'Metric bundle at dr-- $5.59 Imperial bundle at '$5.75 Leaser quantities "PENTACHLOROPHENOL 4t• P ressure Trecited a Plywood and lumber prices based on a minimum order of 4000 board feet or square feet combined 1 Standard Fir Standard Standar 4' x 8' Fir SandediSelect Fir' T a G.IS. Shig. Sheathing Spruce Spruce 1/4 " 9.95 G. mtg. T. • 5116" 8.14' 3/8" 13.48 9.40 1/2 " 15.88 12A1 5/8" 18.59 14.78 3/4 " 21.99 15.46 Length 4" x 6" 6"X6" 2x6t.-41. 4.x,41 9.66 14.0 4.80 - 6,44. 11.60 17.39 ' 5.76 7.73 13.53 20.29 6.72 9.01 16.14 24.20 7.68 10.75 19.92 29.89 24.10 -36.15 32.28 48.42 55.19,! 61.79 2x4 k( 1x8 4 CONSTRUCTION 28 1/4 i, .sammpLEo EL ., 'GRADE__ -----4-kail n. tt.-"rrait KNOTS ;e2ar tin. f.--- t. axil 0 2x6 CONSTRUCTION 60 o CONSTRUCTION 56c, GRADE 2148 ' - 2x10 NSTRUCTION 7 CO SONSTRUCTION 93 4 -GRADE par Iin. ft. GRADE per lin. ft.. -WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF-- • LUNDY FARMS FENCE"' CEDAR POSTS* STEEL POSTS` BARB WIRE' CORN CRIB MESH* SNOW FENCE AND FARM GATES. Quality you can see . the straight. Clean, evengrained Ponderosa Pine. You - can feel' it in the smooth action - and-perfccrfft'1r~1liere 1i the sturdy hardware and the careful 'attention to finish. ' Most important Of all, you can still see, and admire the craftsmanship in a Dashwood window after years df service. 'Quality like this is to stay. *Minimum retail value $2,000.00 per Iln. ft. GRADE per Iln ft. FOR YOUR- BUILDING REQUIREMENTS IN 1978 GET A QUOTATION FROM M P AND SAVE DOLLARS ON YOUR NEXT FARM BUILDING SPECIFV . FLASHINGS IN'•GALVAIMED QR COLOR BY ANDEX ••• • .••••• •••••••••••••.•••