HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-22, Page 8%' ' ' peeted that the Bill will boon C �,!` tlig%j �.11i 'rsli 1111 up again for cu11hldl'ratiltll. VV +J i The lEla9 in the thrilo of eggs offer ed III Toronto and other markets FRIDAY, 1PlllC, ;.°., 1808 i through careless handling, is each ...e - . . -ss- ' year evaskierltble. Tee slightest W1/4".4G r'TI 01/14 t a. crack renders the egg valueless for �r. v .. _ ... picklingur cold storage x)urpuses,and Toronto, Mar. 31st, 1893 I whoa sold as "check" or uraeI ed The imp )rtanee Of the egg trade eggs, from two to three cents per le not sul'fleit?t.ltiy appreciated. Am• dozen leas than standard prices must tvhen the act thus. criean statisticians place the total be accepted. Collected front the! at an expon. a of from ton to twenty value of eggs produced In the -lfl.it• i Ic.5ts ill a haphazard way and can't cents for one or two packages of Dia- ut 3 It n, and S p m, THE �� TOI�' '�" ed States in e �l'e s ('f that lit dairy lei to anal et over rouot roads in ann' mond Dyes any woman can make her SALsal and 8 P iRM-Adjutalltl4lile6 'WHY �b. products, cotton, wheat, the lnii.eral ordinary bucket, there is usually ' haled gowns or skirts its good as new• and win comtnat d• *Servleutl at 11 tl. This kind of home work is wisdom and f m ,;11,i�ife and S p nl, �*atput or other staple industries of coutidl ruble breakage before the trueecopomy• In each of the above named churches the country. The same they be said eggs reach the market, where they 'Phis spring thousands of wise and I StIn ea h School is held at X330 p m, 1. Because it is dangerous to be a Of Canada, although ti•u iuclustry is run the ahatnce of further loss b5• thrifty women are using the Dinmun� I moment without one.tu T1114‘ :WIN( i i E 1!� `i'i F S%, APRIL 22, U t)8. „k .. t,.q,4,.YhFYrw.r , . ..�i1A••i•_.,--.MSM'_,.•.'---_-b•r� come ' DRESSING WELL a4.Bil c TI1 S RVIOIfIS M. THOi)IST--•ltev. Dr. Pascoe, pen- is (Quite Easy T ilea You Know How or. Serviced at lI a ID mei 7 p m. Ylll't(Sili'1'I'aIt1AIV- slier. 1). ferric There are two many women who are pa EPISCOPAL, ISr. • Services at lPaul's-Rev.1 a m and? p \' Idt lhl. C)1 1T,, St. �ti m• careless about their hone gowns. They Lowe, rector. {cervices at 11 a in and 7 imagine they are thrifty and economical ) m because they put on from day to day a 1 BAPTIST -Rev, Jas. Hamilton, pas - faded or dingy dress or skirt. Such wo tor. Services at 11 n m and 7 p w men are neither economical nor wise. CONGI'AGRI1ONAL---Rev. U. E. They are either misers or indifferent t0 Mason, pastor. Services at 11. a in and the.+feelings of their fancily and friends 7 p m CHRISTIAN WORKERS -_ misses Outram and Lock in uc.mmnnd, Services ElmAio ou�., . �1,)1(.&° Lng 1 m RUPTURED ? -16 I'i•T1,L18IIErr.l• If so it is your advantage to uvErtY FRIDAY MORNING call on Gordon 8 Co.'s Drug -•-PAT TIM-- Store, Winghain. They ITIIVIES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE $TRET are the agents for the WINGHHAM, ONTARIO. celebrated Wetmore Subscription prico,$iperyear, inadvdtnce Truss, ADVERTISING RATES -_ Spot, ,1 1.y.r. 1 U mu. 1 S tno.' 1 _1.uo• One Column ti0U 00 $•1 00 it«0 est k8 00 Half '• I 40 00 211 12 00 0 00 quarter" 50 00 12 00 7 00 3 00 Ore inch 5 00 3 on 2 00 I 1 00 ONE FOR YOU o •anile at, + t - Dyes, giving new life , fitting Old nn ei1Rt 0n here e'tr1'led uu 'dthout lite de• the handling• of the Ille1'Ch1Ult or ills d NEbee and COswtl leR, &da them for , C�I �. It will Ii�Ver rust and is COnse- ' oLoss in this wayis inevl• quently durable. larded putllleity tc'hicil characterizes" assistants, another seasons wear• other brttnubei of trail:'. As an I table su lung as proper egg carriers When you decide to dye, do not risk 3. A person wearing a Wetmcre does These mita-her, or it esfindI easesor d not article,. of food., CSl3Cl'.ia11y fur work- are not used. I.11eat7 E��''f•,' c.,..d,e� can your materials with p0 Y ., . t iso . could he turehased at a very llunlinal fig- tions of the Diamond Dyes Pee that , abcka9cs guaranteed i d t e 4. We will guarantee to hold in Sill; people, t.14 L.ad Of eggs 1 your dbaler gives you. the"Diamond" forma of Sexual Weakness, all effects 'with txdvantage be esteudetl. No are, ray twenty -tire cents for a II position any reducible rupture other prutluct e:tn be as inexpensive- thirtti dozen case, and by careful us -.5. This truss cannot possibly move l and. quickly prepared for the I Lt1CKlr0`V. totprtce onopncka>o$1 six, $5. Qnewzt_ szx 20i►E ct+t a Pamphlets fi ee to � table, while few table l,roiutts are o 0 S of our townspeople can capable of being served ill such a variety of ways, and none offer more nourishment to the consumer. The inhabitant., of the British Isles a,;ppreciate more than any other pert. pie the value of eggs es food. In addition to the enormous consump- tion of domestic laid eggs, nearly $15,000,000 is spent each year in. purchasing foreign supplies. France Belgium and Denmark- contribute iinore than two-thirds of this supply, and the monies received in the trade represent a great deal to the farmers and peasants of those countries. Al- though the consumption of eggs in 'Canada is capable of vast expansion, there will always be, an there is to- day, a surplus available for export- ation. In competing tor the egg trade of the United Kingdom it has -always to be borne in mind that scrupulous pains and care must be exercised if the trade is to succeed. A fast steamship service and cold stor age carrying facilities will do much to offset the advantage which Conti llential producers have over Cana. dial's. But something more is re- quired to win a good place for Cana dian eggs in British markets, viz.— unanimous cooperation of producers 'merchants and exporters in market - leg the eggs in the best possible con- dition. It is the little things that often make or unmake. great industries. We do not intend to offer any advice as to the best breeds of poultry fur - ttlter than t,, say that farmers do not as a rule, look atter poaltry with that intelligence and care that is be- stowed on other live stock of the farm. Experts tell us that by sel- ecting only tate best layers for breed ers• and plating for suitable pure - breeds, the average egg production cif whole flocks has in a few years been raised from 100 to 250 eggs per annum. In addition the size of the egg has been increased a very important item, as in the export trade it is essential that the eggs should average one and one half pounds per dozen. When Wore. After.®0 S l0ilp 0 i1®� •The QreaL RTarJlfsh Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada, On)y reli- _ red, Six ice o cure all Of abuse that work so easily and successfully. age will last for 1 or excess, Mental Worry, xcessive use of To - 1 baeco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt years. ' anyaddress. To - Keep theeggs clean, is ibo advice who Wood Company, Windsor, n ! The directurs of the Kinloss Branch I which every merchant would impress I Agl'ieultural Society will hold a I Sold in Wingham by Colin a Campbell, upon the owners of poultry. An I Druggist. meeting in the Mechanics Institute, abundance of fresh straw in the hen on Saturday, April 23rd, Co consider ____ _ = "e'' house Is nut a heavy expense, and it; matters in connection with the fall MORRIS. is essential to a profitable market.! Show. Mr. Thomas Laidlaw, of this town If in spite of care the eggs should: Mrs. P. P. Kee, music teacher, and r til voters' list become dirty, then by no means !ship, has a copy c. f 4i, wash them, as this process removes Mr. D. C. MeMorran, band master, for Ward No. 1, 18ti5, it being 33 are making preparations for the years old. The Morris side of Blyth a glutinous covering from the shell representation of the "Chief Nations was thele a part of Ward No. 1. and impairs their keeping qualities. of the World," which will be given 'there were 135 voters c'n the list, of We do not pretend to be cable t0 in the town hall in the near future. which Blyth fu'nished 28. Of the prophesy as to the course of the egg 1 Mr• John Miller has invested in a 135 voters on the list in 1805 there trade in Great Britain this coming Sawyer -Massey road machine. are only 20 now residing in the pre- season. It, however, does not require The Sepoy lacrosse club has or- I einets of Ward No. 1 -four in Blyth any prophetic gift to make afore-! ganized for the coming summer, l and 22 in Morris, vis.: D. 13. Me - cast of large receipts and compare- with the following officers: -lion. Kinnon, Win. Shane, L. McQuarrie lively low values the season through.' Pres., J. Murchison • Hon. vice- , 1 and Atex. ilieCreit;ht, Blyth ; Arch, The prospects are that in the British Pres., J. F. Berry ; Pres., J. W. I McInnes, Patrick Phelan, James largerales the production of eggs will be Armstron Vice-pres., J. F. Ten- than ever, while in addition g' Craig, Philip Ellison, Michael Kelly, pant; Captain, J. W. Jewitt; Sec.- Matthew Cunningham, Rieha'd to the usual supplies from France, trews., W. A. Lawrence. Pratt, John Kelly, Robert Hughes, Belga ov and Denmark, a phenomen- M5r. John McIntyre, formerly of James Lynn, Daniel Kelly, James al movement of eggs from new • this place, has passed all his ex - Pollock, James McComb, Thomas sourced in Russia is predicted. Al-. aminations at the Northwestern' Laidlaw, Robert 13. Laidlaw, John though these eggs are lute eompeti- Dental College and is now a full 141eLlroy, John B. Taylor, John tion with cur product and will, fledged D.D.S. Dr. McIntyre has i richmond, James Scott, Henry beyond doubt, have an adverse located in Chicago, where he will ' Richmond, John McMillan and effect Up011 market values. Last practice his profession. f James Logan, Morris. The list was year, it will be remembered, the Mrs. Treleaven, wife of Richard written, not printed, and was used Americans made a somewhat spirited rpreleayen, of Dungannon, and , in the contest fur the reeveship be - bid for tee export trade, and it is mother of Mr. T. L. Treleaven, of tween Squire Wilson and Charlie estimated that they sent more than Lucknow, passed away on Thursday Whitehead in which the latter was a million dozen eggs to Great Britain. ' afternoon, April 7th, in the 74th ! the victor.. 1 -Ir. Tnomas Laidlaw This year it i:. reasonable to expel- year of her age. Deceased and her was the returning officer, and the very large shipments from the Unit- husband were among the pioneer polling. which lasted two days, was ed States, as last year's operations settlers of the township and was • held in the log school -house at Me - were is the nature of an experiment. • well known and highly esteemed. Comb's corner. M1 voting was Egg dealers in that country ' She leaves an aged husband and done openly, and at the elosc of the have suffered serious losses for a eight sons and two daughters to first day's polling a free tight took number of seasons by the cold stor. ; mourn the loss. The remains were place, wbice was the first and only age of eggs, and now prefer to div- interred in the Dungannon cemetery, fight that ever took place, in Ward ert a portion of their stocks to Brit-' her six younger sons acting as pall- No.1.Mr. Adam Forbes was township istl markets, bearers, and a very large crowd of clerk in those days. Neither the Provincial nor the' relatives and friends were present. Duninion government has provided, Mr. Stewart Yule 'has gone to statistics as to the production of eggs ! Sarnia, where he has secured a in Canada, and it is impossible to 1 situation. compare, with accuracy, the present 1 The citizens of this place will situation with that of past years. celebrate the 24th of May in right Our government agrieultural ofdeials I royal style. Preparations have al - might render great service to the 1 read been commenced. trade if they would turn the present I Y organization for the collection of I WEAK AND NERVOUS. farm statistics to secure more com- Too many women that way. They 1 iWl c plete and better classitied returns as ed Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pitts. 1,11\1', , s. J. Hawke, Hagersville, Ont., says : it is taken into account that co'npe to poultry and products. Our own lylilburn'e Heart and Nerve Pills cured tent authorities place the average observations lead us to believe that me of weakness and nervousness, with Meld of bens for the BMOC in the there will be material increase in which 1 had been afflicted for a long Province of Ontario, at less than 100 the output of eggs this year, and Ino. eggs, it will be readily seen how offerings are now much larger than much i3 t) be gained by paving at the same date in previous years. .more attention 'lo the hennery. In `What are the lessons to be drawn this connection it is interesting to from the experiences of pest seasons note that on Mareh 18th, when a and the prospects c.f the present committee was in session to alnmend the Weights and Measures Act, lir. McMillan, of Huron, gave notice that • viten the bill carne up again he 'tiv'vuld move in emtnenement that eggs be sold by weight and that the Staddard weight of a dozen eggs be one and one•half pounds. It is ex - Legal and other casual atdrel t,seluent. So per lino for fires hse ttou,and Se per line orattailbubsequent insertion, bie..suded by neepara 1 scale. ,.anvil notices 10e. ptr lil)o tor first Insertion, and 6s. per line for each subsequent , isertlt r. Advertieements of Lost, Found litre). cd, Situations and Bustuers Chanced Wanted, not exceeding b line nonpareil, pr for first mono , and 600. for each c .t month subse u ( Elouees and Farina for Salo, not exceeding 8 line. 31 for fitat month, SCe. per eubsequent month Larger advertisements ie prop(ntiee. These tEr•me will be strictly adhered to special rates 108 larger advertisemanta, or or conger periods. after adjustment, Advertisements and local netices without specific Some die:otiona, will ho charted till forbid and charge accordinpaidin advgly.ance't ai.eitury edt ei figments must be testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or mone unungua for contract uclvertieemente moat be in y the ogles by Wednesday noon, ,n order to appear refunded. that week GORDON & co. BANK of��°� W IN G H A M. Capital, $1,250,000. Rost, 1$725,000 woo* `rananciNtanto. " F eiSd u ...b b.. _ �... tea..,,. ,....,...,.... Murray Lan.ran's iFLORWWA WATER THE SWEETEST M05'r I' r1Ci ;.tNT, MOST REPRIISH1N(t AND f.NDuRIN0 Or .11.1. PERFU„i.1S POR TriL 0ANDK1fiCHIEF, TOILET OH LATH. ILL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND rI, (;rxx, 1315us, & Co. season? In addition to erre, in- telligence and promptness in market• 1 ing un the part of producers )Ind' merchants, eggs should be put chased at tl reasonable basis of (',rives. In the large centres of productiun lr, the 1'ni ed States dealers are now paying seven cents per dozen fur eggs, and count on purchasing. the bulk of their supplies at six cents per dozen. The low pri.'.e of corn in the Western States has enabled poultry -men to feed it with good results. The 'interests of producers and merchants in Canada will be best el•nserved by an absence. of exaggerated values at the opening of the season, which must lead l..ter in the slimmer t e a reaction and consequent demoralization of the markets. The following table will show the prices of eggs at New York and Toronto, at the end of March, during the past eight years l ••-- WEST W AW ANOSTI. President-J011N STUART. VIeo4'resl000t-A. O. RAMSAT. DIR,ECTORLS JOHN PROCTOR, (31:0, ROAOU, WM. GIBSON, P, A. T. Noon, A. B. Lee (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL, yBepoaits s Bank-Boum, and upwards received and intere, 10 a allowed. Special Deposits also received at ourrem rates of ir..,rust. Drafts or, Great Britain and the United Stew bought and sold KIDNEY DISORDERS Are responsible for a Targe proportion of sickness. If you have a weak or a Lame Back, Swelling of the Rands and Feet, Sediment in the Urine, Dizzy Spells, Rheumatic Paine, •Lost, of Mem- mory, Severe Headaches, you may know your kidneys ara disordered, and the remedy for you is Doan's Kidney Pills. W. CORL30ULD, AGNN7 E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor. At a collection taken up at a fare- well sleeting to the Salvation Army Klondike party in Toronto the suns of 81,010 was realized. Gi.t,..'•rK sib Lam.., 3aa fad tizintato ti:ailo of Money to Loan on Notets loevery an /' ,267 l%✓: wraeAr. The editor et' the Missouri paper, the Orrick Times, is properly jubi lint. "Just seven years ago," he says, "we landed in this town with a handful of type au army press, and S3 in cash. We still have the press and the vete" Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet oentwhh privilege of prying at the end of any year. Not, and accounts collceted. ROOT. 111OINDOO. Bon ver Block Winuham, Ont H. B, ELLIOTT, PR0r0•ntTOR nN0 UOL1NURR,. 1L. PANSTONE, �L BARRISTER, buL1CSTOit, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest interest. No commission chargee. Mortgagee, tow and farn, property bought and old, OFFICE -Beaver Block WINoildtt GRAND TRUNK 1U.ILWAY. DT,PAItT ARRIVE Toronto and East 6 50 a. in, 3 05 p. m 3 SO p m 10 25 p m Palmerston mixed 8 55 a m 3 05 p m London and South 6 53 a m 11 10 a ni 33epm 800pin Kincardine 11 10 a rn 0 50 a m 3 30p rn 3 30prn 1025pm 830am J. A. SIOlrTON, BARRISTER, Sic.., WIngham, ' Out, E. L. DICKiNSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO RANK O3 IAIIILTON. MONEY T. LOAN. Office -Meyer Block. Mitcham. M. 0. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Office -Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets' opposite Coiborno Hotel. Comma, ONTARIO. ]JENTISTRY.-J. S. J I;ROM I:, L. D. S.,le mGULM. 1r, a,anutactur first-ciaee sats' of teeth as cheap 0s they can be made in the 3)oniinion. Teeth extracto9 absolutely without pull), by hie new process, guaranteed p0810,tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposito the Brunswick House. ARTIIL'R J. IRWIN, D. 1). U., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponueyltan !)ental College OFFIOE---MAODONALD BLOCK. NoTR-Will visit Blyth every Wednovday. CHN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANCE AOISNT W MILAN, Awa, DT T Q ' The Beautiful Life of :Vii 1 eT Pul'J i v1"illare, by bet secretary an �� DEANS, JR., wlNedAst, literary executor•, Anne A. Gordon ; intredur.tiou by Lauy Henry Son.orsr.t ; Aolle to everybody, Great snap. 1'respeetus fifty mem Hooks en time. LICENSED ATJCTIONEER FOL , af5, COUNTY BrudleyGarretsou Company, Limited, Toronto. 010 MUIR N. Salts attended In any part of the Co." Charge Moderate. OIVIAR WINGHAM STEAM PUMP WORKS �11�TEEL , U/`1P!IlgltILL 1891 1E1)1 18113 1891 189.3 18110 14: ; 13'.8 Toronto,14r, 1;e. lee. 15c. lne. Ile lee.Sew Vuek, eiE118•'. e.1i'o 1•o. Igo 1:,• 111e lues 1(1,+ Yours truly, GENERAL DEALERS. MIRES ErVIR C''TriliYE. ..r.�+f31 Ir4 1 '•.1 hat t often had Coughs and (;old, as i Noll ns l ronrhitig. Norway fine lyrnp cures me overt' time. ?nwzrl.TIAUIly, Mayfield Ont. Can't help but come to the surface in the form of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, Pitnples and Rashes of one kind and another. Especially is this so in the SPRING. At this time of the year the Blood needs purifying, the Sys- tem needs cleansing. Nothing will do it with such perfect success as Jessie Johnston Rockwood, Ont., writes "1 bad boils very bad and a friend ad- vised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle. The, effect was won. derful--tide boils began to disappear, and before the bottle was done 1 was totally cured. .1s an effectual and rapid cure for Impure Blood fl. B. B. cannot be equalled." .1'`lYl W IU( A canFOHY TNR, ' "a,"4t/x7MILLIS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply tho public With. Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths,ripe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water eupplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality, Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information Cr ordering by mail should alwnyN state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. C. MOEN'i KGSTAE Y."•'t 140 Wiughare, OM. OHN CURRIE, WINoJIA]r, ONT., LICENSIEDT AUCTIONEEII. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Inlplemen specialty. All orders left at the Times otllce promptly ettemi ed to. Term reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. S. Q. S._ -_Cutup Caledonia, No. •fu, meet 57 the drat ,end thud Monday in ,•vary n.outh, hr .he (141i1 F0Uo1114 ikh. •Visiting brethren welc(•u'' J. Murrav, Chief. D Stew art 11,41.•8,1• wA�dTED Faruroro' son's or other hi160.1:031 ustrIoua persons Of lair edUl',dion 0 whom $QO a motrth would be 011 tuducermut, t con115 also' engage a few ladies 01.0,01rew❑ 1101110.•4 'r. 11 LINSO'Jrt, Toronto, WANTED CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN: to introduce "Glimpses of Oil nevelt," the most ineryellous book since tie urlltIleau lou et the Bible Revealed religion tleu,Austret(d supernutnral fact of the 13 bre uo longer in doubt ltet•. Dr, Austin lo *5e Editor; Dr. Rnclglet, 1'roreseur et Philosophy Victoria lfltivereity, writes the intredultioth The contributors are schnharly and 001 1,11 men among whom Rue, Dr. T1µ tru.tliuttic v'e11 t' o. ' 1101, O. W, HetrnredetSOII, Coy'nc, 51. A., Chaplain Searle+, E.eigelibt l'toteley an(t many others. ('nutains e7:14,110•eea t f 11': sley, Mark Twain, Dr. Slickly, W. T, Stead. tw t a host of similar men, Tho veil Dep 4011* in, the spirit, land is drawn batik sethat all tray at least hat a 'glimpse.' Full hound ,zlnv0ssin1 hock, 7t (•out. , w•nrtlt twice that. Experience unnecessary. 1341111(9 on tune, Bap cotenlls..lun, Seila on sight, B1tADLEY•(+ARitET$ON Co., TO,tot'r0, OST, JOB PRINTING, INOLUDING Books, l'aml,hiete, Postore, B11 RendMontan,sMontan, NO., &e., executed In the boat style of the nrt, at moderato prices, and on 'short notice. Apply or address It, B. ELLIOTT. T MRs efBee, Win8han BOOKBINDING. we are pt'ajod to announce that any Nooks or Magazines lett with tui for Binding, will bare 001 prompt attention, prices for Binding In any etyltl will be given en aupitoatton • the Theta 0Mee 'tv'la zront that the fa Jaffrey Sir ra Y power of Il Montreux a»d that 11 whether ] )tale of T For SO• ud ]) herclovisitu01 pit. SEdisTveeld and 1nost in le Aulong who was l Beryl, fln fifer at knew thdio player. "Terri ",Where i `r1 belie "Ma fo Paris," 1 say 1 knc quence in 1851011001 "Do yt "You i have heel rambles. dull, pr( town yo (south n two and graph?" "You there as ed Beryl "In 119 intighed. treux hn in prod a inns' shayialvforng?' e Montret know Of "No, "Mas load b' -enteredee it was, be sure. tering violin, Sas to dr it carts tion -1 And h. By acid Isn't tl Poor f °is treux?' her cc tent. bate? chin i heart. said B terest It e which It s idea f and i with Beryl Bu tion • was t ing L root w carry It 4, ion's after tho Mont riders exeee abcn ,easy itioallc 011 2n Tl ltw( was to s tell vc TI as tc TI siren If anyl felt a mew ,50113 70011 I3 i)otl that Vet �tl •t)fC two