HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-06, Page 6•
6 .` 1 / l'i NV 1 :\ ( i ii.A.1%1 ' r114. ES, M A Y 6, 169s,
„,,,,,..........„.....„,................,.......---------,....,..........„-.......-„..........---------................. VW...1............,..M.0".10..14.••••,.......1.10..............,..............r4.01•WIt-,ali., Maas* alm11.1.1•••••+.0.4...~....m.c•asor.14,114,41,9•1,0,•!*01,••••••••••,••...,••••••••••••rn • , 4.......•••••,,•-•••••••••, ,,,,.....-.......•
ei,.. / ... . 4a, t• • 0 moderate elioultier and head. It' A DOOTOTA'S IIOMAGE. IIOWICK. I ....,*
am 'i. livo,„ 5 this imp.: is red w'o,zely, so as to pro-
... •ile township Comet; met in the 1%.1. '111c1DIST - Rev. 1/r. Pascoe, pas
S.A.1311.A.T11 SERVICES.
In ii:inilez ,::'
d.„„ plenty ot tive-h and a moiaertate . Pi d for --his-Patient South . •1 or. Stirv"ces al 11 n in iinti 7 p in.
.111,1DXY., A.11. ti. ISM produetieti of 181(.011 for VI hith tee .g un. Life..
, . int aein b ‘N n ot
0 • W 'ds for it : "It 20th, pursu$titLt)nii.WItt.11(lij:141)1.iritil411PlePitilt. .11t"41.irr1114AN -1`vv' 1)' Perrl°
Members all present.' File Reeve in Illaia:7,11..kttlistAi1111.1:1, rintt,.11Pa11u1111'1-111•11o7v1.11‘11".ai,... i 11`i'VERY PRIDA.71: MORN1Ntx
"itow•."--"7"-rs.w .7. ---: 7 .-........... 7.- - ---- • tillailtity, Or fitt, it Will ensure the t . . ,,, , . ,
Atom lean lllieunel tie CuCuiv, and Albion hotel,
beet prietk ran ie merle 111 England. i ___ the eliair. Minutes if laet meeting Lowe, rector. Herviees at 11 1114 mid i I --11: TUB-
eaeaut be ;00 stroeggy berreaa.d en . tioealee, (arta d Valley, wines : ” I .have . MoVed by messt.s. Gregg au tor, x ser‘clos aItu a ra Imo 7 ptm
d Sztl'Ile?-.1-0v• J 48' "Illoil-nh, 08-1TIMES OFFIES, JOSEPHINE STRET
flOGS FOR Z"Mitre. The importance or proper feeding', Wm. Erskine. Malinger Inc Dr .R. U. read triti adopted.
'PIM SORT I.'. 'UCLA AL VLF, TRAM': your reatiers, Lost night's cable 1 ationt who has been cured bv South ,.
bitiley, thaa $5 be granted to Mre. WINGIIABI, ONTARIO.
1,1,...; FO1 1, tileWS 11 ditferenee ot lns pet cat. n•ii'lerietin Rhounaltio Curs. 'Ho hail
been tot rig OWet) till 1114 011 eer i '' Auegaet •11S charity tine being in Mailou, pastor. Services at 11 a. in and
00NtatEGATIONAL.,•-•-ilev, H. 1?..
Subsariptionpric-o.S.—Iper year,iu aavance.
_...._ betwt•en No, 1 seleetien Conn) Mal I out the sliiihtest teller a 1l bad taken to desti. Lite, eircumstanceee--C,arried. 7 P It'. , , _____
incial tie, 'm.o.:: sil. Tha t it; $2 .Iti , It'd; liPti. Throe tios,:,4 1:Piloted him, and Moved by Meeers. Doing and ,-,'-'-"
, •,,.., 1 z /hit.' A ii,z woux•pats ..„.. mg,sos
haeon f,,,,,in. on each 112 rowels. The avernge . .
, • able tei drive 1)111, Fie imineduttely came tslit...,, that the tbIlowing changes he `Jattistrt1)111,1bur,/,:,1,11C;;kitithn 1"1"liand' ""14°I.vic'eB
Dui Ow liseal year ending June N(1 2 ,'"ieetieti (ftii).
s% tell he had when. two bottles he was ,..., . , ,,,,, . . ii;f1.7,.. i I. yr. 1 0 in°.
ben. Will Wei°4 1Ve 17(4 11's- nu"aud said ihis arrat. remedy bad mane it) the a ppgiiiittut•11 t of path- SAftVz.'l'ION ARMY--AdjutantiMiles o'ii-i-eiiiiiii-1,1 .100 Ot,81 1 81((1100 1 gs •
and wiro in olinat.ii, Services at 11 a. aa ,‘• ' 12 co 7 00 8 00
quarter "
fio 1 00
a 'FPI, I. ,ALItt
r11,41. 811 .1:14 if it were not low hours and is curing the world.-- • t.i.„„„,„1 N.;„, tu, iu aim s p
11)IltaCI .— 7, 0.11 CO
Cantlii:, :174. Calteti tO !(`SS than seven •, bayed his lire. 1 his remedy retie% et in une Ineb
••)•).* a ,. -3 -produce ahotti, lbs of export.
toc .1•:• . • •• • •••• Aaa•••••: A.",4
1000 wi;=. the marl;et tins weett wan t
of N. 1 tptalit. st.12 mine st.eared :••oto tit t..tosooto, •.; tirog btore. - ;••• ••-,ove nained
Ntelizle ; John Cann julin Silhoeth st hoot le tato at 2.30 p I Loge( and f dna cabinii aro citi.cnient, he per line
La+ t
tic,„;11.,,rtiro,a1.1 :1e per line or ewthistibstV101111
• 1.41.1t1KNOW. Winters; lbititC W •ado tit a „5. Inez; Moro. NI(' gilled I* bonpara 1 se.dt
L0 ti notices 10e. 11,4 lists for Ms: it,aertion, and,
ti'tI Yen” eliding' I.O0 I 1 secured for No I. i S11,11(1t1110f1 ; Elijah Rust?, do., Jacob tor eaeli sultsialoent .
k.X!".14 (" "ae" T1, I 1- • ' •rs Ill" 11'4 Week 1 Mr. Dan Smith of Kentucky, °title -Aso; Wm. el, Masters, do., Thos. Be,fore.hosphee 1varditanialua ati.a:it, vaned, ittr:q ed,iituationo
.P C • W'coa's Patt
alld. 9 cud Bubinehs (Iii.diets Wonted, n ot.ertairot{ 8 line
le.e•ea ., t at. Lint. ti.ld
SRN' 10 R) s,xth..11:au of tl ;Cid!' it0Wn lnet week. 0 allaglena —Carried. dr8u2(alsCatnIs'eclinlre'ECeal°2nnIfitadini.iRia:e:(17Z13Y7i.:08111- 10::rrn.ristlirt(8,tr 11:11o°,1ingolt' act'xd,h:dGGIgfclar 011anceb.
III ,thli't•:1 lit Ontitri.: :1111',11 fit ft, : spent a few days 'with frlendi in Bennett; Robt. entente!, do , W. R.
, • .• • .•
Will be too fitt and their product, 1, I J. C. Lvoils shipped eggs Iron) eluvial by Messrs SpenCe and je able medicine discovere 61,x. tor ma month, titie. per sittmequant month
• r
— . -
%Ida npriaild WOOL', 108 ilt)ted tO 10k1Y11 N. Y l).thr tleit 1.1--1.1,w NO f the ve•ie .4•,,pookuttes guaranteed to cure all Larger edvortis. went,. proporti,,n.
'".3 .1 .410W- • • " ' foram of Sexual Weilmess, all effeets of abuse ,fliese ttrius •:v111 be btrietly adlirri to
— • industra conneeted
Nv•.*-• " ' ' " " bring $2. a bog les' hal it wt Uld 0 web '0 'Mich 9nd different parte 1898 no read a tint d litg, and or excess,Worry, F,xcessive use uf s • 1 -
, 4 . ;
. a I -Poem vacs vr argot: a...vertr,4trontS, or Or
brino• if the hotrs wIre. of the proper of Ontario. ueek.
m so short
• bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on ',. eoLPt 1 longer periods.
passed.- Carried. of price, oue pool:atm $1, SIX, $5. One tali;ZI,O680 1 Advcrtisentunts and loeiti notices without opeelflo
11.:7` 1-i.'1 ..:2: ::V..:9::' "'ale in 11°S Prt'..; class°. In other words there is a loss Ars, T. F. Cain left last •week for Moved by Messrs, Gregg and Doig amain cum Pamphlets free to any addrese. I dir
'XIxo Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. i accordingly. Traositury advertisements must be
ections, will he ins:IPA-till forbid and charged
d•,7..!1•5.,' t 10 the country of I:..),000 (et cite' Buffalo, N. Y., to visit her son Frank that the matter which Rohn Gamble I paid it: advance . .,
,. te.,la knowjnet exaet- .
vee s e tam t of hogs, because oi 1 who we are sorry to learn is not en - brought before • the Council be left , S
• - - b ., l' i r :inet feed 1 1 1 cr re- jecilig- the best of health. over until the regular meeting in Druggibt•
, old in Wit:ghat:1 by r 1
• - ••Liwnsiew mAtuormonurwamnewym.............“• 1
--0•111 it elooPoo. ' 1 thuothra by Wednesday norm, in ettler to appear
: ii , Changes for contract advert:seine:1P, must be in.
Ithat week .
„,.. ......... p I . ,
IF "-T:'s.'" :'' 1zc'z..-: ," -_,' ; suiting 10 the tooluetion ost hogs
,.N. in order to
wuten already snows which made bacon too fat to secure
see's tee.- :-...- e:nee ilevel ipment, In the best price.
C.1',.i4'7 '!,, rz•-•.',27...,::' teformation on this "We desire to emphasize iu the
pezts. :fee e'en interviewed J. W. '
strongest possible manner the urgent
nitig director of The necessity for increased attention in
W1n. Dates -..-a gentleman who matter of feeding. What makes us
bus ate d:ved reputation of being more urgent is the fact that we have
the best aucLcirity on export bacon .
information that at a great many
trade in Canada. railway stations in the provinee,from
'What breed of hogs do 1.
*7°� • 1 to 10 cars of American corn have
recommend tarmers 1.) raise for the been received since the. first of Janu-
purpose producing the best re-;
ary. If this corn is fed generally tu
..... nee
From a private letter received on J e.---.0 al ried .PROPRINToe 41.1.11 pumainia.
Wednesda y last we are glad to hear • Aecounts pttieled.-Oliver Rogers, 1
that alr. Fred Davidson, who left $3.8 1 fur material for Ford Meta i BA,„ nf 114
ttv , D keout7 •
- /MN, ,
here a few weeks ago, for British bridge; Oliver Rogers, $19.50 for Successor to Dr, W, Grahm, 131(PSSELS, ONT,
Columbia,' has a. first (flees job in a w, rk Ford wieh bridge ; Calvin
W I N G I-1 A. NI . it class Honor Grath:aro of tile i'iliyosities 01
large batber shop and is getting $15 Rogelea $10.50 for work on Fordwieli i Trinity (Toronto), queen s (Kingston). and ot Trin-
ity bledieal College ; Follow oi Trinity Medical
The annonneetnent of the death of in eulve .1-, on Aciliade St , rordwieh : i Ret, $725,000
and ht.:moons of Ontario, Pubt Graduittu Course in
Detroit and Glileugo, Is00. hpebhil attention paid,
College and blember cd the Culiihe 1.1 -PhYsicianft
a week. i bridge ; W.H.New ton, $5 tor putting i Cepits.1, 131,if30.0oo.
• • Presidunt--Joutz eTLIA11...r.
Mrs. R. MeKlunon, who Was well Isaac Wileon, $2.,10 for charity ; i viso-Prosidom.- A. U. ltansat. to iliseaseE in E)e, Ear, Nose and Throdt, and
Diseasee et Women. censultation in English and
and favorably known in Lucknow , Charles iNizElwaire $1 kw repairing 1 German. froWatarrii treated sueocssfully in All
'DIPLECTOR.S its forms.
and vicinity, under her maiclen culvert lot 1.0 and 11, eon. 15 ; J.
of Miss Bella iMeArthur will create leleKennie $3.50 for culvert, lot 21, JOHN PlUltrian, ROACII, WN °LISBON, P, A. T.
a painful sensation in the minds of :con, 15 ; Geo., Robinson, k 1 for re -
1 •• mets the question put to Mr. hogs it will mean a distinct dewier- her many friends. Her demise took pairing. culvert. lot 31, con O.; Jas.
Wool), A. 11. Lam (Tortaito). IrANSTONE,
Oashior—J. TURNBULL.
Flavelle. ation in the quality of Canadian pro place at the residence of her brother , Perkins, $65 for balance of assessor's 1 t•,,vilupry,t roxar-muurs,Kito 8; Saturduye, it. to privato mid 001111411Y fillida to loun at lowest rate
"We are not breeders," was the duct, and in the long run wnl be Alexander, on the 17th instein North !salary in full for the year i898. i :, DivoidW M ,l. and upwards received and um tete interest. No co:nudes:on charged. Mortgagee, town
h.,,,m,..,and farm propert) bought and sold
reply, "and do not wish 10 say any- -fatal to the best develupement c,f the Dakota, with whom she resided tem- : Moved by Mc i', Finley and speetai
‘,..,,,..--Beaver Mock WINORAM
bog because of its oreed ; but as will be used altogether, with whey ‘ will prove extremely painful to her antigun to meet in the township hall, ,,leposite moo 10111 01 a ourre..1
thing either for or against a certain trade. Then we are eraid that corn I pora illy. The news of her decease Spence[ that this Council do now ratjtrealLt „',1.,Virt Britain and ripe United Stat.,*
exporters we know that certain I bought Mill
COSSOI:14D, aneaq
for the purpose of feeding hogs at husband who is absent in some min• ()Lillie, on the third Wednesday in
able us to market their products at cheese factories 0,0meg-tient the pro- 1 ing district. . May. -Carried.
vinee, if this is done tne rtsult will At the License Commissioners ;
Lizzie, W A LK Ert, - --- E. L. otctitzON. Solicitor.
— _,......_..... ._
breeds produee qualities which en -
exceptionally good qualities wil'ca serious that we urge upon your read - hotels were cut off in Walkerton , I rhiwiiship Clerk. Money Do . Loam on 1.,10t.sss.
; , be disastereus, and the consequence meeti»g in Walkerton last week.two 1
the best eoesible rate, and these
prevail in some hogs have a tenderey ors who are interested in feeding the Antericar house and the one at 1
to increase the .'alue of tbe whole ; SMILYILESS W0iVIEN,
pens at the factories to make it a. the station. In Inacknow only three
stock. ' - fixed rule to feed no corn with whey licenses were applied for, T. F, Cain i Nervousness, Indigestion and Gener- Notes Discount.ed
"The thoroughbred Tamworth," i Whey is all right, but with whey John Mokiarry, and McDevitt & Her -1 al Debility have Driven away the AT REASONABLE RATIne
very desirable class of bacon hogs. other changes were made in the lieAm ! Nervine Brings batik the Heart rtgages at 5 pet cent Ma,
"gives a' . should be used not corn bu.t oats, on, all of whieh were granted. No 1 Sunshine, 13ut South American money %teamed en MO
continued Mr. Flavelle,
barley, peas and tnidulings. privilege of pAying at the end of ar.) tear. ba.
: `. Farmers hardly yet realize," con ses in Sr,uth Bruce. I Gladness. and not:ollots C011edtod.
such Its Poland Chinas, Dame Jeraeys, ROST. ItIcIDID00.
We find, however, when these hogs-. -
are crossed with what are, frnri; an eluded Mr. Flayelle, "how impor- At the Board of Directors meeting . .
-exporter's eta ntipoi nt, objection types, tent the hog export trade is to us. of- ale Kinloss Agricultural Society, s vs • Beave'r Blork Winwhano Ont
, t Wt iPrt d,
, Eleven years ago 70 per cent. of in the Mechanics' Institute on Satur- I "FIV1011:8f; tr.?1,;MAViOafYye°nrs II WI; a gar. - t.
-liff.}L' : the hogs used in our factory day last, a eotnmittee consisting of 1 sufferer from indigestion and general
Jerseys, er bottle types ot Berkshires, • mune from the States. Six years Pres., Peter McKenzie and Vice debility, and (Daily Limes wtki tinablo to UriiA-IN D 1-RUNK ItAILWA.I.
Chester Whites, Essex, S
.that the result is not so good from a attend to my household duties. 1 was
ago we killed our last American hog, all the duelers in the
paeker's standpoint. The prodoet • " Pres., Peter Corrigan, were appoint i treated by nearly
• We buv oar hogs from Ontario tar - ed to go to Hamilton and confer i A •
I town and got no permanent relief. 1 Toronto and tast 0 ,Oa. m 3 05 v. m
shows too much or the inferiur bi ee reau 0, a cure by South American Ner- 3 30 p m 10 25 p in
and not enough of the Tamworth. ,vine which seentad to exactly tit tny Peknerbdon mi:ed 8 es, o, in 3 05 p m
: mei% at a higher price than rules m with the owner of the Agricultural
either Chicago or Buffalo, because- Park as to its purchase, and if setts- ease. I procured ODO bottle and g 0 t Lonclonand South .0 53 a in 11 10 n, m
3 :le 0 in 8 00 I) m
• 0 molts hogs are better bred and factory arrangements cannot be great relief, and six bottles cured rue 11 10 a, ni 0 50 a m
tendency to assert it:t own individual ! Sold at Ohisholm's Drug Store. Kincardine
"In contrast to these, we find that .
the improved Yorkshire White has a i better fed than those f-om across the made. tor the present park, the So- absolutely. It certainly has not an equal. 3 30 p m 3 30 p in
lines. If our people adopt the same eiety will purchase new grounds 10 2F, 0 Ill 8 tin a in
mentioned. The improved Yorkshire! 0 h i 1 d r e n ery for
___...... •
eharacteristie in a cross even vvith i system of feeding that Ainerieans elsewhere. •
the objectionable types I have just ; have adopted, it will mean bringieg ---- -- -- - - • • --
i Canada's prices down to the Ameri- CRICK IN THE BACK.
and, wher crossed with inferior 1 cracker trate anything you know of. Mr
is an excellent hog for the Packers' ! can level. Dotin's Kidney 1-911s will take it out
1 HA.LIFAX HAPPEININGS. ,Geo. Durand, Hamilted. Ont., says :--
breeds, it develops in the progeny !
itS. oWn peculiarty excellent features, iEvery suffereSick eada
•lh.an's Kidney Pills have made me
r from Hche
.:t viz., a lengthy, deep side, 811 :dean.1; and Constipation should - know that ,.; red my weak kidneys and aching
,rouger, retnoved the tired feeling' and
of the greatest needs of the trade,'
,IV1Firgaret Brennan. 0, Granville Street, - home front Victoria C'ollege. Toronto. _
dance of tear: and a thick belly. One Laxit•Liver Pills are a perfect cure. inick.a
I HIliF9x Ni'• 8 says: --"1 hRIA3 US011 1.melt Mr. Alex. Strong left; on Thursday
lInver Pills for Constipation Find :•,ick , last with another c lir load of horses WINGHAM
from a breeding standpoint, is the . : ".' • •• . - The Ra6e ofhe Spring Fever.
introduction of thoroughbred York- •
ebire make, "or the purpose of cross- 1 .
-------------- • ..-.•.•... 1 The disease known as the "spring for Manitoba.
I Headache and found thorn excelleelt." I
ing with other breeds not so suatthe!Peddlers. I fever," is prevalent just now. There Public School Inspector Robb, of
for the patter's purpose. ____. • • . I ate a few families that have not re. Clinton., visited our town last week,
"At the present time a thorough- The itineranti
pedlar s 01 no earth- ecived a visit from it. The symp Quarterly services in connection
lired Tanivag.rth fr OM 105 to 199 lbs., is use to a town. Ile gives nothing - .. , .
i tonts usually appear when the St1OW With the Methodist elitti.ch were held
n r and ievelope day after on Sunday last. ALLSIEEL
if properly "eel, makes an admirable tie the churches or public expenses. ' .
Mr. Frank .1IeLanghlin left last
;• : bacon hog. The ittnie cart be said 'Ile ;las nothin-
ii io common with the dsy as the sun's rays inerease in
difference between the to is that and he often does,getti iig into the neRt. ;cv.
et get into the letbit of cutting Ti.. W. J. James, of Alleoditle, gpuivIliQttiLL,
.:. week for Winnipeg.
t,f the thorcughbreil Yorkshire. The eplc of a sown fie eon fi-windle 4
vigor. Folnilies smitten with the
the Tamwt:rth is not so de4rable to ; t,;n10 state i...efore the victims, real • mu" ex tracrilinar•Y ea pers. In was visiting with his mot her last, THE..lif..W WAY
eross will the objectionable hogs lize how badly they have been !mime violent eases the men may often be week.
• - • i'.e.:2,1:.
Generally epeaking," continued the jun The homc merebarn bas a llaptl. et)(111 Mill the carpet hanging' on the a••••••••01....••••••moweenmear..
speaker', "la kat exporter.; require is 1 tation to ettstain. Ile bears his share clothes line, severly chastising it with • :
ke ..
with well develt,ped hams, and a eubeeription is passed he is the with a wet t. lier towel or a etteet Old 0
a lengthy, 'Inooth, deep sided hog, of the exrknses of the town, when long stick ; the women are seen
wrapped about the head taking bird's
, home and other permanent improve- eye viewe of the furniture out on the People's
.........„....,,..L.„_:..........n...,......,.......„ first to be approached. Ile builds a
ments thttt ellilaTiCe bile Vaille el onr lawn. .At such times it appears to
'3' a. I Ifeceeettsok, a ' . for the be fashionable to eat any old thing e 4.
churches in widci; we worship., and fur dinner, which is served up in the Troubles.
• . ••,••••••-mia 1:11.751;fait7==g property. lie }Rips pay ,lvirw. -arg01t7H0i'. • MP. I S
the schools to vi !deli we send our wood shed ; to perform your nearest
- ri I t , •e•t stream or
children. Ile cannot afford to mis- a u Hard for the
represent his goat's or swindle his horse trongh ; to sleep under the
old folks to move
custmors. sell imert,81 alma, pre. kitchen table toe tear ot something
11 alma t - constant
11 backaches to
airaiiIii•allidliWIREA.......lniairelfitteranneltainele•MICSISA failing on on. ; and, fa Inc men too
vents this. It is not difficult to de- vc,t,i bother them in
frequentis have urgent business
eid.:., which of the two elasees should t he._ daytime-
, down town a rid indulge in varied urinary wen.kness te disturb their
Seeeive the ptitronag,e. of the Twolue.
v & ertuof profanity, Murata' scien rest at night.
..-e""*. T's.;...'• -. -Tile Storekeeper.
• , 88 has been nimble 10 supply any re-
et, swegrese - - • For Over Fifty 'retire.
- • . nwdy once the enemptorus begin to.
Strengthen the Kidneys and
.-^ ' FRAO:tAtit "--.„. API,eitr. The disesiee must run ite ltelp to mike the declining
, -' M,Ii.,1" REFRESHING .',-, Ax 01,t) Axo wil.teortrim) F•I.t.mcov .-
' AND riNDVAING OP ALL Mrs. Winslow's Soothing s).,.„1, has eluree. lint the disease rarely provea yearis Cointortable.
P17..1:!,UNIES FOR THE •-• been used for over ilfty eare by mil. fatal, except 10 a moral senee. Mr. *W. G. Mugford, Chestnut
*N, l-,ANGIV:ilttiltr, ,„ lions of mothers l't r their children elide Street, Charlottetown, r. It. 1.,
'kwTOILET OR teoth;nr
. •• • , with perfeet success. It anothea TEETHING TIME writes:
''',•••-•,...exrm. , the ehild, softens the gums, allays. all " Por the past two yearn I have
remedy for diarrhoeaIs pleaetint to
pain, cures wind colie, and 18 the beet 1'9' I„,i 91 I'd I1.19 the ImPles... Th0Y7re oPt to
the hidneys and ono -retention of
had much. trouble with disease of
!give inarrntea, atm mothers know boa
dangerous, that le. Mrs. (1h 18 Bott,11ar- urine, WEIS dropsical and. suffered a
gieat deal with i•niii in 'my back.
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
i hare been greatly benefited by
part of the world. Twenty-five emits a 141w, ()Itte "I"`F' I -1 .1'nn IlighlY rneeoln-
bottle. Its value is inealuable. lie sure 11181111 1". eo'N'lero !Attila 01 Wtid
11 cured tow baby of Dior- Lthe 0.0101 Doan's Kidney rills."
flue:tan:Toll other means had failed.'
and r* for Mrs. Winslow'n Soothing SI rowliotra•
Syrup, and take no other hind
J. A. 1,1011TUls,
Wingliam, onc.
Office -Moyer Block 11 inehten
Otlice-Cornor Hamilton and St. Andrew streets:
opposite Colborne Rotel.
DENTISTRY. -J. S. J EROME, L. D. S., W oluna1„
• ,Is ,nanutactur fIrst.class setfi of•
x54:1b. teeth as cheap as they can be made -
in the Dominion, Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by his ncW
process, guaranteed perle..tly safe.
OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, oppobito the
Brunswick klouse.
• eet., •
R toIr
have butter NA d faster solihe.; ho..1(8. Auents,,lear.
g on] 810 to meekly. A frw
Book business hotter lit . I I for yoon: past ; alto
"Queoll Y'rtori.," ' Life If Mr. urtisterie, ' "My
Rev. C. 0. K nine lis returned l'Iteeeee.eallitiersos cemeeay. marriks.
thounsame eeromaost.
Salts attended In any part of tho Co. Charge
Soppor. Torl3noto::: OF GLUON.
JOHN CURRIE, ‘Vrxemea, ONT..
Sales of Farm Stock and Faint Implernen
All orders lett at the Tams otlice promptly obtonlb
ed to. Toms reasonable.
coma Calcdoilia, No. 40, nie0IN
7S67tlhthe 055lrst
,tnd tt.ir,1 Monday in
brethren welectr. b J. Murray. i:11111. 1) Stow
art Iteet..Sce
character, good talkers, ambitious rind industrious.
WANTED °„W;r311,1„7,,i'„ =f1;412,
can find emplo)ment in a good cause. with 810 per
month 1,11(1 upwards according to abhity.
81X. T. 8, LINS co VT, TORONTO.
_ —
&ten order writers, Salary or C01111ANSIGIS to suit*
able persobs.
A DTorosite.
Hay ng purchnsed the entire business men and Women who can work hard talking and,
from Mr. Daniel Showers, I Am now writing six hours daily for six da)b IL %TAAL NIld will
ten dollars aviary.
prepared to supply the public with he cootent halt Address :
WOod and Iron :Force and --------
Lill Pumps, Brass and WANTED =ors and other bright men tOT
itayal eptarto roltiMes. deliAtit intr. CitinuntsFtgla,
Mg. CliflterlitS., paid weeki), lAssc o IT 1.110,18IIINO
Iron Tubi
Water Troughs, Sinks, Toitono,'
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
iron Cylinders, Golyaniz- nada: Art Encyelnorr'i°:ePtilgrolMilteAloiNUnti(t,"111cit fl:14
Galvanized Steel Windittills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps a glue:tally.
Repairing promptly attended to,
Parties writing for informetion or
ordering by mail should slwaya state
depth of well.
All work guntanteed or no sale.
-turOlitl„N-1410 1.,:fiGnc4Shirr.:Aoalt. 1111111111 us for Binding, will have Mit
prompt attention. Prices for Bindiflg. in any lay*
will be gheli 011 antlication 0 the Tiasti Niles
Iat:Lunt:co Books, Pamphlets, PosterS, 1311
Donde, Circulars, he., Ste., eXceuted In tho best
style of tho art, at moderate prices, and on eller,
notice. Apph oe address
T lets Office, Windham
181, aro petaard te annonnto that any Book 85
.."•••.•••••***01...• MOO*
great personagt
"You won't
easy to take oif
"Where's the
I suppose 1 ma
"She's not co
She's not used
rising. Besides
be down to Wu
"Dia you sit
tired. 1 mutat
she was saying
musician or cr
"Bit of a
3sffray, laugh
swam rot at:
that you'd bee
years ago. Tur
xomember hiiu
Lola laughs
her white, Icy(
"What, Plea
as our friend!
'Itvish I'd stop
for him? Of c(
enan, fair, ant
Ito hadn't a i
taco which I et
derful fiddle:
with moro ti
but a wonderf
She spoke n
were diseussii
"Where did
convent. Ho
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my voice, yo
him that at
Caught of 3
but that she
sion of tho fa
and a mere
'was gents:all:,
any awkwan
"Were you
know that yc
"No, of c
When he pr
his hesitatio.
far enough 1
than that 1 1
trained, and
singer as wi
him in all i
shall have -lc
Our wander
time for sir
turned the s
She had r
',Niched up:
had further
Turrian's c
ho insist
thought ver
But she t
Walcote, a.r
going mune
the grounds
Sir Jaffray
best to rime
Sho conn
her own s
She fonn
in the mon
-and. kissed
warmth. T
-gat down b
."Good n
you moths
the elder li
my daught
The girl
and thougl
"I conk,
pion -lacy i
warmth in
"I have ne-
"I knoN
mo anyth
"It is 1:
there is tic
"Aa ha
110 confide
- Tho gi:
and let 1
gesture of
"1 wan
house," S.
up into 1.
' offer me-
', bat keep:
her comp
Tho ol
- eine quitc
: "That
love me,
me with
•• turned re
you have
Wiens I
bring 12A
it was
Vent rom
snore id
I thown, 1
"I, tt,
Lola, lat
and 0013