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The Wingham Times, 1898-05-06, Page 7
4444..•... ,-,-,r,.,,,•. �, 1L Ik ,�71• 11 •'e1 II Al LIMES MAY 6, .i6,Jts. cMmomos0rMM0.6,......p+www•wM/ _ _ _...4...,4.4... 444 4 ., ease. ever....easeeleellemai eaeet' hest Ing AUTHOR Of m 9 'MISER see Ara.z.YS 3 ISE MYSTERY AFra rtr' STRat 'Sy WHOSE Tl0f0.0. 4. * 'TME OLD IILI.IlTSTLKY ECT ECT,Qw490 °+t.+_*t ley THG AUTHOR tt personages R 110 con' aere2'• You won't do that, People aren't to take offense with Wnloote.,, 'Where's the mother—Lady \Valente? 'lipase I may call her mother?" She's not coming clown to breakfast. 's slot used to our wild west early ng. Besides, she eras up late. .S'ln" 11 ;town to lunch." 'Dill you sit up late? I eves horribly at I couldn't stay? What was that was saying about some rictienloas siciau or other and a five stringed lin?" 'Bit of a crank, I fancy," Said Sir fray, laughing; "said he wanted no rot or other about a violin and tt you'd been his pupil or somethiu, as aro. Turrian his name is. Do yon aeluber him?" Cola laughed musically and showved white, level teeth. What, Pierre Turrian? Oh, do tell, our friends across the water say. I ole so Warm as you wiell you shah at least find m0 quite frame. I have beeu glad to have your letters and to Ee0 in them the little overtures which I thought I could detect. I thank: you for your thouglitfulnes , child, in urging nu' not to leave the manor, and I have staid, as you see, for the time, to see how evil get on. It is an experiment, 110 mere." "Why need we doubt the result?" "There are many it'ason>', bat I will give you oue—bite that is from nee' side. Yon know that I had eher•isllid other plans for Jaffray's marriage, that for year, past it had been the strong desire of our family that Jaffray should mer- ry his cousin, that Beryl has always been like a daughter of my owe and that the project was infinitely dear to me. We old people do not easily pluck out from the heart a desire of this kind, which bas struck Bach deep recite there as this in mine, and I have yet to see hew the old manor will seem to me with another in Beryl's place." "That is very hard for me to hear," said Lola after a long pause. "It is not meant for+hnrduess, only to tell you frankly what I feel, so that you may kuow the full truth as to my feelings." Lola sighed, and, rising from her low chair, walked to the window and looked out, and there was a loug silence in the room. She was disappointed at Lady Wal- cote's attitude and began to'regret that under the circumstances she had ewer yielded to a gentler impulse to try to appease her by getting her to stay at the manor and so win her affection. It would be an infinite complication if she was to have this sharp, clever, suspicious old woman in the !louse while the trouble with Pierre was be- ing settled, but at present her only course was to try to win her round. If that failed and she grew to be in the way, a quarrel must be fastened ou her which would drive her away. She was not long making her deoi- sipn, and she event back and sat down again, close to the old lady, though not iu the same chair she had sat in before. If she was to win, it would be by her. wits and not by her witchery. "If you rejilet my love, then," she sh I'd stopped up to near. Bemeln- r him? Of course. He's only a young m, fair, and would be handsome if I hadn't a curious expression on his 30 which I couldn't like. He's awon- rful fiddler—wonderful—a genius ith more than a touch of madness, it a wonderful player." She spoke as unconcernedly as if she ere discussing a servant. "Where did you know him?" "Switzerland, soon after I left the invent. Ho taught me singing when leve was some talk about my using ty voice, you know." She had told im that at one time her father had sought of putting her on the stage, ut that she had refused to go—a ver- ion of the fact that was not accurate-- nd a mere reference to this subject las generally enough to turn him from 1ny awkward discussion. "Were you under him long? Did be :now that you were thinking of that?" "No, of course not," she answered when bo paused, taking her cue from lis hesitation. "The thing never went Par enough for that. He knew no more than that I had a voice that was to bo trained, and be trained it. He is a good linger as well as player. You'll hear him in all probability. By the way, I shall have to get. to work and practice. Our wauderings haven't given me nen* time for sin ,ging." Aucl with that she turned the subject. Sho had produced the impression she wished upon Sir Jaffray's mind and had further prepared the•wity for Pierre Turrian's coming to the house should he insist upon doing that, as she thought very likely. But she had still to deal with Lady Walcott., and during the time she was going round the house and stables and the grounds and the conservatories with Sir Jaffrey sho was thinking out how best to meet his mother. Sho commenced with an attack from her own side, skillfully plauned and executed. She found the old lady sitting alone in the morning room, and she went up and kissed her with a show of much warmth. Then, drawing a low chair, she sat down by her. "Good morning, mother. I may call you mother?" she asked, looking into the elder womau's rather stern eyes. "Jaffray's wife oan be nothing but my daughter, L- ole," she answered. Tho girl paused and then said slowly and thoughtfully: "I could wish that there were less di- plomacy in that answer and more warmth in the tone." And she sighed. "I have never hate a mother, remember." "I know very little indeed of your chilcklhpod, Lola. You have never told mo anything, you know," was Lady 1Valeetc's answer. "It is hard to give confidence where there is no sympathy," said Lola. "As hard as to give sympathy where no confidence is offered, o1111d." Tho girl sighed and raised her hand and let it fall on hor lap as if with a gesture of disappointment. "I want to find love ha the manor home," she said, after a pause, looking `. up into Lady Walcote's face, "and you offer me --this," dropping her voice, I but keeping her eyes fixed steadily on her companion's face. Tho old lady returned the look with one quite as steady. "tV11at d0 you mean, Lola?" "That I want to love you and you to love me, and in place of that you meet me with diplomatic answers and neatly turned retorts. Is that all the welcome you have for me? Is that what our re- lations aro always to be? Can Jaffray bring us no :leaver than that?" It was a subtle plea and far a moment 'went unanswered. Then, taking the girl's hand with a amore ltit:dly aloen than she had yet slime, Lady'Valcote remelt destratlulity of getting confirmed in bio 1)xtsenee what lucky 19alcoto bald said.. "Con' to the mother, Jaffray," she said, "fwd hear what wo hove been do- iug We have just beeu concluding a great tit sty of love and peace. Give me your band." She laughed very softly and sweetly, while leer eyes shone brightly with the light of happiness, and holding 0110 et Interestl'ay1tble netnl•annunlle, on the tml Air or ala ,AlliThoods November. secnrn& pi 0llr zle !t>rt tt he Wank eof' Ni«nit+re 1, ,'•rn eR t1ieS lnotiler's ll;tntis ill !hl'rs aild titkln� ffuntlt ,tt • 11 beau,. .1•:"U n of A�LOO unrh, that p , lu•i„iN .in nr Upt•t rte, on tau entlrt! Plant, icuuchlae, property, anti gsteaslgnd to 1>�n zntµla ul: tine lletlev[4tu !rtctien •t'uis:D t31V .. one of Sir Jitffray s she placed fill three tit tt.t• e,t tfallrv,{le, untnrio. in one clap, .;ejl'jycr pfiorns will be received for fir© above issue in amounts to suit nor ehasca'5s "Now we are all unconventional pee- • ..,; ring to application blank bellow, 'y5 ()Lrklllt At 1'.f ti, SI.10.1390#' TO ALLOTMENT z TOao\T0, April 25th. 119$. $100 BOND AT 5 PER CENT” " INTiREST 70,000 5 per cent. 2.0 -Year First Mortgage Bonds OF The 1$INAUVII41.41il I'.E01''.CTEIO ItAil',ROA,D. ple, thinking of nothing but our three I rt• ea: rood steel equipment built In 1895, selves, and we two, tbo mother and I, 1 we tones of track have already been have made a great compact that the 1, till; the construction is arst.clesa, love wt' boil) near yOA bear to both of us are to bind us together ILoad-Cod••-tither.dam stone ballast. street west to the Proposed peels and always in 0 love for tach other. Kiss Ties. -2,040 to the mile, hemlock, cedar cemetery, which will run, nearly the :old tamarack, in ood condition, n hole way, through a thie1th settled see - us both, Jut ray, in,wituess of it all, laws arebonded with copper wire and tion, and will have on the route the t.ov- and then let us all three promise to doernment Institution for the Dear and erects -bonded every 125 feet. Dumb, the mineral baths, and the .Agri - chasing or leasing thirty :term of hand and fitting up for a park, ax hereafter mentioned. EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. -It is proposed to extend the lino from Front whatever lit 8 in our power to make 1 tiles.-T1liIty feet seven inch top cedar that r'Ohllllaet the chief cornerstone of f,ule. in good condition, set in rock five our lives. Is not that right, mother?"feet e.:: dirt six feet, 100 feet apart on ilir Jni"frey stooped and kissed them t,ci , of t::, twenty feet apart on curves, both. nil in good alignment.. "It's the hest news you could give 0%•c:t-head Coustruetton.-•-Span work. in rite, other," he said when he 11185sed ;,.,Ott t orcliti0n, guy and splen wire, ? l^h>• Lady Waioote, "You know that." And r,:',:i'atc,l t;,•leanlzed wire iron, tro1leY the earnestness of his tone proved to hire -o- copper, her what he felt. rower -house Property. -The buildings ale :imated on the banks of the Moira "It is true, Jaffray," she said. "It elver, and are in good repair: The corn- , „ Intl** uet•II the property, which includes alntll bo 80 with me.. oue' Of the' lest mill sites on tile, river. Then Lola, knowing that if the seen �oue ble c:f ge'wtrating easily 100-h•p, for lasted a moment too long its se.utiment ei,. ,t' nr nine months of tele year, The would be spoiled, jumped up quickly > :lull.^s on the property consist of stone f c r ,Court. 40 .. o L and said lightly: ia.td front Y laid, "how are we to stand toward one another? You have scarcely thougn>i what the effect of your words must be on me. You make me feel that I am something like an interloper iu my hus- band's home and to Jaffray's mother. Ts that what you mean? Do you wish mo to be uncomfortable at the thought that I am not Beryl Leycester and that I did not steel my heart against your son as his mother lead steeled hers against me?" "I have not steeled my heart against you, Lola. God forbid that I should do anything so wicked. I have tried to open it to you." "And yon have failed. That is oven border to bear still. I will tell you why. I have never had a woman friend in all my life except my Aunt Viliyers —and the woman who is not loved by woman grows bard. Still, let it be as you will. I am no pleader for the im- possible. You tell leo in signs that are plainer than words that you cannot love nye, and remember that it is you who have laid the foundations of what may be a wall of division between. us. Re- member, too, that I gave you my word I would never merry your son unless you yourself said yes. Never forget that, whatever may cope. You say it is hard for the old to pluck from the heart a cherished desire. • But it is harder for one like me to step out from the heaven whim the love of such a man as Jaffray opened to me. Yet this I would have done bad you bidden me, as I pledged you." Then, with a swift change of manner, as though carried away by ono of her uncontrollable il:sprilses, Lola throw herself on her knees at Lady Walcote's feet, seized her hand and pressed it be- tween her own and looked with tear touched eyes into her face as she said: "Cannot our love for hint and his love for us slake us one, mother? Think how it Would sweeten his Ii;el" It was the shrewdest ,of all pleas, and, as once before it had prevailed, so now it wrought powerfully on tho mother's beim. Sho bent and kissed Lola on tho lips, hor own quivering slightly. "You aro right, child," she mar - muted, "We should be held together in his love. IVVcrgive me if I have pained you." While they were in the net of the em- Go; ,oiler -room 30 x 60. sengine-room h atone• :, "Now, wo can be again the great peo- t ... sturelhuu es 1u x 10. attaahetl to Teel 'Lei:aims, staters, trick stack, sixty p10 Of Walcott) manor, who Ought not It •'i bet in ::tone' fuuu'(atiun. Ilue thll'ty to be troubled with hearts and feelings :'i t:cs rgtrare, l.useexiet feet square; •t and passions, Sir Jaffray," 3110 cried, `i,tll'le 1'l o-st Ory brieushouse; a One and assuming a very grand air, "will you 1' ewer -hoe a Equipment. -Ube cross give me your arm? I will take the aft c Orlpaunel Brown engine, 13 x 20 x 30; one in the park,. We will leave the lady intlel•endc nt jet condenser, 6 x 9 x 12: mother to her tlloughte." met hori1ontal tubular boiler, 62 x 14 x 3 t:.sl,es; prick foundation (1101 setting; one "Co'r'e ou, Lola," cried the baronet, teethed teller, 30 x 5; One duplex steam and they went out of the room togeth-Fine;e,111 Canadian piping, 1 n gone valves and10 er, laughing. 1:.\�.rd.'Y., 100 revolutions, 500 volts: One And the chief thoughts of the "lady slate pt1el switch board, complete, 200 :nl:eres, :On tnits, The present POWel' medley" were that her son's wife was i:onse ecizinvnt is 'imply sufficient to an exceedingly clover young woman, Ehr•isit mireed power t nsthan is necessary for whose wits were as sharp as her faro Car Equipment. -One twenty-one feet Was beautiful. -lased muter car, equipped with two During the next few days she had twenty -live H. P. G. 30. S00 motors, and ample evidence of this, as Lola's treat- two series parallel controllers, Brill No. p :1 truck; enc" sixteen Peet closed motor meet of Lady Walcot, was tactful and "u•, soma as nbovn; two tenbencri open clever to a degree, and the old lady, de- ear(:. converted into motors, The pro- ot:ed extension will necessitate the spite her sharpness and shrewdness and i>uildh,g of about three miles addttionnl tendency to suspicion when she was road, which it is intended to do in the alone, could not resist the girl's charm host •'.ubstantial manner, and to eciulp `when they wore together. Thus the in- 11 with ho most modern and improved cultural grounds. There are no parks at preeent in Belle- ville. but within three miles from the centre of the city, on the shore of the Iia) of Quante, is situate th3 hcL'ovilk cemetery. Adjuining the cemetery, on the city side, the company have selected about thirty acres for a park. one of the most charming spots on the bay. This thirty acres 14 to be fitted up with half - mile horse an.1 bicycle tracks. cricket crease, incrosse and baseball grounds. A largo pavilion for :efrtsllments ane gen- eral amusements is to bo built. 'aeery timacy between them ripened quickly FRt1NCuee• ISE -Tho franchise is for twenty 1 t prise and please . Ola her- sears, with the rl;ht of renewal for h close as possible by the time that the etiempts the company from taxation; No blow fell which she was daily ospec - of the oil is to the city, and allows in g. enough o sur • self, who wished that it should be as ttyenly years longer; gives a 13'luslve 1111111 on ale the roads and bridges, and pre.-nnt.. only two miles of track being la:d, with termini at the rail- road depot and steamboat dock, the resi- dential portion or the city is not reached, Tinel the receipts are derived from these connections only. .As shown by the books of the company, from this patronage was realized for the two com- plete years it has been to opera- tion $11.108.42, as average ,per$ 5,569 21 year of It to be estimated front the the reexten r+inn— ark and its attractions (only estimating twenty days for special attractions and 750 at- 3 7I0 00 tendatnce) for eight Months at least, say 1 21K' days..,. 4444 MS $5,621t The, estimate, which, bas been car, fully gene into, Is very cnntx'rvativ e, and, based on the lowest. poeeiblo results, shows tt net profit of $11,33 • INTEREST ON $70,003 ISSUE OF 5 PEE CENT. BONDS 11,300 ode NET AFTER PAYING ALL CRAROES • SAT,41:30 et: IVo 1'.ty.' carefelly examined the anOir f figures. Iu11 eert:ty that the rie.o-il'ts for the 1'"t two years are cors .. ale.* be - Neve that the estimates :O: to fntlll•a'. eaarn trigs and 0x14 7 ares are conservz:tlt 0. (Signe,.) S. S. 1.A/:1161t, Leer:' Master of the Supreme Celrt. CAMERON 11Itt)WN. malintger of 111. Daily Sun I'utinshin= and Printing om p l lv Jt iii J. 1:. 1"1 I P Pollee 1fa1;>strai of Ow City. DAVID D. uo Y 1 l .'e' -: ( ' ("1. 'Dated Belleville, ille, Aeril 7th, .1$• • Blinnat.,V 31 • , ,• t-..' 11 • bet County n 11,04i11,:. with t p i •h of about 12.tu, is ,•+tuated on ti,:. • .,y en Quinn). at•nhlt 121 milu>: frim TOt0 h t, t.ndd :a flan lint •al. 1t 08 t' t1,1it IW busy pl:'ce, anrrotlne1E:ta by exeellent farming 1:111(1:. and '1c1.-1 02ti31 of the boat markets in the province'. The builaiuge are prii ene•ily of think endstone. thosein1e doee s oftmU 1l)inxg e1• size, The etreets are broad. goo:' macadam-' ized roads, and the princil:al sidetvalltrs alt concrete. It has tat excellent system of water suin:Y. gas, and el. -Pone tight. Shops of the C;raml Trunk. raii!r'v arc* 1,500 00 situated hero. Belleville being a divisiunaft Car cervi e point of the road. Average daily attendance to The raiiwey dc'not 15 to"nted nt true .park and cemetery, May to 8,900 00 north-east part of the city. shout on* Oct., 131 days, 303 and one-half mile. from the math centra Ordinary traffic outside of park of Front street (the principal bustresrf and cemetery per nay, $1.00. lou thOrcutthfare), and is about two .liter* days 2,250 00 from the steamboat clock. The followin:, places are -worthy of nes $10,9x9 21 stituti nh .—Three •colleges. tl e n aftanil I)1i n thnient rees- company, s - As compashown by the books of the daily newspapers. thmo foun,riee. two company, the running expenses ! canning fnetnries, four flour mills, 'ono for the two years have been. 3.036^0I tinware factory. three e.tbinot f.1e''-0 f",. per Year ere furniture fnetnry. one paper milt, Ones Additional expense for fuel to carriage factory, and one woollen mill. newIncreased car service . • • • 9' 3 00 I y0' (' 1'r`n"c' 0,11.•, Additional help. 312 clays 1..A Contingencies ... 1,000 00 WYATT & Ci0,e • $7,220 00 Member Termite Steel: dacle.'h,e, When the clam is built (which or E. L. SAW'. %, 0 8; CO. it is proposed doing• at once) CANADA. LIFE ELA , TOFoc:'":O. it will save $S per day in fuel. encesszo• . h t not require to pay any percentage I ELLEVILLE TRACTION BONDS, g• the road eerie Operations , Febg'the FORM OF .APPLICATION, It came all too quickly. monilia of December, January, February t She had been home less than a week and Iviarell if not considered paying by 7 -ATT & CO.. Members Toronto Stock rxtbange, Canada Life Bu the management. The charter gives the , a ilding, Toronto, W-- an, fl`, L. Sawvr : C Cn. and had ridden over one morning with comp, •• • e4 n.,;t.t:., •rr,rn•,n Sir Jaffray ton my meeting at a boats. town a few miles away when on her 110 Dds taice to Uepuseadtn building three This is in accordance with your prospectus, issued the 213th day of April, 1S9e. wile^ 1 ' return she was told that a gentleman miles of extensions, purchasing closed yon offer the hotels of the Believille Traction Company, Limited; and I are.. t•+ t'''t' ter• and excursion cars of the latest improved said Bonds on allotment. I also agree to accept any lesser amount that may be:trne'- was waiting to see her. boned me. Nemo in full She knew without glanoing at the pattern, to accommodate the increased business of the company, erecting a cad 1 t S car -house, re-laying the present two cob GExer,eiltE,t : Y regtteet that, you allot me • . a 3mals, of par value of sr n e ate r who was. ca - Address She had nerved herself to be always mules with steel rails. building a dam The bonds can be paid for either by remitting direct to our hankers, the 13 t ready for the meeting, ,however, and facross the Riverloating ind btednessloiand' P either pur- Morro AL, or authorizing us to draw through your bank, with Bonds at:eehed t e• ina without staying to change her habit she went at once to the library, where her visitor was waiting. There was not a sign of embarrass- ment on her face or in her manner as she passed the servant and entered the room, and no. one conld have detected even a quiver in her voice as she went up to the man whom she hated with a deadly loathing and naid as quietly as to a stranger: brace the dot' , -it, argil quickly by Sir' Jaffray. Le steer i on the threshold right well pleased with what he save, for his great desire was that his mother and Lola should be on the closest terms. I'1nt wishing to disturb them, he was "I, :c:o, wish to levo Jaffray's wife, going away NVIthout a word when Lolt� Lola, bit lova ale not, a thing to bo driven called him, She was quick, to neo the and constrained, and if yen do not fad "You're a devilish, clever woman.." "You wish to see me, 1 understand. What is it?" Pierre Turrian waited in silence until the servant bad closed the door, and they stood thus looking steadily into each other's eyes. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Rills and Com- pound. Take no other, as 011 Mixtures, p p box aNo.12,10 degrees strongera$3 P r boll No. 1 or 2, mailed 00 receipt of price and two II•ceut stamps, The Cook Company Windsor, Oat• �nierussfdmendedby all responsible n Canaa No, 1 and No. 2 for sale by 001011 A. Cr,ul:beli, Dru;hist CHAPTER IX. PIERRE TUIRRIAIO'S SCHEME. The two stood looking straight at one another for some time after the servant had closed the door and left them alone, and Pierre Turrian was the first to break the silence. He turned front her, and, looking all round the room and then glancing back at her, a smile parted his lips and he raised this eyebrows and shrugged this shoulders as be said in a tone of mock praise: "You've done well for yourself, Lola, a very lovely oage for a very pretty bird --vary lovely indeed." And he em- phasized his Words by another compre- hensive glance round the room. ''You're Pe as c eserfxuln. j MENTHOL Da RASO We guarantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 25c. tin boxes and $1.00 yard rolls. The latter allows you to cut the Plaster any size. Every farnily should have one ready for an emer- gency. DAViS & LAWRENCE CO., LIMITED, 018801A1. Bowan of imitations EU DOCK 1= BLAS® (BITTERS The Braley Bachelor. At some time in her life every girl has jest as good as proposed to some man. • Ask any girl if she believes in love, and the first thing she will say is to ask why you ask. After a girl has once been kissed by a man she always takes a long breath before she does it again. A husband can break down his. wife's lifelong love for him by driv- ing a nail into the parlor plastering. A woman never realizes hew luck- ing other woman are till she trice to think which one of them would be worthy of her husband. It's funny that the men don't kick at the women's wearing big hats in church the tvay they do when they wear them to the theatre. Lots of women will act as mean as dirt to their husbands when they're too tender hearted to kill a chicken. The average woman can cover more space carrying an umbrella. than a, man could with a 30 foot ladder. Whin a girl is trying to get a man to propose to her, she probabl feels as good as the first time she tried to ent a lobster. Anyway, when a man wants to look at himself he doesn't go Op to a jeweler's window and pretend he is setting his watch. The clever IN omen isn't the one who always sees the point of a joke, but the one who knows enough to laugh as if she did. MRs. THos. MCCANN, Mooresville, Ont., writes : "I was troubled with biliousness, headache, and lost ap- petite. I could not rest at night) and was very weak, but after using three bottles of 13.13.13. my appetite has returned, and I am better than I have been for years. I would not be without Burdock Blood Bitters. fe- m It is such a safe and good remedy • tit that I a giving it to my children. stt • I ein of In the Russian market alt fresh fish are sold alive. CASTOR IA Tor ]infant; and Children. 14-44,Jii 'TOMpelt P Several Weather Signs. Hoar frost is a sign of rain. Cold autumn, a short evinter. If rats and mice be re tiers, rain. Trees grow dark before a storm. It will surely rain if holes cast up hills. The more snow the healthier the Se1i.SOn, Bearded frost is a forerunner of Snow. A clear autumn brings a windy winter. Expect fair weather from one light's ice. A rain in Februaiy indicates a frost 111 May. Rain is frequently augured by bearded frost. If it rains after twelve at noon it will rain next day. •111,..4_„-,a.,,.., 111,71 .. ......1,. =,., , v.nnrw'nrrmn,wve SOOTHES THE THROAT. I -QUIETS THE COON. ALLAYS INELRMA- p R ICE 250 TION OF THE LUNGS AND BRONCHIAL TURES, DR CASE'' tS mu. CFAs, DAITi1:Y, of Close Ave., Toronto, and )(tanager celebrated JaeSep Steel Works, Mancheator, Eng., says: An It quiek Cough Cure for familyube,1 ooneicier 1)r. Chase`, S-vrup of I.duesed and Turpeutino the most wonderful laix- 100 of1t:sever0 htta This. et Medicine. very Promptly. rty wife 'would not consider 'tusrratlatand 'without hinate boud gold by all dealer*, et Eamen,an,'shamdc d+ta Tarootu, out,: