HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-29, Page 3+tc'arntr. 'Lc ;,':48':Tat"1a
• fa ;•E\T
The People of Canada Are Satis-
fied and Convinced.
That Munyon Has Kept Faith With The
People and Made Good
ilii 1 " r; "c 4„i tiv>l A lt
'.Ellis Remedies aro Becoming the
Safeguard of the Home -The T..3o.
isle Have Trusted and, Have Not
Moon Deceived.
'Mrs. D. Davis. Trenton, Ontario, Can.
lade, says; "Mine has been a marvelloav
n'nre of eczema by Munyon's Remedies.
hvhen I began using these remedies I was
covered from heart to foot with scabs. I
suffered the most intense agony from the
arritatIon and pain. I telt so bud that I
('believed it impossible to ever get well I ]tad
vssed a number 'of remedies to effect a
teure, but instead, 1 was getting worse
I was in Oraee hospital for three month,:,
tent they could not help me. I finally de.-
+r]Je4 to try Munynn, and after using Mutt -
:Font's Salve and other remedies I received
Immediate relief. The medicine seemed to
help and cool the irritation. I am happy
to say now that I have not a mark on
arty body and feel it is my duty to tell
Anthers of the wonderful cure \vibes has
)been efIeetetl ]n my ease. I have hnbnund.
P4 faith in \runyon's treatment anti heart-
nv recommend his remedies."
• 15Stsnyon'n Rheumatic Cnro aeldom• falls fa re:,
r7ar; is r'cle n,1025e, three hours and cures in a few.
tht3's. Pe
ii.tayon'a liyspepola Caro pesith'ely cures all'
fortis of indigestion and stomach troubles.i
!rine. 260.44 •'
• Tit:nyoub Coal Cure prevents pneumonia aria'
trellis up a cold in a few bourn. Price 25e.
Urnyau's Cough Cure steps coughs, night
s,n'ats, ailaye soreness and speedily heals the
%Aria. Price 25e• •
l.anyon's Kidney Care_speedilyeuros pains
Sa the hack, loins or groins, end all fortes ,0!'
'Ititittey disease. Price 25c;
t.' inyan'a Verve Cure stops nervoueneu$ OW'
Andras up the system. Price 26e.
slmtl•an'e Headache Cure stops beadnebn
til.teo minutes. Price 25c'.
Tittnyon'a rile Ointment positively cures al,
armtnr, of piles. ,Price 25c,
• ititttyon'a Blood Cure eradicates all Impurities
of the blond. Price 26c.
ilunyon'n Vernal* Remedies axe a been to all
Zine;en'5 catarrh ,liorm1 es never fail. The
y:t.tart% are—pries ::: c,--cradiestee the seen;a
Intent the system, raud the Catarrh Tablets --pricy
the •-cieaneo and heal the ports.
1'dunyon'e Asthma Remedies relieve in three'
ltatnutes and cure permanently. Price $3,.
Manion 'e43talizor, , a great tonic end iso.
atsr)r•of vital, strength to weak people.
A separate care for each disease, At all drug.
eats, mostly 25 cents a vial.
arsenal letters to Prof. bfunyon. 11 Albert
Yet -ort, Toronto. Ont., answered with free wedi..
.cal advice rOr any disease.
She Knew Her Age.
Cost of .a Boy.
The following good recitation for
a boy was found in the College Ad-
vance ;
It does not take as much money to
live in the country or in a small
town, as it does to live in the city. I
read the other day it cost $5,000 to
bring up a city boy and educate
him and dress hint well. I said to
myself "that is because everything
in the city has to be bought and
living is high." But I began to
study the thing, and I found out that
even a country boy costs his parents
a good deal.
: When you count what c boy eats
and what he weal's, and the school
books he has to have, and the doctor
bills that have to be paid when he
gets the measles or the scarlet fever,
be will cost his folks at least t;'100 a
year. I guess if a boy is pretty bad
to smash things or to kick his shoes
right out lie costs more than that.
So when I am 21 years old and to
du for myself I shall have cost father
more than $2,000.
Mother cooked my victuals, made
my clothes and patched them, washed
and ironed for me, took care of me
when I was a little fellow and when
ever 1 was sick, and she never
charged anything for that, if she
were dead and father had to hire all
that done, it would asst him another
$100 a year more, and that's $2,000
worth of wet k mother will have done
for me by the tirue I ata a man.
(Four thousand dollars for a fuy !
What do you think of that ?
These are hard times. When parents
put $4,000 into•a bey what have they
a right to expect of him ? Is it fah'
for a boy to play truant at school ?
Is it fair for him to ploy hall, go in
swimming or hang around town all
of the tiu,e when maybe bis father's
'emcees are not hoed the wood
brought in for his mother? Is it fair
for him tt1 disappoint them by swear-
ing or drinking?
Some (f oar parents have put
about all the property they have
into ue boys and giris. It we make
spittons and whiskey jugs of our-
selves, they will be poor indeed.
But if we make good citizens and
substantial Hien they wi 1 feel as if
they had good pay fir bringing us
They were rearranging the details
'et one of the new telephone ex-
changes in a small city near Detroit.
The numbering had to be straighten
sed out, and "central" was calling up
the subscribers t') set them right as
to their numerical standing. In one
•af the households disturbed for this
'purpose. the daughter of the family
came to the 'phone after several per-
sistent rings and began the con-
versation with "Honor
"Is this Mr. Blank's ?"
• "Yes. This is sir blank's."
"Well, you're 25."
"I'm 25 ?"
"Yes, you're 25."
"Well, I'm not 25. And besides
it's none of your business whether
I'm 25 or 40. You're impertinent.
report this to headquarters,"
You don't understand"—
"I understand all I want to. But
.1 have no objection to rewarding
your boorishness telling you that I'm
"I mean your telephone number
le 25."
"Oh, I didn't catch—goodby"—
(Ting-a-ling).--Detroit Free Press.
Children Cry for
Cq;. ST y s A8
Death. Recalls a Story.
A despatch to the Globe from 1
Hastings, Ont,. records the death of
one of the oldet;t residents of' the
'township of Percy. John McGuire,
aged '134 yearn. I^or a flambee of
years the deceased was totally blind, l
otherwise he was as vigorous as a
mals of fifty. lie was born in Fer-
managh County, Ireland,
the Floor
The Same Old Story.
"Grandfather,'' said the •tlutlg
humorist, "can you spend the after-
noon with hie tomorrow ?"
think so," replied the old man,Q t' fltr TUE ui Ci'
`but what's the object?"
"You no doubt are aware"answer• Treated by Different Doctors,
c(1 the ,young Ivan, "that I omission -
and came' - h
to Canada in 1819, and settled in
the neighborhood of Gallon village,
moving to Percy township hi 18(66,
where he resided up to his death.
A good story is told hi connection
with t' e deceased when he lived in
the neighborhood (-f Grafton. "Io
those (lays Senator (,eo. A. Cox was
endeavoring to snake a living manip.
elating a telegraph key in the village
of Colborne, and purchased a cord
of wood fr,111 McGuire. Wood was
not a ease article in those days, or
the collateral may not have been
plentiful with the operator, and the
wood was not then laid for, Years
rolled by and the transaction was
apparently forgotten by both parties,
until one evening last full, while at
neighbor was reading aloud for Mr.
McGuire some political news in which
Senator Cox's name appeared, which
recalled the wood deal of bygone
years. The neighbor suggested
that a letter be sent to the Senator,
who 'immediately mailed a check for
$50 in full for wood account. The
Senator can boast of having paid the
highest price for a ecrd of wood of
any man in Canada.
Catarrh of Ten Years' Standing
Cured by Dr. Chase.
Isuffered from Catarrh for len years
and woe treated by some of the best
physicians in Canada. I was recom-
mended by ltlr. C. Thompson, druggist,
Tilsonbur,r,totry Dr. Chnse.'s Oatnrrh
' Oure, and -eon state positively it t ured
my Catarrh ant Catarrhal Sore Tl••roat-
Youre reepecttfidly.
J.D.Pbillips.,T.P. ArtrA A. Howey.
• Witness. Eden, Ont.
For Over Fifty Years.
OL1) AND MOLL -TRIM.) Rf:1dD:ny—
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been utted for over fifty years by mil-
lions of soothers for their children while
teething', with perfect suooess. It soothes
the ohild, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
remedy for diarrhoea. Is pieueant to
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
part of the wot?Id. Twenty-five tants a
bottle. Its value is inatslu,.ble. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind
Statistics show that in Antwerp
alone nearly 4,000 horses were
:slaughtered last year fcir human
consumption, and The number of
shops dealing exclusively in horse.
Mesh in the Belgian ports exceeds 30.
Smelling salts aro a prolific cause
sof deafness. All strong. and pun
gent odors, particularly' those which
act on the secretory processes, should
the er oided as far as possible.
Penny For a Pen.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
ally write humorous articles for the
I "` .15 `:after eight newspapers."
"Yes I know," saki the old than
in A. o .'fT_ with a sigh, "and I have always
Intense Physical Suffer.
ui=f ;r-
i.ngs from . e urai.gia
in Head. and 'Face
Disappointed so late by Doctors
and Wiedicj`nes, ars.tl do sen
Thought There was I,a
Hope for Her.
hoped that you would some day see
the error of your way and reform.
Eat what has that to do with arty
sl ending the afternoon with you ?"
"I received a letter from a maga-
z ne publisher this horning, "re-
plied the alleged funny mttn,"rcqucst.
ing hie to contribute the humorous
department of his publication matter
-'rniliar to that to which his readers
have lean accustomed, and in order
rt at I may meet the requirements I
want yott to tell me some of the jokt t
eurr(:nt during your boyhac•d days."
-Chicago News.
When Dr,Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup
is used. It's death to the worms, easy
on the system and nice to take. Contains
st ilicient laxative so that there m no
need of giving castor oil or calomel after-
s; ards.
Tho most intractable and distressing
shin diseases which defy all planner of
treatment• -•even the best medical skin -..-
are readily moil b y 1 Chase's Ointment.
M1tS. JOS. QI'E11.IN, hctollieoper'tl
wife, at Ethel, Ont., \vta:s troubled with
Eczema of the head and race for about
9 years, and was so bad at times she
could not go near the lot stove to du her
Cooking. itis head was one inasss of scabs,
and although she treated with doctors it
kept getting worse. On hearing of Dr.
(:base's ointment, she got esdne, and was
delighted to find the first application do
leer good. Site used two more boxes of
the Ointment, is DOW free from disease,
can do her own cooking, and would not
begrudge i $200 for the good it has done
Price 6o cents a box, at oil Dealers,
or Edmanson, Bates & Co„ Toronto, Ont.
It is a peculiar fact that with most
men the growth of hair is greater on
one side of the face than the other.
It is said •that hair always grows
more thickly on that side an which we
ire stronger.
It was Commenced with IIVA
I O i 0 .
a Small Degree
of Faith.
It's a funny thing that most every
faith curist you see has a bald spot.
Nothing in the world is safe fl'om
a woman with curiosity and a hairpin.
The love yon read about in books
is most as ideal as a woman who
hasn't any political opinions.
Down in his heart the average pian
is always about its Mlle 11 dissatisfied
with his wife as his wife is with her
d ressinaker.
Prt,hsbly nlrist men don't set so
much store by heaven as the women
do because they nave an idea that a
harp strands something like a piano.
If a marl can only stave off getting
married till his hair begins to get a
little gray, nine out of every ter. off
all the women he meets will believe
he is nursing a life grief. --New York
A sharp eyed, close observing,
keen witted, sensible sort of a woman
who would have told you if you had
asked her that she was 25 years of
age, went into a. Louisville store the
ether day, and the first thing that
she caw .tas a dudish looking clerk
whose manners didn't please her.
She tl icd to find someone else to
wait on her, bat she failed and he
came up with a smile and a bow
that would have suited. some people
to a dot, but it only provoked her.
'have you any pens ?' slie in-
quired h ather curtly.
'1'es, miss,' he answered with a
tltnri1h of tllannel'.
'Whet kind, please?' •
'Any kind, turps,' said the clerk.
*We strive to please, miss, and we
keep n full ass complete assortrnettt.
You May rest assured, hiss, that
whatever. ,).cu want in the pen lint
von can get in r 1118 honse.'
'W'hat price?'
'Have y our choice, miss, a tent a
'Ah, thanks'.' she murmured. '1
want a pigpen. Here's the money.
Send it up at once, please.' And
she went out lea ving the clerk in a
condition which was really painful
1 to contemplate.
No Cripe
'Wren you take Hood'sl Pilin. 'rite big, old-fash-
1bnecl, sugar-coated pi115, whteh tear you elite
,pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take
"Messy to operate, Is true
NA Mows O3tT
c Pill, which are
sap to late In every respect,
Safe, certain tinct sure. .A11
druggists. ilia. C. 1. hood .t ('o..1.etve11. Mass.
'Tits only fulls to take with flood's !Orstaonrllla.
Wells ds Richardson Co.,
Sirs :-I suffered intensely with neu-
ralgia in my heat and face, and was in
such a uuutiitiuu that I cuuld not rest
day or hilrht for two and tt halt years.
1 was treated by ditl'ereet doctors and
used their medic ne and eontetunes got
a little relief, but the pain would come
back as bad as over. I walked the floor
night lifter night and thought 1 would
go aritzy. A neigh our, knowing my non•
clition of sutrerinnyr. asked me if I bad
tried Paine's Celoi Compound. I said
"No, 1 have no faith. in anything now, as
I have tried so tunny medicines and
they have not bone ILO any good." How-
ever 1 tlemded to try one bottle of
Paine's Celery Compound, and it gave
me such goof! results I continued until
I had used six bottles and was Cured. I
eltn never eons.% to lee press' ttty gratitude
for the greet good l'Jeri rod from eaine'e
Celery Comi,nnnd. fuss,, truly.
50 Mc(.iee St. Toronto.
Is lian! nn the babies. They're apt to
have Dia !Thom, and soothers snow how
dangerous that is. Mrd. Chap, bort, Mar-
low, Ont,. says :-1 can billy' reccom-
nteud Dr, rowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry. It cured illy baby of 'Mer-
ritt -ea after all other weans bad failed."
A Banker's Experience.
"I triode bottle of f )r. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed and Turpentine for atrophic).
Pomo 8ffeetion of the throat." writes
'rltit) mger'1'hos. 11eweon of the Standard
Bank, now of 14 Melbourne Avenue,Tor-
onto. "It proved effective. I regard
the remedy as simple cheap and exceed•
ingly gond. It has hitherto been my
habit to consult it p,ltyetoi.ttr in troubles
lot this nature. hereafter, however, I
intend to be my own faintly doctor."
illS I
rile ''.
( til
tl '
( 1
A Chinese writer in one of the
publications of his cwn country has
summed np the peculiarities of the
Yankee people in a paragraph which
is teafslfted as follows :--"They
live months without eating a mouth
tul of rice;; they eat ballot:1:s and
sheep in enormous quantities ; they
have to bathe frequently ; they etit
meat aid) knives and prinks; they
lever enjry themselves by sitting
quietly on their ancestoi"d graves,
but jtunp around and kick balls as
if paid to do it, and they have no
dignity, for they may be l'uimd
walking with women,''
®lid. `t
?'<Y W3
CA" 011
e ire
We are in a position to turn out
Every sorcerer from Sick Headache
and Constipation should know that
Laxe-Liver Pill, are a perfect cure.
Margaret Brennan. 5, Granville Street,
Halifax. N. S. saysi—"1 have used Luxe 1
Liver Pills for Uonstipetlou and Sick
Headache and found them excellent."
CATARRH-StEDS,, Is the breath
foul? The voce husky? Constant drop•
ping iti the throat? rain across the eyes
And front of the head? Losing sense of
taste and smell ? -proof that this all too com-
mon malady bas yon as its victim -Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has yet to find
to it. x.
a case too stubborn to y le
instantly, and a perfect cure.
This wr.drrtttl i, turtle t fre :c,h' a 5pc'c.y and
p^ratuntaatore, 1OP) NA, Hi us: s..Spcnd tl!.•ic,.t•oi
• .'u.. •t,dtutv.t..myfclk v
ttvd•n;1a x;•."11,1,
to ilial ed u ` r t Within steal (sill rtsrc, IJa,t. Ho,,.vv; (a..'a.l:. Veler,m, oE4a
ttbotlt t'4li,(lfk1,(It)(j Wtit 'til of ltrollei'ti' bi tis hal! St., t'h:t 1.11ax t. 36
every y'tvt)'. hold tat ('hi`holut's Deng more.
The Ginger Habit.
"What is it I atu clewing ?.' asked
the matt coming out of the drug store
in response to a query from his com-
panion. "Why, it's ginger root and
it is a line thing to nibble on between
steals. It is a great tonic, too, and
a digester. Will you have a nibble?"
And he extended it bit of the root to
the other mean.
"'Thanks, no, ;find the other.
"Ilow long have you been doingit?"
"Couple of years or such a matter."
"have you tried to quit it since
you began ?"
"Of course not. Why should I ?"
" Suppose you try to quit."
"Simply to test the strength of the
ginger habit. I had it once. .
friend of mine talked to me just ay
you are doing, and I, thinking it was
a harmless kind or thing, bought a
Mettle's- worth and tried it for indi
gcstion, 1 think it was. Anyhow,
whatever it was, I tried the ginger.
and before l: knew what I was abort,
it was as necessary for me to have
ginger root to chew on as it is for to
tobacco chewer to have tobacco. It:•
Stimulating effect had become ad nee(,
I had to meet. and as soon as I felt
the force of rile habit I proceeded t•,
break myself of it. I did ir, as tiny
habit almost may be got rid uf, but
I want to tell you it Was no cast'
job, and if you doubt me just you
throw that away you have and try
going without it for a wee!..." --New
York Sail.
At r aL towe, prise than ever before
Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping'
with the times.
i,1\1'V B LOP H
We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we cau.
print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest.
Give us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing line
and we
will use you right.
America's greatest, netbti ne is l:l.,od's
Sarsaparilla, which cures when all ether
preparations frill 1u tin any good a\ het-
THE TINES, Winghanl.
'f,:Spend a Dlrllar
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents,
fort 1D put ap ohesply to aridity the urtiv.raet p rostnt d.msn,l ter a lav, prf.6.
If you don't find this sort of
ans Tabullas
At the Drug-..s'sYs
i ,end drive Cents to Tits ltnetas Cantu!. Cotiteasta ±to. xi
;;urneo St., New Vork, itch thio, will he s t r .1.•tt by mail; or
I' e t:,ar;ons \tiff Le mailed for ,13 scuta, 1• sits^„(ta tit; tan 10
,: , ~r....•- 1 t.t. at t' ris
me the very a-•
Lei you, teed.