HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-04-08, Page 10THE WI1tx11Ai1 TIMES,. APRIL 8a 1898.
Ivo do not hold ounch es responsible tor utdrriou•
oiprcesad ty trio Writer of our cnulauaate.tcwau
thereliaouaent and Irematily edueaLlan
of woman i$ of threat benefit to the
State in the proper hriugiag up of
children and the civr3izing influents
they clava against rnen." rvatepf1yer, be
Black Dress Goods
The choicest of iinportecl ,--0,rds in
the New Mire Ei1 ets. Il: itutIra!
rich tl(.-iit•)1- in Ilruaades and in 'Milt
nits ; t. lttnt' este/mice pattern$
Etat• •t' t lief r' f it' itt4 +list time at 50c,
75c, )5e, .30.
Colored 'Dress Goods
I.Ioniespuns, Poplins, Coverts, Silk
and Wool Mixtures and a mttg'nifi-
Cent array of Costume Clothes in
every new shade at 50e, 75e, 85e,
SILKS --Rich Black Brocade Silk
and Satin Dresses at 50e, 75s and
$1.20. Grand asscrtment of Silks
for Blouses and Shirt 'Waists. Plaids,
Shot Brocades at 45e, 65e, 95e, and
WATERPROOFS •-- Iieptonette
and Tweed, silk lined, with Military
detachable Cape. Black, Naavv, 1t'awn
and Gray, veru choice goods from
$5,00 to :.15.04.
are iniding new • goods to our stock
almost dally. Variety is the spice of
Iife. There is sufficient variety of
Men's and Boys' Suits at this store
to shit all tastes.
Men's Dark Suits, snap, ;2.75 ; 12
Boys' Fancy Suits, good, $1.251 50
pairs Men's and Boys' Fine Tan
Shoes, reg $2.00 fk $1.25 ; 10 doz.
Men's White S:tirts, all sizes, reg.
$1.00, Saturday 75c ; :30 soft and
• stiff Iltlts, extra fine, reg. w2.00,
Saturday 1;'?:).
Splendid price in Veilings, Kid
Gloves, Laces, Embroidery, Hosiery,
Parasois; Spring Capes, Carpets and
Lace Curtains. .
Shop early at
Ma PA I D 'Sa
" PE P10.114.i )4DIXc:ATx011,aY
has forgotten our refining and civilizing
I infleence upon women Vhildrea are
l:k:rt,a To fiarecaYtte.
Ta the Editor ot Ina TOMS:
tics,—One cannot but admire the 1
buiduess of your esteemed rurrespea-
cleat when tie dares to say that at luny
be right that the. Mate toteaeld pruvttte
every ( wild with a good free edueet,ioa,
to iuctude reuUiug, writing, arithmetic;
and gratnuinr. `I.tre idea is novel. acid
Leavy deuuc:ea ahead of Its time, but like
all true re ortus it writ Liu deg et ea
uitiulateiy asitr}Jteu niter (fuelling the
oppeed,ion Sagged by its early appear-
muse. lie cries no ti premiere: edueettun,
"sowetlitng scruple, pimp anti practical."
lla says, "it is uo part of the duty of tine'
btate to twat, the putties a(rtruule a
means to try and tit people for the pro-
fessions of the }site,' Avg au un element l
et a irraeticel eduealiun, he uaruet;
grammar, quint/1g U,)beit as 1115 author • 1
ity: "Wunmet 1euglist( granulitic uo one'
Eau expect to else ueseea mere trade or `
agruurture." tits mewing wuuid utile •
ueeu the suave had be said, to riga to the
prulesatune ; the very thing that Rate -
pay er dues
puyarduos uo:.
let auuId;115h kivar plautival? Let
ub (mute Juuu aeetta, ti..\., .luepactor of
thee Strtluuls err t. heeirto, euttwt ut the
icer k1 +aeuoui ii ugletu greurivar, and one
ut the beet grieut:uuriaa,b in Uauada. Lie
sayb: "It flus a UtbW.let t alud Se it
annual traJu,ng, to lvtiiun tail practical
appla(:atioue are buborU(uatt(. lige gad
duet at111 titvUreti v1eW thl•t Liariiasb
grammar is the betence tent teacllab the
correct clue of English as untenable.
Theoid view of grammar assumes that
the Mere study of tbe prvlciples at
grtunuiar iulpierts the ability to speak
and write eurreetly. Phis auliity, 1101N -
over, coanee from fortunate aasuotattuns,
unit truer ueiug ti uituuted to the right
use ut words. Grammar has its part to
eoutriuute as a uurrautito, but rattier lu
the higher than the !ower steps of the
works. Ono must be a st)aaewhat re-
Seetive user of language to uruend u
punt!, even here ane were by grawwati-
gal reasons ; and nu man ever changed
from being a bad speaker to being a
Rev. D. Parris was at Seafortli a few
'.days this week.
Mr Athel Griffin, of Preston, is visiting
at his home in town.
Mrs Alex Dawson is on a visit to her
daughters in Toronto.
Mr Fred Browo, of Clinton, was oallin g
on Wingham friends this week.
:Mrs 13 Gerry, of Brussels, visited with
her sister, Mrs. G. ltus3ell, last week.
Mrs W 0 Stuart is visiting with her
daughter, Mrs Jas 1''0x'5, (4t Brussels.
tire Dees, of Stratford, was et guest .at
W H Wallace's during the past week.
Rev Mr is.::uueay, of London, was visit-
ing with his sae, 1)r. lteniid'tly, this week.
Mrs. A, B. 13radwin and child, of Blyth,
are the guests et Mr. and Hire. Jos.
Bradwin. •;.
Mr. Artini? Nichol, of Detroit, is
visiting wir':, o1 t friends and acquaintances
in thin
Me Al, i? :,;i Lep, representative of the -firm
of Da r -i•1 :i; Co., Toronto, spent
Sunda): i:: town.
M. .1.i...1, :..+ ily, late with VT I3arrend,
has t i i s'1 )•a with Mr 1: (1 Dun.
fi•t „ ,vho lits been residing
et V,Tz i ,t n time. returned home
at -
last -.•
at ,"i I hurl been malting
ala, • • relatives iia Toronto
and wiped hear. Leer, week
to t,. ... r, 11�s .(:(teakkU f: 1u r1l,
M. e of White:thumb. left
her •wi 1 in : i t. • ",)r Park Litho, North
:T)akntt, av 1 : aril spend the summer
With Ilea
(.ibune and bride, of
tVrow -: • guests of Mr. and
Yl2rat..!;• t; it. LVednes:ly last, while
on the v
Mr i) w3 c; ,t'.lct,t lett for Lennon on
Thep= ; •4 .t. - '.l r,. 01 1)i.: re: le+r )r • will
ltttela'l .1 , •1,' ,i -Int i'.••:mtfiVt's of
the C i wo -heel au4 ("lristirt
En,;, :,,• ,til-'', evil%;;tr iv beird)
held iu rite + r) t ty (rrii1ay), far the
ptarpese of (1;•131,1rrk'the program for the
oenifugat:trtinil '.`i)f1V@erten, which will ba
held in Winghem in dune next,
"sages in erubrys," and will he such
until they attain the growth of w bai.
Waned and well-developed mined. .l)e-
relopuieut is the aim of the teacher, to
ne approatrbed by a thousand roads,. and
to attain which all means are legitimate,
1 raoticability should be considered only
1 where it aids development,. for to at dee
'eloped mind all things are praeticaft.
j lkl. Cuoel;;oncwiteni•
Mr, John Ila slate spent S ndny •
rvith friends in Wingham,
Miss McGill, of Blyth, was- the
gnest of hiss' 'lily Seandrett hist
Mr. Caesar hes secured a situation in.
'Messrs Wats ni & Geddes' saw mill..
Mr. Harry ' Cade, who liars been -
head salver' n Watson & Geddes'
sawmill, left fur home in Chatham'
hist week.
Mr, W. X. Kaley has commenced)
hie trips around the country once -
11.1 Wilitt, Alit» \ecottc11een.
bnucoseer to or, W. With on, BRU$aI3t4, ONT.
lst Clete Minor Graduate of rho Cuircrsities of
'trinity (Teat/ thy, queen s (Etngsten). and tit Tan.
itv Medical cargo i Yellow of Trinity Medical
Collegeand* ttfenifier of the College of t'hretcians
and Surgrone.f Ontario. Post (lraduate (:purse in
Detroit and Chicago,. 15115. Spe0tal attention paid
to diseases 4r nye, Lar, Nose and Throat, and
INtstaseswof weasels, E'onxnitation to English Nal
vrmtt».rt.abarrh treated -.epees+tfully in all
its• forms,
i :Visa Kertie Re -,4 at-
.)r Mies Annia Haanadsrs
Va:L.lesdey .:w 1Lng of
The f(1?}awing• are the shiptnel,ts•
made frets the• Belgrai'o station,
ducting the- past 2 weeks viz 1'—
Mr...T•oh:r Mitchell, 2 ears of maple
rollers to the e((1. country ; Messrs.
Watson aind,Geddes, a car of lumber
to Seaford) ';• Mr. John Coultes, a car('
of hogs to- Toronto ; Mr. 1� . J. Calvin,
a D. I): calx, of hogs, to Collingwoodl.
Mr. Wm,Clcgg, 2 ears of wheat to•
:St. Themes.
1 Mrs; Shaalle, Mies Gertie Shane and:
',Mete') Harvey Shane, who has been
a visiting Mirs. John Seandrett have
returned; to their hone in Blyth.
Mr, Iloitt. Gallagher was in:
Clinton this week on b;tlsiness
Mr. Carus Scott, Who has been,
attendings the Business College in •
brood one by applying the rules of gram- Stratford; has returned • home.
mar to what be send." 1 i'
is arithmetio preretinal? Ratepayer'
thinks so. Inspectors Rout) and 1'u(u ( Soxi<.
think so,and everyone else thinks bu Fox.—Ii'Brussels, on Maroh 27th, the
many believe. Arithmetic Is useful i is ° oKEN733f3---)n Bluevall, on April 3rd,_.
every day life as a wetnod ot oaleulation, ,eh wife of Mr. Wm. McKenzie ; a son,
but that usefulness :s tar exceeded by ( oineer11.- fre Bluevale, on April 3rd,
its usefulness as a mental Graining. 'frau ; e wife of'./r. Thos. Cornell ; a son. .
majority of school pupils quit school at Va1T•rxr,3zr-1n Wingha al, on April
or anon',11i years of age' their know- th, the wife•of Mr. John Whittaker; a.
and so its but not to the extent that t wife or Mr. Jas. Fox, druggist, of a son..
Pursuant tette+ 8tata'te to that Wheat, at, the ^,r ed-
itors of Nathautol. kL»tures, late or tete Township of
Turnberry, fir the density of florae, and Province
r (3! r ' r , tc.,+. 3,114) died on br 1Fa ut the lath
dor of Feb„ 4. lei 15)13 are required to sent) to t1e
undersigned executors of ti,.o said deceased at Blue.
tale 1' (1 , oat., error before the ofsi1l,lav of April,
A, 19:1£.0x, their name% addresses and descriptions 3
the'fatllpartina►are of their q(uire)s: a statement of
their accm(nte' and: rho• nature et secnxi,ties (!f any),
held lip them with notice its hereny pilots that the
Said executors will, imuledh.tely alter tree last mon.
tient(htlay proceed to distribute the assets of the
said•deeoased among the parties entitlt,5theretu,
haling regard onip tw• th0 claims off which they
81n1t1 then have nerd's)
Dated \V ing halms ':8trh, t4ar cit,. 1508,
tviltianr Messer and Joseph Leue3l 5'aerutors,
Bider ate r:.r)
J. A, .RMQit4lgtu, Soiioitor l rJ.wreeartors.
`?.+Jere f goer(• garden It oA which
is a 7•roan house, st' . e, e1 :; 0l3 bbl.
rain water el m - hard water, on
eolith bank of ri town plot ot" Wing. -
barn: Apply • •
T. C;. C.
oeery. Store,. (:hist
The undersigned• bee a• gectati+ty of
good e:ean, Lost Matron Spring Sped
Wheat for sale... Also a few bushels of
• 'lover Seed.
Wirigi1anl P. O.
The administratrixe or the- estate- of
+'Alexander Dawsoa).deeeaseelt.offers' for
sale the
edge of arithmetio is uuaailed for, ex -'son.
wept tnurdentaliy, until they enter active 1
t)uaiuess life, usually at the age ot'(Gtsso.i�--Swrrancas—At the residence • house ant Lot Fut. Sa,1'a
twenty or thereabout. Il', they eater a of the bride's parents, Wroxeter, on t! l blY 1
�Z 'h 3Qth Z3 th Rev. R. S. G. Ander-
way to lied the value of 13X4 yards of son, Mr. R.tibt. S. "'bean, to MISS Annie,. , The unclersitnedtoffers• his -house and
Tw'o Reresl)x t tliPxta+gjiatnl,.
brow °erupted by. Messrs.. N,, A. lira.
„pharem) and Wi.13l Wellaeer Offers, ter
the same shouidtbe•nddressedtte
J. A. MORTON; \ inghasn;,
• Solicitoct•foe' the•IiThtatde
store they learn that there is a shorter are a, y e
muslin at 93ic a yard, luau the way daughter of Mr. T. B. Saunders. F .,lbt on Alice street: fort save. The. house
they learned at s:;huul, If they become DIED. !i'3 a nine ror)m,+fraamte olna,. with. kitchen,
produce merchants they tired the vales Kettit.—Khtererl into rest on Snnday, [:and there is a number ofigood•frnittrees
of 1(i"U lbs. of oats at ale a bushel by a, 3rd April, Rev John L. Kerr, Methc'-•Ion the .ot. Fdr•,fuii:paiteleulars•a.pplty to
rule never expounded by a pedagogue. dist minister, Brussels, in his 73nd year:. .+ JAS..Wt'3 LSO)iN, Wlinghaln.
1t they enter u eouutiug house they Diseased wastfatber of Mr. W'. H. Kerr;.
learn to add, although they learned it of Brussels ?bet.
once before in a sulmul house. Wind,'
mean to say is that practical arith.etic
is learned where it is practiced. Take a
scholar: who has passed the Junior Leav-
ing E.caminatlon, 13 pan •' work" any The h halfi undersigned will ke
problem in arithmetto; place hint beside on north half' tut
a clerk of six months training behind a thoroughbred= Che
counter, give them an account, to make
gut and tee clerk mai be tieished first.
Why f Because be learned his arith-
meta ; where all arithwetao is learned,
where it is needed. Now. 1
trust that 1 hates made it plain
that arithmetic is utilizable iia our publics
schools a& as meals, of mental training',
but not as a practical acquirement for
after life,
Oar inspectors,, above mentioned, ap-
parently agree wittR.atellayer. In their
course of study for the public schools
for the county of Unroll, they frequently
admonish the teachers to melte the
school work practical. Under the bead-
iug, ••Arithmetic," they say, "Teachers
should bear in grind that the majority
of their pupils will become farmers, I
mechanics, or (lerks, and consequently I
Rate -
the work in aria. inetie should be very
practical'' That, is safely whet Rate-
payer wants. But, let us go a little!
farther. They tell us that the lirst class
should be taught the meaning of con-
crate, abstract, unit, addenda, even nit f
her and odd number. What business
roan in the town of Wingham ever has i
had ogeation to use these terms in con-
nection with his mathematical calcul-
ations ? They tell uta. again to teach
/Ionian rotation up to 6,0tl0. No one but
a "roamun" ever finds thatRomau num-
erals are necessary in Wetness. 'Phis
the'°praetical" arithmetio they wish the:
teachers to tease. Here aro a few "prase-,
tied" probleals ('wiled from the pro.
motion examination papers sent A,ut
from time to time:
1. Divide OVLXIY, by OXCIX and
express your answer in Roman Nutaerals.
2. What to 75--413'1.x1ii4.
;1. hedges one million inohes to miles.
These are n few. Difficulties, these,
that Ratepayer never had to ventend
watts in all has busine:7s experience).
Another advocate of practical educa-
tion ig Mr. Ernest Heaton, 13. A., of
Oodorich, but he considers tt practical
education to comprise reading, ortboepy„
English grammar, It nglisli compc6.1ton, t
poetical literature, elementary, history,
geography, writing and arithmetic, to
which may he added the usual and most
desirable adjuncts dealing with health
and physical development, such as drill,
calisthenics, gymnaati,)ti, drawmg and 1
Veva, ' '!33;i'. •1•."r,t t,•' .,il•,t 11atett.., ur
woii.d cwk,,ac.. rr:)e) a( 1-rother hart,or. `
n Yet, 13x:,.tori gees a bwp farther and
adds that a aifl'erenco should be con-
sidered between boys and girls, "as
young women are not affected to an
equal degree by the considerations
arierng from stress of competition, and
for service-
rs ins. Morris, at
White Boarr.
'Perms, 81.011;. with privilege of returning`
if necessary+.
J. (x. FYFLtwr
Opposite-tiltiete:ea• Hotel, Wingham..
For an,easy Sheave and a First+.Q/1tee
Hair Ott, give him a trial.
Razors Rimed-
Orden- }rai�>' -
Mei X
keeps•tiastock all the leading lines in
Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass,. .dope, and
Binder Twine, tn. season.
Jest arrived, a ronssrvnrnent of ready
mixed petnts, Alan a�, e+nt for Drayton
Tile, sizes on hand, 3, 4 and 6 inoh.
Prises right, Give tjim a trial.
FARR: iO. RE�It.
i Lots 16 and al')t-i in. the' B Coneeeari n of
'the Township, oft Howlett, (the ekeeket
Willits farm),;, will+ he leased* tot am good
tenant for a ••term, et years at a reason-
able rent. Apply. to, (Iii H. Willit, Wrox-
eter, or to the- undersigned.
Dated tbie•7th day of
R; 'V,'.A•.NS,'I OI E, 1.l itagmam,
Solicitor for estate- of Crockett, Willits,
The undersign 1 J .vino been alp -
pointed General ' * > t for this district
for Messrs. 'Kral .rSx Oster, will call on
you for your orders !n
hi the near future. Savo your orders
until 7 call. All work guaranteed satis-
JAS. N1cALPi 'Ea
General Agent.
iea,Z: xkl7 rJ `"'''L I LJ6-" = �7LJ`id,.
C' g°
These are the essentiali.r.in goad Boots and
Shoe.. They should fit well; wear well, and not
ctost: tea much. We have thele iu great varietyt.
of the very best males and of evei'y;style.
Tey our Spring and Sumer wear in
Ilavicig opened up a shoe store
next doer north of Chisholni's Block,or
I am nereaivly for repairing, which,)F
will bar; dtoce at cash prices.
Long• experience has taught us how to buy. We are here to, seri,
the: best vaallnes call on
Our laundry plant has arrived
and we are prepae'ed to turn out
drst•class work in all lines of
Laundry Work on the Shortest
For the convenience of customers,
a DROP BOX will bo placed at the
door to receive work when laundry
is closed.
with your neat order.
j, D. LONG
Opp, Union Factory.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
,IIS y. an,awraversnt o
Pianos, Organs, i Violins, Autoharps
Accordeoiis, Mandolins
Mouth Organs at all prices up to $2.50, A11 kinds of tzirmings
for Musical Instruments
We can supply you with anything you want. Sewing Machines and
Sewing itiaehine Supplies,
FARMERS—Don't forget that I still handle all kinds of Farm hie
piements notwithstanding that reports are circulated to the contrary.
Meyer 'Block.
T. H. ROS S Opposite P. O.