HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-20, Page 1E
VOL. XXVIL---NO. 1361,
of this issue.
-Vote the Prices. They
will startle you.
•Commercial School is ono that you
should attend
e��•-a J�. urs is ' iM: is GOOD Rent's ME
"' Fri meeting in the into
Blyth, East Wawa
lett will he held in
oe Thursday eve
I'lll Bill -heads, Letterheads,
t Envelopes, Circulars, Dodgers,
Cards, Folders, Posters or what ?
Wo print everything from a card
to a newspaper. Print it well and
1.1 geiok. Cheap too.
L. Estimates free at any time.
A. meeting of the L erals of Wiughatn
will be held in the Tim •.s office this (Friday)
al of the town, that
ttend this meeting,
nt matters are to be
get that the date is
May 20th.
evening. Every Lib
can, is requested to
as some very import
dealt with. Don't fo
this (Friday) evening
'is a College of the highest grade. None
better in Canada.
References :—A11 Stratford, and
.our thousands of former students. Enter
any time. Circulars free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
WANTED—Any quantity of Butter and
Eggs. Highest prices. Cash or Trade.
Does it pay you to give the pedlars 3 ore.
for gathering them? G. E. Knee
a meeting of the
Mill 'Company on
as decided to hold
ers meeting in the
Monday afternoon,
Marriage LiconSes
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
'eeriastreet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Our Ciubbing List.
directors of the Fla
Tuesday evening, it
the annual sharebol
council chamber on
June 6th, at 4 o'clo.
came to band last
form. It now has
page instead of six
greatly improved o
Herald has also bee
column to a six colt
it presents a bright, n
—The Goderich Star
week in an enlarged
even columns to the
The Star lime been
late. Tho Brussels
enlarged from a five
nn to the page, and
way aprearance.,
official train, St.
through Wingham
a tour of inspection
the road, Among t
were F, H. McGuig.
intendant ; D. H.
tenaent, Toronto ;
motor power superi.
In order to saw our subscribers the trouble of
rpAking two or more remittances we have made
ceial arrangements with the publishers by which
to offer the following publications in
r enabled
E atspecial
low rates
n with tho \VINGIiP
low rates from now until January ist,1390, Spocial
dobbine rates with all newspapers and magazines
on Ca,h must accomany all
,quoted upon application. P
orders :— $1 2G
Times and Weekly Globe, -
Times and Western Advertiser, • 1 40
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 17G
and Pieturo
1 90
Fanners' Adt seats,
' mss rind Pn
1 35
1 25
4 21;
3 00
2 T
'Times and Farming, weekly, kl Y, -
Times and Ladies' Journal, -
Ttmes and Montreal Weekly Witness,.
Times and Fathers' Sun, • .
'Mines end Daily Globe
*Gime: and Daily World -
'Tlmss anti Conntry Gentleman, .
ceived this week a
dar from the E. B.
Hull, Canada. Th
from April, !SOS, to
exhibits different v
cities in Canada an
is one of the bps
pleasure of seeing f
exchanges had corn
article dealing wit
ed by our Town
gentleman. The fo lowing from the Clinton
as a sample:—"The
cores the clerk of that
is letter heads from a
hile there aro three
the town ; it was a
e clerk to do, and he
pay for the printing
The ' G. T. R.
awrenco, passed
Tuesday last, on
ver this section of
officials on board
n, general super-
itzburg, auperin-
nd W. D. Robb,
DAR—We have re-
:autiful wall mien -
Eddy E Y Com an
P Y,
calendar covers
January, 1900, and
caws of the various
Newfoundland. It
we have had the
r some time.
meeting will be ad
bell, 0. E., provin
INn.—A good roads'
Sts of the citizens of
osh, Morris and Hal -
Industry hall, Blyth
ing, May 20th. The
reseed by A. W, Camp -
al road commissioner.
NEW TIME TA LE—The new summer
time table on be C. T. R. and C.
P. R. went in o effect on Sunday
last. The only change made in the
trains arrivin and departing at
Wingbam is Ur , the late train on the
G. T. R. from almerston arrives hero
15 minutes late than formerly.
Bees—Several of our
ents last week on our
the letter heads order-
lerk from a Tcronto
New Era is give
Wingham Times
town for ordering
Toronto printer,
printing offices i
small thing for t
should be made
announced in our
loved wife of Mr.
away on Thursda
46th year of he.
been ailing for ma
and slight hopes
for her recovery,
with Christian
was highly resp
friends and acquai
to the Wingbam c
ere have been
office this wee
cursion to the
20th, under t
berry and E
Societies. Th
harp for adult
50 cents, Tic
car). purchase
from Goderic
its first duty
day last. It
every particul
well. The to
some arrange
could be had
street as well
then the wor
were in order 1
week. On We
ton purchased
and has taken
Mr. Hamilton
this town
welcome himse
towp Mr. h
Maxwell. of
Mr. Wm. Ba
and has taken
was also formai
end -la -Mid leis
last issue, Mary, be-
rn, Robertson, passed
afternoon last, in the
age. Deceased had
y months from cancer
were never held out
be bore her suffering
ortitude. Deceased
cted by her many
trances. The funeral
metery on Saturday
attended. To the
nd family is extend -
last was very large
bereaved husband
ed the heartfelt sy apathy of the com-
munity in their a" ction.
4Tu oF' vLAY—T e Queen's birthday
will be a red letter , ay in the history of
Wingham. The di i erentfootball, base-
ball and lacrosse el bs have all made up
their minds to visi us and many good
mamay b for. The
matches m Y
Parkor-Partello C• pany will be here
and give grand a robatio and funny
performances. T. tl
bands will be
present and fur,ish choice music
throughout the tl: y. The day's
formance willse m ate witha grand.
conePThe pro-
hall. a
in the to
gramme Will be sap i lied by J. Williams
Macy, New York's f orite humorist and
buffo basso, the arkor Partello Co.,
and the best local t lent. Wingbam is
the place to visit if y. u want a good time
WINDHAM. on the 24th,
i xcuRsroN—Large post -
issued from the TIMES
announcing the ex -
Model Farm, on June
auspices of the Turn•
st Huron Agricultural
return fare from Wing -
will be $1.00 ; children
ets good for two days.
RT—The new watering
by the town, arrived
on Friday last and done
n our streets on Satur-
is a first-class cart in
✓ and does the work
vn council should make
en ts whereby water
t the lower end of the
as the upp4r end, and
could bo:;done much
ANGE usiness'.• changes
Wing ani during the past
nesday, Mr. A.. L. Hatnil-
WEnnsxo Berle Yedding bells were
ringing merrily at 1 neardine ol1 Wednee•
day !stat, when a for ter well-known Wing-
hamite was one of t e immediately inter-
ested parties. On at day, at the church
of the .dosiah, Geo. 1• . Mooney, editor of
the Ripley Express was joined in the holy
bonds of wedlock, o Miss Etta, eldest
daughter of Mr. Th. s. Stanley, of • Under.
wood, 1 uron townsip, by Bev. C. Miles,
t3. A s ' 1 iss Tenn. °Kay of Underwood
acted as bridesmaid and Mr. J IL. Stan-
ley, brother of the ide, acted as best roan.
Miss Stanley had b en orgainst in the Me-
thodist church in Underwood for some
time, and was one of the most popular
young ladies of the lace, The Teens joins
with Mr. Mooney's many Wingbam friends
in wishing himself and bride many years
of happy and p osperous wedded life.
Mr. Mooney and b ide are at present visit-
ing with friends in own.
—Campbell's Headache Wafer guaran-
teed to cure headache.
—The 0, T, R pay call passed rough here on
House to rent. A y to U. Sheik.
—Big day's sport for thy24th, Com and enjoy
the day with us.
Groceries, Plan -, c., at T. C.
Graham's, Chishol = ock.
—51e8srs SleDonald do /urchin shipped a car of
hogs to Colllegwood,
Something nice In Room Mouldings at
Ireland cC Button's.
—Queen's birthday—Tit sday next. Visit Wing -
ham and have a good tit
Arthur J. Irwin, D. D. S., of Wingham,
visits Blyth every Wednesday.
hip council will mce
n Wednesday next
Chisbolm'a drug business, —me Turuberry tow
possession of the same. entlantl's hall, 131uevalc,
as formerly a resident of —Mr. D. E. McDotiaid shipped 1 . car of
'eeertiany---friends"-will cattle to Toronto 6n Wednes. y.
i..and-.fanlily-back •t'oour A six or seven roome. h..se wanted to
bt. Maxw.ell, son of gr. ,rent. ',Apply to A. L. I: amiltou's drug
Bluoyale road, has pun-
end's tailoring bustnees
-=The Wingham L 0, I�,r intent! runnin • 6 their an -
natal excurs'on to Sarnia owe time next August,
possession. Mr. Maxwell (Only 0 days .more to take advantage of
y a resident of ,our town 001y
gilossing at Ireland & Button's.
tt9 slag avel4dnied- -.elle $ehool was'ctott 'Sn Fridays fast. The
13 there died On Mon- teachers were attendingthe convent' • i at Brussels.
o washing.
t .e residence of
Iol summer vacation
e 30th till September
DIED He Yina
day last, Harria
daughter of M
ston, of town, i
age. The child
for the past two years and every 1st
disease that we t the rounds she seem- ' —For first-class tailoring and cheap
ed to contract. She had been suffering gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
lately with the measels and with her L@member the place in Queen's block. ;'„ na
weakened consti tion, .sled peacefully Mr. man, 01 Gorrle, �s tak en situation in Mr,
t Emily McKay, eldest Servant girl wante
and Mrs. Wm. Crows- G1VIood wages. Apply
1•. Benj. Willson,
the tenth year of her'' _The public sch
had been in poor health will extend from J11
away as stated
Wednesday after
cemetery, was
bereaved parent
sympathy of all
Fisher received
tawa on Friday
the post office w
to some buildin
between John an
news was not lon
the town, and he
dissatisfaction a
the south end of
have peen taken
iness men to try
ment to change
office remain -Ma
know what the o
but for ourselves
the office remain
The office has be
ally fixed up, and
of many towns.
not been made w
move it.
OVe The funeral on Chapma s tannery, and has moved his tinnily to
town. it
•n ham
theWi seven
con, to g Good pastors fo rent, for six or
argely attended. The head of cattle. Plenty of water and shade.
and friends have the 'Enos. W'ooncoclr. t f
in their time of sore , ' —Mr. Thos. M. enderson, of the Blue-
'vale'road, has bee quite i11 for the past
REMOVAL.? POSimlaeter couple of weeks.,,
fficial notice fronsOt Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
last to the effect that i Apply to H. "Davis, Wingham. 3m.
uld have to be moved' —Our report of t
on Josephine street, er's convention he
PatriClr Streets. The - reading matter thiweek.
iu spreadiug around 1 A. good stock of covering for Lounges and
caueen a great deal of chairs at Ireland & Button's.
Onp the robldentB Of -Harry Daywas in I, bknow recently and dis-
A School For the P
and Speech De
is Effected
His or
eEast Huron Teach -
crowded out other
Dr. Jer. Jaeltlin, (Grad
ist), who has achieved
treatme`.t of Stammers
ing, never before equ all
Canada or elsewhere,
located in Wingham,
corner of Patrick an
where patients may
Stammering, the
temporary inability to
eased of his driver to Ir Allan McLeod, While
osephine street. Steps thorn ho purchased a r ie driver from D. R.lie-
y a number of the bus-' II1 odh.
pursuedo the Govern -1 ice .Cream Soda and Black Cherry
is mind and let the Phosphate are two of the ninny . new
e it is. We do not drinks on sale at the :;tar restaurant.
Try them. Jas. McICelvie, tf
t come of it will be,1 —The C. P. R. C mpany have issued a
ve woulgl like to see Iers fins and tractive lithograph
here it is as pre nor- cnrd','eicivertising tl it Queen's birthday
n enlarged and goner -1T ``i'',ates.
number of our towns -
to to -morrow to see
ace run. Mr. J. E.
e, Springbok, stands
a goodh show of being in the lead.
We have a nice line of Parlor Suites in
Bogs and Brocicetello covering and Silk
Tapestry, ranging in price from $16 up.
Ireland & Button.
e been issued. for the
d Clydesdale stallion,
hero erty of i♦ r.
p p
Inevale. He is . his
evale every .turday
rmanent Cure of Stammeri g, Stuttering
ects—No Fee Required U til a Cure
o the Satisfaction of the Pa dent or
er Directly Interested Frien , s.
ate Or-tho-ep-
auccess in the
g and Stutter -
d by anyone In
as permanently
ith rooms at the
Minnie streets,
enter any time.
r. defines as
the organs being tight y herd together ;
"Stuttering," as the r:peated utterance
of one sound before
emitted ; and "lispi
enounciation of the s
sh, z, zh, etc, All tt
nitioos, however, r
together—resulting, i
the inability of the t
action of the organs
of a ready response
organs themselves.
(in some cases) resul
the head and bac
emotion, and sudde
also manifest itself a
diseases as measels, er
etc., or violent ner
orders ; always being
previous condition o
power of the will
is 911 good as the o —It is likely that
Had the'impro :went
would `say hen to men will go to Torc
the Queen's plate
Sweets' running hor
All parties having g ess-' paid for are
requested to bring th: to in before the
first of June, as the result will be made
known on that date. Ireland & Button.
NEW FACTORYV ngham bas a new
industry., Messrs. 1 M . Walker and
R. Clegg, wbo h: ve been with the
Ellis Furniture Co: pany, of Ingersoll,
have severed Wei connection with
that institution an arrived in town on
Monday evening for the purpose of
establishing a feat .ry here. They have
purchased the ol• woolen mill property
and have had the place thoroughly re-
paired. They int ,nd manufacturing all
kinds of upholste ed goods, mattresses,
and will
from twenty
twenty-five men • n the start, and staould
mbar will b
1 nu
its s
business warren h,
increased. This is an industry .that
Wingham has to • . been in need of, and
our town nen be ut down as the t'furn•
V r t
lin In
e a80 e
Arlo g
Of Y
trot ,
line of furni, re will be now manu-
factured here. T :y expect to have their
plane i operatio, within a week or ten
da s. e weleo • e Messrs. Walker &
Clegg to our . Wn and wish theta
abundant success n their business enter.
—Route cards ha
highly bred import.
Eastfield Chunk, I
Archy Patterson,
own stable in B1
"Plain Facts for F
a clear explanation of
and practices, writte y a convert to
ries the happy faculty
rtain an audience all
do it
ole evening—and
the last
ony is both pleased and
they did not miss it
house on his return; -
ed t
Town Hall, Wingham,
on May 24th. '
Although the furniture
Have raised the price on goods 10 per dent.,
we are in a position to give our customers
goods at the old prices. Ireland & Button.
ds," gives
olio doctrines
the with. For sale at "Mason's Fair,"
price 1Oc.
—Mr. Macy pose
of boing able to en
by himself for w
so thoroughly that
is conor i
sorry pleased tha
and sorry the ti
He'll have a
Stratford tfo d I
lie other can be
g," a defective
bilant sounds—s,
e foregoing deli -
ay be grouped
every case, from
ill to control the
•openly, and a lack
the will by the
stammering may
from wounds of
severe mental
fright. It may
ter such eruptive
all -pox, scarlatina,
e and brain dis-
eveloped from the
a weak enforcing
ver the organs of
utterance. It may
this form is ineurebl
the organs themsely
of the organs will be
series of six iundr
investigated Col
one eite0 of tam
tion Of the
ever, is conn ed to n
and is found in
The method of tr
—in a word—"Educ
all methods of nodi
by the surgeon, or
Charlatan and Hyp
mechanical aptlian
pletion of a course
method" the pupil i
any fixed rule in or
and with ease. All
any impediment of
their case careful!
curable comment
Institute at once
moderate and no '
a cure is effected"
the pupil or his or
friende. Further
had by calling at
addressing Lock
On tario.
esult (ra
defect o€
alformat ion
y found. In a
cases, carefully
bat, there was nets
ng from malforma-
he disorder, how -
dabs or condition,
very climate and
attnent pursued is
tion," and excludes
atioo or experiment.
he mystery of the
otist, and the many'
es. Atter the corn-
y the "Educational
not encumbered by
er to speak fluently-
uentlyCanadians wbo have -
speech should have
diagonized and if
the course at thy,
the charges are
ea is required until
o the satisfaction of
er directly interested!
particulars may be:
the Institute or by
ox 273, Wingham,
Shares for all leaditig plows, price and
quality right at Wm. Gannett's.
' —Remember the 24th 1 May concert in the town
hall, 1t will be a a dam y,
—The district m ting of the I. 0. G. '1..
is being held in Clinton to -day.
We leve a nice line of Extension Tables
from $$2.50 up. Ireland & Button.
—The warm rain on Thursday morning
was welcomed by everyone. You could
stn almost
u .
see thegarden
Royal Carriage Oil Top Polish makes
buggy tops like new. Sold at MAOMATie'S`
Harness Shop.
—The Wingham
dent Order of Forr
annual excursion t,
Saturday June 25
Farmers' Attention 1 Call and see the
new Frost & Wood Mower and Binder be-
fore you buy, at Wm. Gannett's.
his will go to Lordes-
xt, where he will
f the new Methodist
ourt of the lndepen-
ters, will hold their
Sarnia and Detroit on
—Mr. John Neelan
born on Monday r
lay the corner stone
church being erected in that place.
Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per-
manently at home and can be con -
, curtly remarks an
business in the town
but there aro plenty
don't help the news -
suited by his pati,
—Every newspape
exchange, helps ever;
where it is published
of business men wh
If you are going to build a wire fence
you want the best. Got Wm. Gannett to
build the Page for you.
—Would it not be
some of our moneye
dwelling houses in
hard matter to gel
We have had our soda fountain thor-
oughly fixed up. Call in and try our new
drinks. Jas. McKelvie. tf
—The painters have been busy the past
week brightening 1u the store lately va-
cated by W. H. W !lace. Miss Boyd will
move her stock of f 'Hillery into this store
some day next we
good investment for
men to erect some
own. It ie a very
a house in town at
Mr, G, F. Robbins, Of St. Marys. is in town.
Mr W 3 Berry, of Luclatow was in town on Thurs-
Mr I Coyne, of Ingersoll, was in town on Wednes'
John Farquharson, of Teeswaler, was in town on
Mrs. Robs. Wilson was visiting with her mother at
bliss Liddio Lemmex is visiting with friends in
Smith's Fails.
Mrs, Wm. Barrand 18 rislting with Listowel and
Chesley friends.
Mr. Chas. Stuart. of Dungannon, is visiting with
friends in town.
Mise McIntosh, of Lucknow, was visiting in town
during the week.
Mr. and lyra. Thos. Boll were in Toronto a couple
of days last week,
lir. Jas. and LIixs Pocock were in Toronto a Cou-
ple of days last week,
11r. win, ethnic, of Ltstottel, was visiting with
friends here this week
Mre. Thos. Linklater is visiting with friends in
Lucknow and elninitty.
from the
to returned o
Frank s
lilt. Ir h Caesar 1
Philadelphia Dental College,
Miss Florence Johnson, of Seaforth, was visiting
' \' Ingham frionds this wcok,
Lts. 13. 11Pearce,of York, Pcnn
tho guest tof
her sister, 5095May Ritchie.
Mr. John Gillespie spent Sunday with his brother
and Other friends et Cross Hill.
litre J D Long is visiting her mother and other
friends in the vicinity of Goda
calling on
Toronto, has been
ornvn of
'lir. T. E, C
lhnni friends during
the week.
McKenzie, of goderlch, ma! visiting with
his brother, Mr flea McKenzie this week.
Messrs, Robt. Arbuckle rind Walter Gilmour lett
Tuesday morning for Chicago, after a seven weeks'
visit with friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Edgar Green, who has been visiting with
friends in this 1 icinity for some time, lett on
Tuesday morning for his home in Seattle, Wash.
10 TO 4.
(Kincard no Retiew,)
The inaugural ne tch of the season was
played in Lakevie Park here on Friday
last between the Wi gham team and the
Victories of our t wn resulting in a
victory for the let r. The baseball en-
thusiasts had looked anxiously forward to
this opening perfot tante, as Wingham.
had greatly strengt tened her club since
'last yeai1''while'these i ttitheidf--sovetal new
players to the Kim:, rdine team seemed to,
give interest to the ccasion. When time
was called at three 'clock a goodly sized
crowd greeted the ..utestants and a few •
drops of rain at th- outset did not in any-
nyway dampen the ar 1 or of the small boys
who were present 11 the usual large num-
bers. The Winghat 1 team certainly merit
their reputation of .eine gentlemanly and:
present an imposiig appearance on the
field, beiug a unif, rm lot of well built:
ball tossers, and the game throughout was
characterized by ii, armony which is not'
always apparent th decisions of umpire
Linklater. being •eceived without any
attempt at gain-sa,'ing. It was the`first
time that Mr. Ma onie the new pitcher:
appeared for Itinca dine and he certainly
did himself proud vhile Mr. Cardow .the
.new short stop vi cheated his abiliteete
stop short all flies, grounders, etc., which
happened to come 0 his ground. A very
unfortunate circum -tante Happened in the
second innings wh:u Mcl! argnhar playing
second base was tun into by Alderson
and sustained a se ere fracture of the nose
which prevented is further playing, his
place being filled y Geo. Cunningham.
Further on in the game Duffield of Wing -
ham was struck o the left arm near the
elbow by a dead ball and sustained a•
painful injury w Bell necessitated his
quitting the game With the exception:
of these two acc dents the game was a.
most pleasing one and we hope on many
future occasions t have the Wingllant
boys visit us to r:uew the conflict. The
official score at lie end of the ninth
innings was 10 to 4 in favor of the
mt' E HITS.
There's nothing -mall about Griffin.
Stewart and An; us made a very fair
Duf-field should hange his position to
right field.
"Crow" Willson Wingham's third base-
man is a bird.
The umpire said he would link -later on
with the the Kms rdine contingent,
The "balk" quer ion is worthy of some
study on the part .f our Wingham breth-
Outside of Al erson's unintentional
rough playing the :arae was void of all
Umpire Linkla'er, proved very Satisfac-
tory in his decisi.ns which were generally
approved by boll teams.
Spain has wor for such men as Alder-
son, the Wingha short stop. The whole
Spanish navy k .cited out eight men at
Manilla, where& he alone knocked out
three men here ' side of an hour.
elite WE. DOTES.
Baptist Rev. Jas. IIantllt. t attended the pt convert.,
tion in Hamilton t is week.
Rev. Dr Pascoe at 1 Dr Towler were in Tee:water
this week, a110110i g a meeting of the Wingham:
District of the Motl odist church,
Rev. Wm, Lowe 'as at Comber on Sunday last.
where hepreached sermon to the members of the
001 Arnvoren gentleman from Durham took
Mr, Lott e s work h e,
Capt Liston of t e 9 A. has unexpoetediy rot
ceu cd farewell tittle s and farewells on Sunday next.
It not known y t where his next appointment
will be. "A Narr. v Escape or the Torn Milts'
will be the aubjco of the 'Lantern service to be
riven by Capt. Co tet in the S, A. on the 21tth
Finish up the day b. taking in this treat.