HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-04-27, Page 16' THE ULM ON EXPOSITOR, APRIL ;7,- 4978 .Johnson's BABY SHAMPOO, LIFEBUOY PERSONAL SIZ40AP At Fras,ert's Repair ,Service RR 1, Brucefield, Ontario -' Perth 4 gricuiciturai report Crop suppl aren't movin As we talk to the farm supply dealers it is obvious that crop supplies are not' moving' to the . farm.. Getting that first load a fertilizer and. seed ready '-now, • could save valuable hOurs. once • the-weather breaks. Now is also the time to book the majority of yoUr .crop supply needs. ,,They need' not be priced now,. hUt by • ordering early you let the dealer know his, exact needs.. Too often • during, the busy planting • time,' a wife gets' sent to pick up some . Crop supplies. Upon arriving at • the sales outlet, the desired item is out of stock and a substititte is reconottended,.., Invariably when . she arrives home it turns out to be the Wrong choice, Early bookings can prevent this, — We also notice that dealers are ' somewhat reluctant to advance' credit. They are .not refusing credit, but discouraging it. For instance, some are giving 1% or 2% discount for cash on t ertian items. Also 'you can borrow pioney from the bank at V•1•to, 1/2,- the interost charge that yottwould - , Oa•r to a dealer. It Would appear that this year. one way-to- tut -` costs is to borroW from: the bank ' rather than charging al ' the • Group ,hears of oat trila Grounds. on' Saturday, May 6th. Staffa b . 'SCARLET.. RIBBONS — Janis Van Viiet and Doris McClure have arm lbads of colored streamers ready. go be hung, around Seaforth District High School in preparation for Friday night's formal. ploughing• is. to conserve -Moisture.' This can' be done by' discing and packing after plough-.. ing. A tip passed on by Gerry kngehtel of' N.E. Hope is to begin'. secondary tillage 'on spring ploughed land, once the soil. starts to. ...Whiten.' on top. • Secondarystillage before this. earl lead-Jo...lumps, Secondary tillage delayed beyond this whitening time leads to excessive-moisture 'loss. • • Maximizing Breeding • Performance , " .Whe it a new' boar is purchased and brought into a breeding. herd., , he ,Sho,uld be isolated for a minimunt 'of three weeks before being placed 06 service. During this isolation period, items such oasu.t y;:iccinations, de.vorming,' lice and mange control, can be;Carried A yoUng boar should not be, put' into service before seven. menths.. of age and the nuniber of services should not 'exceed, two per week'• for the..p.ect:"2. tribildis„,,YOurtg: boars, .,should .be -,hand-mated.:. rather than pen-rnated ,i' Order that the number 'Orbre.e.ings be controlled. As the boat's. age.. , increases, frentay_ be used more frequently:- The recommended. breeding lead per boar from .9 - 12 months of age. is one-service per' day up to'seven ppr ,week,'and ter. mature boars, two' services. per day:up to ten services per week.' A. ,general rple of thumb ..aS,'to' the, .number of . boars required` for a • herd' is',orie boar. ter every -20-, 'sows, • . Other environmental aspects that will affect the boar's breed. Mg' performance is the "amount of. 'exercise and type of handling he receives. 'A boar should be' allowed 15 . - 20 sq.' ft...to allow -'`room "formcivement and prevent stiffness and soreness in Tii•S legs and the boar must be handled and . treated gently. Rough 'handling 'will. • affect his breeding. per-. `forma,nce as well as potentially causing a boar to become vicious, causing injury to;the.sow and the . • person. in ehaigp, :spolsteift Spring Show • • The 'Ontario ,Spring . Show for • HOIstelp,_ cattle is scheduled • for. able ft7oM Fieldrnan, Gordon Bell, #3, St. Mary's, phone 284-1967. • . '• 4-11 cburch.SOvice, The 4-H club .membetS will be holding a 4-H church service:at the AVonton PreSbyterian 'Church at 8 p.m: on Sunday, May A cordial invitation is extended, to pareinS' and 'friends., • Alan W. Scott . Agricultural Representative. Perth County . • Additional information is avail- gressive 'euchre with, the follow'. ing. Winners., • Woman Most kilts; Gertie TaylorwithBiLope Hands; Dora ,Shobli'ThOk7, Low; JesSie McGregor, Mens M9st mints; •Ben Wilson with 71 Lone Hands; Marar;efearter (playing as a man): Low; ,Bert ,Shobbrook; Door Prizes, Edna Bolton and Marian Bolt On. PersiMale ' Mr. and Mrs. Dave Preszcator, Christine, Lisa, ',Christopher and Grey visited on Saturday evening with Mr.: and *s. Ron Brady ' Mr. Carl .Merney, Sandy, Julie and Michael visited on Stinday with Mr. and MrS. Allan Merner of Waterloo and with, his 'mother Mrs. J.,,Merrier gd' Kitchener. Visitors over the weekend with Mrs. and Mr. Paul. Stevenson, :David, Darren and Luanne were; Mr.' George , Belan and Jason • -Mrs: Delores Cox of Brantford,' HURON 70 Correspondent' .. Mrs. Mary. Merner .482-7143 . „ Court Constantine L1842 held the dessert-etkhre on ThursdaY September • 26 - 30, 1978 Islands and Jamaica.: • Mrs. Larry Gardener chose as her topic .a paper on scouting written by Pierre Berton. Mrs. Dutwan Scott presided. for • • the business. Following the meeting a • silent auction was, , enjoyed' by 'all "Willi Mrs. Jean Carey in charge of bids. •Mrs. Sari Norris and Mrs, Bob Parsons heisted the annual . ;meeting of the St affa Woriten's hist-hole. Wednesdiiy at 8:30 in tell township, hall. The president Mrs. Charles Douglas presided, opening with the institute Ode and_ Mary„.. Stewart .Collect followed by a poem . "Plan For T• omorrow.' Members were reminded of Achievernent Day for ."focus on .. Living" 'in Kirkby( Community Center on . Saturday April 22 for Sta ffa #1 4-H-Homeinaking Club. and in Upper Thames Elementary school„' Mitchell, on Saturday April 29 for Staffa #2 and #3, clubs. Mrs. John Miller volunteered to obtain a musical number for the District annual and Mrs. Cameron Vivian donated a gift for the Craft table, Eleven members answered the roll call by payment of fees and telling a jolce.. Bob Parsons gave current events. ' Reports were given by all committees showing a most interesting year for the Institute. Mrs. Norman Harburn preSented th slate' for the nominating committee and Mrs. John Miller presided for the installation' of officers for 1978.79. PaSt • President, MrS. John Miller; President, Mrs. 'Charles' DoUglaS; Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Bert Day n.ard;. .'Ass. Secretary-, Treasurer, Mrs, Bill Mahon; District Director, Mrs. John, Miller; Ass. District director, rs.jvi Lloyd Miller; Branch • the„Celiseurn at the Stratford Fair. • ., 'CorreSPondent Mrs. John Ternpleman ' 345-2346 s •, ' Mrs: Lloyd Miller presided fOr the APril meeting of the Marion • Rin.hie Evening Auxiliary Which• • was held in the church basement on Tuesday' evening, April 18. Eleven .' members answered the roll Call with a. verse on Hope. Mrs. 1-rank Hamilton had the devotions reading from Luke Chapter 5 verses 1-'11, Mrs., Alec, .Miller had the study. book telling' oft he life style, and population of the People. on th"e larger Caribbean- Islands . 'and : the She also told of a boat trip she and her husband had enjOyed in I975 visiting • Piterto' Rico. Virgin, • Directors,: Lloyd' Miller, Mrs.'. Bert, • • DaVnard, 'Mrs. • Alvin -Barbour; 'Public Relations, Mrs. .Frank Hainilion; Pianist.. Mrs.," Robert McCaughey; Ass. Pianist, • • M's. Bill Mahon:; Press.keporter,.. • , Mrs... John- .TeniPleman; • Ass. ' .Press Reporter. Mrs.' Cameron Vivian: Sunshine • Committee, MrS. •Russell Worden, .Mrs. Ruby Reed; Tweedsm.uirctuator, Mrs, Ross `• Tweeds in Or Conlin it tee, Ca literati.. yivian,,TOm Scott, Barbour., Mrs. Carter Kerslake ,and Miss Vera Hambley;' Auditors, Mrs. Frank •-Hamilton. Mrs. Cameron Viviatr,---,-Namtmrt-Mg Corn m iTfe-e7 Mrs. Norm an Mrs.'Sam Norris, Mrs. .Alvin Barbour: .Standing Corimiittees: Agri- culture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, -Mrs: Bill Mahon; Education • and Culthral Activities, Mrs. LlUyd Miller: Mrs.-Frank Hamilton; Family and Consunier 'Affairs. Mrs. John T mplema n. Mrs. Norman Harburn: Citizenship. and World Affairs, Mrs. John-Miller:- Mrs. Cameron. . Vivian: Resolutions, Mrs., Russell WOrden. • Staffa # I4-.H Homemaking club girls and their leaders. Mrs: SpencerJeffery and Mrs. George Vivian,- pa rtieip abed in Achieve merit Day for the project ,"Focus oli Living" at the Kirkton CoMmunity Center' on Saturday April 22.‘Staffa club set. up an exhibition , "My Favourite Canadian" with Jill Norris giving the commentary on "Lucy Maud Montgomery .% /Norris Staffa #1 received her county' honours ,for Success- fully completing .(14-H. 'home- making clubs , and • ,ion ,Smale received her provincial honours for successfully completing .12-4-, H homemaking clubs. Congratu- lations girls! , Mr. and Mrs, John Templeman visited. recently 'with Mr. , and Mrs. Robert Mover. Exeter. • Visitors .with 'past week, with • Mrs. 4, Elizabeth Ramsey. Cromatty were cousins. Mr. Clifford S'cheifele and', Bert Hilliard, Waterloo. , • Mr.-and Mrs. Roy Dalrymple. Winnipeg, Manitoba. visited recently with Mr. andMrs. 'Philip James. The .flow, Russell and Dalrymple. familiest held a card Party Saturday evening in the townshif hall, honouring Mr. and Mts. Murray,DalrYmple on their refit marriage. Best wishes were expressed by Elmer Dow and Bill Dalrymple. 9 teachers let o in Perth and four secondary school teachers, all ,in Stratford; ""'" Gordon • Stewart, superinten. dent 'of instruction, who present- .ed.the. seduncartcy report to :the board, had earlier in the meeting said some teachers may be absorbed into the teaching staff. That , was prior to :Mr. Self's estimate that •only three may, .eventually be bolting Osewhere ter jobs. , There was one suggestion, county,, told the board at its htiOness session• (Tiles., April 17.) • The , aine,• whose contracts expire Aug. 31, include five elementary school teachers, two T -1,.4 •-• 1., Stratf-,-1 Dublin, an organization of trained- volunteers with 'Offices in- seven cities in Canada is organizing the, forum. All ages are encouraged to • participate! A reception was held .at, Mr. ,and Mrs. M ,ichael MacRae's Saturday evening for Mr. and' Mrs. Ivan Ahrens, nee -Helen McGrath. ThoSe attending to help celebrate the occasion- were: ,Mf. and Mrs. flarvey McLlwain; and, Mrs.- MgLIvvii , Egtnondyille; Mr. and Mt-S. Jac • Mel:twain; Mr. and Mrs. Gord. ullman; Mr. and. Mrs. ken wainv-Seaferth; Mr. arid' Mrs. seell Weeks of Stratford and - Toronto, ,,," • , . • 7 Stan Mrs,. Mary' hornton is a patient Mrs. Preszcator of . • in Seaforth Community 'Hospital. : Crediton, and Mrs. ,.,Harold We, wish her a speedy recovery. ' McCall'unt visited, on ,,Thursday Mr, •Mervin Smith is a, patient with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele and in Seiforth Community Hospital.. ''' Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Thornton . W. wish hi,, a 4:pee& recovetv. also visited with Mr.'and Mrs. Ed FARM:DRAINAGE Let Our 30 years of experience work for You Free estimates for your.clay or plastic in'stallations .10 year guarantee on.worknianthip 'ROTH DRAINAGE-LTD . R.R.1 Gadshilj, ont. 656-261B or -656-781 When you're in Triangle Discount - You're in.., THESE WEEKLY SPE LS AND VE! Joh son's 9 oz. BABYPOWDER dealer. Forage SeedingXateS.,........... The high pr1ce of alfalfa' seed has raised the question,of.what is the 'best seeding Yale. Everyone agrees that 6 to' 8 alfalfa plants per sq.• ft. is' adequate in an established 'stand. 'The question then is,how many 'lbs. 'of seed are requited to get this stand. In the pa,st, farmers'tended to overseed because of. rough seed beds, poorly calibrated seed, drills,- late seeding' dates and using seed .of unknown germination. This, seed was often' bought over the back. 'fence: HoWeyer,' with today's seed grade standards and modern equipment., 10 lbs. of alfalfa seed is adeottate for good stand. At. OffFs. per acre, we'are sowing'45 Seeds/sq. ft. in 1 or 2 years time. In fact;'' the direct seeded'alfa a study at the University. of • ph ,showed that 'equal yields were obtained frofn.,alfalfa sown at 18, 12 and.. 6.4s. per acre:. Some farmers are adding 2 .to .6 lbs. of grasS -to the alfalfa.:' p.r.fittgploughed_ground Spring • ploughed ,clay' or clay . loam soil's always yield Jess. than -fall-pLoughecITS-py ploughing.is generally better than net plough- 'ing all. The .secret to' spring evening April 20th, following cki op boy breaks arm bon dessert, 13 tables played pro- .HE SCORES — Wayne Parkinson isn'tinventing 'a•• new variation on the game of baSketball, :but he is' helping decorate the gym at the local high Sthool for the upcoming Seafotth District High ScriOcir. annual formal, which will •be held on Friday evening. • ' • (Expositoi' photo) nstance enjo sert euchTe Correspondent Don MacRae' Mitchell Dublin Cable T.V.Bingo winners for April -19 were: Loraine Lemure; Sherri %Dale; Edina Bipiks; Mrs. M. Eickineyer; Mrs., Dennis Boyd; Lawrence . RUston and, Sherri Dale. Just A Reniinder Ari unique demOnstration S community Meeting to which all residents'are invited will be held at ' St. ..Patrick's Commubity School, Dublin,'on Thursday, : April 27, '7:30 P.M. Mr. and Mri. Ken''Preszcator. The forum in Dublin is one, of ' Congratulations to - Doug and some'30 such events be held in Nancy Anststt of Seaforth on the . Ontario over the' month of April. birth -a son 'On SiindaY April 23rd ,.The Institute of Cultural Affairs,' Correspondent Mr: and Mrs.' Robert_ England — Mrs. Ed Regele and son Robert, of Htiron 'Park, . We are sorry to say Bradle$, visited Sunday with Mr. and •Mrs'. ' Beuetman, son of,Mr. and. Mrs. Harold MeCallum and also visited Neil Beuerman, had the with their grandparents Mr. and misfOrtune to,break a bone in his,....m.grEdwrd kegoe. aim. ' Redundancy-4n this case re- duction of school registration:-has led Perth County Board of - Education to let a new record. For the first *Re 41 the board's„ history ' the boasrd has approited ''terminating contracts of nine teachers-that's another term for being fired-beeauseif student enrolment depletion.,, 'L-- But. there:4 possibility that only three 'Of the nine will be ter- 'unmated contract-wise,, R.K. Self, %fluor of education for the from trustee Mary Hill, that the meat with teachers, whereby Notes By Mabel Turnbull board should study possibility of rewriting, its redundancy agree, --"n ca4Seaharcgoinuityo-fwkiedtchbeaissisw:uraldthbeer , staff-to replace vacancies: Mrs. The following have jOined our Than on, the 'evaluation of re- Pat. Coles R.14.A., Atwood; Mrs. Sharon Murray R.N4 Walton; Mrs. Cathy • Tailor R.N.A., Iiensall; Ms.iGayle King, -Blyth, Plans meeting Coordinator. She is a specialist in has joined our staff as Activities'" • Arts* and crafts. Who has been associated with Goodwill' industries London.' Mrs. Barbara Carson,R.N., Burlington. 'Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sillery, Toronto. with Mrs. A. W. Sillery. The special occasion was Peter's birthday.. He •took his mother to o Ile for inner. Mrs. Ross McGregor and Miss Lillian Powell. -with 'Mrs. R: •K. _ McFarlane. , ' We were pleased to have a surprise Nish from Bill Hart with 1.1 I had been associated' in • :Tiler years, when -.lye -served together on,the Library Board when I was ChairMan, and he was ,„Our ealourful sereyary. Then, in the Thirties he 'played a , comedy part very successfully in' the 5,C.L. Alumni plays. Mrs. 'H. J. Rapsoi: -Walton, with her mother: Mrs. J.°Pethiek".t Rev. M. E. Reuher, NOrthside United Church, calledand serves Communion 'to some of the residents, Miss. Sharon Edward and friend,.., Mrs. Kenned0 Huron Park:, visited the 'Home' recently... Jim Wallace, a social worker, Goderich; visited the 'Home .- :.Regele and Mr. and Mrs. Harold, McCallum on Sunday afternoon. Mr: and Ws. Ed Regele -.visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner of Brodhagen. John McGrath , of gistration at tadt'vidual schools. Mr. Stewart explained that, gtegehgr, for instance, with' eight, years, experience at one school,. would be valuable to the teaching gaff and .that Mrs. Hill's proposal drat seniority be the basis of contract termination, would not-. .be considered qfticient. Ki tbarchan Seafo rth . . • In Dark Gold with matching gold interior. 225 Cubic Inch Slant Six engine, Automatic, Whitewall tires, 'snow tires, radio, cigar lighter, floor mats, OgLP46,000 Miles. LTC # HNL 876 Weekly, Special With License DadgErniths ililig TABLETS You can ,see theMcKee Ebro: tractor ready ;for immediate delivery for spring. You can also see the line of plows & cultivators for toil preparation,. We also handle Dunham, Lehr and2Turnco products Phone 482-9286