HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-13, Page 5'1 UP; ININWIAM TIMES, MAY 13, 1898. 5 We have all the latest for Spring Suits, at moderate prices. i'it and workmanship of the best. "Guaranteed." We are showing the most up•to date Also all kinds of Men's Furnishings for Spring Wear. A special line of Ready made Pants and Overalls cheap. Inspection invited. —7-74 m-4 a,"-`mH .d� -'n'a"1, "'per" "� J +t -al itearraaaSsesa Opposite Queen's hotel, Wingham. 2111113500111 A talkative tag. WHAT THIS PARTICULAR SHOE -iS- "1ADe OF The tag on every pair of Slater Shoes" tells the leather, its wear, service adapted to, how the L.lioe is i:iadc, how to care for it and the factory number, by which any faults may be traced to tiie operative. This tag is rood for five cents on a bottle cf ;;,later Shoe Polish. Goodyear Welted and stamped on / the sole by the Makers. ,$3.00, ,C4.00 and $5.00 per pair. For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWELS. U G ".rte I E S I SURRIES1 1'hretons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. IS ONE THAT WILL PROMPTLY AND EFFECTIVELY CURE. MR, JOHN II1TCIT, OF RIDGI:TOWN, TELLS Iiuw ILE HAD SPENT DOLLAR UPON DOLLAR IN VAIN BEFORE FINDING THP MEDICINE RAT CC1UEt) IIIItI. lttd:;t•town. People who react from week to week of the alar venous eures effected by the use of Dr. Williams' fink Pills little, think that right in their tinder, exist litany who !lave been relieved tiutn pain and suffering by the use of tueae wonderful little pitla- after having suffered untold agonies for months. Mr. John flitch, a ratan well and favorably known throughout the county, was ever ready when oppor- tunity offered to speak a word praise of these pills and was never tired of recumpiending them to his friends. A representative of the Standard, anxioua to know of the cause of stir. Bitch's recolumendatiou, called upon hila at bis home recently and upon telling that gentleman the object of his visit Mr, Bitch consented to an interview. The story in his own words is as Iollows Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap. CA1;1;1ACE Tnirtimmo AND HARNESS REPAIRINC DONE on short notice, and at reasonable prices. R. J. / ♦VM TH. REMEMBER ! Our Ordinary Announcement N -L.a. ,JY Ever since we purchased the McIntyre stock here at 53c on the. $, we have advertised goods at about S3c on the Dollar of the regular prices, and we have filled so far to sets them duplicated either as BARGAIN DAY SNAPS or in EXTRAORDINARY AN- NOUNCEMENTS -and we will continue along- this t, -week as usual. Note these sample prices and come in and see the goods. IT WILL PAY YOU Fancy Wool Delaines, pretty patterns, worth 30e yd, now 15c. Canten Flannel, worth any time 8c, for 5c. Fancy Cotton Crepon, worth 15c yd, now 9e. Plaid Flannelette, regular 12c, for only 8c. Feed Cheek Shirting, the 71,c yd kind, for 5e. Wide Apron Gingham, with border, 121e, now 10e. Mahogany Covert Cloth, cheap at 37;? r.., now 20c. 7 special Dress Patterns, shot effect, acre $3.50 each, now $1.75. J Wool Serge, regularly sold for 25e, our pinto 17e. Colored Chiffon always sold for 18c and 20e, our price is 121c. "1lnr•iet " K id (,loves, in Miaek and Teas, worth $1,00 for 8('c'. Illack Silk Gloves imported to sell at 75e for 40e, Chill's Gingham and Print i)rtsses, well made and her utifully trimmed at :",1.,00, 75c and 65e, 1,000 doz. Dre'se Buttons, worth 8e ar:cl 100 per d+,z., le. WIHHERE ? The Cheap Cash Store, Macdonald TURNI3ERRI . Seeding operations are tthoti.t —*le the winter of 1t391 1 was through for this season, the weather taken with a severe attack of la has been all that could be desired grippe, tru►n which 1 was confined although growth is a little backward to cue house for some time. `!'his for the time of year. Was followed by severe pains and The outlook is bright just now swellu,gs ul' my lower limbs. I cull- for the farmers ; everything is bloom • - suited a physfciaui and he told ole I ing. Wonder if its the Liberal i Governtnent that's doing it? tato We were in error last week when alone, I we stated that the man, who spilled atarteu 1 the oil on the floor got a wilding for s unaided. I it, Be promised to put in a new ally lu uty I floor so that we guess now platters ad summer will be all right. everything that Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take care of them for you. Tf you need EYE OR CLASSES buy them from us. Also a full line of Watches, Cocks, and all kinds of Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended tn. 0 OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. T. A. MILL has in stock a full line of tidies' Shirt it was acute rheumatisul. 1 en tin ued under his care fur also Months. I was unable to ata but Sometimes wtlell 1 gut was able to wake a few s 1'lle trouble Was ria feet and ening long. 1 tried at friends sugges a , hoping to gain relief, but ',either medicate tarsen inwardly nor liniments applied ex- ternally gave toe any relief. Tile pain was very great, and 1 was duty too glad try auythlug suggested. 1 speut dollars upon dollars In duewra' medicine, but ail to no purpu,e. The last- week. 1 was attended by physis cial� it oust cue rive dollars, and hay- I 1 fug about that blue read in toe I newspaper of the work accomplished by D. Williams' fink !'ills,. 1 curl - waded it was certainly worth toe experiment and accordingly purchas- ed a box from a local druggist and- commenced ndcouiuienced their use, d►seuiitluuwg Waists Wrappers, plain and figured, duslins, Prints, and light goods for summer wear. In Lace and Chenille Curtains we have a full line to pick from. Fat1cy Table and Stand Corers in all shades. • In Dress Goods we have such a large stock it would be impossible to describe in a way to suit without seeing them W11 OXETE1t. • We are sorry to state that Miss Pheobe Young 's finite ill, The foundation for Mr. T. B. Sanders' new residence is completed and the brick work has been com- menced. `Mr. Oliver Smith is building a arge addition to his stable, Mr. W. C. Hughes has disposed of his property and intends leaving the village. Messrs. Joseph Lovell and Hugh Harris left last week fur Manitoba. LONDESBORO. Gtle duetore' medicine. 1 ilia tt aa in June or July, 18J2. Siler 1 had taken the drat bux of the pllh 1 eould feel some eltalige dud alter taking seven boxes 1 noticed a great inlpruVelneilt. 1 eotltluueU takltlg ttleai tuna 1 had used thirtueu boxus when 1. lutist say 1 telt as well as 1 ever aid in my hie. &wile t.f • Lay customers who eatue into my y'ar'd would ass rue ~dict 1 was Uuing Goat .1 was luuaing so well tisnuWIng the aiek spell 1 nad undergone) and 1 wuulu always tell thew tuat Lr. Wlitlaiva' l'uuls fills had wrought the change. They are the eheapest� Medicine 1 ever Uuugtlt," said Mr. Aitch, "and it 1 had what 1 • spent in other medicines 1 could act at ease this winter. During the interview Sara. Bitetl was an uucupant ut tile rum and sue heartily cuncutred in what her husband said, and stated that for one other member ut' the family the pills had beeu used wit.l success in a case of severe nervous- • cess. Mr. Hitch at the tone t,e\was seen by the reporter appeared inter• cellent hsalth. lie is 56 J ears of age and a man who had always been used to hard work. Ile was burn in Camebridgeshire, England, and carne to this eountry 27 years ago, Before locating in Ridgetown he conducted a brick and tile yard at Longwoud'e Road, Middlesex county. Ho has been carryilig on a successful business in Ridgetown for the past ten years, D►. Williamslark ]ills y A fine line of Prints from5c and aI ). Ask to sec our' Sc going to the root of disease. They renew and build up the blood, and Prints ; they will astonish you as to quality and price. In strengthen the nerves, thus driving :Men and Women's Shoewear our stock is the most complete; diacaae from the system. Avoid it has been for years. imitations by insisting that every Don't fail o see our Carpets, Rugs and Oilcloths. box you purchase is titicIuscd 111 a ''i, cureb y tau rselves. wrapper bearing the full trade marl:, CORN ! CORN ! CORN 1 "Dr. rviiliam kink Lilts fur Palo People." If your dealer does not keep thein they will be sent post pad at 50 cents ;t box or six boxes • file $.250, hV addressing; the I)e. Wiliiania' Medicine Co., Brockville, N. Ont. R. CIS Block. liro ... t ,AS, • TEESWATEIt. HOWICIC. Grain has been :timing into town ata great rate during the past two! week. I Thotnpsorl's flour mill was idle for a few hours one dav last week ow- ing to a breakage in some of the machinery. The annual meeting rat the mem- bers of the Teeswa ter Public Library was held last week. The weather was unfavorable, causing the attend- ance to be smaller than usual. The following directors were elect- ed : Rev. II. W. Reed, Messrs. J. K. iileLean, Jno. Farquharson, A. G. Stewart, Dr, G. S. Fowler, Dr. Mid - ford Gillies, Misses M. P. Sharp, D, Shaw and1l. Nixon. On account of Rev, Mr. Andrews and Mr. A. Woodman were mWingban, on Fri- day last, on business ennnected with the laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist choreic. The corner stone of the new Me thodist church, will he laid here on Monday, May 23rd at 3 p. in. In view of the fact that the gild church has been in continuous use for the past 38 years, the corner stone lay- ing will be more that usually im- portant. Mr. John Neelands, of Winghtun, an old and highly re- spected resident of this place will lay the stone. A tea•nteeting will be held the same evening to be ad- dressed by several clergymen and ethers. Special stir, ices will be held the Sunday previous. Messes. Br up don & Son have re - ceived a Carlo. of hinder twine. Rev. A. Dever, of Bervie, preached Educational sermons in the Methodist church oil Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Andrews conducted quart- erly services at Auburn. I have Blade a stud' of the best ligaturing Corn for this section c.f the country, and have a car load of different varieties to choose from. the report of the auditors not being ready for presentation the tweeting was adjourned until Tuesday, May 10th at 8 oc'clock. Mr. -John McKenzie, of Guelph, has arrived in town and will reside here in future. After coughs and colds the germs of consumption often gain a foothold. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phites will not cure every case; but, if taken in time, it will cure many. Even when the disease is farther ;advanced, some re- markable cures are effected. In the most advanced stages it prolongs life, and makes the days far more comfort- able, Everyone suffering from consumption needs this food tonic. qct, and cSt.oa. act druggists. SCOTT 1.4130W:41., ett^ntistw,Toranto. The month ty> meeting of the Howick Mutual Insurance Ca. was held at the Foresters' Hall, Gorrie, recently. Members all present, President J. R. Miller in she chair, The claims for three fires were presented from A. Mclenis, of Grey township ; Chas. Bartiiff and 0 Kelly, of Morris town- ship, all for barns destroyed recently,. Mr. McInnis was settled at $670; Mr. Bartliff received ;1,315 and Mr, Kelly $82.5. 74 applications were passed by the Board, amounting to about SiC0,000. This Co. have no unsettled claims. BRUSSELS. The tnerchants of this place have started the early clothing movement. All stores are closed each evening except Saturday. Mr, John Kerny intends adding a restaurant to his grocery business. Mrs. J. L. Kerr, and Miss E. E. Kerr, are away on a visit to friends in Guelph, Brampton and Owen Sound. 1II•. Chris Zillax has had the in- terior of his hotel generally fixed up. District Sabbath School Conven- tion in Melville church, Brussels, on Monday, May, 30th. All the S. S. in Brussels,Urey,andMorris,including Bluevale and Walton are expected to send representatives. Convention is undenotninational. A program of practical topics has been outlined and has been sent out, The annual meeting of the Me- chanics' Institute was held in the Library last week, when Principal Cameron was re-elected president. James Fox -takes G. F. Blair's place as seerelary-treasnrer, and 11iss 31c- Naugltton was re-elected Librarian. The directora'e is composed rat' Dr. Davidson, A. Cousfev, Reeve Rerr, -- Rev. G. J. Abbey,1 ev. S. J. .ATIin, 1 • Perfectly Gored . W. J. Stewart and G. F. Blair. The HEST WAWANOSII. Mr. Roht. Reid and wife visited at Blyth this week. Mr. and Mrs. \I.Walker are visiting in Brussels this week. Reese cleaning is the order of the day. Mr. J. 11eGregnr is able to attend to work after having a severe attack of the moose's. From the Appearances of the fall wheat in this neighborhood. It is supposed the yield this season will be about three parts of a crop. The seeciiri in this vicinity is completed and the farmers are now busy l,repairing the ground for the root crop. The appearance of the fruit trees ot present show fourth for abundance of fruit this season. Miss Ida Reid, who has been ill for some t pie, is improving. She is able to be around nee more. Miss Williamson, of Grey, is visit- ing on the laths Rev, F. J. Oaten visited on the 12th last week. Mr. Bert J. Reid visited over Sun day with Rev. E, A. Shaw, or Bay- field. Mr. N. Johnston has ..purchased from Mr, Joseph Jnhnstt n. the 100 acre farm on the 4th concession for e3500. Nair. Joseph Johnst,tn',',tas purchas- ed the Cun.ntings farm on the 12th conces:•lon. It contains 1C0 acres and the price paid was $1900 ;The farm was resent -- occupied by "Mr. matt. Eclic tt > statement presented showed receipts for the present )•ear to be $276.58,f' and expenditure $182 32, leaving a balance on hand of $94.26. G A. Deadman has disposed of a' pure bred Jarsey heifer to George i Smith, ot Walton ; and a grade Jer-i sey to W. Brown, of Atwood. Mil i Deadman in future intends to con- fine himself to registered Jerseys. Arrangements are being glade to hold a celebration on the Queen's ; Birthday in Brussels. The program will consist of a base ball thatch foot races for mets and boys, a 3 - minute trot or pace for $100 ; nam- ed race, trot or pace, $50 ; and far- mers' race, trot or pace, $35, half mile heats, 4 prizes in each race. mase ball match on Victoria Park in forenoon end other sports in the af- ternoon at the Driving Pari., Other attractions may be added betwe( n now and that date. In the recent election in Ea ' Mr. Ilislop's expenses are given at $77,76, and Mr. Mooney's at $74.41. • Weak and Low Spirited— NorvoUs Prostration—Appetite Poor and'., Could Not Rest. ti 1 take great pleasure in reebliiinending Hood's Sarsaparillato others. It has been the means of restoring my wifc•to good health. She was stricken down' with an attack of nervous prostration. She suf- fered with headaches and her nerves were under severe strain. She became very low spirited and so weak she could only do a little work trithouttestittg. Her appetite was poor, and beim •so weak she could not get the proper rest at night. She decided to try Hood's Sarxanarilla, as we had heard it highly prhif:;otl, and 1 acct glad to state that 'hood's Sarsaparilla has perfectly eared all her ailtnents," lar 13Ittt tr, 321 Hannah St.;'1 'est, tlantil- ton, Ontario. Remember � �p»�E"tea- H OOd S► ri11a 1a the nest-tn fact the Oras True in.0 tl rati- fier. All tlrltgsivt'. $1, vit tor as. •ni Ifotd's. Hood'sI)3II$ aretaateltq'one. clue. 41.14 drt.3 J