HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-29, Page 5111E 1'Xill(irM!AM 11 71 ► , l l'l r 29, i— • S We have all the latest for Spring Suits, at moderate prices. Fit and workmanship of the hest, " Onaranteed," We are showing the most Up•to date Also all kinds of Men's Furnishings for Spring Wear, A special line of Ready made .pants and Overalls cheap, Inspection invited. a -133o. c...A..."-ITays Opposite (Luc:ut,'a hotel, W iugliain, ma SU6fE�IPl3 VANQ(IS].7, A NOVA SCOTIAN k'ARAIER TELLS HOW HE REGAINED HEALTH.. 11.0 SUFFERED It'IWUat ACUTE RIII;UMA• TIdM AND GENERAL DEBILITY— SCAM= AnLF TO Do THE IjWRTEST WORS: . From tho Aeadien, Wolfv,ile, N. S. One of the most prosperous and intelligent farmers of the village of f 1 reenwick. N. S.. is 111r. Edward Manning. Anyone intimate with D1r. Manning 'itnows him as a man of strop that every integrity and veracity, so -- — �- - confidence can be placed in the information which he gave a a reporter of the Aeadien, for publi- cation. the other day. During a very pleasant interview he gave the fol. lowing statements of his severe suffering and recovery :-"Two years ago last September," said Mr. Man- iiing, "I was taken with an acute attack of rheumatism. I had not been feeling well for some time previous to that date, having been troubled with sleeplessness and general debit• ity, My constitution seemed corn• pletely run down. Beginning in the small of my bade tie pain soon pass ed into my hip, where it remained without intermission, and I became a terrible sufferer. All winter long I was scarcely able to do any work and it was only with the aeutest of suffering that I managed to hobby to the barn each day,tu do nyckores. I appealed to medical mon Air help but they failed to bring •any relief. At last I decided t ry Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills d with their use carne a complete and lasting cure. I had not used quite three boxes when I began to feel decidedly better. I continued using them until twelve boxes had been consumed, when my ! uluplete recovery t+ a:Tallied use in I discuntinaing their use. I have never felt better than since that.time. N'v health seems to have improved Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs, in every way. During the past sum - Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, harness Oil and ,Soap. mer I wt.rked very hard but have felt no bad effects. The g'rati- GONEcud. I feel to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, none but those who have suf- feted as I have, and been .scared can .appreciate. An ii•lalysiti shows that Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills contain in a. con- densed form all the elements neves• sary to give new lite and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speci- fic for such diseases as locomotor at- taxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rhetnatism nervous headache, the atter affects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all diseases de- pending on vitiated humors in the blood, such as sorc'fula, chronic ery- sipelas, etc. They tire also a speci- fic for troubles peculiar to females, such as supressirit,, irregularities, and alt forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health -to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radi- cal cure in all cases arrising from mental worry, overwork or exeesses t,f what ever nature. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50e a box or six boxes for $2.50 by ad- dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, sir n� Every day a bargain day. pay Shoes when you need them. 3 o neetfnr witting till a"bargain" clay to buy them at a far price if you wear ",Slater shoes." Always sauce price—proportion of leather, workmanship and profit, uni- form year in, year out.. No pren,ittma to pay—no cut prices to wait for, only steady, clepenTable Tim ney'sworth,straiglttand aboveboard, . guaranteed by the makers. Goodyear welted. Name andJirice, $3.00, $4.co and,t5.0o per pair stamped on sole. ' "The Slater Shoe." CArA LOGUE F'het:. rf For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWELS. BUGGIES! SU RIES! 1'h;& -tons, .Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARN ESS, SADDLES, ` ETC. C1e. rin 11 1, �f. us -£Ss (4-; ;.4r. V.t'r Ci', i;`, : '. e,i Thanking our customers for their very liberal patronage, which has brought our sales nearly up to our expectations, we offer more startling bargains to -day, as we must tu:n this stock into cash within the next few weeks. When we advertise an article the people always know they can get it just as advertised, both as to price and quality. In other words they know we mean it, and to this we attribute our success. Now for a few pointers : we u` mess • made to order, quality and fit guaranteed, former price $14, to -day $10. Double -fold Dress Goods, was 25c, now Ioc ; 44 inch Black Sicilian worth 6oc for 43c 19c Black and Brown .Stiff Hats, were $2.00 and down, for 25c ; Laces, Braid and Dress Trimming about half price.' 28 lbs. raw Sugar for $l.co ; 25 lbs. Bright Coffee Sugar for $I.00 ; 4 -piece Toilet sets for $l.00 ; 2 pairs Grocer's Scales each, at $a.00 and $3.00 ; I lb. Pure Black Pepper, by the lb„ only 12%c. The Cheap Cash Store, Macdonald's Block. S. OULROSS. The following, from an exchange will be interesting to our Culross readers : It has been stated recent- ly that there are two hundred and sixty one "Macs" in tne Presbyter- ian ministry in Canada. That's nearly as ninny "Macs" as there are in the township of Cu Iross,Co.of Bruce. 'CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND HARNESS 1EPAMh C on short nctiee, and at reasonable prices. R. J. MAOMATH. REMEMBER! Your eyes are priceless. Take care of -them, as no one will take care of them for you. If you need SPECTACLES OR . EYE GLASSES buy them from us. Also a full line of 1V'atehes, Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to. x.99 0 Wk .. L OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. ILLS has just returned from the Eastern Market, - having purchased a full line of the finest that can be bought this side of Montreal in Black, and in all the leading shades. ing, s• rrn• ox ma masa =ma nearss xsirs TF:?1F,,is=ami c... who had the misfortune to loser G011RIE. itis arm by the falling of a tree in the bush where he was chopping. The semi-annual election of offi• vers, in connection with the Epworth 1 League of the Methodist church,1 took place last Monday evening, and resulted as fellows :—Hon. Pres, Rev. S. J. Allen; President, Miss' Minnie Moore; let Vice Pres., Miss E. E. Kerr, `incl, Miss Maggie Mooney, 3rd. Miss Jennie Howe, 4th, 1 11Tr. N. 13. Gerry ; Rea. See., W. R. 1 Mooney ; Cor. See., Hiss Minnie McNaughton ; Treas., Miss Liizie LUCKNOW. Mr. James McDonald, of Guelph, attended tite funeral of his brother John here last Fridnv. Mr. .Tay. McCloskey ha, been awarded he contract of watering the st reet rot the :reason. Ttte work to be done for $149. t). Mr. Alt' Davidson has gone to Strathroy, where he has secured a situation. Mr. D. McDonald was elected by acclamation to fill the vacancy in } the council caused by the death of Mr. Adam Thompson. Mr. J. i''r•itzbey has gtthe to Gode- rich, where he will work at nis trade. CST. S T. MLLE, Vfhe Preslfyter ian s, of t4is-1)41ee, are erecting a fine church to cost in the neighborhtutdl of W-1,500. The building was designed by Mr, W. E. Binning, of Listuwel, and will he fitted with the Circular seats and will have plenty of a comntodatikn for the cot' gregation ,lessrs," .ich•- iLnans w Iihynits, of Guderich, are the contractors. They have let the sub- contract fer the stone and brick work t•t 91r. Anthony Baker, of Goderieh, and that fur the painting to Mr. JacOb Seburger, of Listoo•el. BRUSSELS. The members of the I. 0. O. F. of Mr. Hodson, superintendent of the Miss Lou. Ferguson, of f6 inghaui spent last wsek with her cousin, Mrs. C?..W. Walker. Mr. R. J. M. Perkins, Divinity Student of Wycliffe College, Toronto,. visited with his parents last week. He took charge of the services in Sheibourne, on Sunday Inst. 11Ir. Geo. Brown, the proprietor of the Albion hotel, has had the interior of his house thoroughly fixed up, The woodwork has been varnished and the ceilings and walls re papered. Ferguson. ' The annual 'Vestry meeting of St. EAST WAWANOSH. Stephen's church was held recently, One of Hurons, most honorable and, with the incumbent, Rev. A. B. true pioneers in the person of Mr.I l arney, in the chair. The minutes Edward Robinson passed into the,of previous meetings were read and great beyond on Saturday, April 23, adopted. The tollowittg officers were after a severe and lingering illness I elected for the ensuing year :— of dropsy.'61r. Robinson was born I People's Warden—Jantes Perkins ; in England and after coming to 'Minister's Warden—R. L. Wilson ; Canada settled in East Wawanosh, I Vestry Clerk—William dose ; Audi. where, he hewed: a home, and has tors—John Ilarding, Robert Toung; tilled • the soil ever since, and his Sidestnan -- William inose, hied labors have been duly crowned with Rush ; Repi esentative to Svi,od.-- - prosperity. IIe leaves a wid.iw, Wm. ilius ; Sexton.—Amos Doan. three daughters and five sons to mon'n his loss, who have the sym- JA MESTOWN. pathy of the entire neighborhood in Many of the farmers around here this their sad. affliction. The funeral, which was held on Monday last to the Donnybrook eemetry was one o f 1 1 r c •een in he town will wind np seeding this week. It is their general opinion that they have had en early as well as an t to largesev •t s � excellent bp''ing. ship. 1 he service was conducted by . Miss Joan Simpson went to Toronto the ll.ev. W. W. Leech, of White excelast week. She intends staying church. e all summer. Maggie Carrie, who has been there i Mr Ad am s ent Monday* evening seriously ill of plenrsy, is slowly* g. with his parents in Limy. recon. J James McCallum gave an , Air.. Sam Shines claims to have 1I r. • "at home" to a large number ut boys the cheapest, as well as the best and girls of the neighborhood, on farm horses in this neighburhood. One is surprised to know that they only cost hire 0. 111r, Roht. McAllister, jr., is, we are pleased to say, quite able to be round again after a severe attack of 1''r day evening, April 22nd.- Wits 2nd.iir. William Johnstodis ' getting erection this place and visiting brethren things in readiness. for lh attended divine service on Sunday of his new brick house..l' I gowning last. Rev. W Lowe, of Miss Flora McCallum is visiting Wingham, preached the sermon. The American, Queen's and Cent- ral hotels will be the licensed pre- mises in this place for the coming year. Only three hotels being allowed under the new amendment Farmers' Institutes, has been travel- ! to the Aet. ing through the province during the Messrs.aRuttan & Fitzpatrick are e lass, week. Ile says that fall wheat moving their stock of dry goods will be an average crop, 25 per cent. Brandon, Man. being excellent, 25 per cent. killed, Brussels corps of the Salvation and 50 per centfair. n„tts tips + Scott's Emulsion is not 0 "baby food," but is a most excellent food for babies who are not well nourished. A part of a teaspoonful I t mixed in mill: and given Army isha,vi. g " " and "downs of late. The barracks has been forward tifty cents. locked on them by the proprietor. I'tlhere died on Sunday evening, The Salvation Army Marine Banc: about 5 o'clock at the residence ofdd.,, will visit Brussels on Saturday, April i her son, Frederick Toll, an old and 130th, and Sunday May 1st. Meetings much respected resident of tie fft in the person ,f Mrs. Frederick will be held in the Town hall. 'e'l>� Messrs. 13ainton Bros., of Blyth, Toll, sr Deceased had been ailing have closed a bargain with Howe & for seversal months front heart trots - Co, for the large brick woolen faet- lite, and her end was not unexpecte • in this lace. They take imam. Mrs. Toll was born in Meeklenberg, uty p 7 itl]e, and examine before they i every three or four hour,:, diate posw:sioglovehsetitgentlem manufactures • Getting y , in 1822 of nd was t'nreo sie- Now is your time i are tanners and are picked over. i trill give the most happy but in addition will operate the t years ago she was married to Dred- fl )euintr out full lines of i henmlc. Cirri•tins ill all 1 woollen Mill, carding rolls, spinning erick 'Poll at Wilmot, Waterloo, We arc. of 2,results. ' Curtains 1t)t ; c: and up. I f �'t)tt :ire \t'fliltiu i liver oil with the yawns, t .C. 11 `e extend a cordial colors, X.ac;c. TiI'e cod welcome to them and wish them at] throes in Carpets, '\I • n Oilcloth We have a huge ge ! hos illtc, zdded as in every SUCCESS. y}lvo p her aunt, Mrs. Robert Shtell; "All is not gold that glitters. A Canadian youth, who was greatly interested with the premium for sale of certain articles in an Ant rican newspaper, thought he would try Ms luck by purchasing and selling them, Having sold ail, he : ent results to head quarters for which a watch was to be given. After it arrived at custom office a card was sent, telling hits to obtain his watch, he must „ mumps. Mrs. A. Simpson has heen suffer- • in' for the past few weeks with sore hand. Some time ago, she got a sliver in it and it afterwards became touch inflamed. It had to be lanced twice, and it is now in a fair way of corning all right again. The People's Faith Firmly Grounded Upon Real itlterlt: —They Know Hood's Sarsaparilla Absolutely and Permanently Curds When All Others Fail. Flood's Sarsaparilla is not Merely a simple preparation of Sarsaparilla, Duck, &n- aught and a little Iodide of Potassiums I3osides these excellent alteratives, it also. unexpected contains those great anti-biliode ant liver remedies, Mandrake and Parade-, lion. It also contains those 'great. kidney remedies, rya Lrrsi, Jttnipetr Berries, and rlpsissewa. Nor are these All. Other Vt•ry valuable curative agents are harmoniously Corn bined in Hood',t Sarsaparilla and it is Carefully prepared under the personal supervision of a regularly educated pharin teist. Ynowing these facts, Is the abiding faith the people have iii ItOod's Sarsaparilla a natter of surprise? You can see why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures, when other medicines totally, ltbsolutely fail. to comm in • .' Matting o I c 7 p,p .,, added, ya s. to pick from. Rev. F. J. platen, of Tlelgeave, collectiona large stock ill tine and t1115 palatable eniitlsiol], not In fools Mid Shoes t1 t, have 1 occupied the pulpit of Methodist heavy. 1 feeds 1111 1 but on Sunday hist Rev Mr. SEEDS ! SEEDS ►EDS ! SEEDS !. A full stock of all kinds 00 county, Ontario, and was the another of five ehildren—three boys and two girls. After her marriage she resid• ed for 11 years in Wilmot and then removed to the 2nd eon. of Morris, CC only to ee s the ,c i c , church a ''. 't wti rc she resided for 1G years after Allen 'o•lched Fducational sermons which the family removed to Nast e :Alsop i'C elates its digestive Wawanosh ,there deceased resided g" tor'llh', Oaten. hand. : LitlCtI01)S. Court Princess Alexandria, t;.O.h'., for the past rC years, The funeral hitt i s • your doctor about this. !Brussels sentlfi U as a gift to tot k place can Tuesday afternoon to Ask ,.a•a`t;:ti*; a:id:a ',half/No. 1 t brother +01C1t• LLt4tlUC.i. St:O't t a4 itti+4'tit:, l • . "ruroht.•. l ,rues s, , e. ' I'hillp S. il, of Cadillae, Mich., a the l'muu cemetery and was largely. former iii tisse i e and ' ambor Hood's Sarsaparilla 'lathe best --in f let tate t)ue Truce ltlarhl a'tirifer. Sold l+y ail druggists. alt: sit for Hood's Fills tirrtliCtifstaftr•Prltttaet 13111*. aid digest sun. titor ti