HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 23SPECIAL PRICER; IN EFFECT T,ROM WED. 9 1.11-L DLOSING.TUESDAY MAY 2. RING OF EATING... FANCY QUALITY 14 ex. CREAM CORN, 'MACH) GREEN OR WAX BEANS. GIANT SIZE„- O PEAS, SUMMER•" SWEET PEAS OR 12 ta. NIBLETS CORN TINS • FOR COUNTRY OVEN ...BAKERY SPECIAL • YEAST HONEY GLAZED DONUTS !oz1.29 AVAILABLE ONLY IN ALLISTON, BOLTON, LISTOWEL STBATHROY ORANGEVILLE, GODERICH, PORT ELGIN, ELMIRA, KING ST., CAMBRIDGE W HWY. 6 GUELPH, WATERLOO sow. GLENAIDGE CENTRE. WATERLOO, PIONEER PARK KITCHENER ortiNutow WEST MALL GUELPH, MCCAINS MINI PIZZAS PEPPERONI 1.4 DELUXE 15 oz SUPREME • 17-oz 039 $1.49, 59 • YACUIPVi PACK REGULAR OR FINE GRIND 'TRADITIONAL' NABOB COFFEE ZEHRS REG. $3 99 lb, DELUXE O.UALITY SAVE 39t ZEHRS REG, '1.21 ' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASE TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. 2 LITRE' CHOCOLATE, STRAWBER ORANGEJINEAPILErVANI CHOCOLATE CHIP, NEAPOU BUTTERSCOTCH RIPPLE. or CHOCOLATE FUDGE TH HURON ,exedsrrizim; APRIL 27; 1978 r Mrs.' John Freeman, Gorrie was guest speaker at the Walton Wonion's. Institute Annual meet- ing, in the Community hall, on Wednesday evening, April 19th. A pnt luck supptr was served to, members and 3 tuestS. Mrs.. Wm. Humphries presided with Mrs, Herb. Traviss at the piano. Mrs. Humphries, read a PPM, "income Tex Muesli' and. coined everyone • including Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Jacques who accompanied her. Minutes • were read by Mrs':'Ken MoDenald and a thank-you card from Joan The April meeting of the Walton Unit of U.C.W. of Duff's „ Church was helO on Wednesday evening April-1/ in the church ,basement., Call to worship, was taken by Mrs. Emerson Mitchell and Mrs. Stewart Humphries, •Mrs, Ray fiddlier was pianist for the singing of the hymn, "King of love my shepherd is." The krpture from lst. Corrinthians .„14th chanter was read ,alternat- ively by Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs, Humphries. .,Mrs-.• S. Humphries gave meditation on LQVC' Is Humble followed by a poem, • "Don't envy others". Mrs. E. Mitchell read an article written by 'the late Alice Forrest in 1971. Mrs. Bill Coutts was in charge on:inkiness, Minutes were read by• secretary, Mrs. Howard Haekwell and twenty-one mem- bers answered the roll call. Mrs. Clark. For the roll call the sttrishi sistersWere revealed with a small gift and new Sunshine sisters were chosen for next year. Invitations to attend 'events in Fordyvich, 'Ethel, Kippen and. Huronvlew were read. ' The District Annual will be held at the Brussels Unit0 Church on, May, 9 when sob' Carbett of the fvfilton Museum will speak. The 4-H Aehievement on Focus on LiVing will be held at Grey Central School on Saturday, May 13, Mac ShOldice gave the treasurer's report and asked for leaders for the Mission Band." The regular collection and for Bakeless 'Bazaar :was received and dedicated. Mrs. Nelson Reid gav,e the Quilt report: The last quilt was quilted for this season at Mrs. Kirkby's home last week. . Plans we're finalizied for the shoWer fer Susan Hiimphries on Saturday, April 29th. Fruit breads 'and tea were, Served by. Mrs. Jack •McEwing , Mrs. • Mac Sholdice and Mrs. clavetCollins. Walton 11 learns first aid The sixth meeting' of the Walton Busy Bees was held at Joyce McCallum's. We learned about babysitting and Mrs. Pearl McCallum demonStrated . difr ierent techniques of First Aid. A' good'-attendance was present. Mrs. Don McDonald' ?eported on the bus trip to Bramalee on Members discussed the. Quilt display to be, held May 27. Mrs. Reid asked for names that ,,had quilts to show. • , ;rickets are available on the quilt to be drawn for at the -June ,meeting and 'a quilt has been - made . to be sold, . The .Hall beard committee are qrs. Bill Humphries; Mrs.- Jim Axtmann; Mrs. Nelson Marks; . Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs. ' Lavern bodkin. Mrs_ John Freeman brought greetings from the District and spoke on the growth of the Institute. She was•presented with a gift, as was,. Mrs. Jacques, Secretary-Treasurer from Gorrle. . The Annual Meeting continued With the reports from •Standing' ' Committees, Mrs. Herman Plas for Agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mts.ltiola Kirkby foi, year of work for..theW.I. Citizenship and' World Affairs; Mrs. Ron Bennett in the absence of Mrs. Bev. Smith for Family and consumer Affairs; M'rs, Keith. Rock .for Education and Cultural Activities; Mrs. Jim•A2ctniann for lutions; Mrs. Don McDonald as lic Relations Officer. There, were 3 get-well cards and 2 sympathy cards sent by the Sunshine Cenven,er Mrs. T. Dunclas., Mrs, Stewart Humphries .4H.co-ordiriator said there were 16 girls signed' for the. Garden', .Clubsvith leaders:Ws. H. Hudie: and Mrs. H. McCalluni.• MtS. Nelson Reid curator reported urging • more people to give pictures and family, history for the Tweedsmuir book. Reports were all seconded by Mrs. N. Marks. Mrs,. John Freeman installed the officers for the coming 'year with a thought for an interesting Past President. Mrs. Allan McCall; President, ' Mrs.. Wm.. Humphries; 1st Vice-president, Mrs.. Harold Hudie; 2nd v:Vice- President, Mrs, Gerald Watson; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Jim Axtmann; District Director, Mrs. Ken McDonald; Alternate, Mrs: Wm. Humphries; P.12,0., Mrs. Don McDonald; Branch Directors, Mrs. Nelson Marks; Mrs. Graeme Craig; Mrs. Mac Sholdice;- Mrs, Neil McGavin; Curator, Mrs. Nelson Reid;' Suit, 1Shine 'sisters, Mrs. Stewart lfitimphries; 41-11 Co-ordinator, Mt*,.-- Stewart., VI triiiphrie.s; Auditors, .Mrs. Harvey Craig arid Mrs. Keith Rock. During business a donation was made -to the' BrusSels Fair Board.. It was agreed ,to Wave another : Christmas Concert this year. This is. a community project and Mrs. Humphries emphasizeckthat all in the community- are welcome to attend any meetings. Members agreed' that chairs are not to be loaned out from the hall 'and prices , were... set for • speakers and sunshine sisters for coming year. Mrs. 'HUmphries urged members to read from handbooks on Good Farm. Mrs. Harold Hudie, offered to stay on as caretaker of the hall and presented retiring secretary- treasurer, Mrs. (en McDonald r • with a gift on behalf of. the institute. It was' decided to carry on the card parties into May. Committee 'for May 2 will be: Mrs. It Hudie; , Mrs. Ron Bennett', Mrs. Viola Kirkby and Mrs. Elva Bolger. May 16 Committee: Mrs. George Mc Call; Mrs. Jim . Axtmann; Mrs. 'Marion podkin and. Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell. 4.11 Sleeting Walton I Leisure Lovers met at there of Mary Alice Ryan with 10 in rnber present. Roll call Was ( anwer4c1 by, One thing I have done for my community. Leaders stressed safety in the bottle and a discussion followed on the things people should do to make it safer, ' Books are ,to be Completed by • Saturday arid- Achievement. Day plans are being ..madec„,:fer, ~aturaay ay . Refreshments were served by Pam Hackwell and the hostess. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and 'Mr :and Mrs. Ray Huether visited recently with Mrs, Mrs. Jack Jutzl and Mr, and Mrs. Rae Klem Waterton. Mr. and MrS. Dave Watson; Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas and Mr. and Mrs.'grnie Stevens, arrived borne Sunday from a two 'Week holiday in Florida-, • Miss Sandra Smith. spent • the week-entl with her grandninther, Mrs. , Edna ,Hacicwell, returning .hcnc to London with her parents, Mr. and , Mrs. William Smith, Monica and Paul who Spent Sunday at the same home. Mrs. Edna .FlackwAll and Mrs. Sadie MCDonald visited with Mrs. Jean .Miller and 'Miss Pearl Thamer at Huronview, ;Clinton one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Taylor and family of Kintail spent- • the_ week-end with Mr:' and,. Mrs. Rolly'Achilles. Mrs. Jim Sills and family of Seaforth spent Friday at • .Miss Jane, Leeming returned home for the summer months after completing her .studies in I"‘ ,Toronto for this term., mrs, Ray Huether Mrs. :Ray Klern visited on Saturday with Mrs. Bill Johnston of Paisley. Mrs.. Fern Patterson of Seaforth visited with 'her sister, Mrs. Jean Broadfoot a week-ago Sunday. The Achievenient Day of the Senior Training'School on "Per- serializing your Pattern'" held at 'St. Andrews Presbyterian Chnrch, Wingham on Wednesday afternoon, Api•il 19th: Those takjng the course were Mrs. Jim Axtmann and daughter Linda; Miss Dianne bodkin; Mrs. Nelson Reid; Mrs. 'Elgin Schade and, daughter, Nancy, Mrs. Wm. Osborne; Mrs. Wm Naylor, with leaders Mrs. Gerald Watson and Mrs. Harold Hudie. , 'Mrs. Nelson Reid and Is .s. Allan McCall attended the 20th Anniversary party of the Seaforth Institute on. Saturday evening at the Seaforth Public School' when Mrs. Clarence Diamond thenetv president of the F.W.I.Q. was pest speaker. Walton laps their rye By Walton U C W .Lagt,ctuilt. of season.made the same home. LOndes'boro.... Confirmation were • M tirray nowatt„ Robert Hunting, Daniel , • Jewitt. Ruthann Penfound, , Debbie W esterhout. Karen 'Durnin. Barbara Carter, Judy Carter.' Traci Mitchell,' Elizabeth Gibscie. The elders, chosen by the' candidates to take part in the - Laying On. of Hands were: Jack ee ,' Gordon Shobbrook. Garnet W right. Jim Jamieson, Bert hobbrook, Jack Tamblvii. Kevin 'Finney, Emerson Hesk, Edyth Beacon, and Nick Whyte. Mrs. Margaret Whyte, the clerk of Session. assisted Rev. McDonald with the service. The service concluded with all candidates receiving their first communion. • Following the service a reception was held in the church hall for the candidates, their families and the malty. visitors present for the serVice..Mrs. John Radford, • and fret. Social . • Committee Of the United Church • . . Londesboro lei 4-11 On Monday.' 'April 17, the, Quazy .QpilterS. held • , their , 'list meeting .at the hem -'of Marjorie .Duizer. The.. girls learned how `good diet and. fitness is the-key fOr • better health, Achievement day . . was discussed Which is to be held • op May ,6 iri Myth.' • • .• Londesborough United Church . was filled Sunday evening when a Special .Service of Confirmation was:held:Rey. Stanley McDonald received' ten persotis into . full church nicioberghip. • The' service opened with . the 'candidates and elders taking their place during ,the Processional ' Hymn "Just As I Am", The,Choir ...under the direction of Mrs. Allen Shaddick as choir leader and Mrs: Glenn McGregor as • Orgapist provided special music through- . .out the. service. The soloist Mrs. . Allen Bosnian sang 'Blessed . • Saviour" and "My God Accept My Heart This Day". Rev. -,McDonald read' scripture from I---Ephesians 3 'and the Gospel of John 6. , Those taking lifOr vows 67— Women served the refreshments. (Continued on Page 23) 1111111. First Lo,ndesbero Cub and ScoUt Groups enjoyed a banquet prepared by Mrs. Radford and. her social committee 'of the United Church Women, • on T.uesdn- evening, The Banquet opened with the presentation of the flags with flagbearers S couts Bill Je'witt and Dennis Schneider. ' A toast to The Queen was-offered by Cub Mark Wallace and:every one sang "pod Save Our Queen". Grace was said by Cub Stephen Kolkman. Following the meal, Mr. McDonald. introduced the' 'Group Committee and also welcomed everyone to the evening. Jack, • 'Lee, as chairman of the Group Cominittee chaired the rernainipg part of the program." He • introduced the Scoutmaster Jim Jamieson and Ciibmaster Stan- McDonald, who • in turn' introduced their leaders.' Each Pack and Trocip leader introduced their particular Pack or Tropp and the boys' fathers . `s • Cub Scott averboe thanked Mrs. Radford and her committee for stick a 'good' dianeritpd Mrs,_ "ladforctireplied. A Toast to the FAthers was proposed by Cub David Stevenson and replied by Mervin Durnin, father ,of Scout Shane Durnin. The Toast to the Church. the sponsoring body. was proposed by. Scout John Lawson and replied by Mrs, M argaret Whyte. the Clerk of Session. The Toast to Scouting was given by Scout Niel Cartwright and replied to bx The SeoutmaSter and Cubiester.---- --- Many achievement badges were presentect,by the Scout and 'Cub Leaders with the Bronze chain going to Scouts, John Lawson, Niel Cartwright and Bruce Vincent, The Blue' Star was presepted to Cubs, Robert Adams, John Cartwright. Roger Cunningham. Larry Gorss, Russell Nesbitt, David Stevenson. Ronald Vincent, Mark Wallace, Garry Wilts. Todd Hoggart and' Robert Radford, The Green Star was presented to Cubs Curry Wilts: Russell Heshitt, Roger ,er CABLE T.V. NEWS For Service Hook Up Line Lotates Advertisements on Local Channels Call Zenith 82110 leaving name,- address and telephonenber M1TCHELL-SEAFORTH CABLE T.V. FRESH EXTRA MEATY, PORK HOCKS C NOT FROZEN lb. %'s SCHNEIDERS ' PREVIOUSLY FROZEN • BEEF LIVER NC SLICED lb. SLICED I in. . PKG I " ZEHRS 5 VARIETIES MEATS C ( SCHNEIDERS BEEF WIENERS OR RED HOTS I lb. PKG 88C — SWEEt I, = SCHNEIDERS RY 4$1 SCHNEIDERS SEICED COUNTRY . • ▪ MAPLE MINI SIZZLERS, Ib.p!G1 o49 CAMPFIRE BOLOGNA KITCHENER PACKERS COTTON CHUB 14.86a MAPLE SIDE BACON 1 lb. PKG 1.161 sill /0 SUMMER SAUSAGE - SCHNEIDERS COUNTRY MAPLE •`; 9 SLICED COOKED. IllAti_k9t.P_M i39 MAPLE LEAF ENGLISH STYLE 32 990 BACK BACON 6 oz. PKG$1149 RKRAUT 2 lb. BAG 4 ROLL PKG99C . 99c 4 TASTY VARIETIES SUNLIGHT LIQUID 32 oL, CLARKS STEWS flEGULAIL,RAISIN & DATE, APPLE-CINNAMON COMF-EES DIAPERS 1 LITRE SIZE BOX . CLDYERLEAf CLEAN • .LIQUID HERBAL.. ESSENCE CRICKET LIGHTER • STRAINER. FRUIT VEGETABLES OR JUICES GERBER. BABY FOOD • MEDIUM CHEDDAR OR MOZZARELLA CLUSTER OF 879 . c. C FARMHOUSE PIES This special avai0ala only till closing Sat., April '20. SALAD DAYS CELERY HEARTS BUNCH 69 PROM. OF U S.NO. I CRISP PRODUCE oF .FLA NO I WHITE _51b 1129 NENTOIATOES ENGLISH CUCUMBERS PRODUCE OF ONTARIO CANADA NO 1 GRAM HOTHOUSE each 89c PROD OF U t trust, FRESH • 39c RED RADISHES 16_9z PKG PROD OF U.S. WED SWEET GREEN ippr . We will be pleased to serve you in: Our manager ,s: Dale McDonald Pr H HURON RID. mY A GODERIC..-.. ,...... ..... 8 ' OPEN WED.- THURS -FRI.- EVENINGS ZEHRS 26 " SOFT DRINKS GINGERALE, ORANGE, COLA, LEMON-LIME, OR CREAM ;SODA RETURNABLE FOR ,pi_us oEPOsi7 . • • , ITALIAN SAUSAGE _ _ VisCGUMPACKED•CNUNKS• ZEHRS RPRESSING SALAD RY ORRASPBERRY JAMS WITH PECT • IN FRESH. ROASTED I lb. BAT`, $3•39 ZEHRS -3 COLOURS --BATHROOM TISSUE GA BAGE BAGS PKG 0120 x,1 i49 ZEHRS FANCY TOMATO JUICE. 48 62.55c RECONSTITUTED ;FIRS APPLE JUICE 48 ...59c PURE WHITE VINEGAR:, _ FANCY KERNEL CORN 12 01„3fo ll FANCY GREEN PEAS -14 oi. 3fo,fi• STRAWBERRIES CHERRY HILL CHEESE ND. 1 CALIFORNIA RED RIPE JUICY HEAPING PINT FOR. AVAILABLE ONLY IN ALLISTON, BOLTON, SBA 00 FOR NORMAL OR OILY HAIR" LigTOWEL STRATHROy ORANGEVILLE, GODERICH, PORT ELGIN, KINCARDINE, HANOVER; ELMIRA, FERGUS, HESPELER, DISPOSABLE ELSTON, GUELPH AND KVSTORES , E5UIPPED WITH DELI COUNTERS ZEHRS OWN...... ...DELICATESSEN SPECIAL WITH WHITE& DARK MEAT MIXED SCHNEIDERS TURKEY ROLL LB. 2.7 PKG$ 12 • 4 $ OF FOR 43 .UNSHES 'for L. SPIC CLLPPAN CLEANER kg. 51 .19 GHT TUNA - 35 450 ml, 'r"Vig""141" CHIPS CuillY OR 'BRICK CHEESE 7 °:$1:2. i9! $2 39 H 32 oz. HOSTESS CHOMPERS 200 G. 496 Pcu:COGKROUNPDEPPER 1 /2 23c dark IN BATTER 8 <:.$1.09 'AosiiiLSEA BUNS na,1 VALUPLUS ENRICHED .;.aa I WHITE. BREAD WHITE. PINK. YELLOW OR GREEN 12 VLETIEs SCOTTIES 'FACIAL TISSUE zoo'. 59c. LIPTON CUP-A-SOUP WHITE, PINK. YELLOW OR LILAC ROYALE TISSUE MOT BEANS IN TOMATO MOE 4 RQLL P KG $11 .09 CLARKS BEANS. DETERGENT FOR OISHEr BUNDLE OF 3 BARS ZfST BATH BARS OA TIME DISPOSABLE 'ADDED TOUCH' • 4 VARIETIES FROZEN READY TO BAKE APPLE bR RHUBARB-STRAWBERRY ZEHRS REG GSE FRG WEBTONS rRESHLY BAKED BABY BURGER BUNS 16.6.z. 1'25 HARVEST CRUNCH 30's 52.49 MONARCH CAKE MIXES CT IV OF .550 19 oz..2. .f(!.1 24 oz.99 F 24 oz 3 101 9 3.75 oz.$11 .29 $1 £9 Too=' 850 g. $11179 18,5 oz. 85C 89c