HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-22, Page 5We have all
'Workmanship of
the latest for Spring Suits,
the best. "Guaranteed,
at moderate prices,Fit and
W showing the
e are
Also all kinds of ;hen's Furnishings for Spring Wear. A special line
of Ready made Parts and Overalls cheap. Inspection invited.
�4 9I�mr.i0®00�+�3®P►1'o.�10-® '
0A....P6aa a s
Opposite Queen's hotel, Wingham.
use it, because its " shine" lasts
too long, and seems too simple.
'Pays him better to use a
wax pore -filler, and polish
up a previous polish.
Paid by the week,
instead of by the pair,
he'd shine the acs
leather, hard and
smooth surfaced, with
� ��,+c a 1, a�t tv• ��y�°. � LIZ 1
k.1.1 LNG !AAA'A' ,IME �� APRIL 22, .... w:Rit,9.*.
M......�a...��..M••..rr....�•..•^-. _... ,-,-.-..-:;-.,����-
BET,GRAY E. ,.usi
Farmer$ aro mostly done seeding.
Mr. Bert Sanbury spent Sunday
with friends in Wingham.
ratan has'secured
Mr. Chas. Venue
• a situation wit1i the Wrought Iron
Range Co., of Galt, We wish him
Airs. Jas. Haugh, of Wingham,
spent Sunday with her parents here,
I Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Uasl rn
i Owing to another engagement
I there was no service Sunday in the
evening in the Presbyterian church.
The following shipments were
made frt.m Iielgr a' e station (hiring
last week viz. : —W. Clegg, of Wing- 1
ham, 2 cars oats to Guelph, 3 cars
' � of oats t
1 �'Vner1G LV
1 cattle to Toronto ; Watson & Geddes
1 car lumber to Hanover.
Miss Clara Fortune, after spending
her Easter vacation at home, return-
ed last Saturday to her school at
Some of our,-.eitizen9 are wonder--
• why Rip Van Winkle is not seen
loitering along the river banks en-
joying 1d3 favorite sport, tisbing.
We guess the reason is because he
is trying his hand at making cheese,
at Kennilworth. •
Mr. John Gilmour returned to
Toronto Business College last Satur-
M. Wm. Baird, who has been in
Ct'=��i�:�'K:� :v6t'';:� �••allyj P"-'�,^'-l�:p:'',.�i
"Thanking our customers for their very liberal patronage, which has brought ovr this
nearly upto our expectations, we offer more startling bargains to -day, as we mu3t tet,
When we advertise an article the people ,:1ways
stock into' cash within the next few v�•ct:l•:s�, r
know they can get it just as advertised, both as to price and duality. In other wctdy they
Now for a few pointers know we mean it, and to this we attribute our success.l
,tryp4 :Business
`�'�v e
e Ola Country and 1 ear r e to -clay
( Portland also cars of madequality andfit guaranteed, graer price s ,
Galt; Clegg � Dames 1 car to order,
\iiehigan lumbering the last winter,
^�� has returned home.
HOMUTH & BOWELS. Master Wat. Dunkin bas engaged
For Sale Only bywith Colin Ladle for the stammer,
._.- Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Stokes en-
tertained a number of our vnun,�
Double -fold Dress Goods, was 25c, now roc ; 44 inch Black Sicilian worth
$2.00 and down, for 5c
lgc 'Black and Brown Stiff Hats, ~erre.
Dress Trimming about half price:. 28 lbs. raw
airsSGgoce:r's Scales each,lbs.
r� ho4 Coffee
� Sugar
for $l.00 ; 4 -piece Toilet sets for $l.00 ; 2 p
I lb. Pure Black Pepper, cy the lb., only 12.%c.
The Cheap Cash Store,1"aetl.onaid's Block.
Ihrin (C*
Pim:•eons, Spring Wagons, R• d Wagons and Carts.
notified the residents of the. town I treed Nitta; lrenrietta Mustard, a poll -
they will have to clean up their pre',t a bride towC lady
becoming fIhe same
lin.costume he
raises and be ready for his visit o
the 16th of May. whits; cashmere trimmed with lace
During the time the school closed I and ribbons.. There we: eover 1001
all the seats were returned to their I guests. The wedding gifts
usual places as they were befure the I numerous,
fr iL r a s, useful and handsome.
Mr. A. Koenig bas resigned the
Financial Secretaryship of Court
Princess Alexan ria,
�"`s 1 \ people last Friday night. an cl a•
l d C. C) it and
. seemed to enjoy themselves. has been succeeded by Mr, b.
at the
Al r. Tiro a 1' ergueson is engaged Rev. Mr. Abbey presided
with Messrs. 1)lilOtt$' at the i3ricla-Ithe annual vestry meeting of St.
I yard for the summer. I John's church, held Easter Monday
evening. A surplus of about .$1.40.00
was reported by the auditors after
all financial obligations were met
for the year, which is a very pleas -
,s. and worthy 'of
'Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs,
Dusters, Axel Grease, 011, Harness 011 and Soap.
on short notice, and at reasonable prices.
issc P 1 T7
wis s to thank the L
and vi
pati onag
'nity for
es of Wingham
eir kind and liberal
the past season, and for
s in attending her Mil -
recent date, and she
d to have all orders
shionable and
li • j Display
is now fully prepay
tilled in the most
speedy manner possible.
Miss Cassie. Harris has returned to
Wingha►n to resume her • duties in
Messrs. Romuth & Bowles' millinery
Mr. Morrison,. of Kennilworth,
visited with his brother John this
Miss Polly Batters has returned to
Miss Letitia Morrison is visiting , stave to the Synod. ol:. wt's
with friends in Kennilworth and I ported t10 hein i toward the newe s soredsry f fund
Arthur. Guild
The timbers c n purchased by e Presbyterian ancussed ed and will probably the subject of ieventuate,
g was sits -
church have be p the' rection of a rectory on the
John Gibson and will be usd for in the v
erection of a barn. The old church lot adjoining the church, Miss Fast
has stood ;'err .ever forty years man was paid $10 as a a recognition
and is one of the old landmarks of i of her services during the past year.
St. John's church and ineunbent i5
to be congratulated on the satisfac-
tory condition of financial and church
affairs geucraily-
Doan's cannery, one of tier pioneer
industries c•f the town, was turned
at one o'clock 1Wedne: day morning.
The fire aslo did damage tt, the elec-
trio light plant adjoining, and setting
fire to a dwelling owned by W. Core
i t repast had been on Huron street. Mr. Ilya
done ample justice to a :cry enjoy- fourteen hundred dollars iatsu•aece
able evening; was spsnt with games, l on building; turd twelve hcu dretl on
ant order of affair
note in any congregation. John
Cardiff was elected People's Warden
W. 1'. Vanstone, Minister's Warden ;
Thos. Mazwell. Treasurer ; J. A.
11eNaughton, M. D., .Vestry Clerk.
Thos. Kelly was. chosen Represent•
music, social cha.c, dancing, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Purvey left for their
new holue about a mils west of the
bride's late residence, where they in °t r for th
set up housekeeping under very
favorable •tuapiees They have the l
year • Ilt,n Pres., s., G b
the stock, tint this v.111 nut nearly
cover his loss.
The Clintou cricket club held a
evening and
meeting; on Friday ,•. _�
elected the following
o �
T _ , I) i41 t:"t a rant;
good will and best wishes of a large l Hon. Vice R. Ii,ausfot d ; I't es , T.
cir le of friends.
1 `be barn of Mr. Daniel Kell:'
was burned to the ground on Wed-
nesday evening of last week. Three
calves and e, number of implements
the village.
Messrs. McKelvie & Hemphill
have been busy with a large gang of
men repairing
the breaeh in the
woollen grill down at Mildmay.They
are also having the mill thoroughly
refitted and putting in a large stock
of goods which they wilt exeha.nge
for wool.
Brussels Driving Park is. being
put in first class order for speeding
and driving.
The town band will soon coin-
s holding their weekly open
been invited to P
annual sermon
Mr.sJohn mea: w
Jackson, Jr.; Vice, Lek Kt'nnedy ;
bee.-Treas., F. i . Hodgens ; Execu-
tive Cotun,ittce•--J. dcMurchie, N.
Fair, A. McGarva; Match Ct,naniitttee
G. --I,, Kennedy, It. A'gnt.'', °G
were burned also. Loss about $80 i a Barge • .Ju"seril,tion Committee—.
insnranec '1;�0. thenar' a, F. Jaa: ksun, I'. \S . Terry,
A. Arnlattoes .
On Sund iy morning last a large
number t t' i la, u,asuns . t-ggaged in
auditing t the erection t f tt.e Doherty Organ
t' Molesworth, is the factory urat'r.het! in a rac:dy to the
guest of Ploy. Geo. McDonald. Ontario tit. reheddist church where
The reasons have started to work the pastor, Rev. 13. Clement,. preach -
at the houses of Mr. John Wasuaan ed at set mon on the sut.ject t.f ' Char-
Mr. Cris. Brinker.
acter Building"front IAA- '?Otat verse
1'Iessrs. John King and Ed. Bailey of the Epistle; of Jude.
have rcturued to their respective� Nineteen t.f the inmates of the
schools. House of Refuge are soil;>tit.; with
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Messer and grippe'
daughter Margaret have returned to la l. J. L. Doherty will use the
to their home in Hamilton. Email toile track for training his
Wm. Baileyspent a few days last
I fast horses this season.
week in Stratford.
�Z nr. Carter will I,e. foreman
Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of Wroxeter, j of the corporation C r te-r lata,>rers this
and 11 r. Rogers exchanged pulpits seas , Tare
last Sabbath.
Taster,atilnnday evening. t to Mr. Perrie, of Wingham, will
h` J. Higley, presiding., The preach in the Presbyterian church
�Wa�rde.ns. Me�srs-,Pinnsmer :incl AlpLss s.xt lliss Millie Moss has returned to
Cjglp Elia Alton, iiartland, N. B , jp t' ,
Cared of Enema. t home in Bu vie.
;Ito; plai
and hereby certify that my daughtdr, with
The annual vestry meetings of
Trinity church was held in the church
I lector,
' w. '1'.
Mr. John Burgess is at Brantford
the Foresters' books.
Miss McKee. o :' o ,
Mr George Richardson, of Brussels,
'nt Sunday with Mr. Walter Bur -
Mr. LI. Mooney, of Brussels, paid
town a. tivmg visit last Sunday.
aff & Stewart's mill team ran
ay on Monday and one of the
,ses %%Its badly cut. n Them ey lac atfe
red at , the escaping
1'ho flax mill will soon wind up
hal:ll'a, was cured of Eczema of sev. I in i
eleirs standing by four boxes of Dr. ivhfe
air concerts. Wing-
J ,Ointment.
The Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Ilrl3tle. Drug ist, AL D. AITON, A
ham has a reach the Rei Witness. LiartlandN.B.. brid,
lion to the 1. 0. 0. 1+'. on (, esarm Work 1n April.
Sunday next. fours
A t will take charge ll0twiug is mosteffectual when it ways
of the American hotel oil the 1st of that early fn the; season. The quag
May. 11 r. I%ennfg, the present peal ��rathe work begins the better. cane
prietor has been in the business for theirs are now made of ►nan,y as 1'le
the past 13 years. \YcM designs, and solutions can found
Health Inspector McLauchitn has
has just returned from the Eastern Market,
having purchased a full line of the finest
111703Ft.10 401-C304001710
that can be bought this side of Montreal
in Black, and in all the leading shades.
Now is your time to conic in and examine before they
are picked over.
We are opening out full lines of Chenille Curtains
in all
1 1 if you g
If you cannot get beef,
mutton will answer.
You may choose between
Milk, water, coffee or tea.
But there is no second choice
for Scott's Emulsion.
`tied in barrels on wheels, or
a ss, .back, in a contrivance
t� it. to a knap sack. Spraying is
not so
The walls of the new t'a.,ttr)
going up very rapidly at d will soon
be read,' for the roof.
The faali,uUS Waterloo iirat.s Band
has been secured for Clintolt's May
24th Demonstration.
The members of Clinton fudge, I.
0. 0. lt'., will attend divine service
in Ontario St. Methodist ci,areh next
(Sunday a. 01
The farmers around Ilarriston
eontemplaite. the etcction of a. pork
mica fot'l '' V.
ate Ums
Head a
P' erd not only to pr.+vent diseaises over h
Jo.s and vegetables, and to pro- We,
W -le trees and plants in that drum
cal but is used alst. as a safe- imagin
l.Oagainst insects. A fungicide hope t
oellution used •for destroying ouragit
to 4 fungi, such as rot, mildew, dise•rtu'a
llrtrust, etc Englan
It is Scott's Emulsion or anter from Special Bulletin,
nothing. 1 Department of Agriculture,
When you need the best _-
leak) fungus, which irects the
cod-liver bil, the best hypo- inais well as the fruit, bust not To
;tided to weaken the trees. To
•; in check, spray before the Imo 14.
50 en with a solntinn made atrana
W 1:11'1' ECHE 1tO li
The w•eatther is very fine and seed
being sown very fast, and we
iced a few of the market garden --
planting 1 Peculiar to my sex, and I br
planting• potatoes on Sa,turda body,head,limbs and
in our • sores on my
hands, and my hair all carie o'.t. I vitt
ender tho doctor's treatment a long time
without benefit. They called my trouble
eczema. Vitally ]: began taking Iiood'a
Sarsaparilla, and atter 1 had used throe
or four bottles I round 1 was improving.
I kept on until 1 had taken several more
bottles and the sores and itching have die.
appeared and my hair bas grown out."
1tMtts. J. 0. BaoWN, Brantford, Ontario.
"I was all run down and had no appe-
tite. I had. a' tired feeling'all the time. I
was advised to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
I did so and it benefited me ab much
that 1. would not C � Without
toil 1'i 8+
G. 1. linftwtsrt,—IP 1300a S area.
All Covered With Erttptian:• Was l
Not Work, the Suffering
Creat--Hood'7s Has Cured.
‘,1 was all run down with con �pealnto
110 mumps ate raging
age, and some of the victims at 0
y low at present, but we trust
t under the skillful treatment of
doctor they will soon mem er.
Troy has left the contract tc,
tie S. San of building a large
tudah in front of hie brick block,
making 'other improvements
ch will add to the appearance of
n Thursday last at about five
Is in .110 afternoon, R. Addison's
e farm house'( oeenpted by I o,
ler, was totally destroyed by
hot little of his contents were
i1. A stun of lnonev,Mt's. Nail
jewelry tend all thohr elothinr IS tielcitr-inratcttbennt turitiot+ttrttsieee•
what they'` worn Fit the
lime. ?miller.
cpintrne�l e extend out' sylil `1 od'S N>irll ooah szrs;rxr c
y tO theta in their` loss:
colors, Lace Curtains for 35c ant , up
< � Oilcloth, 1� e; 1Ytilvc rl large j ,liosphites, and the best
anythln�,Carpets,ltllycerine, all tom
"gin Matting or
blued in
collection to pick from.
and Shoes we have a large stock, in Cine and the best possible manner,
In Boots
heavy. • you
have only one choice.
It brings prompt results
in all cases of wasting, or
A full stock of .111 grinds on hand. in
loss in weight.
jE]:]:.]LS- •cvAli drugg5
• ; oe. and $I.ee,
S(OT1 & $e1wNS. Cattniste,'rorai
iglu l _
tin- k's Cotton Boot Compo'nsa
ltot sucecssfully+nwcdmonthlybyaver
(0Ladisa.Safe,effeotual.Ladiesask Cloth
druggist for Cooke Cotton Root Corn- Cloth
l,einereesua.ll 4fixtures, pills and
1re 10 degrees stronger,$8
per box. No. if possib
, �44d ou receipt of price and taro 8•eent
1 tulle Coote Company Windsor Ont. bag unt
I. and 2 sold aria reeommended by all 111111y 0
Io Druggists in Canada.
92 for Bala by •Colin A. Crvpboll Clotll.e0