HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-22, Page 6I.N (,. 1.I.A 1 ' .1N ES A PP1T . 22 1;;98;. ..Arn•, - .r_w avrx0l:snx. TEE London Aaive,'tiser sum. than all butte;• made from milk of sMARKET REPORTS. \Rin 1 erea,n to which anything but emu- t;iiam, April 15 1899. 1 Y F FRESH marizt'a the war situation ne fullness t I mon salt has been added is aclulter- I Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. I -SPECIAL SALE President McKinley Wednesday far- aced. The butter producers of On- ;kali N'laea 00 .1 Ws 1 50 to 2 G01 —or— warded his ultimatum to Madrid, t,,ric) must Make no mistake. The `I l;i riui; tii'iwa'~t 0 1,0 to 0 U giving; Spain until Saturday to get use of any of these preservatives is O,ata 1,r,. Mr•a; idt dangerous to the dairy interests of Barley 0 • ,. rel." - -• t the United :,tares are being; vigor this country. • ti g'I'urkc:y, tll•awn t re the use t (hese, '• , v t 4 " ;: s ously pushed. 'i'he Spanish mettls- Ishould be done to discourt {, rusk ,'ptr pair .; . .. ll. SadoL lit Washington hal?? demanded :1,,t such substances, and the press' . 0 14 to.0 1, resent i should its far as possible prevent the I Butte r,,r dozen 0 10 to 0 >0 his p„ssports. There ale no p Wood per cord.... .. 1 U0 to 1 0 frOtz1 $1.25 up. tsigns that Spain intends to isle. If I advertising et thein in this country, . .. 4 „0 to G 00 Best quality. the present situation continues, it Ontario bas.a, reputation for pruduc-1means Hay per tut 0 •M,, to 0 30 ontliet within a few days. ling pure daily goods of high quality. I Potatoes, per bushel, 0 4 to 0 4 That reputation must be maintained, • Tallow ,per leper ib 0 43 to 0 4 and every person interested in the l •�_ 1 t+:��wT «' rt We `t rt` t? rI dairy business of Ontario shooed. Drea ed Nous 5 00 to 0 00 ' s visited 4 assist in preventing these ".]reser- �..•�•-•a-•-___ _ vatives tram getting this Province "Art ounce of pre- Toronto Ont., April 19.—There ir• better than a pound of , was not o heavy a run of scuff at d 0 00 to 0 00 1) ;i0 to 0 00' 005 to 020; 0 55 to 55 i 007 to00ti' 004to0O5 040 to 0 00{ (� - s out Meantime, tat s at p p it.tions ]n I m Everything possible 1 Peas 531 DRUGGIST, I Campbell's Headache \V afers cure headaches. TO ADV.J 1?.V ISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise. • ntents accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. Mr Simpson, of Eden 11111 , „ p tt a tootltnld tit his uncle's, Robert Coupes las week. Miss Johnstone, of S. S. No, 8 ice1 ventlon the Toronto cattle: yet da to dd t , turned on Saturday after spending ieure. " W e have pure a reputation cheese. 1 the Tbad onto ca weather tnyetds t day,xluue her Eater vacation with friends in ;Help toiumaiintain that reputation. to sell and get out. prices held Clinton.preservatives. Du steady, and closed at about last The 1lisses Scott of the 6th visited ;Do not as/resets week's cluurltiuus for nearly ever}' - friends on the tenth last week. less wieerttec preservatives. Do not , thing. There were 50 ears ineFY - Irs. Hanna, of 1i'ingham, is visit' ;not preservatives. 85 sheep lambs, and 2,000 ing her daughter, Mrs. Robert tae- I JOHN DRYDEN, j ing1 andrCl offerings 't] 1 x the everts bitumen. 13 rney. 4e1r. 13. Janaes�lreeeived the sad in- telligence of the death of Itis father in Kincardine last Sunday"• Mrs. S 0. Rowlett was called to 1 . �j r c' Elora on Monday of last week, owing 1 1 f hersister, 1 Tit s"" For ten doss we will give a dispount of 15 per «'e mese lilt `.'U'''rn, pre :. pi ,,hilt r.il' .: I1 rl,., . rc,. do as we advertise. Leek not for SPECIAL SALES during the sum- mer Months, 1Vatch this space. JOHN GROCf3R, Vs/INGHAM. i hogs. Export cattle—The v erlr. .T � ������,,�,,,,.,m•�,r�,�•�,�: were lie ter, and prices were firm a •' •^"I'"4. , I'''' ' from 3? c to extra per 1 b., the latter I ,--- r•_��- for some choice cattle. Most 1-" of the stud' brings lower prices than I ulster of Agriculture for Ontario. Toronto, April 151,11, 1898.at the latter figure. Butchers' cats Hardly anything went higher to the death o I than 3• c per ib, one lot selling at John L. , w,,.bU and 1 n �• c tson of Nichol township. a, 1 ether bunch at X3.90. w � ai, (�1� sort Deceasedihad only been ill for a I Common cattle are difficult of sale at • — short time with il,i3amatiun of the { TII,E EXPERIENSE• OF PUSS FLORA �;' per lb, and god to to 3c lupgs. FERGUSON, -OP SYDNEY, N. S. from � 1 ,,JWhi1e Mr. Fountain Naylor, of medium bringing from 33s.e, to 3 e eleigesesseseveztries, was driving .home FOR FIVE YEARS SHE WAS AN ALMOST per Ib. Stockers and feeuers—Bnt- S�a £tom Wingham orrecently, unnoenss II operating and he either fell or dove over the em- MEDICINES WITHOUT 1LEIITDR. there was some demand loc l ders. from bttnkment at the north side of ; WILLI AMs' PINK PILLS RESTORE me�Ofo to �3.ctU Prices lig hs � ocl Lowry's bridge, piling horse, buggy { • ' HER HEALTH. $3 , . and man all up together. Iver• 1 ers, and •-;;3.40 to $3.55 for feeders.; • Naylor, after being in this position ,Erom;tho Sydney, N. S. reporter. Steep and lambs—The market was Mann of Cape Breton readers, steady at last week,: prices. Sheep for some time, made 11 r. Wm. Salter ; y our p � said at .„ 7.1 for bucks, to 1�':i.SU for ! aware of his trouble, whc took charge especially those residing in Sydney $9 r coarse ernes and wethers, Yearling u£ kiln and assisted him home in the and thisl, will artiele,remember a d alsuhei:ue ' lambs were in raw Cietuaud and sold 1uuhning, very badly bruised up and ject g when residing at her `' g at X4.50 to y i._5. Calves—Choice several 1 broken. This. le the , :hiss Ferguson, ate scarce, and the market )s firm at secondthis same time ``,�� s nutbtheethere botders ofs Opect at ', home en the town.Il1rom 1890, just on 1 to , t2 16 ti 1,l. Newly calved cows are in this place.*fence it no demand. Hoge were steady at last the casting vote o ' Was a guard fence erected at this !1895, sickness preyed upon hiss Fer 'Toronto officer, was received in brightweek's prices at .e3.63-?,- at e3.75 for 'Toronto last week. point. It is Cooper, , of Clinton,a nwa.. gasogirt she became aninvalid, coin choice singers, isa•i17 to 1,f .55 for Mrs. Job Cooper, of Clin; was thy i, light and heavy. µin to �3.?5 for The Ontario Department of Ldu visiting with ithnhethesweek past] T. despunctcpletely lven nc y. up In the spa nt 1885 l sows and $ 2 to *2.50 for stags. • • • nd went t• the ; Fast Buffalo N. Y., April 19.--' eitIDAY, APRIL '?'3, 1898. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tun list of protests entered. now -totals up to 6'', with a few more to follow. posTstesTER•UeneraS Mullock's bill to impose postage on rewspapers will ,lot become law this session•,a;, OFFICI.t.I, intimation of the return •of J. T. Garrow in West Huron on t A. L.Gibson the re Cu,lie ur1 cation has prow in preparation a new daughter of 11 r. Cturie's is danger- she left w11ere she has a si text buck which will be placed in ously ill, she has undergone a e'tuple States, all the ser,:'ols and for pupils in the ot operations in the hope of effecting' of er frriee nindsi ht benne ti lower forms. It will cleat with her reuuvery. agriculture, forestry and Queh topics. -------- • ;there she was atten 3ewaxe of Preservatives. ;then, but witlto It A semi-official outline of Premier the Bair industry until suehuse e . Greenway railway scheme includes , In building up Y s1, grant of ;:5,000 per mile :or a road lof Ontario two things have been part of ever .o the Lake of the Woods, there to, taught and urged, namely, purity her sister's. Friends came to see be conneca:tl with the proposed. n- and high quality of products and her, only to go away with the syni- g econOmy of production. Whatever pathetic remark, "Poor Flora, she is ;:trio ..ilii River road to Lake great ' not -long for this world." From theuperinr• set backs this industry • LIMY h past few years can beginning of bee sickness up to the; Tun plebiscite bill as drafted and• pro- 'Cattle—Alt of the arrivals consigned a Change 1 through ; the market was slow and her. W hid weak fur the few hold -overs, and d by medical the outlook none. too good.. ling,+— ' n_v improvement, Receipts only about 5 decks all told,. ally grew worse, and few held over from \ebtetday'b , spend the greater trade ; the market was fairly active day on the lounge at and steady to strong ; good to uhuiee Yorkers, „3.95 to f.4; prime selected light Yorkers, *3.`90 to *3.95 ; uiixeu packers' grades, $4.05 ; medium weights, $4.05 to 84.10;•neavy hugs, i•t.1U ; roughs, *3,40 to 0.60 ; pigs, irides for a straight vote on pt•ohibi-1 tion, the vete to be taken at a date to be fixse by proclamation of the. governor :it council. It is expected that during the passage ot the bill through zee house an understanding will'. be arrived at as to the best time ;of the year fur the ;eking of the vote. The disposition wail be to defer the -vote till ,after the harvest work is sever at all events. THE Fleeting of the Cnneervatives of Nest Huron, Lehi in I)nngannun, Rin Ttteidsy last, w�5s well. attended, the average f butter is t rktn�* the ptlli otwiti• •tat•ding ~Le wet weather, t have rust in the be traced 10 a neglect of one or.the ttmt when the Is bo ' " l'0 1,,i 83.70. cheep and lambs-- other of these important points. - ilams' Pink Pills was taken, she had 11:ereipts, Lilly a few ears, but quite The cheese industry of Ontario is tried upwards of twenty different a number held os er irom 1 esterday'S a patent trade, half of which were fairly now fairly well established, and the l.irds of medicine—some from doe• duction of .large amount curs and some of the° mans p o gooddes the market was at1Ve x of Dr. Wil - Many persons have their good day and their bad day. Others are about half sick all the time. They have headache, backache,OTORE and are restless and nervous. HMI TO PIOT. Lots 10 and 17 in the 11 Con:eeston of the Township of I-Iowieu, (the (rocket ;Willits farm). will be leased to a good !tenant rur a term of years at a reason - I able rent.. Apply to 0. 1I. Willits, Wrox- eter. or to the undersigned. Dated this 7th day of Feb., A. D.1898. It, V.A)TSTONE, Wingbam , Solicitor for estate of Crocket Willits, 1 deceased. Food does not taste good, and the digestion is poor; the skin is dry and sallow anedisfigured with pimples or eruptions; sleep brings no rest and work is a burden. What is the cause of all this? impure blood. And the remedy? 1 Ii( Having opened up a shoo store I next door north of Chisholm's Block, I am now ready for repairing, which 1 will be done at cash prices. It clears out the channels through which poisons are carried from the body. When all impurities are removed from the blood nature takes right hold annual pro s handy grades ; and completes the cure. of well made, whole -milk cheese of drugs for sale at druggists. Healing II dull and blow for all kinds; n If there is constipation, take ' i ::he•?p and lambs, choice to extra,' cr's Pills. They awaken the uniform quality has given Canada from a friend of the value Cf D: • good,34.35 drowsy action of the liver; they a coutrolling lutiuenee in the British Williams' Pink Pills, Miss Ferguson t •t•.(iU to Y,l,li5 ; Pair to cheese market. Our creamer' in- resolved to give theta a trial, and re- to 1,;4.50; culls to common, »3.50 to . cure biliousness. dustry is. now r:apic;ly developing, quested her sister to get her a box. 1,� 1•;.'S ; J esi lings, fair mixed to elluice' �rVritc�>f� enc ®scrap. Following the dlreettons cai•efulty ivothers, 8.1 to $1.95 ; native clipped I �?o havo rho exciusivopsent ea of and 11, is of vital iuipurtall a that the tom%ottea scarce• w=iW,:=eaiyattlo sheep, choice to selected Wethel's, : somooi tYolnostOminont tlyaiciansia tte•ning attention be paid to the she bwent o she began to feelake them, s bet-' r $1 25 ;good to ehoice mixed, particnttles1 t�s3, ,j�ouCcoer ro- tarning out in an economical manner day byI $2, 15 to • caveap n of butter of uniformly high -quality, fur and her spirits to return, and int snoop, x,;.75 to .;:4.10 ; eomulotl to adtuess, z� J.io��itmass. lair, y� 3..)() to ,„3.65 ; culls 1,U common ! pure and unadulterated. This in- the course of a' few weeks she walk-; . r , d •t mile to the post office and home I sheep, ;,.s3 10 ,e,3.40. r dustry will, it properly conducted, e , d assume very large proportions, since again. Miss Ferguson eonsump` ha u „ er aha,. that of cheese, eight h acts, when she was convict- I .continued ( .........W,.• - .,„, .M......�- t I she 1]ad used { much great and the lirlcls ] t greatI • exeeeu those u1, cheese. In She was again strong and healthy.' keeps in stock all the leading tines in the British market, our :,utter meets While ill she had greatly run dowlt ; • I in competition similar goods from in weight, .and at the time site began 1 HARDWARE 1 Irel :Ind, Denmark, France, the Unit- using Dr. Williams' Pipit Pills, was 'iStaves, Paints. Oils. Glass, . and Argentina. pounds,•Whenin s9aeon. 1 t• municipality' was repre• i imports of butter ell re-toied to health and happiness. .and tsvar. I rented. it was decided to enter a protest against Mr. G.irrow and have a arsrutiny and claim the scat for ;kir. Beek. The old staff of 1 aofticers worse re•etee:ed, with Major l I)entnarl bas attained a chief place sl.t, had chin )let,ed the elf,bt t o Milder wt , 1 t !Bruce, as president and Itr, T. C. b studying r the requirements of the her weight had increased to 141 1 7ist,,r,rett, a consignment see Toady% Spee, u1, e deli, as treasurer. y y g tn:N p,�utt0 .•111+0 i gnm for Dravt n , � market, and now produceir nearly all pounds. Onlyone month ago she ,file, sizep un hand �'., .l, 4 and G in•s.' 'peeehca were ueliverec. by M r. J. . :it, John, of Nest fork, anti of her creamery export butter from called at the home of the editor u1, pasteurized milk or cream with she this 1>aper to tease her addi est; to I'riuc�s Fit tit, Give nhu a triol. Air, E. It. Piekinscr. ft Witerham, use of special Ferments, In sumo of hove the Reporter forwarded to her ' �. p��lE,�'�'�'�����1. •to (lrcat at Arlington Mass. During the ni The t t t'sent i 'rc ventCCcut has , the countries cx porttr g , .,,w• thelia in it herr. the .- ecnuoxiil..c s .1,I t:,< varir't;s depart bas become 3Ga�pratiee pyo useldsome above fact conversation toldto,1,h, t to xnents, leaving; out -_g account .'1 1kind of "preservatives" in butter- Richardson, the editor, and with Ipeparttnettt of At riculture, with I making Sometimes this is added beaming countenance Miss Ferguson ' Whose increased seerenditure no e•ne I butter as a salt ; sometimes it 18 agrees to have him telt Inc people, to Williams' 1'inl. Pills will find fault, to the amautlt of? added to the milts. These preset-- "How Dr, „� jnatives rresold under varix ,natnes, brought l►eia:t'rom the gates of death , $732,000. The f ow rrment tisk I such names as prescrvalcnr,' ,preset- to the enjoyments of health." I1 ; i l�,U(!tp fest thtlt. lir. 1'astcr diel' viable, preservites, beteg favorites. was astonished, as being well se-' "for the :;barge 1Jt,. put;1'.e debt ae- They are nearly all mixtures of quatnted with her in Sydney, know•' +�l3 00O ':c:,:, for e: pettS('3 of': hururie rvid, The increasing ore of int; how ill she wttti and seeing her a count; ti:., , ,s1 ,. �cm2nt• bbl. alt,C, 11,.::s it civil those preservatives has alarmed the physically ch,tnglc person- was en- xltan ,i cause tn;i �h gove'rrncnt Y eG 1,t,�C f) u � s for peril, !British asurrs,nsli'elnc consumer, and b,dieXl ough at the to change. any seas to be 1,t of''Titlhitr , het}° "e :tt5t3 fur less.G11f' r I uf The x'ttr?ihnic tit ; �'il,r;(.C1, less frlr (etude all�r butter nes arielf'ou, found. The writing C1'et glia On,be at`ilVoedl ��y� itvillitta. )1. these figures do nat l the.,e preset le, nvir.eet Co1lserva.: ` •y that there is; British public has become i alarmed, eld, the ectitoltostr chill Arlington, S. p Llttiwh c•ndetAL t to curtail out'the preter, aid tublte y°f icials are now dney, C. 11., or anyone of the inti - Well t�i'llEip, it Cot' a° .t ie b1,'- without' on ttCl, 1,t of Silas fury t;• 1,h•' count*" `.t •� betrnu••cs�n�dYe it lookout i,ebtrttrefuLlyidnated wood I1t11ajsSydttey�.l�ctgu::oniilarcl• y prt.reo ,1,•.t 1,4 ,:+. e•,:.v'r.eed. WINGHAM A CV MILL 31e4.11 .: & SON, ],'row.. 11 1...f.. JOHNHILL. TE LAUNDRY Our laundry plant has arrived . and we are prepa; ed to turn out first•elass work 111 all lines of laundry Workon the Shortest Notice. .for the conventrece of customers, a DROP BOX will be placed nt the door to receive work when laundry is closed. OPV . LIS A TRIAL with your next order. T. D. LONA Opp. Union 5'•1•etory. YY NY ,eern efe're es •. 111fin.lf.11".".!„f.1 r' 1,rigq ■.41.0.1 yg11..01,1;i Yl.lpf Y•Yl'Y%1.lYffY.Y.11ilflifi.11N.fgf.lif R.gYiitlYl\6.�liflf.Y�.tq Y11 LL.%� •,Ilii nn WE SELL_. => dirxr-, tll„ .0 ...Mr, '.h �aY.,ac,maTm M.Y/srmi+.:.nrr,aa•SPnTAtra, T+evrw.u'c11.11 .YiR..lo<I...., MI kinds of +'oagll a. d dressed 1 Lumber, Lath, Shinpler, 1 1A le Barrels, Hard & Soft Sasi ilsn 1,tlarge quantity of dry ► d wood for sale, delivered, t Telephone orders promptly at- tended ic,. iixcL' Ai & SON.1 Prima for Ladies' and Gents' wheats SIMS Sli • IS rem ycles 33330 $35.00 $40,x0 $50.00 • $60.00 $85.00 III OLUMBIA $144100 •ra., OHA,INLESS The meths of Columbia Wheals are, welt known. There is none better. HALEY PARK, - JEWELER. CO111.1 1N ,1`D SE1 i i.i..l..pii011..40 i,f.7111ifiir! . • f.q,11T1..4114”... r■ has t:Niiiiti�itiiiiwiiR�iAiiR�iYiif�•;,iiiaa' la Pt,3tisit;a f