The Wingham Times, 1898-04-15, Page 5UIT
We have all the latest for Spring Sults, at moderate prices. Fit and
workmanship of the best, "Guaranteed." We are showing the Most
Also all kinds of lien's Furnishings for Spring Wear, A special line
of Ready made Pants and Overalls cheap, Inspection invited.
Opposite Queen's. Hotel, Wingham,
"What's a shoe for?"
"To cover the foot?"
"Tlittt ll,
"��ut for :t moanent," says Paltry
Foot. "Well I guess not," shivers
Cold Feet. "To sell," chuckles
Dealer cutler his breath. TO FIT
VFW," ,' Slater 81 toe bluntly guts ui.
•-----• r•.-,�
yma tut me." cries Corny
Toe. "fust nay 's c," sings old
Bunion joint. "Who'd a thought
it," whined Bunch.o-toes. Are you hit,—shoe wearer. •
Feet tatters are the genuine, Goodyear welted, stamped
on the sole $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per pair.
"The Slater Shoe."
For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWELS.
that will fit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and
keep in gond shape. you
hod better go to
11111; WJNUIJAM TIMES, A . UI.L 15 1896
Ailss Ada Gallagher, of Delmore,
was visiting her sitter, Mrs, Alex
Bryan, last week.
quite a number of friends from
here attended the funeral of Mss
Maggie McNair, of Cranbrook, on
Tuesday of last week.
Mr. Walter McWilliam, of Minto,
Is renewing old acquaintances in this
locality. Ile is the same chattering
old Scotehman as ever,
We are sorry to tato that Mr.
4Vln. F'raliek is very poorly at pre-
sent, He was suddenly attacked
with an acute fainting spell acrd' bas
been under medical care ever since.
Crawford ittraehain has .purchased
20 bushels of Mr. Allen Ramsay's
seed peaa. They are a very pro -
dilative kind and should be used by
many other farmers as well.
Who is the man living within five
miles of here who is reported to
make it a practice of gazing at and
examining the moon every evening,
and while doing so uses rather
strango.language because be conclud-
es that, the moon is off its course,
which, he thinks, accounts for the
extremely cold weather of late.
Tiros, 'rlroinlason, of Brussels, has
come • to town and opened up a
branch egg business for D.D. Wilson
of Seaforth.
• A former townsman, Ed. Gabel.
has returned and will conduct a
merchant tailoring business.
A company of cadets is being Mrs. Bastedo, Wingham : Mr. and
e ring
gat Business
re ; a a.a.: ata . ' a w ..le . is',.las• •.ilea ser
Thanking our customers for their very liberal patronage', which 1w'.s brought aur sales
nearly up to our expectations, we offer more startling barga:.ins to -day, ars we must turn this
stock into cash within the next few weeps. When we advertise an article this people always
know they can get it just as advertised, both as to price and civality. In other words they
know we mean it, and to this we attribute (stir ';Recess. Now for a few 1i(ainter ; ;
made to order, quality and fit guaranteed, former price $14, today $14)..
Double -fold Dress Goods, Was 2ssc, now roc; 414 inch Black Sicilian worth Foc for 43e
19c Black and Brown Stiff Hats, were $2.00 and down, for a,;c ; Laces, Braid and
Dress Trimming about half price. 28 lbs. raw Sugar• for $i.eo ; 25 lbs Bright Coffee Sugar
for $r.00 ; 4 -piece Toilet sets for $z.00 ; 2 pairs Grocer's Scales each, at ;5.00 and $3.0o ;
z ib. Pure Black Pepper, cy the lb., only 1234c.
The Cheap Cash Store, Macdona3.024. Block. ,
.pit 1.1,, 13,'' 4 jytxS,lyJ•14 .mL, �
this week were ; Hiss i:limie, Wind
sor ; J. Draper, Detroit ; G. Draper,
Toronto; Miss Rothwell, Shelburne;
Miss Kidd, of Orangeville; Mr. and
New Spring Goods and Samples
We are paying the highest market ! of all the latest designs in Scotch
prices for good souud saw logs of and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
Serges and Overcoatings to choose
every description. from. Osclera filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster kk Co.
Queen's Block.
hiss . =.' cPherson
wishes to thank the Ladies of Wingham
and vicinity for their kind and liberal
patronage of the past season, and for
their kindness in attending her Mil-
linery Display of recent date, and she
is now fully prepared to have ell orders
filled in the most. fashionable and
speedy manner possible.
a .a
formed among the Iligh School
pupils. In case the Spaniards lick
Uncle Sam and take a notion to try
conclusions with Canada while they
are about the business, Listowel will i son, Tara.
be f:und prepared for the emer - Janus Gunther is fitting up the
geucy, store next door to his jewelry store,
Mrs. Lytle, wife of Rubt. J. Lyth, to be used as a bicycle salesroom,
died at Sault Ste Mario about a I Mr. and Mrs. B. 1''. Bt'out:, Miss
aleck ago, The bed; is bcir;g!Brork and Mrs. ,1, E. Brook left
In•ougl,t ;sere fur btu tat. Diseased E}t'edtaeaday on a trill to N,•tv York.
was a daughter of Geo. Long of this
town, and Mrs Lytla's father lives a WROXETER.
short distenco from here. Three bride re -
Mr. Relit.. S. Gibsooil
children are left motherless, the an from theiryounl;est only a few weeks old. turned home on Toon trip to Detroit and other p,inw.
A letter received by his father lips Win Sanders has returned to
here from E Bolton, now in Dawson Linden.
City, indicates that the eontiitions public School Board h :s ap
there are not so unfavorable as Our ppropriated $25 for the Boardtw of tin
meetly reported. The greatest diffi athe teachingchiteachingof phesi.
eulty Ito experiences is in getting calapp science.
i1.011%; from hc.ine.. Mr. Alex. Campbell has gone to
Mrs. Binning, Mitchell ; W. E. Suth-
erland, Maplewood ; D, Campbell,
Georgetown; It. Migahy, St. Cathar-
ines ; Mr. and Mrs. George Steven -
has just returned from the Eastern Market,
having purchased a full line of the finest
that can be bought this side of Montreal
in Black, and in all the Ieading shades.
Now is your thine to conte in and
are picked over.
We are opening out fall lines of
before the
Chenille Curtains in
- rs l tier•; Curtains for 35c .and up. if you are wanti
anything in Carpets, Matting or
collection u) pick from.
In Boots and Shoes we have
Assessor Torrance values the real
and personal property and taxable
income for 1895 at$7 713,(195, or .13,-
000 less than last year. Tt.e popu-
Ia.tirIl is 2,525, or 13 more than in
1897. Tbeie are more dogs than
cattle in town, tt.e respeettve num
bers being :—Dogs 124, cattle 100.
Notwithstanding the decrease in
taxable property, the town is filling
up with new corners and empty
houses rare few and far between.
Acting under instructing from In- this week,where he attended the
specter Alex.cnder, the Public School annual meeting of the Ontario
Manitoba, where he intends spending'
a couple of months.
Miss Kate Hazelwood spent last
week with friend: in Toronto.
Miss Lizzieltinglcr,ef Strathroy',was
spending to short time with her
parents, who reside south of the
The pastor of the Methodist church
conducted special Easter services in
that church on Sunday evening last.
Mr Geo. Spotten was in Toronto
board will eafo:'e the truancy penal-
The p tst office will shortly be re-
moved one door east and fixed up
with ac view to more efficient eet'vice.
Messrs. George & Cavelle, who
have formed a partnership for carry-
arrying on a foundry business and repair
shop in Listowel, have purchased
from J. C. Hay the old Hess office
building on li'aain street east, and
are engaged setting up their plant
preparatory to commencing business.
Special song services were hid in
Knox and the Methodist churehes on
Sunday evening
Mrs. D. D. Crunpbell entertained a
number of her lady friends at an
"At Moire" on Monday afternoon.
Among the many visitors in town
The germs of consump-
tion are everywhere.
There is no way but to
fight them.
If there is a history of
weak lungs in the family,
this fight trust be constant
Y and vigorous,
You must strike the dis-
+rase, or it will strike you.
rig At the very first sign of
failing health take Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphites.
It gives the body power to
resist the germs of consump-
Oilcloth. e lave: a arge
a large stock in line: amid
A full stock of all kinds on hand.
A. MIm
56c. *Cd $,.e1/, qtr dttIggist3.
SCOT 'r' ,j, 'ItOWNE, Cheamlist% Toasts.
Educational Association.
Misses Mary Hazelwood and Edith
G ibson have been obliged to eome
home from the IIarriston High
School on account of illness.
HOWICK. friends are extended d to the happy
On Friday last, (Good Friday), the couple and 'Prig Muss hopes that in
mortal remains of Mrs, Taylor, re- No. 897 Brock street, Kingston, many
Bret of the late Thomas Taylor, who happy and prosperous years will be
enjoyed. The bride was a raster of
Mr. R. Wilson, of Wingham.
Mr. Jas. Moore has been successful
in passing. the second years' course
in medicine at 'trinity. He will
teach in the school in the North West,
where he taught last year tor the
coming. term.
died about 9 years ago, were taken
to their last resting place, the Gorrie
cemetry. The day was exceptionally
fine and mild and through muddy
roads the long cortege of more than
100 carriages wended its way to its
destination, arrived at the English
Church, in that town, which was
crowded to its utmost capacity a
short service including an appropri-
ate discourse was delivered by the
Rev. Harvey, incumbent, prewieus tri
going to tl.e grave.
The Iady in question by her genial
and hospitable d isposition, had gained
a large circle of friends, but at the
Miss Aggie Hastings is spending
her Easter. holidays with her brother,
John, at Orangeville.
A ye"y successful chopping bee
was had at Robt. Baird's on Thurs-
Cycling is all the rage at present.
Mr. A. E. Weettieratil, teacher of
:uminer;aiti, is visiting :1nburti this
Master W. E. Cti'n:wings visited
Wingham f:le :cis the Brett week.
acne of 72 after some years of failing Mr. J. Mete -pent a. day last week
health, she: has quitted thl- e.erly in Clfn'rat vi -1 h g his clauglrtar, Miss
scene through the merit of Lbt•ist to
engage in, we doubt not, the varied
sublime and iuttn'}rtal association of
another and a brighter world.
There are 20 applications for
hotel licenses in East Huron this
year. This is th.i Same number as
was ;ranted a year ago. The com-
missioners will meet on ilonday
nes:, to consider the applications.
Cnp°d, who has staelh a long list of
victt ries to his credit, scored another
on Wednesday morning of last week
when at the borne of Mrs. W. 1
Wilson. Mill street, Brussels, her
estimable daughter, Miss Ka e, and
Harold J. Morden, accountant in the
Standard Bank Kingston, and 4
former resident of this place, were
united in the hely bonds of wedlock.
Mrs. 0, Mesas] had her millinery
opening l:a-,r Sa l 4.4.4'OI etaverteything
was beau11Sr::t•ra young
men were cllasieu'l ay the elegant
display ar.ri.r the .atAtt ua'.tnagcment
of Miss l'api's v.ho is pronounced •
one cf this tisea milliliters in the
Death again c• -1st a gloom over
this neighbor'h,s d v,•netr last Wed-
nesday nr;srnin;;• ti,e b,.:ivreed wife of
Charles Washington pita -ed to her
final reward ::tier a fore, and linger-
ing illness which was hurtle with
Christian patience and f:n'titude. Mrs
Washington was a lady of sterling
qualities widely known and highly
respeeted, both in church and social
circles, She leaves he!,iud tier two
children and a hustaud. to mourn her
loss. Truly in the midst of life we
Rev. John Ross, 13. A., spoke the] are in death. The hubbdaid and par -
magic words in the presence of a
select company. Miss Annie Slem
mon performed the duties of brides-
maid in a most agreeable manner
and J. IL Cameron Principal of
ents of Mrs. W'Sotelan„ ton have the
sympathy of the entire ueighbo'rhood
in this their det'pest aftl crion,
Miss Julia Arthur the Canadian.
Bru.sels Public School, acted the part actress, married a Boston mutton -
of groomsman with as cool a head etre.
as an old stager. The pe..ate bride Rion. Wm. Harty has so far re -
never looked better as arrayed in a covered •his health as to be able to
day of last week, and as a reward becoming travelling costume of two resume he duties of hie oiffce.
for their labor, the boys were given I toned covert cloth and with a berruti • Win 1) moil, of Guelph, left his
a bop at night. i fol boquet of white roses in her invalid's chair an 1 walked for the
Mr. Wm, Haugh has rented the t hand, she promised to take good card l f1r-t line in essay yniv's. Faith eure.
McBride farm for a terga of years at of' Mt•. lllorden. Miss Slemmon was a..•-- -
neatly attired in fawn cloth otand i
11r. Thos. Small lett on Monday t carried pink roses. Telegrams r'f•l
last for Kennilworth, where he has congratulation were received frown It yo�sy toome p Keep
eeW conditions if We
taken a position in a cheese factory relatives unable to be present. The• { sary to Perfect assistant. wedding gifts were specisily gond. II The importance of maintaining good
Mr. John Giimoltr, who is attend- • consisting of 5flverware, chino• i hThe is easily understood, and it is
ing the Business College at Toronto'
is spending his 1'Jeaster vacation at
Mr. Geo. Marshall has rented Mr.
Stan's farm near Teeswatcr. It is
reported that he is Dot going to batch
it either , clergymen, who by the we 4' has
Mr.:11ex.. Porter, jr., had the oris• become quite an adept at toast mak
fortune to loose one of his young in„. The grooinstuaa seconded the
horses last Sunday, by indigestion, iii'. motion and the groom made. an air
Ppite of medical skit(. It is quite al proprlate reply. Mr. and Mrs.
Ioss to him as it was moot his match- 1 Morden left on the afternoon train
for a brief' wedding trip. They will
pictures, household articles and '
couple of , really a simple matter if Wfio take a CO'x.
080K cheques. Ar, elegantly tea review of the conditions required
prepared wedding luncheon was par. -
In perfect health the stomach promptly
taken of after congratulations were
tendered. The health of the bride] digests food, and thus prepares nourish..
went. The blood is employed to carry -
was proposed by the offieiatinsx this nourishment to the organs, !1erteof'
muscles and tissues which need it. The
first great essential for good ht•alth, there-
fore, is pure, rich blood. Now it is cer-
tainly a fact that no medicine has such
a record of cures as hood's Sarsaparilla.
It is literally true that there are hundreds
of people alive and well today who would
ect t ani hRve been in their graves had they not
The slaughter house, for the Klon-1 return to 13"1ssels before leaving for taken Hood's Sateaparilia. It in depended
dyke Reef Ring, is being erected on
Mr. A. Mitchell's farm and the eon-
tractor Mr. Ed Johnston expects to
nave it completed before lona''.
their home in Kingston. Mrs. Mot• upon as a family medicine and general
den wilt be greatly -missed in regulator of the system by tens of thou.
Brussels as in addition to her belt► rr sands of people. This is because Hood'*
the leading soprano In Melville dumb
Sarsaparilla makes the blood polo*. This
Mr. and Mrs Robt, Harkness and i choir sloe was ever ready to lend her
Mrs. James Fos visited Jas. Wallace sweet voice at concert programs and
at Jamestown last week, other gatherings where she invariab•
Airs, A. Anderson, of this place, is ly received a hearty reception. Th.+
visiting tier son, James, at Pontypool. l best and heartiest wishes of many
is the secret of its great success. Keep
your rlystein in good health by keeping
your blood pure with hood's Sarsaparilla,
which absolutely cures when other medi-
cines 'tail todo any good whatever.
iHOoii' Pills ars the only t,tlrt iotake
'With llood'e Sarsaparilla.