HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-06, Page 5"1 l tE \VINU 'IAMVI TIMES MAY 6, l808.
t Ata recent meeting of the quarter
b. ,,. I ly hoard, of the 13luevale circuit, all
the interests of the work were passed
under review and found. most satis-
factory. i\ resolution expressive of
We have all the latest for Spring Suits, at moderate prices. crit and the appreciation of the serviees of
workmanship of the best. "Guaranteed," We are showing the most the pastor, Rev. Mr. Rogers, both in
up -to date his pulpit and pastoral work and
Also all kinds of Men's Furnishings for Spring Wear. A special line
of Ready made Parts and Overalls cheap. Inspection invited.
y "1, it. .w IA TN i J } �1 •
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham,
EFS mail free, to all who write for it, a
handsomely Illustrated Catalogue of
our vast army of Goodyear -Welted Shops
for men aid boys. It describes an amaz-
ing variety of different styles and sizes, all
of "Sigel." quality, ranging, in price from
$3, $4., $5, for men, to $2, $2.50 for boys'
and youths' foot gear. We have striven to
make this catalogue well worth your sending
.... ...+ •y',iyao0Yilldi ^1043.1�iIdG-i,s�i,.4,
For Sale Only by IdOMUTH & ROWELS.
general management of circuit bust•
ness was unanimously passed, and a
request that he remain for another
Conference year. The past year has.
been most harmonious and enjoyable
to both pastor and people.
Miss Molise, of Molesworth was
visiting Mrs. Ueo. McDonald.
Quite a nrinher of our ladies in
tend purchasing wheels this summer.
Miss Annie Rutherford, of Toronto
is visiting friends in this vicinity
The Presbyterian Sunday School
is purchasir•g a new library.
The flax mill has finished work
for the season, The employees re-
turned to their several hones last
Miss Acme Herbert has purchased
a wheel.
Miss Mizzen, of Mussels, is visit-
ing Mrs. John Rutland.
Air. Wm. McKenzie and family
have moved to Lakelet.
Mr. Wm. Ross is living with his
daughter, Mrs. Churchill, of Turn -
Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Cart;.
-Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, harness 011 and Soap.
on short notice, and at reasonable prices.
R. J. AO MAT •
Our •rdinary
An. 0 c
Ever since we purchased the McIntyre stock here at 53c on the $, we have advertised
Dods at about 53e on the Dollar of the regular prices, and we havefailed y.} far to sQs: them
duplicate either as BARGAIN DAY SNAPS or in EXTRAORDINARY AN-
T T \ , 1 tia•r, n•;11 ,','t,ltiniir .1.r,cr t'•:::. ,,.0•;>,1 •.,. ale,;:;1
iVOIiTtiC'T�.��Th T�� � n. •
Note these sample prices and come in and see the goods. IT WILL PAY YOU
Wool Serge, regularly sold for 25e, our pi lee 17c.
Colored Chiffon always sold tor 18e and 20e, our
price is 121c,
"Muriel" I>id Gloves, in Black and Tans, worth.
„1 00 for ispr;.
131se.'• Silk Gloves imported to sell at 75e tor •10e.
Chili's Gingham and Print Dresses, well made and
trimmed at $1.00, 75e and (15e.
Fancy Wool Delaines, pretty patterns, worth 30e yd,
now 15c.
Canten Flannel, worth any time 8c, for 5e.
Fancy Cotton Crepon, worth 15c yd, 'ww the
Plaid Flannelette, regular 12c, for only 8e.
Nosed Check Shirting, the 7.c yd kind, for 5e.
Wide Apron Gingham, with border, 12 c, now 10e.
\itoga.nyaver t Covert Cloth cheap at t i t �' now '0c
t a , -
7 spe earl Dress Patterns, shote effect, Acre iaa 50 each, 1,01YS doz. Dress Buttons, worth 8e and 10e per
now $1,75 doz., le. -
WHERE ? The Cheap Cash Store, Macdonald Block.
The following is the school report
for S. S. No. 9, for the month of
April. The names are arranged in
order of merit ascertained by a
ss stem of daily markings. Deduc-
t ons being made for bad conduct,
lateness. etc.
Sr, IV.—Jennie Rintoul, Maggie
McDougall, Mabel Shiell.
Jr.IV.._Alberta, Rintoul, Alfred
Ritz, Leslie Deacon, Roy 'Mason, Ales.
McDougall, Prank Mills.
Sr. II1.—Willie L+'iliotc, Roy Dea-
Jr. III. --Frani. Si;oelicuon, Nellie
"Sr.°SII,—Raymond Elliott, David
Johnston, Alex. Rintoaul, Bella Me.
Dougajl, Ethel hicks, Herbert Shiell,
Boy Anderson.
Pt. IL—Howard Shiell, Willie
Shoebottom, Andrew Casemore.
Louts B. Dim, 'reacher.
Your eyes are priceless. Take care
care of them for you. Tf you need
buy them from us.
Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds
Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to.
„a. lt.FZ . DaTET irdit
-.01.17= liZa=r4T559:0193
Local news are a little scare just
now. Seeding operations engrosses
the whole attention of the husband,
pian. We might give you s, little
event which transpired a short time
ago. A worthy yeoman, of our t -p,
was engaged one wet day in the
honorable uecupation of oiling his
harness, when as luck would have it,
he upset the contents of the grease
cup on the floor leaving a beautiful
black spot. Now, Mr. Editor, I sup-
pose you know a little about how
things go when an accident like that
occurs in the inside delarttnent, of
course, he got the usual scolding
from leis bette • half, and while medi-
• tatiltg on the lecture just received a
Mr. Thompson, teacher of S. S. The S. A. Marine Band will give
No. 4 has purchased a grand new a c nicest in the Foresters' hall this!
Garden City wheel. We may now
Thursday night.
expert some record breaking. 1 Large quantities of wheat and
Miss Mary line, of Listowel is
visiting on the 2nd of Grey this oats are coming in at the storehouse
since the prices have gone tip.week. 1 Miss Mary Black and Miss Maud •
,ler. Thos. McFarlane, of Grey ci Code spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas.
very low at present with an attack
of pluricy. As the old gentleman is Mr, D. Sproot spent Sunday with
over taus score years old, be takes friends in Seaforth.
the attack very hard. • He will soon fair. Chas. McCrea has sold his
he well if the wish o1' his friends is butcher shop to Mr. Peter Robinson.
:�rriccl out. Speckled trout fishing season
Mr. S. B. Mcl(elvie, of the ,voollen
mills, is busy prepairing for a large
season's trade in the wool line.
Mr. J. Hannaberg was in Fordo ieh
last Friday, attenaing the 'funeral
of his mother. A number of one'
citizens were also at the funeral.
IRag bees are the attraction for
the women folks of this place. Mrs.
Traveled Extensively Throughout the
'John A. Barnard held a very success
Provinces— Interesting Statements
ful bee on Friday afternoon last.
Concerning His Experience. There were a large number present
STBLLARTON,N.S.--James R. Murray, and the rags suffered.
a well known violinist, of this place, who 11it' R I+' WIT bite, of the COmmerCi31
has traveled extensively throughout the
hotel, has !roue to (xtil I te,
where ere he
Provinces, makes this statement: will ake charge of the Anglo-Ameri-
c' I was running down in health and my
weight fell off from 175 to 160 pounds.
Prescriptions did me but little good.'' My
trouble was called nervous dyspepsia. 1
of them, a5 no one will take resorted to Hood's Sarsaparina and after
taking five bottles"I was greatly
I feel a3 well now as ever in my lite, and
have increased in flesh so that I now
�'�r'�'1•weigh 177 pounds. I am well known , in�� 'l.Y.C�Si�.lL lS this part of the country, having followed
niy profession, that of a violin musician
for the last 28 years. I gladly tell my
friends what Hood's Sarsapar
for me. Before I began taking the anedi-
of cine I did not have any ambition, but now
all is changed and my dyspeptic trouble
perfectly cured." JADi1rS R. MLRR.T.
decide to take Hood's Sar-
saparilla, do not be induced to buy any
substitute. Be sure to get Hood's.
.—_ _— :ire the only jInes to tole
N00t1'S Pills iuitir iIood's Sars:tlii5rllld.
ilia has done
has just returned frotn the Eastern Market,
having purchased a hill line of the finest
that can be bought this side of Montreal
in Black, and in all the leading shades.
Now is your time to
picked over.
• opening out full lines of Chenille Curtains in all
��'e are 1 ,,
'cit Curtains for 3$C and up. If yOlt are wanting,
colors, Lace
anything in Carpets, Matting or Oilcloth. We have a large
.tollection to prick from. in title and
In Roots and Shoes we have a large stock
'Meavy• i ! EDS ! SEEDS !
. full stock of all kinds on hand.
come in and examine before they
N. B. If you
can hotel in tuat ptacc.
Wroxeter has more bicycles with-
in its limits than any other plaoe of
its size in Ontario.
The regular quarterly communion
services were held in the Methodist
church on Sunday last
Mr. John A. Barnard intends
erecting a new fence in front o>;{`ilis
property. e
The C. P. 1.. are repairing the
large culvert situated about a mile
west of here.
Mr. Oliver Smith has purchased
the old Horticultural bul'ding.
opened on Monday.
Regular quarterly corn in union
services were held in the Methodist
church on Sunday last.
Messrs. Rotten & Fitzpatrick left
last week on a trip to the \Vest.
Brussels District Union Sabbath
school Convention will be held in
Melville ehureh on Monday, May
30th. Thero,will he three sessions,
and a good program.
Mr..1.I(DFni; and family intend
leaving lirussels for Mitchell, where
they Hill temporarily make their
The Methodist parsonage has
been receiving int.et'ia1 improvements
during th,.. week
Mr Thos. 1311 i iifleld left this
week for Englrind in charge of a
consignment of horses for Snell &
Brown, of (,alt
The I. 0. 0. I+'. degree team went
over to Wroxeter on Mond ly everting
and initiated :tame dozen candidates
into the Wroxeter lodge.
Dr. Me. Nang hton has purelmeed A.
t (t'nig's driving home, pharton and
Brussels Public Library hoard
held their annual meeting on Mon-
de v
1on-da%' even irlC'.
'The Isla' rail n Arniv Marine Band
-" tt�: 'rI cisitecl •Iia us -cls on Saturday and
Sunday last.
Alnlyel y, son of Mr..11obt. Hastings
friend dropped in, and while relating
is confined to his bed with the the incident, his hand instinctively
measles. We hope he may soon be felt his car ai though it etill smarted.
able to get out again. . • • from the castigation received and no
Miss Maggie Anderson, who has doubt richly deserved.
bad a severe attack of la grippe is
improving and will soon be able to
attend to her duties.
`/1lobert Harkness who intended to
move to Brussels -has decided to
remain in Turnberry and has Shoved
into one of Thos. Giluinur's houses
Miss Maggie Gilmour, who has had
an • attack of rheumatic fever is
slowly recovering.
Mr. France Carruthers has taken
fifteen acres of the Bainton farm on
shares from Mr. '''hos. V' oodcock.
Mr. Robert Harkness wears a two system in the right direction
by four smile these days. Why? I toward health.
Because it is a boy.
The many Mends of Mr. Richard I Scott's Emulsion of Cod -
Scott, who has been attending the liver Oil with hypophos-
Detroit Dental College, will be pleas- phiteS can do just°this.
ed so know that be has passed his
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds- famished tissues, and
makes rich blood.
5oc. and pi.00 ; all druggists.
SCOTT & BO\NE, Chemists, Toront._�
Nature makes the cures
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and needs
helping out.
Thingr get started in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
I check disease and start the
examinations with honor.
Master Wat. Dunkin, who was
engaged with Colin Eadie tor the
summer, has left and his place is
taken by Mr. Jas. Fox.
Prominent S600l. Teachor's Experience
Paine's Celery Compound Does a Marvel=
bus Work for Him.
Neuralgia is Bath nod. and a Shattered Nervous System
Made Strong and Vigorous.
Alt who have made use of Paine's Cel.
'ary Compound have experienced its won
Brous strengthening e'l'ects upon the
nervous system This disaase•curina:
medicine ants directly and promptly on
the blood, taking away every trace of
poison from the clogged and vitiated
life stream. 'fhns, when the blood is
pure and flowing freshly and freely. and
the nerves braced and in good condition
neuralgia atnd all kindred diseases take
'their flight never to return. •
This is the monthto banish nervousness
headache, insomnia, kidney and liver
trrubfes. This is the time when the
neuralgic and rheumatic should get rice
of their misery and pains, so that they
menfit ntreand b
t durighe summer season,Palns
Celery Compound is the only medicine I m% eat y ..+>: nppe a so r res ng,
that car, effectually rid the system of I had in these years of affliction bean
all unhealthy conditions ; it is beyond : made up of frightful dreams ; but not
at:l question the surest and best meek• + so now, as the medicine beiran to have
eine that biline; people can use. Mr, Lo' I a telling et?ect tin my nerves.
rerett .1. payee, Hamstead, N. B, I have taken three °ottles of this
writes as follows : r;lorioue medicine, and today 1 can say
`Veils S. Richardson co„ i that it is the first time in eleven years
(,entlewen,--In the winter of 1381 1 that 1 have felt none of those p'eroing
was taken with asevere attack of nen..pains painv to which I had once been a victim,
might in the head and shoulders. Since Let me say to any person who may read
then it beeame seated, and I gave up this testimonial, in this province r eistn-
the idea of ever being cured. ]''.ave ink where, that it y ou dlsnedit thio esti-
telt? by ditierent pby ! ment,,juatt write mo and 1 will only be to
details, but all to no avail. r glad to inform yn'a of v hot has tnurect
Some three months ago I was induced ` me of neuralgia a.nd t► shattered rervouts
to try ti tiottlp of Paine's Celery (:am -1 sy stem. " ,i, ► reoprtotful1Y,
pound. Before l laid taken half t'f it I I.z;% I:trra�rm A,131 t vt:.t,
began tie reel better, Sleep,. which in I3etnatteuad, .