HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-15, Page 2I c (!: ,!'
19 •,,.,•+4,.•a
'111E WINUIJAAI 15, 6080
..'w-A.•,MFW,Y!.�.F1YM:[i.fvnn.JM+,44x,• Y W%Y•YeM^. a1MSMMWv v�v9•• ! F, Mw'.-wawFY•nK,WMF, hMM,M.+'M'I•Y.A �rMw�.'w•1/...•.c�.�wrm�wfW.v+,\....-••✓v,Wu,WIUi,.HI. ,k,Mw,.M-W.++wM•M4 , 1, .. .
ww•hielt lent meths do the white'-'i•ihhon' GORRIE. 'ast.'.1 BATH SELIVICE .
tztq%4 i1 1Ii , twnl:iet•:: known ill every 1': I ltstI i M1•. Aught Doan hue cone to t"' - Re ) 't:
L t M 1R1. 1';tl()liI,71-- l.tv, 1 r. 1 favus', 1>;:a
rails r\.X , :ui'I11rt 15, lei'+ l3.
tco;:I,L?CCI:u Ill WIx(ilrAli itnexell.)
I aijulettl sketch of Miss Will-
arr Ai@c' 1.:1. M. N. Stevens,
acting President of the National W.
tO. T. 1'.: t Country. A great reception was this Vicinity.
Frances Willard was of New Eng. ; tendered her in Exeter 11x11, par-, Mr. A. Dunnage has removed the
land ^oc'°.tre. She was born in ticipated in by Ilfh• philanthropic e,;1(tttt'r+ ,e hit St,00k from t -('re its Ills
ANIttreb:'iil:_', N. 1., 111 11139, reared sietetue:i ('I Lommtwwu, alibi ata, `+r 1:til'>-
1 a
spe:tkinl; i. Uutry of the globe, i Manitoba., where he will seek hist
In inti', :Hiss Milani and Miss > forune.
Gordun, by invitation of Lacly l IT . nabel Clegg, of Sault Ste,.
Hoary :+uinerset, who is their devoted i Marie, is visiting' with old acquaint -
friend, and who leads the movement i antes in this section,
1 in Great Britain, helped to develop i Mr. Edgar Green, ofSeattle, Wash --
1 white•ribhon ittethr.de and to edit the ! i:ltrton, has been visiting with ids
l l:ntslisllwhite-ribbon paper. Editions , sister, Airs. (a, W. Walker.
of Miss Willard's buuks es ere brought ' a'I'r. Jas. Walker, of 1 est county,
out, thus making her known to the • se es
• readings public in the Mother: visiting,one lwith f'riendse pioneers (�and relatives in
;in 11 i.. _ 1.. it and educated in Illinois
at the Northern University of
Iitivanstou—•the largest suburb of
t + store at Lakelet.
Iicnry Sulit(:rset, Alrs. OI•mistut►'situ, vrho has been 1.11 for it• time.
ers ab (:asst's 11 Ilbttrforee, l:tu.y Mr. Thos. Tay tor, of 15th costes•
Chant, llrilllaut + T. Stead Hey. llugil
Guy peacefully away on Thurs.
1 IUt ttgo, Here was the family home !Pilo Hughes, Rev. !lark Guy d(hy of last week.
Or nearly forty years, and here, ; Per.rce and several member's of . Mrs, Alex. Strong was visiting
tlegilinirlg in the ""Public Sehools,” Parliament.. They returned to' with her brother in Toronto last
dilibs Willard, by what she liked to : America from this visit in the sura— week,
+t 'tHenry"honest 1 ! Der of 1801 and Lady llrw
Gall 11a rd work" .� achieved 1 r 1 .
the position of dean of the woman's • Somerset cause with them, The
department ot the University, and 1 winter of 109-1-5 was spent mostly I "NO ROPE."
in Boston. Id March 1835 they Camps on Many a Thlerllt)ld—Bu
again went to England. Miss 11111 ; South American Kidney 0
arca and Alias Gordon carne back in ; Spirits AwayDisease inTr' e.
time for the National W. C. T. IT.
p ._ a
cutiventiou held that year in Balli- i Mrs. 3, Hallman oe Berlin, 0 • , writes;
more. April • 1809 Miss 1Willa,rd t'I was a great tfr,tt11•,,,�I' months
rernran, Italian, history tend the made her last voynge to England, from kindey disease,surer 7'1e pens were
Fine arts beteg tate sub e,ts to which accompanied by Miss Gordon and so severe as to LeeseBlew spells cad
» ] I could not be left a rse—no remedy or
tier attention was devoted. It was Miss Powderly, iter stenographer. doctor seen.ed able o give mcg any help.
tier expectation to be a literary It was in the autumn of this year I was advised to try South Aemorioan
woman in eonnectien with her work that she and Lady Henry did their Kidney aura, After a tett doses 1 was
as a culii'ge professor. She was.per- notable work for the American every tr co ftki 'ney trouble bottles
ront took
taps more celebrated for her method Refuges at Marseilles, and her inter- Sold at Ohisholm's Drug Store.
of school government than for anv est in their welfare Dever waned.
other one thing at this time. She She reached her native land late 7'UltN13L+'1 1%Y.
'organized what amounted to a Senate in October, 1806, spent the follow- School Report of, S. S. No. 6, for
and a House of Representatives of ing winter in Castile, N. Y„ and the the mon
youngcollege,th of Alareh ;-1+'aurch sr.,
the youwomen in the and last summer of her life was mostly
practically placed their govenmostlyent spent in New England. She pre• Ida Homuth GSj,, Andy Mitchell,
in their own hands. This method sided over the World's W. C. T. U. G4/, John Foxton 43%. Fourth, jr.:
worked so well for the good order of convention in Toronto in Oct. 1807. early Goy, GO%, Nettie Bryce, 50%.
the institution and the development Her address as president of that henry Thornton, 49 Alice Little,
31/, Lacy D1(,IL ague. Lettie Elliott.
•of a high standard ot honor in the convention was pronounced by many gChir.d, sr.: Bertha A'IcIiague, 74%,
young women, that it has since been to be one of the finest, most power. 11'illie sr.: ater 6. 0 Sarah Crow
introduced into many colleges and
public schools. In 18t1 Miss Will-
ard wrote her first book, "Nineteen
Beautiful Years," which was pub-
lished by Harper & Bros., and with
an introduction by the poet Whittier
teas been translated into several
languages. She also wrote "How to
Win," a book for girls ; "Women
and'remperance," a history of the
W. C. T. U. ; "A Classic 'Town," a
ihistory of the beautiful University
town of Evanston ; "A Young
Woman Journalist," intended to in-
spire young women to take up a
profession in which Mies Willard
herself has been engaged for a
•nutnber of years. "Glimpses of
•'ifty'Ycars," her autobiography, of
wh ieb fifty thousand copies have
been sold, was written in 1885, by
request of the National W. C. T. U.
••`A Great 'lJther" is perhaps her
test book, contacting as it does the
theory and practice of bringing up
-children according to her mother's
plan, and -dlaciam Willard was, in
•the estilnatien of everyone who
knew her, a. truly "great mother."
Miss Willard's hand -book for the
words white-ribbeners, entitled ''Do
Every thing,' is packed full of hint,
and helps for local workers. She
also wrote "Women in the Pulpit,"
"flow I learned to ride the Bicycle,"
and "Ocenpatnns of Women."
In 1883 biles W llard and Miss
Gordon made a temperance organiz•
ing trip, visiting each of tate fifty
states and territories of the United
Btares, travelling thirty thousand
miles or mere from Puget Sound to
the (gulf o; Mexico, such a trip as
.bas never been made by any man
or woman .I1 any cause as far ats we
In the !same year Miss Willard
'founded ties World's W. C. T: U., of
which she became president, and
professor of rhetoric. in a faculty
otherwise composed of men, nearly
all of whom had been graduated
trout European universities. She
• Herself studied abroad two years ur
amore, front 18(38 to 1870; French,
isl.,t.5T0ieS fl
,-crew.. .1..,n....vo,.ue.a,ct.., wan,a
.•. air, r:.�vw.:xcYva:r.::nn�.-rveua.
�'• mar.
Sala ari1ia.
The Greatest of all Liver,
Stomach and Blood Medicines.
lftheumstistil, Gott and
Chronic Complaints,.
They Cleanse and Parity the
A11 11r>i4emits and
General Dealers.
tul and eloquent that she hod deliver -
t' 07b'Itu y it'icl;niton 48%, A few days later she presided °' in
over the National cuuvetltiun held Fawn, 46%, Maggie Holmes, 40%,
at Buffalo, N. Y. The weeks later• Johnnie Mitchell, 40%, George Little
venins between this convention and 28l, t,. third, jr.: Lerma Taylor, 3(,
her translation, Feb. 17th, 1898, �+ Lahel Ferguson, :,0/. Second
were stent in •Chicago, I+�vtan, Class: Mary Crowe, 81%, Sarah Fox.
, Wisconsin and New York. Miss ton, a6ret Freddie. ilomuth,.62%,
Willard originated the Polyglot Thornton, 54%,ILesj en, Bryce, 4 ,
Petition for the prohibition of liquor Elan Taylor, 29"x, Sadie ,McCormick
trattie end the opium trade, which ,
Alex Elliott. George Elliott. Pert
with seven million Tames and at•2nd, Rosie King, Leah McCormick,
testations of great societies was Johnnie .Tames, Tommy Goy, Min -
presented to the President of the
Ignited States in February" 1895, and
in London before an audience of ten
thousand people in June 1895. In
1891 the honorary degree of LL. D.
was conferred upon Miss Willard by
the Ohio Wesleyan University. •
now SIIE C.1.'.1E 1 NTO TTI); WotiK..
Miss Willard has repeatedly said
to 111e that when the Crusade came,
•she read of it daily in the Chicago
Post, edited by her brother Oliver,
and she, as well as her brother, be-
cause absorbingly interested in it,
more so than in anything which
they had ever read, except abolition
and the anti -slaver y war.
The winter. of 1874 was a time of
anxiety to Miss 1'i'iilatd. Attractive
positions et the head of educational
0 • i` 01-VIe•e} itt 11 f► IU 41.1l 1 11 pa.
1'Iit1 •1tl'i'1:iit,I.1 Ito v. 1i. fern.,
pt►;tor services trt 11 tt re laud 7 p m.
EISD•I:('OPAL, alt. Paul's --rely, MI W.
Lowe, Ze,ttor. 'iervtlree at• 11 a ill and
p m.
If-APTIS'1'-Uev, Jas, littmiltt+:t, pas-
tor. ;.eryfc(+e .It 11 a Ku ttud i p t'd
COT\''Cl/ G:).'1`IONAL--.1tev. IL L.
Mason, pastor. SServict'tt itt 11 a m and
A lafha't'IAN W01 111EltS •-- lvliesees
Ott 1 ram itnd laoek in oaten -mud, Sete ices
at: 3 p 'o end 8 p tat.
N'LLVr.1'1UI+f A ItMY-Adjs.tarttMiles
and wife+ to eonh,nitntl. iervtat'h at 11 a•
m,:3 n tt hold 8 iJ
J n ets(•n a: tits IIOOVO K1AIC. N ttnu.:ucr
Stll,l+tilt SrhOol 15 held at 2„t> p et.
SP,tbre. After. 'W'ood's Phos iilot ine,
nie Linklatcr. Sr. lst, Stella Miller,
Edna, Chandler. '• Jr. 1st, Kitty Me.
Kinnon, Edith Ilomuth, Henry, Fox -
ton, May 111cKague, Charlie James,
Stella Kiug, Earl Porter. Jr. 1st,
No. 2, Velua Chandler, Myrtle bill --
ler, Effie McCormick, Laura Elliott,
"Seeldon Johnston, Essie Johnston.
Those absent from some examina-
tions were : L. McKague, Lettie
Elliott, and S. McCormick. Largest
attendance, one day, 49; least attend-
ance, one day, 31e Average attend•
The Great 13nglieh : virerzj.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able tnedioino diecoveted. 5kc
?packages: guaranteed to cure all
forma of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To.
baeco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
pt price, ono package $1, six, $5, OneleilV9leaso,
sizwill cure, Pamphlets free to any address,
' Wino Wood Cosuitany, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in i1•inghanl by Cohn a Cunivbeil•
Aro ' •I1-,,,�, ;
IRO int 'tL1nixes
If SO it is your advantage to
call on Gordon 8z. Co.'s Drug
Store, Winghain. They
are the agents for the
celebrated Wetmore
Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport,
N:S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters)
a wonderful blood purifier and gives
his experience as follows: "I was
very much run clown in health and
employed our local physician who
attended me three months, finally
my leg broke out in running; sores
with fearful. burning. I had thir-
teen running sores at one time,.
from my knee to the top of my foot.
All the Ineclicil*e I took did Ise no
good, so I threw it aside and tried
B.B.B. ; when one-half the bottle was
gone, I noticed a change for the
better, and by the time I had finished
'two bottles my leg was perfectly
healed and . my health greatly im-
The Ontario forestry dcl'larttnent
has CIiseo'.'elell A tie 'disease in pine.
It resembles the San .iose to;ale, and
prevails in wale of the sta'e.t in the
Uniun. it is very deadly. It is he
hewed to have come, in with nursery
stink. • •
1, Because it is dangeruas to be a
moment without one,
2. It will never rust anct 15 conse-
quently durable.
3. A person wearing a1Vetnic.re does
not find it a bather,
4.. We will guarantee to Hold in
position any reducible rupture
5, This truss cannot possibly stove
after adjustment,
(i, Some of our townspeople can
testify to its merits.
7, Satisfaction guaranteed or money
Are responsible for tt large proportion
of tick Bess. '1 y ou have a tt k(ak or a
Lime Bark, Swelling of the Botcis and
Feet, Sediment, in the Urine, Dizzy
Spell.;, Iiheutnnt.io Pairs, Loss of 3'1em-
tnor3. S,'VE, re_ Heaclucl•.ee,run ntry now
your kl.lneys aro dllorderel'I, awl the
ance, 39. MIx rE Onetts, Teacher.! remedy for yotu is Dt,an'rl Kidney Pills.
And Emaciated,t South Amen ' n
Nervine is a Lich, Deep 1 alth
Fountain and Fever Fails.
institutions were offered her, but alae Nervous exhaustion, ad .gestion,im-1
felt More and mote drawn towa1ds roverisbed blood are Ile (Iism e's in:-
wthe women of the crusade. She was printed on tunny a b ,w South Aateri-i
not at C;hatauqua when the pre- eito 1\('rt ine bus a m vell..us purer ;els!
liminary committee was framed, but nerve tog,e, a blood bilfide" eu,d ainlu I
was at Boston cunsult•ia,r• with Dr• l•ttur, nes the cysteul. t et1rs, regu
lutes and dispels depression anti restores
Die Lewis. the gond f•pirhts eosehtutl to good health.
Ono morning' ill August, 1874, George Webster, of l''w•est, writes :''Fur 1
there came to her a letter from Mrs. 1'"n,s 1 su[Ieied trout tleaplesanees, iter-!
L. S. !founds of Chicago, asking cusses, twitching It1GFCl(es and pal pita -1
+ €. + tion. All remedies failed but South
her to 001110 to Chicago and act as .wmerican Nervine. The first bottle
President of the W. C. T. U. They greatl)' helped, and five bottles toured 1
were a band of middle aged women "'e. 1 feel 1 utvu my life to it." Snid itt
C1.ishaitn's Drug rgtore.
without financial re:lources, and
yr to Cl at they mild offer her no No Syntpat;Iy For Hinz.
salary. On the flame day that this:
letter reached her, she received an' emalfa," said the poet to his wife,
offer from the Principal of a ladies 'qt looks like war, and I fear me 'I
school in New York Gity. of Bring shall have to leave you and the inn10
her 822,500 It year if she would act in order that I may serve my coup -
i as prceeptress, reaching a little or as : try. It is a heartrending thought !•' l
much as she plE;,lsed, but a'xel•cisirlg l •'I know it, John," she said, "but I
a. ihetpful influence over the young 'jest think --we won't have to live on
ladies among the patrons. Yet 80 , sir 1111d incense then, fel. you'll draw
profoundwwasthe impression thatGori f';t3each inelithof life!"
called her to [he work of the W, C.1"Bnt," he gasped', "if I should be
I. 17 that she wrote. to New Yol k, ;hin"--,
declining Ih'. VanNorwan's offer, at, "'.riiey'11 pension ' me, John," she
replied sweetly. ''Our only hope is
war, In our particular case the
sword will be mightier and more re.
numerative than it ;box of pens." --
Atlanta Constitntionr
of the centuries. Best beloved, God I,
crowned.1 GUEAK AND 1)1Dx1VOUS.
I 'Tr•o many women that way. They
CURES E�1T711i3,Y''1!IME. need Milbuyrn's flenrt sod Nerve Pills.
I M s. ,7. I fawlra, lingo t viIto. Ont., etiys :
III a r v.
re Coughs the \r h P Nerve 'l'(
"I have often had G u s i 1 Cold, as tvi 1 nrn'ra Beata, t s nd lv r o P1115 enroll
. well as Bronchitis. Norway Pine Syrup I nrehof wen(l:J,e>:aa aryl rl}lrvouonestt, with
cures me every tinter" %full!; Mena. which 1 h,+<1 been afflicted for a long
' Maytioid 0111.1 tiote. ;or
the sa[l]e time wrote to Mrs. ltnund0
accepting; the position as president.
It was indeed well fin' tihis world
that she thus decided. No woman
has ever done so much to lift human-
ity heavenward. The one wvoman
t'2,000 worth of'smuggled tobacco
11'as-'eIztd at C;ornwtsll this wt•elc.
Ile fn.
�/ to ou
cap.• ora• cr,
1 ,somas t ell WAS tried on Thurs-
day at Ste tufted before Judge Bar -
run, an three charges of robbery and
assathit. `Pito first was( holding up
.1t;drew Schmidt on the Shakespeare
road in Jdnunry last. He was found
guilty on this Chari. a, and his counsel
waithdrew twit: ].,lea of not tui1t•v crit
the other f.WO Ohars;ea. St:hietlCe
was deferred until Friday, April 1:;
L.' Y
11','ilitY 1'I.LIl,AY MQE=CI
• Al TIIi -•-•
Tuvres ovric , , JOSEPHINE STRET
W1J 0IIAM, o::TA uo.
iiuba3rlptu>.1primp. i rTacitr,laaifv1L110C
AbVIJ Tisiib t 1Tl*' •
'-_ dpay t __1_1,,,,!.. t l ..G• 1 i I .O. ln,0,.
l,1IU ooiuii',t • ,Yu uU , 510 Do y '' 1'l, I
ts. • 50 tU 12 110
� ' u , 01- tialt ,
'uld,atttrl n11",i cuter CP' a 0U LItihenivi: n$e!prr3
for ills: u,t lwt,.anu •lo pro fixe tot rackautuqucnt
ittteaG1. n. ti01 U ul -) huap:ital Bode.
Loe•tt uotict,. Joe, pc r a•ro for fir . tr•iartiou, and
' 6.. per lino for each ss►bse:putft ,.. sertici .
Advertisements lit Lest, t' m.d, Aram) ,situations
and Business chance, \t anted, ret a>.ceediva 5 line
unnp,uell, w1 for Ilr.,t month and Guo, toe each
1 sims,tittont os,rth,
tlo•i>es and nous lr•r Dale, not a:.s!tett:ttg 8 lilje,
t1 fur fret uto;.th, Ln:,, per et,,'tegncnt month
hart';' I:Utttttt ;:e1 t in 1 rui.or 1111.
These Gutsy wit” b, r t .1,iy ent•ored to
$pedal rate,, iv t t,,• r ..dart:seu'ents, or or
>n•• rr ds,
4t .> lV
Advurtiaumtntsaud local nu:.((r' wtllautapeol0o
t directions will 1 0 inserted tttl tnrbld s;'d chargge'
aecor.lmgly. TraistGua'\' RltyOl't]trl,lenta mutt.110'
1 Paid ht t.ttta11Cs.
UlbuI;us for aot:tr.tct attvortieonu.nt' must be in
thu oaten by V. e+it.e,ldel noon, to o;dtr to appear
that week
vtifrr I N G H A M.
Capital, 01,350,000. heat, 0725,000'
President--Je11N 6TUAltr.
Me-President—A. O. 1(4t1Bat .
JorN PROCTOR. GRo, no'.cn, wit GtsnoN,
• WOOD, A. B. bar. (Toronto).
1', A. T.
Savings Bunk—IJours, l0 to 8; Saturdays, 10,
Deposits of 81 and upwards received and tome
Spsotai Deposits also roccieed at =raw
rates of h. deet.
Drafts ot. Great Britain and •the United State
bought and sold
/ - ,.... 1..,..?....,
.••-. ,
�t9! .,Y ; st+ p i1 ' 1..,... '-'- ,Y � tom.• •s`-:ice'„..:::,50,•„:.....0„..„,_,;.,..„--,,_...,-_____A----,,,..,-.,;,,*___•;,...0---_-_.„,,,,,.„----.5„„<sc.,-.2.,_,...„........i-f.,.:.--------_......,,,,,-1---.:
'i?•''�.%6i'k5/'rf ??'�t....,...7.
to":.%ill TR
G•• • �.S
4...7.4.10.r0/•• :s•In a0.00
!ice Fez ALL
Itching, Torturing,
Distressing, Disiigur-
ing Skin Diseases,
there is nothing gives such
quick relief anti promotes snob
rapid healing es this tcandor-
ful Ointment,
GPO, Lei:, 11tA1tarmen, Orrr.,
says Ile N10,1 tr0nh1 eel wi t ti Ilezoma
on the harlda't, bJrt t'.taz ho wird
net work. lie iia t (Motors treat -
him, Rnrt trir d nlr the remedies
lie heard of, hut of no mail, At
night the itching was' so aavnro
he could not sleep. 15r. Cnas,'s
Ointment being recomtneurltd to
11hu bo tiled it end ono box ro+rt
bpistol, otic, d him. n4tvouldn t
azurite CIO for the benefit no
,�Eua a r:er, Ca ruts., 1'414by al .1eniers, c
::stn,••^n, . atrs. 14 Co•,
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Mostly to Loan on . Notes.
Notes Djscounted
Jtnfey aAeancid on Mortgages at' 5 pet cent with
privilege of plying atthe•itnd of any year. Not.
and iteenunts collected.
Beaver Block Wliiwham, Ori
8 130 p to 10 25' p m
855+tm 3 Dap m
(3 51) a n; 1110 a nt
13\3Cpm 800pm
11 10 to 0 505 m
8 130 p or :t ;Opts
10 251,nt 88Oam
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London and South
11. n. ISLLIOTT,
Paul ntivrolt
a,•u Usttansat
BAttMISTER , pvh1�'Tt,it, i•:a,:.,
Private and Comment funds to semi :it lowest
interest. ho commission charred. Mortgages, tow
and farm property bought and nolo
OF1rICli—aoaver ilipck WtNonhn!
J. tl, h1O11XON,
11 tngliat; . Ont.
E 1.. D1ClilNSOS,
OIficu—iiofer Btueit \t•inglmtm
Ottice—Corner liamthton and St. Andrew etrcetsl
opposite Cotbornu 1lotet.
ENTISTlIY .—.J. S. J !•:H() M I:, L. 1). 5., H tsollex.
1� .u<lnu:tentr ht:•t•olasn sots Of
'i teeih, (.s amp ae tttty ran be made'
r. 1 (D the Don,Iuto',. Toeth extraotea
ah:elutely ,ti:twin, pate, by hie new
process, guaranteed peals. t.y tats.
OFFICE: In the 8earu• Bloch, uppo.ite thi1
Brunswick arouse.
A I TIic1L J. 111.w IN, D. n, S., O. s.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of. the eonnsylran
Lientnl College
Nuay.-11111 chit B13 (h orcry 11 ell toadey.
I2 ,mss •i( tq'•'r �"+ • The n• autifnl 111e of Jif
17t C� 1L i V 't tw talars, " by her serrttart hit t i DEANS, JR.. WINO::AAI,
Anna A. Gonion ; intr,t<tnrti0n
literary ex,r'utor,
Ly Lauy Heim cion tout t ; ItIk; to et i rybnriy. C:est
snap. (hv.s'pce'Us fifty rents. Books On tithe.
Bradley Ga'rttson Company, Limit cd,'roronto.
ta��slXefls'�4t�• ��rt�:w
MYl'>�T+F.r n uo7r
74.5;1's ^xvs• :z s ILt.1
Invtog 1n.rrthaseu the entireth,Q
' r
1 from Dir. Daniel Showers, I art new
prepared to supply the public with
Force Ce rilirl
Lift Pumps, Bross and
Iron Cylinders, t allt'oniar
eed Iron Tubing. Cisterns,
v1' ater Troughs, Sioxicia,
Baths ,Pipe Pitting Well
pigging and everything in con-
nection with water Su /Tries,
Galvanized Steel \Vinclni.iils for power
an(1 pumping aable •
Deep. well pumps a erp('rinlity.
7t.epau'ing promptly attoncled to.
Parties writing for information nr
ordering by nttul should aim* 'I stato
depth of well.
All work guarautsed or no isle.
BAN: 140 %fntfham. Ont.
i i0tt1Sl i AUCTIONEER 1,(11'. . t(C COUNTY
Sat,a attended In any 'mit 01 the Co. Charge -
3 OLIN CUIII(IE, wyinolhenl, ONT„
Seko of Farm Stock and r'a'nt lmplctnen
Ali orders t,.f t at tt;q TINES olli o promptly ottani.
cd t0. Tori .. reasonable.
. �p [`t _ Camp Caledonia, leo. 40, meet!
r.3., S.—the llret nod trh" Monday in
ever'. 11.01.1(1, h, ..1;; rani Fnllaw- 11 .1.. Visiting
brethren wetcco+' J. :Hurray, utb•tt. D Stew
art Bs'.•St.c
iAlAg1TEt1 rltrmera' aorto ar ,.thrr tminatrion9
YAitiVi i� , r sone of imr cduru''n,
, whole►
ban a utot,th would ha an Indncetaeor'. t could a190
engage a fete laches at th:irown looms
T. 11 Li,N1 ••TT, Toronto,
to intr.,htee '01itntises of On novo'," the. post
marvellous honk ahtcc thr puiBcnti,lts at the 1liblo
1trrcaled +"etbsinn detnonotrnted tculn•rnntnral fact
of thu IS bit 1.0 longer in doubt flet' Itr, Austin it►
the Editor ; Or Badtrey, Preftnaot• r.l Philosophy
Victoria tn,iretsity, u'IRes MD 11 h•edttetiat. Tho
coutrib11ti'i rd's st'hclnriy and d.•, hr n,en among
chola tut Ito% Ur. Thom.s..lnd5,'(.1 0, . (tef, p.
\v. Ilcudt•rann, 1 (1V. tr is. Stuff \t.1!, ,1, 11 Coyne
wl A.. l'haplaln issues, l5;nog u11•.t 1"ossley anti
maty otitt rn. erodaius rspet ill.... r r N•.'etey, Mark
Twnir, lir., Bue!dy, w,'1', :1'0ed. 4.1. a host of
similar men Tho rah slptu:thin; +hv spirit land in
dr.1011 hsek sit that all stay at 1. tot 1 as r a 't iinapse.'
Full L foal e,nvttning henk 71 a •,I , worth twice
that, J a ,erletae sono v,s,t1y, tit•. h .. on Otto, $1g
(.01110%164 0n, liens on sitght,
int 1ObA,Y•CAlta::r. oyr Co., -
Totne:tye, On.
JOB Pmami 'uuiG,
IN(11.(t0111') Rooks, t'anti,ltletc, Posters, B11
I, heads, Circulars, etc., W,O,, ereeided in the beet
style of the art, at moderato prices, and on thori.
notice. Apply or addr.tts
11. 11. 1.1. ;I P'..
1 (rl.
T itis O(ace, Winghallt,
wt etre posited to announce that any Books 6
Magazines lett With its for binding, will have 0v
prompt ate/Atom Prices for Binning in my ctrl*
wBi be given on eunllet•Idon 6 the Tilts Ol>dos
r wouia
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