HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-20, Page 6`I he gulls of a battleship can
6� m ` thus carry filen six to twelve miles,
�� :;�
hurling; a shot weighing half a ten..
C� ktu >, i with armor
Battleships Gra covered
THE WIN GE IIAn1 TIMES, MAY 20, 1. 696,
Sitall3AT,ii SERVICES.1 (1I
AEATII'S COLD SWEAT. The Gold DiaeoveVied. , gib
� .. * �11(Iir.T>:i0!)IST•---Iter. I)r. I'at:coo, pa6•Iv
Stood out in (great Beads upon II1 ' The Bureau of Mines has received or Services at it n tint autd 7 p nt.
Face ---A Victim of heart i)iseeee Bowe confirming the reported dis-1 pratsByTERLIAN--Iter, 1). 1'erriu--IsruuLlsllru.
Snatched from tha Urltve by the covcry of placer gold near Sudbury, i Faltfr, Services E,t iw and? p m. EVERY TBIDAY MORNING
u OPAL St. PaUre--ILev, Vin•,
Use of llr, E1„usilv's Cute foe the to finds ere sant meter, Servues at 11 a in nuc. --AT VIE -
` t The fl 1 1 to be of lila F1lSC 17'
-re” •i es thick - Heart -Relict ill •111 Crises in 30 Vermilion River, to the north or Lowe, I
'ttII)AY, IIIAY '20, 1806. of nickel steel from five to seven'
Only sixty ler cent, of the enlisted
Minutes. Sadbttr, probably at the Bead• p liAPl.'IST•-lZov, Jae. Hamilton, pas -I r•
at N'1'AI'I)
U S Na ; waters of the river near the height tor. Services a ONTARIO.
is the fifth percentage yet are native born. Dr, Agliew'0 Ciro for the Hearts p 1031_ of 1 t -id, west of W ahnlnpttae, 1'he Ma n (xha ko ,fir � etvicta fit 11v�a1nt and `ilivC=llAhi, 0
The United States p
,t til Projectiles thrown by naval guns lively gives relief wttk,in 30 minutes s J dep•lrtmerit has received 1)nnlnrotls ! Suuscrtptionprioe,SLperyear.inattvanoe
�` p Y r are Shaped much as the ballet Shut ter f �ti illiau,r reit, Pa„ says : a lI+'lttlorls illi' mining locatlr)i a in
CIi1lIS'LIAA �� O1wKli,S .e 4r,Yr.It't1b1:rG
X l I the (.hicugo l:llrtes p Whitney,u i pp d Services • Cra France, � � � •t :Ice awl •I indeed the at q rt, an •— u uu lu 13.1 ra uu ¢� 00
Ie0.Ssla and Italy ran r : nv end had auwN. But A r.`. s 4U UO •21:20 1'
'tin` electric plant capable of lighting tt thou„ e. Ealit t sale on has been withdrawn from Services at 1111. Haff
;Plead in the order named. Germany 1 t relief was Fuunst in 111. d•„new s (rare and wtfe in command. Ver Half tet" -fA 'su ou 00 •T o0 3 00
f rrU00 inhabitants. 1f using it for Ei Sale on account of its VE11l1:lbiC m '3 p 11i Rnd S p m, t.r.w inch ! i1 JO ..OU i nU 1 00
and the Llnite t State arc about
`Phe present effective fi„hting force (r magical. bold at
S 1 1 eight. news from Sudbury ,tnte> that 111111 I wee notices 1t.. ptr , ,
first-class, one battleship ofthe ; � man the Before. After. 00 S � .
4S • D I alio Mellows Ul+anrws 1Vant0d, t of care
Navy Epitomized.
men are Americans, and a smaller
V Ower of the sterid, writes I'OjeCti eS )r ` e the first dose is taken. •TauleB ” -"'•"'
' 7 m
L . p , , r , - Misses i T` b
trELn. Abe ill -Rt
1 ;vies of Great Brit by the ord.lnai•y' rifle. • . (gold sweat would steed out in great 1 this district recently, bat none have Outram and)Loc linin et.anmun , 1-` alar • i ., y r I it u,qI a ,,l?•) 1 tuts
11I ld The a n 1 T 1 1 • '1 battleship has on board . n J 1 been gi•anted ae this part of 3 p
beads upon 131 f
S I V J i0'V 1I YIX AdrutantMllee un t.ulurua au � a o0 0 no
town o . for the 11 art. After t.f, _
Great Britian has '?.l4 torpedoes shorttiwe 1 feel now that the trouble is' tiiiober, }\Inch has not yet been dis• In such of the above named ehuruhee
Lu,iul and other rasnnt t,uttttrsctuurt, H,• per ino
and torpedo-boat destroyers; 1Jnelo altogether removed." rte etl'eetB at'0, _ � forttr91insrt• ion,aud Su I> lino Ura w1l3nb�lquent
'' Chteholli,'t; Dru13 ;posed of by the Government. The Sabbath School is pelt! at 2•.30 p p'• , i„•ertl+n. )lc..etn0d by nonpura 1 sr,tu.
9Con xstS of four battleships of 1118 and only las . , I iline for rust a ser'tien and
b`tore. ! . :i fi_• per line for each anbsequent , tserth r •
h live hundred and twentyrSixlilen Ii4 known here about it as none of Tod, g'� holLiiSPi 1 d1'erttycU]wnlsofLOSt,Found straywt,oituatione
+ cruisere, and forty officers cl at u 1 egt111 cd to n rush
have rete who joined in eding s ane
iecorid (:lass, two armored , Nubby Claimed Ills Property. `fit •”" �s�'''• Tho Crept irtE�liaTt 22enict7p. n..upntcil, }fl for itrat. mouth, and 60c. for each
ejghteo le tins, fifteen monitors,
o e, the crosier New York. rust have raturned y
ix double turreted nunbo t, one ; Ina New* York police court t(he ,S,z ilia mouth, 6Uu per s 1r tqL, t.t month,
.yam, MID dynamite gunboat, otic i Take Your Choice. other forms of se Huai \1 eRl.ness, e
t' y •,u:acquut,t ruoat,.
Sold and recommended b All + • druggists in Canada. Only reli- rhouses anti ymnis for Sole, not exceeding 8 Ilse,
r able uiedoind discovered.1 .or to rfor ,
VIGOR for HEART and•NERV ES, { �, a ilac7rapcs paaramtcc,i to cuxo all,,,tgrr adtu,tracmt;nts in pralrn ii.;n.
o Y all 11eots cf abuse these ,crave 11110 bestrietly adn�111(1 to
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure orexeess, Mental Worry, Esces4lve usoo o i peciat rntua f^r larger advertisements, or or
Ant mit NervousnOSS, S1eep1eeeneaR, i bReeo. Opium or Stimulants. Mafled on ceipt pur)uli 3.
' of rice, ono package 81, six, tri, alta trtll:.16188, Advertiaernects and local notices without apeotfie
Weaknese,Palpitation, rPbrobbing,ll`airit adziutdicwre. Pamphlets free to nny address. de,etians, will ie inserted till for't.id and charged
Spells, Dizziness, or any oonditiou ar- Tho 'Wood Oompar►Y.Yr'indsor,Ont. accordingly. Transitory advortisentante must be
d i dvnncu
'r day a pristine,' Was a rrainged to
eights or boat, one transport anti
eight tor;:edo boats. ;Ve Aro Sure You Would Solent the answer Et charge of larceny. The
Diamond Dyes. proseiutilig witness was a young;
The Iowa weighs nearly 1 ,ODU f _ - woman, who testified that as she Ives
itousand as twenty tons is the overage i There are several hinds of wretched
walking clung Broadway the prison-
rising fry rm Impoverished Blood, Dis-
1' Changes fur contract advertisements must be in
lload for at freight car and twelve carp 'imitation and soap grense dyes that Bre Sold in R'inglirt p1. by Cohn a Campbell•
the once by YVednesduy noon, in order to appear
Bake Of lal'g0 er at the bar suddenly stopped her, ordered Nerves, or Weak Heart.
Druggist• that creek
1 ��, ,,, ,•o ..,....«.w++.d�-•• !•!•°.^"'...'-'"� PROr1t0RTCR AND PCBL,BUBI*
is a good load for a locomotive , sold by some demote 0 j
engine, t iti would take fifty urc. ' Profits.
n dispa rte, eveeee ry nue pes erieecedhouse- ofconsternation idsurprisedpresence
spectata s large
openedohe ; Honor Among Them.
Gives to haul the great structure, i wife who uses them• The results may mouth and toot. out a set of false'
The powder used is brown and in , betsumooed up as follows: mixed, mud- You're welcome to the small
bad temper and a shower of wrath on and ran away with. "That's right,'
that's in the pocketbook," said
chunks the size of a Caramel. A dy colors, ruined garments and materials teeth, which he put into his pec ce
• charge for the biggest guns weigh !scowled citizen, whom the foot.
the dealer who has sold the deceptive
;500 pounds and is hoisted to the = dyes•
breech by a derrick, the powder 1 For meg years tbo women of Canada i 1 t f in it I wish you'd give
being sewed up in burlap bags. I have Diamond before
for home coloring celebrated
Armor plates are tested by firing {These chemically pure dyes haye carried
steel projectiles weighing from 100 ' satisfacti..,n and delight to all who have
to 1500 at them from guns charged ' used them. Old, faded and dingy gar- c 1 tha
f Diamond with a set of teeth which cost me $J.
with 5U pounds powder Lt
q a p block. I Dyes been transformed into new and
B ofHAMILTON D" u13, ANLnI000 C11EIT isi"•\N, "R•
tale SCOW t 1 • Successor to 1)r, W. Grab on, BRUSSEL% 0\T.
mac honor," explained the awife, Ad was holding up, "but there's at
1 G l i. M '
let Class Honor Graduate of the Uniyersities of
man. "This woman iS my wife, I . p Trinity ('Toronto), Queen s (1(in{ tc1,1, and of Trin-
married her three weeks ago. Of I o o • papers , Capital,11,250,000. Rest, �i25,000 itv Trinity
Uwbw •e 1 FwuDty u! T:naty Medical
me back. Theywont be of anyCoilelie and :rl1U.liur of the Cohere c.1 Physicians
course i wanted her to make as good i and surgeons 0t 011113110. Post Graduate Course in
an appearance as possible on the , use to you. They're chattel 'ort ! President-JenstViun !'resldout-A• LI. aA)tnAr. Detroit and Unicago, ibUO, spacial attention paid
occassion, and so I fitted her ont ages On furniture and things of to diseas.a ut Eye, Lar, Nose 13110 Thru,,t, and.
Uislusesof %IoawI• (otsultnti0n u, Iiugllen and
t $UPt." RE "TORS
Uvroutn, iteCa1arrh treated succu.efully in alt
its furors.
"Do y Uu run one of these collator. -,
JOHN PRCOTOR. (1Re. 11nAon, 14U GrssoN, r, A. T.
lvo0D, A. H. LEE (Toronto). , VANSTONE,
Cashier -J. TURNBULL. 1�'.
of d t dis I'mute have by the al d o
nee of about a city oc'. ! beautiful creations; money has been
The biggest gulls in the navy are 1 saved, and the happiness of families in -
forty -nine feet long, big enough for i creased. Where directions have been
A man .to crawl into ; four feet in , faithful:y followed, not a single failure
diameter at their largest part and has been recorded. the
weigh 135,000 pounds or there- l borne dyeing, novice
ou i have now presented
:abouts, i to you the varied classes of dyes that you
There are six rear -admirals in I can purchase and use, if you desire
ffi d tem er and
Active service. The offices of vice• success, profit and unru e p
home happiness, you must surely decide with me again as a good, loyal wife!
admiral and admiral are unfulfilled, , in favor of the Diamond Dyes -the only she can have the teeth right now."
;so there is no head of the navy ex- II n arranted dyes in the world. You can -
The court suggested a brief confer
sept Secretary Long. ! igot be ound onved eachpaeketue of "Diamond"
soyou once between theginterested parties .
Barnacles form on the hull of a , buy A moment afterwards the prose-
yhip, impeding its speed. A six Book of directions and card of 9ii col- ention was dropped and the case was
She has since left ole however, and al loan banks?" asked the footpad•
is now skylarking around, and I m 1 "Yes."
afraid some one e se will fall in love II The gentlemanly highwayman
with her and steal her from me. I! g
thought the safest plan would be to handed back- the pocketbook with its
take back my present of those teeth, , contents. he
so that she wouldn't be quite so at -1 "Why didn't you say so?�� � demanded "I never rob a con-
tractive to the average mar.. Of rade-"
course if she will promise to live
nontbs cruise will decrease the :,peed
8•,f a ship fifteen per cent., and it
must go into dry dock. CULROSa.
Some of the guns in the navy can .
fire a shot twelve miles, farther than 1 The directors of the Culross 11 luta•
a man can see, fur the guns are al Fire Insurance Company met in
;aimed and sighted by- machinery. the town hall, Teeswater, on Aril
The amount expended by the Navy 130th. iCiembers all present. Presi-
:Department in 1807 was 634,561,54ti.1 dent in the chair.
ors free to any address. Write to Wells dismissed. "But remember, judge,
('vRtchardson Co., Montreal, P. Q. said the husband as be recoiled to
leave, `.1f she doesn't behave proper.
ly I shall get those teeth again. She
may have 'em in trust that's all.
"This is a larger sum than has been
expended in any year since 1866.
In a battle the woodwork and allied by J. E, Scott, were adopted.
articles of wood are either stow -1 McKague-Moffat-That all appli-
ed below or thrown overboard lest cations for insurance taken by the
the men be injured by splinters. agents of this company be laid before
The origin of the Navy Depart- the board of examination. Carried.
anent may be said to date from Moffat -Scott -That as the appli-
Oetober lath, 1775, when Congress cations taken by the different agents
authorized the equipment of two of this company are considered satis
cruisers. factory, the president and secretary
Battleships cost from $2,000,000 prepare and issue policies for the
to $2,750,000, and cruisers from same. Carried.
$600,000 to $300,000,000. A good Moffat-McKague-That R. E.
i orpedo boat costs over $100,000. Little and Wm. Reid be granted per-
Ba;tieships are fur the heavy mission to make the desired changes
work ; crusicrs are commerce de- in their 'houses upon taking proper
stroyers ; monitors are useful only fer precautions. Carried.
coast defense. Reid - McKague - That the re -
Those artists who show smoke in
their pictures of naval battles are
wholly wrung. Smokless powder is
All the cruisers are named in
,honor of cities, and the battleships,
atexcept the Kearsarge, in honor of
The "grog" ration was abolished
in 1863, and since then the crew bas
ineen forbidden to drink while on
Marines are the police on board
ship, Originally they were employ.
ed to prevent mutiny among the
Minutes of last meeting were read
and on motion of Wm. Reid second -
Of one thing Mr. W. 13. Bennett, the
Conservative Standard Bearer in
East Sinicoe, is Sure -He Suffered
from Catarrhal Trouble and Found
Speedy and Fixed Relief in Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.
Murray &
1,0MCsT 111AGIt.\N ', MOST iteennSlllN(i
AM) liXl)171:1N(•r OF .\i.f.
p1"RIrUMS 6 FOR Tl -113
In the coming by-election it wit not
Wanted to Perform an
Too many doctors aro too ready to use
the knife. Many a one is sacrificed on
the altar of a surgeon s ambition to oper-
ate who could be saved by the use of Dr.
Chase's K. -L. Pills The case of MRS.
W. B. AIKEN, of Zephyr, Ont•,'is one in
point. Her husband says that she h3td
been hectoring with several doctors for
Inflammation of the Bladder for over a
"The last bottle I got from the doctor
he said if that did her uo good she would
be settled until the votes are counted, j be compelled to have an operation per-
wliether 51r. W. H. Bennett, who has
represented the constituency with anil-
ity for years, will again be the success-
ful candidate. One thing Mr- Bennett
is perfectly pertain of, whatever turn the
election may take : When attending to
bis duties in Ottawa two sessions age
he was taken down with catarrh+,l
trouble in the head. EIe used Dr, .A4-
new's Catarrhal Powder and over bra
own signature says it worked like 1c
charm, and quickly removed the trouble
and inade him fitted for bis parliament-
ary duties. Sold at Cbisholm's Dim:
quest of James Donaldson to bel Store.
relieved from the inspectorship be Uses of 1301 Water.
complied with, and that John Arm.
strong be appointedlnspeetor for the A strip of flannel or soft napkin,
company. Carried. I folded lengthwise and dipped in hot
Moffat -Reid -That as a report water and wrung out, and then
has been circulated that Mr. Paisley
had over charged this Co. during his
inspectorship has not had its organi-
zation at this board as his charge
was considered reasonable. Carried,(dipped in hot water, quickly wrung
McIiague--Scott-That this boardland
and applied over the site of a tooth -
do now adjourn to meet again on the ache or neuralgia will generally
last Saturday of May at 2 o'clock afford prompt relief.
p. m. or at the call of the president.) This treatment has been found to
(.awned. DAVID
SORES GONE. SKIN CLEAR.' or rheumatism; as hot water, when
applied thoroughly aid early in the
Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont., I
applied around the neek of a child
that has the croup, will surely brintr
relief in a few minutes.
A towel folded several times and
work like magic for colic.
Nothing so promptly cuts short a
congestion of the lungs, sore thro.tt
formed. I luckily picked up a sample of
Dr. Chase's K.•L. Pills in Mr. Dafoe's
store, and my wife took one pill that
night and ene in the morning, and she has
never felt the least sign of pain since. I
will always keep Dr. Chase's Pills in my
house for all our family complaints."
Savings EItnk-Ifoure, leto 3; Saturdays, 10 to
Private sold Company funds to Iota, at lowest rate
Deposits of ea and upwards received and InterestInterest. No coruutislen charged. Mortgagee, town
allowed. and tarot property bought and bolo
Spr tial 3)oposits also received at cu: tont OFFI013—Beaver Ifloek 11'VNOUA**
rates of tr...reat. �„•--
Drafts on Great Britain and 1110 United Stat . -
bought and sold
says :-"My little boy aged 10, was a ease
complete macs of sores, caused by bad
blood. We could find nothing to cure
him. Finally 1 cot a bottle of Burdock
Blood Bitters, and before half the bot- i while it has a soothing effect on the
tle by the gone he the bbittlean to was improve,
11 shddal a stotnach and the bowels. This treat-
Hot water taken freely half an
before bed time is an excellent
cathartic in the'cesc of constipation ;
Made a ell
an of
tf c'
1tI*oD 000 iREtt�ED Or„ Qp.
Tiea,trta :,t 3U dKyn. Qnros
All Nervous Diseases. Failing 1tTemo o.^iT,ry�.(y•.'' R SOCIETY MEETINGS.
Fermis. ., caused by ' Nigatly Ends- _ {^ i`r, T\ �i'EEI.
vigor, and
hr Past abuses, , and ALL cJ Camp Caledonia No. 0), meet
vigor and n{ze to sl .M,z 11 orsR, • ns and quickly but ;a 11 !Irtut ®u u —'"tiroBretmalth�rdMondryinlural1 reMores Zest altra'eoorti r old young.U�p �G r,r tuu11th, in „bo 1, 03 Fellou:f Ilal..Viviting
Ensrly uarriod fn vest neuket. Price $X.DO a prekago, 'v`iyBi:!Or$5.00'+pith,awritten.quuruni.eefroesrear• itbrethren wulCrn•> J. ,\lana}, Chief. D Stpw.
money refunded. Dox T 137Y AN IncrTATION, bn. TH EN EW WAY
• your ¢1111at on having XNDAPO. It yodrvi.r has not 11
Ret it, we will soon it prraaid, rY! YOnng won nn 1t•ou,nu,, oC older once
urt3uu0 613'3''IV r" n-.�.•r,. r'•,.•- • ,•.•• +" St-. ii \ r.i WANTED U stili yunn;; in spirit, of undoubted
Chisholnl's Corner Drug Sto•c, 1Vrngham, Ont. r• "K ' 'L- ewtract(r, good tlllliers, lufb(tleits and lndUstriOus, .♦
_.__��.-- _ __.. _- .._. __ . .. ... �� t �' ttr N ran rind employ Brant le a stood cause, with 840 per
til c ` ,888th and aprtnrd t acenrrling to nbi.ity.
<EFFF�i<C«C<EG month
MN, T. N, LiN$OOI'tti, Tonox'ro,
W DON'T CliDE ' f�� ,,t` epi vvAivTrD.
et %,y
i 'r»K Seim nrd.•rrvtlterr, Halaly or emumisstou to suit.
THEshit +, t ors,
V .. W 1 AIwnwrismt,
medical Building, Taranto.
MY w lcorrtoia 1181 �1L1 1$ WANTED.
V ase urchased the entire buelnees tete awl Women who can work hard ud1ing and
V from Mr.pDaniet Showero , T nm now trrrtb,gGia boors+lutly ror six daysulc.cl: and will
V f Dent scold V
Ur' rout,+nt hwit tin dollars cvcuhiy.
W prepared to supply the
ptlblfc with addles
r the little oars if t+/ NA.1V iDI.AS Cc, Toito,n'o,
W �f the bed is wet W I . ._ , �-
W in the morning. ' ! wood! avidIron Force ce an •r,,achcrs and other bri bE Bach for
1' I Lift 1hti71*J)$, l�.1'ilM14 and
WANTED "Hemi,' er r, rmarwntty to solicit'
W It isn't the child's fault. Weak 1 1
W kidneys need strengthening--. W Iron (iy 11iI11l ci•s, fGla I.vllllri r "t) ,oras .111 0-.':" le,':ulnanr thoCo11ntav, in live
V that's all. You can't afford to V , , ,,, t terns, ll(•}•al gnartn tolnmrs, 1<n dc000l'1ttu., t'l•tnmissioue
ed Ir mit Tudbi11,.,, '�,Iste,it lis, paid u,•rh1), id\storm l t,rtsttue Co.
W risk delay. Neglect may entail ty t V4raltel, Troughs, 31t1Cs, rn,tnxT0.
a lifetime of suffering.V ... "`-
V W Bret ll t, 1'iii'm Fitt lit**, Well
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS j Digging and everything in cot,- JOB PRINTING,
W Strengthen the Kidneys tend V vection with water supplies,
V Bladder, then all trouble W
ceases. Galvanized tocol Win1uritls for power
(ralvanr e S
AIr, John Carson, employed at Yl and pumping water.
M, S. Bradt & Co.'s store, Hani- W ( Deepwell pumps a snecinlit .
illon, Ont., says : kV
Repairing promptly attended to.
"My little boq seven genre of ago, W
Parties writing far information Or
has been troubled with his kidneys W ordering by mall should alwayq state nn (
since birth and could not hull his •BOOKBINDING.
water. We spent hundreds of dol•" depth of \well.
i/UA{J f� kill
tars doctoring and tried many dif.,r All work naratiteecl or 110 sato.
fercat remedies, but they were n:Eyrlt V fi
avail. One box of 3)11111n'1(,�Ki req
Pills completely cured hitna, :"` v V I
E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor.
J. A. MO1tTUN,
BAli ItISTI.lt, a:c•,
1Vtng1an,, ant.
Money to Loan on Notes
Notes Discounted I E. L. DICKINSON,
Money advanced on Mortgages at 0 per centwith LOAN.
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Nott OfRco-Al oyer Block. lvinrthnm
and accounts colluded.
Beaver Block Wintrham, Out
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London and South
DT•,r.1RT A1tnivE
0 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m
855am 305pm
053 a m 1110 am
33Cpm 800pm
1110arn 050am
330pm 330pm
1025pm 830am
Book Merinos. is be: ter than for years past ; also GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT
have better and faster selling books. ACentaetear• 1VtNonArA, ONTAn10
ing from 310 to•l0 weekly, A low , twirlers are :
"Queen V•M"rla„•; "Life of ,\ir. Gallstone," -My pDEANS, JR., 1viNut:Aas,
Mother's Bible Stories" •'Proeressite 'Speaker. .L .
"Klondike gold Holm," "Women." "Olin pros el
the Unpuen; 'Breakfast, Dinner, Supper." linoics LICENSED AUCTIONEER FUD. . rikl (AUNTY
on time. Ol+' HURON.
IiRALLEV•GARRETSON COMPANY, Lump, attended in anypart of the Co. Charge
Toronto, Moderate. B
Stiles of Farm Stock anti Fans Impletuen
All orders intt at the TINES office promutly aoten.I
ed to. Tams reasonable.
it Ai 0. CAMERON,
Ofiice-Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne Hotel.
Gomco. ONTanlo.
T)ENTISTRl.—J. S. Ji R0515, L. D. S.,3%isouA=.
le a,anufactur first-class sets of
4=4 teeth us cheap as they can bo made
.nrr'x in the condition. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by Drs neer
process, guaranteed perlc..tly safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, oppotito the
Brunswick House.
had nota sore on bim" j ment continued a few months, with
Between January lst and April the additiono half a f an of
18th, 27,100 people have gone to the esach
Klondike district from Pacific coast each !Waal with �lopar attention to
points, and 2,800 people have come diet, will cure most cases of dyspep•
Canadian Pacific
officials r. .
out. {,aOrdinary lteadaaht,salmostall\atw
port a large decrease in Alaskan yield to the simultaneous application W
business. ri'his they Figure, will con• of hot water to the feet and back of W
tinue until ,pine, July and August, W
when, it is expected, another tilt Beet., iikii
great rush will start for the gold, W
fields, I'y that time news of the A RA.IIMAYMAN b STORY. r y
year's finds will have reached the , Bir, W. biranks, in charge of the Greed t
Trunk Engine Strops, fort Dover, Unt. W
rest of the world, and is sure to start eny .-"Four boxoe of Doan`a Kidneo _.
to the north, unless > fverybad attack of W
Ill t
h0LUU1NG nooks, Pamphlets, !'esters, 811
Circulars, tr . beet
I needs, C s C. Via, executed in the
style of the art, at moderato prices, and on shorn
notice, Apply or address -
1 I, B. 1:1.tdUT t,
T Mr*R Pinto, Wickham .
a tjc\\' stampede r I S carpe me U a y t w i tt! 0. MOR1±II I�GSTAR
the returns etre greatly disappointing. Itidney "Con)plaint and Lame Back. i9(<<< :C<<<<<<e<4«<<cEtit Bet 11(1 Winl(hare, Ont'
Wo am moused to annclineo that may nooks or
Magazines left with its for BindintY, will have our
proutpt:dr-i tio,r, prices for Binllingin any Style
win )1a given on application o the TIMM,t Office