HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-15, Page 1VOL. 1356. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1,898. aster 0 We w.ould invite the ladies to call • ,and see our beautiful display of Mil- linery whether yon buy or not. We shall be pleased to see you, and we are sure you will be pleased to see the many stylish and elegant hats 'we have on exhibition. Our MISS DOYLE has just re - tarred from Toronto, bringing with her the latest models of Paris, Lon- don and New York. They are creations of great beauty. Ladies, .come and see them—you cannot fail to appreciate them. The Ladies evidently appreciate a chance to buy • DRESS COCOS tea, -.d .�... NEW LDVERTISE6IENTS. J. S, Earl—Clearlog out Business, John Rerr•-A. Table Set.. Central Business College—Are not Alike 0, its. Gordon—Ladies Spring Jackets. J. li, 1{aroes—Cheap hoots and Shoes, J. ll oKolvin—Specials. John Gray—Seed Potatoes. Geo, E. lung—Special. LOCAL NEWS. Wanted—good butter and eggs. Highes prices paid. T. C. Graham's grocer store, Chisaolm block. at less than half price, as the 1200 .yards we put on sale last Saturday are half gone already. But there are still some choice bargains left for the late comers. This is positively the cheapest line of fir,t-class goods ever sold in Wingham. So don't < miss the opportunity of getting a Dress at such a rediculously low • price. Just think, silk and wool goods at C•PER YARD HOMUTH & BOWLES. Cenaeuxa Ue—T mittee have had w the past week in the different stte having it hauled present a nice ole work is complete ALL BUSINESS COLLEGES ARE NOT ALIKE. .#J.1C1,7_1/ Commercial School is one that should attend —ADVANCE IN Phu Jas. A. Cline and Toronto this wee of the Canadian I' Association• At t cided to advatzee t per cent-, owing lumber, BusiNEss On 8 Oa., who have stare in town fo posed of their Morrow, who. ss possession an II is a s oun man borhoodnd s undertaking, Roust) Tun and Cummins, C. T. U., held r church on Th Congregatioua ing. The mea ly attended, b the ladies w instructive. GRAIN ON TI grain has bee storehouses. shipped nine c peas to Portia to Galt. Mr. cars of peas Portland, maple grain shipped fr Mr. Clegg also sl and two cars of T. Gregory of t quantity of grain was buying durin. MOVING Rimer At the meeting of i commence at 7.4 the School Boar 1 on Tuesday eveniug SMALL LOCALS. n was appointed to council and urge upon of building a concrete treet front John to Pat - is a good rrtoye and we he council carry out the ers are now, the sbhool od walk up to the school 'one there to the sebool hey are obliged to go No doubt the council er due consideration at y o Public Works com- rkmen engaged during aking up the refuse on to of our town, and sway. The town ss ill. n•appearanoe when the a •w, SToczt or BUGS ES—Mr It J lilaeMath, putting in a first-class a 'r"a ea Carta les c i , buggies, r , gfi in north end of the town. le to give parties re- in this line /bargains. nnoancement next week. of this place, is stock of the lutes etc., at his stand He will bo at{ quiring anythin Look out for his you The CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE --.Messrs.'Thos. dell. ( expanses ef, fittin Wm. Button were in oflioers to open up , attending a meeting rnitrare Manufacturers is meeting it was de - e price of furniture 10 to the scarcity of elm essrs Gordon seen conducting a drug successful one some years, have dis-regards attonda usiness to Mr. A. A. I the old officer understand, will take elected far the e 1st of 5/ay. •Mr. Mos- The many isle well known in this neigh- inthis neigbbot ould do well in his new that he has reeig the Baptist eli VonLD—MISae9 Vincent Hamilton has be missionaries of the W. for a number of eetings in the Methodist timoe° honorable rsday evening and the likes to meet. church on Friday even- ardent supporter Ings were not very large- resignation does t the lectures given by 1st of June, and re very interesting and tiecider"1 where him abundant at his new field of 1 ATov s__During this week, dyke country, T will amount to $' The annual m Methodist Sund Wednesday even reports from the that the past $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE out and sending six For nice wool carpets and folded carpet the work in the Klon- paper call at S. Gracey s. e cost of the ex);idithon —The the workbon therick ay s are a ditions at T. along T.. 13e11& 600. fog of coo wingham Son's factory an Button a Fessant's factor y, y ijOh00l W1TS. �01d on g of last weak. The Broken car wheel and cennister is the 'arious officers :showed of stuff to n P ear had beeo ; a very both as r the school, oe and fivaneially, All acd teacbere were re- nsuing year. Jas Hamilton, ev J is Ida of li� , ood, will. regret to 'hear ed his eharge as pastor of roll of this town. Mr. a resident of dur town arlid has been one of upright men which one le has always been an of every good cause. His not take effect until the Ir. Hamilton has not yet e will locate. We wish 'CABS and prosperity in bor, wherever it may be. moving freely from the On Monday Mr. A, - Burkholder Lias may be spent in rs of oats and two ears of when a etereop d, and two cars of wheat on `•A Ramble t Vm. Clegg shipped two and tbe Isle of nd two oars of oats to about one bun a total of 17 cars of short program m the G. T. R. station. given by membe ipped two cars of wheat Come out and ate from Belgrave. Mr. hour or two, and Tuna SNAPS INN ,w Sit , s.--$150 Tan Oxford for 05 cent $2 0 Tan Bats, fair stitch, extension clef for 161.50. $2.25 Black Dongole G t E for $1.251 100 pairs in all. See our w ,dost. G: E. Knee. STRATFORD, - ONT. is a College of the highest grade. None better in Canada. 1(l,'egei?ence-:—All Stratford, and DIED IN INTAN Gordon Stewart, Mrs. Jacob .Hili months of intens were taken I.1• intermentV'The have the sympatb xt a pleasant evening the Methodist church, can talk will be given rough England, Wales Mau," illustrated with red views, besides a E solos, duets, eto., all sof the Sunday Sehook enjoy yourself for an s you enter the church drop a piece of si ver on the plate at the door, for the =neat of the Sunday School Funds. Doors open at 7.30 ; p. m. wn is also shipping a from Kippen, where 11e the past season. at hie old home 1n old friends. Mrs 0 Knetchol id children spent Eas- ter with her parent at f,ueknow. Miss Nicholl. of onion. spent a few days with friends i this vicioity. Mr. If. A. May, o the Hensel' Observer, 1 on Monday. of Seaforth, spent r ands in town. ngham, was in tower News Record. spending a couple o week° with friends in Oil Springs:.• Mr and Mrs Jas Slemin spent the Easter ho lidays Va lz London friends. Robert Paterson of Kincardine, spent Good Friday with IIS brother 1n town. Waterloo, spent the old friends in town. Mason visited with her: rd, dutlug the -week. Flood, of Woodstock, ith their son Charles. d Della Gracey wero• nd parents at Lllytb. nd wife, of Seafurth, with friends in town. of Brussels, spent the s and friends in town. .'lath, of Wingham is town.—Seaforth Sun. 'n returned on Wednea o his old home a,t Delhi. tratford, epent tbe Las- her.sister, Mrs. F H Ker. f Goderich, spent_ the gents in East Wawa- ewcastle, visiting with right kind klake plow repairs gave Tire Teas a c from. That Is the hind T. H. Ross sells gaveMr J L Broadfo for 35 cents cash. the holidays with Court of °vision in connection Dr. Wilson, of with the construct' of the concrete side walks will hold th it sitting on Friday, Saturday.-Alliutan May 0th. I Mrs Alex Ross is No old stoves or rotten trash picked out of the fence corners used in making the plow repairs that T. H. Ross sells for 35 conte cash. All made hard and tough and tempered in oil. last, a deputed wait on the town them the necessit walk an Frances rick streets. Tit' wonld like to see request. As mat cha children have g corner, and then in the wet season in mud ankle dee will give the mat its next westing. On Saturday " last, .n y child of Mr. and ay passed away- after suffering. The remains riston on Monday for bereaved parents will of all in their affliction. GOOD FRIDAY.— od Friday in Wingham was generally obs red as a holiday. The day was a very qu :t one. The summer- like weather cause baseball, fcotball and lacrosse to be res rreoted, and the park was the centre of attraction during the day. A very good game of baseball was playen between aids chosen by Messrs. F. Angus and A. Stn rt. The team chosen by the later was vi torious by a score of 0 to 6. A New CITIZEN of last week, speak: who is removing t 0. -Our thousands of former students. Enter Cosens, of Egmont any time. Circulars free. Tkers,nith, mov IaeWingham, the O W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal I Company, of wide the change. IIe i Marriage Y,ioensos siderable ability, thoroughly competent 'Wednoaday, April and reliable, and to people of Wingham 3arraoks. Issued by FRANKPATTRSON, No 23, Vic - will find him a ti •top fellow" Miss 1kiolIaray, fieq wireded. toric r,Wingham, Ont. No.wituesse$ A Biu Gm Ix Pt:tete-$Ien's boots and has been organist a . shoes half soled at from •Ill to 50 cents a Paul's church, Cli pair ; women's at from 30 to 30 cents a ears, has resigned air. 'Whitt enables inc to work cheap is, Y g •understand that s leaving Clinton. At a meeting of th of the Union Count and Sunday School Clinton on friday la t to be 'die convention June 2lst and 22nd meeting .A. mass eetin I; 4.X. P. S. will be held ire Monday evening,,R'clock. Object —to et es �' eonyention in June Jas. Hamilton, men WoNDE= who runs the old second-hand Furniture l tore in Wingham? WONDER who. runs a. lottery fake (e bottle of peas, corn and beans to guess at) as an enducement to sell goods? WoNran how soon we may buy out another opposition? Last one we bought was Cornyn's, in June, 1805. WONDER who has the cheapest. largest and best assorted stock of Furniture? First time you are in Wingham, just oall at the Furniture Stores and see if S. Graoey's is not the best. 4t The Clinton New Bra, thus of Mr. A. Cosens, • •Wingham t "Abner ille, and formerly of a in a few days to tario Life Insurance he is agent, desiring a young man of con• CHURL; The W. C. T. U. at 3 p. m., in the I. block. A large atte The weekly me with the Methodist off this week, owin thoroughly cleaned. Rev. A. McLean, pulpit of - the Pr Sunday last. Rev. special services in Mr. Geo. Mason the Methodist ah Sunday last. Rev tor, preached on t Captain Smith, !the "Marine Band, ting lecture on `c 1N OTES. ill meet on Tuesday, . F. hall, Chisholm dance is desired. Ings in connection huroh were declared to the church being —Mr. A. J•• Ni:holls is baring his 1 Chas Kerr, of -tl is bakery re papered ly decorated inter baund to keep np, Peaches and Cr Two cansof the el for desert, for 2r %-ha eon's, -Mr. John (1 hold effects r —Campbell's Headaohe Wafers guaran- teed to cure headaehe. -,The crop of Paster visitors was a large one. # Blyth, occupied tbe sbyterian church on D. Perrie conducted lyth. coupled the pulpit of ch at Belgrave on Mr. Oaten, the pas- s Auburn circuit. e advance agent of ' will give tin interes- ife in London," on 20th, to the S. A. painted and gaaeral- • holidSys ey i Mrs (itev; R E ally. Mr. Nicholls 1s, parents in I;tratf with the procession. 1 Mr and ars 11 in are not hard to take, spent the week s r0j5l fruit alicd, ready Misses Rya a ents, at N. A. I?i'yrgn• 1 visiting their gr :i b Jolla Dodds rnyn has had his house- spent the holiday z moved to Portage la Miss bMainpriz= Prairie, where he has purchased an week with relati Miss Jennie M interest inane epagor. I visiting friends Everyone has the same chance for the ( visiting A B Soyer Watch or Parlor Suite at Ireland �` • day from a visit Button's. A. chance with every dollar s I ars Dixon, of worth you buy. , ter holidays with; —Jimmy Cunene' gs had a smash-up ne with his bicycle at oou on Thursday. 1 say. James, Hein some way go mixed up with a 1 week with his p+ horse and buggy a d the hind wheel of , nosh. his bicycle was ba ly amas up. I Mrs C Dallas' la visit with her 4 Ice Cream Soda an Black Cherry ; Vendee. Phosphate are ewe the many new Miss Maggie drinks on sale s 'fhe iibar restaurant. I Miss Chamber's Try them. Jas. McKelvie. tf i holidays. Points and plates to tit any plough, for 35 cents cash, at T. I1. Ross',• —The G. T.B. pit car passed through � Wingham on Wed esday. Something nice in Baby Carriages at 5, Gracey's, —Mr. Win. Casefnore shipped a carload of cattle to Toront on Monday. Arthur J. Irwin, D. D. S., of Wingham, visits Blyth every Wednesday. —The TIDIES is Headquarters for private post cards and wedding stationery. Get your Lounges covered , at Ireland az Button's. —Mr. G. Pethick who has bee unwell for some days, is o the moa again. /fountain thor• and try our new tf er has put a large n of putting in garden. 1 Pickles! We have the market. N. A. 2t id a good act on Tues• the front street a dose CHEAP READING Our Clubbing List. the trouble of In order to sato our subscribers 'making two or more remittances we have mado special arrangements with tho publishers by which n n following publications i the foi aro enabled to offer t p Wo special s �. TIMES at e connection with the wINGIi 0.fp 1 ISM Special ns from now until January st, p Club rat , magazines Clubbing rates with all newspapers andg quoted upon application. Ca.,h must accompany all orders :-- Times and Weekly (Moho, - Times and Western Advertiser, • Times and Family nomad and Weekly and Pleture '!Imes and ruiners' Advocate, Times and Fanning, weekly, - 'Times and Ladies' Journal, , 'Times and 14tontrent Weekly Witness, 'TT'icmes and Daily ill bony Times and Daily World - •'finks and Country Senticman, Address, .1., Star have no rout to pays no debts to pay, and buy my stook for east,, Tho longest established shop lit town. A few doors west of Swarts' hotel, Victoria Street. t eet. Tito a. ADuaneet, Emmett IIIc Wo has n ,ill S. Yo i M r. b for this year. Ho ing particulars of Total assessment assessment ant fat 1 increase of 162,5 assessed at $10 income, $7,010 ; bitohds, 2. The placed at 2,166, over last year. . Our town assessor, ( his duties finished 1 bout f in as given us the follow. the year's assessment: ti55y 4 0 ; total • 1808,7 ' 1 w , o l r -r r to an N 0 be i � s J7 $ g . The real property is 440; personal, $38,430; No. of dogs, 137 ; No. of opulatioo of the town is being an inoreaso of 57 irtha during the year, 44; deaths, 26; c itldren between 5 and 21 years, 6711 chi' years, 406. It vii that our total e somewhat, also 1 Neon on the lucre rmerly of town, who d choir leader of St. ton, for a number of her position. We e does not intend 140 17rr• 100 1 75 135, 100 1fir, 9 05 II 0 B. ELLIOTT, wtsol art. lren between 5 and 16 li be seen from the above esesStnent has increased bat the population has ase. County S. S. Associ Kiondyko Sunda 17th, will bo know throughout the Do special services wi Corps throughout ttppoal will be other assistance, We have had our od oughly fixed up. C drinks. Jas. Moli 1e. --The fine weat number in the noti Pickles 1 Pickles the best lines it Farquharson. —The firemen q� day last, in givin of water. Seeds! Seeds! Garden seeds in any quantity, by the ounce, pound or parcel, at Chisholm's Drug Store. —Messrs. Page a Wynn shipped a mixed oar of hogs anal cattle to London on Monday. Two more bales of mattresses for spring trade just opened, and will sell at same prices, at Ireland & Button's. The military ball a evening last, drew a people from town. A new and choic just opened. Lout window. N. A. F ---TIDIES and eekly Globe $1.25 per year. TREES, Weekly Globe and Weekly Sun $1.50 per year, —Last year there granted in West H are 38 applications tnissioners will meas next for the put 1' as returned home from , ughter; Mrs I•Iamlyu, of Sher was the gu est of n, of 13lyth, for the G Bastedo were the is permits in Listowel ere 36 liquor licenses a S1.r and itlrs A. ron. This year there guests of the lettt or licenses. The corn-' for Easter. in Clinton on Monday , Miss Avice ltil�oore left on Tuesday' ,use of granting the morning for Toro to, where the will spend ! the summer. licenses. T. A. of Tell everybody that you see that T. H.1the we. Reid, of 1 Ross is selling plough pointe made from t eveninfi last. er for 03 oats cash., ear wheel and canister ( 'iu•[rs ll. Briefm These pointe are hard and tough. i the week visiting Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per- I John Allenby. manently at home and can be eon- ! Principal Alos•g suited by his patrons. , i lag of the Ontario Toronto this wee A E Bradwin, o i4AL% • spent part of the 1 Itel roof in town. Seaforth on Monday umber of the young lot of Fancy China at the line in the rgnharson, 2t PERS We shall be glad to colutnn from any of our tors or purpose going tell us, or send us a not Chas Reading spa onto. Dave Wells Florida. John Watt, of De hglidays. draws attended th Walter Belden hqs returned home from Pureed at Listowe t Manitoba.V I ltobt McLeod, o Dr J S Jerame sent the holidays in 1 of the Batik of Ha, Newcastle. 1 his old friends here Sam French, of ucknow, was in town i Mrs Buchanan, Good Friday. jvisiting Mrs Howi 1 Wingham,—Godes Miss E Beck, of , arriston, was in town The smiling cc for the week. `Halliday, of Win! 3 W Inglis, of To',nto. spent part of the ; this weak,—FTarri week in town: I 1 Messrs. Jas. A. Owen Sound, attended; plater here en I� riday .i u, of Kincardine spent ar parents, Mr and Mrs ova attended the meet - Teachers' Association 1n. the Blyth Standard, lidays under the paten- havocontributtons to this . read° sofyou hnvP i isi- F H Heath, wif; and children, of Lon - any yourself and drop in don, spent the hol-, Sys with her parents, to that effect. I Mr and Mr Jas D ' ffield. it a few days in Tor- 1 Fred Tiplady, w has spent the last 'two years in Engle d was calling on old friends in town thi week. has returned home from i Miss Bax, of Lu au and kir N Button, of Walkerton spen the Easter holidays at - roit, was home for the the home of Mrs eesent. 1 Mr and Mrs N ' Powell and Mrs Art - funeral of Mr. W. this week. -For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster ek Co. Executive committee 1 Remember the place, in queen's block. war and rumors of Christian Endeavor'_There may b Association, held in 1 war, but the Ea t, the programme for' on time, if' it broth held in Wingham on 'You would be surprised the amount of as partly arranged. pictures ures Ireland SButtons have framed 11 •Aro a S. S. Workers and aineo New Years.• There prices n tl chi ,e Ban church,- right. ht. 18th ist . , at eightlt - Tho P nbl ic ao� c ol will re-open •o l en on u M on - rrangeforthe Union] daynext,having been closed during the past week for tle• ester vacation.D. M. Gordon and . bore of Executive fort Rooms; n`ow occupied by. John Hen, i Ritchie, to let in. the Macdonald . Next Sunday, the I'I block. in the Salvation Army i —Our implant it agents and black - inion as the above, and i smiths hays bei busy lately gettiizg be concluded in eVery farmers' impleme is ready for the season's he day, what a special work. ade for dnanoial and , ' Private funds to� lei- at lowest rates, to help to defray the! Apply tb-Ii-IL.•W glints;• 3m: t tor bonnet blossomed the old man. Dan McKay, of I. over Sunday. Mrs J A Morton the holidays. Richard Arscott, o Friday in town. Colin Kennedy, of for Good Friday. G H Mooney of t here Good. Friday. B McKeever, of of the week in town. Mise Deily Johnst with London friends Chas Smith, of Lis days with his parent Rev W Pocock, of of last week in tow Will T Fyfe of Kir, odstock, was in town Owen Sound, formerly ilton here, smiled on during the week. of Wingham, who was Il, left for her home in ich Signal,- ,ntenance of ?Ir. Jake lam, beamed upon us ton Review. ad Geo. W. Cline ate- a: as pall bearers at t le funeral of their con- . sun, Conductor snh er, at Elora, on Friday efa of Lncknow, was its. I last. vas 10 Brampton for ! I-bev I B Wallw' town on Thurscla . We were pleased to London, spent Good !see l ess able to be round after his recent Miss R Robertso of the Publio School Brucelleld, was here teaching staff att idea the meeting of 1 Ontario Teathers' ssociation at Toronto 1 this. week. e Ripley Express was ( Mr Mack Lain nt, Wingbam, J W McNamara, Knox College, Toronto, and incardine spent part ! Dr J G Lamont, rentford, spent Easter with Mrs S Lamopt, Ripley. n spout the vacation Mr, henry Cass' y, Mrs. ;amas Cassidy and Master Moat n, of Verschoyle, and Miss Nora Lane ter, of Norwich, were owel, spent the boli- 1 the guests of M . H. B. Elliots for the' holidays. lklr Iierbert T aids and wife, of News Clinton, spent pert 1 Nestmiuster, 13 C., were visiting ben icousin, Mrs Wm , itchell, this week. They ardine, spent has ye, wero sutnntoned t Listowel on Thursday cation at his home he e. morning to atter the funeral of a friend.. Tar Maedonald, Id " spent the Easter Mrs. Halstead returned to town On. Saturday, after an absence of three, s spent, '1 was e ' a ,f which vacation with fns f y. months, two me the c p Miss S Woodcock, of Hamilton spent in the hospital Toronto, and rine in Palm- ' et •' a city. r' ninth with t d ' n wit st vt tt i home. h vacation at h Easter East L 'stere' +yl rs, Halstead •tel Li awe' , °salon and holidays pent the • Win Barnard � e yterms of the nurses laTrhigh Mrs inli oaks1) speaks g with her parents m istowel. p and physicians , nd the kind treatment Miss Carrie Madcm old, of London, is+ she received, t.h expense of which was ry home for the Easter+cation. only 36 per we for everything. Sins Mrs II 'Rearm and children spent the' �vitla her peedy reeverv.d much to ars week with friends in telgrave. - Mr and Mrs Jas 13u ton, of Teeswator. spent Sunday with fri nue here. Wm and Miss Ma' fie Stott left on Tuesday morning for Manitoba. Jas Burgess spent t o .Easter holidays The tree Stages. For the early : age, Scott's Btriulsiottrisa a care. For the second stage, it cur many. And for the last stages, of corn- ;i sumption it soothes the cough and pro - the life.