The Wingham Times, 1898-04-22, Page 311111 WINGJIAM TIMES, APRIL 22, 189B.,
Is Only What Ought to
Be Expected From
d F t tri L th
Home Taro of Farmers' 'Wives au axgo o a ex,
I Iiclfltst is noted fur its aeeolnt'dat• 1 I M E
The average fanner seems to knave ing landlords. Ono its slay night
little of the beauty, rest and blessings not long since, two young men who'
of an ideal heals says t1 writer. It had been up country fishing got into]
• takes but little to make it, little to town too late to reach the batter t
heautlfy it, but if that little is kicking shop. It had closed. l
they have ouly'a .louse for their'. The next morning they learned kgiroiri,, 1families to live in --not a home. In there was an excursion down the ba - D i' O}�h i t lace build the house as the and they wanted to go, but with a 10 shy V VV_
the p
• women fol ka want it, and convenient week s growth of beard, they dud not.
for them, instead of yourself, for e•jnstder themselves presentable,
thorn they work from year to year, 1 After about an hour's hunt for
with little to break the dull mono- . sutnebolly that could wield a razor,
HIS !METHODS tony of their live. Have for their they appealed to the landlord, '0,
use every kind of labor saving yea, I can fix you all right. I have
Imachinery ; water from both well got a safety and I will gi. o you a
Upright in T'ivorythiug-altvnys Beep and cistern in the sink or porch, and . shave that will make you. think
ing 14'aith with the People, anal
. U>ove All, Curing Thczn of their Ills
-Why Wouldn't Success Follow?
Airs. Wm. Shaw, 15 Mouta,^,ue place, To-
ronto, Ontario, Canada, says : "1 have,
great toatidenco In Iliuuyon's Itetuedlt•r•,
Staving used them with 'wonderful ,uevess
Loth for thyself, husband and child. 1 was
;subject to severe attacks of headuehe melt
xvicek, and sickness of the stomach memo -
panted the sumo. Slue,: using Munyon's
Aacudaehe Cure I have not boon troubled
with an attack. Iu the ease of my little
boy the results have been truly remarkable.
Through teething the little fellow was com-
pletely run down, had 1ostellis appetite
stud was restless and irritable all the time.
'We gave him the Blood and Debility cures,
and in a short time the change for the bet-
ter was marvellous. Ho is now enjoying
splendid health. I use nothing but Hint.
tun's Remedies now and have great faith
tin them."
? a 11unyon'Rheumatic Cure seldom• fans fo re:.
have in nue to three hours and cured in a feW,
tduys, Price 25c,
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures an'
Sornia of indigestion and stomach trouble
,'rico 25c-dJ +
1tlubyoa'o Cold Cure prevents pneumonia m(1'
breaks up a cold la a few houra. Price 25e.Ltuayon's Cough Care stops coughs, night
sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the
lungs. Price 250.
tminnyon's Kidney Cure _speedily cores paha;
in the hack, loins or groins, and all tonna sr
!kidney disease. Price 25c:
t4_unyon's Nerve Cure stops nervou$ae1D en9'.
up the system. Price 25c.
ltnnynn s Headache Cure stops beadecbe tat
mire° tuinntes. ,Price 25e.
Mauna's •Pile Ointment positively earn e/,
Kornis or piles. , Price 25e. .
Munyon's Blood Cure etadleates all tmporitle9'
.ii>f` the blood. Price 25e.
Munyon'a Female Remedies are a boon. to ell
I1unyon'a Catarrh Remedies never fail. The
+Catarrh Cure -price 25e. -eradicates the diaeasa
tam the system. and the Catarrh Tablets -price,
21e.-elcurtse and Beal the parts,
i'duny0n's Asthma Remedies relieve in tures'
lennntes and enre permanently. Price $1,.
Munyon's Vitalizer, , a great tonic snd re -
starer -of vital strength to weolr people.
A separate cure for each disease., At all drug.
&r >s. mostly 25 cents a vial,
personal letters to Prof. Manion. 11 Albert
street. Toronto. Ont., answered. with free ued1.•
seal advice for any disease,
, plenty of closets and shady porches, i there is no use for harbors.
And in this home have music, the *Whet in the name ut all that's
'great, is a safety ?'
'Never you tnind,' said our jolly
boniface, 'you just lay back in your
chair and go to sleep. "ill wake Mrs. Plass is [hired By The
yo '
I best magazines, genert:tl newspapers,
agricultural papers and books, Then
have lots of'catty chairs and a lounge.
And, best of all, sen that they have
time to rest and read and think a
thought all their own once in a while.
Don't keep your daughters out of
school to help mother. It's the
worst kind of robbery to rob them
of the chance to get a good educa-
tion. Rather hire a girl to work -
same as you do loon.
Instead of having the dooryard
open to commons, as most of them
are, have it fenced. have beautiful
How the Matter is Viewed.
Two farmers were recently dis-
•cussing their local paper. One
thought it had too Many advertise-
ments in it. The other replied : "In
may opinion the advertisements are
far from being the least valuable
part of it. I look them over care-
fully and save at least five times the
cost of the paper through the business
.advantages I get from them." Said
tbe other : I believe you are right -
I know that trey pay me well and
Father think it is not good taste to
find faults with the advertisements
after all," It pays any mai) with a
family to take a good local paper for
:the sake of the advertisements if
=thing more, and if business men
fail -to give farmers a chance to read
advertisements in the local paper,
they are blind to their own interests
.o say the least of it. "You never
trade with me," said a business man
to a prosperous farmer. "You have
never invited Inc to your place ot
Tfusiness, and I never go where I
am not invited ; I night not be wel-
come," was the reply.
u up when I get through,
Up to their room they went. One Great Spring Medicine,
of thein straightened out in his hair, CELERY COMPOUND
and 'she landlord began with. the P-•-•0 e
safety. The beard, a week old, was
tough and the operator pulled and
sawed, land the victim yelled and She Suffered For Long Years
pleaded and shed tears. A guest pass- From Frightful Neuralgia.
ing down the corridor, stuck his
head through the door and asked, •
'what in thunder are you tearing She says:
shrubbery, a piece fur them' to have paper for ?' cc•t+ r r�.'Glr3g"tle c' Des-
flowers, a croquet ground, swing and This started the landlord's dander, ; "No Totngue
gACa buff-
?� s-
hammock; and then -take time to and he scraper. harder, and the ��
play'alt occasional game with them, victim groaned and plead more i erred,
or read aloud to them on the shady
roil, while they darn your hose. At last he had shaved him to the •
And have your' garden fenced finish, and the poor victim caught his PaIIm b Celery CoTT1Peund the
from pigs and hens. Don't wear breath and swore until everything
women out body and soul, .;haring was blue, Then ha asked for bay -
and fretting, trying to save their I'utn, 'Bay -rum,' said the. landlord,
berries and vegetables. 'I haven't any bay -rum. If I had•I I
There should be a horse and
buggy, their very uwn, that they may
use whenever they wish, and see
that your daughter has her saddle ,
as well. p1)01Un refused to sit down, and et
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
'.been used for over fifty years by mil-
lions of mothers fe;r their uhiidren while
teething, with perfeet success. It soothes
tbe child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colics, and is the best
3etnedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty-five cents a
bottle. Its value is incaluahle. 13e sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
•.vrup, and take no other (rind
wouldn't put it on your contenanee.1
Why your face is enough to turn an !
edge of a corn cutter. Next,' shout. j 119s IS THE KIND
ed the landlord but the victim's com- -dl
Great Medical Prescription for
Neuralgia, Sciatica and Rheu-
Both mother cid daughter ret1.1ize when urged by the landlord he said.1 -----
So that is what you call a safety,
they have Aduly to puree in, art,- ''L`ho quirt little town of go) on, situaL'-
spunsibility to meet, and rightly is it? Well I'd rather have my' ed oil the Ottawa river, has turutsbed
expect some benefits. Then let each whisker's broken off with a ;neat axe. l many a strung and convincingtet;ttmon-
p iai for earths Most• popular wecwine,
share, iu therestllts of the labor. One I don't want to be shaved without!
t;elery Cum pond. Ono of the
lather.' l latest letters received is from :sire David
'Without lather, without lather,' i Bass, it lady wbil known and highly es -
said the landlord 'well I be cussed, I teethed ; she writes as follows :
pocketbook is not enough for the
whole family ; esteem your wives
and daughters too highly to see them
become slaves to household drudgery;
make them feel independent, and
that co operation of the whole
family is necessary to prosperity.
Let thein feel that the most price-
less thing on the farm is the family ;
go with them to church, lectures,
clubs and institutions ; give them the
chance to advance physically, men-
tally and socially, as your equal, and
see how happy they will be.
Let thele understand your finale
cial affairs ; tell thew ot your grins
or losses. Then they will •know if
they may have some coveted article
or must economize tu help father.
Give them more of your society, be
to thein friend and enmpeniun as
well as husband•and rather. Live
more with them instead of for them.
Share with them their toils, pleasures
and recreations, and their home will
be happy and attractive.
The total population of Kent
county.. according' to the assessors,
x'eturns for 181)7, is 44,176, shciwing
tlri increase of 1,2:52 over 1806.
For forging the name of 0. M. made the statement that in his built--
Ilays, gentriit manager of the G,T.R ness 60 per cent. was not regarded
do a cheek .andeli'ering 1t 10 payment, as,more than a liberal profit. The Shackles
of a hoard hill, John Ellie, of'Toronto, i bargain system was thoroughly ex -
I thought I had overlooked something t W oisn,Sti,iuhurl have ranchdDsanleayure i❑
by the way this fellow howled and testityini; to the aortic of your hfe•sav-
kicked.' ing cuedleine, Painu's Oelet;y Compound.
I was a victim of of neuralgia to the
WON!, form for many years, and r no
tongue can describe the agonies
I sobered, A friend Peet amended 'your
tjotnpr,und to we, and after using two
bottles 1 am complete:), entad. 1 ehser-
fully recommend i'aincr':1 Ct'lery Com-
pound to the world, e-l.peeinny to all who
suli'er the akonizint. t.•rtures of neural-
gia. Yours vo'y truly,
Mils. DevIo Hass, Quyou, P. Q.
Of Perfect Skin -Dr. Agnew's Oint-
, ment Insures It.
A wonderful cure for all manner of
skin sores and eruptions. Acts like ma-
gic) on eezeuta, Letter, salt rheum, ring-
worm, ,could kited, itch and blind, bieed-
ing or etching piles. "This is Ln say that
I was troubled for a long tirne with piles
On the recommendation of a friend I
tried Ur. Agnew's Ointment. A few ap
plicatiuus of this wouderfnl ointment
cured rue of the truaulesoine things."
Adam L'ryden, Chatham, Out. One ap•-
plivatian always gives quick relief. 35
cents a box. Sold at Cnisbolu.'s Drug
Chesley, April 15.-Intelligeece
Lures sten on, so that in the rush tor has been reeeived in Chesley of a
wealth, they ton often neglect health. very sad case ot'suieide at Hepworth.
'['hey have Dyspepsia, Constipation, Mr Robert Maxwell, who has been
Liver Disorders, impure Bioud, which conducting to cell y ;nods business in
make life miserable, Then they 100K
• tor a cure -They gat Burd.,ok Blood partnership with his brother -.n law,
Bitters. 'There blond bermes rich and
pure. The liver tronbles and constipa-
tion disappear, they are hearty and
healthy attain. I3. R. 13. is tu them a
greater prze than gold. .
Departmental Store.
The public must have been great-
ly interested in the facts brought to
light by the recent trial of the John
Eaton Co., of Toronto. This estab-
lishment was one of the great de-
partmental stores, where bargains
are always in order, but when the
proprietor was put into the: box, he
Mr. Smellie. committed suicide by
taking carbolic acid On Saturday
Mr. Maxwell had attempted suicide
by drowning, but was rescued.
Although a careful watch was kept
on` his actions he sneceeded in ob-
taining a ,bottle of tiarbolie, acid that
was in the house, and in a few
minutes after taking it died. Ile
was for several years In business in
Pinkerton and afterwards in Chesley.
His mind has been somewhat clouded
fur some µtune past --
months in the Central Prison. I stuff would be plaeed near the door,
....._r-r_f--r-t,.,-...-... tr --,--- 1 to catch the public. ()n this a loss
__ __-._ ....,. -___ ._- ._ _-.- -- 1 of $50 for the day was a rtsual thing,
i l i o u hunt all around the tial 's profit ;til
run up to about 1;500. After till
Ys �cau9ild by torpid liver, which prevents diger ;those departmental stores are ill it
lion and permits food to ferment and parity in for something more than fun. stomach, Then follovr dizziness, headache,
A wonderful story come,* from Euler•
fie(.[ th�lrs,J ie
that Mrs.
• Saunderst lila t �O of that plane lost her linger
is i nails through a severe itttaolc of Sialt
to du be
Ith u 1Vothing scorned Y
sentenced at Kintgston to three1 plained. Every clay a little cheap
insomnia, nervousness, and,
at not relieved, bilious fever
Or blohil poisoning. llood'S
e m.
commenced taking
Bur -
till she
cow r�
'rills stimulate the atomaoh, dock blond Bitters, with the.rosuit that
aAx.Ntn�uae the liver, Theonlyti A10tatewith HooLLs e tln.ter nulls gradually grew on again, 8,1111 al c'likliolln's .Drat; store.
1 ll retire heart'ac'he dizziness dere the Salt Phenol has ell gone and her
in 00 Minutes
It's an alarming fad, but
statistic.; hour it cue, that
at h t t'+n in overt him.
dud pet�nn, i,, this
ur tt. y a• p winos' in a
lesser or gre atter degree
by th 1,ti:n iectu5, ett u-
sla cud dangerous dts-
e1 t.atarrb. If symla-
t u�.,ipprtl surlt;.vcold
he the head rhr,ine.s,
11painsSnt11e fare hc.a. i,
`�' luadaciu•, dietpie.S in
rho throat. oft, n ve b:eatic, Inas oft esti uai tim011,
the Latat rh ,;lint 5k s may br ttghtetit t '.ebnt:t y on --
)lit AI fldW'S CA.TAuIII :1L i'oWi)l,lt
tsthe roost patent (`.ntarrfi cure kn tsn a ytl-
lircutnmrnrinrlby eminent nova xend thto.tcpc ie
isle:- •;;lyes relief i.t from 10 to 6u n,tnntes.
Icor yearn 1 was a victim rf ctnv,nir, C u.,rrlt;
the.;liar application cf Dr.:lgurw s ('atarxhnl 1`o`a'
d'( gave nm0 inAnot relief, anti in an tncredihly
'Ilotidl y1,t13wsdw .'�.Y:', .ueuily 0,aul."- Joules
.. MY1'�Iw�IM.AYHrw,w'wr9'M.F:'I..1wMYFw' Vr�r.1
,A Good Example: for Th sror and
Fatten ts.
A, good story is told of a San
l+rancisco woman and a doctor with
a conscience. j Tho doctor performed
a successful operation for a rich
'woman, and when asked for his bill,
rr'esentcd one for 00. The lady
t•lniled and said; "Do you consider
l at a reasonable chal•ge, constcler•
ing my circumstances?" 'that is
my charge for that operation ; your
circumstances have nothing to do
Kitla 11," The lady drew a check
for $500 and presented it to hint.
He handed it hectic. saying : I cannot
accept this. My charge fee that I
peration is 850." "Very well," the 1
latip replied, "Beep the check, and
rut the balance to your credit," :tome
months afterwards she received a 1
lcrg itemized bill upon which was
rntered charges for treatment of
various kinds, rendered to all sorts
of odds and ends of humanity, male
and female, black and white, who
had been mended at her expense.
She was so delighted at it that she
immediately placed another $500 to
his credit on the same terms, and it
is now being earned in the same
ens. 'mos. nOt.PH N., Tan., ONi�,
says: "I bad Itching Ytl. 1 ,r about
ten or twelve year and tried every-
thing I co:dd hear, . rtatd,,,, and found
that nothing diti tea env fund. A1r.
salburn the druggist, ' ave me a
mple hoz, of. Chase's )'ntment, and
from the rust application 1 found relief,
awl was able to go to bad and sleep. I
then purchased. tate box ,tad that one
cured me so that 1 lutve not been afiliet•
ed since anti that is over a year ago."
60 Costs a Bos.
By Pell dcnler., or
::d2too,son i ,r. F; Co.,
Tor9ntn, ens.
Tho faro
o uRequire
We are in a portion to turn out
She Was Speedy.
A strange light crept into her
great purple eyes.
'And -and if I should ask you 'o
leave ine,,' she murmured
dream; y, 'do you ,think you conld?'
'Leave you,' Emily 1 panted the 1
young man. `Impossible!'
The light in those glorious purple
eyes became a perfect blaze
of rapture.
'No ! and why ?'
There was a sweetness coyness
about her words that seemed to
touch her eompaniot, deeply.
'Why ?' he ejaculated as he smote
the perspi"atiurl from his brow.
'Why? and he laughed scornfully,
[aye, bitterly-'be'U:aUse it was as
much as I could do to hang onto
your hind wheel as you sprinted up
-that long hill, and t don't believe I
could leave a spavined wail at this
minute. Leave you? Not much 1'-
ri'he Wheel.
;patron, ett '25 rents. seta by rtytartertlm a iia.
At a lower pri: e
S 1=1 Zit✓ s 1. L L1 S
than ever before
Printed on the shortest notice and the price in keeping
with the times,
We have the best stock of Envelopes in town, and we ea
print and supply them as cheap as the cheapest.
Giye us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing line•
and we will use you right.
Taken internally or applied externally
Yellow Oil is equally etlloacious.It cures
Croup, Quinsy, So'e Chest, Cuts, Burns.
Brit S;n•sins, Caked limns's. Stiff
Joints and doyen of other complairlts.No
household shoulet he without it. It costs
only `.35c., and ha .a whole inedio'ne chest
in itself.
B eviae(l - vtl%+slnht.3.
The Dominion Parliament has en -
tweed as follows : In cont t •lets for
the sale and delivery of ant? of the
undeementinned articles the bushel
.Mill de &teraitit ed by weight, tin.
less ;a bushel by mensfu'e is specially
agreed upon, the weight equivalent
to a bushel being LIS f )lloays : wheat
60 lbs; Indian corn, 56 lbs; rye, fit •
ibs; peas,60 lits ; heeler, '48 tbs ;
malt, iii lbs ; oats, 3 Ihs ; clover.
d 60
Its ; timothy seed,
buckwheat, -18 lbs ; ting seed, 5(1 lbs;
hemp reed, '11 lbs ; blue ;rase seed
14 lbs; castor begins, •til lbs ; pow
potatoes, turnip.; cat1''as, 'pa Mips,
ll i(l
beets, tit) las ; onions, :10 lbs. t
THE TIMES, Wingham.
a Doi
until you have. tried
You can buy then; in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
Me Dart is put up ehetipty to gratify the uatrer,al prcwnt deuur..t fry. n lSa priori.
If you don't find this sort of
ipans TabuLs
At the Drug-ist's
tv A
•1rAircA: Conte. t 1�e, a<
` 1>i t~.1re rs C.
•a to 'I` .. i
(.l t3
Send I"ivo
Spruce Si., New York, and they will be ser.: to Tau by trail; br
t;z Lat.:erns will be 'mailed for 43 cents. Ti cbaneco are tett to
Mei 1 n+ need.
vary ilii. t:lu 1 e cl,
are r
• t� "sans T'al,ltles a e �
Ripens Y