HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-06, Page 3it
Has Won the Gratitude and Con-
fidence of all Canada.
Tip Pf, t•;it9 Evirdm ooe of Cure Too
Conclusive to Permit of it
f You aro Stole Ask Your Nearest
Druggist for a 91! -Cent Vial of
1YSunyon s Remedios and
'Mk; WIN(Jf LAM TIMES, MAY 61 G t'+)8t,.
Perth's Now Inspector. Could Do No Worl€.
"Large sores broke out on my body,
The followingLL from least week is head and "tea, and else on n,y hands
Stratford Herald will be interesting so that 1 could pot do any work, and
reading for many of oursubser'ibers; my hair came out. My t►v
rouble as
exiled eczema. I
began m tQ take Hoods
-The death of 'William Alexander,
Inspector of Pattie Seuuuls fur Perth el bettieslthe so esnandl►aching dieep•
County, telt it *MAIM ' nt upon War- peered and,I was oure,i, MRS. J,
den Terence to fill the Once teal- BROWN, Iit•auttord, Ont,.
porarily until the regular meeting HOOD'S PILLS are the only pill to
of the County Cuenetl lu June. Alr. take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all
Tontines aeeerdiugly Friday colt- liver ills.
f'errcal the appointment upon Win. Reraed>,es For Smut in Oats.
Irwin, B. A„ hitherto mathematical
auu ecieuee master of toe Listuwel 1)t', William Saunders, Director of
liigtt seliuul, This appuintuient is Experimental Farms, has rrepared
su ttrul'uuguly batiblawtt.ry tical its the f'uiluwiug bulletin un atuut in
hearty-emetic:Mien by the County tats: -"-"Smut in oats is very widely
(attuned _ is to be expected+ prevalent, causes an annual loss to; the
:lir. lrwili atailds very high in the fartnere of Canada and has .iff the
esteem of the teaching prufe:ision, past been i'uund difficult to s'txbdue.
and in Listowel has a hold upon the The ordinary treatment, -,Which is
people that clan only be won ay con- found so eii'. etive when used for smut
bpieuulls worth and Merit. His eau- in wheat, namely, -one pound of
30CTOR YOURSELF 1 e iuual career prescnes a record that copper sulphatci .•dissolved in three
is rare indeed as an example of reso- r*lttlouh •tif water sprinkled on ten
lotion and preserveranee under diffi bushels of grain, has not been found
eulties, a reliable remedy fur smut is, oats.
Mr, Irwin is a native. of Delmore, Soaking the gram in hot water fur
13ruce minty, and began teaching , ten minutes, the water being kept
about twenty yearn ago in the town- et a heat of about 133 degrees Fabr,
ship of Carrick under a 3rd class has the effect of materially reducing
celtiticate. White there be read up the amount of smut in oats: but it is
for bis 2nd, and of erwards attended difficult and troublesome to treat
the Normal Sul'tuul at Toronto and large quantities of seed in this way
won his 2nd class prufeasional. Re- and at the stone time keep the tetn-
turning to the saute: sclwul ill Carrick perature up to the point required.
he began to pustr his studies fur a lot Potassium sulphide has proved an
0. He taugtt 11exL in Uullingwoudrefi'eetiue remedy when used in the
for a year and u half, and while alert; pt•opurtiva oi'one and one -Half pounds
successively w.tn his 1st 0, and a 1st 'of the potassium sulphide dissolved
A in mathematics, being elle of the 25 gallons of water, acid the oats
tire oliiy NM! lYeN 0,ie4"4s11.1 lt? rR(AUlild ill this eel:l,iys
n` for 21
the oats 2
passing e 150 A. iii li►atbeth Lties • but t(+i? lung iy. ski[
In the wbole pruviuee. lie was then and 'hakes -diem difficult to handle
fur three years principal of the Public in sowing, whilri.soaking for tt shui•t-
se iuul ul Bleniteun, which place he ' er time is only a . pallial success.
left Lu gu Lu Llbtuwel lu iddd where',During the season of 1347 some,
he accepted the inatheinatical and • comparative experitnentseWere made
seieuee mastership iii the High sthuo_ I. by lily assistant, Mr. 1V T. Aaaeoun,
of that town, Witch penitent he has now hurticuturist )4' the Central
ueeupted up to 1110 LI Me td 1103app.inb Enpe'liteftai *tab, , waLll smutty
Meet a. Yobbo tacmwl ateeectue LO � oats, flesh••else'"infill: sowing with
putaseiutl lilphide, one and one hall
pounds`in 25 gallons of water, and
bordeallx mixture, the oats being
allowed to soak for different periods.
The oats used were a very smutty
example, the size of rhe plugs on
his teaching duties nt cute Ltatowet , whiart .he heads were counted was
High sellout, completing the four 8.343 fret (001.1 square feet), and
year course by dint of arduous !toile flout the experiment it would appear
studies, being graduated as 13, A. by that very stuutty oats used fair feed,
Queen's University in 181.1ti. liis if soaked 111 burdeaux mixture fur
inspector's eertitia a Le was won a year four hours, are rendered as free from
or two after !wetting lu Listuwel. smut as when soaked for the longer
\Ir. Irwin is one or the type whom periods of 8 12 and 24 hours. But
difficulties du nut daunt --and is where sulphide ut putatsiatn is used
Nit'. ft appears to be necessary to sleep t ti, uscle�s, but 1 was ready to grasp
in order to entirely free ir, trout t de commenced to use them. Before
smut, The bordeaux mixture is a the second. box was completed, 1 felt
cheaper remedy than the potassium . lnyr&r getting better' al,d before 1
sulphide and more easily obtainable. lied finished my seventh box 1. web
The bordeaux Mixture in this• able to go about and do my us. t,
instance was Made with lour pounds I work. 1 cuttiuned tuenl wad I was
of copper selpha+,e, four pounds ut' completely eared. Tee awell tug 11„5
Mr. C. D. Nettleton, 41, Stuart street,
Toronto, Canada, .rays: "My sou had a very
bad attack of the Croup and we used
]iunyou's Croup (lure with the best of re -
c ults. Ile was troubled with a severe
,cough and feeling very badly indeed, so
badly that lie could scarcely speak, when
lin began using linnyon's Remedies, Ono
wadi of the Croup (lure Improved him at
Mice and the disease was eompletely broken
sip in two or three days. The medicines
certatnly havo wonderful curative powers."
'Munyon'i Manmade Cure seldom • tails fo re:,
Neve In one t,o three hours and cures in a tew;
stays. Price 250.
. Munyona Dyspepsia Caro positively cures alt
'torus of t>ldigestion and stomach troubles.)
Trico 23e.4Sr:
• Mnnyon'a Coad Cure prevents pneumonia and:.
%tronas up a sold in a feud hours. Pelee 25e.
hlunyan'a won51t Cure stops coughs, night
' tlt't'ata, allays soreness and speedily' heals the
angs. Pratt; ^?e,
MunyOli'0 Kidney Cure_speedily curet pains.
:n the b^ek, loins, or grpius, and 01}. forure ,of'
kidney dlseas4, Price 25e.'
Nefsa • Cu,re stops eareeesesta Olid)
+'Ilu..� the system.wl'rlce 25e.
tfut .t's head-cl,e Cure stops b'eadaetle_def
'three ia. nate•. Tract
• Itlanyon's Pile OIet.;;t:,t positively cares aI,
Corras c1 pima. .Price tar. -
Munyon's Biotin Cure eradicates all tmpurltlsa'
.of the Maul. Price 25e.
Munyon'C Female Remedies are a boon to all
lafunyan's Catarrh Itcni$dtes never fall. The
Catarrh Cure -price 25c.-eOTradicatea the disease
tfmm the system. and the Catarrh Tablets -price
w5o.-cleanse and heal the •parte,
ttunyon'a Asthma Remedlee relieve fa three
twin:rtes and euro permanently. Price et,
fiinyoa'n Vitalizer. , a great tonic Clad re-
etorerof vital, etrongth to weak people. •ti.
A separate cure for each disease., At all drug.
sista, mostly 1:5 cents a vial, sueeeed A'al. Alexander.
Personal. letters to Prot. Noniron. 11 Albert
street, Toronto. Ont., answered with free hied!•' I To his CL'AWnlll•'a cre�tiit as a mall
real advice for_any_diseace. of illdutaitabie pureerveranCe. Mr.
Irwin prosecuted his Studies for the
degree of l3achelur of Arta stulultane-
uu ty wftb stitisfacturtily fulfilling
On April '27th, Francis Standish,
an old resident of this township,
departed this life at the advaneed
A WI:ARTON LADY WHO WAS NEAR age of 7J years. Mr. Standish, who
TAF DARK VALLRY. w=as a elan, of very large stsdture,
was an Irish parentage, and was
TIER TROUBLE, DEGAN earn SWEIE,INtl born in Canada shortly after the
OP TSB oL.tni,5,'rizls was r'ox.laoav, arrival of his parents in this country.
ED IIY GENERAL COLLAPSE: AND lie was 01 at genial disposition, had
much of the readiness t'f speech
SIII'i COULD NOT Rl:co`'ril,irtl'I' TODAY which characterizes his countrymen,
and was always ready with a mirth
Irish and Scotch Wit.
The story is told of Chief ll:,ron
O'Grady, who w:.s trying a case -in
an assize town where the court house
_abutted oe to the. fair ;green and a
fair was in progress. Qllteide tee
court were tethered 11 unniber of
.asses. As counsel was addressing
the conn, one of these ht�gal+ ti) Kray,
Instantly the Chief Baron si-opp d
the speaker. "Welt a moment air.
liushe, I can't hear two at once"
The cowl. roared act(' the advocate
grew red. But prrst•tttty, alien it.
came to the sutuntittg up, the .lodge
was in full swing, when another ass
ttruek in -wheelie: by the counsel's
-contrivance or not. %% he eh/lll say ?
Anyhow, upjuntped \tr. linshe, with
his hand to his ear, "Would your
Lordship speok a little louder? -
there's such an echo in the court."
At a Liberal meeting in North
'Britain, when the proceedings were
being opened by prayer, a reverend
.gentleman prayed fervently that the
Liberals might "hang a' thegither."
Ile was interrupted with a loud and
irreverent "Ahmen." ' Not, 0 Lord."
went on the speaker, "in the sense
which that profane scoffer would
have ye to understand it, but that
they may hang thegither in aheord
and concord." "I dinna core so
much -what sort o' cord it is," struck
in the voice, '•sae long as it'sa strong
From the Bobo, Wiartou, Ont,
Mrs. Julies Uveranu, who lives in.
VViarton, makes the f'ullowitlg state;
anent in regard to a remarkable cure
affected by the use. of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People: "I ant 80
years of age and have lived in Whit:
ton for the past six years. Previous
to itis I, with my husband, who is
stop mason, wet o residents of Ches:
ley. About four years ago there
carne a swelling on the right side c -f
my neck whica grew as the tiu:e
went o•1 until in about six mentos
it had grown as large as a goose egg
I consulted a pbysician and he lane:
ed it. This physician diagnosed my
ease as enlargement of the glands,
and said 1 would get welt after it
%l as lanced. Thi operation gave me
temporary relief,lbut it was only w
shirt time befcre the lump began to
grow again and in six. months I
was %% arse than ever. In the mean:
time 1 had b sen perscribed for by
different physicians and taken sever:
al 1)t>,tent Medicines, but none Uf
thein gave me more than temporary
relief. About three years ago 1 left
Wiarton fur Chesley thinking pro:
bably the change would improve my
health. 1 consulted a physician
there and he said the ta•uubte was in:
curable and might end fatally Dis.
couraged 1 went to my honor itt Wier:
tun, um.% worse than Mice 1 left and
belie vita; 1 had etilue home to ti ie. Be:
fore I left Uliesau 1• tete been at:
tacked oee'lsiuually with rotating
spells; on my return these wearied
more frequen.ly and of lunger dal a
tion. With the least e. eitotneut 1
would faint dead away. I had be
cont': very weak tied could scarcely
wait across the tfuul and felt my see
growing worse every day. I again
cunsulte:d the loea1 physician and this
time he said. it was spasuie of elle
heart and that 1 would not live mere
than a couple ut' days. While i) fug
in bed a lady of the town visited
tie and advised ane etruttgiv to try
Dr. Willie uln' Piuk Titin. 1 thought
provoking reply. He was a Methodist
and a staunch Conservative. The
family of Mr. (aid Ails. Standish riuv.
living number six, two daughters, ,
Mrs, W. Smith and Mrs, D. 13ecking',
of' Culross, four sono, Robert, living
in Ashfield, John, veterinary surgeon,
Walkerton, Thos. Culross, William,
veterinary surgeon, Mankato, Minn.
The farm of Mr. Thos, McPherson,
is being improved by the erection of
a neat and - substantial book barn.
The frame was raised last week.
The sides were captained by Messrs.
Jno. Thacker and H. II, McDonald.
Mr. Thacker's side won a decided
Children Cry for . ,
7 ..
Freed from all Eruptions,
Made Pure and Vv ,hate by
Mothers take a pride in b •ving thele'
In€ruts:' sl:in of that delicate pick and
wnrte <ar 't
as Velvet vi hen t a t+tring and
e►•nptkne s axe epee the little
boy, they want a remedy tit a will not
dwaapr:oiut nor fail. Time tort again D.
Ohne() s ointment Lae i rise itself a
specific for all skin diseases to medals,
babies aro Peculiarly ltnl.id:Ot.
MRS. CI1:Ai3• K. MOSS, oi:I;erlin,Ont.,
a -'thing
sores on her belly. lir. Chase's Ointment
cured her rch•.n everything el c. f ileii.
Another mother who 1 v1 :i I' . Chase's
Ointment in ltifh esteem 11 Alt".,�,. JAS.
VN, 'Aloleswnrtlt, Ont. 11: r'baby boy
was covered all over the far', sides and
hips with Enema. ema. Tito first application
of tate Ointment atarrc l the itching, and
li boxes effected a conrplets ct.r,.•.
These are lint samples of the hundreds
of i:.othe-rs who are delighted with Dr,
C:taac's Ointment.
'rico, 60 Cents a ^o �.
Bold by all deaierg, o Etinp+i.itt, Bates do Co.,
We notice that Mr. L. J. Clark of
Toronto, late a member of Walker-
ton High ,School staff, ht's taken his
degree of 13. A. from Queelx'e Univers
Tho `°�" ou
especially the to p: of 111110 whom , t .
Alexander would wish to have the grain in the sulution for 2,1 itulu'd at any means of proini,ud relief, slid
succeed bite.
White at Listuwel, iu addition to
teacning• in the- High s.,huol and
obtaining his 13. A., 1'11•. Irwin also
managed to find time to get Married.
Die wile is a eharuling lady, a
daughter of the ltev. Christopher
Hamilton, fol iner'ly stationed at Mi1-
vertun but now living retired in
• Word has been received from Port
Slope, Out., that Mr. W. A. Carson, the
welt known grocer, has been curbd of
Shortness of Breath. \ervousness,I)izzl
nests and debility, b% ;vlilburu's Heart
and Nerve Pills. Mr. Carson racorn-
niends ibis remedy to all troubled with
heart or nerve weakeneas.
Quick as a Flash They Appear, but
Just as Quickly will They Vanish
Under the Healing Spell of Dr.Ag-
uew's Cure fur the Heart.
The Arlington HMO at Woodstock
was entered by burglars, Ther'sdav
night, and the dash registrar and
till carried out into the hack yard
where it was emptied of its contents,
e:35 in cash.
Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It
'retains the digested food too long in the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, inti!•
gestlon, bud taste, coated
'tongue, seek headache, lin
.nomnia, etc, Hood's Pilin
,oureconstipation and all its
results, easily and thoroughly. etc. All druggistll,
erepated by C. 1. Moil & Co., Lowell, Maga.
'The nil' t'314 to take with hood's Sarsaper'itle.
When the breath is short --when you
tiro easily -when there is palpitation -
when there is a stuothering sensation -
and dropsical tendency -ail these iud;--
c(►te heart weakness, and are the danger
signals if you procrastinate. Dr. Ag-
uew's Cure for the .Heart 15 saving lives log' the
claimed ewinont rhymicians its be- sulphate of copper solution,
whtub to many cases have beim pro t till the barrel• with water, stir well
'.end hope. 11, Will relieve most acute and it will be ready for use. This
line and tine kerosene barrel (40
gallunt, imperial melte tr0) of water.
I'o illi Ire this till xture, fill the
barrel .partly had' full of water,
enclose the copper sulphate • in
a cotton bag and suepeud this by
hanging- it on a stick placed across
the barrel so that the bag may be
equa e
: ,wd... a•.'. :$:r .0 tai :'a,ira.'i ,"+71+.. ilekt.11ZI2 41P ten t*tt-1••.;I
We are in a position to turn out •
lett my week and I ata now as well
a wuluan as I ever tuts u► lay lett:.
I make the above statement vutuut:tt:
ily, believing it my duty to that
which has saved lay lire, and will if
necessary Make all atfidavit 10 the
above facts et any time
• A depraved condition of the bl•,ud
entirely immersed. 13y this meth"d I. or a suttttered Nervous system to the
the copper sulphate will dissolve i secret of Must ills that althea haat kttid
rapidly. In another vessel slake and by gesturing the blued and re:
four gallons of water, when fully I building the, nerves. Di', 1Viliialut•
slaked strain the creamy fluid Pink l'ills strike at the rout et the
through a pie.;e of coarse seeking- or cliseaoe, driving it from toe system
a fine sieve into the barrel contain- Lind reeturing the patient to healtht
and strength, lit eases of partlyelu,
spinal troubles, l0001ti )tor Uteri+, t
t•l.iatiutt, 1'Iteulliatiittl, ea) ;iipeuseeCrt,--
hiatus troubles, etc.. these pilis are
superior to all other tl'eattncl,t. 'l Ltl•v
are also at speeitie for troubles whieh ;
• 0 • •
• •
At a lOWCt pri o e than ever before
ALS :3i -GLS
Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping
with the times,
N+C7"..R s
We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we can
print and supply thein as cheap as the cheapest.
Give us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing line
and we will use you right.
,rips in thirty minutes, and patlen(1R
and the remedy will cure any case of
heart trouble in existence. Sold at
Cltisholm's Drug Store. -
A Fatal Mistake.
"Yes, lnadani, it is a fatal mistake
to negleet your teeth. I lost a great
Ideal of money through an oversight
of that very sort. I had a rich
uncle who promised to snake ane his
heir. He went to sea. During a
sudden storm he fell overboard, and
a shark at once grabbled him. My
'uncle Was a stout Plan ; the shark
was eld. Moreover, he had never
taken care of his teeth, anct they
were wretchedly poor. In short, he
couldn't hold on to my uncle, who
kicked himself loose from tete plan
eater and was picked no by a boat."
"But now did you lose the money?"
"My uncle lived long; enough to
alter iris will. Oh, that neglectful
, ,,
Plain Dealer
EShti 'lt
1 "Burdock
1 wish to tante that i used
Blood Bitters tor'l+.rysipel.ts in my fate
tend a general run dime Stilts of health.
The use of a few bottles celled ole 00111
ilotely." MRS. CHAS. 000K.
I Belleville. ()nt.
remedy can be so easily and cheaply
prepared that it should be widely
used." •
A Chinamen eats twice as touch make the lives Gf so many woolen at
tneat as it Japanee. border. and t peedtly restore the rico
In the whole of Greece there are glow of health to ::allow cheeks, Be:
only 152 neuvsp/tware of inlitatiul'S and substltuteo
....- alleged to be "just as good." Suld;
,.II due leN ur
$0ENs/11008li0 eee.r�/3 O at 50 ccents a aux,r'
o 6 boxes fuby r
by uddreesting the .Dr. Williams'
A'Dyspeptic ? ilaetiieir;c Co., Brockville, Ont.
THE TIMES, Winghain.
1•01•1•..,,.;_......•_._K - ../VV ..,,__... , ..•*••••,......... s.,... --- • ,..._........-w.,,...
If it rains before comrade expect it
F.utaeiatod---weary---gluonty. No one fair aft CI' I Mil.
Ceti adequately describe the abject; alis \ green (-'it riet1111t- ins k"s IL fill!
ery of the sufferer from DvapeP.in• and chtlleny aril.
South t11ielirnit Nnrviae
is the greatest tiisi-overt' its medical .1 hl'1'•l' W(llll' frUsts willbeingr+.
science for the euro of all chruni1!
stomach 1101100•x. It arts directly stare! teeter time.
through the nerves -the sea of all Ai+-
ease.'fhoasandxtest ifyofoui'c.'ittaale litl'tt It.li;; foretold, lot};; past
Belief front 1 ho first dose. Shur►• ?1+,L'rca', soon Pdid.
"X was a great sufferer from :'tonlaeh
and nerve tr.,uLlea, Tried a score of If gnats Ore pI('111.lfl l 1n vIWItig
remedies. No relief. half :t 1" Li' of expo t:1 n ems110(1111111,
smith American liervino w,n•k".+ tt on.
4.101.A. Kix hitters nla,la a 11'" mall or .\ rainbow in the nett -Mag. hi the
tor,"-•1� .
11. ;thermal', II rr twur.31 I1t'tihl'i(i s wattling,
1<)om't experiment with new end W11t"n t1'1'e11:+ are seen lit winter
tlet1t)tfil1 i,iedrllnee 'facto thu tried CA.In•el :t lin(1 ttl.11rllrllt'.
and tested. 1f t}etuber is warm the following
Held at r.1ii: ltoltti's 1)rtli rause. 'e1'rtla1 y will be cold,
®itiil�. Cx4�E� RELIEF.
.,...,...,..�,.,.,...,.,� 11,11,.,..`
pend a Dollar
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cent4.
Shit •ort ie put up eheapl> to &atter the Universal present amoral Dm r.: ,d rrieM
If you don't find this sort of
Ripans Tabu1se
At the Drugglst's
1.11 10$: I;,end rive Cents to Tmt RtiAxs Ctirvttt t ("v:ttt:i.xlt, ±.te, HI
9 a'
in t: • mail; b'r
1 t1;i ucc :it., New York, and they will he r... t t ,..a g ,
j;5 c.trtana will be mailed for 48 cents. '1•'.. c.' ''.fare tett to
thatab Iles are etc very z, .' ill s needle
m� hil7ans T