HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-05-06, Page 22THEIIL WIZ\ dafIIAN1 TIM1{S, MAY , t st•�)!�, -•issue>�zw..w.«+.;. w.».•ue.•evar:rigs=*veSr'rw+www'r.a•vaa*.w.,cuwwn•ema+•nw•�'�'w' _... ... ..._. _ -.. _..:-....,.-. ..-_...,r....... The de , :tete ':tett 1• bei •ts be 1. It the 'ti'.,., :.1;,,t•l t... bride;. Lail: (13 for rain, if see hu•de t1s•* towards 1 eel and lai( lairds fly toward e. -t'• 13affel'.; lilts the largest grain (!e- vator in the world, 14E Teo Cost of gilt caferrl "tw atfaro. A Running Sore Pronounced In CO-OP'F'1'kATT1 AGRICULTURE. i ou;*.tble by Elt;ht Uoc to l)ti,t,r tweets eight ntlrttlretl f Dil- tt'a,• wit! I a, es etas:' while the i Cured by D. Chase. . , t material '. 1 .1 tl t 11 v(. received ra tt l trimers la l t1 ti triotests Cowan Aye., • w n n t , P lab 0 ., lvlr, 1;,,. I) l:ot) ria , • an(1 instrncltion:l tic L lndttetallt, upon their own fu-tu:t duiiu ' Wu present season. These inetlule young men who have attended the Agri- cultural College, successful and pains- taking. femme;who have experi- mettted previously, and others who are undertaking the work for the first time. About two thousand experimenters have conducted satisfactory experi- ment �, ment• work within the past ten years. tieed. Then why should not farmers Of this number, over two hundred have their farms named, and the I have furnished good reports for at name together with. their name and least three different years and sutne post offlee address, pftiuted on a sign i for five, six, and: even nine years. board and erected at the entrance of These little experiment stations form their premises. Hew interesting to object lessons in nearly every neigh - the ;ravelling public it would be to i borhood in the province, the infln: know to whom such ,and such a farm I ence of which eau never be correctly idea. oft his belonged and what• an incentive it estimated, 1 n mice some ideal •,• IA (sive formers to vie with one (influence, I quote the following' from :ielu of battle is it the field of glory. But t'alenlation of the cyst of lighting may net a deterrent, and an ad- mirable object lesson was recently lulttli•he 1, �t'ffhout einnment thereon, 111 trio N. Y. Commercial Bulletin. A eerteir tnbaster has been usiug Buds at•tl Iiipling's :'Lest we forget," for the 1'nt pose off stirring up re- vengeful fie iess over the sad loss of an Atn(•ljean battleship. The same ,lu:ltation could be used, with equa: fume and reason. in emphasizing the lesson taught by the following reulinisceneee of the Civil War in the United States. "The ordinary (expenses of the ::eve ntnettt (luring the four years ,t' the �'iyil `Gar :::Mounted to close to �,l(180;t )0,000. But the peace •1'uront•,, stays : "1 bad a bad leg whlelt was shim:), unsightly. From below the knee to the ankle was one great sore, Eight doctors treated me without bene- fit, 1 was induced to try Dr. Chase's Ointment whteh cured me, and all that remains to be seen are the sears, nt , F• r• the Government vernine csptn(titui .s i 'F' ' oui(1 have altlloaltltt•d to tlbt ) i • 1 -,(2,92' 0U00UI t� li^t. 1 '` 'Zeno �` 3)) ow was another ran wee. Namo Your Farm, No merchant would think of doing busines without the name and place f business being 'properly adver- 1 � C (H CaV11 - ^+ C' llentefa: ,. t. 0 general e. t r Cl :eared t ze, ' \ a a in ilnprovi ]o, the genes a repor •5 f n y p .. i ,t•itut ,� (,IUU =..moo-` pd y o r e:titin 1 if V (. assume ttppeatrane,e of their:famms? Another cti get much benefit from rev ;ri c (.l by to r advantage. arising from naming the !experiments at,td tnv plots are visited Til^' - "4'•� . 'r^. -F5 t'=0"'• rc. ,moa, i t5t.),�t)(1,tii )til, •.l'Uald ha we been 1'e' 1 �'+ e ' ^ q ilted to carry on the t)overnment j fai•nl would be th,e faculty with { by most of my h neighbors every Io : 1 t tt ret- tho war taxation was a which farmers of the same name i year•„ r 1 •., t; ta"ed. There may be "As a result of iliv experiment I S7U,t)1ale itic.i and ,`1.10,000 t1t)U isonld h re ts e the was raised by bortowiter on Interest. 1 half a dozen dib er:Intpeople f but raise ais elm more money; onto myl farm."ee' and n ds end n. n -interest -:same name in the neighborhood, mfinancial hearing h i:. a r,eai i<t;; lutt.c'a, Itk will be observed ' it is not tielttsoall f Lrmsblof thee the same my there point of v it ue'ifrom ghhur�lahavt) that the peuttle. wire fought the war I would name. I;v all means let us have the received benefit front my experi- • farms reamed. fest r ^ t• e _ Pizz ne.Yp 'Nausea, 3 lo�ssi- tees, i - :., tee lin ]li C•l t d 1 ;ngue Peel h r TaRPlD LiVL:ri. Tllzy • Purely Vegetable. 4;• D-iarses Substitution the fraud o£ the Sine: ..SCC sere,, get Cdrter's, `'' ter. � I; Asti ` ';- demand r� T_',,? ,'er Pills. 11 NURSE'S STORY, Tails hers she was cured of Heart and Nerve `Troubles. provided at. the tilde for rather 'less than one-fifth of the expense of it, leaving the rest of it to be defrayed after the war by themselves and very largely by pe sterity. ri,e cost of wat • while it Was`0,9i'0,000,(100 going (t' teas.. Interes during and since tale tear to .1tt:v I, 1897, was 2,60.4,000,000 Pen. The onerous dutiesth^* fall to the lot of a nurse, the worry,ct. , loss of sleep, irregularity of me.,ls a •n tell on the nervous system. and 'undermine the health. Mrs. H. L. Menzies, a professional nurse living at the Corner of Wellington and Xing Streets, Brantford, Ont., states her _ e rites aionsniuct'th(. w...r paid during the war are 3 127 000,000 included above +_( Cost of the war to the end of the last fiscal year $7,711,000,000 j We are row paying in pensions and in interest on ,the war debt, in distinction from the debt more recently inearredi to maintain the j mental work to tithe amount of a, I good many hundrt d dollar.." Yonge StI Fire Hall, Toronto, March 16th, 1897. Gentlemen, ---I have(used Dr. Chase's Kidno) -Liver Pillstfor Billiousness ,and Constipation. and have proved them the best that 1 have ever need—W111 use nothing else as lona aa they are obtain- able,— . +fu res ec t Y able,--lLemaiuing yours � p tE. 0. SWEETiylA�`l'- This system oft }operativecxperi- mental work in agriculture, which centers at the .\grleultitral College and operates through the medium of the Epe"imental Union, is being. en- larged and improved from year to • n he ' i fertility Ft t the Yul V Stn(. )f i year. A study soil on different fAt•ms, and of the a ',relative, merits of promising vane Fowl on• the Farm. ; ties of Agricultural crops for different i10kiet4 •:19. :u. t. ... nl .P;In r,l L..,....•••P11 , I ,•rill sections, are the man su`•jeets under ST•JVI•.v ne 1SONs ,WRY POULTRY IS,experiment U11"Chou; twelve thousand ���_ 'VALUABLE T(1 TT -IE FARMER. ' plots this year. T¢iere are in all " "� Professor Gilbert, of Ottawa, in nineteen distinct experiments', which I Wicen the. taste of the cook has be ti'tti�s • "i ti is embrace the age:jcultural crops come vitiated by the lasting of many : nj f !t l j• iegctablePreparctionforA. sirlitatin, the1oocl andReg ula- tinp the stoma: iia andl3oWeis of eeteessesseessa • 'ronmtc s Digestioll,Cheerful- ness andBest.Contains neither opittaUlorphtne nor Mineral. NOT RAMC ° IC. _awn ofOldIgr:;1717,2ZPIZCZER. rumrkrn Seal - Ali. ;fames Ne ic► •, Sall, - lrtaia'e recd %i„ntr• alt° le•Wiio; et••rccT+ • vScr3- ,rtrhr:d tSa .. IC l`icr rfi Aper"c ct Remedy for Const:: ee tion, Sour Stonlach,Dlarrhoea, WorulS ,Co1•evulsiolLs,:everisil- :arse end LOSS OF SLEEP TacSimil Signature of Wi!.W -YORK. y _ • tl iutl •,. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IBE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE 0 ----- IS OP IS ON THE ,i f�, V PPE OF EVERY BOTTLE 01 Gastonia is put uo in o- a -sire bottles only. Tt. is net so''•d in. bulk, Don't allow aaycno ao self. tat' aI you anything else on. the .lea or protuki that it Iaual e "Inst as good” and "will answer every Fur_ pose,"' ttI? ice that you. got 0-A-f-'£-O-R-I-A. simile y' � �'✓ is ca OGOrf uro c -f✓'° aatn e •• •,C C mapper. cf ?F Tho tae. .5..- �tin1T.-... S�.�,31.S.r�,,,•f4(, n... �-....t^ value of the war Alper money \vllieb ;answer to the tluestlon, grown on about nine tenths ct the has never been r4ltired, about $3,- j poultry valuable to the farmer ?" cultivated land aOntario. The500,000. For pensions atone we art;; gives the following reasons ; cultivated has been greatest fur expert paying between twice and two and Because he onght by their means ments with oats, spin„ wheat, peas, a half times as much annually at; I to convert a great deal of the waste earn, and mangles, the entire expenses of the Govern•- I of his farm into esonee in the shape "fent before the Lyivil War. As the 1 of eggs and chickens for market. We could still furnish a nllmller of applicants with a package of Each of payments of interest and peesions i 13et:th ee withlhtitotelbe alt the year six leading varieties.nf corn, which j l,iit go 00 for clang years, it 15lmerit they ought forme a valuable test for farmers probaule that the'eost to the Govern- revenue producers, with the ex•who are anxious to;test. tain which inert, exclusive o` vast individual i eulptiori of perhaps two months varieties of corn are best adapted to losses, of the f)i it War will inti• ;during the molting• season. the soil of their o are be itular ferns :catch t t, twelve, thousand miilioll ; Became poultry will yield him a .iarreult'l. Ccltene, ".C. A. 'LA c=ITz, for the t"wil"l in dopers. 'rills is equal t.0 the entire quicker retort,Duel h Apr. 30,1$cJ8. Directott. ,,,,essed or to three rot:MIAS of the; vested than any of the other depatrt p , p — cstiur,te(1 true e•aluatien of all' meats of agriculture, ent mana prol,erty to the I.:sited Stases in ; Because the manure from the Vti0�11'tS CAN'T STA: poultry house will make a valuable When Dr,Ln•w's Pleasant Worm Syrup revenueThe luternal late u€ .Ione cnmpo t for nee fn efthel• vegetable is u:aect. It's death to the worms„ easy 30, 18ti-1, is Inter sttt,n readin;,> for :garden or orchard. The birds, them onsuI b e e t laeative nice to t, athereoisain�{ the present tiers ration. It covers selves, it allowed 1•o run in plum and need of giving castor:tth or calomel after I tS pages a tht st tu'e book, It i apple orchards, will destroy all to • wele dishes, a swallow of milk will restore the delicacy to the palate, to says an old authority on euisjne. chins with charges fur l:cense � • in -set life "P• or the pastthreeyewrn . I3ecause poultry raising is an tsasearsf•:liors ot:cui�atauns. Bankers1f r•. John Scott, iias completed his I Ile farmer's:'33 ' h tr l; 8 f) cul 4,, • upwards, let urding to a employment in whitroll for Kincardine town fo I have alt is re i from weakness., esr,, shnrtz e c of llc.tilt• I , lel. -r,U 'tint up 1 wife and daughters can engage and :- end as usual it is a model of neat- 1 assessed s an Imaurlou� breath a:.d patpitatien of the The lea • excitement would make riyheart flutter, and at night I even found 0 difficult to sleep. After I got ;1liibnrte's heart and Nerve Pills I eq, rieuced great r -lief, and on continuing their use the improve- ment has been marked until new all tlteold. symptoms are gore and 1 art completely cured." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills euro Anaemia, Nervousness, lvealnes:+, Sleep- lessness. Palpitation, Throbbing, Faint Spells, Diz::fries era any condition arising from Impoverished 1310011, Disordered Nerves or ircatk liettrt• hotels, ions and taverna r oil t "n for not over is:1W, and rising with the lraxa LiyePr 11se1sanCoatedTongue. rental, eatillg houses, confectioners, claim, real estate and insur:'nce agents, auctioneers, upothecauies, I photographers, b(.iwling ailteys, stal- 1 lions, law, ors, ph„ sieians, ar•c:liteets, civil engineers a ti(1 plumbers." capital ; Ev1,,,I, sa s, . r . wards; retailers,,31O; brokers. $5U;' leave him free to attend to other ness. From the roll we find that pawn bra keret, a;,50 and upwards ; i departments. - the real property is µ5,68•,S�'?.1 per- land warrant hs�gokers, 'S : cool- j Became it will bring him the best weal property and rncome. $44,150; - tnetelcll brokers," ^2O; theatres and results in the shape of new laid egg total, Rope `173 rid reduction frons' w jugglers, :a?0 build- I during the winter season, when last year. 'rhere are 133 dogs and cfrcusee, •« 10(1; juggle , ers and contractors, $25 and up- i farmer has most time on his bands. 9 bitches asaensed,10G cattle, 9 sheep wards; and the, followingoccupationsI Bt caua to start poultry tr raising ital. 19 hogs, and 130; horses. Within among others were to pay: 10, horse: the faetn requires littlecap the corporation liroperty exempt by dealers livery stalb'•c keepers, cattle, Under any circumstances, with statute amounts to µ1F12, exempt ;� tied custem house brokers, I proper management, poultry perLv owned by government, , 3;,a pro- produce0 be j made with little cost a valuable exempt by bylaw, $45,900, which is adjunct to the farm. P• N0 Li i',14 E REM `_„D 1 Ea '1''i l ,,e,; the 'I, 'tl everywhere.' 'V•• ',re "withal. (fay and �c3neVe••;� Or' ^„W^C�VereStes0: tee ' d til In t 1< r l .( leu • t .tt ,3 I . t in Heart '` (ler correspoteltenee shows I E,? spasms s „0.,. il:llldrt'f' . illi,,ti 11nndr('ds I L 1 t,'••1• ;ittlrurol-,, it VP being' I D., ticl9l:w'Fi C Ri FOR iiir HEART ITA ,,. .t til i:f;•ciitlt and haplli• ; A tj� flt.[,}�' GL LIFE-SAVEI3r 1Ylti U,rES6 T..,,,, daily. , to :.ole t I anatomy ••r � 1111;111 1 Y l a 11 t7 :`o organ in , whose (.'..ea'.es c:u. be more readily de- TRY •�,r.���rvyf;a ,"- . tested than theme of the heart -and iii -. dGt3r- ` medical discovery has made them , 1 amenable to proper treatment. 1f you RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC ® 1 have f1,r.' tli or Buttering, short- ness of breath, weak or irre,gular pulse, KIBh'." AHD D LIVER PILLS swelling of feet; or aul:len pain in the Qi d f : !a left aide, fainting speli;l, dropsical ten- dency, tiny of these indicate heart (lis - 'i hcSy are absolutely rtire and ease. Igo:matte of luny long statudin ' Dr. �Sfainetv's C re for rho Hart tvil/ tlea1111fu1. (rnarantee'l to I cure--et'sal heat rtispe :Ito"- n(lts quickly —nets nreiy I present time it seems reationahl0 to ('rt' a I,helln7a tisnt, Sciatica, I „I ... ,,. ,- -owl:" a ,•' by rbr f l:tns , 'tit'ur'Itgiat, idtiey to :tint e Cure ler 1 lin ..t te.yve rite ease, fid I Suppose that careful selection will do a l"Inti. of 11il ttE"y and ?.fiver year eatandiu(t,. tt23,1 L Iof fit , i all that and pehaps more than arti- I trthrlrl..s� i \vhitewot,d,.f: .r. 20 ! tidal crossing tali do. 1t is a select" I •... rYtit/erw rxtT•ri.i'1'tfl?rK , Otunrnutees relief: in 3o mint:tew ;tion of the fittest.'' This is the ad--• te.Weeds or ; at Chisholui'e Drug Store. t vice of the IRur'al New Yorker. ' liable for school tax ; total µ211,000. It is economy to profit by the experi- i'litdre'vt Ory ger once of others Thousands have ueen cured by Floods Sarsaparilla, why not you ? The "Bent" Variety of Tom^toes. feeTtie Waterloo `band will be about "We would advise those of our ever, The Central Pt•ison discharge i 52 convicts their neighbors to raise a fey plants AS R1 5 i;i�:�'s$ii1��W'3'ssQ,il4':'�,�*,si;:•zc�3�.&s3.�:rot';Er; j 3 CURE ALL YOUR PAINS WiTH i .. Medicine Chest in Itself. t Simple, Safe and Quleit Cure for 't NORAI;'IPS, i3IARRii0EG1, COUGHS, F; ent.Ds, RHEUMATISM,t NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 cent Bottles. ELT ON'S MPS Will stand wear and tear for y ears. No bst•.Cr proof calf be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. ` Repairing promptly attended to.. I es BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Snt1•F Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's I BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. � §1 PERRY DAVIS' EA `I` IMMIxaNi3i:EEM r rz',t•'''_•i tt?2I+.'.:2i is ai` 'sS,." 35 strong this year and better than r I friends who are anxious to excell for las• shows that t will of the leading Varieties,sueh as Table Green, Beauty, Stone, Champion, Perfection, Acute, Ponderosa, Opti - 11S, ttlimal,Matchless, and to sel- ect from these the finest specimen, havitag the brightest color, the few• est seeds and borne by the most pro- ductive vines. Do this year after year. l omo toes tross very freely, Yt and :then the best kinds aro thus planted together, a careful selection will in our opinion, in a few years, give the most perfect tomatoes for the locality where the selections are, made. All varietica are changing from year to year, beeae"se they Bross se readily. If, therefore, we plant in same field the best varieties of the be released during that month. WOOMKO Sold tit Wingbam, only by Gonion do (o. THE MOST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, whoop- ing Coughs (Minor, Pain in the Cheat and all Throat, Bronchial end Lung Diseases, The healing anti-c8nsitrnptive virtues of the Norway Pine aro combined in this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Bal- sams to tneke a Otte ue pipecific for all torn iofdisease oridintltingfromoolds. Price - 25c. and Soc. a • jaw IRKS' ALL. s1.1 A Book for Young and did. ,tit O U R. RECORD Estg. 1878 250,000 DISEASED Iv EN CURE 145, • NERVOUS EIL0'01 SKIN . pj5EAS S .•4rt 4'1 r•:. 1'+ 250,x® ' YOUNGIItt- Have you sinned , C Gill sgaiinst nature when ignorant of the terrible crime you thverocommitting. Didyouonl consider e fasoinathtg allurements of this evil habit? When too 'Mete avoid the tor- riblo revilts, were your eyes opened to :your peril? Dict von later on in man- bno lcentrnetanyl'ItIVATE orBLOOD disois.? Weroyonoured? Doyouuow and then aoo some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in,your present e0n- dition'? You know, 'LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON." if lnarried aro yon eon - 4, Is marriage a a i 'n in cad? g r•.antt 1 vl dr ., y y� :are failure caused by oatly abuse n account eor latero x- 1, terms? Have you been drugged with rnorcury? This booklet wilt pointout to you the results of those crimes endpoint out hew Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT wilt positively cure you. It sbowshowthousancishavo boon savedby our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLIC CASE OR NO 1'AY. Wo trent and ours-I1MISSI0Nt3, VA1tTCOCET.L. RYPHILIS. R]R'9TI(•1LL'EESE- CRET T (R PAINTNNATUA11l't,- CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "Tho Wages of Rin" sent froo by seeto ins 2o stamp. CONSULTATION Liti;k:. If unable to eat: write for QUESTION 1J1,)1.Nit for ROME TREATMENT. KKNNEDYA KERGAN Cort Michigan Ave. and Shelby St, DETROIT, MICH. Livery. JOHN PELTCN, Winglia•m. Ont, Caveats and Trade.M•arks obtained. and all patent business conducted for MODERATE BEM Mr office is in the'i mmed late vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassell Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wit.> description and statement ns toadvantages claimed. .011 -.No charge is:node for aro opinion, as da patentabiii,11 , and riv fee for prosecuting the application will not 0.o called ,I'or• must the patent t allowed. "Iavesron3 GUIDE,'con- taining full information sent free. All Co giiUD1 cations Considered as dtrlctly Conneentlel. FRA HOUGH 20:7 D' at!o5Ss WA SDIfY d,GTOiN, J `l RADE MARIiS px bl Coi�YptnGM'r AnyonA sending a s:(et A'1 nrd c'.cacrlha1On mny quteatiy ascertain our opinion froo t'bethor an "tet tlble• COmntunten- tnvn sari is probably p nts ttnnsnttletlgconfidential. ii,tndbOctkunYnte stint free. (fittest agency for reaming patents. pPeaUateanntostitckewniththourotuc,hh rhzeintue rko Co. receive • 53�>�fi�C Ntt1Can© AcA bandsOomf eniny ills uotsotnraPttidesOdt 3, oWurnnl. LTnOrrrmOss,t $e1arr• gcUrafnocuhrUma0ciet.h6s25,Way3tt'tn! nUeeveidDOn.lC.er(, MNN &C©.361BroedwAy,NYork I'I' PAYS TO AI)VERTIS1 IN TII1Y TIMES .. Was Wan t fidcnc NO 0 DP, PrOIll Ccncllisi Uit Sfl If You aro Drug/Int Muuyon's Mr. C. D. Toronto, 0 Cam bad attack bSiunyou's Crt (sults. Ho ,cough and f) Madly that h Ito began use vial of the duce and the sip In two 0 ;certainly hav • Dinnyon',i mh ticvt: in One (1 *attys. Price 21 hlunyon's Dy a[orms of E5dl ,mice flnnyon's Cc brcal(s up a co Munynn•o we ttlsests, allays MM. Pelts Munycn's Ii. ..1n the hrek, 1 titrd,,ty disease art en'a Pei dm` ihT4 \tui' a's 11; three minutes. hien en's &"I forms cf Mil es tzunaone Il l ”of the blood. idtt� yon•B rC Iw ..a• ,tunytn'r 01 Cntarrle Cure - from the eyste '.15c. -Jeanne a rinny'on's Ai Inlnstea and e Cienrca'n Storer.cf vital A separate 4 sista. 11et street. Toront seal advice :Or Intl The star O'Grady, an ASSize ti ,lbutted or fair was court wee 419909. As the court, Instantly the speak( Bushe, I e The court grew red came to tl Was in fa struck in • •0011 triva.11 • Anyhow, his hand Lordship there's 90 At a "Britain, N being opo ,c;entlema Liberals Ile was 1 hi-everen :went on which tl 'have ye they ma; and con much-wi in the vc NEW 4,x• Word t dope, Ot wen lino Shortnee ness and end Ner mends tt heart or The -was ent night, tl till cart' -where i "35inI • Causes retains t end pro gestion, tongue, "omnia, tare con results,' ardente 1 be 0111