HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 18\'
1110•0 • •
THE HUFi9ii E.*1).$SIT9ft, APR, 47; 19. I Bru Se's`
L,Pfl e,touri
1 Ph a11.0 Pat Watsco• ivcgatly icapp .
gage merribers ,of ALPHA Huron
a' tpur of ,Brussels' pew • arena.
me,mbers were particularly in.
terested Mr. the building's ,com-
plete aCeesaility' to the hand-
jeapped. • An elevator makes it.
posOble for wheelehair,,cuserS to
reach the Second, .floor -where
activities on the ice can be viewed
oz" in comfort. Washrooms at • both -
levels • arc ,usable by the hand-
Onig,ratulations to thq people
of the Brussels' area, who
planned and built this community
eontre. '
A,t their meeting held in the
upper-arattorium of Brussels'
arena, ALPHA Huron planned a
wryly • of accommodation in
Huron County suitable for hand-
icapped persons.' An. advertise:
rnent in localtapers.will alert the
nahlie to the Survey,
A. donation to the Crippled.
children WAS made by the group.
`ALPHA met at the Holmesville
'Public School.; .TueSday, 'April
25th. All Meetings are at 8 p.m.
and .everyone is welcome.
For information contact' Elaine
Townshend 482-3073. Pat Watson
,887-6236, or Mai)/ 'HoWell
McKillop cpnners meet
By Francine Visser • •
McKillop Uncanny Canners
met 18, at Mrs. Carolyn,
ThomSpon's... ,
Leaders, Mrs. Thompson and
Darlene Eckel outlined the re-
quirements for -this The
members were told that • they
must' plan and plant a garden
containing at least 'ten different
,kindi of vegetables,' one of, Which
has never been grown by the
.• family., They 'meet ri1,4,1 !Ault t
is ast YoUr different types of
annual flowers and themembers.
,must also practise and preserve
garden produce:
Cheryl Campbell was elected
`President, Doris' McClure Was
elected Vice President, Janet
Drager was elected Secretary and
Francine Vissor was chosen to'he
Press Reporter. The rest of the
members include Janice Murray,
Mary` Jane Visser, Sharon
Thompson, Lynne Dodds and
Valerie Millson.
The members then had a little
quiz' identifying different types ,of
flowers and vegetables. Carolyn
- Thompson showed the• members
' exactly how to draw a plan of 'a
girden plot using 'suggestions
from the, members. Members
discussed_ the benefits and locat-
: .ibis of a home gardpn 'and , the
advantage of growing your own
VISIT LISTER TOWN Art Morrison, ,left, program director of WBMB. radio
station,, West Branch, Mich, and bearded Mike Carroll, ope0 line host, visit with
Wilma Oke and Coun. Wayne Ellis. The'two repr6Sentatives from Seaforth's twin
town spent the, weekend here planning inter-town activities-during the surhmer.
flowers. • (Expositor Photo)
Cathy McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Don McDonald,
R.R.#2, Brussels and Paul Fiaxbard, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Earl
Flaxbard, Zurich, were united in, marriage. Satu rday., •April 2.2, in
a bouble ceremony held in Duff's United Church, Walton
:vvith Rev. Baker officiating. •
The 'Matron of Honour was Lynn' Proctor and Bridesmaids
' ..weroJeanne McDonald,' R•.R.#2, Brussels, Heather *Donald,
London, Joan Bennett, Owen Sound and Ruth ARM Plaxbard of
---GrPornSiiiaWaStiare- Proetbi-Of d'ondrid-Ditiers-were tat ,M
. McDonald, R.R.#2, Brussels, Bruce McDonald, Toronto, Gary
Flaxbard, Kitchener and Steve Clark of Goderich. The Organist •••••
was mrs: Ian Wilbee of Walton -arid the' Soloist Was Gtaerne =
Griag, Walton, who sang The Wedding Song, The Lords Prayer
and Time in a Bottle.
A reception followed in Brussels, Morria:and Grey Community
Centre, Brussels. All flower arrangement were designed by-
Marg English of Winghatn.
Paul and Call.4- will be residing in London.
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by Riehfrrd Charles 12
Grab the heat While it's. hot.
in its proper•-use. But lot can happen between its•point of
origin and the moment when you feel the warmth in your
barely able to crawl the last few inches. If you have ridden
Way back as, say, a barrel of oil or a waterfall, when-we can
assume that it is ready to give.us one hundred percent. But,'
like the breaking wave, .it' begins to lose something at The
be absorbed by the generating equipment.
Hydroelectric power is less wasteful of the water's energy,
• have proper deflectors on them it's.easy to tell where
. the-heat is going by'standing.near the Convector.
• Let ttie warm air circulate freely in your rooms. In.other
words, don't block,off warm air outlets with furniture,
and don't cover.baseboard heating.units with drapes. • • •
• . If you have heating cables, in the' ceilings or floors, you
, can help them 'to db a better job in two•ways': Pint,
make sure that you have them properly insulated, so
that the' heat radiates into . the. room, Second, look
peraiically for hidden faults such as a broken cable.
You can do this easily by making spot checkswith your
hand against the ceiling or floor. Any cool sections will
• indidate„that there is some kind of trouble there.
As you can see, keeping an eye on electrical heating
equipment. is simple enough, and you will feel the dif-
ference in your comfort and in the heating bill. But there's ,
a lot more you 'can do with this'as with practically every
other kind of _home heating, Number one: Stbp heat .frdm
escaping. by 'having good home insulation all round. Number
two: learn how to use your 'thermostat as a way of in-:
cfeasirig the , heating efficiency of your home. Number
three: before you go any further, find out about these and
. • other easie improvements by reading 100 ways to save
energy and money in ,the home. It's put out by the Office
of Energy Conservation-,-DePattffilnt of Energy Mines and
ResourceS, and it's yours by w ting tb Box 3500, Station
'C, Ottawa, Ontario;KIY 4G1. •
=I' 0 •
= At. Singles ''''..... =' fzusto All'Dresse d
= .411k1 Kraft. ..egeolor
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.,..: .-.. Scnneiaers Ring
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. . . ..- A 8 Oz . N % Z4.N4tb
. * ' ....= BEEF BURGERS ig: . 4 L 0 - '0:,At • 59_ ,, =
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= . o. = - ...0. 1 Lb. 11 ..... p.
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E g SAUSAGE •••..:: .....
440 lil 1111:(1/10 a GARBAGE BAGS PKG2sooF 1 98 ; . ., .att-OWM*;00, a.
...: Glad
or crunchy ....1.
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— Alkok PEANUT. BUTT ihi b. . UUY 1 ...4 44. Schneidersows., E
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--4momp...- — ,L /moos ii, ER jonimaL - Broken 117.,, ...fi.: ....; , -.4.0.1.......- .... ,
' . 1 PORK & BEANS I:. 2//sva 1 .... .
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• The way we use energy ia something like'that. It starts mom •
You.can see, then, how important it is to make the most Wan Jar "410..
, of yOur electricity by, grabbing the heat while 'it's hot. The =
following tips should help.
• . • • ...I.
Beef,Chicken ' `11 Oz
If you hear your home electrically; yob are an above- •
average user of electricity, and therefore have a large stake •••• im▪ plo
5 ti 00 .. -,..•-." ..... ... Men
water., it looks like a great heaving wall that could go on for
ever. Then, as it nears 'the beach, it starts to break and mon .. .....
release its tremendous power, and soon ends up on the sand . 1 , .. '
• .....
self` by ,the time it reaches the home heating 'equipment. = josh
gimonimmompummummulmimmimilmmum: , 101.11//4,4 .... that the 'closer you are to taking-the wave as its breaks, the loon
better the ride.
MOIR • MM Javex Liquid
The barrel of oil emerges as electricity with less than half =•••• Ang,411/11' -murmir of its original energy efficiency; then loses still, more as it
comes through the lineS, until it is about one-third of its old
OMNI • Put warm air where it will do the most good. You can,,do
thit• with Wall-mounted .convectors by seeing that they 8 Oz. •
the surf on a board,,in a boat eras a swimmer, you kno`W um.
or--T-electric heaters Mean thit---eat is
Vacuum the heaters regularly throughout heating ,
Tti illustrate, when a wave starts' its run in the deep
moment of release - some may go up in smoke, and some •••• 40111. Carn•ation IWO
being delivered to you than the .system was designed for. • ,"▪ "'" •
...I • MUM
,0„, ' mar. . MINI • d.
= am. = 111111' : . • • ' ' ' • ' ...i.. • = Pro USA Can No.' ..„„.. -mi... • ,
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..a•ass!.. SOFTENER--
.._ . •,.,. ,, ,, • ,
, r •
. 14%, . MM.'
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• la oz. ,,,,,. -i.,.. , = Prod. USA,Can..No. 1
\... 1- Valencia ORANGES .9 DOZ.= .
1. •
& kSto
.°?.il ' . 04\4
' Nik
El . O. ri L 0 r Ow, n , NI o... , 1 Cooking MIN
OMNI 4 lifitlitt►ki'`‘ -
.... .1tiii ittitA. a •ONIONS--- . 1 ,1146- . •2 Lb. . 1. . .
.scotts ..., ,-.....r.
''.#°°,..•0046°"°___....es =
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.1•0," Aim=
oar 4101%,
•108111111111. a Prods. USA Can. No: 1
• , _ _
MI MI 11014
= rot liquid Fabric ."11111mis CUCUMBERS
well below par at the end Of the line. .
" """"
O N=
84 Oz 59 ; COFFEE BLEACH. Jug - assi.
""" 016. TISSUE Savarin ,
ass = CREAM RIES 14 Oz
• partly because there 'is no burning involved, but it's still maw MATE
• 111.1M
T V DININER or Turkey •
Farm House •
' .•••••
aine.41111. SOBfatitroP oremt 7.111ampow
Nikiki441% Strained •
Fruit or Juice 4 1/2 oz.
wor wpm
, 11 ft
1/111,i it tik k*74
‘111.- WWI • MOO
Roll Pkg. , -`6=