HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-13, Page 1"NG • Z'IIIES. 'VOL. NVII.---NO. 1360. WINGI-IAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1898. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. EXTRA Nr DMARY ANHWEI ENT ONS PAC, 8 of this issue. 40 PRINTING ? Fici iu 111 J' rirJil YOU WANT ? j,� C WHAT KIND DO (� i j� Bill -heads, Letter -heads, .r� Envelopes Otroulars Dodgers le Cards, Folders, Posters or what ? r] .� We print everything from a card lrr ?i to a newspaper. Print it well and 11 tr�quick. Oheap too. C� Estimates free at any time. p„ TIMES, WINGHA.M. tp� n� "^7c�r1=1� r �� .FIFIee,. �1 r»r11✓t.'1: _`1C•-41 Note the Prices. They • will startle you. 1OMUTH 6. OOJLS, ALL BUSINESS COLLEGES ARE NOT ALIKE. The NEW ADVEIt ISEMENTS. John Kerr -131a1 c Tea. D. M. Gordon Vhltewoar. I3runsWtek Hot o -Special. Abner Cosens- T. A, Mills -La John I3urs;ess- llomuth do 13ow lon„y to Loon. fes' Shirt Waists. ourt of Revision, •s -Groat Cash Sale. LOCA NEWS. THE WooL .Mans.. -Tho wool season will soon be on and he Wingham buyers are prepared to pay e highest prioes. It will pay those havin wool to sell to con- sult the town buyers IT WILL LAY THE sold one of his stree the town of Wingh moisten your grano well as your roadw Goderich Signal. 'Commercial School is one that you should attend usr,• -D X Strachan watering wagons to in this week. It411 thic pavements as See if it don't— tiurrnnex Garr—Te following is from the Blytli Standard f this week: "Mrs. W J plenty on ednesday received e birthday gift in t 13 form of a l,Ld'., bicycle from her fats er, Mr Henry Byrnes, of Winnipeg. The Noel is lin Atlas, and is up to•dato in e ry respect, being one of the best makes t riled out in the United States," Bon SMASH. In last, while Messrs. man was returnin with a load of egg misfortune. When farm, the horses t that was being re bolt and the waggoi where in the nei eggs were made usel fix GENLRAL Vons Statutes for 1898 is the election of Donn popnlatior of not follows : The cou having a population by the last Canadia of re mayor svho sh and of six councillor Wanted—good butter and eggs. Highest prioes paid. T. C. Graham's grocery store, Chisholm block. RUNAWAY 'V' while driving one cf their Tuesday. it took frig, wick house and ran ton's harness shop, fell. There was only to the buggy and harhes The CENTUALUUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. r. Frank Kling was orses down street on t near the Bruns - own as far as N ew- here it stumbled and eligt damage done COURT OF REVISION the Court of Revieior ments of the cometr year, held a session Only one or two app were satisfactorily s meet again tin Mond SllrrriENTs•-Part o the G. T. R. statici Stewart, car of cat Casemore, car of cats Wynn, a nixed car London ; A. Burkho; to Portland ; Burchi of hogs to Collingwoi n Saturday evening. rmonr & McAllister's from Belgrave way , he lied a very bad iassing Mr. eloahrane's k fright at a culvert aired. They mad a was upset, and so>,ue- orhood of 500 dozen ssV One of the Ontario he one that relates to ifs in towns .with a ore than 500,• as it of every town f not more than 5000 census shall consist 1 be the head thereof , to be elected by a A.1 the meeting of to consider measure - walks to be laid thie Friday evening laet als were heard whieh ttled. The board will y evening. the shipments from this week were D. le to Toronto ; Wm. e to Toronto ; Page et of hogs and cattle to er, six cars of wheat 1 (5: McDonald, a car d. general vote. WATER CART Punon of the town council o resolution was pas Fire, `'Vater, and purchase a watering town, and the sane from a Goderioh a good move o town. The town goof watering car water, and no doub town will attend to fres from dust duri Weemen—Any quantity of Butter and Eggs. Highest prices. Cash or Trade. Does it pay you to give the pedlars 3 Os. for gathering them ? G. E. KING-. A MUSICAL TREAT announce to our read musical treat in stor W. Cline, has been su Mr. Harold Jarvis, t who will appear here in June. Ur. ;Jarvis local talent and a gr for the music loving The date will he give GONE TO CLIFFORD who has been emplo Campbell's drug st .is a College of the highest grade. None years, left on Wedn better in Canada. Clifford, whore he h References :—All Stratford, and .our thousands of former students. Enter in the drug store of .any time. Circalars free. understands the dru was a favorite with a W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. and will be greatly marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vio- em la street,Wingbana, Ont. No witnesses CHEAP READINC Our Clubbing List. In order to sa%o our subscribers the trouble of making two or more remittances we have made -special arrangements with the publishers by which We aro enabled to offer tho followine pubiitations in connection with the WINGRAM TIMES at special low rates from now until January let,1890, Special clubbing rates with all newspapers and magazines quoted upon application. Ca.,h must accompany Oil Times and weekly Globe Times and Western Ative'rtiser, • 'Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Picture • . limes and Partnere' Advocate, . Three and Ladies' Jout . al, . Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, Times end Farmers' Sun. . IL. B. ELLIOTW4 81 25 1 40 1 76 1 00 176 1 36 1 00 126 4 25 3 00 2 70 every success in his and can highly rem) ple of Clifford. meeting of the Publ held on Tueedtty e present except Mr. meeting were read proved. 'The Princ was read as follows : Dept. Boys irls Total 1 21 18 39 2 18 28 41 3 30 19 49 4 26 26 52 5 23 38 61 6 35 5 60 7 31 30 111 Maeica, Assam meeting of the Hur held in the Council Wednesday, May Drs, Taylor and H Shaw, Turnbull, Parker, medical st Stratford, Was pres This was followed by the members, thanks was tender paper. Some case ported by differen over. The next m tion will be held in We are pleased- to rs that there is a for them, Mr. Geo. cessful in securing noted tenor singer, bout the 1st week ill be assisted by d treat is in store in • the near , future, r. James Dawson, for a number of day of this week for that plac0,,Jimmie business thoroughly ; 1 the people of the town hosed. We wish him new place of abode mend bim to the pee. ssnialA.t the meeting Tuesday evening. a empovvering the ight Committee to art for the use of the gentleman This is has been 4prehased the part of the las now provided a and the use of the the business men of ee rest and we will be g the ooming semen. Punwc x,InmAr,r—Fro till 'lay 1st, 18118, tl hooks were taken fr Public Library ; Bic 2173, history 500, Pero dices Literature. ligiaus Ialterature 41, auel Travel 437• Th the Library was bei as we .vent to press \VINC1txee. llLtui 1:T market still leads. chants of all the sal pay log 41 and 51.02 p week, our grain men as 5,1,.07 and 31.09. Bay they have net ha in such a short length during the past tw market is the place w highest pride for alt lc — The quarterly n 'Medical Society was Chamber, Clinton, on th. Members present, nter, Goderich ; Beth - s, Settforth ; Agnew, ke, Stratford; Gunn, linton, and Walker and idents. Dr. Hawke, of nt and read a very in. cave paper on Cystitis. y a general discussion tid a hearty vote of d Dr, Hawke for his in practice were re- members and talked ting of the A.ssocia- uly. Alay sat, 1897, O following list of �lul the Wingham ;raphy 09, Fiction Ali-eellanevus 770, 34, Poetry 24, Re-- Sieueitio 97, Yoe age annual meeting of mane -The Winghard idle the grain mer - r bushel for wheat last were paying as high he grain men here died as nitwit wheat of time as they have weeks. Wingham ere you can get the ids of farm produce. SMALL OCALS. --Campbell's Headache Wafers teed to cure headache. flats at Lower Win lam. Laundry girl wa wick Moan. —The usual Que fares are edvertiee —Miss liYulni age has be.en qiiite ill uring the past week. Shares for all leading plows, price and quality right at Win. Gannett's. he regular monthly • School Board was ening. All members ell. Minutes of last and on motion ap- al's report for April 221 On motion of Mess the report was ado Alex. Ross for $ read, and on motio were ordered to b then adjourned. Average 86 36 41 42 49 48 49 Tat CELEBRATION celebration, under t ball an)d football al best efelebrations we for Years. Two ba supply au abundan football and laero recee, etc., will als Partello Co., high ere, will give seve the day. .a. cancer town hell in the e auspices. The Pa Mr. J. Williams M ite humorist end bu local talent will tak have the day on t should make it a p 17 488 362 s, Moore and ButtOe, ted, An account from S. 8. TEACHERS' ation was held in th Paul's church here, week. The mornin to the reception of delegates and an ad delivered by Rev. W. was occupied by re the following rapers firmation," Mrs "The St. Andrew's Rural Dean Hedging, cardine ; "Music by Wien to Church Perkins, Gorrie ; Th in the Average Chr etudent of Huron Co the election of office follows : Hon Pres. Mansell ; Vice Pre Gerrie; Secretary, forth. It was deoi annual meeting in sonie fifty delegates pleasant time was In the evening the at 7.80, eonducted The 24th of May e auspices of the base- s, will be one of the ave had ha Wingham ds will be preeent and se matches, bicycle be held ; the Parkor- d slack wire perform. al exhibitions during will be held in the ning, under the same kor-Partello (Jo. and cy, New York's favor, o basso ann the best part. Winglinan will e 24th and everyone int to be here. re b on the n's birthday excursion by the railways. we are sorry to report, —The regular tne ing of Court Mait- land, C. 0. F., will e held this (Friday) We hove a nine line of Extension Tables from 82.50 up. Ireland d: Bntton. —Do you want an rirst-class workmen lel, Try us with m the Church of Eng - rat Workers' Assncie school room of St. on Tuesday of this session was devoted eports and billeting ress of welcome was owe. The afternoon ding and discussing : "The Rite of Con - Brotherhood," Rev Rev Mites, Kin - the School ; Its re - want of Heartiness then," Mr George, ege. Then followed a, which resulted as Rev J W Hodgins, es., Rev Mills, Miss A Perkins, r Saunders, Sea - ed to hold the next onset. There were present and a very nt in the discussions. was divine service y Revs Rural Dean Wingham. The by Rev A13 Farney, vote of thanks wag people for their —The Truss is he Arthur J. Irwin, vieits Blyth every % License Inspecto Paisley. of Clinton, was in town on Tear day, distributing the licenses for 1898-9. Something nine 10 Room Mouldings at Ireland (54 Button's. oonCert to bo given by Mrs. Armstrong at Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Apply to H. Davis, Wingham. 3m. us GO cents and get it for the balance of 1898. —A number of th town have been trim This will add to thei printing? We have nd use the best meter - order. ciquarters for private tion ery D. S., of Wingbann Good pasture fo rent, for six or seven head of cattle. Plenty of water and &bade. Mrs. McBurney's street and has In same. ltiff Only 14 days trio e to take advantage of the guessing at Ireland (a Button's. —In Mr. Kelly' advertisement last week, the price of otatoes should have been quoted at 40 cc ts per bushel in place of 50 cents. We have had cm soda fountain thor- oughly fixed up. Cell in and tly our new drinks, Jas. McKelvie. tf of watches, clocks, N..A, Farquharson the store vacated b shade trees about ed during the week. A. good stook of covering for Lounges and chairs at Ireland & Button's. , formerly of town the hotel he pur- -51r. D. McCormic has taken possession chased Dunganno Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per- manently at home and ean be eon- sulted by his patrons. —Mr. J. E. Swart iP now in possession of a spanking teatn of chestnut horses, whieh he secured fr a Durham gentle- -East Huron Te be held in Brussel day of thus week. one of the speaker Farmers' Attention ! Call and see the new Frost az Wood Mower and Binder be- fore you buy, at Wm. Gannett's. pe Foundry has the for sending us a very uring type, commonly ws 'mitten property . on Shuter 'en possession of the oiler's convention will on Friday and Satnr- Dr. McLellan will be —The Toronto ' thanks of the Tim handy rule for rne used m producing Royal Carriage '1 Top Polish makes buggy tops like new, Sold at MAC MATH' Harness Shop. —j. Williams Mady is without question ethers that has visited Staree-Town Hall, vening, May 24th. Please call aria see tf idence of Mrs. Wm. ening next. Special to all gentlemen who one of the best enter this city.—Montre Wingham, Tueeday Just a received of Children's Shoes. The regular meeti will be held at the re Button on Tueeday invitation is extende are honorary mem wives. —The football au with hymeneal glad it being the music) Miss Edith Mary 11 this town, and one popular young ladle Peake, sob of Mr. Le formed by Venerable London, uncle of tl Rev. Canon Davis, church was very t with flowers, and by a number of town, Mr. J. E. erich, brother of G Chas. Campbell, Dro of the bride, were be maids were Miss Ma sister of the groom Davis, sister of the b to the strains of Men march, played by M Mitchell, the contrac the church. The br L. Davte Wmgharn, echoed of the marriage or , eldest daughter ef a has moved his stock from all the players tc., from the store next of this week, and W 'ATiss Boyd will occupy Mr. Wallace. If 3 on are gain to build a wire fence you want the beet. Got Wm. Gennott to build tbe Page for you. lookout for a glib ta ing young man who yeast st 50 cents a Seeds ! Seeds ! Ge,rden seeds in ,any quantity, by the ounce, pound or parcel, at Chisholm's Drng Score. warned to be on the ing and slick appear• selling "lightning" ottle. He is a fraud. —The brick work Messrs. T. Bell S sant's factories has additions add gree of their factories. We have a nice line of Parlor Suites in Bogs and Brocketelle covering and Silk Tapestry, ranging in price from 815 up. Ireland Le Button. .25, for supplies, was noaging, Seaforth ; of Messre. Moore and Kincardine; 0. M ed to be paid. The Exeter, and W L a' saleries for April Bermon wet preach° paid on metion of Of Gorrie. A heart HOmilth. The board tendered the Wingh of the aciditions to been completed. The y to the appearance IVI come and gone, an him missed the tre healthy humor. - 24th. —For first-clo,sa tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster dr Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. hly delighted audience uste Hall lest evening, , J. Williams Macy, of e the eatire programme mittee deserve great Ettch a delightful enter- `tin.—Town Hall, Wing. ing, May 24th. cy, the humorist, has all who failed to hear t of the season in clean uesday evening, May —There was a hi to hear tbe versati New York, who ga himself. The a credit for securin ham, Tuesday ey .Althongh the furniture manufecturers have raised the price on goods 10 per cent., we are in a position to give our customers goods at the old prices. Irelane Button. Kineardine this (Friday) afternoon, where they will ay a game with the club of that toe Geo, Duffield, 11e Linklater, score Ice Cream Soda and Black Cherry Phosphnte are two of the ttiarlY new drinks on tiale itt the Star restaurant. day evenings of n boys and be prepa the 24th. ceremony was per-. rola Deacon Davis„ e bride, assised by arnia, uncle of the e, of Winghamilthe omfortably filled he resident° of Davis, of God - bride, and Dr., t men, The brides - le Peake, Toronto, and Miss Maud e:ssobn's wedding. s Elaxia Davis, or ing parties entered e, who was given away by her father looked as a bride ming, in a gown or tearing a limerick a lovely bouquet e a beautiful and t, the gift of tits ids were very with blue iss Davis wore pink silk, witlt h wore au oval domed, Miss beau tiful solo,. erd Is," in tine ests then re, - of the bride's after the elle- r= the guests, -le dinner. The. mid showers Of eim their many y will take um presents were ing te the high. desire a full practiee n Saturday evening t week. Turn out d for the match on sbould look, very cha figured white silk, vsil. She came of bridal roses and we costly diamond peuda beautifully costumed, attired in a gown of blu chiffon trimming, and a figured organdie ove pink trimming, and ea ring, the gift of the gr ceremony had been p Maude ,Peake sang a " King of Love My Shop voice, The invited g repaired to the residenc father, ()entre street, an all partook of a delecta newly wedded couple, friends, left on the no for Toronto, where th their residence. The varied and costly, testif The adjourned council was held on every member bein during the year). come before the cot: consolidating the The by-laws were clause, under the the work of doing s of the council for n Moved by Reeve Councillor Hanson, solidatecl by-laws and that 500 copies be let by tender, t left in the hands The next matte council was the when it was mov seconded by Coun Fire, Light and structed to take purchase of a wa the town.—Carrie It was tinderst would have powe person have the n meeting of the probability, the m on a plan wher properly watered. The Mayor eta Rubber Co. had telephone and as no further action hose until their arrive i» town. Moved by Cam by emulator Lon and Light Com eeting of the town Monday evening last, present (the first time The first business to cil wit b the matter of ealaws of the town. considered clause by various headings, and occupied the attention arty two hours. Hanna, seconded by that the proposed con. his town be printed be issued, the same to e details of which be the Bxeeutive Com. which came before the aterine of the street, by Councillor Manson, tier Robinson, that the ater Committee be in - immediate steps for the ring cart for the nse of 1. d that the committee to let any responsible of tha cart until next ouncil, when, in all rchents will have settled by the streets will be 13. Lewit, CroWell factory regarding rearoha Rubber Iderson,e.s.; D. Small, Council adjour ; 3. Linklater, umpire d that the Gutta Pemba ailed him up over the ed that the council take o the matter of defective representative would announced at entre! ee of hall on Saturday. Rev. A. McLean, Blyth, occupied the Ilor Robinson, 'seconded Sunday evening 1 st. Rev. Mr. Perrie • that the Eire, Water, law be empowered to preached. in 13lyth connectioe with the ment with the Gotta, communion servic ti tin the Presbyterien RS. they consider sittitt• church in that pia e. °sem dispute.—Carried. The Semi -tam nal meeting of the Rural 11 at 11.1.1 nae. Deanery of Huron vas held in the school lamb on Wednesday s were read end &g- al Dean tledgine, of Elmsford, Of Clinton. held. Along the inv Venerable Arch Deacon London ; Rev. Canon Sarnia; Mr.Lewis O. Pe Goderioh; Mr. and IA. aud wife and Dr. Oh is. Campbell, of Mabel. - Davis. eake and wife, Mr. and Mrs. al Davis, Mrs., oil-10ms, Mont - lee Peake, Nor - Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Davis, F. Dav s, Messrs. ire. Alexandere Laird and Mr, los Laird, New Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. McKibbon, Mrs. den n in g, Wing - as. Campbell, of Priers joins with any friends in. Davis Red wife; avis and wife., ke and wife end a. John Milne, Misses Etaxia 'and • Toronto ; Mrs Ed win Mr, Jas. Weir, Torouto Alex. Fisher, Mr. Je Tompkins, and Miss real; Rev. Wm. and Mitchell ; Mr. and M E. Bent6n, New York; Alex. Laird, Berlin ; Hamburg; Rev. W. an McKibbon, Mr. Walter Sills, Mr. Geo. Sills, Misses Porter and Cle hatn. The ushers wer Wingbare, and Dr. 0 Brooklyn, N. Y. The the happy couple's wishing them many y and pro.eperity. The Presbytery of aitland will meet in the Presbyterian el rch here on Tues- day next. Mr. T. Hall, of h Advance, occupied the pulpit of the Bap st church on Sunday morning and eveni g last. Rev. Mr. Hamilton being away from home. preaoh in McKenzie' hall, over Morrow's drug store, on Sunda , May at 7 p.m. All are cordially in led. Subjecit will be Is Your Daughter In School 1 room of St. Paul's There are thoesands of sickly school afterneou. There girls dragging their way through school tendance ana pap who might be etijoying the full vigor of cussed by Rev their youth by taking Scott's Emulsion. I Seaforth, and John vVIL