The Wingham Times, 1898-04-22, Page 108 4•• ...../.00*•••••••••••..M.••••rnsmi SA TITEDA- CAP' PY L\1 •,• 11r, Big Salt: of ker.dy-made Cloth- ing all day Saturday. 10 Mn' s Blue Serge Suits, reg. $5.00, fnr ; 10 Boys' Blue Suits, reg it2.50, for $1.75 ;15 Men's Dark and light Sutts, reg. $9.00, fine for 50. slic.); SA LE ---50 pairs Ladles' fine 111;1.4. Tan Slies, Stur..--.1.35; 30 pr.irs Child's Tan oszr:ra, tine. reg 7re, for 59e ; plirs Pine Tan She, reg. ;1.75 for DUE. t.." -.35 Remnants of fine from 3 t.n it yards, in plaie. fancy, Silk and Wool, reg. 60 to 75 for 25e ; 10 pieces Beauti- ful Shor Silk and Wool reg. irie for 50e; 20 pieces Fancy Gimp Trinim ing, tr,i'orted, reg. 25c for 10e. CARPETS AN i) CURT AINS.- Speeial pries Szt.airclay on Brussels, Toestry. Wools and Union Carpets. 25 pairs Lase Curtains at 25e a pair ; 15 pairs Lace Curtains, 31 yds long, very good, reg. $1.50 for $1,15. GLOVE AND HOSIERY. -25 doz. Ladie4, Fine Ribb.:q Hose, Cashmare, very special at .15e, Sat- urday only at 25c; 20 doz. Child- ren's Cotton Hose, Ribbed, reg. 8e, Saturday SPECIAL IN GROCERIES -Two Wash B.Iirds for 25c, 20 lbs. (ji-ranu- lated S:tir,Ar for :,-,t1.00, 2. lbs Coffee Sugar for $1.00. Canned Goods, COM, its and Tomatoes, 3 cans for 25 cts. Choice Teas for 21e, Oat- meal and Cast:le Soap 50. Shop early. We want your Butter and Eggs. Will pay 10c for Eggs, and 113e for TILE WINCIFIA.A1 TINIF482, APRIL 221 1808. "•••••,.."..•••••••••••••a•ms...aropacopm.....0.1",WA.P........• 41•6!••••••••••••••••••.1.••••••••••••p•M•1000••••••••,...••••••••••••••• X...10•••••••••.•••••••••[1.0•444.... SHOOTING NUMMI, News Notes. The share of land fallirg to mull inhabitant of the globe in the event of a partition would be 23.11 aeres. John L. Ingersoll, a brother of Robert G. Ingersoll, is dead. He was a great temperance advocate. The best watehrnakers' oil comes from the jaws of the shark. About half a pint is found in each ehark, John A. Cunningham, of °ammo. que, was upset out of a boat while reaching' for his hat and drowned. Mrs. Muria, aged 80 years, and widow of the first county judge of Perth, (Led at Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. John MeInnes, South Finale cut her throat with an axe while temporarily insane. She will proh. ably recover. MIAs Topping, late of the Clinton Collegiate stuff, is so ill in Florida that her sister has gone down to at- tend her. Tom N ulty, the Rawdon murderer, c.ondemined to hang on May 20, was . • ------- A shtoting te.t.telt t)ok plo)))ttDelgiave on wood Friday. Kew) en W. 11. Bele, of Wingham, fuel C. 11. David, of Belgrave - distance 100 yards 111.) t -lots each --0. H. David Winumg IP; 207 t' 1u; by W. 11. pelt>. The ;follow tn4 is thiagram of the targets, the. upper ovine V.. 11.liele's and the lower G. U. David's : THE ITEW Mary had a Billy goat Its tail was sort of bent, And everywhere that Mary goes The goat was Pu re to went. Ile followed her to school one day, Which made hr hot Its tire, For Mary had ridden on her wheel And Billy ate the tire. Literary Notes. The May number ot the Delinea- tor is called the Commencement Number. It has three full page filus- trations of Graduation Costumes, with a Descriptive Article,and should I be the Banner Number ot the year. In general matter the magazine will compare favorable with many that are purely 11 erary, in addition to . the articles of special value to the housekeeper and homet.vcrker. Mrs. Mavnell's paper on the Humor of Butter. I Children is a delightful bit of writing Ask for $25.00 Ticket, good for land the department of Sccial Observ- doz. Cabinet Photo-, at !ances, conducted by Mrs. Cadwala- der Jones, is this month of more than ivi58 usual interest. The first of a series a . tl n 4 A ild a ;College Stories -Radcliffe, by Sarah Cleghorn-7,gend.,ip thquiselves and I particularly' st1q*c4tse who appro.- REEZONALS. i date local color, '''IS;g):.•.'eit; and there We All11 it,t :OA t:) hare nontriblitions to tbis 1 This spring 70,000,000 white fish if necessary. is the true artisiiel4r h! the fry will he sent out from the Sand- 11111•••••••=leviclavelevi.Ls—rairnannacsamnece The Grand Trunk earnings for the week, ending April 7th, were $170,995, against $42-8,875 for the mine period in 1,97. Prayers were offered up for Mr. Giadstune at Hawarden church on Sunday. This taken to indicate that the end is very near. ereseseressessetesessee-------essesee--..... DU. li.ALIICLEIsCli, PHYSICIAN,. sUit. out.N; AND ‘CuocklIIIWIt. Successor to Dr, W. Grab •in, Bar$S110, ONT. tat class honor Orstloate of The Voiversities of Trinity iTor040), gneon (Kioastoo). and ot ity Colltare ; Fellow el Trinity Medical conogo and tl,,o,nor of the Collets, a Physicians and Surgkons of Ontario. Post Graduate Courso in Oaroit and (Uttar, 3.Sild. Spettld attention paid 11' ,astst oe Evo But, Nose and Thro,d, and 'Diseases of Wntnen. Consultation it, esemia and Gorman ;1',.‘Pultarrli tre,itea soccoltftilly in all Its forms. SEZO POTATOES FOR SALE The undersighed has a quantity of Early Harvest, Vieks' Abut:dam:, and World's Fair varieties of sed potatom for sale. Parties in need of seed pote• wee would do well to see mo before /.) LI 1 JOHN GRAY, Wingliane. detected in an attempt to escape see, from jail, tnipALAA rinp d L tin vOUla ALE Chas, Nerve% a Neepttwa druggist was tined $100 for selling liquor in 'The admi»istratrix of the estate of defiance of the law. Neepawa is a Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for local option town, A Mount Forest lady is afflicted in a peculiar and alarming manner. She started yawning a week ago and hasn't stopped yet. Mr. Morrow, in the shipment recent. ly , shipped 2,400 dozen eggs from Goderien, and he is making frequent shipments of o.er 2,000 dozen. - A. McD. Allan, the well-known frui.; expert of Godericli, says that the prospects for the fruit mein were never better titan they are this year. Grasshoppers attain their greatest size in South America, where they grow to a length of 5 inches, and their wings spread out over - 10 inches. Wil llan Alexander, Public School Inspector of North Perth for the past 27 years died at Stratford Tues- day, in his 55th year, Froin an at tack of typhoid fever. Mr, Geo. Fitzgerald, of Seaforth, has gone to Liverpool, where be has secured a situation with Fawk & Co. who conduct an extensive furniture business in that place. sale the Two Stores m Wingham loow occupied by Messrs. N, A. Far- quharson and W. IL \Vallee°, Mere for the same should be addressed to J. A. MORTON', Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate SEED WHEAT FWR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity of good clean, Lnst Nation Spring Seed Wheat for sale. Also a few bushels of Clover Soed. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P0. HOIJSO and Lot For Sale. MIIIMOVIN•ilaaintomaatilaomixma*saramenr.:10....• 4 WE sa.RE SHOWING THE FINEST RANGE OF ad s' S fl pes Handsome, newest designs, up to date in every partieular, aud at all prices. Ladies' Ready-made Wrappers -MARVELS in quality, style and. prices. 75e and up. It will pay you to see our Dress Goods, Gloves, Hose, Embroideries I aces 6r,c and compare prices. You will save money each time, for we, sell on small margins. GM INT TIT...X0 1\e'r.EU In Gents' Furnishings, Ready-made and Ordered Clothing, Newest Footwear, we will be in front now at al: times. r eat M. GORDON, DIRECT IMPORTER. 6.1•:7 tc.,•‘.70, cumnsaraalastoilaMnascual......semos.trainfzina=1..... Owing to the fire in my store window am offering all the goods slightly damaged by fire, consisting of Sterling Silver Novelties, Rings, Spectacles, Etc. lot on Alice street for sale. The house The undersigned offers his house and but is a nine room frame one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit trees on the .ot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wingham. BOAR FOB SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on north half lot 2, first line, Morris. a thoroughbred Chester White Boar. Terms, 81.00, with privilege of returning J. G. FYFE. column from atty lar readers. If vou have..;"„_ or 1ul..,:s.2 tttitn.t. may sonrs.R.and drop in I sketch of Southern Life called Vie wich fish hatchery. The fry will be tell us, or el us a note to that tact. ! Return of the Prodigal, by . Jeanie placed in Lakes Huron, Erie and set J J Elliott, V. S., of Clifford, was in I Drake. Dr. Murray's contribution Ontario and the Detroit river. town last week. Ion Rheumatism and Gout is a valu- Thos. Bell, the Stratford highway- . man, was on Friday last sentenced to one year in the county jail. Bell held up several farmers early in the year at the point of a revolver. Charles Rolston and his son were .-esse Order your Mr R A Brown, of Listowel, was in town I able addition to her series on the a couple of days this week. I Common Ills. of Life, and the Enter Mrs Wm Ainsley, of Brussels, visited I tainnients furnish desirable material with frie Mr W F Brockenshire, of London, was I al demand. The House Mother this ndtow :: i.ii n. the past'week. a a kind for which there is contmu in town th;s week calling on old friends. month is particularly considered in Aids of Home Nurses, by Elizabeth R. Scovil, Practical Architecture, Ten Delicious Cakes, Moving the Household and Mrs. Hewitt's paper Mr T Corbitt, of. the Tcronto Globe Ecluecti,.nal department, was in town this week. Miss Ilonghton returned home 04 Satur- day, after a week's visit with friends in 1 on Family Repression. For the Toronto. lovers of Fancy Work, the usual miss C Farquharson, of Wingham, is departments offer novelties of inter - visiting at Mr J Parquharson's.-Tees- water nws. Miss Matheson returned or Saturday last, after spending her vacation with friends in Ayr. Mr Chas Pegson bas returned to town from erogsbill, where he had spent the past few:omit-ha. Charlie Itaiste is visiting at Wingham. Ile is able to get about nicely now. - Brussels Herald. Mr and Mrs J W McNamara, of Ripley. took the C. P.P. for their summer mission in Oaltden East. Mr and Mrs John Taylor and family, of Ripley, spent a few days with friends in town and country. Mrs John Cornyn and family left on Saturday morning for their new home in Portage la Prairie. Mrs Jas Dalton, of Winginurt, is visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs D Deno- vath-Seaforth Sun. Miss C Cody has taken a situation as operator in the central office of the Bell Telephone Co., at Campbell's drug store. Mr D Stewart, of Stratford, general agent of the Ontario Mutual Life Assur- ance Co., spent part of last week in town, est. Order from the local egent for Butterick Patterns, or address the Delineator Publishing Co., Limited., 33 Richmond St., West, Toronto, Ont. Subscription price of Delinea- tor,91 a year, single copies 15e. lir John Neelands was in Brantford holt week, attending the quarterly audit of the High Cour. hooks of the Canadian Order of Foresters. The Throe Stages. the early stztge, Stott's Emulsion is fume. Per the 4g,1 stage, it cures many. the ot of eon. KIMptirnr it tioothes the cough told prolongs the life. The "Cabinet Members infe,” The authorship of the much dis- cussed "Inner Experiences of' a Cabi- net Member's Wife," printed in the Ladies Home Journal, will be re- vealed in the June number of that magazine, when the name of Anna Farquhar will appear as the author It is surmised that the domestic experiences described in these letters somas, and Weekly Globe $1.25 par Year. Tt5124, Weekly Globe and Weekly Sun 040 per year. F. H. KERNEY T 0I9 SOR1AL ARTIST. Opposite Queen'Hotel, Wingham. Por an easy Shave and a First-Clasi Hair Cut, give him a trial. Razors Honed. thrown from their waggon at Walk- kerton and the former killed and the son bedly hurt.. Rolston, who was a farmer, leaves areyidow and a fam- ily of small children. Thos. Futcher and Issac Ferris were driving to St. Mary's with a load of hay on Mondey morning,and when near the G. T. R. crossing the horses ran into a freight train. Mr. Ferris was instantly killed and Mr. Fuleher was badly but not seriously injured. • August Sparlingeof Seaforth, who was arrested in Buffalo, on Wednes- day of last week, charged with be- ing connected with an alleged arson case, and who was brought back to Seafurth, had a preliminary examin- ation Friday resulting in his being sent to Goderich for trial. were those of Mrs. W. 11. IL wife of the Attorney -General in President Harrison's Cabinet, -since Miss Farquhar is known to be a per- sonal friend of the Miller family,and to have spent considerable, time with them in Washington during their official residence there. The author of these letters was born and raised Inaianapolis, in neighborly rel_ Stokes both ori1urnherry, HowITT.-In East Wawauosh, on Apr‘i 8th, the roge of Mr. ;fatties }Iowa, of a daughter. DIATMED. tekrittVEY.—MIItannl) -- In Morris, on April Oth, by Rev. W. J. West, of Blue - vale, M r, rn. Tit rvey to >es Henrietta ettird, both of Morrie &tutus - &Imam - At the manse Wioguatn, on April 13th, by the Rev. I): Perrze, Miss Mary Zerkee to Reuben LLI dons with the Harriston and Miller iViesitneix -SANDS-At the residence families, but for ten years pastshe on the , of the bride's parents), Culloden 13th inkt., by the ReV. J. A. Cranston, bas lived a, studious professional life Mr. John McAlpine to Miss Avelino, in New York, London and I3oston, second daughter of Mr. Jas. Sands. She is now connected with the editor- DIED. al staff of The Boston Transcript, In Lrirsorf -In Nichol township, near addition to ber "Cabinet Member's Elora, on April 10th, Jane. wife of Mr. John Letson, aged 40 years and 11 'Wife." letters she •has published months. Deeeased was a sister of Mrs. one novel -,..\ gin,:ft...'R IT,...art"--,ind s. 0. noWlett, of East Waws.nosh. another ori, its V. 141 ;.• he latteit.She FALcouan-In OulrOs, on April 12th, is a young wt..ean .0.k:cc:ding elever, John Falconer, aged 84 years. MAtutzsrotr--1n Culross,_ on March . and only her closest friends have 0th, Hugh Machesney, aged 00 years, known her connection with the McDonoaLL-In Oulross, on April Washington letters whieh have 11th, Margaret MeDougall, aged 00 attracted such wide attention. Yenta. X IL...111--K -AND- -FROM THE - HOLSTEIN DAIRY. PORTRAITS ENLARGED The undersigned having been ap- pointed General Agent for this district for Messrs. Kreuter & Oster, will call on you for your -orders in CRAYON PORTRAITS in the near future. Save your orders until I call. All work guaranteed satis- factory. JAS. McAl-FINE, General Agent, or a Suit that will fit comfortably, look well, wear well, and keep in good shape, you had better go to Webster's A AY BELO COST These goods are none the worse on account of the fire we want to clear them out at once. Repairing done on short notice. Call and see us if you are looking for bargains. J. R. UN S 1--1 AW, WINONA_ New Spring Goods and. Samples of all the. latest designs in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges and Overcoatings to choose from. Orders filled promptly at very low prices. I Webster & Co., Queen's Mock. 0012 and OBS NEATNESS, DURABILITY, REASONABLE PRICES ° These are the essentials in good Boots and Shoes. They should fit well, wear well, and not cost too much. We have them in great variety, of the very best makes and of every style. Try our Spring and Summer wear in LADIES' SHOES, GENTS' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SIICES. Long experience bas taught us how to buy. We are bore to sell. For the best valnes call on IC.1-1.13)er-TiS Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Pianos, Organs, Violins, Autoharps Aeeordeons, Mandolins Mouth Organs at all prices up to $2,50. All kinds of trimmings for Musical Instrutnents. MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET MUSIC. We can supply you With anything you, want. Sewing Machines and Sowing Machine Supplies. FARMERS—Don't forget that 1 still handle all kinds of Farm lin- plernents notwithstanding that reports are eireulated to the contrary. Meyer Block. 'T. H. ROSS opposite P. O. 4 • .1