HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 32veers 1 Coming Events PAUER TRAVEL SERVICE P.O. &ox 70 - ilonitton, Ontario iopkonp 347-2983 • Invite you to join our Bus tour to the quaint Bavarian town of Frankenrnuth - 2 'weeks for the price of one in BARBADOS at Sunset Crest, Barbados.- only $329.00 1-46-1 vi • June 10 - 12 Inc. 2 nights Hotel Call us soon for information and booking ********** . Return Fare CHARTER FLIGHTS from 1 - 3 weeks From Toronto to - VanceiLYer,,- - from $189.00 Calgary - from $169.00 Halifax from $ 99.00 St. John's - from $149.00 - 45 day advance -booking re-quired as above ROCKS, PACIFIC & INSIDE PASSAGE CRUISE 2 weeks inc. return air to ,Calgary - Hotels and escorted Motor Coach Tour-Banff; Fraser Canyon. Victoria, Cruise to Prince Rupert, Jasper, Lake Louise. From only $869.00. CANADA WEST - inc. airfare Calgary-Escorted Coach Tour Banff - Victoria, .Return Air from Vancouver 7 days only 619.00.• . ESCORTED MOTOR COACH or RAIL TOURS to both Eastern and Western Canada. ' • Special 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted Automobile Sales Person Wanted We offer Excellent working conditions - Excellent Fringe Benefits - Above average compensatior1 plan Company demonstrator Must be - Neat and Courteous - Self Starter - Willing to work, -. Experience not necessary • For appointment call 527-1750 DAVID NEILSON . General Sales Manager 4-4a-2 USE EXPOSITOR 1 WANT-ADS FETTES TOURS • FETTES TOURS AND TRAVEL invites yeti to come along on our 3 Day Renfro Valley, Kentucky departs May 5 and June 16. Our newest country music tour. Includes 3 great shows, a horse farm tour, boarding house dinner and a Sunday morning gathering, 19 Day Britain departs May 10.• A beautiful spring tour-of England, Scotland, 'mid Wales. First class accommodation, fully 'escorted, eve includes the Highlands, most meals, admissions, and many extras. Transportation to and from the airport includes. ' 14 Day Alaska departs June 10. Included air, ship, cruise, motor coach, and train. Some meals included. Reserve space now. ' 21 Day, West Coast departs June 24, 26 and August 14. See the Canadian West on a fully escorted tour that includes, all admissions, side trips, ferries, etc. • East Coasit Tours - 7, 12, and 15 day. Departs June 12, 25, July 8, 23, 31, August `5. 20, . and Sept. 11'. Get the most for your money this year, Tour Canada. 3 Day Holland Tulip 'Festival departs May 16 and May 18. Features Wooden Shoe Fa ctory, Dutch Village, Tulip Farm and Talip Time Parade(May 16 departure) and Million Dollar Sh rine Band Concert (May 18).,3 Day .Ottawa Tulip Festival departs May 13 and May 20. See Ottawa at Tulip Time. Includes.guided tour of Ottawa, boat cruise, on the Rideau Canal, and. Tulips galore. ALSO: 3 Day Wheeling West. Virginia May 26 4 Day Nashville'-May 19 , • . 2 Day. Frankenmuth June 10 • 3 Day Agawa Canyon Sieeial June 6 and July !16 5. Dayperinsylyarna_DutclOune _ Write for Free- Brochures• Fettes Tours and Travel Ltd. FETTES TOURS MOUNT FOREST 519-323.1545 FETTES TOURS MITCHELL 519.348-8492 We pick up in Mitchell ' 1-46-I ADVERTISING SALESPERSON We are looking for an energetic, resourceful and well organized ,person to sell advertising for Zhe Isiurort Txpositor Seaforth's community newSpaper EXPERIENCE IS NOT.I4ECESSARY but an interest in selling and a willingness to learn are. We offer the opportunity to EARN A GOOD SALARY plus. commission and ail the CHALLENGES • ' you can meet. • WHAT DO YPU HAVETO OFFER US? Apply in writing-only, indicating experience and salary expected to: THE HURON EXPOSITOR P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 4.45x2 . ,,,,,T--7,1,71,r77-7,r77-‘1,-..-v;:ri- Ir -- cr• "Tn '7! 7 7' , • ,20 ^7r THE HU ON EXPOSIT R, APRII...27, 1978 April showers bring May • f a rm g extra cash 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events 1 Coining Events CONSTANCE Order of Foresters dance May 5 at Blyth Community Centre. Tickets $340 per person. Music by "Shannon". Tickets available from • any Forester member. Special occasion - that this permit was issued for this event, 1-46-1 A N.U.R.S.E. meeting will be held at Seaforth Legion Hall, Tuesday, May 9th, 1978 at 8 p.m. Guest speaker Barbara Dundas, co-ordinator of N:U.,R.S.E. All concerned R.N's and R.N.A's are invited. • ' 1-46-1 SEAFORTH Happy Citizens will meet for euchre on Thursday, May 4th at 2 p.m. in the Seaforth Legion Hall . Visitors Welcome. Please bring lunch. 1-46x1 RUMMAGE SAFE will be held in St. Thomas Anglican Church Parish Hall, Saturday, April 29th sr. -1:30 P.M. 1-46-1 HORTICULTURAL members who have, ordered -trees and shrubg please' pick up at the town maintenance building on ,RailWay Sr. on either Thursday, April 27th or Friday, April 28 from 1 - 5 P.M. 1-46x1 FASHION SHOW, by. The Wedge, Clinton, Wednesday, May 3, 1978, 8:15 1 Seaforth District High School. Admission $3.00 includes flower and refreshment. -1461 LADIES' Aid Society of First -Presbyterian Church are holding • a bake sale in the Sunday School rooms on -Friday, June 2, 3 P.M..., 1-46x1 • BRUSSELS Optimists • Bingo in Legion Hall, Brussels, every Sunday at 8 p.m. 15 'regular. games, .2 share the wealth and one special • . Admission $1.00. • . 1-45-tf • I.H.L. Dance '.-Saturday. May 6, Music by Thc Nitc Lites, Dancing 9 - I.: Buffet to follow. Everyone Welcome. Admissiiin ' 54.00/ couple.. 1-45:3. Blyth Centre far the Arts. .presents Antique Si Crafts EXHIBITION HOUSECLEANING? - Donat your saleable used books 'to ,the Blyth Centre .for the Arts Book booth at the BlythAntique and Craft,Exhibition,'May 20. There's a collection bin at The Huron Expositor, April 27 - May 18. 1-45-4' HAM SUPPER,, Seaforth Legion, May 28th, 5 P44. Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary. Tickets • $4.00. 1-4476, Bingo . Every Tuesday •Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M. First regular card $1.00 15 Regular games of $15.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $200 must go BEECHWOOD P0I1EitY4 regular show and sale " Sunday afternoon , 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 4 kilometers north of St. Columban 345-2184 BEEF Barbeque, Northside Church, May lOth, 5 - .7:30. Campbell - Cardiff, caterers, for take-outs, bring your own containers. 1-43x5 ANNUAL Seaforth LionS Beef Bar-B-Q dinner and• dance in Seaforth Community Centre, `Saturday, June 24, 1978. Music by Shannon. 1-44-9. CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:40 P.M. 1st, regular card $1.00.Restricted to 16 years or over.. 15 regular games of $15.00; $5 least on split. Many other specials. 'Jackpot S200.00_, must go each week. 1.43-tf 2 Lost, Strayed Wanted 7 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED person will do housework and house cleaning. 'Apply to Box 3330, The Huron Expositor. 7-446x1 WILL do lawn cutting, will rake and small jobs. Call 527.1108. 7-46-1 WILL do house cleaning in Mitchell; Seaforth or Clinton areas. Phone 345-2126. 7-46-1 GARDENS Plowed and tilled. Vern Scott, 527-06/4 after 6 o'clock. - 7-46-2 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends 4Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. • 8 Farm Stock For Sale SERVICEABLE age cross bred boars, Phone Brad Carriochan, 527-1545. 8-46-2 25 Pigs, 45 - 50 Ihs, castrated, Leon Maloney, R.R.#1, Phone 345-2025. 8-46-1 9 Poultry For Sale 4 Help Vante Church Apply to R. S. MACDONALD BOX 976 SEAFORTH 4-46-2 Part Time Help CONSCIENTIOUS Part time help needed for' local store, interesting field of ,work I in established business. Re Ply with name and Phone No: to. BOX 3331, HURON EXPOSITOR • 4-46-1 10 Used CarsTor Sale 1969 Nova - SS 283 Automatic good mechanically and 'body wise. Best offer J. McQuaid 527-1817. 10-4S-3' A Dutch Van Tradesman 100, with camper top, 15,000 miles. With frig. & sink. New cOndition, 262-5504. 10-46-1 1971, 12' x 60' model Active Mobile Home, 2 bedroom, call 527-1675, 11-45-3 '75 Honda, 2 cylinder, 13,000 miles. Excellent condition. 527-0928. 11-45x2 HALF price paint clearance. Discontinued lines and obsolete colours. Crown Hardware. • 11-45-2 INSULATION - Fibreglass bat about 250 sq. 'ft. $50.00.Phonc 527 -06,4 11-45x2 • COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while yeti. wait. Letter size, 25c each. \ THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-43xtf TROPICAL FISH , BUDGIES CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 3.50 Main Street Exeter. Phone 235-1951 11 4.3-ti 1 1 Articles For Sale SHINGELS Mid Brown color still in Bundles. Phone 527-0064. 11-46x1 GLF.ANER C2 CombinIel.4bean special with corn ana gramheads. Fully , equipped and reconditioned. Phone 482-9260. APPLES: excellent Spys, Ida Reds, very reasonable, anytime. Rogs Middleton's, Bayfteld Line,. 1 mi. northeast of Bayfield. 11-43-4 SEED BARLEY; cleaned and treated. Grown from certified Perth. Phone 534-0199 at noon or evening. 11-46-2 1 Used 20 inch 4 burner gaS stove; 1 used bathroom wall basin with taps;- 1 card table; 1 used black and white' television. Telephone 52710669. 11-46x1 BACK OE with work available immediately..Will assist in finance if needed. Mel Jermyn, 887-9493. • 11-46-2 BOYS 5 speed bicycle' with kickstand in excellent conditron. USed only 3 months, 550,00. 527-1945. 11-46x1 LIKE new Galanti F-50 organ loaded with extras, 527-0892. 11-45.2 Fridg., Stove, Washer & Dryer. Must be moved from property. Make an ,offer: (Wyoming( 845-3680.. 11-,46-2 NEW ZELAND white Californian rabbits breeding stock, 52707.78. 11;46x2 35 bushels Perth Barley,' Jack Patrick, 527.10047.- 11-47-1 1 BroWn Sports Jacket, size 34; 1 pair brown plaid pants, size 32.' Phil Hoggarth, '527-0752 11-46x1 GOT something to se II? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week. Place your low priced Expositor classified at 527-0240. 11-38xtf GOOD used pin-ball machines, reconditioned, guaranteed, for your rec room.Call Huron Amusements 51 7-1434. 11-434 45' trailer with new grain racks; 570 lnnes windrower; 100 inch Innes pickup; 4 row bean puller; 7 sections diamond harrows. Clinton, 482-7439. 11-44-3 GESTETNER INK AVA4LABLE at The , Heron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-38xtf 11. Articles For Sale, ONEperson's junk is another's gold mine. ,Turn pain* .unwanted articles into cash with an EXPOSITOR classified. 527-0240 11-38xtf ONE 11 ft. flat bottoM aluminuin boat. Phone 345-2490' after 6 p.m. 11-45-2 ANTIQUE SIDEBOARD with bevelled mirror, completely refinished mahogany • with 2 2 drawers and 2 lower doors $200•.00.527.0064. 11-44-2 , - APARTMENT size piano, just like new, lessons available. 527-0610. 11-43-tf LESS than cost work' shoes, arch supports, laces and other items for repairs 'at Thompson's 'Apt. #4, .§ A Main St. Also a vacant • apartment. 117 45-2 and a TWO bicyc s les26", 3 speed „ mall girl's.' Phone 527-0443 or 527-0691. 11-45.2 MOFFAT, double oven iarige older style in excellent condition $5Q.00 527-0064.• 11-44-2 USED David Brown loader: Good Condition. Fits 990 David Brown. Phone 481-9286. 11-45;1 HAY for •sale- also, quantity of mixed grain, 345-2068, 11-46-1 1 Sherlock Manning Piano; 1 Rogers Majestic Hi-Fi, Excellent "condition; Brussels, ' 887;6988. 11-46x1 1 Captains bed with new mattress and posture board, 3 drawers & 4 shelves; 1 •floor polisher •in geod condition; 1 exercise bed , good; 1 crib & mattress , good; 1 car bed with mattress, good; I steel double bed with springs,,' good condition. 527-0236; 11-46x1 CHESTERFIELD, with matching chair and ottoman, in beautiful condition, Phone 527-0052, 11-46- I TRAVEL TRAILER, 15% excellent condition; sleeps 4, hitch and mirrors included. $1450.00. 527-1410 after 5 o'clock. 11-46x1 LAST BOIL OF MAPLE SYRUP $10.00 PER GALLON. Phone 51140. • -- • - -11-46k1" 'PARTNER ;and Poulan chain saws. Most models in stock at all tines. Parts and service for. Pioneer Saws. Oregon bars and chains used saws. Robert:Glen, Saws, R.R.#3, Clinton; 'Ontario. 11-46-4 '75 Bellevue Hardtop trailer, 3 way fig, 3 burner propane stove, sink, phope 345-2496, 11-46-1 10 acres of red clover, 32 acres of alfalfa and timothy. Phone 345-2747. 11-46x1 FALSE teeth, long underweai ' Expositor classifieds have sold almost' everything. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 5o Cents off when you pay cash. 11-43-ti 12 Wanted To Huy. 'WANT to buy a fridge, a Ford 0, a phonograph? Try a', EXPOSITOR wanted to by classified ad. 527-0240. 12-43xii 13 Wa3ted WANTED: old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 11.38-t Additional Classified on next Page Admission restricted to 16 years • or over 1-43-tf VOICE for Life ., garage sale,: Friday, June 2 Watch this paper for future information. Don't throw out' those" rare treasures. and what;nots. No clothing please. For information and pick- up please call 887-6735. 1-45.2 Or 40' selected Ontario eraft s- ris':n and antique dealers. • SATURDAY S MAY 20 from 10 ii,111. to 5 p.m. Bl'th Community Centre Myth, Ontario, LOST: Strayed from Lot' 16, Con. Blyth is located 10 miles north ..3, MeKillop. 1 Hereford Heifer -tif :Clinton-a-a south 5271686'.• 2-46-3. cif Whigham on 'Highway 4. ' , 1-46-4 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of. numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one sword per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $2.00, 9c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 5c per word, Minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $2.10 per column inch'.-- ,SU,BSECIUENT INSETIONS $1.82 per column inch. innh' . , (Minimum size in'this category -11/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion . BiRTHS - 20 words, $2.00, 9c pe'r word thereafter. MARRIAGES,. Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $2.00, each additional word 9c. IN MEMORIAMS - $2.00 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words $2.00, each • additiOnal word 9c. Three' Insetilons for the price oft. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $2.00, each additional word 3c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR.CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays . Ohone.527-0240 H & N "NICK chick" leghorns, 20 weeks old, available for spring or summer delivery; also Hubbard Golden Comets (brown egg layers) for early June ' delivery. Orders n'6.v accepted for heavy ''roastee' cockerels day-old, for spring delivery. Call McKinley Farms & Hatchery Ltd., 262-2837. 9-39.13 1974 Charger; ,318 Automatic. In good condition, Phone after 5 --• _ 10-46x2 1976 Vega, radio, radial tires, 3 speed, low mileage, excellent condition. gest offer. Call 887-6642 *betWee-n45 & 8 p:m. 10-46-2 11 Articles For Sale , SPECIAL. Spinet organ, rh"thm, 1 finger memory. $100.00 pays 3. months rental; free lessons; and , full credit toward purchase. Learning is easy' and fun! For demonstration and approval, see Henry at Pulsifer Music, Seaforth 27-0053. 11-44-tr ANTIQUE, Pine, quilt box, for sale, 527-1455. 11.45x2 4434 1971 'Pyramid Mobile Home Seaforth. Salary to be.nego e exec eim.r.upistion_ingiude SWIMMING Pools to Rent, - Will lease and install for homeowners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting all fencing regulations on a one, two, or three year rental basis with' optionto own. Try before ydu buy! Call toll free anytime 1-800-268-1944. 11-43-tf Bick's Cucumber Contracts Available ' at NORMANKRAIVIERS - It R.4, Seaforth Let 1, Con. 2, Tuckersmith 527.0076 or G.KRAMERS, Main St., Dublin 345-2700. 11-45-3 SWIMMING POOLS - While they last! We have above ground pools with walkway, patio,, fencing, filter, etc. Complete for -$1,295.00. We can . fit an inground or above ground pool into any budget, Rental Pools are availabe. Don't delay - callright aivay - collect 416-878-4151. 11 -4S-tf SWIMMIA POOLS Leading swimming pool manufaCturer must dispose of brand neW '1978 models. Fully warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, walkaround and deck. Suggested retail price $2350. Available at pre-Season special of $1322. Call now for early installation. 'Long term financing available. Call toll free anytime. 1-800-268-1944. 11-43-tf COBRA-21 CB Complete with. • Shakespeare 2 piece 'bumper mount whip and stainless steel whip: and mzuch meter. $200:00 Phone 527-0064 11.45x2 EARN $200. - $400: per month parttime by acting as agent or calling on sports organizations or • STRIP tickets' for admission or variety stores and other retail Custodian .refreshments, single and outlets in your area. Phone . _ duplicate.. The Huron Expositor, Kitchener r417-672h-or-743..5.27.1._f 'Ptesbyterian Church 11-38xtf