HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-29, Page 2..M:v..aasM bMl.ix'ANM WV wM • • '+w,•+i.r*ry, + Yaaa'!.aK M.. aY,IWMrM r-'M.a.,.S 4.+MwrwwnrYr,aµewa.,.,.sux it 4+vavu1'.ytpa.+.y.aauWwYY.'+ t WI N -U I AM TIMES, S, .AP.RI L 29, i (7eii1. .A sandbag will hold heat better than anvthin€* else. A ;'erasers st+tele• ing tillers with line sand epics !Mated' in an oven will nett+:tin Wastllt') inalca as long ars a water 1),tg of a I,rftl:; Seventy thne:s:lnd t deices tinter London in the co tree of n, tiny. Litt 71 "y z d ftNLLS z t, vqfist ta,. etes net W Oa ealeets ease, 1.)aeti'iivtat y cured by these) Little Iii ?s. They also relieve Dietress from Dyspepsia., lndigcsticu and Too Hearty Eating, A per. fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, P)rowst. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain la the Side, TORPID LIVER. They R,eguira,tc the y .,acts. Purely Vegetable. i7eArrai Y"li a Satan I DKii nom, Substitution the fraud of the day. Se:: yo: "':;t Carter'F, Jr C r ter :,, II1:,ist and demand < -ly4i.-..tet..-',; .•a4.a1 'C {' 1 3r. 4♦ cc THOUGHT TAY 19 EEO WOULD EZST.tr .A, Fredericton Lady's Tensible Suffering. Digs. ono. Donee= tells the following remarkable story of relief from suffering and restoration to health, which should clear away all doubts as to the efficacy of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills from the minds of the most skeptical: "For several years I have been a con -I stant sufferer from nervous headache, and i the pain was so intense that sometimes I was almost crazy. I really thought that , my head would burst. 1 consulted a num- ber of physicians, and took many remedies, ' but without effect. I noticed Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills advertised, and as they seemed to suit my case. I got a box and began their nso. Before taking them I was very weak and debilitated, and would some- times wake out of my sleep with a dis- tressed, smothering feeling, and I was fre- quently seized with agonizing pains in the region of the heart, and often could scarcely muster up courage to keep up the struggle for life. In this wretched condition Mil. burn's Heart and Nerve Pills came to the rescue, and today I state, with gratitude, ' that I am vigorous and strong, and all this improvement is duo to thea wonderful remedy. PHi'EN0L NE REMEDIES Talon:; the lead everywhere. 'e are working day and nt„;ht t t supply the demand. Ole c;Orreettnrltlenee shows that il'tudreafe upon hundreds f pool• Ctrfferery are being restere'I to benith and happi-' "TRY nese daily. ' • Rif (' • as,''%x`3'•3..)a%aaa3►'.3ia and coked potatoes are given, the Zest Iluron Licenses. Monday of last week East Huron License Board met in Brussels to consider the applications for hotel licenl;es for the coming year. All the members were present. Licenses were ,Q ranted as follows :--lluwfek Tolvn,hip--1, ordwiely, .1..Urr; txorrie, (leo, sworn 11 and R. White ; Lai;elet, A. Metu'nzie ; Delmore, J. Latuonby ; \Vruxettr, .J. ( ofton. rI'urnheI.1.\r - ltlnev:tle, .John Putland. Morris.--- BeIgrave, .Jnr) Seandrett; Walton, Mrt;. aarc :iQJ' illop,---Leadburv, T. Jones; Dahlin, T. Crawford. Grey,—Crtnhro'k, J. Long ; Ethel, Jus. Querrin ; Molesworth, Chas. See - haver ; Jamestown, 'Thos. iMrEwen, beer and wide livens;;, Brussels.— •Inn. Anent, .Jas, 13, 3tretton, and C. Ziiliax, The following.. resolution was passed by the livai'd relative to rhe application of II. Janes for Intense for the Revere house' :---II.e• Foiled that whereas by the re;:ent amendment w the Liquor License Act, section .No. 18, it has become necessary that the nalnlber of Tavern licenses to be granted in the villa»e. of Brussels shall be reduced to three (the present number being fuer,) and where+as, notwithstanding the very favo"able petition in favor of the house knew') as the Revere House, owing to its not being located in as central a position of the village, or has it the amount of accommodation of any of the other houses in said village, for these reasons it is hereby resolved that no license be granted to the said Revere House for the license year of 1898.9. License will he granted to the Commercial Hotel, Wroxeter if a suitable tenant is secured, Mr. White, the past year's tenant, going to Gorrie. The Board will meet on .Monday, May 2nd, at the -Queen's Hotel, Brussels, to sign licenses and complete statements. Keep 't5.rithin Bounds. Ir. an old biogrepee of thief Jns- tiee Mershai1 there is an anecdote which gives the :ie;iliticitnt hint of the tiltal)line to w, hicll young people w';re subject in the earlier day. Several of the great jurist's nict!es were in the habit of vibitinM hitt, and as they were young and attrae- tive the Neuse became at rendezvous far the young iuen of the city dur- ing the a afternoons. Judge Marshall's black major demo, old Uncle Joseph held a tight rein upon these visitor's. Evert: day at 4 u'cloek he would ap. pear at the drawing room dour in spotless livery and with a profound bow would announce : ''Ladies, bis honor, the chief' jus- tice bas retired to his room to pre- pare for dinner. "Gentlemen, dinner will be. served at half past 4 o'clock. It is now 4. His honor will be pleased if you will remain, and covers have been laid fur you at the same table. If e ou cannot remain you will permit the young iadies to retire and pre- pare Cos the meal ?" The gentlemen usually took their leave and the ladles retired in -;an ill humor, but any remonstrance with Joseph was only answered by, "Jt s the law of the house, young folks must he kept within bounds." In Virginia houses of the better class, notwithetandfng their almost boundless hospitality, the calls of young igen in that day were strictly held within limit. No cine was r'e• veiled as a visitor to an unmarried girl unless his character and ante- cedents were well known to her par- ents-. if his visit were prolonged until i after 10 o'clock, the invitation to family prayers Ns es given. If he seemed likety to beeome a habitue of the' I house, and so to engage the thoughts and perhaps in time the affections, of the young girl 'Who was its chief treasure, her father quietly asked the purport of his visits, and if he had none other than his own alrnseinetlts courteously requested hint to discontinue his calls. -Youth's Companion, This Two $undyed Rex fic!n, Can we produce hers that will lay 200 eggs per annum ? Without a i doubt, Ilow? By scientitie breed I ing, as for at good batter cow - or a good milker, as for a trotting nr high jumping horse. Experiments !lace t been made to increase with success. i The same method is applienble to poultry breeding. We will start I with a hen that lays 120 eggs. Some of her chicks will lay, say, 150 per. year. Prom these we will pick out i layers, and so nn till 200 or better I are the result. At the same time it it is just as essential to breed our males from prolific layers as it is the females. In fact, it is more so. if we look after the breeding of the females only we will introduce on the male i.ide blood which is lacking in pro- ficieney and tints cheek every attempt at progress. It is just as essential that the male should he front a hen which Iaicl 175 eggs and from a male; that was bred from a hen that laid' 150 eggs as it that the hen was frorn one that laid 175 eggs and whose mntber laid 150 eggs. A Newspaper Dian. Atwood, Ont., April 18, 1898. People in all ranks of life tante Hood's Sarsap- arilla with the most satisfactory rt. - sults, and this great medicine has won a place in thousands of house- holds as a general family medicine and blood purifier. R. S. Pelton, publisher of the Bee at thin place, states that Hood's Sarsaparilla has been taken in bis family as a springy Medicine with moat satisfactory results, and HOOD'S PILLS have proved a euro tor bilious- ness. The Prisons Report. Some interesting paragraphs are to be gleaned from the annual re- port on Canadian penitentiaries. One of these has referenees to the religious belief of the prisoners. It is interesting to note that out of 1,352 occupants of the prisons last year, -only four failed to register themselves as of some religious be- lief. Indeed, all save nine Buddhists, presumably Chinamen, professed allegiance ro seine Christian faith. The leading denoulinatiaus were represented as follows: Roman Catholics, 656; Church of England, 292 ; Methodists, 187 ; Presbyterians, 120; Baptists, 80. Only one prison- er desired to be put down as a Con- gregationalist. Of the larger de- nominations Presbyterians nuke the best showing, according to percentage of population, as they supplied but 1.6 per cent. out of every 10,000 of their number to the prisons, while the Methodists come next, with 2.22. The following paragraph is given prominence to by several of our contemporaries, commenting on the report, and it is certainly worthy of thoughtful perusal and consideration. It is from the annual report of the warden of Kingston penitentiary. Ile says: The prison of isolation, which it the only institution of the kind in Canada, has fully demon- strated the -superiority of the Bel gian system as regards the treat went of the incorrigibles and crimin- al cranks. Much of the success• is due to the superior tact and in- telligence of the .officer in charge, but it is et ident that the extension of the system to the other peni- tentiaries will enable the authorities. to dispense with the 'triangle' and other relics of semi civilization, acrd at the same time prevent well-be- haved convicts from contact with the more vicious and depraved. In all such prisons there are usually con- victs who cannot be entrusted with tools and material for work, and also some who are physically in- capable of labor, but who cannot t > , be with safety allowed yu ed inspires privileges. All those who are will- ing and physically competent are kept constantly and usefully em- ployed. The Cost of an Egg. The cost of an egg in the eastern' states is estimated at 1 cent, but this depetids on the pries of grain. If meat, milk, cut bone, chopped clover RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR [Tt cost will be less, not because the KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They are hosittlftll. entre !tie areureesie Torino r•f troth absolutely pure and fTfittrantc'w1 to I.il!ltl%ail,ft and all F itli;ey anal Liver les. Ii vtAtttn Olt' St Odd in It/high/tin, 'L'nrotjs ntrrA'rro v'i3 only by Gordon & Co. e e9 IA:, valuable Rennecty in all affections of the THROAT or LUNGS ,gree Bottles, 25c. DAVIS dt LAWREfCE Co., Limited Prep's. of Perry Davis' Path -Killer toeooreteoetotiorieeeeee ylly4oetora A QUICK CtJRE FS R, COUGHS AND CODS meat eon be purchased at less than the grain, hut because the feeding of a variety and r. balanced ration will incluse the hens to lay more eggs. The greater the number of eggs laid the lower the cost, pro. portionately, and it is possible to produce eggs at a c,)st of only half a cent each. ---P. II. Jacobs in Farm and lt'ireside. Seaforth'a population this year in— Creased by seven. Beauty Without Health is 1mpissihle, LAXA-IVER 71 w' YrY y "AN PILLS tm?.,aorenueravrcoo.:31 Bring Health, then Beauty follows. They clear the muddy complexion, obese away Sick: IIeadaches and Bilious Spells, cure Dyspepsia and remove all poisonous matter from thry System. Mrs. Acidic Thorrialt, 21.6 Brussels Street, St. John, I'L», says "Loma - Liver Pills cured tun of Constipation, Yn'lige- tion and Nikita lima/when. They have corrected the irreguiarities of Liver and Stomach, and restored sty entire system to healthy natural action." (xe4r;;;i.e'a ataitie, There are sever,tt ehildren in the family and they were talking of their garden. el an. going to plant the seed, Undo John rave Ise," said ore," and raise the most beintifui tl'.)tt'ei's,t' "I ant going to raise pinks and violets," said anothee, "And I'm going to raise tuberoses," said the third. But the little boy said nothing. iIs had no seeds to plant. And presently his mother noticed that he took nu part in the chatter, and her heart shote her. "And what is Georgie going to raise ?" she asked. Perhaps Georgic's Hp tretsbied, but his voice didn't. "Oh," he said stoutly, "I guess I can raise a worn, or two !"—Cleve- land Plain Dealer, G STIO Por Infanta and Children. Tho fac- simile signature s° War is 1n ovary Wil plteri , r , ,o191a[r.IlSe':8 Yv rx ,ti at Yr;a...rn ...x•nx°7+3,,xw. #ly' R1GitG2 P.:77 141%. ,i' t' - ' " r = x+ ti.:....aS;r..=,.t:.. .:.7. sti;.tob:774.1, ...:c'F s" t gs Castoria is Dr. i a iatt..1 T'iteher'5 prescrilption fon rof nts alta(. Children. $t c(:uta-iltt3 seeitl.ter Opit''Baa, Morphine not obiter liiareetie iGta::tatW0. Jt is it 1fi'•ttt1«fi,(."3'J Stlbotitt.t© far Paregoric', Amro, Seething t"ia'yrui a tiAti: ("loiter 01!. Xt is ea <a.- tr. Tic" f;'.>a?:a,ttoo 1:4 tinnyty ycagr' u13c by 1•'iil!+out}i oS 1.totl. Y:<. .L.at{)P^.aL c;est'ep-1 \ (»1).).n ttl'lal. at%1a.ty:s P'c rorti;dliiw,..;. Cnr.ttiri`.t seetty ntfi C'oiarLilylg Hour Cur& cures »Ti v:I'1Lcrwt'. ands. V'7-2220. Collo. Ca storla relieved Teething tionittles, cures Centstinattlon mut il'Jatldic;ney, Ca--ter'ia a£seinaiitttet the .t''ii`)d., 3cguiatt the Stomach axed '' ,+i>te•f1Y, ravines bOt Misty tenet steita?a2i sleep. Cgstor ia; lit the Cilai t — -tt'n Mari nce€b—tine Itotitcb's FP Gems. Castor c LJasl.or±a,. ss for ../• . r'' ., :,_a 'f'• (?t3ato:fn is an c:;cr ti ut nrrclicitle .n• a.sP .s.a ;; v; cit adapted :reel to children t c1:ildr t. Moth r. bay: rep te.iay t_)kl. tae 1 that r r.:e ttu'1.::1d it as superior to any pre- of reof it:; good cffcet upas their children." i rcrilaion l,:: - :t to me." 1)tt, (:, C. Ust;uot,, Lua'rll, .lit:a:: i li. A.:i+tciti.n, At D. ProokOw, :l. Y, THE FAC -SJ BIIILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER, THE CENTAUR OOMrM4V, TT MERMAN 9TREt r. "rix YORK ("V. t i FW4ia1t tri yP 7'O'' 9 CTF^'Tr R W f'1. ii To Keep Your Barnyard Dry. Joshua Brantingham tells in the National Stockman how he secured a dry barnyard : Many ideas of paving wer'esnggest.• eel, but all had their objections, especially on account of expense, until a year ago the idea of coal cinders being the thing to use came Was Preforabie. into my mind. I accordingly bought a large pile from our grist miller near by and covered the yard to a depth of about six inches. They soon packed down smooth and solid and have ever since made agood, dry yard at r, small expense. "I have about decided," said Dowling, "to go to Cuba and join the insurgent army." "Oh, you. take Ivy breath away !" exciainied Mrs. Dowling. "Going down there where you will have to steep out on the ground and be eaten up .by snakes and mosquitoes?" "Don't you know you are likely to starve to death ?" "1 do." - "And take yellow fever or chol- era ?" "I know." "Or may be captured or shot or something ?" "I know that, Maria, but they won't bang on the piano after I have gone to bed, nor make me gat up after midnight to look for burglars." —Atlanta Journal. el very good way to test whether sheets are damp or not is to place an ordinary tumbler between the sheets for a little while, and if the bed is damp, traces of moisture will appear on the inside of the glass. rrhe rate war is still unsetlted,and there appears to be no prospects of any amicable settlement beingreach- ed. The conference of western rail. way men at Now York spent three days fruitless discussion as all parties could not come down to a common basis. No case so slight you can afford to neglect. No case so deep-seated that Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will not relieve instantly and cureperma. nently. It has Heade marvelous cures, and enjoys the esteem and high en- dorsatiora of the medical profession. Through exposure I contracted that dread din. ease -Catarrh. My Case became chronic—In ro minutes after first application I had relief, and 10 *short while I wascompletelycured, W, Lnvsr t e. t.r.It. nrakcu an,Aattcedale, Ort, ar Bold at ' 'ishotln's Drug Store. Wailkerton has lost two of its hotels, the town not having popu- lation enough to permit granting more lieenst+s. ELTON'S (`IPS 11911 stand wear and tear for t ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the feet that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON) anct FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SIOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Winiuhar, Lint, The Leah% S leviaiists of itaierica ,\. 20 Years le Detreif'. • 7 250,000 Dllrefi. WECURESTRICT R Thousands of young and middle-agod menaro troubled with this disease—marls" taancone nauslS.They have sensation, small, twisting stream, ` sharp nutting pains et times, slight (lis- IV ,' N. s charge, difficulty in commencing, weak I41 organs, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility—they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing r, You. This will not curevott, mit will re- y turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT. ME1 T absorbs tho stricture tissue; honceremevosthostrlcturepermanontly. ; o IS can never return. No pain, no suffer. ti b" ILI. no detention from business by our - '1 method. Thosoxualorgansarestrcngth- ' Cued. The nerves aro invigorated, and ray •tli. fbliss`y1off tmanhood returns. it Ui Ctrpy : a w Jaf x ` At f t Thousands of young and middlc•agcd .r.6 xM awn aro having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this di; ease. They aro frociucntly unconscious of tho sauce of them ;Tunams. Ueneial Weakness, Discharges, Manhood, Mem- ory, Irritability at timet Smarting,F'cn- sation, Sunken 'Eyes with dart; circles, Weak Back, General Denressiou, Lack of Ambition. Vnrieoeelo, Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEE'i' and STRICTURE ,. maY be the muse. Don't Consult fart, ly ;' doctors, as they have no experience in{C;J these, special disease --don't allow Quacks to experiment on you. Consult pecialists whsbavomade&lifestudynf K 1:' Q Diseases otllilenand Women. Our NEW t' METIIOD TREATMENT will Rosi- a:;4 tively euro you. One thousand dollars +' catuotei re ore msmoderateforr'acare. ; CURES ARA TE D 1 t, a tp. 11 SG'o treat and mire: EMISSIONS, VAitICOCh',LE, SY.PIUILI-, (tLl'E'i' STRICTURE IMPOTENCY, slicniET DRAINS, T1i4NA'I'1URtAL DI1k'1tAlt(i- ES. KIDNEY anttti ]ILA UDElt Diseases. FREE. E8UIf a Image t mall, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME !'1tnA.TAIENT. KENNEDY t K RS'AN Car, Michigan Ave. and Sh^.by Stn DETRarr, MUM. Caveats and Trade.Mnrk`s obtained, and all patent: business conducted for hint];an'l i P1185. My Donee is in thc'immediatc vicinity of the PatentOffce nd my facilities for securing patents are unsurpasset1, Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit:1 description and statement astoadvantages claimed. 45r No charge is niece& for an opinion as to pateutab£liry7 and my fee far prosecuting the application will not Ste called far until I1# pt iningt1u;1informationsentfret.oaAlt Comnlunl• catii000u s,lJ tyCpq qoo. nssiidreret1 al slytrrictly Confidential. 4. ti.°. i;i .i' a..meta ilitWS IXI1 GTO .1). £t.' A aqfla$Y & i i tt\ J . ;¢ , Y•A •• . ,1 , .y' r1 t. . '0, A: 1. r. `r4' nlwt tlO Y EA It S' EXPERIENCE , T RACE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anynrn sending a sketch and dcacni :tion may gnletdy assert:tin our opinion froo whether all Invention is probably 11:11 rntnhle. Communica- tions strictly ennitdeatinl. IittnabnAicon Patentu sent free. oldest agency for secnring,patents. Patents taken through mune k Co. receive special notice, without charge, in ate Scientific Ymerlon. A itnudeotnely llaustrnted w('okty. T,nrgest rlr. cue1atttnn of env sr•.ienttfn imlrital. Tormns $3 a Year: four mentis, $l, Soad by all newe5 e/alore. MUNN & CD :3G 19roadway, Non, ew D nr[C Britten Office. filSr I' et.. WashingtD. IT PAYS TO AI It TISE IN TiI1,41 TIMES..