HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 261 PROUD FAMILY=..TMrs:;pat' Rodney and daughter Janice'were among the protid family members who watched their sons •and daughters or brothers and sisters perform- last week in the special assembly which climaxed Education Week activities at St. James' School. (Staff Photo) ,y le P °pie, ,,OPiirri .ulatle .0 opomyi (By Alice Glbbl • The MPP added six provinces ' forget unemploytttettt and the .Donald MacDonald, MPP for have now eliminated health care country's economic crisis. York South and the NDP food and premiums entirely, including the • Most important agriculture critic, attacked both four Maritime provinces which Mr. , MacDonald 'said the provincial • and , federal raise the revenue for _health developments of the Last weekend • •gov,.ernments' economic policies services from the general tax niay be among the most he a.speech to members of the - revenue and Saskatchewan and important in Canada's history. NDP Huron -Middlesex . Riding Manitoba which don't have health Referring to the election of Association Tuesday night. premiums .at all. Claude Ryan as leader of the Mr. MacDonald attacked the Ontario's health premiums are Quebec Liberals, Mr. MacDonald two levels "of government for, now the highest of any province, said: "For 10 y,4ars Pierre Elliot continuing to try and stimulate and Mr. MacDonald asked, "how - Trudeau has ben viewed as the the faltering economy by giving can you justify that?" •r• only leader able to cope revith the ,tax incentives to the business' Mr. MacDonald said if threat of Quebec separatism and world. . provincial budgets have. 'been maintain a united Canada. Events While Mr. MacDonald said this 'impractical iii coping with ,crises sounds like a plausible solution, it "• the' federal budget has been ignores the fact "that at the worse. present time 20 per cent of plant However, be said the recent capacity in Canada is idle." federal budget "recognized there He 'said, "What's the use in was no, point' in given lore giving them (industries) money to incentives at the top.a ex and plant capacity when 20 . He said the 3 per cent sales tax P per cent already isn't being used? reduction' gave some benefits to He said 'if money were put in the average person: but the NDP the h9ndsof people who need it, critic said this was '''an effort to these .people could spend it, give the- pretence of doing re -stimulating the economy and something in the advanceof a.n creating a need for production election.' increases. He said the six month tax. The food and agriculture critic reduction means the government also, attacked the .recent increase a• will revert to thi high tax again, in 'O.H.I.P. costs and said Darcy just as unemployment begins to McKeough is using the mount in the fall and winter, increased revenues "to fill his Mr. MacDonald said treasurers coffers.' : rather than improve Darcy Mcleeough and Jean health care services. ' Chretien pare in the same Mr. ' MacDonald said the ideological camp when it comes to Alberta Tories had also .raised budgeting and "the Liberals and their health insurance premiums. Tories -are almost -outdoing each in the last few weeks, despite a oilier in terms of being right '$700 million surplus .in the• •wiltg-, conservative parties." ' - provincial budget. Mr. MacDonald also referred to Mr. MacDonald. said,' "It's the upcoming .federal ' election, Tory philosophy to raise health ' and said "Pierre El tot Trudeau, premiums" and added more says Canadian unity will be the . money • is raised from O.H.i.P. main issue in this campaign." premiums in Ontario than. from The NDP critic said the prime corporation taxes. - minister is hoping people will., Johnson, Bertrand'and Bou a a, 0 DP tee evesgde has been strongly, if • not stridently, nationalist," he said. Mr. MacDonald said he believes Trudeau is out of tune with ,modern Quebec while Claude Ryan is very much in tune with it. Mr, MacDonald,,.added, '!AO he's '(Ryan) dnvinced -AIcan re -structure Canadian confeder- ation and keep Quejcc in it.". • In the future, Mr. MacDonald said the battle for Canada's future will not be between Rene of last weekend. culminating in Levesque and Trudeau but the election, of Claude Ryan as between Claude Ryan - and leader of the provincial Liberal Levesque. • . party. eliminates Trudeau's' ' ��■� ■-- indispensability." ' Mr. M acDonald said. " if the PQ drive to separatism is to be stalled, it can only be achieved through developing a coalition of anti -separatists forces ' within Quebec.•While it is premature to ' conclude •that Claude Ryan will become'the focus of such a coalition" there is :growing evidence to suggest he will," The MPP said, "it should not be forgotten that in the last election 60 per cent of the Quebec electorate were anti•PQ and the Bolls consistently suggest that 80 to 85 per cent are anti -separatist." • • Tribalism Mr. MacDonald' said -while Prime Minister Trudeau deplores nationalism and. views French - Ca nadihir=nafioiialissim as' -`a -form of .tribalism", this has been • repudiated -by every po 'tical party in the province since t war: , "Every premier, from Duple:ssis,. through Lesage. C�nstanc&coupl.e Re -use energy yentre say married 50 years -%-f Mrs. Mary Merner 482-7143 Court Constantine L1842 held its meeting on ',Thursday April 13th in the hall. Business dis- cussed during the eveein in- cluded: Plans for making tickets for the quilt which will be raffled off ata later date, Wellie Wammes was appointed -to the Chicken. Barbeque Committee. Court i?asination of Benmiller is holding invitation on May 24th. . Birthday Party will be held the first week of.June in Benmi ger.. Remodelingof the basement' as been. started. Personals . 50 friends anti relatives of Mr. and Mrs.. John Wammes Sr: gathered 'at the hall on Saturday eveningto celebrate, their 35th wedding anniversary. . Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson Sharon and Bob, Mr. and Mrs: Andy 'ihonipson of Oakville, Mr. 'and• Mrs. Terence Hunter of Colborne Township. Congratulations. • to Mr. ' and Mrs. 'Doug Richardson (nee Gisela Dorrance) on the birth of a, daughter on Thurs., April .13th, Elizabeth Ann sister for. Andrew and granddaughter for Mr. -and. Mrs. Ed Dorrance: oompanied by Mr s Vi Armstrong of Southfield, Michigan who had been visiting with the Hunter's drove to Sarnia on Sunday,'where Mr.Robert Reynolds met them to take her,home to, Southfield.• Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner,. Sandy. Julie, Michael, Shelley and Mrs.- George Mcllwain visited on Sunday' with its. Art' rule tchaet. Rhonda, Jeff, Scott `lealn�dsse of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs, Sam McClure 'met her sister Mrs: Aleita White of Sask. in Barrie on Monday, she • will be visiting with... the McClure's for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, Barry and Bonnie ofTuckersmith, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson John and Elizabeth. Mrs. Hudson Woodruff of St. David's spent-. the past week visiting with Mrs. W.L eWhyte, Bill and Mr. Harold Whyte. Mr., and Mrs. Clayton Ellis of Summerhill visited on Monday evening with Mr: and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. andMrs-David Preszcator, Christine, Lisa: Christopher 'and (Intended for last week), Mrs—and- - Msa David Mrs:. John" Thompson ac- Hensall At the Hensall Sales Barn last 'week the supply consisted:n ainly • of heifers and steers: demand was, active acid prices were again higher. Fat cattle: heifers. $56.50 - $62.75, top to $64,75; steers. • $59.50 - $n2.85. top to $64.10.. Pigs:. wci'ilings $35.00 - $45.00: • chunks $47.50 - $53,50. Work -on the new fire hall in Hensall is proceeding well. The outer walls are already erected .. T1 -c arena work is also shaping up well; it is hoped that the. kitchen' %vitt be ready for use by May and that the ice surface will be ready for the Seed Fair and . the Fiddler's contest in June. No -date • has been set for the official r opening yet. Varna' Mrs, Bill Ches§e11 • '482-9969' The Varna United Church Women held a very successful Dessert Euchre at' the Township Hall on Wednesday afternoon. Therewas a large display of home baking for sale. too, Prize Winners for cards were: High. Olive Pappl'e: 'Low, Eileen McGregor; Draw winner from six ladies who were tied for lone hands was Mrs. Esther Moffat. Door prizes were won ' by Willa Taylor. Donna Tyndall and Jean Taylor. We'd like to thank those who donated plants and other prizes as well as baking. and those who made cash donations. . ° A bright new overhead sign has gone up at George and Mart'''s' store which should' attract the attention di motorists who are travelling through Varna. • P gszcator, ' Christine, Lisa, • Christopher and reg visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Aaron Hodgins of London, As prixate citizens we consume almost 20% of Canada's energy budget in our homes and over half of the . transportation energy budget in our cars, giving a total consumption of one third of ;the total. - If we all pitch in Or re -use, recycle and reduce unnecessary consumption we'll bring about large energy savings .foe Canada. Remember toothat we'll• reduce pollution and 'save money. Fol= lowingare some questions you night ask yourself which may help you: put one of the 3R's-- Recycle--to •work. Watch this column next week for tips on how to Reject and Re -use: Do You: Recycle such Items as: Taking your own shopping bags 4-H report Egmondville Quilting • Queens ' met •April 10th, 1978 at Darlene Hethcrington's.*The•meeting was. about First Aidand Babysitting.' Darlene told • about. First Aid. - Each member re; cieved.a.book.on First Aid. Judy Swan •told about• babysitting and members used a doll to 'practise on. Each member recieved , 3. pamphlets on Babysitting. • .11lte_eiglith.- tnecting_�u.as-h:etd on April. 17th atJudy Swan's.. The meeting was about Food and Fitticss...The• members divided into groups grid played a game. to the store? - insist that the clerk • use them rather than new ones. Or try string shopping bags which will hold up.through many trips. Return your bottles? - lf. you can't return, don't buy it. Return- able bottles can average 20 trips. . Re -upholster instead of dis- carding? - Or the Salvation Army Or - similar organizations will be pleased to pass on furnture, toys, ' appliances and clothes to those who need them. Re -use food containers? -' Wash and store glass and plastic containers for storing left overs. making jam etc. Food scraps, coffee grounds, •. egg shells, grass,clippings etc.? - Placed in a compost pile it improves the soil, and can reduce garbage up, to 50%. , Use both - sides to the paper when writing a letter?.- Each ton of recycled paper saves 18 trees and energy. • - Recycle newspapers? - The Goderich. Rotary • Cl.ub has a pick up every Saturday closest to 'th 15th•of each month. Also the St. Joseph's School_ Association in Kingsbridge begins .a newspaper recycling pick • up in May. (Separate glossy magazines and pocket books and take to your local' library; Senior Citizens or, hopitais). •- Use newspaper logs? - Save newspapers & tie into bundles with a light wire (Lasts as long as a log of wood and give off as much heat), Return egg cartons & flats? - or use for starting plants or' making. such ,items as childrens' Waste . paper baskets. ' Every week more - and more - people discover what mighty jobs. are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. • Correspondent Mrs. Hugh Perry .. __-., Mrs. 'Helen. Thonlson and Mrs. E..Paterson returned home after spending two weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler, Detroit, attended the funeral ,of the late Edgar Munn, Hensall. They also visited witthrMrs. Alice Ham arid Mist M. E. Swan. Brucefield, Mrs. Edna Manson, London,' spent a few days wit her brother, Elgin Thomson and visited with Mrs. Thomson in Seaforth Hospital. Mr. d Mrs. 'Aldie Mustard and Mr a Mrs. Geo. •Pinkne'v spent a week's vacation in New,• York.. Mrs. Grace Chapman is spending some time ivith her daughter Mrs. Wm. Talbot, Bayfield, while Mr. Talbot has surgery in LondonHospital. Mr. A. Cribhon, Bayi"tel'l, underwent surgery in Clintdi 'Hospital. Mrs. Cribbon is staying, with her sister=Mrs. E. Patersdn.' !Nits Viva, Berry and Mr -S, Edna - Paterson spent Sunday with Mr, : and Mrs. Lawrence Smiley, Erin. Mr. Smiley is hotne from Hospital and improving slewly after a bad fall. 3eginn•ing Friday, Aril. _28th. We Will OPEN24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU BETTER -Te1:527 041:0 117 GODERICH ST. -EAST SEAFORTH ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE — and Mortgage insurance Plans - Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our new Flexible -- . • Premium R.R.S.P. -- REPRESENTING - SUfif-e s-urciiite Company of -Canada for 19 years. COLOSSAL spfuhtp.• • -FU.RNITU.RE •ELECTRONIC • APPLIANCE ORGAN GODERICH ARENA TF-UR.-FRL-SAL-APRIL :272B,, 29 7 P.M. -9 P.M. 10 A.M.-9 P.M. 10 A.M.-5 P.M. - - - BROUGHT TO YOU BY • µ, FURWORE W'O!LD _ GLENMARK H0MECENTRE PULSiFER' MUSIC tfri„3af,dnly) SAVE $$$ • CHESTERFIELD SETS **BEDROOMS •' DINING ROOMS • END TABLES • RANGES • REFRIGERATORS - • ELECTRONIC ORGANS AND 'M Budget - n 0 .. The Spot, Financing et 1"�M",rti'15 FREE l ELIV•ER'Y ON MAJOR ITEMS - Sunoco Products; Cigarettes;: Alik, Pop Party Needs WILL BE AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY.' rCh i'e-'s 2-7-0881 Sunoco Seaforth All ready for INCOME TAX TIME 0 4CT-GR-CA-LCU-LAT-GR, makes record keeping easy-; VICTOR Victor's Medalist 305. This top calibre machine features -a 12 -digit, two colour printer, oversized keys, fixed decimal or full floating decimal, and an add mode. NQW IN STOCK ' 1 89.S” c� he Duron Txpositor '527.0240 McLean Bros. Publishers Ltd. Seaforth