HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-22, Page 22 IE \Y i.N(-}1IAM Ari m ES., Punt, 221, 1898 c..w�....>,....s>....rr•rsaw.�w.�....,•.�.nn.......,wwrw>.> tw••.-.>.,.n.«.H,........r.•a,.�+o=nr..ww.wp.,,wa...w•rrv.w Put a flock in a dimly lighted 1 poultry house, ttnd no matter Lmw comfortable it may be, fuwte will Ouster together in surae corner out side and brave all the storms 1vhieh may come in preference to remaining in a carte and eheerles• abode. Ail thirds seem to have an instinctive idread of darkness. } idesi'h'ely e..red. by the.ste Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Tndigcetii,n and Too hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy f•,:: Dizziness, Nausea, Drawsi- r,ad '^ in rhe Mouth, Coated Tongue r';:� 1`.. ..: ir.ie. tl?tPID LIVER. They ',• ..tecta ins: i u,:els. Purely Vegetable. buTlEtig Small Dose. Small Price. foR �ol Pi.�1Ris�f• ESTI Cpl 'NE 6ESTANTI-RHEUMATIC ituRAL A PLA5i'ER MADE RI Aski 11NCDojf PR Ce 25 li O liH IYA•RD Roue PRICE. 0100 DNIS$L R NCECOLT MANUFACTURERS MONTREAL Hees Straig .t Aitea, d Pay no attention to slanders or gossip mongers: Keep straight on ie your course and lees their back- biting die a death of nr'glect. What is the use of dying nw• eke nights, brooding ever the roughk uf some false friend, that ran through your brain? What's the Ilse of getting into a worry and feet over gossip .that has been set afloat to your dis- advantage by some meddlesome busy -body who has more time than character? 'These things cannot permanently injure you. unless, in- deed, you take notice of them, and in combating them give them char- acter and standing. If what is said about you is true, get yourself right at once ; if it is Substitution': 'false, let it go for what it will fetch, If a bee stings you would your go to the hive and etestroy it? Would not a thousand come upon you ? It is wisdom to say Little respecting the injuries you have received. We are generally losers in the end if we stop to refute all the back-bitings and gossipings we may hear by the way. They are annoying, it is true, but not dangerous, so long as we do not stop to expostulate and scold. Our eharactet•s are formed and sustained by ourselves. and by our own actions and pure poses, and not by others. Let us always bear in mind that "calum- niators inay usually be trusted to tone, and the slow but steady justice of public opinion." the fraud of the day. S,. c a you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Resist and demand Carter's Little Liver PAIN IN THE HEAT. Too serious a condition to neglect. A Guelph harness maker tells how he was cured. Mr. Wm. Dyson, the well known saddler and harness maker of Guelph, Ont., makes the following statement: " T heartily re- commend Milbnrn's Heart and Nerve Pills to anyone suffering from nervousness and heart trouble. They are a splendid medicine for such complaints. For a long time I was afflicted with nervousness and pain in my heart, which was especially severe at night, ofton destroying my rest. These pills cured me and invigorated my nervous system which is now strong and healthy. They restored restful sleep besides removing the distressing heart pains which formerly gave me so much anxiety and trouble." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills SO cts. box 3 for Q1.25, sold. by druggists or sent by mail. T. Milburn ,u Co., Toronto, Ont. Laxa-Liver Pills eure Constipation. The Craze For Cheap Things. li tspatIC.C.Ii<<<CC:;< ;.<<<<ecG<<fg 1 vs w One of the most distressing facts r V V now before us in the insatiate ap- i V V petite for eheap goods, with which . v V the vast lnajorit_Y uf the patrons of: wW Ici V our retail stores are afflicted. To • ¥ t DON'T 0110E., TE Don't scold the little ones if i is wet in the morning. child's fault, Weak kidneys need strengthening can't risk delay. Neglect may entail a lifetime o su tering• DOAN'$ KIDNEY PUS Strengthen the Kidneys and Bladder, then ntrouble COSMOS. John Carson, employed at M. S. Bradt & Co.'s store, Ham- ilton Seven 'et . kidne s not hold his water. We spent hundreds of dol- 1y laars doctoring at tried many dif- ferent remedies, but they were of no V vvail, One bort of Doan's Kidney l Pills completely cured him." W analyze this condition critically, and w w show clearly all the causes which v V have combined to bring it about, is! v f VI nearly impossible but without doubt I v w V /{ the bet e nue of elle thief ones has been the v <- recently pievailinf; hard times. v It isn't the V mor of It is easily within the memory v most of tis Says Trarlt', to recall that's all. You n t afford to V parts if ilei all of the strips of body i V f ff V Brussels carpet with which our a parents were wont to cover their I v es es floors, and which had withstood the V V feet of two or three gene: ations, and 1 ` 1 u w how frequent, yet true, is the remark 1 ` Mr. a es so frequently heard regarding. it, ! u te •'�iou cannot hay sued carpets now." 1�'y rites Ont., says • w The reason iwn is oulytoo self evident-- "� Ply little boy S era of age v✓ t'✓ has b en trouolctl with hes Y V people: will not pay else price. since birth and Louidl W It is likewise easy w recall the V time -worn but still good, black silk v dresses we once saw on fumes long w since passed away, still doing service eKoaG t.e<c<<<.GGrt<:GCC<000Gits for a younger generation. Are suet& silks sold to day ? If Sweet Pea Culture. they do sell, it is the exception, I have been asked to give mywhereas at one time it was the rule. How litany can recall some of the rules for growing sweet pens for the real linen shirts our fathers used to finest flower's, and the longest season wear, terviceable still, even if yellow- �clf bloom. One—Always sow the ed with age? seed early. Peas are the first seeds Do suet) tabrics sell to day ? • I put in the ground and this just as The manufatsturer, always quickthe soil can be worked. The adva,n- to note a demand, has filled our tage in this is that the plants need states with $1.00 carpets, 75 cent I the strength that comes from early Silks and 25 cent shirts, and these, spring growth in order to carry them especially if marked down to about thrit'tily through hot weather. Two —Pref are the soil deeply and include one. half price, sell like hot cakes on some bone in the manure. Wood cold blains And the maker ashes also are excellent, as they keep cannot bea blamed; he has simply the soil damp. Three—Sow in supplied what the public wa trenches something like old-fashioned And what is true of articles of wear wear is unfortunately equally true of celery trenches, about four or five articles of food, and there is where inches deep. The seed should be the buyer suffers. covered with two inches of soil at tl man may make fairly credit -the first, and then fill in almost but able appearance with a $8.88 suit of not quite enough soil in the trench clothes covered by a $6.66 overcoat, later as growth proceeds, to bring t the top even. The slight depression with a forty-six cent shirt, six ten collar, encircled by a nineteen cent 1 fs useful for summer watering necktie, topped off by a $1.33 hat, and in case of drought. Four — walking in $2.22 shoes, but when he In summer mulch the line of peas, and apply water liberally at times if the weather is dry. Lastly--Ptek all flowers before they drop, in order to prevent seed bearing, which is fatal to continuous blown. follow Richtnond Fire Hall. puts six cent jellies on his three cent Toronto, 26th Feb, 1807. bread and eats nine cent canned Dear Sirs, -Constipation for years has goods with five cent sausage, some - been my chief ailment ; it seemed to come oft net to spit of all I could do. However some time ago .1 was told to use Dr. Chase's Kidlnt'y-Liver Pills, which I have done, with the result of what now appears to be a perfect cure. Yours truly, J. Hamm. on thiI a is bound to suffer, and that 4 Poultry Notes. needless to add, will be bis stomach. this course and anyone can grow In our reckless efforts to !Wilke one sweet; peas to perfection, which dollar do the work of two we have means to have plenty or flowers the entirely over looked the fact that season through.—Vicks' Magazine. action and reaction are equal, and b g unless a change soon sets in for the better the people will be obliged to face the inevitable results of such Hens w:11 sh )w their appreciation ,conduct in depleted vitality, rained of plenty of light in their coops. health, and a general reaction on the. They will lay more eggs and keep part of poorly nourished systems,! in better health and spirits. Let which is anything but agreeable ta there be large windows on the contemplate. 'And fully as serious south and east, . at least, or a glass in itseonsequeaces is the never-ending roof. cry of cheap, cbeaper, cheapest, in our Milk will take the place of meat wearing apparel. with poultry if it were more cancers• Did you ever stop to think what. trated Consumption of large quanti- $6.66 clothes, 40 cent shirts, and 50 eent night clothes mean? It weans thousands of poor, degrad- ed, half starved, overworked Lueu and women, ground down more and more each year by heartless employers, who find with every contract a lower ties of fluids is not natural wtth fowls.' There are but 13.per emit. of solid in milk. For this reason they cannot do without meats. I The tlirewing of air -slaked lime about the poultry yards will often prevent disease ; ' the vermin will he destroyed by dusting roosts, walls and floors with this penetrating, puri - Heart Disease Relieved In Thir, y Minutes Dr. Agnew's Care for the Heart gives perfect relief in all oases of Orntnie or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 nnio- utes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy tor Palpitation, Short- ness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett Side, and ail Symptorns of a .Dis- eased Heart. One close convinces. Sold 'tt Chisholm's Drug Store. If poultry does not pay it will altrost always he found the fault . lies with the owner, and not with the . business itself. I Albert i-iradenburg, of Stratford, rented' a piano and it was destroyed in a fire. Now the company are price than the one before it. it means,suing him for $200, the value of the in the fierce competition to reduce instrument, and the suit is an inter - cost, that first, last and all the time, estiing one. labor must foot the bills, for laboris t • fying powder. It is alto a benefit in pratctically all there is in any •cora- : deasaaastelt t sx;.:E.s .•. the outer runs. use it liberally, nudity. ni`,.t - Old bens will sell for enough to In the, name of untold thousands of i this ttta helpless men, woolen and children, 1 pay for their fattening, though they -- - - _- - do not bring a high price ; but there is room tug many of• them on the farmer's table, The low price of grain makes it a . vorable time to fatten hens which have not proved to he gond lavers. TCS PHRFNU INE REM ED i ES .,.rti •.AE:ti DR. MII- rc, 'Taking the lead e.verywhere• ,�>. -�"'•`14 We set working clay and tenth{ t I stip, � .- iv t'•e demand. ,,� ,, "�qp 'may •g}•��A•�1 )'l 11. tt•'t tt•.,ata;ee ';IhnwS V , •L`.W A ' p.L.1. `V t9•`' t ..'itidll't'•'te f,l e, !In1Nl; ds el' suti' see- wee being ,; to . 1+Imola- ' , RH Ua f,.�>c.' ia.r�te:autt 1n iY , lYa,,. tl � IS ti ll zit i.° KIIL M., Y L.112".. k Y6aL9 They I t.Cd sere a hsiltutr,;y rurU' and iteelttifnl. Cease"nilteed to n. a rNla, 1 •,,,seta rn e '. t all' form,. f' 'i.`'' are mei hirer t r"t. Lie's. altWAT1E ea set:retort; T1IITATtO:eS l8eWd in Winghatu, only by Gordon & Co. Heals and Soothes the delicate tissuca of the Throat and Lungs. •.. CURING ... cot;cuS, COLI4 BRONCHITIS, hJ.vut Yl.J, ,e -,.;SS SOItt.E Yl'.. Lu&4zA, and PAIN IIx THE CI°IEsT. g,. EAS TO TAKE. SSU111E TO CURE, is on every cmippor. who are infinitely worse slavery than It should not be difficult for poul- ever cursed the negroes in the South, • try raisers to find special customers tire American people should. cease this merciless demand for elieap articles, everyone of which represents just so litany drops of life -blood from some unfortunate wretch of whom. circum- stances has given the task of' making. It is higu time that eomuthing besides the lowest possible Utllip�; pries should govern our Beare hosed, and tor hunianity'seakeTeade phage fin' le. -it selii:,tiuety from buyers, fur unless wt. do, L'etribation inset in- ' cvitably mane; and we are frank to say that the result will startle even these who have given this question ,et'en tis thought it Oeservu. It in ' one of the most talons prublehis we are called upon to solve at the crust; of the nineteenth century, but face it we mutt, and ut:lt;t5 tee, help the soluti',n by showing some regard fur , these facts, it will work, its own solution in at manner that will be any times; but agreeab lo. -'i'dlronte :iatui day Night. I Tho neea of a gla.l lapsing Medicine is almost universal, and flood's tarsapa- I rilla exactly meets; this, need. I3a sure to ' get hood's, to whom they can take their eggs at definite times and receive the very top prices. Many town people will pay readily for that which they know to be frosty and trustworthy alwa,s. cyw • It- 1 \• Vit.:, ri.,,.d taatidy lar,:a behind the ri 't in- t , f tt r,t atz•.;,lcola:, rd n .tn the dere• r:tett•.:•: away (him t stets blov:te ::dl a.a11ds life yltaeui•es a drudgery. • Dn. AaANZW'Si C.%TArat'fAL A`O'ZWDI':P will curd the ins , tont c ,ld and the iao,t ctttb- bora told chronic Ci.ta'rb e t.r -. It pats back tiac lx...,at.ty putt and s, t .,utCei le fn it trail. *Iy wife and 1 wore u tet troubled with dimes. stra ttres- stnt. i:atat , t ,t o Q I t.' rnl ,ltd frcmicnt from itE.dut.e e , ten tho Otte tt,' kis tion ut Dr. Ag• meed s t i t h:d 1 ted.•r it ants s i tat tanenanty-- ptiacn C'ratoful relit r itt to Initiates, atndb wo ttie e there 1: no ca..i toe deeply, in a cure." -Rev. D. 1>UPhnt V. i:ufiako, N.Y.-31 h'Icllt1 at C1tisLolni's &)rug :store, • 1r� rr , , i' 3.97iSttF•,a'Aa'lr.L'iJ.Y.Vti'6 �'rr :}i l�tl.-.�ln'M!k,:: •,�441�,Itp. 11 ,.II I!'IdI red la MW. p N,i1... }1• ' I.T;etabiePreparattaffof Ae- g(ehsoesla- hStoomacandBo of arilftWAr Promotes DigestiontCheerful- ncss aitcdRest,Coftains neither Opsura,MorphlW nor Mineral. liZOT IiTXnc °TIC. 5 THAT THE FAC --SIMILE SIGNATURE .ralpe of Old Or DA= 11. R ramp%ttin Sad - /fa:Senna 4. Raftter✓o Sera - Aim Seed .{i porrrrat i):Catona��r s Min •S'eed - Matti l Safar • tfe.:40rrcna Flurry: &perfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Corivulsions,Feverish- :less andLOSS OF & W ER • he Simile Signature off W YORK. O' IS ON T]3E AP Y ''ER 0F EVERY BOTTLE OF EXACT EOPY OF WRAPPER. Castoria is pat up in one -size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyono o sell yon anything else on the ilea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every par. pose," •' Seo that yen got CI -A -S -T -O -2 -I -B. Tho fac- simile elgsattse{ of AnteuriZON // is on .tt en every �araypo Household Hints. The oil lett from sardines is an ex- cellent substitute for butter in fish -1 balls. Clothes turned right side out, care- fully folded and sprinkled, are half ironed. To prevent a mould in ink infuse a piece of salt the size of a hazlenut in each quart. Onions are gaert absorbers. They should not be left cut for any length of time and then used. In frying crcquetts, roll in bread erupts; but in baked croquettes, roll the last tinge ill well buttered crumbs. All beans and leguminous vege- tawlee srould be cooked with the cover half orf the stew pan in order to be digestible. 'WO dieriff:MratydediMEMS • tit The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CORM WECURE E']IISSIO S ELTON'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for Nears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. oppbsite BeattieT Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont, Nothing can be more demoralizing to Young or middle -age& men than the pres- ence of those "nightiy losses." They produce weakness nervousness, a feeling of disgust and awholotrain ofsymptoms.1 They unfit e, man for business, married v1' life and social happiness. No matter 1 whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our Now Method Treatment will positively =etym. NO CURE—NO PAY 'Reader, you need help. 'Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. 250,000 CURED Young Man—You are polo, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled faze, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WE, CURE' NICOCELE '1 Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE PEEN. My office 0 in the"immediate vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit t description and statement as to advantages clalmed- .@c•Po charge is made for an opinion as to patentability/ and my fee for prosecuting the application toil'/ not bo called for until the patent 't allowed. "INVENTORS' Gunn," con- taining full information sent free. All Communl.. cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. l F ANKUN H. HOUGH pert P 3, naefn WAS IOUNGT®N. 8A. 47 EXPERIENCE rib No matter holy serious your ease inay be. or how Ping you may have had it, our I'TEW liIu'ITILOD TREATMENT will cure it. %he "wormy veins" return 0, their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper noursb- meat. The organs become vitalized. all unnntar.,l drains or Iot•-e3 cease and manly '•ewers return.. No temporary brauit. hat a permanent euro a :cored. NO r,J11I , .o PAY. NO. OPIHtA- '11OtI Ni t`I •Alex. NO DETEN- TION' t"ltC➢..E ItutlNfl i. a:'U S .,U 'S AI ° ED 4 treat and cure . ti •, icI IITb.I, aii3'r y� j rti i MI 'tijONO, IltlPoTI?INoY, c,� silt tT11ih, VAltICOOGLii, klniniT- t°% P l;Y iii1eaara, 1'ooNhli3tL1 'rroN t . YOGI. I'. I sinks+ 1?'ItEE. CHA1.GE&1 IcioDI•.il.'tl'E. If unable to call 'write J`itIe OilT LiI' ON MANIC for I.OME KERG 148 SHELBY aTRE a`(', DETROIT, FA10E3,, TRAD,^- MASKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &G, Anyone sending a stanch and description may quickly ass rtnht sur opinion freo evhether an. invention 1,4Im.onttly patentable. Comusunies. 1101,, strictly c aulkdeniial. Itandlbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for sed army putouts. r'ttter.ta taken tl,rouelc Leumi & Co. receive special notice, witiitout eh rr.^e, tet the A h.�t4 '�' r >�• Scitt fi l 1c .bite '1cati0 A handsomely illustrated week1y. tamest circ ctilatinn of oily many hn 3(1111 111;1. Terms, VI a veat,p: ffapngpmutthe, fL Rohl by:.:l newsdnrir, ler WCO3-,101,rodwaY, HOW York branch oalco. O.'a i' Et., Wreliintiu,n. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES... Is On Be X11 'Upright' ing Ie Above -Why 1'Irs. WI rcuto, 0 }great eoi Ilrttrtug u Troth for subject t \creek, an }panted t .hieadaohi with an boy the r Through Iiletely 1 Mad was We gave and an a ter was *plendid son's its an them.' 'Mayon; Slave in c slays, Pt; Muuyoa• karma of 'rteo 2de. Maim' lbrea'hs up Munyon' (sweats, a lune. Pi Bhtnyon 9e the ha bkidnoy tdnnyon 91tn1'.ds up Manion Three tntn ifunynn Corms of y Munyon iDt` the ht• Munyon *erases. Munyon *catarrh t hum the 8c.--c)eu Sonnies entnt:tes Munyon tatorer et A sepal !gi-ta. mo PeracnD street. :'• teal aiivie Ho' Two cussing though merits i my opi far fr part of Wally a cost of .advant the oth I kno rather find fa after a family the sa nothin fail to advert they a to say trade toap never Nusinc talo 11. AN ( Mrs. 'been u lions 0 t eethit t he eb pain, 3etned the to part 0 bottle and a. 4,vru Th cowl t retur an in h'o nay. 1oa•i of a 1 was . anent Is Cat hone the st inner tis no Tyr 51 3'ltls :roils shim The