HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-06, Page 88
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`"t c Yard
corporation -Referred to the Executive That T Hall's account be paid less 50e,
Nn'v f'(r a bargain in (:.'•arnivalin committee.
TOWN aouzvoth.
Tho regular moatitly meeting of the
Town Connell was held on Monday even- i
ing last. Members peeecut-Mayor Mor-
ton, Reeve Hanna, Deputy Reeve Angus
and Councillors Newton, Irwin, Lemmex,
Robinson, Reading, Long and Hanson.
The minutes of last regular and adjourn-
ed meetings were read and approved.
Communication was read from R. G.
Hogg, asking for exemption of taxes on
his farm property, situated within the
gas. Nelsen, work on streets
David Halstead, planting trees: awl
work at cemetery
Jas. Doyell, work at cemetery
Wm. Gannett, fence at cemetery.,
Thos. Irwin, work at cemetery one
Wm. Pattison, teaming
T, B Cumminge,reet,polling booth
Joseph Doust, letter heads.....,
4. YouhiU, postage on schedules
Alex Bess, stationery
Jas. R. 'mit., work no streets
Ohm. Barber, teaming, streets. , , .
T. Hall, advertising and printing
3 75
14 00
2 00
12 40
2 00
4 00
7 uO
1 80
2 30
7 50
1) 00
9 25
and Alex Ross' less 40c. These items not
Dress Goods. E`g'o make theoe bigl The Treasurer reported that tate follow- being ordered. and Thos. Irwin's account
reductions in i'l'ls and sou:A ,le stuff,. ing mottles had been received by him dui, be referred to the council,
Every yard of it is worthy and re -I lug the past mouth : On principal of Robinson---Hanson--That the report of
mortgage, $250.00 ; iuterest, 540.50 ; dog of the finance committee as read be passed
taxes, $100.0) ; fines, 2.00; cedar posts,75c;
rent of weigh scales, $21 00.
Applications were received from Messrs.
Geo. Hughes and John Elder for the posi-
tion of inspector over laying of concrete
linen: -Black and (Mored Lustres, I Walks Burin; the year.
Silk nixed, Fanev Figured Ali-'ryool Angrts Hanna -That John Elder bo ap-
Serres, Iilactc and Colored. pointed inspector over concrete walks to
If goods do net come up to ex- be laid during the year at $1.50 per day. -
pecttttion, money ',viii be cheerfully I Lost.
Special in Clothing
12 Men's Blue Serge Suits 55.00. for
110A -is all yea care about. Twen-
ty-five 25) ets for dress goods worth
as high as 50e ought to get the
whole town talking.
Goods reduced in the following
I Hanson- Newton -- In ammendment,
that Geo. Hughes be appointed inspector
over concrete walks during the coming
Robinson -heading - In ammendment
1.[);- i to the at/intendment, that the appoint -
$3.251 10 Boys' Suite, very spcial,
6 : prig+ Overcoats, reg. 510. Saturday
55.7: ; t; te7.•.e Sn•tF, reg. ;,0, Saturday
$4 75 ; '3 doz. )Saes'. Bicycle Stockings,
spec le; .50c.
Special all Day Saturday
5 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose,
reg. 45e for 25c ; 20 doz. Child's Ribbed
Cotton Hose, reg. Se for '3ic ; 20 pieces
Fancy Ribbon, reg. 5e for lc; 5 dozen
went of inspector for sidewalks be laid
over until next meeting. -Carried.
Councillor Reading's resignation as
chairman of the Fire, Water and Light
Committee was read.
Hanson -Robinson -That the resigna-
tion of C. ,7. Reading, as chairman of the
Fire, Water, and Light Committee be ac-
cepted. -Carried.
Crompton Corsets, reg. 51.00 and 51'5 Petitions were presented from residents
for 75u; 4 pieces Table Linen, reg. 50..i on Minnie and Victoria, streets, asking
for 35c ; 10 pairs Lace Curtains, white that no action be taken in the matter of
and cream, 25c ; 50 pairs Fine Oxford la inR concrete sidewalks on these streets.
Shoes, reg. 81.50 tor 51.25 ; 10 pieces 3The mayor reported thatn these streeSc;
pieces Black Velvet, reg. 35o for 15c ; 10 arrangements had been made with con-
doz. Gents' Linen Collars, reg. 20c for tractor Graham, and that the ten per cent.
15e. balance of last year's work had been paid
Go where you will you cannot find ! hits less the 0 per cont discoent.An agree -
equal quality for the money we ask. Iment had been signed by Mr, Graham and
his sureties,
That sounds big, does it? Not any l The finance committee reported as fol.
bigger talk than our goods will ows on the accounts:
warrant. ;John Wilson, rent of office $7 40
Shop early Saturday morning at ' J. B. Ferguson, paid expenses mea-
curing for sidewalks 7 50
Winghain Elec. Light Co., lights
T. H. Manuel, salary 8 31
placed on fire, Water and bight commit-
tee in the plaee of ('ounetllor heading, re-
signed --Carried.
Hauson--Irwin--That the watering of
streets be paid se general expenses of the
town, and the same to be watered from
r 1 rl limit of 5, E.
, u t i It t
• ac ty to s t e v n
G. T. R tt 1
:;warts' property, and au streets running
off .1eeephine street to be watered back 200
Robinson -Reading -That this cannon
expeut $150 towards watering Josephine
street, --Lost.
Newton- Lemmex That councillor
Iloneon's motion be ammended by insert-
ing that council pay $150 towards watering
streets if occupants subscribe suflioieut to
pay balance.
The different motions were put and all
declared lost.
13y -Law No. 351, authorizing the bor-
rowing of money to meet current expenses
until tuxes can be collected was read three
Rollinson-Lemmex- That bylaw as
just read be passed. -Carried.
Angus -Reading -That $;400 be placed
to the credit of the school board. -Carried'
Hanson -Angus -That we sow adjourn In Gents' Furnishings, Ready-made and Ordered Clothing, Newest
to meet ou Monday evening next for the Footwear, purpose of considering the bylaws, etc.-- we will be in front now at al: times,
. .
and that cheques be iseucd in payment
of the respective accounts. -Carried.
Reading -Angus -That the account of
Thos Irwin be paid. -Carried.
Peter Deans put in a statement that
weigh -scales had been rented to R. A.
Graham at 5128.75 per annum.
llanson-Irwin--That Peter Deans re
chive $3, auctioneer fees, re sale of weigh -
scales. -Carried.
Hanna-Aegos-That the Court of Re-
vision consist of the following members of
the council ; Messrs. Irwiu, Kennedy,
Lemmex, Hanson and Newton. -Carried
Mayor Morton laid before the council
the bylaws of the town as he had revised
them, and thought council should pass
them and have them printed. If council
would not have them printed he would not
consider the manuscript as their property.
No action could be taken in the matter
of laying corcrete walk on the north side
of John Street, as an error had occured in
preparing the advertisement.
Robinson - Irwin - That the public
works committee be instructed to lay a
fonr and a half foot concrete side walk on
the north side of Patrick street from Leo-
pold to Josephine streets, and then on
south side of Patrick street to Francis
street. -carried.
Newton -Long -That the public works
committee be instructed to construct a
four and a half foot concrete walk on the
south side of John street from William to
Francis street, -Carried.
Newton- Hanson - That the public
works committee be instructed to con-
struct a four and a half foot concrete walk
on the north side of Victoria street from 1 cause dissatisfaction and uestructton of
Handsome, newest designs, up-to-date in every particular, and at all
prices. Ladies' Ready-made Wrappers -MARVELS in quality, style and
prices. '75e and up, -
Drop Goods Gloves
It will payyou to see our � (a, , Hose, Embroideries,
1 Laces, &c., and compare prices. You will save honey each time, for we
sell on small margins. f i -
C IJNr�'L�� [EN
H. c I N D ' ( for April
Tile Rush For Diamond Dye GreenS
is Marvellous.
Greens in all shades come to stay
for a considerable time. This fact is
fully established by statements in the
most reliable fashion journals, and the
present marvellous rush for the Diamond
Dye Fast Greens confirms the belief �
that greens will be in favor for months
to come.
Econrmical women and girls may now
dye over their soiled. dingy and faded
dresses that they have laid aside, at a
cost of from ten to twenty cents.
The Diamond Dye Fast Greens for
wool, silk or cotton give magnificent re-
sults in lovely, rich and full colors,
equalling the colors produced by the
best professional dyers in Europe.
Owing to the fact that there aro poor
and deceptive package dyes on the mar-
ket, sold by some dealers who prize large
profits above the grand purpose of giv-
ing their customers satisfaction and
value, ladies are warned to beware of all
imitation and soap grease dyes that only
Leopold streeet to Carling Terrace. -Oar. goods. Ask for the Diamond Dyes and
No action was taken in regard to side.
walks abvertised for west of Minnie street
and east side of Shuter street.
llolnnson--Reading-That public works
committee ask for tenders on all concrete
take no others ; every package is war-
Send to wells & Richardson Co.,
Montreal, P. Q., for book of directions
and sample card of 48 colors ; sent free
sidewalks, also to include lowering of piece 1 to any
laid on the west side of Minnie street last Mr. e P tt of Weoodstock intends
Pianos, Organs, Violins, Autoharps
Accordeons, Mandolins
Mouth Organs .at all prices up to $2,50. All kinds of trimmings
or Musical Instruments
We can supply you with anything you want. Sewing Machines and
Sewing Machine Supplies.
FARMERS -Don't forget that I still handle all kinds of Farm Im-
plements notwithstanding that reports are circulated to the contrary.
year. -Carried. starting a, biscuit factory in Walk-
'I'. I -i. ROSS
ever Bloch. Opposite I'. O.
Newton -Long -That Reeve Hanna he erton.
The Bear declares war ou high. prices. Since our advent into business in Wingham, we halve had more than reason to be pleased with the
support accorded us. Still there are numbers of people whom we have never had the pleasure of dealing with. and as our motto is " EVER ON -
that end. in view we have resolved to make such a reduction in the prices of all -classes of
For GASH or TRADE, as will make the good people open their eyes. We have made up our mind to increase our business by at least $5,000 during the next month. Will you help
us to do so ? It will be to your advantage as well as ours. In fact, more so, as we are sacrificing the most of our profit. Our stock is without doubt the largest and best in the country,
and is replete with all the staples and novelties to be found in the market. Go where you will, you cannot find equal quality for the money we ask. That sounds big does it ? Not any
bigger talk than our goods and prices will warrant. Come and we will easily convince you of that fact.
War news is all the talk now, but war now will take a back seat when people begin to realize the bargains we are going to give them. Below we append a few prices to give you
;.an idea of what we are 4oing to do. Remember this is no bogus advertisement. We mean just what we say. We want to increase our sales $5,000 next month, and we are going to do
it. ' These reductions in prices will only be for CASH or PRODUCE. We cannot book anything at these prices.
, .o m4mova vo t es• .let✓sWitoa IVIVAtvtoWo •corm t/Wle'44> w, 11w,"`"Avtv"/"'"'"a. "'""
8-4 Sheeting. • Ladies' Vests. Lace Curtains.
$ 50, sale price $ 42
5c, sale price 4c 85 t' '0 62
8c " 1.25 " " 98
„ 1.75 " " 1.42
Dress Goods.
$125 fancy* and plain, sale price,98e
1.00 " " 83e
85 " " " 65e
75 " " " 1)10
60 " `t " 47e
50 " " 4"e
Black Goods, same reduction.
S00r cls, regular, 85c, sale price, 35c
25e Dress Muslin, sale price 18e.
20e " it " 1.1e
25e " Linen " " 18c
Trimmings ) less than regular price.
Ladies' Blouses.
$2.00, sale price $1.63
1.50 " " 1.33
1.00 " " 88
75 " " 60
Our special 50e line, sale price, 46c.
$1.25, sale price $1.08
1.50 t` " 1.33
2.00 " " 1.72
2.25 " " 1.85
5c, sale price 3i