HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-13, Page 2tilig* Ill aliee a inns Ina 'tile t1lltll tt • he at ,4 hetet 'test t`e•te 1tit• ice wale' C'uuu,g Ill! tor' hill OuO then tints it wt„ lolly :l woman with tt ehtttt•lttineon ••--New York Pres`, liewittt.n tt,lll'erat a people aro i orgttttlriuer, on tl.t• assutitption that the 1•:»'i,; -eats. 15'tit t:tl::'ll ill `pp tembt,r e1, 1VIN'{xZZAM r 'JME8, MAY 13, i 44)x+, ' ,•'F EIt Several Weather Signs. • You Can't Got Resold, 1, .' nu 1{',Isley Dist .Ye ---O ritvel and ; Mueh rain in t)etober indicates Stricture -An Absolute Cure Ritual much wind hi December. in South Ainl�riean Kidney Cure -Al If a Bock crows more than usual 10 'Y t, SuTA It 1 'Reined Oat Never FOULS in the and earlier expect rain. Most Distressing Canes. If it rains when the sun shines it experience be. will will rain the next day, 1 Ilia amid evidence of exp. ,_+ltd S,uth eremin Kidney Oura,. Mr. I Nests of hornets hung near the Vi'tl'rut• tx »i`r, of t:hippewe, Out.. Is ground mean cold weather. 1 Because That Tired Feeling is not the remit of exertion. It is due to the un- healthy condition of your ul.aod, This vital fluid shouldgwe nourishment to every orgau nerve and rnnseje. 13ut it cannot do this unless it is riob and pure. That is what you want to cure That 'Tread Peeling ---pure rich blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla will help you "get rested," 1t. will give you pure, r eh blood, give you vigor and vitality and iytHwel braces you up so that you may reet l all through the corning summer. Ir you have never tried Hood's Sarsap- arilla, do so now, and see how it ener- gizes and vrtalizas your whole system. ;•iu'lpiy nue (IV hundreds who have snokt'n \'lien the tofu carnes from the in t'qualiy strong; teens. Fitt eays r•After taking SIX buttleS of South American ' west it will dot continue lung. hi,lcey bare l as completely cured of If eats clean their bodies and wash 1e,_ c i riettlre and gravel, Laying their' a ,. f to years. I l l in'sulierHdfrom faces expect rain. • rson theca complaints of over n , a• free » great rHbNf after takn,g ono bot ! Early frosts are usually followed a s. tl until 1 war; pcthetly et, ifs t ,n iu•' the unfit 1' ha•dth," Scald at Fluttering bljts and flying beetles tors. !a pi. tient, /; til I fit, + tit, but urutuiuednthe remedy by a long, hard winter. t dstl TLa i anti f am now en- li jUhishuitn•s Drug forecast fine weather. l�laa Heavy white,, frost is a sign that Gf"3I LL Pilafs to 111 a ieekeeper3. warmer weathela is coming. In rooms tt... lack sunlight it is Black frost is a forerunner of a ri Pesitive.iy 'owed 'ed by these y.ieail•) i"HU. They also reliev45 I)i:•tress from Dyspepsia, .inti Ton I learty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Diz zinc s, Nausea, Droit si. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain i i the Silo, TORPID LIVER. They Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the frau& of the day. See you gtt Carter's, Ask for -Carter's, Insist and ,demand Carty r':s L4 tt i'.: Liver Pills. STRENGTH CAME BACK. The Anvil ono vrere rings with the strokes of his hammer. iistonistlillg toy see how a strong, spell of dry, coli. weather. yellow color of jti t the right shade, Look out for ;old weather if the itl:.roduced by means a euehion, or woodpecker disappears in the fall. eh•tir, or hangif ,gs, will give bright- If birds in the', autumn grow tame :res; and lite OA is almost in effect. the wince r will be too cold for game. 13 dt•uaia boors may be kept cool and fresh by wiping them daily with fresh water. °,Jiieruhes, Moths or other Weems .lrs thus destroyed. Salt camphor it , t.a and euid wateris an ex- cellent Uisinfecta ut in bedrooms. I':trsnip frittt4s may be /trade by l' l ore How to Tell Fresh Fish. Nothing is more difficult in mar- keting than to tell whether a fish has been properly filed, It should be killed as soon as taken from the water, but too frequently it is al• lowed to gasp itself to death, and then treated so as;xo appear properly slaughtered. Th " only absolutely safe way is to bey a live fish and have it killed beftj're ode's eyes. This is not always practicable, but there Expect cold 'and hard times if 1 are certain rules ;which, if observed, squirrels lay in+ great supplies of I will result in the rurohaser getting nuts d I good quality. • not When wild d>,iteks fly* to the south Fish purchase killed must it is a sign that 'winter is coming. smelt any different ordinary Scarcity of squirrels in autumn in- fishy odor ; thev must have their dieates the appy ash of tl. cold winter, natural color, and should never be scraping; and boiling three or to The first thr a days in January covered with slinie. When the meat parsnips uu,il very tender ; then,is slimy and fact§ it proves that the having mashed and seasoned them 1 indicates that of the coming three fish is not fresh. Fish, the meat of with salt, pepper and putter, make a !months, which looks blea I ed, with spots on p No falling stars on a bright even -int of batter, add the parsnips, and1the skin, sunken? eyes and discolored try a tablespuuniul at a time in boil-. mean a co tinuanee of bright mouth and gulls, should not be bough:; under pny consideration. Fresh -water fishamust be of brilliant color, the scales must adhere closely .eyes must to ing lard. weather. When the glass globes of the ; If ice will b chandelier have become smoked and i Christmas it wbl ei grimy, soak thein in hot water, tot ahteswars, which a lit•1•le al soda has been ' A green Christ added. Then pit some amm snia I • into hot water. and scrub the inside I Easter. of the globes bfiskly with •a stiff 1 When You Are Tired brush, whereupon rinse thoroughly Without extra exertion, languid, dull and wipe. and listless, your mood is failing to sup - France has jolt enacted a law ; ply to your muscle and other organa,the which one is inclined to wish might : vitalizing; and strength -giving proper be put into operation on this side of ties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla the water. No baby under a year ; cures that tired feeling by enriching and purifying the blood. It will give Mr. Thos. /Porteous, the well known is to be allowed o have solid f,:od you enrirt;y and vigor. blaekmnith of Godorich, Ont , tells how I vithant the :tntlit rity of a qualified I en r :5 PILL are easy to take, sickness and weakness gave way to heath '1 medial! man. A non ; ns i5 is n0 and strength.; "For the past four years my easy tojperate- 0ureincligestion, bit uncommon thing to see a baby of 1iousness. `25u. eight or nine months, belonging tot The Hanging Jude. , sume of the working classes, fed on 1 meat isalted aid fresh), potatoes, When Lord Ngrbury, "The Bang 1 coffee or wlltttevlr the mother at the ing Jude,"gas he was called in Iry 1 moment may by eating herself. 1 laud was sentencing a man to death When convulsions fr..ul indigestion for stealing a wat¢li he said sets in, there is sdrprise at d constet'n• ,"My good fellow oil made a grasp 1 ation, but never a sign of any ap- predation of the laws of cause and at time and can, ht eternity." I effect. 'I'lle Iohg rubber tubes at. Nothing seem4d to please Lcrd taehed to nursing bottles are also Norbury'nore than the continual up forbidden, and heavy penalties are roar in court crated by his puns. t"What is your. occupation my hon- eufsrCed tor alb disobedience in that est man," he asked a witness. direction. Th t these tubes cannot , "Please, your lordship, I keep a nerves have been very weak, my sleep fitful j be kept properly sterilized is a re- racket court " r and disturbed by dreams, consequently I cognized fact. 1 • So co 1," sa!d`the udmC arose in the t morning unrested. I was Fried swept pples are good for 'h dizzy and was much I SoWhendo Lord No bury' was being frequently very y liver or kidney- trouble •--'•afore my buried, the grape was so deep that ar a man before not bear a mouse as makes a white :e,,. b,. w i1t, .11,74 o4 t ;ti e t is 7.1 00. �\ O �4 ADZ 4. k `W�+ Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription. for I efauate and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorhl destroys Worms and allays Foveriehn1'5:3, Casterie, prevents vorniting Sour Crud, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and. natural sleep. Castoria, is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria is, an excellent tncdicine for "Castoria i:i »:o welt adapted to children children. Monts have repeatedly toad rue that I i- coirunentl it as superior to any pre - of its good effecS upon their children,"scripliou linotvli to me." Da. t;. C. Osnoon, Lowell, Mass. Il. A. Altt`1ina, M. D. Brooklyn, N. l . THE! FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF scales les loorosrv.he rim acting with the APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. scales loose and ro seting from the ' ,p J iT gl'I,E CF.ATAUn GOMI'ANY� TT tAUn FAY '%TAewT• ;MTV/ Y6RV. CIT body, or with tralces of mould at thegia „ ,#twf'> r ,%i�'��'�rte joints of the scales, are spoiled and I veru unwholesothe. Dead eels are troubled "to a mist tha` wi . eyes my metti,ory was often defective and F. I Pour vinegar sharp pain through it at times. In tins Aw.t lemon j µ1Ce t0 the waiter 1ti rT condition I was easily worried and felt ; which rice is )plica to keep the 1'eetch the bottom. The coffin was enervated and exhausted. Two monthsagof left 'hanging; mdway while some- a,I began taking Milburn s Heart and Nerve grains separate..- 'body went for nww ropes. Pills. duce that time I have been gaining in Beat the whit of eggs at an open "Aye," cried s Snieorle in the trowel health and strength daily. They have window if the itehen be trot and .� y restored my nerves to 5 healthy condition, t. . "glee him rope enough ; dont stint removed all dizziness find heart trouble, and 1 steamy. ; .k• disappear (rim, he was the boy that never hadflattering of the heart, together with a matte the scale over fresh fish to h come off easily. , the ropes by whie'h the undertaker • was letting down the coffin didn't • easily told by 'the odor from„the m.,uth, which is Offensive, and spoil- ed salmon can also be recognized by the color of the ".meat, which turns yellow, and even brown when too far gone. Salmon in this condition is very dangcttous to life. Sea fish will :keep longer and better on res tbari fresh water fish, but care as to their$ appearance should also be exereised. Codfish, for in- stance, should betof a spotless white color, without stains of mould on the skin, and not too soft: Par- ticular attention 'bust also be given to preserved or canned fish ; if only slightly discolored, it is the best policy not to eat it —Exchange. now I sleep well and derive comfort ani. i nsightly hnp't l marks isapp grudged rope to a poor body.".— rest from it. That Milburn's Heart and I from varniahed t rnittU'e when rub• bed with sweet oil, and from oiled wood if kerosene, is rubbed on the ; Sma11 Bet Nobly Paid. spots, A bruiseY should be treated ' with a piece of b'trolvn paper, folded! Lord Falmouth—who bred horses, several tiufes aid soaked in hot knew all about them, and had had water. Orel -this hold a moderately for trainer that paragon, John Seo,t warm iron until all steaming ceases; —never bet once. He bada prolliis if necessary, repdit the process, re- ing filly, Queen Bertha, and she lumbering that tine application does was the favorit for the Oaks in not &ways turn tint a success. M- 1862. She had apparently fallen ways apply alcohol sparingly upon off in condition, and her owner put the furniture, if !i at all, or it will no confidence in her. ': estroy the polishk i Falmouth was inclined to serach John Scott's , wife, spoke up for her favcrite, lay your lordship sixpence she wins," said Mrs. Scott, laughing. For once Lord Falmouth lroke his rule never to bet, and exclaimed, "Done, Mrs. Scott!" Nerve Pins are 5 good remedy for Nervous- ness, Weakness, Heart Trouble and similargeneo•ilaints gen without saying." Price 50 cts. a box at all druggists or T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont. Laxa-Liver Pills cure Dyspepsia. PHR NOL JNE REM E »» E 'r Bruoklvit Citizen' CRICK INt THE BACK. Doan's Kidney Pills will take it out quicker twin tutytbing you know of. Mr. Geo. Durand, Hamilton. Ont., says :— "Doan'ri Kidney F; ills have made me stronger, removed the tared feeling and cured my weak kidneys and aching back." Taki:�4- the lead everywhere'.. We are working day anti'; night t), supply the demand. Our el rreh:nv spondence sls that hnndred5 upon hund.i'ds i of pea,. 'sufferers are being I rc e•ed to health and happi- tit,s i (laity. TRY 6 x (laity. RHEIRI TIG' SPECiHID OR KIDNEY �IMD',LIVER PILLS They arc absolutely pule and healthful, Guaranteed. fel cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Nee! • - '-ria t,'l,lll.•rrrn and nil t'.otate- t f .nit.et• and Nivel' { tri' 1.1 C-. 9 =WARE 01" :�':jCHIurS IMII>A'CCO':s'S ut Sold in Wingl,a, poly b3 Gordan At Co. 1 iaz gatcar: = her, when elf rs Cott The Small Roy's Op7nion. The following is a Georgia small boy's composition,on "The Situation:" I "i\ly father says the situation is 1 grave ; but he herpes war will come, ' as he won't have no peace till be gets a holiday from home. He says be ain't afraid at war 'cos he's' been married fifteen years, and if he ain't use to it by this^ time he orter be. Mother says the only trouble about war is—he'd go all through it, and wouldn't get a scratch! And "Long as the lamp holds out to burn I She's certain that he would return ! "That's what she says and I reckon she knciws !"—Atlanta Con- stitution. The total population of Fergus is 1,614. The vote on the question of pro- hibition will take place in autumn. St. Thomas' rate of taxation has been struck at it mills on the dollar. New Hambnt$ has secured Ed. Merner's felt factory. New Hamburg's races will be held July lith and 7tii. $1,750 will be hung up. There are theee students atter,- ing the Walkerton i•Iigh School, each of whom are over six feet. A Detroit traveller was clone out of :150 by two ti Galt sharpers on Monday night. OM:1rin Ory for IS A vegetable remedy for diseases arising from Disr c;ered Liver, Ste. mach or Bowels, uch as headache, tianon Coated Cozy p , Tongue, Bad Breath, reeling of Languor, Distress', after Eating, etc. 111rr, t''.... Try - ma, c'ndt nn, N.B., says "1 ul,,..l 4....'.a-idiverll'ilis Thr Headaches and Liver '1'ronbte, and they nob only re- lieved me but cured me. They do not gripe a>= sicken and are easy to take:' Said by all Druggists at 25o. a Vial or 5 for $LOO. So Queen Bertiia, with Tom Ald- croft up, appeared at the post, and, thanks to the brilliant riding of her jockey, beat Marigold by a short head for the first ',,lace. Lord Falmouth paid his bet to Mrs. Scott in noble fashion. He procared a brand new sixpence from the bank, 4 it with set round 'Nit h diamond aand mounted as a brooch, and in that form presented it to the comely mistress of Whit wall,—San Fran- cisco Argonaut. WORMS CAN'T SR'A'M' When br,Low'e Pleasant Worm Syrup le used. It's death to the worms, easy on the system land nice to take. Contains sufficient laxative so that there is no need of giving castor oil or calomel after- warde. Hon. Sidney 'Fisher, Minister cf i Agriculture, will visit Greet Britain this year and may attend the Paris Exposition heuniatism? SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATID SURE A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. Rbfot in six hours! What a alai mes- sago to the pahi-racked, bedridden, des- pairing sufferer from rhoumat.stn's cruel grasp—and this is a fact; borno oirt by volumes of evidence, for this greatest of v uerer -pain con . 4 >T Rheumatism Is ourable—South Ameri- can Rheumatism ewe to an absolute specific, and radically cures the most stubborn oases In from one to throe days. ''Isuffered hitt ,' .,.yfrom rhoumatism and sciatica.. .'1'r t..i many remedies and many physltitrtns without any lasting benefit. A few demi of South Anteri• ran ItheumatidCure wonderfully helped mo; two bottler cured me," --it. )Crrett, Morrtckville,,Ont. Thoutandiffroed.sieve* tail the same story- On't suffer ein hiker -_longer.-2.". Sold at Ohi hotm'g Drag Store. ra 11.Sv A W17.111. gl ril El Bo Leading S.eciallsts of America 20 YEAR iiti DETROIT, 250, 00 CURED. WECUR4 EMISSIONS Nothing can his more demoralizing to young or eniddle-ltged men than thonres- enoo of these '• sightly losses." They Produce weak-noss nervousness, a feeling of disgust and ai holetrainof symptoms. They unfit a mals for business married life and social Happiness. l�ko matter whether caused 1.)y ovil habits in youth, naturalweaknessior sexual exocsses, our New Method Treatment will positively curd you. NO CURE.. - n PAY \Reader, you ne d help. Early abuse or later excesses m have weakened you. Exposure may h,vo diseased yon. You aro not safe till rutted. Our New Method will euro you. Ydu run no risk. to 2505000 CURED Young Mau -,You aro talo, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. Yon boa Sme forgetful, morose, and despondent; !blotches and pimples, sunken oyes, wrinklod face, stooping form and downc4st countenance reveal tho blight of your,osistonce. W CURO.VARICOCELE No matter howl serious your case may be or how long ybu may have bad it, our NEW METHOD T1tEATDIENT will euro it. The "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and manly powers return. No temporary henciit uta_ �ermanent cure assured. NO OURN, i PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION PROM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED 'We trout and Duro SYPHILIS, GLEET EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURI., VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, Bi.ADT)lllt AND KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION TREE. BOOMS • TREE. CHARGES MODERA'.CE. If unable to call write for a QUESTION BLANK for IIOME TREATMENT. KENNEDY KERGAN 148 SHELIY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. Ei_TON'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for y ears. No better pruof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and. FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SrtoP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham. Ont, Caveats and Trade -M rk"s obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My office is in the'immediate vicinityofthePatentOfrice and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed. Send model, slcetch or photograph of invention, wits description and statement as to advantages claimed. AZ -No charge is made for an opinion as to patentabtlii1 and my fee for prosecuting the application tail noO be called for until. si patent 't allowed. "Invasions Gutas„”con- taining full information sent free. Ail Commnat cations Considered as 19trictly Confidential. FRANKA,1111 H. HOUGH cue ? ts aces. Q+T 5.Si.UXiGTON. L- a- 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE e- tett atil. '4 TRADE MARKS DustorIs. COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyonn sending a shetrh and description mar qutetcly nseertain our opinion free whether as Invention IR prah ably TT++ itentablt! Communica- 0mts strictly eontldontlal. 7tandbook on Patents sent free. Most (money for securing patents. Patents taken through Muni & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in tho Scientific iirogrican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest r,rr, dilation of any selenttan lout -mil. Terme. $I a Year; four months , $1. Sold by all newsdealers ppAN ®®CO3361 Broadway, New York Branch Office. 025 P St., Washington. D. 0. IT PAYS TTIIE ADVERTISE IN II E TIMES... IR r:l Ip .r, c't 3, 1 ,t 1