The Wingham Times, 1898-05-20, Page 314000.......eakm.M0...0400.11oN.01.611.10100110010.0.41spill•MBIA•mapralOMMIWOOMMOEPIRP1m.111101. He Acted Daneen.tly. IfidNYON'S -- . The very smart young man stopp- ed to listen to the grizzled old, fellow who was talking as he leaned against s F , the Iunch counter. "There ain't llittell 1.10 beating a mule," be was sayieg. "You've got to convince hint. You've got to argot.: with him, fie may not understand just what you are sat ing, but the t Ries of your voice will give • Victory Over the Most Obstinate Forms of Disease. IMPROVED 1-10MCEOPATI-IY People in All Walks of Life Cored by ills Boodles, CURES WIEN OTHERS FAL Mr. (leo. L. Ackerman, carriage trimmer for are. A. Rudd & Co., residing at 11 Alice street, Tonal o. Mays: "I WAS troubled for a year with dyspepsia and at limes suffered, extreme pain. I was also suffering fromliver trouble wllh gave nie wonsiderable uneasliivs,. After liningn Ismail vial each of ifunyon's Dyenetiola and Liver Cures1 am now feeling all riebt ,and well owe again. 1 have alim n,ed Munyon's Conan and Vold Cii.es for our little girl with splerdid results. I have xreat faith in l‘Iunyon." ' Munyon'S Rlienmatio Curs soldon falta fo re: Dave in one te three hours and cures in a tew Days. Price Me, lidiinyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures ail forms of indigestion and stomach troubles., reice 21c.i4 .9 Dinnyon's Nal Core prevents pneumonia and: :Molts up acold in a few boors. rem =C. Munyon's Couth Coro stops coustr, TOM kwents, allays soreness and speedlir heals the titans. Price 25c. 11innyon's Kidney Care _speedily cunt pains Zn the back, loins. or all tonna Aft kidney disease. Price 25e: Manyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousnesp, ant kuilds up the system. Price 25c. M , • unyoa's Headache Cure_ stops helleitlenelai it wee minutes. Price 25e. • Manyon's Tile Ointment gositIvelY CAM AI, Worms or plies. , Price 2.5e. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all tmetiettoo' tho bland. Price 25c. Liunyon's Female. Beniedieu.810 a boom to all. !women. n's Catarrh Remedios never ME The Teriltinuia° rr311Cure—price !Me—eradicates the Mecum from the system, and the Catarrh Tablete—prke. =Q.—cleanse and heal the parts, Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve to three; isninutes and care permanently. Price $1. Munyon's Vitalizer, , a great Conte Ind ra- Iitorer.ot vital strength to weak People.' t., separate cure for each discos°, AA all drug.. jests, mostly 25' cents a vial. Personal. totters to Prof Munyon. 11 Albert Street, Toronto. Ont„ answered, with fret NM*. cal 018180 fee_any (Usenet; 11E WINGIIAM 'MIEs, MAY 20, 1898, Cautions. IleWalked into the apotlipeary shop with hesitating step, tuar glancing nervously at the rows of bottles with a seared look in his pale bine eyes. After fidgeting about uncertainly for some time, he at last caught the eye of the clerk and beckoning tnyster- iously, led the way tp a secluded turner by the cigar ease, where the clerk was surprised by finding the • him a goo 1 hlea of what kind of man trembang fin anger hooked tenni - you are. And if you ean prove your oosly into one of his buttonholes, tied intellectual super iority by some stra- an eager face thrust soddenly fig- tagern the chances are that he'll be ainet respectful and obedient ever after," "What's the matter," asked the "You have to swear at mules a clerk. (.peat deal, doe% you ?" said the "I suppose you could lay your sniart young man, a Ito was evident- hand right on the morphine bottle," 1y growing uneasy at seeing- the said the steanger in an anxious converaation prtga es so far With— whieper, out his being in It. "Yes sir, certainly" replied the as - The narrator paid no attention to ttouished saleetnan. hint, but proceeded : # "AR' I reckon if you wits pushed "I used to have a mule that would you cuulcl and the straehnine in a follow me like a kitten. He was as tuieute or two ?" obstinate and ill natured as any ani- ' Of course." mal. I ever saw when I first got him. "Mebbe the arsenic hasn't got lost But I subdued him by an old trick, or mislaid clear beyond !India' if you one that 1 read about in a newspaper. just had to bas it. 11e had made up his mind to balk, "As-uredly not." and. I coexed, and persunded until "An' the sugar my voice gave oat and beat Mtn couldn't get away until I was rhea, ile didn't pay 'tried?" the slightest attention to it. Then 1 "No, Indeed." thought of this old story and got "An' chasing up the vitriol to its some kindling wcod. I built a goodlairwould be just play for you 9" fire under him, and its needless to "My dear sir, of course I am say thet he startsd." !familiar with all the drugs here." "Yes," exelainad the very smart 1 "But s'possing some of the other voting. men, "bat that's one on you. ! fellers had. been changin' thein • You fettrot the lest part of the story. around, just as a joke, a ou know 9' You krow tho emit; just moved far "What do Pori mean ?" enough to eel: Away from the heat I "Suppese the bottles h.. d got and Halite vehicle w which he was' mixed 9" attached standuer over the blaze, "Impossible. Besides, everything :is plainly labeled.'' whore it..caught are." "No," was the (Tito answer. "This "An' there ain't no chance of mule didn't wet th,lt lie was your palmin' eir prussic mcid for of lead bottle from you if it hitched to ea tittlbeat De,enty in et ge. A dear old holt (,i hs is describea by Kate &minim, in "A Truthful Woman in Senthern Cali- fornia," as "Grandma Wade." She says: • "I have known several intereeting tectogenat.ians, bat never tine that surpassed her in lovelies, wit it lid positive l'Ibt still 1111S her trclent admire re Wen as well 1 'a as women, and cow tied then re -I 1 cu res quickly.. leo COSS Or piles whim) ' ceives an earnepr stproposal from m MeBeelce.r, a Culross farmer, !an spplization will not comfortin a few some lonely old fellow. The last of living a crimple of miles west of For— 1 minutes. If you have used high priced • . ,k • • ! ointments without benefit. try Dr. Ag - rather a cloak that lays a most, pecua I new CONSTIPATION CURED: It's important you sbouiti have natur- al rictioe of the bowels, Purging and ariping do violence to the e,yetein. Laza- Liver Pills are unture's own Medicine for all dieorderre of the St6rnrieh, Liver and Bowels. Dire Constipation by toning the bowel wall anti' stimulating the seeretione. LetIVEi no bed after ffecte, Peculiar Egg. pepperment ?" eNet the elightest." "Well, l've—half—a'—notion —risk—it. Yea you ma e • give I two ounces of peppermeu t, young man."—Harper's Round Table. i Skin Erupt ions Curea tor 35 cents —Relief in a Day. —to HIGHEST PLACE IN THE TEMPLE OF FAME aine' Celery Compound the tiope of the Civilized World. A MARVELLOUS OURE IN ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. Another Proof that Paine's Celery Conaczouncl Cures Vhen the Doctors Fail. To gain admittance to the Temple o' Fame, honor,reputetion, worth and w d retie Salim achievements must too some of tlii neeefiliary q dent ions. Paine's. Celery Compelled has gaineri all of these in its work of life-eavine the world. It hart mired linstmed. wife. ;deter, brother and child to the family after the efforts of the best phyeit•ilive proved unmet int— Paine'e Celery Compoucd dome 111 grand work every day, bringing, joy' Hoe happiness to thoneande of homes. The cure of Mr. E. trimly, nti St. John's. Nfld„ is worthy ot the nttention of all Edell and sulferine people. Tim ra sults as described by Mr. Landy ehoni,1 induce every sufferine man and we're" - tile to use Pine's Celery Cempoundat once, Wells &Richardson Co„ Gentlemem—With great pleasure I make known what your Paine's Celery Compound has done for me, Last De- cember I was sick and suffered from a heavy cold. IVly doctor said 1 was rim down, anti advised me to give up iny work (the tailoring busines) as he thought it was not conducive to my health: He gave me niedioiees for my trouble,also for indigestion and nervous- ness. The medicines, however produced no good results, and 1 was reduced to a Mere skeletou, and came to the conclus- ion that I was going to die', Through the influence of an old friend who came to see inc I was prevailed upon to use Paine'a Celery Conapound, which he said would soon set ree on my lege agate. After using the. tirst bottle, and the pills that go with the compound. I had hitch good results that I continu- el with the medicine until had takor,. bersa bottlee, when I found myself as trona and healthy as ever before in my • lffe. I am able to work at my trade as well as in former days, and see no neces- It eity for giving it up. 'rein . that have blessed myefforts with Paine's , Celery Compound I would strongly ad- vise every 1-ieir person to use the great i medicine which has no equal in the 1 world. Bowenn VaNnY, 1 32 Plank Road, St. John's, Nfld, Wilson's Patriotic "Private Post Cards" We are in receipt, et advance proofs of three very unique Patriotic "Private Post Cardo" in colors, issued by the well-known firm of .1. C. Wilson & Co., Paper Makers, Mbn• treal. We antieipate they will be very popular with•the trade. The first card represents Britannia with 'trident,' and Columbia with olive branch, sitting with the lion and eagle at their respective feet. The •t'nion Jack, and Stars and Stripes crossed the poles of which are joined by a gordian knot, and below the flags two hands clasped, representing "Union is strength" A Globe, the World, between the flags, with the mottoes "One one goal, Anglo- Saxon, Gloria Mullah" The second card represents the mailed figure of Britannia with "trident" sitting with the crouched lion at her feet. In the distance ft battleship, England's first line of defence, and the old motto "Britaunia, Britacnia rules the waves, Britons never, never, never, shall be slaves." The third card represents the ITnion Jack with the words in the Union Crosses, "The flag that braved a thousand. years, the battle and the breeze." These cards will be sold to the trade at $2.50 per thousand. Stamp collect tors, and private individuals, will ne doubt use them extensively for cat I et pondenee in these war times. The% can be had retail from all statioete • and booksellers m Canada and Itt United States. Uezems, totter, salt rleum, barber's ; itch—ali itching and burning skin dia- 1 eases vanish where Dr. Agnew% Oint- t , inent is used. It relieves in a day and •these aged lovers, when refused and relegated to the pkaition of It hrother, urged her to reconsider the matter: and mike it a subject of tarnyer. But she qnietly said : " `I'ni not going to bother the Lord, with questions I can answer myeelf." • "One day when she tees choked by a bread emit' at the table, she said to the frightened waiter 06 soon as she could regain her breath : "'Never mind ir 1.1,At did go down mosa, has a mos p % Ointment et 3;) (tents and he cur- ' ed. Sold tit Ohisholni's Drug Store. lie r* egg. The other morning on I going to the nest he found an egg of it You Can't Do It. mammoth size inia inches. On 1 — breaking it open he found anotheri You can't keep ehlekens in health egg inside and possessed of a hard without g•rit shell and which measured 3:1 x 44 You can't make eggs from, food iitc"es On breaking' the Oen of that produces fat. • You can't make a hen set . until this second egg yet e nether egg was tet another egg di -closed to. view • title wants to. • fond of kind You can't make profit with a crowd - You can't, keep fowls thrifty with - and of about the callinary size,. The the wrong we y . A gi eat many good itruth of this story is vOnehed for by • ) • town the right way 1, ma +. • I BABY DB.,IGIITITESS You can't succeed without hard when site is "Milting 14 it') her son for i sem pea when seizes on the NvPI e• things 1310 rie,• this winter.' "She is invarinbly dhee.rfal, and You rmin't keep fowls in. good eon - the winter, she save: . lit tie form . Fowlers' Ill:strata Of "'Well, John. I went to know be lore you go jeer, what yon have left ane 311 N'ont• "This 1 ttle joke turned a tear into attack teholere..by using Dr. Vowlers 41 smile. Extract of Wild Strawberry. Nothing eiee did any good, but the baby improve "Even when M. she im so bright' ed front the first dole of the Wild Strai,v- 'and hopeful that a friend orce ex- berry." claimed : Ontario Statistics. '"Urancinta, 1 do believe you -would laugh yon were (1 ing T.' The Ontario report of municipal 'Well, she 'so ilimnY folks statistics„just iesaed by the Depart- litett t of Agrieulture, shows that the !tea -dation of Ontario in 1806 was 1.072.2titi with a total of' assessment ;of $814,917,6a3, a decrease of 7 1-2 • e 1 million.. The population has in- creased 1 Lanil. Kea titan in a , • • ed yard. Wild Strawnerry, has se% lel limey in- , dit.ion that are literally cuvered with tents' ne veil es edit iia' lives. Mrs. W.1 nee. Wallet.% ittehtiem,1 Street, Hamilton, , You can't put brains into an in Or ‘311't ' r cured MY bah" of badi cubator and brooder. You can't have a good grcwth by go to the •Lord with 8 long face, guess He will be glad to see n'e - tome to him smiling 1' " • • ' ..1 Since the beginning of the yesta death has 'tit'ried utt three member:, I'd' the Brnee Constalmlary, namely inUnieijnIiY pays Sli.1.5 MIXOS. Tho debentere debt has not .diminished, the nitmicipal Wildcat debtle $51,- t306,3;f1, or C.,4011,51 per head. The interest paid on the debt amounted t' • You equire rinted Stationery? We are in a position to turn out inbreeding. You can't get any satisfaction oat of a lazy hen. You can't become a successful fancier until you. have become well versed in poultry culture. You can't, afford a big expense in this business; the less help you have the better. You can't speculate on the markets. Shoebottom ot Lneknow, M1.11.0 21. per cent of impoeod taxes. In Shannon of Ripley, end :11r. Ken. !townships there are 1 112 000 per- nedy of Tara. The latter eommitted Is‘w,s. in fawns noroin, 10 villages it•ticide one day last week by hang- ing himself to a beam of the barn. 133 .142, in oh ies 12.031. Ml but villages inereased.Thor fell off' by 3,000, Torento's p.eadation is said to be 178,187a Tne totn1 assets away to Take of township ninnielpaiti 14 91113% The 118)1111!.:711,380,228, asy •�© Operate In towns, the wawa total :410,02a,075, the liabilities, ;s10.111110a, eine 417.0, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man aeaets are T.'2,192 mit Hearn monnt to $11.013,830 ; $39,144.930. The grand totni is, ttssete, i157,• 73t) 120. Are features peculiar to Hood's Nis. Smell in BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ETC. ,t a lower price than ever before S 33 I Li S Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping' with the times. • la 0 eta We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we On • print and supply them as cheap es the cheapest. Give us a call when you are in need ('f any tbleg in the Printing 11110 and we will use you right. Por Over Fifty Yeats. AN OLD AN D RSIM1•3)Y - Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup iish- been used fur over fifty years by wit lions of mothers fr..r their children white teeth;!oi.t. with perfeet smieess. It soothes the child, softens the gents, allays' till 1 pain, cures wind colic. and is the best' lieuedy for diarrhoea. Is pie:fount to the taste, Sold by druggists in iiry t part of the world. Twenty-tive dente a bottle. Its value is incaluable. Be sure I and ask for Mrs. Winslow% Soothine Syrup, and take no other kind During April 19,700,000 Imperial gallons of water were used by resi- dents of Galt who use town -Netter, an average of 656,000 daily, a slight increase over the previous month. Prices change with the whirlwind,— Joe Martin, of Windsor, bas madul Farming. • a declaration that his expenses atl last eleetion were only $1. 1 The Baby Boy Covered with Ec- • zoma Cured by Dr. Chase. Mrs. Jas. Brown, or Molesworth, Ont., tells how het boy (eigth,months old) was cured of torturing Eczema. Mothers whose children are afflicted can write her regarding the great cure, Dr. Chase's Ointment. Her child was afflict -1 ed fromboxes birth and three or Dr Chaeo'130intmeutcured Mtn. ----- The council has made the band a grant of :er(5, bat they must play out every Friday night for the next five months. Wiorton arts a population of 2,800 and Walkerton. eon Claim 21443. ?rho tie. -1 370 508 la eiii0A. the assets - assessment of the former is C.. 0-1,000 and the latter $600,000. John Mallongb, Ashileld, is quite lmovant in being the possessor of two lambs. One, a • ewe Iamb, when three days old weighed 201ba., 1 oz.; '• Von never kTIOW ei II tfiVe taken a ran ttit it is all 1)owsr." 2r,s, C. I. Mod & CO., 111S ,Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. "the silly p1114 to take with IloniPet Arsamene , Severity! rifle reree eminfrila awl may be r•lic tither, a ram Irani), at birth The venter intiltides the leSt4. Hood% ., depended upon torture boils and pirnole.4.1 weighed 17 lbs,, 14 oz. Saves thousands of Live. Four years ago Jacob newItta, of VeY Island, was (frogged to the VergO of death by dreadful heart 'disease. Ile WAS given tin to 111e. Prom vigorous netaheed he tele gone te a. broken despondent vereek. 11e proetweil 1)r. Agnew's for the lien rt, remd it„. fait litany. and lo-tiay Weighs 218 1101001A, And lives to 1' te* the day the greet reliteily was reeommendod 10 .11111i. It telleVes In ao 0,t chiEb6,0..= Drug Store. ', 1 IE. '1, IMES, Winghani. ONE GIVES RELIEF. on' A • d a Do for edicine until you have tried lar Nr.1 re4.q teettal.,1 ak, You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. Tht..ort te put up cheaply to gratify the ittvt1 present demand f.c o len prkele, If you don't find this sort 01 ans Tabu” 7.4s At the Druggsg.' Send Five Cents to Tint IttliANS CDC:CM' NO, to ,1.4-fittoy te cartons will be mai er I 1•;pruce St., New Vork, and thoe will be :Let 'to yeti by reed; ot iCen ine that Ripens Tabules are the very tee. tee you iseetil. Snret tett Mil smut