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The Wingham Times, 1898-04-15, Page 4
sT 0 C K tlydet far`8 or ll year$.a * • enders nn w•ts trt.asurtt for that FRESHMr. Jim. Martin, of \\ hiteclluteh, shipped 5 ears of hay to lluebee one day last week. The Misses Martin, of Seaforth, is visiting Ditss Jennie Taylor. Quite a number o£ young people SYRINGES enjoyed th ,Ytseives immenselyict the home et Dir. and Mrs. Callum on Friday evening of lasG QU-FAIN nal iv ti 1im1 APR11 15 1.696, l3LI,EV AL1:. Dlr. John Collie is indieposed at present. Miss Abbey, of Guelph is visiting • Mrs. R. Musgrove.Millie • Edgar Coultes, of Ripley i Moss, of Bervie ; J. d Mester, wife and. little daughter, of Hamilton, and .Lottie. Iiuneigh and Diary Ross, of - Brussels, spent their Easter holidays visiting friends in Bluevale, ., a wc11r. \\rm. Clegg, of \Vinghaut, l LUCIti\O\V. from I•2_ , l to St Best quality, d C9Ldg p, g�fi^,P0EL1 DRUGGIST. Campbell's 1-Ieadache\\Tafers cure, headaches. TO ADV.ERV ISERS. MAILR= 11 =0 LITS. vvalolia~,t, Winghaln, April 1.,, 18'08. P. Deans, Produce Dealer. 40 Corrected pen 100 lbs.. ., •,... 1 50 to 20 40 Fall Wheat ......*• •••'•• 0 Si to 0 84 Spring Wheat... , . , • • • "' ... 0 2'a to 0 84 oats,...... . ,. d,5 to 0 25 0 Raney,... ....... . 0 55 to 0 54 }teas ... .......... ..... 0 07 to 0 08 Turkey, drawn ••.••.• .... 0 04 to 0 05 Geese, •" . 0 40 to 0 50 Ducks, per pair •••••.•, 0. 10 to 010 Butter,..., .. •• 0 g to 0 8 Eggs per dozen • • •' : 1 00 to 1 25 Wood per cord.... .. , , , 1 50 to 5 00 Ray per ton,.... • , . • • • • • .USO to 50 0 Potatoes, per bushel, U 4 to 0 4 Tallow ,per lb. • 0 8 to 0 4 shipped '.�. ears of wheat crit, Dried Apples, per lb • . , • , sir. D. W. Hayes, station ag 19 to 21 Thomaslastweer., tivool,.••.•• •, 5 uU•to a uuI A shooting evntest between 5 of this vLi`age'a icva utiittt on Tuesday Dressed beds _�.. ------ crud. shuts, of \\'inghatu and \'r bite- last, by together with handsome .�. _T_ __ .- .. church .against 5 croon shots, Fri-oland pony, nt -pts Toronto, 12. -'Toronto cattle Iielgrave, took place on Good pints. nice turnout and will Waite a lleaand o, April 1 Niamey). to cattle day iielgravc twinning by 20 p d s 'fol gift to air Haves' children, marl et was quiet to -day. Mr. Win. Geddes was in Lon a ;one which the Litt e folk can tharough- baro last week. ly enjoy. A public meeting of the citizens MORRIS. of Lueknow was bold in the Town ill at pee- Hall, on Friday evening to discuss Wesley Jermyn is very ' with and advise the Village Council 1 as to what steps, if any, should be sent with an attack of ie will ory taken towards continuing the Central be rheumatism• We trust he will soon able to be around again. I Furniture factor; . A pleasant event took place at the i the 'Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise• nlentS accepted ap to HOOD' Thursday of each week. ' �. C (� . uqi �Im mcs Rev, Mr, Smith of Kincardine, oc• idence of Mrs. 1Id. i ow on `eupied the pulpit in the Lueknow 2ndt when Miss M. 'Mustard was `Methodist Church at both services on wedded to Mr. W. Tarvey on Wed- `Sunday nesday in the presence o0iivi large 1 number of invited friends. Inspector Bobb is on his rounds .�._� 1! itIDAY, APr`1L 15, 1898. through Morris. 11 visited B. S and _.. ------o g on Thursday afternoon eased Z DiTORIAL NOTES. 1 expressed himself as highly p IT is not expected that the in- with the work done by the school solvency bill introduced before the I Thep }pf' th being a� errob� 'nlyD pre - Dominion L. most creditable manner. li • HEART MUNE were light -fifty cars, including 1i:2 sheep and lambs and 1,200 hogs. There was seine inquiry for export Montreal sayers took four cars of butchers. Bogs advanced a little. E port cattle were steady, with sales o fewB hersfp 'I t TABLE (1� ."��t", Glassware, ,Ware, 6 pieces, `1N �47N 17 FOR 2501 We are offering plain and Colored Glassware, at very low prices. 3 r' I ;, N GROCER, WINGHAM• E R R. f a low at 4c to 4?;c, and some �,��,., 4d aesaa o,ato'assn'eaao+aatassaaaafteaaa/tas wt choico sold a little higher. �` etc �� at-13.' a to $3.85 cattle were steady,�.,,.,,.�.am-..-.,...-•_•.�•--._..,._...,...�.•-••--- per cwt. for good to choice. Stockers { -•� . and feeders W ere steady, at $3.25 to A TROUBI,EA ILONGER U ASLEREGARDED become pared y ell minion V s in a AN OFANGEZ ILLS LADY \yAo HAD Sw ac an, r SUFFERED SEVERELY SPEARS OF HER ILLNESS AND TELLS iIOty Tim Annual meeting of Liberal- t i J. and f Belly have leased the lot 10 Gth line, and 1 SHE ROUND A CURE. I through, ,Ol�luctl"'ei were 1� too. s v 15 FAM TO MIT. 88.40 for light stockers, and $3.110 Do i- Par ament will b I h acquitted themselves haw this session. to $3.75 for feeders. Sheep and lambs were firm on good demand, and light offerings. Spring lambs sold at e3 to .$5 each, and sheep at to ale for butchers, and 3c to Bic for bucks. Calves sold well at ib2 to $8 each. Milch cows sold at -125 to $40 each, Hogs were .firm, and cboice bacon sold a fraction higher, at 84.62:.'s per cwt.; light fat brought $1,27- ; sows, 3?;e, and stags, 2e. East. Buffalo, N. Y., April 12, - Cattle - Eeeeipts, alt consigned �0 acres from yesterday, Conservative Association, of es r of land, o stock n fir mid The sive the Sun, Orangeville, Ont. ` t)ril,.lpallV good heavy ship} g eon Tuesdayill beheld at Dungannon ; Su acres north,h Josephotp half Clegg. 10 at from I A remarkable case recently came I export cattle, for which the Market ten. next. I Sunshine, not under the notice of our reporter, and. appears to be practically at a stand - export of election protests still other lands Ieu�s RussellhasTap yet. b to some cff for the bench still. Ilogs-iieceipts, 5 cars and 35 cars held over; market doll and slow, and prices for all grades lower; good to cboice Yorkers, $8.85 to $3 90 ; prime selected Light Yorkers, i3.75 to -13 80 ; mixed packers' grades, -13.90 to 63.95 ; medium weights, 1$3 95 to -14 ; heavy hogs, $4 to ; 4.05 ; roughs, $3.50 to $3.60 ; pigs, good to choice, $8.45 to x$3.55. Sheep and latlibs-The supply was moderate and about all heavy grades belt} over from yesterday's receipts, and trade, except a fete loads of state lambs ; the market was qquiet and easy to lower for heavy grades, w:th heavy clipped sheep neglected; d�5outh Perth election cases. that native lambs, choice extra, $6 to i tetely filled. Rev. tunes it seemed heart was ativ ; fair tos, good, toe to -1$6 ; c tile dEe inions of the! \Vfnghatn, occupied the tl a dreadful ;$ h 50 ; Judges and declared M^Der- f,>]lorcing from WWmg• gotng culls to common, ,oAO to 4,. ounty j n gramme:- I , yearlings, lair mixed to choice hated to the evenings pro„ �5ensatton�,the awful pains andweatt. amid; the Conservative candidate for eVest Eigi n, elected over 1lchfsh, Mrs, Ghent, Miss Dolly Johnston I rless, together with a peculiar feeling tvethers, -15 to X5.25.; clipped lambs, and Messrs. J. II Stephenson, Geo. of distress, all warnedhme that my x•1.25 to e0.00 heavy tie., w°1.35 to Liberal, by a"majalrity of one. Helife was in dangeconsulted adoctor, e1 S0 ; native sheep, choice to also decided that Moscrip, Liberal, Hanna, F. Hill and N. A. Irs. ar- I 1 . c over Monteith, Conserva- son. •Diiss C. Fisher and Mrs. Lowe but he could do absolutely :vas elected 7My friends groa- t f South Perth by a majority acted as accompanists. Mr. Geo. ontinues to grow. A number were added to list daring this week. The list of protests now entered numbers 161, of which two have lapsed. THE elee.ion in Rest Prince, P, E. I. to fill the vacancy in the Com - the death of S. I� F. Mons caused by the sick list, is improving. Perry, took place on Wednesday. The returns show the election of Mr. Lib. by a majority of� ZETLAND. !McLellan, 120. - A very successful box social in AT O: goode Hall, en Tuesday I connection with the Sunday School 'morn11r. Justice MacLennan I of this place, was held on Tuesday banding, ltinnderl out his decision in the West once, the school house being was a large atiend- com- lElgin an p W. Lowe, of Ile reversed sed t t d chair. The `sant conte i - Miss Kate> none to ag t it may0 inaw, Michigan, an a visit to her our readers, we are going t sister who is ill. I them about it. In the south goingback on ac- Jo Fall wheat is of this town livor Mrs, count of the hard frosts. bard, a lady mu h es E Some farmers on the 7th have al- those who know ready sown grain. bard has been a Henry Jackson. who has been on able a heart trouble, - came so bad that it would not have surprised her friends to have heard of her death. When our reporter called upon Mrs. Hubbard and made his mission known she said she would be delighted to tell him of her "miraculous cure" as she styled it. Of course no one thought I would get better. I thought my- self1 could not last long, for at d as if me to burst. Oh, i tell ward Hub- ©nied by rs. Hab- reatt sufferer from ltitnately it be - of four. Masco was present with his gramo- phone and gave several selections to the delight of all. Mr. Gavin Wil- son auetioneered the boxes • off and he done his work in a very satisfac- tory manner. The finances, of the school would be considerable increas ed as a result of the evening's enter - University, Toronto.. He tock from titinment. Trinity University the degrees al. )3. C. 11. and from Trinity Medical College the degree F. T. M. 0. Tom distinguished himself as the best stone mason in this vicinity when he worked at his trade and from the creditable way in which he has past bis examinations lie will, we are certain, distinguish himself as a skilled pratitioner. Dr. MeLennan's many friends wish him every sneers in life. Mr. Chas. Vannorman spent Sun- day in Galt. Miss Lizzie McClelland was in London last week making put chases' for the opening of her spring milli - Eery. Mr. Dan Halliday of the Clinton Collegiate Institute is home tor the Vaster holidays. Miss Dora Buchanan spent Easter m•ith friends in Stratford. VA very quiet bat pretty wedding itpok place at the reridence of Mrs. .foscpit Corbett, when her daughter Lillie, one of t;elg,rave's most estimable young ladies, was united lit the holy bonds of matrimony at April Gth, ihiglt noon, on Wednesday, to Mr. Chester Plewes, of London The happy couple left on the 3.15 . In. train, amid shovers of rice and told boots, for their future home in London. We wish thein hal piness toad prosperity. An oyster supper st tt3 given by the C. O. F . on Wednesday evening c' last t+reek in honor of Mr. Win. Anderson, prior to his departure to Ws future home in Dakota. Mr.lutunarried, BELGRAVE. Thos. A. MeLennan, fortncrly a ,swell known stonemason of tl.e town- ship of Wawanosh, has just complet ed his final examination at Trinity not ung for me < saw me rad - selected wethers, '4.90 to -15.10 ; mixed to choice sheep, -14,75 to '$4 90; ually sinking, and may ant bouts common to fair, -14.35 to ��4.Gv ; cu s anxiety I caused them. My strength to common sheep, $3.50 to $4,00 ; waned, my nerves were shattered ; 'clipped cheep, -13.15 to -14.35 ;heavy I could not walk, tor every step . do.do., $3.85 to "+4.30 caused my heart to palpitate violent-- ly. It is utterly impossible to fairy It has been figured oat that one friend brotimht me a box of Dr. man of Berlin, Ont., R. Prole, has describe my condition. One day Williams' Pink Pills, and told me to' ,,7? relatives in town, use then, but I said there was no I Reports (rant southern Manitoba use -they could do no good. To ; A this my hentfactor replied, that if state that seeding operations coin - they did not that at least they could nienced there oa Tuesday last. do no harm, so to please her I took the' J. C. Millet, of the Hotel Clasen- sax cf pills, Then 1 procured an- don, Goderich has taken a three other box and began to feel that years' lease of the River, Hotel. they were doing me good. I took Baytield, and intends to thoroughly a. • in all eight boxes and now I feel remodel and renovate the premi•esa . strong and hearty, each day doing -� my housework without fatigue e•t'".. 33011M. weariness. For anyone who suffers , 5,11;ovc--In Howlett on April gird, the the frame work r,., a daughter. he l arches from weakness of the heart, 1 be - wife of ty m. G. Strong„ Neve there is no remedy so site or e oC moon S n Culross on April 1st, tap o were tout without much difth that wilt bring such speedy results the wife of R. i•9, Slct:ulloch, a son. as Dr. Williams'bgsuch fills. IIad I W.vrsys--in Unlross ow ,l,rril °a the tarty, bat while removing the fourth wife Aadrew Watson ; a daughter. the iron bands supporting the oven only used these wutlilerfill pills at as ; n• he outside burst, and the top of i first 1 would have been spared many .on,arrso;�-Pinto.-On -Pride v, April months of intense suffering. Dlrs. 8th inst., by the i1av, Dr. Pascoe, at the IIubbard but re•eehocs the expert- residence of the bride's father, Mr, rt - erre of scores of other sufferers, and to onalofl�Vn vanesh togi\li Letitia Reid BLYTH. Mr. .Oeorge Parmencrr, of this place, met with a sad and fatal acci- dent on ;Monday last. Ile bad been engaged in building an oven for T. Watson & Co. Ile completed the building of the oven on Sawa - day night and on Monday mot ning;, thinking the oven was sufficiently dry, he commenced tearing away k that supported the f the oven. Three of the < von sick. Perhaps you have had the grippe or a hard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly some of the chil- dren are lust getting over the measles or whooping' cough. Are you recovering ei fast as you should? your old trouble blood full And isn't as not eft your f impurities? t s the reason you keep s poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but Take the oven fell on the unfortunate Mall within, burying, him beneath hree loads of sand and four roves of brick --tire whole weight being oven what site says should bring haI'e f of 'lurttberra. six tons. Ile. was removed to the g' I)r, \gill• ivi'urn - \Vir so 1. - In arussels, at (�laeen's Ironer • where he bearded, many* ima tnc tltn a is no relic ' for there who this world. the urn en110 of rho brida'a «,ether, on and all that medical skill and will- , April 0th, by Iter. <tno. Ross, B. A., Mr lams' Pink Pills has saved more lives than we vvilltcver know of. Harold J. Morden, of the Standard inn hands could iia was dune se iDark. Ii►ngston, en Miss Kate and revive life, but of to avail, and atdaughterof the lateois it, 2 e eternal morning he Passat] to s ster of Mr. Ilobt. Wilson of Wingharn Iris eternal home '. 115 having \ir. Charlee Ellis, of Kinloss town• 1lartr.-..Mnevirt•••-rl.t the residence of fined l consciousness. I1ts spine :tali, ship, has tceeived the sal intelligence the vb bride's �ots, on March by nts in organs were all more or that his son, a young man, had been nes N. .Burt ash, daughter of ne Thos. g. less injured. Deceased came d drowned while driving logs on a Melvin, all of Cuirass. Blyth ten years ago from England river in Algoma, Wien.and followed the trade. of brick 1 Ed. T. Holmes, brother of the geriit r.Its.etr -In \Vinahatn hill of it Pitying. 11'! s. POUSIII and tHoward, of 1 appointed assistant immigration and Mrs•re Gonidrrie Y, gedil Zoon Luc,n- Blyth is his cousin anti the only editor of the Clinton New Era, has 9th, �`rdon ;;teit'atr , only relative in Canada.eePte was anty been app with da oocglr, ae nt in the Western States, od Gl years. friend v respected and had many hex , •vers at St. Paul, with a sal-- Tnvt:anIn $Powick on Agri} tith, friends in town and vicinity, De ary o}ftt 100 rt moathand travelling Sarah Ann, relict of the lute 'Phos. Tay - Ceased was 3.; rears of age and at y lot., aged 72 yew!. Q�penScS, It will remove -all impuri-• ties from your blood. It is also a tonic of immense value. Give nature a little help at this time. Aid her by removing all the products of disease from your blood. If your bowels ares not wilt just right, Ay cur book on Dithem et in Consti- pation. forend Write to our DocioPS. We have the exclusive servleee of some of the most eminent physt. Maus in the United States. Write treaty and receive a prompt Lepty writhont coat addreaA,DIt+ 3. O. AYER •- Lowell, DUO. . Lots 10 and 17 in the 13 Concession he Oreo 1 of of Howlett, (t • We litsfarhip Willits furca),. will to a i � >u~ od tenant for a term of able rent. Apply to C. H. Willits, Wrox- otor. qr to the undersigned. A. 1). 1898:, Dated this 7th day of Feb.,60930 R. ''J'ANSTOI'TE, Wing Solicitor to:, estate of °rocket Willits,. • deceased. NEVI SHE ;TOLE, Having opened up a shoe store ' next door north of Ch ishol fu's 111001; I am now ready for repairing, which will be done at cash prices. JOHN •HILL, FNM ST LAUNDRY- , ND 1C Our laundry plant has arrived. and we are prepa; ed to turn out first-class work in all lines of Laundry York on the Shortesfi Notice, For the convenience of customers',. a DROP BOX will be placed nt the. door to receive work.when laundry' is closed. ME 0S A TIAL with your next order. Ja D. LONG Opp. Union rectory. rurrr .-.. - .- ear. cr o - ,.:_.43 . - _ - - _. ::.,�urri ne■cur .. -__. ..- _ 1Wtiii irirritistarsirr7. isssisisis:i Prices for Ladies' and Gents Wheels $35,00 t'....110.... 0..,.-.0.11.1*,.tr7.9.1.* 111 bi icycles 3333D $40,00 $50.00 $60.00 $85.00 °LUMINA i 4 ( 00 GRAINLESS The merits of Colombia Wheels are well known. There is none better. :y �{ HALEY PARC, JEWELER. k '• " COMIC: IN AND SM riiir rirr00i.rr„ �ir,� �iiFiii`ilii.�iiYii<iiiiiii4iiiYiiiriiii 1 iiii.iriiiaiiiirriiiiii.iii Wi workmi up -to -dl Al pf Itea( 0