HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-06, Page 4FRESH STOCK Fu NT I THE WIN & .HIAI'JJ AALTVLES, MAY G, 1898. • G arntss 291, Vena Knox 207, Martha MARKET ItIJl'OttTh�5rnon.+a. Ingram 180, Ruby Forbes 1S(. ii'i,lgharu, May s, 1898. Jr. ILI.--tarifa Fraser ?5S JohnP. The undersigned has quan ' x of , , corrected per by Deans, J'rodn 1 75 to 2 30 goon sound potatoes, a' ter ft seed or Gzl•niss 't5k3 Eva South :t19. I Flour 100 lbs 1 00 to 1 03 good purposes. whic ho 1 dispose II.-- Fred Pu<rli 321, Lala ] 0o to 1 OL of at a(c per KELLY, Winghtun I', 0. POTATOES FOR SALE SYNINGE \ from $1.2 5 up. , Fall heat ! r l r bushel. r. re e . , !Spring eat Agar. - y Orris, 0 39 to 0 135 ! AL r yn 37 i Annie Barley . 0 30 to 0 3., Jr, II: - I?mtna term 0 57 to 0 581_ 1larniss 3;13. r Peas Turkey, drawn Geese, e Pucks, per pair Butter... Eggs por dozen Wood per cord Hay per tor;, Potatoes, per bushel, Tallow ,per ib Dried Apples, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 Wool 007 to 0 08 004 to005 040 to 000 Sr. Pt. IL—Hazel Embury 350, Charlie Agar 235. Sr. I.—Harvie Knox,. Willie Forbes, Win. II. Iaeklin, Tommy Best duality. Jermyn. Jr. I. --Lizzie Knox, Vonnie :141 ';i1L l Elut- ,�,E,a nl1I t � ledge, Iluldah Rutledge, Sara Agar, Stanley Rutledge. Luso I...Nelsoe Agar, Hazel Stamper. D. L.STRAI'FIA\, Teacher. Sunday, April 21th, a resident of 20 years standing went to his long home in the person of John McArter, 5th liner, The cause of death was dropsy with which he had been poorly for a few months,v'lIr. Amer was born in Glasgow, Scotland and came to Canada when a young man, locating in Dalhousie township, DRUGGIST. Campbell's I-Ieadache\V afers .cure headaches. TO ADVLRVISERS. 'Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. OliugOon 01:1MC5 (4.1104=* onsmaasavamamaa FRIDAY, MAY 0, 1893. EDITORIAL NOTES. A protest against the return of Ii. 'T. Garrow for West Huron was Filed with Registrar Grant of the tCourt of Appeal on Saturday. Depu `ty-Returning Officer Alexander L Gibson is made a co-respondent on .a specific charge of having placed Nixon Sturdy, a deputy- returning officer, in an inconvenient polling booth. _ From there he moved to I. sbarne tical in township, Huron Co., where he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Mowbray, of that township, who pre deceased him 10 years ago. They moved to Morris and purchased the 100 acre farm, lot 13, from John McCrae, where they made their home until called away. Mr. 111cArter was an intelligent man, honest in all his dealings ; was a good father ; a kind neighbor and enjoyed the esteem of the community. The surviving children are Mrs. Adam Scott, Huron road ; Misses Catharine, Mary and Selfua, Henry and John at home and .... 0 13 to 0 13 0 10 to 0 11 ..,. 1 00 to 1 25 .. 400to500 .... 0 40 to 0 45 0 4 10 0 4 13 to 21 nastiesµ iw.:a ) UU vv a UV Luther ,11 s BUTGP R (Thoroughly e p rienced and pate - branches,) Robt., of `\'apella, Manitoba. All the children were home for the funeral which took place on Tuesday afternoon of last week The service was held in the Sunshine Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Oaten giving a very appropriate address on "Heaven and the preparation necessary for it." The reverend gentleman sung with good effect, `"Saved by Grace." The pall bearers were W. Michie, Jas. Russell, George Parker, Tho.. Miller, Wm. Shedden and Alex. Clark. There was a large attendance, the church being crowded to the d tor. Mr. Mc Arter attended the Metboditt church and was an interested and well read Liberal in politics. The bereaved family lia.ve the sympathy of the community in their sadness. PROGRESS OF TIIE WAR. Since our last issue the United States fleet bombarded the Spanish :fort at Matansas, Cuba. Very little damage was done and the fleet drew •off. Havana is still blockaded, and no ,bombardment cf the forts and city has yet taken place. The U. S. troops are dail r gather - 'Lag at the camp grounds in the South- ern States, to invade Cuba, as soon as they are ready. On Sunday the V. S. fleet that Wave been stationed in the Chinese waters for some years past, reached Manilla, in the Phillipine Islands, -which belong to Spain. They en- gaged the Spanish fleet, which they _made sad havoc of. One Spanish war vessel was destroyed and the admiral killed, and another was blown up, and with its crew, hurled r.,o death and destruction. This is "first blood and victory for the United States. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE The understgeed has a quantity of Early Harvest, Vicks' Abundauce, and World's Fair varieties of seed potatoes for sale. Parties in need of seed pota- toes would do we11 to see too before purchasing. JOHN GRAY, 4t. Winaham. CEO WHEAT FOR SA The nderaigned has a entity of good cl n, Lost Nati, Spring Seed Wheat for - ile. A • a few bushels of Clover Seed. A + K. KELLY, lgham P. 0. Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing - ham and neighborhood that he has suc- ceeded to the business formerly carried on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Me Donald. MORRIS. Henry Bosnian is.having a fine targe drive shed put up on his .:a m. t�Mr. Joel Sillers as repairing his c,ld frame house on the centre side - mad. IIe is refr, .meil g it into a ,veneered house.' Mr. Scott, of the 2nd, is pushing ithe work on his new brick house this week. We may expect some- thing quite modern when it is finish. ed. We are pleased to say that Miss Ida Bosman is getting along nicely :-ince the warmer weather set in. Her many friends were pleased to -ee her out again. He is prepared to supply all kinds of Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the Best quality at lowest prices. Orders executed to any part of the town with despatch, Telephone No. 9. 6 L. J. WILLIAMS House ,and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house is a nine room frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees on the lot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wrgham. ROAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on north half lot 2, first line, Morris, a thoroughbred Chester White Boar. Terns, $1.00, with privilege of returning if necessary. J. G. FYFE. RUTH. Mrs. J. G. Emigh and Mrs. Brad - win are visiting friends in Blake and Parkhill this week. Mr. Ed. Moser was on a business trip to the Queen city last week. One of Mr. 13egley's little boys fell and broke his shoulder blade last Friday. 111r. Malcolm Campbell, of Gode- rich, was visiting friends in town last week. A horse and rig belonging to Mr. J. G. Moser ran away on Saturday afternoon doing considerable dam- i age to the rig. Mr. W. W. Taman was visiting friends in Brumfield last week, Mr. Elam Livingston has moved into the house on Mill St. lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Kelly. Holy Communion was adminis, tered in Trinity church on Sunday morning. :11r. James McGee left on Monday morning for 13rucefield where he has secured a situation in a saw mill in that place. Mr. John McGuire, of Clinton, was visiting friends in town on Sunday. Mr. Albert Robinson was on a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr. Geo. Caldbeck, of the police IiOLF1ZGOI) ;farce of Toronto, spent last week 'with his parents on the second. She city life appears to agree with Lits. 'While getting into Frank Garniss' buggy the other Sunday, little six- year- old Maggie Scot$ .t her leg Broker.. In climbing up over the x 'heel her foot slipped in between the tookes. This frightened the horse 'which bounded ahead. The Iittle Kiri was sent round with one revo- iution of the wheel, before the horse Could be stopped. It resulted in Fracturing her limit a other wise f, adly bruising her. Since youth is her favor, the little girl is pro- gressing favorably. Tile following given the clt.ss .t riding of the pupils of S. S. No. S, fi: r the ntonti><'1f April. Total 400. V..—James }ansa 305. IV.• --1, me Knox 338, Gordon lK-'1nitury 335, Robt. l'arrend. Sr. III. -Ettic Agar 318, Pearl 1 mbtlry 311, Alice Paul 300, Charlie terribl•. and fatal accident hap- pened in the sawmill ton Friday last, the lessee of the mill, a roan named Richards, being caught in the rapidly revolving shaft, swung around the circle with awful violence and fluhg to the ground stripped of all his clothing save the collar about his neck, and with his spine injured, his legs and arms broken and his feet smashed into jelly. No one saw the accident and the father going into the mill shortly afterwards was the first to realize what had happened. The poor fellow, who was thus so badly injured, lived until next morning and remained conscious until the last. (Ile was held in high respect and was a Methodist loeal preacher. The Sunday evenicng pre vious he occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church at Kinlough and WAS to have, done , o the following Sunday, whish found him instead i the cold enib ace of death, Your heart beats over one hun- dred thousand times each day. One hundred thousand supplies of good or bad blood to your brain. Which is it? If bad, impure blood, then your brain aches. You arc troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve power. Your food does you but little good. Stimulants, tonics, headache powders, cannot cure you; but will. It makes the liver, kidneys, skin and bowels perform their proper work. It removes all im- purities from the blood. And it makes the blood rich in its life- giving properties. To Hasten Recovery. You will be more rapidly cured if you will take a laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness. Write to our Doctor=. We have the exclusive servieea of some of the most eminent physicians in the rotted States, write freely 111 the particulars in your case. Address, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, brats. FARM TO R Lot 16 and 17 ii . e B Concession of the To••nsbip o owick, (too Croeket Willits f m), ill be leased to a good tenant for : erm of years at a reason- able rent. ply to C. H. Willits, Wrox- eter. or + the indersigned. Dat this 7t ay of Feb., A. D. 1SOS. R. VANS S • icitor for estate of deceased. NE, Windham ;ket Willits, STORES FO 1 SALE eq, WIZIAIVW111.1116,40104,6411Vilv,0 DO NOT BUY a cheap Washboard. We have , the best Washboards made in Canada. Hardwood Frames, Very heavy Zinc. One side for i.e, goods, the other for heavy goods. Prices 25c, 35c and 45c. Set^ them before buying. JOHN KERR 'lam ROOLR, WI1V LTi HAM• Order your] The administratrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for sale the Two Stores in Wingharn now occupied by Messrs. N, A. Far- quharson and W. H. Wallace, Offers.for the salve should be addressed to J. A. 1VIORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate Fo ra Suit that will tit comfortably, look well, wear well, and keep in good shape. you had better go to Webster's F. H. KERN EY, TONSORIAL ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. For an easy Shave and a First -Class Hair Cut, give him a trial. Razors Honed. - New Spring Goods and Samples of all the latest designs in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and Overcoatings to choose from. Orders tilled promptly at very low prides. Webster 8 Co., Queen's B1oek. WINGHAM SAW MILL lieLEAN & SON, ]Props. 1VI. ILA Wt17. --AN D— `01.aE --FROM THE -- HOLSTEIN TILE -- HOLSTEIN DAIRY. \NE%N SHOE STORE' { Having opened up a shoe store next door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices. PORTRAITS - -� _ Jo nTJILL, ENLARGED R. J. Do keeps in stock The undersigned having been ap- pointed General Agent for this district for Messrs. Kreuter & Oster, will call on All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber, Lath,. Shingles, Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs you for your orders in CRAYON PORTRAITS in the near future. Save your orders until I call. All work guaranteed satis- factory. Also a large quantity of dry Bard Vt'ood for sale, delivered. Telephone• orders promptly at- tended to. 1VrcLEAN & SON. JAS. NIcALPINE, General Agent. H the ding lines its ARE Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, J.tope, and Binder Twine, in season. Just arrlvod, a consignment of ready s. mixed paints, Also agent for Drayton Tile, sizes on hand, 2?.j, 3, 4 and 6 inch. Prices right. Give him a trial. R. J. DDBIE, W} BTECHURCH. WINCHAM STEAM LAUNDRY • MMMi MMM ................iau.u.e..00c t,.. • Our laundry plant has arrived and we are propae ed to turn out flrst•class work in all lines of Laundry Work on the Shortest Notice. For the convenlsxice of customers, a DROP BOX will be placed at the door to receive work when laundry is closed. GIVE US A TRIAL with your next order. JIDLONG Opp. Union Y^.ctory ices We offer the following lines at cut prices for the ' next ten clays 5o Pairs i\Ien's I)ongola Gaiters at 30 Mals. 5 Tans, No. 8, 2r) " Women's Chocolate Oxfords, soles, at - - 15 Pairs Women's Ox -blood Oxfords at lo " Misses' Chocolates at - turned $1.50 1.10 1.10 1 85 85 75 We also have a choice stock of up-to-date goods. Sec them before purchasing elsewhere. Please call soon and ask for these goods, and we will gladly hand them out to you. Or_ Gr. WHAT PRETTY GOLD RiNGS I iissmostemapinemoresorrxsowneronmestrammni That is what everybody says when they see our stock. o i We make any style of Gold Rings to order. REPAIRING VVe think we know as much about watch work as any other man in Canada, and will give le; ir540,4.4041:2) for a watch We can't fix. HALSEY PARK. it