HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 35CLASSIFIED- Cheer'
24"-7-eards of Thanks
25 In Memoriam 9 Notieos
24 Cards of Thanks
The pupils of Grade Seven at
• Clinton Public School would like
to thank the following people for
allowing them to spend a day at
their farming or farm-related
operation. You have given us a
very meaningful learning'
experience: Bruce ' Roy, Hugh
Flynn, Howard• Cartwright, Ross
Jevvitt, LawrenceTayter,._ Nick
Whyte, Jiin Preszcilor. Gorden
Hoggart. Mrs. Norma Riley, John
Boven, Seaforth Veterinary
Clinic, Lynn Flowers, Jim Medd,
Huron Dead Stock, John Hoggart,
Harvey Hoggart. Bill Lobb, Brian
Westbrook. Harold VVettlaufer,
Don Forbes, Murray Forbes,
Lloyd' Dale, Jack Tebbutt, Robin.
Thompson and Joe Gibson.
. 24-46-1
We would like to thank everyone
for the visits, cards and gifts we
received while in Seaforth
community Hospital. Thanks_ also
to Dr. Underwood,' nurses and
staff for their good ca're. Hilda
and Frank Reinink. 24-46-1
A sincere 'thank you to relatives
and friends for cards, beautiful.
flowers, gifts, visits and inquiries
during my illness in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London and since
returning hotne. A special thank
you to Rev. E. S. Stephens.
"Gppen U.C.W., Exeter Eastern
Star,.Dr. C. J. Wallace, Dr. G. E.
Meads, nurses on fourth floor
south west St. Joseph's Ho4ntal;
We,stlikes' -Ambulance and
anyone else who helped in any
way. Your concern and many
kindnesses will ' always be.,
remembered. Mabel Kyle.
I wish to thank Dr: Rodney, the
dietician and nursing staff of
Seaforth Community Hospital for
their care while I was a patient
there. A very special-thank you to
may daughter and son-in-law. Fred
I-would like to say thank you to
illy many friencliwho visited and
remembered me while in Seaforth
Hospital. My special, thanks to
Dr. Rodney, nurses and staff who
speeded MY recovery. George
• Ribey. 24-46x1
Many thanks to' all my relatives
and friends for the flowers, cards
and visits while I was 'a patientin
the hospital. Special thanks to Dr.
Malkus, Dr., Whitman,,-: life :-
nursing staff, Father 0Ostveen
and to my neighbours who are
always , ready to give ("helping
hand. I will always remember
your kindness. Mrs. Leo Murray.
25 In Memoriam
DOLMAGE: In loving memory of
our dear son and brother, Donald
Alexander Delrnage, who left us
suddenly one year ago April 27,
A smile we will always remember
A voice we will never forget.
Fond memories to cherish forever
A loss we will, always regret..
--Lovingly remembered 'and
sadly missed by Mom, Dad,
brothers and sisters. 25-46-1
HOLLAND: In loving memory of
Mrs. Laura Holland. who passed
away 6 years ago. April 28th,
If 'we wrote a million, verses,
It wouldn't be a start,
To tell the world about her,
And what is in our hearts.
She meant so very much to us.
That nothing we can say.
Can tell how much we miss her.
,,And wish she were here today.
-Sadly missed and lovingly
remembered by her children,
grandchildren and great-grand-
DOLMAGE: In loving memory of
oa dear husband and father,
Donald Alexander Dolmage, who
departed suddenly one year ago,
April 27, 1977,
To a beautiful life. mune a sudden
end, end,
He died as he lived; everyone's
As he was always thoughtful,
loving and kind,
What a 'gloyious memory he left
He left so sudden his thoughts
But he left us memOries,we are
proud to o'Wff
Treasure him Lord, in Your
garden of rest,
For in this world he was one of the
-*Yearningly missed and forever
remembered by wife Patricia and
children Cheryl, Laura, and
Donald. ' 25-46x1
poems "The hearts Garden and ANSTETT-7 Shawn Douglas on "Heart Girt.,s,, , also a spring April 23, 1978 a son for Doug and poem: , ,..
NaneY; a grandson for Mr. and r:Itbil call was 'answered with 'a
Mrs. Ray Anstett, Seaforth and plant exchange with 21 members
Mr. and Mts. Ken Preszcator,
R.R.#1, Clinton. 27-46x1 r-------- -7
P0504,,, 'Water Weill
can have
your own
'That home you dream
' abbut is now within your
reach-all yours to enjoy
• while its investment value
:keeps growing over the
"-years. Get it with the
help of a-Victoria and
Grey mortgage-built 'to
fit your need and your
purse. Do it today at
Victoria and Grey.
Pure pork
SAUSAGE 'b. 994 cooKEDHAm rb. 1 .99
Schneiders By the piece
SAUSAGE- 16.1 .69- BOLOGNA ib.99'
U.S.A. Processed Fresh
6 WIENERS 'lb. 59'. I5 a
Store packer‘ Canada packer
' 0
10 lb. ,Box
oe rr 3 lb.- bagsl L1.08 TURKEY .WINGS
Store 262-2017 Abbatoir 262-204 1
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs. and
Sat, t3 6 p.ra.
Friday 8 a.m ." 9 pan.
Hours for picking up freezer or custom orders -
Tues. - Fri.-8 a.m. - 6 p.m.Sat.-8 aim. -1 p.m.
town of
--$7:eaforth .
The Council of the TOwn of Seaforth has Instructed me to
declare DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, adopted for the-Town of
Seaforth, during the period of
Sunday,. April '30',
at 2:01 a.m.
--Sunclay, -October 29, 1978
at, 2:01 a.m.
and respectfullrrequest the citizens to observe the same
Mrs. Betty Cordno, May?r
Before After May 1st
.Monthly (PAC) '6." $7 .00
Yearly (PAC) $66." $77 .00
Yearly Billing. $72.00 $84."
Cable TV News
Th'e Canadian Radio, Television ..andIelecammunications
Commission:(CRIC)' in Ottawa,
an increase in rates charged by Mitchell,
Seaforth Cable TV
The new rates will come into effect on. May 1st, 1978.
Below you will find the manner in which your account,
, will be !adjusted, depending upon the payment method
you are' using.
All other rates will remain the same..
Hook Up - '1 5," ,
Extra Outlets - $2.5° each.
If, your account is paid up for a• year,_the new
rates will n of affect you until your r aid up -
period"'ends, at which time your acc iunt will
be adjusted accordingly.
348.,8771 or Zenith 82110-
claims then received. •
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario tip
12th day of April. 1 978.
Seaforth, ''Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
• r
- Special thanks to Dr, Underwopd,
. Dr., Malkus, nurses and staff
while a patient in . Seaforth
Community Hospital. Also my
' relatives, friend and 'neighbours
who remembered' me with visits
gifts, flowers and cards. It was
deeply appreciated' and will
always be remembered Thanks
again. Susan Bennewies. 24-46x1
The family Of the late Peter
Jordan wish to express their
sincere thanks 'to relatives;
neighbours and friends for mass
offerings, flowers, charitable
donations and other acts of
kindness during their recent
bereavement of a dear husband
and father. Special thaelts to Fr.
Oostveen, R. S. Box Funeral
home, Knights, of Columbus and
the St. Columban C.W.L. Your
kindness will always be appreci-
Dated, at Seaforth, Ontario this ated."Bernadette Jordan and
17th day of April, 1978. -
Seaforih, Ontario relatives, friends and neighbours, Solicitors for the Executor
- 22-45-3 Father Oostveen, the choir of St.
Columban church, Mrs. Miller
NOTICE TO CREDITORS and girls' and everyone else for
helping to make our 25th
IN THE ESTATE OF Wedding Anniversary an unfor-
GORDON HERMAN MUEGGE' gettable one. Jean and Peter Van
All persons having claims against Dmnen . 24.46-1
the Estate of Gordon Herman
Muegge, late of the Town of
Seaforth, in the County of Huron,
Carpenter, deceased, who died on
the 26th day of January, 1978; are
hereby notified to send in full
particulars of their claims to the
undersigned on or before the 18th
day of May.. 1978, after which
date the assets will be
distributed, haVing regard only to
22k Legal Notices
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Ada J. Reid, late of
the Town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron', Housekeeper,
deceased,. who died on the 6th
day of March, 1978, are hereby
notified to send in full particulars
of their claims to the undersigned
oil or eefore the 11th day of May,
1978, after which date the assets
will, be distributed, having regard
only to claims then received.
DAS1 Itiv'0 0 D
237 -3314
'family. 24-46x1 '
May thanks to all my relatives
and riends for the gifts, flowers,
cars and visits while I was a
pati nt in the hospital. Special
than s to Rev. Murray of First
res yterian Church and Dr.
Whitman and also thanks to the
nursing staff for the •kindness
shown me and R. S. Box
Ambulance. A rt N ichol son ,
We would like to take this
opportunity to thank our family,
ville Garden Centre on May 17
and return to' the home of Dora
Shobbrook Group 1 for meeting.
Roll call will be an exchange of
shrubs or bulbs and paying of
dues. 'The program included a
reading by Vi Berns„ "The old
trunk in the attic". Mary,
LOngman read "Such a miracle as
spring"; Gladys Armstrong,
"Give the Roses Nov" and
"Because", Contest by Ida
Durnin on "Games" won by
Edyth Beacon, and Townships of
Huron County by Mary Longman
won by Nona Pipe. A few games
of cards played and lunch was
served by Vi Burns and 'Gladys
Londesboro Couples Bowling
Londesboro, coluples bowling
club held their final bewling for
the season on Sunday might April
16 at Clinton Crown Lanes. They
returned to„ the church for
,awarding of prizes and lunch.
There were 47 present. •
Awards went to: High Couple,
Dave and Penny Overboe 2438;
High Lady, Lena Nesbitt 281, salt
and pepper; High man, Murray
° Adams 260, cards; Low La0y,
Roxie .Maize 120', glass; Low
Man, at Mason 76. 'glass; 2
Hidden.. _Scores" 148, Sandra
Westerhout and 184. Ann Adams,
Committee , in ' charge of
evening was Norman and
Florence Cartwright, Jim and
Cheerio Club held their
meeting April 19 at the home of
Vi Burns, with Mary. Longman as
acting President. Vi Burns read'
the meditation an "YeLShall Seek
Me and Fond Me", The group will
donate $1.0..qSarreet Society, ,
Roll call waianSered by current
event' or.favourite T.,V, program
by 11 members and 1 visitor,
Collection received while a record
Airnweli Unit
Aimwell Unit met April 17-at
the home ofJoan Whyte. Meeting
was in charge , of president
Audrey Thompson opening with
and Sons
26 Personal played "The -Lord's Prayer."
It is planned to go to Sebring-,
Proud parents ..•are Doug and Rosie Johnston assisted by Pat
Gisela Richardson (nee Dorrance) and Pearl Mason. Executive for
of Red Lake. 27-46-1 next year Carl and Lena Mesbitt,
, . Bill and Rena Kolkman, Ron and
REININK: Kor and Hilda Reinink Marguerite Gross. .
HURON 178 44711 !DRILL G % IN
W.D. Hopper 1.
I PHONE Neil 527-1737 I
I Dud 527-0828 • September 26 - 30, 1010 Ji m 527.0775
BETHUNE: In memory of our
Mother, Ruby' Bethune, who
'Passed away April' 30, 1970.
Softly within the shadows,
Is heard the Master's call,
' And taking the hand' that was ,
She quietly left us all.
Iva and Blanche
Mr, John McGrath of Toronto 'attd•
Mr. and Mrs. Michael MacRae of
Dublin are -pleased to announce
the ,recent marriage ' of their
mother, Helen McGrath,. of
Dublin -to Mr. Ivan Ahrens of
Toronto, The happy °Duple will be
moving to their new home in
Stratford in May. • 6..46x1
To whom it may concern: Change
, of address to Chalk Street 56
South, Mr. and Mrs. C, V. Dale.
27 Births
WARREN: To John and Helen, 88.
Avonwood Drive, Stratford, a son
Michael James on April 19. A
brother for Christopher, Grand;
parents are Clarence and Cecilia,
Ryan, Dublin and Cecil and Betty
Warren, Shakespeare. 27-46-1
SOUTHGATE: Bill and Helen
Southgate, Seaford], wish to
announce the arrival, of Katherine
Jane at •St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, on April 12, 1978: Proud
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Tilley and Mrs. Elsie
Southgate. 27-46x1
RICHARDSON: Andy would like
to announce the safe arrival of his
sister, Elizabeth Anne (8 lbs. 11
oz.) on Sunday April 9, 197&
R. R. #4, Walton,, are pleased to
announce the arrival of their. son,
Frank William, 6 lbs. 12 oz. oh
April 18 •at Seaford' Community
Hospital. . 27-46-1
and 6 visitors present.
A work meeting for ham'supper
will be held on May 23- at 7:30
p.m. at the chiirch.,,june meeting
will be at the home of Marion
Snell. Program committee, Joan
Whyte, 'Helen Lawson wd Kathy
McDougal, June hineh c&nrnittoe.,.
will be Ferne McClure'," Elma
'Dewitt and Kathy McKellar. It
was aecided to have a July
, meeting but no August one,
Florence Cartwright gave a
report on the Life and Work
Committee of the Church.
Helen Lawson gave a yeport.pn
the General committee fdi; the
church. Next General meeting
will be fiist Monday in June 8
p.m. in the'church'. Betty Hulley,
Florence Cartwright, and Norma.
Glousher were in. charge of
Florence Cartwright read
scripture ,1Darlene Hulley gave a-
stepdance. Sandra Westerheut
showed pictures and told of their
trip to the 'Caribbean., Norma
Glousher.' presented her with a
gift. Aimwell Unit are invited, to
be guests of 13erean Unit on May
9 at 8 p.m. in the church.
Greeters at the United Church
en Sunday were Margaret Taylor
and Gordon Shobbrook. Ushers
were Kevin Hulley, Bob Hunking
Danny • Lear and Darrell
Shobbrook.-The-choir anthenrwas
"Fill my. Cup Lord" with Mrs.
Ruth Shaddick choir i leader and
Mrs. Louise McGregor organist.
" Rev. McDonald children's story
was "Fire Junior
congregation teachers were Mrs.
Bonnie Jewitt and Mrs. Mary
Peel and the message was: the
whole truth, nettling 'but the
trttth, Next Sunday Church
service will be at 10 a.m. D.S.T.
for summer .months.
W.I. Card Party
There were- 9 tables in play on
Friday night. Winners were:
Ladies High, Delores Howatt;
Lone Hands, Margaret Taylor;
Low , Laura Lyon; 'Men's High,
Dorothy Brunsden (playing as a
man); Lone hands, ay Konarski
(playing as a' Mant;'„Low, Bert
Daert Most 'Zero's, Addie
o close the season there will be
a dessert euchre on May 5 at 7:30
. Sympathy is extended to Airie
and' Herb Duizer and fan-lilies on
receiving word on Thursday_April
20. of the ,,fleath_ of their-brother
Bill in Holland age 65.
Visitors on Sunday with. Mr,
and Mrs.-*Elweod Mitchell, 'Traci
and Mark were Ainfrey's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. John Bain,
..Blwood's mother, Mrs: Latita
Mitchell and Mr, Morris Bassett,
all of Stratford attended the
confirmation service of which
Traci was a candidate.
Miss Edstit..Beacon and Mrs,
Laura yon returned home on
Monday April 17, front vending
21/2 months at Punta Gorda
Heights, Florida. •
'Friends will be glad to know
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander
returned home on Sunday 23 from
their daughters 'Mr. - and •Mrs.
Don Cousineau, Sault 'SteMarie,
where Nerman spent three 'weeks
in Hospital.
Sympathy is extended to WS.
Walter Taras and family,
Stratford,• on the death of Walter,
former resident here."Jack Lee,
Glen Carter, Allen Shaddick,
Murray LYen and Hugh Millar
.visited with family on Wednesday
night at Dack-Gingras funeral
home, Strattor9,) ,
Sunday visitors 'with Mr,. and
Mrs. „Parry Durnin were Mr. and
Mrs. J. D, Durnin of St. Helen's
and. Mr.' and Mrs. 'Stanley Brown
Ship your livestock
Tuesday is Shipping Day
Front- Dublin
CALL DUBLIN 345-2656
ZURICH 236-4088
Lo s pot).
I wish to thank everyone who sent
Me Cards,iflowers and visited me
while a patient in Stratford
General Hospital. Thanks also the
Seaforth Co4nmunity Hospital
Board of Governors and Legion
Branch. 156 for the, baskets of fruit
and my staff for the, "Welcome
Home plant. A special thanks to
Dr. Malkus, Dr. Quhilan, Box
Ambulance Service, NurSing
Staff of Seaforth Hospital and the
nursing staff of I.0 U. and 4
South at Stratford General
Hospital. Everything was greatly
appreciated, Gordon 'McKenzie.
sui I, (o voitsurt• Fri,,st• IwpA
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